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New Castle Newsi
New Castle, Pennsylvania
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NEW CASTLE NEWS SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR NO 273 NEWS PHONES-PI 4-66SI NW CASTLE, THURSDAY, DEO-nUHiH 10, 1W 18 PAGES NEWS 4-66S1 FIVE CENTS A COPY REARMIMEHT WINS BY 287 TO 260 Battle Heavy Snow In Kansas Starts For Peiping French Premier Wins Support U.N. Secretary Leaves Today -t -F In Key Ballot At Least 21 Persons Dead Due To Storms Many States Are Badly Battered Severe Storms On China Trip To Have Several omerences un Way To Red China By BKITCK MUNN (By International News Service! United Press Staff Correspondent Winter's lirsl severe storm which left at least 27 dead UNITED NATION'S, Y. (UP) Secretary (Jcnciul Dag 11am-nvskjold leaves today for Peiping 1 ii ROOD mile flight to demand r0 United Nations held bv Red China in aasijncr- the southwest and midwest hit lower Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York state today bringing sleet, freezins rain and snow. vinialiRu of tlie Korean armisllce agreement, The meeting with Chinese Communist Premier Clinu respite Lai was by (lie Ge era I Assembly vi behalf of c.ili. aim in tiered UN1TF.U NATIONS, N.

Y. Secretary General of the UN. Das Ilaiuuirirskjold ID leaves today foV Peiping to seek the release of 11 imprisoned American airmen in a show-down with Red Chinese Premier Chou En-Lai. Sir. Ilannnarskjold will he accompanied Ly a party of six advisers, among them will he William J.

(Mill) Itanallo. 32. of Pittsburgh, Pa. (R) his, personal aide who American airmen Imprisoned on suv chavges. liut llnniirinrskjokl also will see! Ihe release of 2.B50 otliers, ot which 52B are American Itanallo Is the only li i served hmffeur ana Bocrygiiarfl American in the party making the.

trip. Margin Of Victory For Mendes-France Blow To Prestige (BULLETIN) By KINGSBURY SMITH PARIS (INS) Francs 4' today ratified West Ger- -man roarmamertt allied to western defenses but only by a 27-vote margin. TIib official vole was 26V to 160, or less than half of the 627 members of the National Assembly, The small margin however reversed a Dec, 24 defeat of the rearma- m'ent plan. On that Christmas Eve the assembly voted 280 to 259 against the key plan, Frtsnch Premier Pier-, re Mendes-France survived ihe final confidence test vote, but the small margin was a blow to' the persttijs of his cabinet. Assembly ratification of the last part of the series of agreements calls for rearming arc.

2 crt arc KurcMtis more than persons were stranded for a lime during the. height of the storm. Tesns, Okln-. lioinn, Kansas, and Missouri braced for a frigid colti wave moving dawn from Ihe Arctic. So did Illinois, Indiana and parts, of Michigan Colder Canadian air moved eastward lo Hie of Ihe storm He is scheduled to lake off from Mew Yolk's International Airport Ul.ev-':U alioaril a Sapt-ra aa-acl intion ol Ihe U.S.

Military Ah -UnMc-l Trl-H-Hr, wii Ft. Scott, so that slraml- FT. SCOTT, KAN. Snow plows and trucks clenr the streets Iti doivnlo Transport Service. He arrives Ir center and the.

lending edge London at noon Friday. ed cars and Inicks may once E1n pattern the downtown midsection again make Ihflr way tu local stores for much needed groceries nnd Praises People Who Lead Double Lives To Serve FBI Not Lining To Beg plunged temperatures from north-eastern Ohio and soutluveslerr Pennsylvania through wcslen Ictis'ing llammarskjold matte it clear: "I nm not going anywhere to nnytliliig ol any body." President Is WAs-dCNv. ION (UP) Chairman William E. Jenner ot the Kenute! Free World Is Awaiting Destiny Vote By France Internal Security subcommittee to Nine Are Killed I'he Comimnilsl Chinese propn-nda machine ssas expected to ake capital nf Hnmmaiskjold's it, hut Ihe Swedish diplomat said would not negotiate with Chou aovlhillg tint Ihe two points in resolution oclopteif by the nssem- day praised the people who lead In Close Touch North Carolina and norlhwest-Florida- into the Oulf of Mexico. Pcnsacola, which Wcdncs-dav illumine had a temperature ot'GG, early today riioited 4-1 degress.

New Orleans listed 4, do.wn 22 degrees rrom Wednesday. Three II el an- In Montana Frigid air hit the west central Pocky Mountains, Including Washington, Wyoming ami It was three below vrrn at Glasgow, Mont ami two below at Williston, dangerous double lives as Commu lice. On French Vote In Plane Crash In Alabama nis! for Ihe FBI. The Indiana Republican a 1 landed former Communists win cpilt the party when they dlscov ered lhat 11 was ruled by Ihe So HOWARD 1IANDLFMAN I.N'.S. Chief Washington Dlplomnfie Correspond cut WASHINGTON (INS) The U.

S. ain fl'ce world nwnllcd today Ihe outcome of the French Nn-tlonnl Assembly vote on German 1. Helense of the 11 American airmen. 2. Uelease -of nil oilier U.N.

Command personnel still Illegally ilclaincd. lie lie was willing to listen lo Chou's s-iciss cm such tonics as Fort Scotl, Kas, virluallj viel guci, people, Jenner said Invitation To Red China Is (Red Victory Adverse Vote Is Likely To End Vacation At Once momnzect m- stuff of which heroes are as nigging vera taken F.n rgency measures statements came as he 000 West Germans. Red China's admission In Ihe U.N., Ithe Formosa nue.slimi and the re. Flying Box Car Hits Mountain Peak During Storm learmnment which will determine Hie form mid even the membership id the west European defense! against Communism. released printed pamphlets of the By MFHR1YIAN SMITH United I'icss Wi.ilr House Wrl Preskleiilj There was confidence tiuit Ihe R.v KSNGSUURY SJIITH l.N.S.

F.urnnenii Ocuernl Manager PAUIS (IMS) The French Nn-llnnnl Assembly confirmed today At CiL'STA, Cn IUF saai-i a-t-a public, testimony oi uvo mil miner-cover agents. Each of the Halpli K. ItoltJ.inger and Hernial E. Thomas, spent 10 years as Com munisis at the request of the FBI In their testimony before the In HOGOir, Indonesia (UP.) watch- NnllAnnl Assemblv would reverse NEW HOPE, Ala. Air Force officials were Investigating 1 (ur a r' i -1- liaul vole la'matle'- 'olHel'vers' hUl Morlay Ihe' tNEWC Us ncceidnncc of West Sharp Quake In California by the French Chamber of Deputies on Gci'tiian rearinnment.

foday Ihe crash of a C-113 flyingl box' car on an Alabama mounlalii Invitation o( Hcd Chirm lo the Afro-Asiatic Conference scheduled in -vtf "or last-' rrway mia tms lime approve (lie rearming of West Germany as a member of lilt W'cslern Huropenn Union, However, American opinion wns divided on whether (he For dnys the I'reswcni lias Kepi Security subcommittee last October the two men named more than 200. present and recent parly hpeak which killed nine men. in closest possihr louch svitir the i(o the Allniitic but a clinliallty forced poslponcmenl ulil snjnc lime tills evening of ic key vote on rearming France's nrlKlonol enemy. ''lie lU'nnlles meet again later Two other airmen miracutnusl; this country neat April was pies-htige and ir(ipngnii(ln victory fur "aim voting Until woiil w.ns iiasneti uiui iinal dcclslnn wtiulil be delayed members in Ihe Kaslern fennsy ivaiila and Delaware area. escaped when thev were thrown1 have enough political stability and thunder rolled over.

i "i have Ihe greatest admiration tfri.i ailmlration'f until today ll.c Wn.le HrMsd lnpI) liar. fcr ai: all-night i)inrjrtnnt Eureka Area Rocked By Quake In I lay and the balloting on wlie- Jim Wriine-Sl E1V I Inc. In the' dcfcnsV PreMtieeof Hal representatives at the projected Jaeecii sticaks ox llEltlnitifi pierced iV'S'Mrfetjr seconds before the crutl a-ui slmiihl lie permitted an In Lhn balr.ncc hung one pnase, Hill, ome officials feared that the, Hon iiieellng til Handling vwiuh them no reward llJLU "JL- UL tlMt- nshnr- ot Muiwlcdee that thev have Ridge, 40 mites south of gled political piirty strike serious blow nt the U.K iii; household scanipcrliig for more served their country well on an Hnntsville, Werfnesito.v. 'the Ha an ndveise vote mjStart Attempt secluded Sinl. pious quantiiii cloud fSSignmcms Alrnltnn Rol)crt nf Cum liolicy or excluding Hie Commiiiil conquerors of China from wor cnunclls.

i all. I cmblor just before' while. ni njl iDriver Freed nl lo iMichncl stalwart pcnplc who quit the party For New Trial showing Ihe ii, a can Awnll Kinnl Voto llhouuh Serrrt.ii Hngi rt Ihe While House ia li was felt al a EST, was strong I no (pi axe joul 4. IB a when they found a Kremlin-directed threat against, effects nt the Iwd day ralnlalli which has heen falling in Ihe local; lurbulcnt airst struck the enough lo rouse thousands of resident in Eureka and surrounding The premiers of Indonesia, Pnk slnn, India, Ceylon and Burma-sponsors of the conference dis played bewildering Inconsistency it making up their guest list.

They excluded Nationalist Clilni the freedoms nnd Jihnrties which definilelv would Issue no state-nient until after the final vote, Mr plane. said the door wans wrctietiei: nation assures them, tie saiti. Such people have Ihe stuff ofl For Sheppard jn Man's Death Inquest Held In Death Of Bicyclist communities. Police and sheriffs deputies said they were "swamped" ivith calls. which real heroes nrc made.

off and he and Kmnnne were sucked out of the croft. Both pulled urea. Rolli (lie Neshniinock t.reoK mut Ihe Slicnaugn river have risen, necepllng the run uff water from the district. Farm wells ar.e nearly satisfied at tills lime, much to the delight ol tllf farmers. He: id tan lis parachute ihere" anil did not invite Norlh By HOWARD BAHCOCK id landed In a field ivn altnni seven miles northeast Eureka, reported the ouakc Snnlli Korea "because Korea I CLKVKJ.AND (11151 Argument Johnson walked to the: London Motor Workers Strike does not have a 1 unified civcm a 1 1 ltd will lie made today Following nn inquiry Into Hie plane and, seeing there broke ivhulows that they had replaced only a few days ago be- sougni neip the final sc in wth iCammnnlst) a il Sheppard' sentence to life as only after arrival al Hcd- 1 oi inrura.

quaKc ruasure 'e) Viet Nam. for the July 4 bludgeon stone arsenal hospital at Hunts-' J'ouce "i r.tirena ami sain Driver Killed, Four Injured Three-Car Crash In Mercer County their churches when traditional watehnight programs win he held on Friday evening. The services will vary in form nml also in length. Many al the programs will use youth home from college during (he programs. vitle, suiil.

tliat lie unit an n. unlearned he had trarlna-c a leg lo liicir cilics water systems, The plane was on a routine which were damaged in last week flight between Stewart Air Force make. Officers said water pressure P. near Nashville, and Rrnnk. aPHfarCil 10 he "normal.

rlto riding e.r, m. nt oxpecled to fail and IF Allen wa held Vl, a a c' -eluded nnghbortou '-lav at -he were three i. Aitr a was itLtti ss uritisn ti Ihe Jurors who found the osteo- Eleven Thousand Walk Out In Big 1 Protest On Firing LONDON I UP! Klcven thou ley Air Force Ease, Mobile, minor things happened, a F.ui eka racks opened wider and rv pn nst. 1 Smith Africa was excluded. Israel irl Ilf "'s slaynm prijhahly snme more chimneys fell sand workers walked out ol Hv Standard Motor Company factories day at Sharon General Hospital SCnf with injuries suffered in a three! Yd (jtliy slruck'Oroucutt, Howard Droll, of was not today In prnlcst the firing Dec.

21 riuake caused an es While some of Hie Christmas frees are already slariiug 1u come down, residents should alfcmpt to destroy the remains as quickly as possible riitiicr thou have fhe pines be shoved over the neighborhood by energetic, yonngslers. Jn some areas Iwclflh night programs wilt dispose of a lot nl 2BI Custer Ave, voungsiowi had been held under hall I timated two million dollars in dnm- ran a faar nr.lon Cleveland newsman nnd suburban Bay Village Mayor .1. Spencer Houk. SheppnrtT, who celebrated Ills nist birthday Wednesday in jail, also was scheduled to appear in Judge Edward Ulythln's court, his 3ea Trials For lAt Pittsburgh nae in Eureka and the surrounding area. It broke glass windows in of one of the drivers.

The victim was James E. Austin lit, Wheatland, who died of a frac sum of $3,000, pending the Inques on a charge of aggravated assau The walkouf pnrnlyreil the sprawling Klomlaril works, one of Britain's hig and baflery with an cntomohlle lured skull en roule to Ihe hospital stores, hurled merchandise to thel floors, toppled chimneys and' caused minor damage to. dishes tins released from custody follow Wednesday night shorlly after the PITTSBURGH (INS) Pitts the trees. Use of a small hatchet or saw can uuickly turn the tree first fiuting since his conviction on I)CC. 21- Jury foreman C.

Bird and irig Hie inquest. The charge which had been made before Justice nf and bnt-a-brac Into kindling. collision on Route 4311 1, near here.iimrgh rivers mso today due to State police at Mercer said that lajn ami melling snow and rcsi- AiKtin. driviiie at a hieh rale of nf Inw-lvintf areas wpret The cur ivorkcrs at the' same lime a court of Inquiry was meeting lo beat bnek the Nautilus Will iBe Made Soon Pence Everett Andcrso One man wa.s killed and several -iir Ma two ol (he injured as of Neshnnnoek township, drawn 'by stale police. Officer Testifies Teslimnny of C-corge rci -i Activity again can be found atLpccj, attempted to pass an auto- warned to expect flood ebndi-Ihc Aiken school building on Pear- mobjc driven by Waller I son street, Pa Newc ohserves.

A 25 Wcs( jfijrtlesex, and crashed, The rivers began to Over Ihe new school has been jnto a car ijerated by wharves nejr thy Pittsburgh in the long- unused building Haiaknl, 19, Farrcll. this morning at dawn, and night classes aic underway Martin, 25. Farretl, a pas-! prevented parking on them, Sev- ureal of a nalionwiclo striKc oi nllwaymcn scl for 9. On a Iblrd slnimertog labor front, hop stewards from (Srlllsh Airways mel wllh stesvnrd.i women on the panel which deliberate a record five days, were summoned for the hearing. Also subpoenaed was Ocnrsrrc WASHINGTON (UP) Sen Four Children Austin's car, was one of.eral small streams north of lhel of Ihe atomic submarine a reporter on Ihe Cleve-will begin in January, the Navy dis- land plain Dealer who was among closed today.

first newsmen on the scene The trials of (he after Ma. a yn Shcppard's death at houscd just about everything under the sun. II was the center for ariviaa-neni-ai rraieil Arffoi-tinnc Ihe seriously iojured. Others wcrc city, especially around Meodvillc. Uniit KlirfllarC Harakal, his brother, Alvin, 20, andioverflowed their banks and lUUI 1UiyiQlJ refosal to rehire Jack Peters, wanna iiaranai, xv, wnom puiicc.ijiockcu juw-jyiiiu imus.

rationing during Ihe hey-day that program. hop steward accused of Inciltog'fjf New TorK mayor Joanr a Iraia I ttaa hern squill- uled to begin last October, shortly aflcr the revotolionory new crall identified as the wife of one oi me With Snowballs 3iA Ben employes to stage a pre- vfw YORK. (UP) David Bud- Christmas sirme. I. old.

but lick Is only eight lay Village home, ncsscs. Arthur Mometer brothers. The Harakals are resi-Keceivers of television sela for.j of YatccM. Cliristmns are gaining from thet Schwartr. was released after CillCAOO IlhS) Four grammar bmploycrr, at t-m-r li ma workers met Winter Weather Due For Comeback todivV'llc-'i1" lhf.

C.yCS fwlBurrcn-faccd Navy officials rWtlnei. a. were forced to postpone the trial was commissioned Willi much fat hool children who routed two for minor cuts burglars with snow halls provided uneincr ra accepi i lejeei navid sent the mayor two onc noare with a Cinderclla-like higher wage demands by 29 unions dollar bills representing closed the wrong kind of pip in is to their Identity the Confederation of saiaVdht-L far as antenna installation is concerned. Many of the nrw antennae are helng placed along side the, home on a sleci pole rather than, nn Hie roof. latter method- Mattbc-w Wagner discovered line and Engineering unions parking meters In his ncignbo In Pennsylvania Freak Accident hood, and asked the mayor i Workers have spent the burglars rifling her apartment; sereamrd.

They fled. 1 Ir By. UNITED PRESS has caused more roots to te, As they ran, two of the Wagner pnTgnrpn fOT -iFalal To Youth than anything eke due to the ex Winlcr weather was expected Dthcr to please be good enougli nn(1 0t the piping at coa- child and Matthew cessive climbing over 1 u.ive i nc iiiewm me. ra -aderaule hut as yet The mayor thanked David on -nmed cost. Near Pittsburgh behalf of the city and said he'd I Thc Navy said the extensive re Using False Charge Account Plates temperatures, rain and snow.

jiV, ii, nave ine irattic Ufpannieni iook pair joh is now nparing eompleiion DUNBAR, Pa. (INS) A high The abnormally high readings of Daily Weather Report "i siiuatimi iikiil auu mai uie rauitius win movi school pupil has been electrocuted a few days ago gave way Mr hnino out to sea under its own powet nclime in January. and lost his shoe a black PITTSBUilOH (IB) in a freak accident in his home at Dunbar, not far from Pittsburgh Fire Kills Three NO PAV ACTION1 Oae more day for Old i illy Mrs. Catherine Rercitcr found! enough to change recent rains to with a zIPPcr up the year-old Pitlsburgh snow, except in Ihe mounlains. Ibcen senlencfd to I J' I Council met in recessed SeS- our, one more sun lie musi -inrtri.

WEATHER FORECAST Snow flurries ind colder to night wild low in the 20's, Fri day cloudy and considerably Cold cr Tith snow flurries likely. the body of her IS-year-olQ son, Edward, and narrowly escaped being a second victim. But Ihe weather bureau said thei nn workhouse for delraudlng un iiiuidn i id Li rain would change to siio-ir flurries' throughout most of the state today' U.Ullli.lJIUUHJ u. NEOPIT Wii (llltl An slon Thursday In city hall. How-j-n; more cnance at me Jon ever, nothing was said by ha- and hE B0CS (h relative to Ihe request ol fire- ste.ton a ong men for a ray increase next year.l"as trip, out into limitless apace.

and on eager young fellow with Edward went Into the flooded they find thc right foot just like Prince Charming and Cinderella in the fairy tale. orth ol goods by using false blamed torlnv. of cold arctic air pushes- I'nlled Stales weilher stallstlcsibasement of his home to check charge aceount plates. for a fire which raced through a. for Ihe 21-linn'r period ending atlon an electric pump which hadjthrough the stale, killed; The cold air from Canada and failed and apparently tortay.

when he stepped into stars 1n his eyes is f-aiting to lake his place. An eager young fellow who wants to work an waits for the time, to begin, no whiskers he Judge l.orjn 1. Lewis rm- lrame house on the Menominee' fenced forme, store tT cKJ Cregnry I.lndes after the defen- ((j highly the American midwest will sweep, southeastward, plunging the mer- charged water. Mrs. Cereiter, who went Maximum temperature, 3R Minimum temperature, 33 Precipitation, .75 Inches, rain River stage, 11.3 feet DEATH RECORD Thursday; December 30, 1354 in western counties and then ini eastern half.

Cloudy weather wllh. extremely search for her son when he failed to return upstairs, rcccvicd a severe shock when site stepped into the water, but escaped and summoned aid. Attempts by vol weaTs and no wrinkled brow, he i iildeekcd with a boyish grin. Ani flexes his muscles and moves ikTDund, for his chance is on th 11 1 fray, nod luck to the younrsler ii as he comes In, It's cool, thirlr llwo today. dant pleaded guilty Wednesday.

The children were Is.i.ic pi X.lndcs, to addition to charges1, lour, and his two sisters, Tva, two.iCUMiflei is rikio, tv of accumulating a collection of and Cogofte, seven months. Their -Comici S(Jfrtty charge plrilcswIIH which lo make mother, Stella, 21, left them mo-jCrosi ivord purchases fraudulently, also was mentarily Wednesday to po'l accused of using them to cash back drinking water. The Bolvir. F.iiwood Ntwi Siocki forged checkj totalling home was without water, owtmry a Thciirtr Frank Bujny, 77, 509 Denver cold temperatures was forecast avenue. for Friday with clearing on Satur.

Joseph Palombl, 64, 710 East Hay as the arctic air mass estab Maximum temperature, 13 Minfmum temperature, 29 N'o precipitation unteer firemen and a physician to bong avenue. lishes its dominance over the east. revive tne uoy provcu in vain..

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