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Journal Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois • Page 3

Journal Gazettei
Mattoon, Illinois
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MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1917. By "HOP' in FRIEIIB'S WASTE III Scoop is a Helpful Little Peanut OT EATING GAOFISH ADVIGE 1 SPOOP THE CUB WVUUr REPORTER 1 1 IK rr TPto-g THAT" II uMDC If INMPTL I i li I tuCBPS VfcFi -I" i Woman Sated Froin a Scr? out Surgical Operation. I ie United Preee. ingfleld, 111, SPt 10. Peter I a veteran commercial fisher-jeiierei there is a great economic In the failure to utilize garfish id.

For many years the. lmpres-has been prevalent that this of the finny tribe la not nt od for the human race. For this Louisville, Ky. "Tor few years I Buffered from female troubles, neaoV achea, and nerroosnesa. I could not sleep, had no appetite and it hurt me to walk.

If I tried to do any work, 'I would have to lie down before it was finished. Tne aoe, ton said 1 would mil UfrhHtf7 lillllllllillliili i it hat been tne cUbImi tOTise Irtish or fertilizing purpose. I gars are known as the cannibal the fresh waters of the mid- have te be open ted oo and I simplT broke down. A friend advised me to trr Lydia E. Mississippi and Illinois state flab and Earn commission iaged an actiT war against the or many years, These fish con- table UMnpouna, and the result ia I feel fike anew woman.

I am well and strong, do all mt own house work and te near the mouth or a rirer or i vJ Jie 3 i 1 v. i and seise the young fish that down following -the spawning PUT OIL. IN GASOLINE TANK! RIGA'S FALL PERILS WHOLE RUSS LINE; GERMANS MAY PUSH ON TO PETROGRAD SOME OF THE MANY FREAKS OF THE MODERN CIRCUS 3t recalls that not many years Particularly Efflcaoloue for Llmberlno have an eight pound baby girL I know I Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com I pound saved me from an operation which every woman Similar prejudice existed against bill catfish. Now they are the most sought for food fish Illinois waters, and many per- Up New Motor Better eervloe Also Secured.

An automobile dealsr says that anyone who wants to have a fine running tuotor should put a couple of quarts of light or medium lubricating oil In with every ten gallons of gasoline pumped into the tank. This Is psrtt- Nkllih Fishbaoc, 1521 Cbristy I Louisville, Ky. I Everyone naturally dreada the aor geon's knife. Sometimes nothingelse i will dobut many times Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound baa saved the patient and made an operation un- necessary.

New York Evening 'Post: Only the an important as well as lucrative philosopher, perhaps, has vtaken place in the scheme of things. No thought of the circus sideshow freak self-respecting circus dares to be as a being who, aside from physique without them, and the demand and weird accomplishments, differs in new and interesting additions far ex- look upon them as a delicacy, ordlng to Joest garfish are ditto cook, but after properly pre-are fine eating. A. course In ng by experts, joest declares, no material respect from the general ceeds the supply. run of humanity.

Undoubtedly, from wnen Mackinaw, the Russian slant enlighten many persons con- the standpoint of the showman and aiei Moscow some years aiio. the fcg the proper method to prepare ui a uw Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Lynn, Au.I.uaS.1a. Iau Mwha al ss-411 i.J hpecles of fish for the table and for helAU advice given free. of the prodigies themselves this is world was deprived of the most alti-Just as well.

Hudlnous man eoi known. He via? up iu tvuBiutJimui ieso uui wiu viu glT bttr Mrvlce tbmafter. be a long step In the direction For, after all, the fact that they are 1 eiKDt (eet aeven inches tall, a chain- nservlng the supply of food dor- he war. The gars have fewer Toronto has given three airplanes to England. reeulta.

Joest says, man oass or wnite Journal-Gazetto want ads get different is their great their only pl0I1 freaii. Now tne deatn of a asset. Were the public for instance, champion freak of the freak class, es-aware that a famous bearded lady pecially a giant or a dwarf the rarest once shaved her hirsute adornment hence the most valuaWe of all and appeared at the altar as a blush-! freaks comes to the showmen of the TO KEEP HANDS CLEAN Ing bride, the Incident, however as a calamity, particularly in HiUu sV an- Brombe Canovito Tamvsar pansJjVy- mantio. would probably operate In tna United States, where the scope, some elusive, Intangible way to modi ingenuity and energy which charao fy her drawing power. terize the freak industdy are but a re- le Method Described Herewith la totter and Cheaper Than Using Summer Clearance Sale Women's and Misses1 Pumps and Oxfords At least this is the showman's the- flex 0 nonniar interest in abnormal Expensive Oil.

la Impossible to keep the hands ory, a theory he retains in spite of human physique. the splendid sequel which saw Madam The demise of the towering Musco when making repairs on the ma- Meyers fall Into a marital pet one day vite thus was regarded as an eco- as a result of which she abandoned both rasor and husband Jf-nThe-esllaBlr t.utu. airaple-nnfr economical way In to cleanse them Is as follows I aausDtlty of sawdust and lnbrt- iU VUV OIUOOUVW isMAwaau vmvsv of Its savor and Mackinaw's place on Bits today. 'the platform contained but a vacant bg oil together and rub thorough- Ee that as It may, the drawing; We are offering onr entire ttock of Women's and Miasms' Pumps und Oifords in this sale ata aaving to jou of 50 to 75 per cent. This is all good quality footwear and will help a great deal to cut down the lugb.

cost of living. It will pay you to buy footwear a full year ahead. (to the pores of the akin, oil should then be reraored by chair. The world was ransacked for a freak to replace the lost Mackinaw. ng the hands with a cloth which power of the guild of quaint and curious persons whose physical vagaries have put them In the way of a livelihood that a big league baseball star or a bank president might envy is been saturntod with a little gaso- and hope had about been abandoned when word came from the Marinelli sty jgo ajo mv a ITSCALC.

HU.LS brothers, Belgian agents of a great American circus, that In an obscure or kerosene. Is should be followed by the ordl-wash with soap end water. Is poor practice to attempt to re One lot women's satin Pumps, regular $5.00 value, reduced $1.49 Belgian village lived two brothers Antoine and Batiste Hugo, who were ft dirt from the hands by bath- Present battle line ia Russia; arrows indicate where Germane mala grine. The evacuation of Riga recalls the statement of General Kornfloffj commander-in-chief of the Russian armies, at the Moscow conference: "If our army does not help us to hold the shore of the Gulf of Riga, the road to Petrograd will be opened wide." While few believe the Germans will undertake to penetrate to the Russian capital over an inhospitable road more than 800 miles long, it Is apparent that they can do ao if such a step ts considered necessary to keep up German spirits at houe. khem In gasoline, a this will cause a of the mutter to become deeply One lot women's aud misses' bronze Slippers, very best quality, regular $5.00 Mf value, reduced to VlirW One lot women's Oxfords, mixed col- I (J ft ors, regular $5.00 value, reduced to vliwU unequaled in showdom.

Their popularity Is unique as it is enduring, a hold, by the way, which showmen, naturally versed In the psychology of the crowd, assert has it impulse in domethlng deeper than morbid curiosity. Vanity, they say, Is the real explanation. Proceeding, they point to your man or woman of obeoe or extremely attenuated proportions as to stand beside a fellow creature who so iddod Irt the skin. credited with heights ranging from twelve to fourteen feet. Investigation revealed not Inconsiderable exaggeration; but, even so, Antoine Hi-go, with his eight feet five Inches-only two shorter than the depaited Russian was quite all enough to walk into the championship class.

It took six months to induce Antoine fearlnc the ocean journey to SHOWING OF resemblance to lobster claws; he has years of observation of the attitude no chance of coming to this country; of the public. The in order, of the public does not wish to see him. importance ia the eyes of the freak For some years It was considered impresarios, ranges about as follows: i far transcends them In heft or sparse- Giants Male and female. ness of flesh as to make him, or her, coms t0 Tjnitej states on an offer appear normal by comparison. o( thousand dollars a week.

But Assuming the showmen are right eyentuaii, he yielded to entreaty, lie and adding this gentle human failing gprlnt mt country, a rich Hong Kong whether or not to put Alice Dorothy or Florida on exhibition. Alice is covered with scales, and. In fact, with the exception of her head, has the physical conform; tlon of an alligator. George Williams, an American "George, the turtle boy" 'whose body man. to instinctive interest in humanity, it is clear that freaks have All Ken's, Women's and Children's Shoes will be sold at a DISCOUNT 20 Come early and be sure to get your choice while we have your sizes.

Overalls, Underwear, Shirts tnd Socks at Reasonable Prices. St.Louis Shoe Shop Shoes Repaired While You Wait. SAM GOLDSTEIN, Frop. 523 broadway Phone 2067 Dwarfs Male and female, Fat men. It women.

Thin men. Thin women. ArmlesB men and women whos fet perform functions of the hands. Bearded women. Elastic-skinned man.

Tattooed men and women Valued Porch Furniture, closely resembles a turtle, was ex hibited on a venture two or three years but was not popular. Elvln Johnson, another American, Give The Stomach A Chance To Work ail of whose body, except the head, Is In accordance with the art of decora- Jefrteerators, We eaat expect the stomach to act normally it th natural uui of are blocked so tt cannot discos of its refuse Van the bowala ere like that of a horse, including hoofs, tions on the face and limbs, may be tried out next year, although Three-fourths of the freaks come there is some doubt as to his succsss. Hungary. Scientists have at-He runs like a horse, trots, gallops, tributed this to the intermarrying of He is extremely well educated. 'relatives.

Whether, however, this is Somehow or other, these are not true or not, it has long been demon- Several rows of apartment houses in Paris and property In Italy ara fruits Of the renown of this champion, both here and abroad. He leaves a vacant place against the sky because no man Is known to exist who comes within several inches of Hugo's altitude. The present champion, George Auger, an American, who affects western frontier garb, Is eight feet four inches tall. Batiste Hugo, Antoine's brother, eight feet three Inches tall, had amassed a snug fortune in European centers before he died in the summer of 1915, but there was little demand for him In the United States, because In this country only those freaks are successful who stand at the head of whatever class he or she may happen to be In. If a man is a skeleton, he must he more of a skeleton than any roan in constipated stoautc la cauad upon (or work beyond Its capacity end the result Is bloat, belohlnf, headache, end the thinss that appeal.

It is the freak strated that Intermarriage among discomfort generally, and, unless the condition la promptly rsUsvedi asrloos Clark Jewel Oil Cook Stoves like Egon Cannon, who weighs 804 freaks results almost invariably In pounds and is six feet two Inches in normal children. Madame Meyers, the height, or Madame Cherrie, 724 bearded woman, had several fine-look-pounds and five feet eight Inches tall, lng daughters whose faces are as tunes s. An effective remedy for constipation It cold ia drag stores nnder the nun of Dr. aid wall's Byrnp Vspsla. It Is a combination of aim pis laxative herbs with pepsin that acts ea the bowala ia a sen tie, natural manner, without frlp-ing or other pia or dlsoomfort, efford- or Eddie Masher, flva feet seven clear of hair as a billiard balL JUST OUT-Our Free Service Car Call us for Gasoline, Oil, Tires and Tubes la fact most anything.

We have it on thi oar, and the ervice to you is free in the city limit. Nominal charge outside of limits. Don't hesitate, fust call 505 or 571 and tell us what you want and we will be there. jMallory's Garage in speedy reiiei. oet bottle of or.

inches tall, weight thirty-eight pounds champion human skeleton or Caldwell's Byrnp re pain from you drug -s-ist and have it in the house tuisa you Madame Vallate of Ghent, who has need lt It sosts only fifty ats nn4 is plays Chopin- with toes traX the; If fat. be mu: he supreme for children end old naenls. vet saf fOTAW-KEMY CO. In his obesity. Samuel W.

Gumpertss, fiolantlr powerful for the stroareet con that stretch an octave and does beautiful embroidery it is such as these stitution, a trial Botua, ire 01 charge, can be obtained by writlnf to Dr. w. B. Caldwell, 46 Wajhiogtoa St. KonU- and others of the legitimate freak 1500-1502 Broadway xuiaois.

of Coney Island, who furnishes it-tractions for circuses, Is the chief freak Impresario, the final arbiter or relative freakishness. If the freak passes assay, he receives an offer of a three-year enticement with vnrl guild whom the public flock to see with eager delight A champion freak amasses wealth Of no mean proportion. And even the mediocre prodigy is assured of a good living as long, to coin a Milesian 'ous circuses sad shows, and may I thereafter tour Europe In state, and phrase, as he lives. It is likely, how ever, that the average garden freak is fairly dependent, at least in this coun try, on the vogue which the champions serve to maintain. As a conse quence, there is a constant search for Test The Three Branches of Our Business clothes to Odorless Dry Cleaning and Pressing without scorch or shine.

ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRING 2 Both Cent' and Ladies' FALL CCODS are here. Come see them, FREE DELIVERY-CALL PHONE 197 Jk1F A TAILORING AND JViC sf. I DRY CLEANING SCM.iLLO-N.G Funeral Director Experience and Service Lady Embalmer ALL PHONES 114 Auto Equipment eventually returning to America find throngs awaiting him with enthusiasm provided he le still champion. Contrary to general belief, spurious freaks are not tolerated by any reputable showman. The demand always is for the genuine article and Is backed by an Immense sum of money.

Anything of a shocking nature Is rigidly excluded. There's a man who has been much In vogue on the continent, whose hands and feet are formed In perfect Oi-D Mother Hubbard Old Mother Hnbbaxd shosOd the enpboard She'd find all the food she'd deslr for stored away there is foodstuff to spare, rhe product of earner aad dryer. From the JdionaJ Imergmet Foot Garten CemmuHon, Maryland Build, tnt, Washington, D. O. Tha Commit-Hon mil tend a manual an Soma Canning or on Borne Drying of Vegetable! and Fnitt free upon receipt a eentt tor potUiaa.

new wonders, who stand alone In their class. Sam Gumpertz says he will i pay $200 for every Inch that exceeds Hugo's height provided ihe prodigy can be engaged. If you are a good bargainer and shrewd manipulator' you might raise Gumpertz to $400 an I Inch; Gumpertz admits this himself. And he will pay the new champion anywhere from $1300 to $1800 a week, i i ami' ir ii Inversely, find a dwarf that stands a shade smaller man uaron twenty-four inches tall the man in the world and the American filE freak Impresario will make it worth, your while to talk to him. This year the freak, managers have HAR DWAR MONROE contracted to pay $200,000 for curious 1 human beings to be exhibited In this The -only place in-the -c-ity wbere-youxaa.

i.i .11 11 country, and the gross receipts there-: lars. Send word that in theneart 6T a Somali village in Africa there are a group of men who can stamp on broken glass and eat tacks, and buy a complete nouse paiiern in uuu Brass, Old Copper. Sand Blast with combination Nickle Fittings for Bath. they'll pack up and be -there Just as soon as boat and train ahd horseflesh can take them. For it means money, i Sums ranging from 1100 to $1000 have been paid In the way of rewards 0.

discoveries of eminent freaks. Thej man who accidentally ran across "Zty, Let Us Figure on Your Requirements. ITS SUPERIOR RIDING QtJALsITIES fW eaiW tgardlm or th riding comfort and eaao of control of the Monro o. On country roads, avsn at speeds as high as forty and fifty mllaa an hour, tha Monro hugs tna rU 8 smoothly does It rift that ona la unconscious of tha apeed. Thla ramarkabit performance But ta tha aeientlfla aariap auapaJond-pMpetrilitrlJbuUorL af weight In the Monroe.

The cresa mpound cantilever eprlno, eonetnietlon redueea weight, emoothe out the heavy Jolts and Jars af country roads, and doea away with aldeaway. All of which meana a marvatoue riding ease and comfort. And a eavlng of tlsea and engine wear that teJIa tta own etory In upkeep eoowonry. Ona ride will convince you that the Monroe elands supreme In IU class. And why.

Come In to-. day for that ride. Price 1105, f. o. b.

Pontlac, Mich. -5 ffcm Urgeat Garage in Colea County PrtprietOTS the original "wnat is isou, while an actor who located Madame Gabrlelle, the legless woman, in the Palace gardens in Dresden received $500. Freaks are valued, the discovery rewarded and salaries paid to them upon the basis of a definite schedule of abnormality, the scale being grad Mattooh Implement and Buggy Co. 2012-2014 Western Avenus Phone 162 I SB ed in accordance with the results oN.

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