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Trenton Evening Times from Trenton, New Jersey • Page 4

Trenton, New Jersey
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'r- 1-iMPSj, MONuAY, MAY 23, 1911. 9 CASE AUTO TOWED AND NOT STOIIN Lewis C. city had' a scare today when fomvJ that hla Maxwell touring 1 car wtm the Meroervlllss-EdlnlHiritj rwid his tt oitfht. The auto proks dw, rt and it tart In the highway Joniv. neyed to thltf dty In trolley car.

Mr. Case went for the car ujiwu- Ing with a repair man and when he reached the place he discovered that the auto was gone. He called on Chief. of PglTce Hlner and" an alarm was Bent to all nearby towns, giving a description of the missing car. Shortly before noon the police reoelvid word that the car had been towed to a farmhouse for safe keeping.

Lost. LOST--Rhinestone belt pin. Return to 760 Centre Bt. Reward. 5-2t-2t LOST--On the 12th watch fob charm; monogram w.

O. H. OUT phone 3523-A, Reward. LOST--Roll money, Saturday ntglit, on Willow St. between Bank St.

and Willow St. bridge. Reward If retuiiied to 28 Hayes Ave. It St. -between Centre and Broad.

Reward if returned to 121 William, 8t. It For Sale. No Deposit Am not Incorporated ho how. My tnga with you make the only association, and a confidential one at that. My fashionable men's, women's, and children's clothing prices will beat leading cash stores.

Try AJVJ your friends. Pay convenient. N. Marcus, 308 S. Brodd St.

B-S-lmo FOR drcir-baad Singer sewing machine, nearly new, $16; box top machine, new standard makes, $20 up. Court House. Pierce, opp. FOR SALE)-- Motor boat, cheap; 80 ft. open motor boat; 14 h.

p. 2-pyllnder engine; boat all complete. Including flags, spark colls: price, J208. Incru)re Sons. JEALOUSY BLAMED FOR HERESY CHARGE Union Seminary Men Think Princeton Is Envious of Its ATLANTIC CITY.

N. 22. Union Semlpury men Who are attending thePresbytertan General Assembly here say the heresy agitation which has for Its targets the Rev. Dr. Francis Brown, president of Union, and the Rev.

Dr. Charles Adam Brown, a po- fessor dlthaT fnstltutfcn, Jwas Inspired" by the Jealousy "ecclesiastical" seminaries. Princeton Is a leading ecclesiastical eemlnary of the -country, and reports every year to the General Assembly, while Union. Seminary la considered because It Is Independent. The Union SemlTwu'y men affirm tliat Princeton Is Jealous of the of the great New York Institution, and of the fact that many Influential churches want Union men for pastors and, to counteract this success a campaign of agltatVon tt has been undertaken, None Is so bold as to accuse Princeton of such conduct, but Union men are convinced that Princeton Is at the root of the agitation, The trial of the Rev.

Dr. William D. of the First Presbyterian Church of Northumberland. Saturday. The Judicial Commission will review the testimony In executive nosslon anoV repoH to the General Assembly.

The case Is of national importance, because Dr. Giant Is accused of denying the deity of Jesus Christ and the resurrection In the body, practically the same those made against the Rev. Dr. Brown. Those conducting the case believe the commission will reverse the of the Northumberland Prisbytery.

Perhaps the unlocked for In Saturday's- session was the speech of the Rev. Dr. Eagar B. Trill, of Chicago, who, considering that la a Presbyterian minister; held strange liberal' views as to Sunday observance. "I ft.lW»jo fcol hlWIOUSly BV" TM I(1 the Rev.

Doctor Hill, "when the as- FOR per bae phone 1B72-B; rtMWlnrs; Bell phone 1482; Inter-Stats S-l-tf FOR SALE-- 2 sets of and for sailboats, complete, also 1 4-cycle 10 h. p. gasoline engine, $76; will demonstrate Street. same. 120 Bridge Bell phone 4838.

Jersey Keystone Wood foot Perrlne Ave. 8-29-2mo FOR SALE--Cheap; sereral. good soda fountains, second-hand show cases. 2 good hand or power Ice cream machines. Kins Confectionery U2 S.

Broad St. rand new upright with 10-year factory actory 4-10-tf FOR oak lunch 1 coffee urn. Apply 21 N. fit 4-10-tf FOH SAtfe--Brand i $125 and with 10-year guarantee. Call 120 Bridge St.

FOR SALB--The cheapest place In Trenton to "buy furniture, stoves- horses, wagons. 282 Butler St. 4-22-tf FOR SALE--2" second-hand oak counters: suitable for butcher or grocer. L. O.

Broth- hardware, 811 B. State sembly adopts Its annual pronouncement against beer and other Juch --tilings, these being articles that- my wife does not lallow me to use, Quite naturally, I like to see the other fellows get It I suppose there are other clergymen myself who, being shut out In a way, want to see the elders and the church members shut out, too. But I think In this talk about a rigid Sunday observance we should take good care not to drive the young folks away from, 'the churches. We don't want to bore them, we want to attract them. While the.

Rev. Dr. Hill did not say that he believed a man could. keep the Sabbath day holy apd still go to a baseball game, he came near It He that -he -could not -understand how people who lived In the suburbs were going to get to church If they did not use the trolley cars. The minister said he stood for the Sabbath day that was a day of rest the workman who labored from early Monday St.

4-27-tf FOR SALE--Flowers vegetable plants. Gebert, 722 Stuyvesant Ave. Piaaio Snap. Special In-design, celebrated make, at a bargain; can be seen. Call 218 Paesale, State 'and Prospect.

B-8-tf engrlne; 8 Machine Shop, WILL ISSTTB ORIHBHS to any department In the-city of Trenton on liberal credit. Call Inter-State phone FOR SALE--3-cyilnder h. p. Coryell B. Warren 11 Bonj.

Erone. 5-13-1 mo FOR SAT.E--Cheap;, dairy fixtures. Including: churns, cream vats, separator, butter worker, Ice boi-es butter bottles; also- 1 large 2-horsp wagon. Inquire Ingleslda Penning-ton. N.

J. 6-16-fit BAIT--C. Vansarit, S3 Calhoun near W. Hanover. Bell phone 5-17-6mo FOR, SALE--Sewing machine.

12; new easy payments. 23J Biitler St. 5-17-tt FOR groo.fl gas ranswv up; oil prasoflne stoves doors, lot gda platr-p. Jl and maftmk, liu'ia. Jk.

i House. 10c. per yard "Pmir- s-w-tr DO YOTJ want to buy an exceptionally rlne piano, for J225? If come see one have; the tone, notion and case will please you; It's a rare 1 bargain' don't Snedeker 142 Perry St; FOR SALE--2 fresh cows. Amor M.

Dey. Hamilton N. J. FOR SALE--Standard nejvltig machlhe- new: wln price for ISO S. Broad second floor.

5-20-tf FOR SALR--HousebolnV goods of all Rinds, MonoVty and Tuesday, from 10 m. to 4 p. FOR -SALE- morning late Saturday evening. But from the trend of the remarks of other speakers, the seed scattered by the Rev. Doctor Hill fell on rather barren ground; For Instance, the Rev.

Dr. John R. Davies, of Philadelphia, said that he thought It the highest duty of every minister and every to stand for a strict observance of the Christian Sabbath. MUCHINIIRESilN TRIALS FOR HERESY ATLAMM'IC N. May the second week of the Presbyterian freneral Assembly opened to-dsu', chief Interest was in the outcome' of the various heresy trials and' the action reports of committees on departmental consolidation, church, union and church extension the masses.

So far as the report 'of the Judicial committee In the Brown case.was concerned, it'was generally accepted that it would report in favor of immediately placing 'the president of Union Theological fjpmlna'ry on trial. There is a general feeling among the delegates! that the question should be. finally disposed- of and all 'preachers not doc- trlnnly sound compelled to sever their rrmiiHi-Mftri Istry, TtARSBEntRTHM SMILES IN CH1CH i i New Moderator Preaches Foite- ful Sermon tqOieat Throng Att- vrrr. tor- day wua the aay or sermon. Ntut to the of the moderator, tt the prtDdpkl event of the General niro goad taste the Rev.

Dr. John CarBon, the new moderator, talked in a ward way to the great throng that before him and made every thought strike home. Doctor Carson 1 subject "The in tha WterliL'' The men who had prepared the proffraro had selected for the place the First Presbyterian It was lucky this was changed In time to the great music hall on "the Steel Pier, where the Assembly itself been meeting. For even there seats could not be found for the Immense congregation. "Upon thia rock I will build my church," was the In beginning, Doctor Carson deplored the of reverence for church marks the-oondwct of nhurch, members.

min- ffiEGRAPHIC TIPS MARION, Ruby James, sister of Congressman "OJJie" Jamoa, has opened a law offire here. NEW YORK--A capacity for unlimited Idleness and unllmttde capacity for drink are the qualifications for moiiibprshlp in exclusive Fifth Avenue UDSi I-tahbl Stephen Q. Wise'told the -Black' baby carriage; er used: 140 Hurnbolflt St, FOR SALE--Wicker baby coach- leather hood: flue condition. 73 Llneoln I'Free Synacog-un. baby coach, with J-" arHl corduroy Ilnlng-s Call 214 Acartf-mj- Pt.

5-22-21 A J' Type-writer; Smith lrm- rst con dltlon. Ad(J-ress nwner. S. St. FOR Shooting gallery Complete: alsn lifting and plociric rnachlnn; must sacrlfioo on a Apply at gallfrv ".1 Bl22-3t FOR 1 refrtserator, suitable for Inquire 16 Plum 5-22-2t pine or restaurant.

nea.r Ave. FOI SA LR Sha vines: yellow sawdust and i worxl Wood Works, Inter-State phone 144B-W B-22-2m(i Wanted to Buy. CASH MOJTEir for anytntng yott have 463 1-S-tf Automobile Wanted. Automobile in condition want- ed. ArHress p.

o. box 5-2-1f WAWiTRD TO mn- shafting, hangprs and pnllrvs. O-528, Omne. B-17-10t NEW YORK --Col. Henry Watterson Just from'Europe, says the Tnlted States ought to sell the Philippines to -Japan and buy Magdelana Bay for a foiling station.

burglar Frances EMPHASIZES REVBBBNCE. "We need new emphasis In ro irav," snfA Wp lifting hy and go out -of the church with smiles on our faces. Who that loo.ks at us can know whether we are Just leaving the or tile theater? Why, some us laugh and tell what a good time we had at the service. The world sees us smile and does not Know what -miMon that church baa. "It would be better perhaps if, wlian leave church, there were still tears ot penitence on our oheeka, bitter tears of penitence; These.

I think, would be more effective than the smile that greets some hymn played In ragtime." The moderator It was not possible to express eternal truth in the language of the seventeenth century and have It understood in the nineteenth century. Truth abides through all ages, he sold, but the only way to matte ir abide In the heart of aHlsftener was to get It into, his head to language that he could understand. One of the moderator's- terse that deeply Impressed many, of those who listened follows: "I have no sympathy for the man who hands out tracts to the hungry man, and likewise I have no sympathy for the man wh? gives a crust to a dying man who needs the spirit." BREtfSTER'SPLAY BYHAHCOMPANY Trenton theatregoers will witness In this week's production of "Brewster's Millions" by the Louis Leon Hall Stock Coinpany, at Taylor Opera House, ono of the finest and most elaborately staged plays shown In Trenton at popular 'Frank Holz, the Taylor Opera House stafje manager, and Thomas Yundt, ptago direr-tor 'for Mr. Hall, and the Opera stage crew worked 'all of yesterday until an early hour morning putting together the ship scenp which provider the spuing I'or the third' act. 'This setting, which consists' of two carloads of and mechanical appliances, represents a tremendous undertaking.

The boat will have to remain intact during tho entire week, and in order to give an Idea of Its, weight, three sets of pulleys are employed to move It In and out of position. The scene is. set on rockers which are kept moving during the progress of the act, in order to produce the effect of a boat rocking in a heavy sea. A huge panorama which forms the background will be kept In motion continuously so the boat- will appear to the audience as though It were actually In motion. This setffnj ta tire same as the one used In the original production which ran for a year In New York under Frederick Thompson's management.

NEW CORPORATIONS it Certificates of 'Incorporation have been granted to the following companies: The Patrons' Telephone Company of Warren County, New Jersey; Mt. BAPITOFWORU) TO JUT IN PHILA, Many Lands Will DUcj-wad and Cam- Wilt Heunwd of the world 1 wfU meet In Philadelphia Baptists will hold trom about June 15 to consider missionary work at and 'abroad as conducted by -them; and frwm June 18 to 25 Baptist leaders from Europe, South Africa, and Australia will confer. There will be reports of Bap- struggles and but the emphasis of the gathering will not be Baptist, but Baptist service. This eer- vlue reported on will to missions, to dependent xaoes, to adijcatlon, to arbitration, to labor and Christian unity. The at the Baptist World AlUanca, who wtll be present and preside until a new Is chosen, )s the Rev.

Dr. John Clifford, of England, one of the foremost men of Great Britain, not alone as a Baptist but as B. Christian and a publicist. His history Is also that of late Free Church development In England. There comes also from England Sir W.

Mo- Alplne, president of the Baptist Union list Missionary Society, and most influential and generous laymen of the North of England, Exceptional interest oentere delegates who come to Philadelphia- from Russia and southeastern Europe. Against almost mediaeval persecutions. Baptist ministers have won their way In Russian Catholic i lands. The Rev. W.

Fetler, who will at tha Alliance, is one of the best known men In St. where he 'Is the champion of religious freedom. He is pastor of the largest Baptist Church in the Russian capital, and the founder of eleven other churches in the same city, chiefly worshiping in halls. On several occasions hoi been, granted the use of the hall of the City Douma foi hia Other pioneers of Baptist work In eastern Europe Vho are to be In the Alliance are the ReV. Peter Doycjheff, a the Rev.

V. Pouloftt. a Russian, who has been exiled to Siberia, and Mr. Nprbert F. Capek; a descendant of the followers of John Huss and a Czech, leader of Bohemia.

American. Baptists have done tho generous thing of subscribing' $10, which the travel expense of these Kuropeaji pioneers is paid that they may visit the Alliance and come into touch with other Baptists of the worM. KNOWN SPEAKJSRS. American and Canadian Baptists who will be heard at Philadelphia include Rev. Br S.

MacArthur, of New the Roy. Dr. R. J. Willing-.

ham, of Richmond, arid the Rev. Dr. E. Y. -Muillns.

of Louisville. Conoorn- a proposed EuropMin cbllegei the Rnv. F. B. Meyer, of London, will speak, lenders and will other English ba the Rev.

Baptist J. H. -r-- eafrltal, flu.OUO; Incorporators, James I. Cooke, Samuel Head and John O. Anderson.

The company is to operate telephone and telegraph lines. Howe jSaumarm Balloon Company; Newark; capital, incorpora-. tors, John Tenney, Samuel tenbach 'and Julius Lederer. -The company is to manufacture balloon and rubber goods. Psychological Review Company, Princeton; capital, tncorpora- tors, Howard C.

Warrerj, John B. Watson and James R. Angell. The company IH to engage as printers, publishers, otn." The linintmore Company, Newark; capital, Ipcprporators, James- F. KorUioloniew, B.

Badger Shakespeare, who is secretary of the Baptist Missionary Society, of London, and Rev. J. Roberts, who is pastor of the- most Important Baptist Church of Scotland. The last named has been accused of socialistic leanings, and ho has great influence among the of Glasgow. At I'hiladelphla will be considered the great missionary and publication Interests of Baptists.

These into the millions ot dollars each year. The foreign societies, one with headquarters In Boston and another with the same in-London, have work in.Burma, China, Japan and India. 1 that requires outlays of $2,500,000 a year. The development of the Far East on 'moaern lines, Christian only, but educational as well, owes a very great debt to Baptists. In home mission 'work, chiefly American, the Influence of Baptists Is second hardly any other, while Baptist leadership and achievement in work for race outranks almost evory- REALESTATEMEN LOSES GIRL'S IflVE TO MELT IN DENVER BY SUICIDE BLUFF of ONcn.

Hid tlnn-e. Peter trl-vl suicide tilu'ff i i r)lov H'lda liail i flirt.MI;,- ut's I -n thf a tfuu i men we Interested la the convention of the Na- tlonal of Real Estate Ex- 19 80. real estate men from cltlea east, south and north, of Chicago will travel in special which will be up into a train, leaving Chicago on night.ot. July. Monday, .1.7 010 the dav in rimahaj as the griCBta of" the Omaha Iteal Es- marry mf-." tRte Board.

Tuesday, the 18, 'the real ll sesaloDB of the convention will bd called to order by President Aiex- i ander Taylor of Cleveland, and for I A I A I ISSUED, three days matters of Interest to those In the business will be under discussion. TO PREFERS HUSBAND GO TO DELANCO TO GREAT WEALTH NBW WRK. rtlrtwn Tr-nt'inlans are arramrlnit to at- ilgh haMq abottrd. '-acfnp'llTir to rriujit i I ltnd a Day. at Fletcher nl igaln at 7 hrldo of hoius today for wtin Quiirtef Hr-'kj nh tr I(w H-irv i HI in S'l-ie i I i I I-' her husband Instead of a that no would she return to her mother her husband was also received." Virginia Poling, i RAV yerterclay with Reuben'C.

Rose, a pension she TTrtie-rr 7 -j Kafl'-pllBd -hatr-- p-utTf to rnakn look older and 1 i rnrtthfr' by over a. i var 1 was id. ie to a lot fr'irr. iier rti.n-if:Lthtir and "Scientific Conser- by H. H.

Grose of Among th more important papers Piovlded tor will vation of the Soil. Chicago; "Uniform State Laws," pertain Ins to transfer "of real -estate, by a member of the Committee on Uniform Legislation of the National Association; "The Development and Operation of a First-class Loan Depart- i inent," by ft. Brooklyn Trust OttWr; I "Apartment House and OftVo BuildinK i by the president of tht- Assoola- A I A I ISSUED. I "Wlm It. and trom Registrar nVir- I A fornn.atid.

"How 'i-v, Virgil Piling, hor- 1 Ijt-ensf-j. It." she wtli 1 nevpr a penny and Ivate in of the (t she stays Rose--not Str-phnn i 1 i a i 1 -if IlamirX.l. Per( A nni 'T was Bpr.a'B reply. ational tlpn; "Or)ranlzatlon and Mana empnt of ft Selling Porcev of a N. by C.

F. Garfield. -city Planning" by D. of The by a 8t Lo 1(t tltlp officer. reports of the committees oh taxation, national' legislation, state, legislation, uniform commission rates and of other standing committees will be followed by general discussion from the floor, so that every real estate man wno attends the convention may have an opportunity to be heard.

National Association of Real Estate Exchanges Is composed of real ln fort 'he largest in the country and its annual satherlnir is forward to with IntRrest by real estate men Tho present offlrera are: Alexander S. Taylor of Cleveland vice '-3 R' Frank pnia: second rt.ce president Thorpe, secretary' i J.T. Bruce Douglas. Milwaukee; treasurer James P. Blake, St.

Louis uaurer PUBLIC HEARING ONPASSOUESTION 8 the 1 WM. J. CONYERY SON, Successors to CONVERT WAUCER, Brotd sloners, a public will be even by the Commission at the Conn House In Newark next Erldtty-af 10.30 a on various questions to' rlgrhts of railroad and trolley conVpanles' to g-lve free transportation or reduced rates in certain cases! taken up whether the plvlng- of trans- pnrtalon to nremen, letter carriers, members charitable organizations. and the sale of tickets at re- ducpd rates to school children and teachers, by stxpet railway cn.mponlos, Is a. violation of the neav utility law The cornmlsslon will also plve opportunity -for a hfiarlns- the qur-stlon whether railroad companies engaged In Inter-etatn com'nwrrB and who, by virtue of certain of the tnter- Btate commerce act are permitted to furnish free or rertxired transportation to 'persons mentioned In tho'nrt.

nn proh'Ibtted from granting prlv- Ilegws undw the new utility statute to such persons for the deal in Moore. The company ia to while she slept 'and $550 frnm a pnrkpthnok tird to her Kalsfr stocks, bonds, eto. 11. Falrlnmb Company, Borden- capltal, Krjintt A. Kti-ntz, Jost-ph P.

Murray itnrt X. C. Wiltshire. that The company is, concrete, a- duel on the cision -of. tho court of honor.

L. I-- -School SuperlntRn- dent Burland dismissed school for one afternoon so that the boy pupils might" earn money by caddylng for a golf tournament. CiriCAOri-- Mrs. Ella Flaeg Touns, fniperlntendent of the Chicago schools, has instltuterl a course In which are taught how to get on. off cars without" Injuring street selVf-s.

CHICAOOr-To Chlca-goans feel la announced that Paasaic, capflal, incorporators, Samuel Zaentz, Philip Clel.m and Kalmun Llt- The company is to deal In real estate and engage as bulldera, contractors etc. Stone Company, East Orange; capital, tors, Paul C. Elizabeth Mayer and Mayer. The company Ig to hs't-'mtractors, builders, deal in building ruateriala, etc. thein- "I'obert' R'-ai Estate 'and i i capital.

show the Interest 21 011 Robert Brown, In their rhlldren. It I J' Fred and B. children. It more than 265,000 persons hav visited the 'Child Welfare exhibit now in pro cress' here. KENTS AGAIN HEADS Xewton.

The company la tu Hf-al In rtal estate and engage as buMtlen, HIGHEST CASH PAID for use4 H. M. HeM. 116 S. Broad 5-2-lmn ner Street Cafn Company, aalr 1 rapltal, R.

William A. Forbes atirl ThotniiH The company li VETERANS' ASSOCIATION tr) 0t wnl Wilson rhniiilral Company, New- a t-apltal, Krtiiiklin Aliirphy, Alurphy, and ChireTice The rnm- colora. of th John J. Kfnts Hi ftnuth Stockton wns wr of the -T-J, vaJry nr 1 Tw urrtnv. bofly and everything else.

antl Methndlats make largest, use of the printing: press In Christian propasanda, and tli'ls Interest, will be considered at Philadelphia In Its relation to world advancement. Kmphttsls la to be laid In the Alliance and In tha meetings which precede It, upon social service, missions and unity. The -whole Alliance program bristles with along all -lines. Missions will take inote of the centennial of Judson and his wonderful pioneer work, out of which grew all Baptist missionary effort, while the subject of unity will be acted upon to the extent of naming? members of Conference? on Faith and The data of the Alllancs, In Mate could not be avoided, It Is exalaihed, owing to the convenience of the European delegates. Philadelphia Baptists will remain In town later 'and do what they can on social lines.

There will be an excursion to Washington and preachers from Europe, here to attend the Alliance, are to be heard Jn many other cities, and alao at Lake Mohonk and half a dozen of the mer conferences. SODALITY TO GIVE DANCE. The" "Sodality 'of tha Sacred Heart Parish, will a euchre and dance Monday evening, Mky .29. sllanasprne presents will be awarded, to tho successful players. Hlckey will furnish the music.

A communication bbf been recehred 8 ls 6CO 1 tJ' the comnUssIon requesting rullns nile Baptist upon eevenU questions, sug-ffested by the lack of harmony the state add federal law. A third question to be considered iaiWhether persons by railroad companies to perform services from time to Mme, but who do not devote their an tire time to Company's nervine, can lawfully be allowed free transportation. FORMAL REASONS PXLBD. The reasons why the Public Service Railway Company hoKte the order of the Board of Public tTtlllty Commissioners, ordering It to resuine thQ transportation -of school children- at reduced rate.8 (Should be set aside, were filed dn the Supreme Court with, the return of the writ of oertio- rart sued out by the company. "BARTENDERS' ELECT Officers were elected by Bartenders' Local, No.

124, at their regular meeting- yesterday as follows: President, Edward Benson; vice president, fid- ward Anderson; Harry Moses Morgan; Mlntz; recording secretary, financial secretary, treasurer, Peter P. Walsh; Frank U. Mulryne; Inspector, Harry Toombs; Inside (ruard. Hugr" Oennlnger; board of trustees. Krnest Block, Frederick Frances and Samuel Whltehouse, At the social seselon following the business General Organizer Thomas J.

Durnln- made an address In which he reviewed the work of the recent convention held Boston. Organizer Durum will Inutall the n'ewly 'elected ofrli-ers at the next meeting. HAVE YOU SEEN THESE PALLOR Without a doubt, we have never put on our floors a shbwing more complete or more beautiful. THEY'RE NEW With two or three ceptions every Suit on our floor is elusive with us. to Solid mahogany Suits Can you beat that? and Flowers Klectrical Contractors FOR ALL CLASSES OP ELE OTRIOAL OONSTicUOTtON SEE US ABOUT YOUR NEXT JOB.

For your protection are Agistered with National Board of Fire ITnrlerwrlters. N. FLERON SON, Rouse Building reunion, held lu Philadelphia Sut, A number of mRmbftrifllre in but only a few wcrfl Sn'fn'Hny' account of tha rer.f.-nt cnrampinmt S. T. BOVl.K, r-jirpentor arm builder- Jobhlnff; alterations.

Ben 11925.D 46 N. Stockton St. Cement cellars waterproofed. S. Hill Son Contr.irtlns a a Let us slve vim i a on the cost of your i i I you that wf mean No Job too Urge or too I'ii st Bell I4M-A- j.

Ixf I Tf. John K. Wynconp wns (ho first In Moxlcxn Wnr The regiment miifh in U'est Virginia, Onfral Shorirlnn's nnil i i i i i i thp mir- llf Ah I in a only nhnut -in that numhor nir P.l ST CLOCK TELLS DEATH IjfUIlS. inter- it al.irm clock tol1 of liov. A (ienrKO A.

Roll's siidden fle.ith from a In i i of M. Ilhnris a rinireji rf Attnir-terl by i ronn? tor i tln Kcmfl? "siMant tor he nastor'd rnom ftn etc. Ciiniden Curttiln nml Embroidery i Ciiniden; capital. Inrorpor.atnrfi. T'avid SchonnlK-id.

Louis and i a i A. hocb. The! nmipitiy IP to ipruiiifacturo curtains, i I a Company, Newark; ertj-'Hiil, incurpnr.itors, Kamucl A. Fishirtnn, Ijoills L. David- I BUNGALOW LOTS At Rivermawr, Yordley, pa.

On Delaware River; minutes' walk from trolley. Borough water. ood batMng, boating and fishing and very desirable people your neighbors; 60x125; price, $100 to J3W each. For further Information, Inquire of MORGAN 207 Broad Street Bank Building or. L.

A. uLft, State and Broad Street. FOR Pecoraflon Day -We find tliat mv'inif to the.hack- ward seasjfiu there arn very few flowers in bloom now.I I Ou'r iirf tilled bioomitiK plants by the thousand. We. havp in various folors, fspffially in Whitfi, of which we hnye-a larjfo stor-k.

Also Jtospg, I'ptnuias, Phlox, Cftnnas, Vinca Vines and Hydrangeas. Agereaium Snowball son anil Loula J. Fisrhlicln Is in estate'and en- gnuf as builders, contractors, etc. The Sterling Trimming Company, Paicrs'in; i i i a h. corpora- tors, .1.

Penney, Charles K. I'rnst arid Wiiynn Piimnnt. The corn- pnny in to i i a tapes, tiiinrnliu-s, i fnhrlcs, i S- Mn.iro i Rny- I iiu i i i Wh'-f'ler. Moor and John CJarflcy. The company Is to deal in real estate, Ih- Iniraace, tto.

Cotton Garden Hose Remnants, 7c. Per Foot, All lengths; coupled, all ready for use. Every piece guaranteed. Delivered to any part ef the city. Brooks HARDWARE 614 East State Street Both Phones 610 This new Tom Thumb Agpratiurn is distinct of a dwarf habit; large-white of flawors continually in.bloom;-verj* hanly and desirable for.

cemetery planting. lOo. each; fl.OO per dozen. Wo arp now a i ordprs fcr Cut Flowers anji I i arid lawu tools in hose, hose reels, galvanized watering, pots in all s. lawn -Rprinlders.

edv foods and poultry remedies for all poultry ailments. Fenep. wire for ararden, laxvu and farm. 'CompletP line of dniry supplies, Delaval Greain Separator, Churns. Butter Workers, Milk Mtfttn.C Ribsam Di oad and Front Streets Phones 210 lEWSFAPESr.

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