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The Calgary Albertan from Calgary, Alberta, Canada • 1

Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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THE MORNING WHEAT YESTERDAY EdSt 211s JOB DEPARTMENT PHONE M2380 WANT- AD PHONE M2166 TEN PAGES CALGARY FRIDAY APRIL 13 1917 SIXTEENTH YEAR-NO 38 CANADIANS SWEEP BACK GERMAN FO BULGARS BEGCING PEACE OUR SOLDIERS DRIVE HUNS OUT OF LAST POSITION ON VIMY RIDGE BRITISH DELIVER SOME HARD BLOWS 4 ASK ARGENTINA FOR EXPLANATION TWO VILLAGES AND AN ADJOINING DEFENSE WORKS TAKEN NO ACTIVITY REPORTED ON THE OTHER FRONTS i Washington April 13 Austrian and Bulgarian representative are endeavoring to approach entente diplomats In Switzerland on the subject of penes Prose dipatceh today reporting Uulgartnn efforts In th! line developed the fact that It I known here not only that Bulgaria ha taken soundings but alu nnt there ha been similar action In the nam of Austria-Hungary Whether the two countries are working separately or together Is not known nor has any reference been mad 1c tha attitude of Germany nr Turkey Austria la known to be affected by war wenrlnesa and tha Russian revolution aa It la feared the upheaval across the border may find a decided echo among Auetris'e conglomerate and disaffected peoples Food conditions though eatlefaotory In agrarian Hungary are serious In Industrial Auntrla Bulgaria likewise is troubled by food shortage and ths Russian revolution The laltei has brought again to the surface the old frlendllneiia for the Russian people and haa injected Into the question the decision of the ruling class to fight against their liberators In Blinding Snowstorm the Canadians Drove Foe From Height Kiown As Fieue German Opposition In sphe of rain and snow and a forty mile gale the British and i Canadian troops fighting in France have again delivered telling blows on the German line southeast of Arras and to the north of the remaining portion of the Vimy ridge in the hands of the Germans The bad weather has extended to the front held hy the French and Thursday saw no activity there except in the nature of reciprocal -I The latest British pain southeast of Arras gave them the vil-lagcs of Henincl and Waneourt and adjoining defense works and also permitted them in this region to cross the CnjeuI river and take the heights on the east bank of the stream The Canadians kept up their good work cm the Vimy ridge and made additional progress (By the Canadian Overseas Correspondent) Canadian Headquarters in France April 12 via London From the last position held by them on Vimy ridge the Germans were swept this morning (Thursday) after one of the most fiercely contested engagements in which theTCanadians have recently taken part This morning at 5 130 o'clock during a blinding snowstorm an assaulting column was dispatched to drive the enemy from the height known as occupying a dominating position on the ridge to the northeast of Souchez Though wearied by the constant struggle against the enemy and elements the last four days the men responded splendidly Swarming up the height they attacked the enemy garrison which includes troops specially brought up to hold the position among them the fifth battalion of Prussian Grenadier Guards Thursday in clearing it of the enemy Th Berlin war office admits the capture by the British of Monrhy-le-' on Wdneailay Imt ray attacks north of the village and on Vimy nnd i Th Germans wero under peremp-tor- order to hold tha position at all coats Th Canadian war not to bo denied however Over th shall plowed land and machine gun fire they climbed to tho summit and by o'clock tha flower of tha Gorman army war fleeing to tho east and sought shelter in the village of Givenchy Thla victory tha second within a week give our army absolute command of tha entire ridge Monday uccea opened th way by tha capture of Hill lit That hill la th highest point of tho ridge It had to bo ae' cured before tho attack on "The coould ba nude with any hop of success By today's win on tha part of tho Canadians and the victory of the British who carried Bois on Hadis on tha west eld of Souches river tha entire valley of Bourhes in In our hands and we can look down on the positions In ths plain of Pill SHE One Big Hereford Brought $1500 nt Sale Yesterday Other Good Sales of Ex-cllent Animals TOTAL SALES $134972 Only 15 Animals Yet to Be Sold Average Price Now Amounts to Nearly $300 Per Head No Amount Ave Total sales to date List year 4M 304 3134973 73345 139730 31143 SALES BY CLASSES 1916 ITI Hillocks and Dr Span-kie at Conservative Meeting Make Veiled Reference to Despotism in Party DELEGATES SELECTED Fairly Good Meeting at Crescent ITeiglxts Insist Upon an Early Convention Th fight to on In th ranks of the Calgary ConeervaMven between the ehemplone of democracy and autocracy Hillocks and Dr Ilpaakl raid no and they are officers of th Conservative aeeoolatlon and accordingly know They bavw thrown their hats Into tha ring aa tti champions of democracy or tha oovardlgnty of th people The of autoernoy have not yet tapped out Into tho limelight jSJnMTvattvro of North Calgary In fairly large numbers xurnaw ww hut night to eeleet dMagaten to attend th East Calgary Dominion convention on Saturday only on of tha Calgary members IflMooka wm prraent The Meeting Organised Mr Geo Wood president of tha North Cnlgary Conservative association called the meeting to order Mr Crandall ae chosen to preside and Mr McArdU mad temporary secretary Mr Crandall asked It the with of tho meeting that the Amr- tan reporter remain or should he he asked to retire Mr Maunders moved that the Albertan reporter be asked to stay and the motion was carried unanimously Why the Meetleg The chairman called upon the preel li Amazing April Stonn Continues and Fighting Conditions Have Been Made Extremely Difficult CONSOLIDATE POSITION British Attack mid Gorman Defense Converge at One Plaoe With Sensational Developments (From a Staff Correspondent ef the Aesooieted Press) British Headquarters In France April 13 via The auguring April inrm which began nlnnwt at th exact hour set for the British attack agnlnet tho tlermana Monday morning continues and the fighting conditions have hern mails extremely difficult The storm to accompanied by snow rain and sleet and a gala which haa eldom fallen below a velocity pf 44 miles an hour There hava been pcca lonal bits of sunshine but they lasted eionai one oi eunnnipa nut they laal lean than half an hour Th night tom' perature are well below freexlng Despite these circumstances the British attack widened today by a blow north of Vimy rlilge tha latter having been firmly held and consolidated by the Canadians against a bitter German fire The troops which etrock north of Vimy today penetrated to a point a few hundred yards nurth west of Givenchy having carried uut their dawn nttack with the nine precision aaemvv gssenn me mease i ran iriki nee characterised their other opera Hone Smashed Counter-Attack On the remainder of the new front the work consisted largely of straightening certain elements In the line by annihilating several where tha Germane had held out The British the new offensive The fighting shunt Monchy haa been very heavy since Tuesday the German li?" hln htoh Mrltlfili advance ranching that high Hrltlsh advance polnL at ell hexarris It vrae trot mil 11 large numbers nf llrltlah field batteries tin it been brought Into play that the Gernisns were definitely beatnii off Attack end Defense Converge Tho llrltlsli attack and Ibe German defense ennverged at Mnneliy and it wa a wonderful sight to watch this fighting from nearby hill yeslerrlny and realise I bill thla was I bo focal ICoalleerd oe pane three) Bueno Ayres April 11 Th German minister to Argentina probably will ha received tonight by Prealdrnt Irlglyn 11 has demanded an audience and it I stated will aak an explanation of tha term of the Argentina note to the United Btates Issued after the declaration of a state of war between the United State and Germnny AMERICAN CITIZENS STILL IN GERMANY Sarcastic Reference to Fact From a German Newspaper Arniiterdam via London April 11 The Rhlnlach Waetfaelisuh Zeltuitg ays that ths Upended legation la Berlin ascertained that there are 4M American cltleena in Germany of whom laf are men lift women and 71 children Of the total nunwer II are students end 144 builneee mss dentists doctors arllete etc Only 1M of th MU were born In America Tha newspaper ears: "These Americana who have turned their backs on tha old country possibly to escape military service now elalm the right of hospitality her while their hearts end tax bills belong overseas Perhaps the noble prince of peace Wilson will claim them bark to help American militarism fight German militarism Htudcnti continue their tudlae her which to comprehensible a we ere still treating Amsrlcann ae of th elect" AVKTR4LItX AR LOAN London April A Melbourne die-patch to Reuter's any that the- total euheoriptlone to the recant Australian war loan were fMIMMMM The loan was launched In January tar UXOOOIM at par cent A previous loan of fil 44000000 waa Issued In February Ibid aad was overeubecrlbed Free Grant of Land With Provision for a Loan of $1500 to $2000 Ottawa April 13 The oldlere' land settlement act which will provldo for a free grant of Dominion land to veteran of the Imperial forcee ooupled with a provision for a loan to ba advanced under supervision of 31600 to 11040 will be presented to tha house bv Hon Dr Roche minister of Interior who with Hon Martin Burrell minister of agriculture hae had charge mant of Interior who went to England for tha purpose of representing Canada on the imperial Immigration board For Equal Readjustment Scale of Pensions that a soldier be given an Insight Into arming as far ae possible bale re being pieced on the land It waa contended that a sokHer'e widow should have 111 earns advantages provided always that the title of the land ha entrusted tn responsible trustee The report was carried unanimously Another reenhittan exile upon th Dominion government "to throw open for entry for bnnaflde settlement hy members of tha Canadian expeditionary fore Indian reserve land reserved for railway nurpoee hut not yvt allotted all arable lenai held mirier etork-graelng lease and all other blanketed leads" In another resolution the convention aaka the government to sustain the heed tax on Aeixllre renting Into t'annria and advlere that they ehniiicj he excluded from the country The following reeolutlon elan was ffeetleerd gag three) FREIGHT WAGE DIFFICULTY AMICABLY SETTLED CPJS Grants Increase of 10 Per Cent and All Are Satisfied Tlalding to tha general petition of tho freight handlers tha ye tarday granted an Increase of per cent to tha workers In the freight sheds Th ttlamant of th conlro vrsy mesne an additional hi COO to 81104 mor per month on tho railroad payroll Th final negotiations between th management of tha road were narked by excellent spirit on both ides Th men withdrew thlr original domand for a per cent Increaao at th request of Buparlntandant Well brad and th offlniala then offered a 10 per cent premium The new rate of pay la: Flrat year truckars Meant an hour mcond year men 1-J cents towers Hl-lc checkers Me second year He third year Ms plus time and a half for ovartlms dant of the North Calgary Conierva- also smashed to bile a strong Gsrrnnn tlva association to explain why the counter-attack against Mnnchy-la-mseting was called Mr Geo Wood the German losses being among cap tolned The matter had keen die- th" heaviest they have Buffered during of lta preparation It to BATTLE Iq MEXICO that lte terms were rattled and sp Laredo Texas April Paeoengere proved by tho prime minister hnfnro reaching tha border say that In a recent leaving for England and a full mem-engagement with VlMa followers thejorandum of Its provisions wee fur-oonetltutlonallet forcee under General niehed Tiroes Welker nf tha depert- understood Fampoux were repulsed with heavy caeuultlee Of Thuraiimy'M fighting the German official communication naya llrltlah attacks near Mourhrx and Fampoux failed Comparative quiet prevails In all the other war theaten No Infantry attache have been reported but there hea been considerable artillery urtlvlty on the Auetro-Ilallnn front and in Macedonia between Munastlr nnd Cerna river BRITISH CAPTURE VILLAGES London April 13 The llrltlah forces In France suulhnuit of Arm today captured the villages of Waneourt and Henlnsl and udjuolnlng positions und also made progress north of the Scarps river and on tlm hut port Uni of the Vimy rlilge held by the Germans according to the official cnin-munlratlon Issued tonight of the ArritH-Ciimbritl road our troops this afternoon stormed tlio villages nf Ilenlnel und Waneourt with their adjoining defenses und crossed tile Oojenl river and occupied the heights on the eastern bank "Further progress ulso wee marie during th day north uf the Kcnrpc and on the Iasi Vimy ridge Our gains repurted this morning north of Vltny rldge hava been aecuryd and our position trsngthened th course of patrol encounters but night northeast of Kpohy in whurh secured a few prisoners a largo enemy detachment name under the effective fire of our Infantry and nut fared heavy casualties "During th fighting on Monday and Tuesday captured prisoners from all the Infantry regiments uf six Gor man dlvtolune namely the seventh reserve division first Uararlsn reserve division fourteenth Bavarian division eleventh division seventeenth rcsierve division and eighteenth reserve division The number of prisoners from each of these divisions exceeds ntu thousand "In splits nf the exceedingly had weather or aerial work our alrplunes were active again yesterday They seised every opportunity lo harass the hostile troojM with machine gun fire During ono of the abort fine ihtioiIs ono of our narul squadrons uhlle escorting llrlttoh bombing iuhvIiIiiisi wee heavily attacked 'by iiuiiiIht of hoe-tilo airplanes ami did exrrptlonully well Without suffering from any loss Itself It dratmyril throe aipiekiiig ini- chines anil drove down three others In a damaged rnmllGon "Altogether four German aeroplanes wero brought ilosn yi-sli-nlay nnd flvet nlhem wero driven down ilnnium-d Hlx nf nur niiuhlnes nlletl In reiiiro (lire others wero brought PAHIOIi Mill MTIIITK MIM5 London April Thu admiralty an noiinrcM I lull a itrnk nhip xiru-k a min nnd NHtik In thn chuuufll Monthly Two officer! nnd men urn tnWHitu that plan fr tlm ('muulimi rei-l nnd ulso fur HriliKh oil lanki-rs plying to Mfili'in purls and tlm Si null Aiiierl-ean roast Them lira Imluiliius however thnl tha I 'luted States does lint rnnlein- pluls arty hunt and fiNt limit ss to tho measures of RssVy to Trap Subs The navy iloperlmriit turn a cm sudrr-aMo eiqgilv if siihiiiannn flap neis ol-reoiJy iiinilahlr und on to will In ileliv rad within few flays If is ai-'iiiiril that llie spieoaidies tu Ahum lemi tiai lim will be fully prnlrrtf-il this way nnd III fleet nf MUhinnniio I'hasere new "lug esuMiititnil efUipiie and 1 1 1 a 1 1 i dm-mindful locntnb lim erne night and day DENMARK CAUSING GERMANS ALARM iprliu I Iih orr'i'pl Nm'ill Nation Sorm1 rGiii'i'ssiiins April A hperlrtl riUpafoli rfefvd rrmn WmliiTujlim hrva: "WliUft MR iln irianouvcriiiR f'tr a op rMtM prjt'e with Kiimm (loriiianF nvr fli nf mark hit'll 1m tlw of Kivnt BruMiiirii ti omcr lim Mar un ihu nlii (if lit Mllii'M "1 iNpf ht f(itiiii(nr IlirM 4 1- rfNi'hil iiftliinKluii litMf nljrhr Offi-'lal Nilvim rimrirm tin purr li th Merlin Kuvnrninrnl lta pi uiiuNHil tn riil a Mi'pMrnlM ptMi'e nfl lh IisiiHN 4 llllt UlJMHili Mllfiil frr ItMinI In JVrHhi jnil nhull etiifiy liiM miiiin privtlnirf in thu iimh uf na I kn tii-riiMiir Miid riortri tn hMvn uiTorrd tn rlc i p'liiMifi u-fraL Kiudinfr (hnifn uffHrH of no avail JirmuTiy thn iraurtd In I ream flt-IniT nrltflum mm un rxAmiiln uf th fM uf jtenniMrk if thn Umthim Mhnuld mlir th rn IT Railway Commission Will Have Say in All Details in IncFease in Bonds and Stocks Ottawa April JS The special com-nit If of tl common appoint! bs- 1 (or adjournment to conidr the government's bill consolidating and amending th railway ant mat today la the parliament building under th rhairmanuhlp of ArmstrongeMP and mad aom progree with th 44 cluae of th nw act Tba Mil ha born In court at preparation for aoma three year put Tha main work waa done two year ago by Samuel Price KCm acting a special oounil (or tha railway department Mine Mr Prlca'a appointment to the Ontario elvfl aar-vli-c tli legal eoprvllon of th bill ha been taken over by Hlraehan Johnson K' Toronto who lueldtad for the committee today th change whlck had been made In the prorlalon of the old railway act There wabut a email attendance of th commltt praaent end Ihl afternoon th work waa son on with In th sbeenea of a quorum The rirt Td clauses war gon over and tho change suggested whloh war In the main of somewhat minor Importance ware concurred In Th only aeiMitlal change In th bill i ihu far considered I a provision making it dear that when any line fct-rlarcd to be (or the general advantaga of Canada and thua brought under tho control of tha railway board acquiree In 11 yetem other branched theia Una hall automatically com under the control of th Dominion railway board Itwt aad Bead (mac The main new provision In th consolidated act which ore likely to cause controversy relate to tho regulation of tick and bond Issues tho location of new llnaa and the rlrht of Independent telephone llnee to eecure long distance connection with tha beU line on an equality of rate (ii regard to th regulation ol took and bond lnuea by th railway corn-pan lea th new blU provide that lcava must obtained from tb railway board before any 'nut of nook bond or other securities ean be mala Th board la given power to Impose term and condition reputing such Issue to fix a minimum price at which it ball ba sold and to determine to what the procade of tho Issue shall be applied Knlarged Ptinit of Beard In regard to the location of new llnee power I given to determine the route in general aa well a in detail Hitherto the general location of tho route has been dealt with by tho min-Mar of railways Tho enlarged power of tho hoard In thla oonn action are given with a view to securing better co-ordlnotton of railway construction and to prevent th duplication of construction when not considered by tha board to In public Interest Th board la also glvan powar to order th joint two of a single right-of-way by different railway If It deem this desirable Hedhttt announced Intended to oppose the clause whloh provide that the Have at the railway board must ba mound baler an appeal can be taken to tb supreme oourt on a question of law It urao amhlnad that tho object of this uai to maka tha finding of the board final so far It waa possible Thar was no such restriction In regard to appeal a to tha Jurisdiction of tb board Ifr Kediltt lnelsted that a wider latitude should bo allowod In regard to appeals on question of law and It was doaldd to let the clause land over tor oonalderatloa by the full commute CONVENTION OF LIBERALS CALLED The Liberals of the provincial euneHtoancy of North Calgary have decided to rail a convention to to held in the Crescent Heights school auditorium on Friday April to rhooie a candidate fur th coming p-ovlm-lal election A number of possible candidate hava bean mentioned among whom are: 8 Adame Callback Davldaon If Saunders and Mrs Che a Tbomp- Murgula lost L000 dead and wounded They add that the alleged route Inflicted on th Villa forcee by the government troops are myths War Veterans Ask Pensions Urge of Entire UaS Navy Will Take Over Duty of Patrolling the Atlantic Ocean Heretofore Work of Allied Navies eueeed at a number of masting of tha executive of tha Conmrvatlva association of ths cHy It was decldad at tha first meeting lifter th return of the provincial members from th eeralon unanimously to call a convention at onos so that tha farmers of th riding could come before seeding Crandall president ef tha Houlh Alberta Conservative association explained that there was no East Calgary association ths exscutlve of South Aibsrta Conesrvatlvs association war asked to call the meetings for the purpose of selecting delegatee far the convention to be held on Saturday In Hood and Irvine hall at which time It wa likely an East Calgary association would farmed Murray Maunders asked "What of tha delegate! who were elected about a year agoT Are they 1(111 delegatee?" Mr Crandall thought that owing to changes the delegatee could hardly bold office Mr Hillocks explained tnat these delegates were sleeted In UiLI and their time expired at the end of th year Mr Baker ni lived that delegatee be appointed because the Liberals were already in harness The motion carried Ret to Talk Pelltlie (L Hillock said the meeting via not called to dlecuee politics but tn consider arranging to put a candidate Into ths field Th Liberals had quite properly and without any demonstration put a man Into th field The Conservative should do likewise Those who leave everything nntll tha last display mure hindsight then foresight No on knows when an election will be held He thought he safely say not knew when an election would be held could i even the government Conference Between Officers of the British and French Navies With United States Secretaries Held in Washington Also Ask That Separation Allowance Be Extended to Include All Persons Who Can Establish Dependence April 12 Vice-Admiral Browning of the llrltlsli navv and Rear-Admiral Ih-grasss uf tlm French navy conferred Willi rteerelary lianlela Nnd Admiral IImisoii chief of iqs-ra-tlons nil ro-iqs-rnllnn between ths allied fleets for tlm conduct of the war Until foreign eoiiiinaiiders came to tlm I iiliuil Hiaii-s mi tlmir flagship The flint slip by tlm Fluted Hiatus nKVy jn taking up Its part of tlm war ()prxiiiM III he taka over tlm Atlantal end urrilienn path patrols THURSDAY Shorthorns No 359 -313-10 sold by Geo A DavliUmii Calgary to Wm Sharp Utf'nmlie president Alberta Cuttle Breeders' iitroviu-linn Angu No 299 3 110 mi dil by II ltliliardsnii llnwdeii to Jo Iloliens 9Tirepnt Hereford No 407-31 is ilil by Frank ('idhrutt t'algnry to Mr Mi-ln-ttrr nf Msgrath No 334- 93nO sold hy Mare to Peters t'lirilstsn No T-3l0Sr sold by A-llngge of Mayshind to laul I tunic men Wltleuburg SOME TIih MNnvulns expetallona of Aflifnii Htncktnrn wrr MurruuMel at tha Lull Min FpNrrnliF Afternoon whon IiiiIIm wulil for over 91000 each (Mia of them a mam sold bv Frank (Nillimr tn Mr Malntyra of fur SlohU A Mhorthurn brouiht Ihfl neu highrit prir of 913K0 Mini wm iMiiviiuHfil by Wm rtharpM of I til-'Oliihi1 fruiii i Inn A TlAYlr(in OmI-Kry Only IB Head Lft 1 5 hcMil of tha BM MiiterMd rt-liuiiiiFfi Uiinolil at 4 iit riuI tiiMsr will iM uiTsrfd thin mornlnff TIM rMirns rm thrrffore nearly ntmplota for thin yMr imIm Th Mvrnit Hlt'tiK thla yAr wm per mit hlKhrr thn luNt ami tbs top nn mur ihMii dnuhln thnt of rMr iBtrrrat In llmfarifl On uf tha nt frMtnre of th mIiuw Ik Min ili'velupmen of in III I It'fr forilj MIl'l list bl9IUMDdOUM arnui-til uf iiiuTiuy rhaiiMiiiJM hanriM for thli cws Tio jf lltrM furilM ham mm compared with An M'MlIiiiri pa llrN) GltHN ANIURnCKI WawhluMtoiii April Car-ranxi him jflvcn positive MMurancaa to I ho Itmifid sSttUtt that oil autpllMa from tho Tampico fltlda and othar Mourcaa win not hi drnlod to tiiM ViJJrJ rtiatMN or Great lirttaln oil Im tho principal fuel for an! French war yoommIm MILLIONS OF WHEAT IN ALBERTA I' llli'n Jmies presldsnt of th Fanners' fV-iiratlva Elevator eiinqianv es'hnatee that In the eli'Miinrs In Alberta there gre siiiiDulhi hiietinls of wheat and shunt tisgliNiU bueheli of nate ur this shout 33 per cent Is In the elevators There Is no means of setlmal-Ing hnw much to In the lsraiere' grnirirlBK In snnm thare la a grosi deni In ulhsrs very HtM However It would he safe tn aav I hat there are 100i1(l0u0 bunhele of wheat and 3000004 bushels of oals ellll In tha elevators and bins A la hard tu any Juet how murh uf this helongx to the fnrmere but It la uf to say that there to no likelihood ef tha need of building poor houses In lim country districts fer yeara to rum iiitherhi inainiHlncd by llrltlsli and French nlilps No announcement nf th resnlls of the cunfereneu was made Kvent 111 Aniri Iran ships probably will relieve Lhnxo nf tlm allies In Nil north sod hoiiiIi Ailnntin waters on tills nhlii nt ths firm would Im furnished under Bui It wee belter to be ready than to be behindhand This wee not making an undue demonstration during tlm i Th nmetlng wa ualtod by him nd Mr sTsndall harked tiy ths Cal gary Conservative assentation He believed that there was no hlghar auth-(Geetleaed ea ease three) Winnipeg April With the station nf officers the adopting of a sweeping resolution In regard to the nreeent system of pen el on and an equally comprahonel' resolution Baking for lend to be allotted ratumed soldiers the Great War Veterans' association dosed their first annual convention tine afternoon Hln Excellency ths Duke of Devonshire will be Invited to accent th honorary presidency of the newly-formed Dominion association Major Pur ley of Halifax was elected president unanimously It wee decided to hold the next convention at Toronto In July 1111 Chang in Pensions In th penile ne resolution which was adopted without a dneantsr the evleniua aak a readjustment of the whole pension scale for disabled nun the abolishment of gratuities and tha equalisation of pensions awarded officers end men In the ranks with a minimum of 11104 a year tar total disability The total disability pension at the present time to I4M The resolution also Bake "that the ratio of disability of th pensioner ahull be reduced ram twenty per cent aa at present to five per and that "the pension at th widow end the widowed mother be no lees than that of ths totally disabled pensioner and further tliet the pensions for children be materially In ad 414 tan el clauses tile veterans asserted that the separation allowance regulations should be extended to Include all persons who can satisfactorily prove depends noe end protested agunnt the I prarifee of catting aft allowances of dependants at men who are officially ra- ported miming where pension hue not been granted Copies of ths resolution were forwarded to the pen alone hoard end the chairmen of th military hospltale oomndeatan Th Land tattlament Th next problem of importance passed upon by the delegatee was ths report brought In by tlie land committee after two days nf dell ira ration The committee recommended that 314 acres of land within reesonsM distance of transportation ferllklae ha allotted to each Canadian returned from overseas and a minimum loan id 12004 It was provided that a greater portion of the loan would be expended for livestock buildings and machinery and that all supplies should be furnished returned eoldlern at oust That a returned so taler lav the right to secure eueh advantage by proxy the report alee oaks and It waa reoj none tided UNCLE SUB CHASERS BUSILY SCOUR THE SEA Title picture was taken off Blsuk Island UI and shown a teat of one uf ths speedy Imie hnil that th American naval authorities have adopted for submarine chaser They eipri't to make it Imt fer any prewlsre off the Atlantic seaboard w-sr A VK-' J- -s.

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