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Journal Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois • Page 7

Journal Gazettei
Mattoon, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

nON8DAY. CCTOBCfli vCSOAY. i wanted, WANTED Dishwasher; also a por i tef; good wages; steady employ-f -saWi. Van Noy lunch room, Chas. Rogers, manager, 10-9tf atudehf piLoun ntaaiT.

bna WANTED-Aglrf for general noase work; family of three; with references. Inquire at 1712 Wabash ave- Coluamniinis ssv i ttuatt muit i. .1, 1 www better clothes -ron sale. LerS. I I li 1 "ssa- sr MH.

SWELL. "DUESSBH: jk. voung ma. nw unrtK Knrr a rrow urn. 1.

a 1 lj jvor no him much coo nu mu iiitJj -wzli. jyyv vucj jvui x7J WELL. a. coon rnojtr jkjvv a coon EnvcjKTiot MA.KETHE -BEST BACHLCA VOVfiC MA.MCJk.f HA VE. nosrr ovehlook.

the coon rnoMT. ron youjsc me a school we cahhj; SftAT-py CLOTHES A. fn THE CLOTHES WE SJCLL AHE A WjK ys WOUTH AS MUCH MOtJEy A.S you 7 Ay us ron them. sis. so will nuy a sva.

rry suit or clothes rnoM ir he. -does tor mlstow STEAM LAUNDRY Mattoon, Illinois -1: Mew Equipment We have just installed one of the latest Newark Bosom Ironers and are making a specialty o( pleated bosom shirts. We are sure tbat we can please you with! this work: Wagons everywhere all the time. THE MATTOON Phone 121 rate is the cheapest interest only $1 $100.00 borrowed dp When will the .00 you need money, it pay you to borrow "Okaw." Our Dollar in town. Dues and 7- 1 lp within th hcrt Of OUnss I a ong tbat lng, And by the Urnal plan Thr Is "'tis th Bart e( Man On rr chord.

at Hiirr An echo ot tbat harmony. Blent of singing th Mrd i And (of lowibg of th herds. And tho huSimtng th boaa, Shouting of the mv- cn All otinds. bo thoy harmh or tl Muit In this Song unoonslng moot. Tumult In th city vails.

Mcllownon of country calls, And tho bugle's brasan not. Thunder from tha rannon-threaU, Children laughter, foenwn's choarn. And tha faint, ud drop ot tears: Yea. and tonaa at marel-graea Thrummed acroaa the field of apace. Wonder-mnsle all aubllma Chanted by the atara that climb-By tha falntaat.

fanhnat onea And by the onward whirling suns. craatloa'a tnualc blenda In a sang that nfver enda: RuatHng grass and planets din Chorua tha primal hymn-So through alt the year It rings Forever la tha heart of things. Times there are whn yeu and I Hear It sweeping clear and high, AH aoeneciowa that the sound Is ef neHnar mete nor bound. Tet It may be It li planned That aoaae day we may understand. GlDDLES Not knowing how the other fellow's conscience may work often makes a coward of a man.

The most over, worked lie in the' world is "Glad to see you." 1 Common sense before she Is 30 will do more to keep a woman beau tiful than fine clothes afterward. The Ideal self-made man Is the one who never' allowed It to be printed that he had "accepted a situation." Some day some one will organise a model community, take all the bores there. Introduce them to one another, and leave them. I would rather see a child forget to say "Thank you" than to hear Its parents say "What do you say now?" We all- admire the man who always tells the truth, so long as he Is care ful how much of It he tells. Usually the man who thinks the world Is against him is too lazy to fight back.

Summer Twilight. Adown the hills the shadows drift. The beea come, honey-drunken, home. The alder bushea yonder lift Their treasury ot bloeeom-fonm; The wind cornea whispering to us A song that la too sweet for speech And roees folding, tremulous, Are holding converse each with each. One white star biases In the sky.

The aunaet flings Its banners far Until their tlnttngs fade and die Beneath the luster of the star; The forest purples Into black. The nars march up Uke homing sheep That to the fold are coming back And all the world Is now asleep. Superlatively 80. Having been induced to plunge Into the water and retrieve a stick, the pet dog of the beautiful lady then proceeds to shake itself alongside the crusty old gentleman. "Fido is almost amphibious, smiled the beautiful lady.

0f you were not present, madam," replied the crusty old gentleman, "I should sax, tbat he Is too amphibious." In the Future. Let's says the man, "Tuesday after next Is election day, isn't ItT" "Ws don't know yet," explains his wife, who is hair lady of the campaign committee. "Ws haven't heard yet what will be the new styles la the ballets this Shows Value of 8ome- idea of the enormous sums spent annually for advertising purposes along Broadway may be gained from tie statement that a certain firm has offered $40,000 a year for the exclusive use of a tall Illuminated tower overlooking Time (Square. This Is by ao means a record flgure, however, la a district where blank wan space capable of bearing an ordinary painted sign rests for 1100 a month or mora riLDMA 0 nue. IOtSO WANTED Man or a boy over sixteen years old.

I Steldl Bros. io-jo "the WANTED A chambermaid Dole nouse. at -20lf LOST, LOST Somewhere between 2613 Richmond avenue and union sta tion, black silk belt, with stone col ored cameo pin. Please return to Mrs. Laura Snapp at the above ad dress.

10-27 LOST On October 20, blue silk para sol. Finder please return to Jour nal-Gazette office. 11-2 MISCELLANEOUS. MONEY TO LOAN I have money to loan In large and small amounts on real and personal property. Call and see me Robert Howard, over Bute Savings bank bldg.

9-lltX The Blind Boone Concert company will appear at the Christian church Dec. 2. Blind Boone is one of the most famous pianists In the world Seats 25 and 35c. 10-28 WANTED A position as housekeeper by middle aged lady with six year old girl; references. Mrs.

Minnie Rothrock, North Twenty-flrst street. 11-1 PIANOS TUNED For finest work eave orders with Miss Alberta onte, 22201 Western avenue; city hone 181. I 10-27 PIANO TUNING and overhauling Leave orders at Schllcber Phone 209. Phil Cole. Residence phone 677.

4-170 DO YOU NEED MONEY If so talk with J. F. Lawson about it. Ones over Mattoon National bank. S-12ti WANTED Two good size second hand trunks.

Address O. care Journal-Gasette. 11-2 For Sale Cheap A quantity of soft pine framing Lumber, 2x10 from 10 to 24 feet long. Call a Katz building or phone 814. J.


A. BRYAN, M. D. W6 Broadway. Phones: Office, 98; Residence, 636 Vattoon, Illinois.

J. a BAKER, M. D. Lumpkin Building Phones: Office 407; Residence 58. DR.

T. O. FREEMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phones, Reaidence 213; Office 229 J. T. MCDONALD, M.

D. Office over 1710 Broadway; Phone 209 Residence 2310 Prairie. Phone 154 Mattoon, III. DR. C.

8. VOIQT Practice Limited to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office 1509 Broadway. Phone 710 DK. EDMON E.

RICHARDSON. Homeopathic Physlolan, Phones Residence 4i9; Office 80S urnes 162B Broadway. DR. RALPH E. KLECKNER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offioe Hours: 8-9; 24; 7-8 Office Northeast Corner Fifteenth Street and Broadway.

Phone 391 DR. E. F. DIXON. Physician and Surgeon 6fn ce Over Dixon Clothino and Shoe Comeanv 1813, Broadway.

Phone 411 BRYAN H. TIVNEN. Attorney and Counsellor Tlvnen Building. West Broawa Phono 16L' ftrrf I. BR LAWYER.

1820 Broadway Phono 919 WILtiAM BEST, Tho Old Reliable AUCTIONEER. Successfully conducts all kinds of publie aalea. Address or telephone me at Charleston or leave orders at The 'Journal Oasetta office, Mattoon, 111. J. Z.

BUTLER, GENERAL AUCTIONEER. Farm Solos, Live Steele, Merchandise a Specialty. Telephone 6856 Coles Co. Gsya, 11L. Rural Route 1 C2.KLN(TS NEW DISCOVERY VHI Sorely Slat Hal 1 per month on each Our other ratcs an? i FARMS rrOrTaALET (FOflBALE 50 acre farm.

$100 per ere: this farm is located tnree miles from Worthingtoo on good vitrei road; 400 acres ef Oils farm Is black sandy prmlrie land, thof- oghff'lffedTTaviiif-'teirTnUer-of tile therein; this part of the farm bai a large state ditch on the eaat line and good open dltchea on the north and south lines; the gravel road runs through the farm north and south, cutting off 160 acres, which is mostly upland and lies vest of the road; this part of the farm has on It 80 acres of good timber, two large bearing orchards, also two seta of buildings, consist-log of two 1 story houses, one of Ave rooms fend the other seven; two barns, large double crib wKh wagon scales. Inside other outbuildings; the fencing and Improvements are in fair condition; there Is an'abundant supply of water on the farm three wells and two cisterns; the main stock well la operated with a gasoline engine and has a big tank; this farm is not subject to overffow and is extra good in every way and possesses natural advantages which can not be appreciated without seeing them. It is one of the best combination farms In greens county, A. H. Love, Worthlngton, Ind.

lM FOR SALE 117.50 an acre for any one of four good improved farms; fine black soil; close, to good rail road towns, near Albert Lea, with ten lines of railroads, in Freeborn, the corn and county, on the kw state line; 60 per cent. under value, 25 per cent under prices In adjoining counties. Lewis A. Brown, Albert Lea, Minn. 11-2 FOR SALE Virginia farms, all sizes, at low" prices, situated along beautiful rivers; flsh, oysters and game plentiful; good lands, delightful cli mate, best shipping facilities; splendid wwater, schools and churches.

Address Owens A Bag-by, real estate agents, West Point, 1 111 FOR SALE ISO acre farm In Marlon county, Illinois; Improve-mjents fair; 100 acres pr more In cultivation; balance timber land; lays wen; in the oil aae coal belt For further information W. O. Yeargaln, Adams, 111. 10-27 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 242 acre farm in Henry county, Missouri; rich black prairie land; Improved; $85 an acre, owner will take heJt value tn good, property, balance good C. C.

Lane, Maoomb, III. 10-27 FOR SALE 320 acres fine bottom land; all 1ft fairly good timber; price $12 per acre; title perfect; near railroad town; also some good timber propositions for sale. Ad-' dress A. 8. Osborn, box 313, fcoro, Ark.

11-2 FOR SALE Eighty acre farm, sixty acres la cultivation; good orchard plenty water, four room house, barn and outbuildings; two miles north of Cuba, $2,600. Wm. S. Droz da, 4011 Chouteau avenne, St Louis. Mo.

11-1 PARK REGION FARMS Prairie or timber; buy among the beautiful groves and lakes of central Minnesota; best soIL nfar markets; send for list W. L. Bprst 433 Metropolt tan Life building, Minneapolis, Minn. 11-9 FOR SALE 7(1-5 acre farm, improv ed black prairie land, Oreene coun ty, I1L, lying within two blocks of C. B.

A Q. station, la Greenfield, prlc 1150 ner acre. Address R. Simmons, Ana Arbor, Mich lgan. 10-27 MIS80URI FARM FOR 4SALE 25 25 miles from 6t Louis; line Improvements; (40 "per acre; man other farms' 6ft "miles west of St.

Louis; write us. The Franklin Realty TJalott, Mo. -FOR SALE Wheat, corn and alfalfa land, In central and western Kansas, from $10 to $100 per acre; western land and ranches a specialty. Whltcomb A Werhahn. Great Bend, I 10-28 COR SALE A 20ft "acre" Improved farm, cheap; fa Bond county.

Also a 1.284 acre tract of fine tim-k cheaper than yon can steal 'it A. Gillespie, Keyespcft, m. 11-1 FOR 8 ALE 120 acres of land" near Shoals, Martin county, Ind ander which there may be Bedford stone, gas, oft and coal, Goshea, Lumber Co lad. 11-1 GREAT BARGAINS Well Improved farms for-ssle of 80 to 320 Acre; fclose to Paxton, JlLj at $125 to $135 an acre. C.

C. Gallagher, Paxton, TJL FOR SALE SO acres first-class black land, miles from Dal ton; no lmprovemenu; price, $1610. F. emlth, Macon, UL JUST A FEW BARGAINS Car pota toes, fancy northern stock, at 62c fa bushel In live bushel lots deliv ered; country sorghum at 65c per gallon; sweet cider at 25c a gal loaf-geld -fish by tha thousand, at Dick's grocery. R.B.Rowe.

10-30 BARGAIN In Mattoon Property Lots and block 128, Noyes' addition to Mattoon; 1800, $400 cash, bal ance one and two years at pe cent. Interest Address Tallmadgs- Buntln Land 2d floor, Railway Exchange. Chicago. I1L f-Mtt 11 1 FOR SALE OR TRADE for smaller home Reaidence property at 1412 Charleston avenue; a home of ten rooms with all Improve ments, well arranged for one or two families. Chas.

Lenhart. 10-lltf FOR SALE One sanitary couch with mattress, six dining chairs and ta ble, gas range, one rocker, one Iron bed and wash stand. Thomas S. Howard. Virginia building, 1509 Broadway; phone 2.

11-1 FOR SALE Two hard coal stoves and one wood stove; all in good condition; also one set of bed springs. Call at 2412 Prairie ave nue. 10-29 FOR. SALE Cheap; mare, buggy and harness; also an excellent telephone suitable for country line. In quire 2312 DeWItt Ave.

10-28 FOR SALE A base burner in good condition. Call at 416 North 21st street 11-1 FOR SALE A good borse cheap. Call 1217 Moultrie Ave. 10-30 FOR SALE A heating stove. Call at 913 Lafayette avenue.

10-30 FOR RENT. FOR RENT Mrs. Purtill's five roonS cottage, furnished, at 250 Western avenue; large closets, pantry, gas, electric lights and other conveniences; rent reasonable; no extra charge (or furniture. 11-1 FOR RENT A live room bath room complete; gas, city and cistern water; no one with small children need apply. Inquire of S.

C. Mc-Duffie, 213 North 18th street, phone 784. 10-29 FOR RENT No. 812 North 21st a nice four room cottage, all new paper and paint inside and out; permanent rent, $7. W.

W. McVay, owner. 10-29 FOR RENT A six room house with chestnut finish wood work; good well and cistern; good outbuildings. Enquire of owner, at 817 Marshall avenue. 10-30 FOR RENT The boarding house, cor ner ot Charleston avenue and 17th street See Dr.

D. H. or J. A. Mc-' Fall.

11 FOR RENT My former residence on Charleston avenue and 17th St Inquire of Thos. Donnell. il HELP WANTED. WANTED Toung men to learn automobile business by mall and prepare for positions as chauffeurs and repair men; we make you expert In ten weeks; assist you to secure posttJo pay big; work pleasant; demaaJ tr men great; reasonable; write for particulars and sample lesson. Empire Automobile Institute, Rochester, N.

Y. 10 29 AGENTS There is at least $15 a week In It tor your spare time, and more if you can work all the time; the most liberal proposition ever put up to make money; Investigate this at once; yon do not need any mon ey or experience; write for particulars to McLean, Black 647 Beverly Boston, Mass. 1-8-10 WANTED Men to learn the barber weeks completes; practical experience from start? careful Instructors tools glreBj-dlplomfcs granted; wages Saturdays; positions waiting; wonderful 'demand for graduates, catalogue 'y, mailed free. Moler 1 Barber College, phl-' cago, MX 1121 WANTEf-7lfen-prpr- forrall- way firemen, brakemen and electric motormen good 'pay; positions guaranteed, tuition small; asy terms; Write forjLpfflelal cata-" log, enclosing stamp. Wenthe RaU-; way Correspondence) School, general office 811 Key, FreeporL DJ.

3-26-10 WANTED Lady to traeHn Illinois; good pay and tailor made suit free la 90 aaysr experience unneces- sary; reliable firm; write for par- tlculars. I. E. McBrady Chf-i. ago," Dl.

10-29 ANTED Man to travel la Pllnajs; good pay and tailor made suit free In 90 dkys; experience nnneees-sary reliable flrm write for particulars. J. ii McBrady A Co'cbi- cago, 111' 10-29 or $1.65 a month per $100.00. The dif ference is in the time of The 28th Series is now open. i OKAW BUILDING and LOAN ASSOCIATION King Vic tor Emmanuel of 1 1 a 1 lo rilile tb 4aagr hkh attenJ'U.

the visit of the emptor. Nicholas H. providing the most i nn plete precautions possible for the a'e ty of his imperial guest, llnin ihc railway approach to Racconlfti. 1ht. the sovereigns met.

whh ll.OtM) iron and suggesting at the last moment a detour In the journey frofh St. pews burg, which succeeded In cffnVotinftin the enemies of the Muscovite sour elgn. SHORT NEWS NOTES FROM lit ILLINOIS CENTRAL SHOPS A. J. Garnett.

machinist, has re signed. A. E. Spitz, tool room boy, was laying off Tuesday-- Charles Adams, a carpenter helper, was off Tuesday. A.

Cuyett, engine cleaner, laid off Tuesday afternoon. Ed Brown, boiler washer. Is laying off for a few days. John Webster is a new hand in the coal dock department. Jacob Franklin Is a new cabinet maker in the car shops.

Charles Groves, a laborer is laying off on account of illness, Harry Needham and Earl Gilbert are new painters' helpers. Alonzo Thomas, boilermaker apprentice, laid off Tuesday. A. B. "Wagner of the coal dock fore has quit the service.

Jimmy Jackson, painter helper, who was very popular, has left the service. William McKenzle. Joe Hovis and John Lang, carpenters, laid off Tuesday, Harry Bosley, who Was day call boy In the tound house, has quit the service. Orlle Storm and William Craig, carpenters, are new workers In that department. Charles Dana, engine cleaner.

Is laying off, having gone to Chicago on private business. Lafe Price and Maurice Dougherty, boilermaker helpers, are out of the service, having quit. One of the latest acquisitions In the machine shop is Fred Cole, who Is a machinists' helper. Among the old employes who have recently quit service In the sBbps are John Gilman, Swan Phillips and Chas. Lindsey, laborers.

George Fulkerson. a carpenter helper, has been laying off for nearly aj week on account ef sickness, John Williams, a machinist's helper. Is laying off, naving gone to Chi cago to have Jbls eyesr treated. Robert E. Chattle.

William S. Rlch- ardson and Isaac Hudson are new men in the 6hop gang of laborers. Clyde Weaver Is the new day call boy In the round house. He Is making good and is weil liked by the en-glnemen and, others Sherman Scott, machinist helper. Sammy Wood, boilermakers' appren tice, and Gus Caylor.

painters' helper. have quit the service to go to Califor nia, where they will locate. JUST Pat (referring to invalid wife) Shure, and She's awful bad, doctor; I Deters she's got Doctor Interrupting) My dear maa, she's got suffusion ofi the clavicle la the UchrymoslaJ gland of the glenoid fossa-Pat Begorrak! Ton took the Terr words out ot me mouth! -T- Little Meed, to Investigate. 1, TAs a said Uncle Eben, "tain no use a gU hose tn de month! De da he were a glf Is a purty sure alga lie's no (004. WHAT HE TnOUGHT.l A I IfnnlFI Office, Okaw Block i Try a Journal-Gazette Bargain Adlet H.

S. LYTLE, Secy When Washing How convenient it is to havea PLENTIFUL sup II. E. RONALDS, 61. D.

ply of fresh scalding, hot water. You cap have it by having a water heater installed in your home. Then you can have hot water in a jiffy, by the turning of the faucet. Gall in and have practical demonstration for your benefit. I Mattoon Gas Light 2b Coke Co.

Telephone 214 Practice Limited to Chronlo Diseases; Diseases of tha Rectum and 'v Ruptare. Z90S Western Avenne. Vattooa tit Office noun a. u. to li i 1 p.

atolpiTaf at. to p. 3ui days a. m. tolla vi: Well! Well! a9 Willlama, the milk man, again naving assumed my-old will try and tarnish customers, la the same did Fresa njllkv skimmed nDk or reaia oa short order.

Phone 174. dev at j. ir 'i- e- Whoa werk la ever Is when you- enjoy reading your dally papery becauae ye; esn 1 i'Vf.

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