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The Sun Times from Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada • 3

The Sun Timesi
Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I I HE DA1L1 dUiViitiiuo kj Miit i 5 1933 lHKh CHESLEY TARA SOUTHAMPTON SHE OFTffl WISHED at 0 First Bottlw of Lydia Pink ham'a Vegetable Compound Helped Her Wonderfully pan tom in by a elasa of young giria tho aervtee was rioard with the benediction by the pastor BOmtAMPTON PERSONALS SOUTHAMPTON Dee George (Boots) MacDonald of Toledo ia visiting rriatitea in Southampton Mr Gordon Kidd of Dungannon spent tho weekend at hla homo here Norman H1H of Stratford visited oner the weekend at his homo here Irene Ard of Port Bgln is ritat ing hero at the home of Mrs Wee Huff Mrs Cameron of Alisa Craig is visiting with friends hero HANOVER HEAYY VOTE POLLED CHESLEY MONDAY Reeve Porterfield Retains Office by Majority of 117 CHESLEY Dee One of the targeat votes the history of Chester vsa polled todsr Dr Porterfield won the reeveehlp besting his nearest opponent by 117 votes Mr DeVries end Mr Vance both members of the 1983 council were the other candidates The vote was a follows: Porterfield 363: DeVries 245 Vance 170 The Council: Cope 479 A Penton 435 MarkK-vrlta 408 Jos Acton 883 A McDonald 875 Wright 831 The remaining candidates were: CL Bruegeman with 327 votes and Wm Mink with 288 Krug was given acclamation 55532 INSTITUTE OF TARA MEETING TARA Dec The Tara Womens Institute met at the home of Mrs Fenton on Friday Dee 1st There was rn exceptionally large attendance numbering 47 members and visitors Mrs A Hogarth president opened tne meeting with community singing followed by the Lord's Prayer The business of the meeting Included a discussion of the annual Christmas remembrances by the Institute to the various shut-ins of the community A large number of donations of clothing rams etc were brought by the members ter the bale for the Chippewa Reserve The program conduced br Mrs Jos Coleman was vsriei and interesting Mrs 8 Moore gave a splendid address on "Music" in which she reviewed the life of the composer and rendered several of his beautiful compositions on the piano The members gave Mrs Moo-y a hearty rote of 1 1 aw Lydia Vegetable aporeriation This was followed bv Compound adverted and tried that a humorous reading by Mrs A Miller which the ladies enjoyed Mrs A Hvndman then conducted an interesting contest which was won bv Mrs Fred Miller Miss Mable Nicholson entertained the Indies with a solo Mrs Prank Kennedy had prepared a paper on the motto but was unable to attend ewlrwr to illness Tiie roll cell resoonse was favorite winter pastime A social hour followed during which the hostess assisted by Mrs Beaton Mrs McKern and Mrs Davis served delicious lunch Mrs Cole Misses Thelma Davis and Mable Nicholson also assisted serving the guests The January meeting win be held at the home of Mrs A Hocarth on Jan 5th The roll call response will be Ontario indutrv and its SHE CUD DIE WoaMi tbs Change 1 was aa 1 eoald hardly walk I kept a pH to do my work I would lie awnks ilight ana I often wished I could die were Melville Fawcett Bible read' lng and a well prepared paper on the life and works of the poet Lampman by Mia Clements An enjoynble hour was spent In games and contests Rev 8 McLean clog ed the meeting with prayer TARA LOrXlODGE HAS SOCIAL EVENING TARA Dec An enjoyable tunc was spent by the members and rrcnrts of the Tara A WALKERTON HEPWORTH week where she is under the care Miss Rose Harding RN of Guelph spent a few days visiting relatives in the community The Centrevilie Aid met at the home of Mrs Nathan London on Thursday for their usual meeting There was a email attendance After the usual business Mr Pattison took charge of the lection of officers for the new year Mrs John Hilditch president Mra Joseph Fox let vice-president: Mrs Joseph Bray secretary-treasurer Lunch was served by the hostess ing Workers of St Paul's Presbyterian Church under the presidency of Miss Brrnks held a very successful sale of home-made baking and supper on Saturday afternoon and evening everything offered tor sale was of a practical nature and sold rapidly and (he supper waa well patronised and appreciated It netted the society $38 THORNRl'RY PERSONALS THORNBURY Dee Mrs Fank Ferguson and Miss Isobel McRae spent the weekend at their respective homes on the 9th line St Vincent Mr Sam Htames has purchased the 100 acre farm of Mrs (Cspt) John Milne on the Uth Con Col-lingwood shout a mile from Thorn-burr Miss Jean Eastland returned home after three weeks in Toronto Wm Acres of Toronto student of technical school spent the weekend at his home His sister Margaret acoonrpanled him to visit a few days In the city FORMER RESIDENT PASSES AT DETROIT Miw Derby Buried at Han over Saturday HANOVER Dec Miss Catherine Derby RN of Detroit formerly of Hanover died in Detroit after a brief lllnm from pneumonia She waa about 60 yean of age and was highly esteemed by the nursing profession A brother Mr Andrew Derby resides In town The remains were brought hero and rested at Richardson's funeral parlor until Saturday when the funeral was held with burial In Hampden Cemetery Six nephews arted as pallbearers THREE INJURED IN CAR ACCIDENT Br A Zummarh and Daugh' tors Ditched Near Rothesay HANOVER Dec 3 -When on their way to attend a funeral in Kitchener on Saturday an accident which might have terminated fatal ly befell Mr Alex Zummach and his daughters of Hanover When near Rothesay their ear skidded on the icy road and took a nose dive into the ditch hurling tiie occupants against the front of the ear Mr Zummach had hla hand crushed and was badly shaken up Misses Evelyn and Isabel were both cut about the head and legs the latter having a cut cn her forehead requiring several stitches The front of the car was badly damaged and the machine towed back to Thornbury Clarksburg ST NIGHT SUPPER ANI) PROGRAM of (he Features Supper SOUTHAMPTON Dec On Thursday evening a Scotch program and real haggis supper were held in the Pmbyterian Church in keeping with St Andrew's day The programme waa under the capable di rrctioc of the members of the Lad' les Aid The first part of the programme eoneisted of a short play taken from a chapter of Sir James Barry's "A Window in Thrum' several Scottish solos and duets snd a Sootlsh reading: The audience Joined In 13 minutes of community singing This was followed by quaint scene in a Scottish home with Mrs McLean at the spin nlng wheel Mm Morrtaon card' ing wool and Mrs John MacKay tanging a song In Gaelic Miss A Ttolmie then gave a very interesting addrcee on the patron saint St Andrew The main feature of the eve nlng was the piping of the haggis by Piper MacDonald fol lowed by John McLeod with a platter of haggis and a procession of others of the dan They circled the crow'i rat down with the rest to a real Scotch supper of haggis oatmeal cookies bannock and aoone The programme dosed by the tanring of Lang Syne' and the National Anthem About $35 waa realized bv the Ladies' Aid BAPTIST CHURCH CALLS MINISTER Ilev (' II Legffet of Toronto New SOUTHAMPTON Dec 5-Al a special meeting of the members of the Southampton Baptist Church on Sunday Dec 3 it wav decided to give Rev Lrggrt of Toronto a call as pastor of the local church here Rev Mr Legget will begin his duties as pastor next Sunday The services will be held in the morning at 1030 and In the evening at 630 as Mr Legget is also acting as pastor in North Bruce and Port Elgin and will take services in those places Rev Legget Intends to move to Southampton thlv week where he will make his home MR FRANkIT BROAD PASSES AT DUNDAS Former Southampton Resident Over 80 Yearn of Age SOUTHAMPTON Dec 5-The death occurred at Dundas on Friday Dec 1 of one of Southampton's former well known citizens and a summer resident of this town in the person of Mr Frank H-Broad Mr Broad who was over 80 yean of age had been a cripple for many yean and his death was not unexpected His son Mr Broad of this town left early Saturday morning for Dunoas to attend his father's funeral SPECIAL SERVICE "Shipbuilding For ChriaC Given by United Sunday School SOUTH "'V Dec On Sunday craning a special service on for Christ" was given by thr members of the United Church Sunday school in the auditorium of the church Special music was given by the Sunday School orchestra Rev Nrwn-ham opened the service with a short address followed by building of the ship" directed by Mr Beverly Day Each member of the Sunday school had rome part to give to this relating its rise to the ship Solos duets and recitations were given at intervals Rev Newnham gave a very interesting account of the missionary work done by the United Church In northern Canada After a quaint WALKERTON PLAYERS WIN SEMI-FINALS Will Meet Tort Elgin ia County Finals WALKERTON Dec The semifinals of the Bruce County Junior Farmers and Junior Institute amateur dramatics were held in Mlld-may for the southern section and In Underwood for the Northern group on Friday night For the northern section Port Elgin won first place In the southern section Walkerton won first Malcolm second and Mildinay third was the title of the play of the winners Mr Ffed Forsythe Bruce Agricultural representative acted aa chairman The Judges were Misses Della Oorts of Walkerton Obright of Malcolm and Mr Jeffries of Mild-msy There was a large attendance and following the program a dance was held music being supplied by a Mlldmay orchestra The finals of the Bruce County Amateur Dramatics are expected to be held in Paisley town hall on the night of December 15th TRESENT FINE PROGRAM Carolina Singrre Bell Received by Large Audience WALKERTON Dec 5-Music lovers of Walkerton were entertained on Friday night last at Knox Presbyterian church by a program presented by the Carolina Singers A large audience waa in attendance while the entertainers depicted life on an tad plantation Their Negro spirituals left nothing to be desired The program consisted of solos by Alberta Pope soprano Miss Ernes tine Lyle contralto: Mr Roma Russell base and Mr Stokes tenor Mr Davis accompanied on the liana Mr Shaver read two num-Mrs by the famous negro poet Dunbar and a quartette rendered several aetectione LATE CAROLYNE GEKILL BURIED ON SATURDAY CLARKSBURG Dec 5 The remains of the late Caroline Gekill were Interred in the Union cemetery Thornbury cm Saturday afternoon The funeral service was conducted by the Rev West pastor of Healhrote United Church at the home of her sister Mrs White In the presence of immediate relatives the funeral being private The pallbearers were Thomas William John Gekill Mr Sam White White Hartley Gekill HELD REGULAR DANCE CLARKSBURG Dec Messrs La Chappei Jenkins Goldsmith supplied the music for the square dancing and Sid Merton for the round dancing at the Community Club's fortnightly dance in the community hall on Friday night The event was well attended a number being present from Meaford and Colllngwood WILLING WORKERS MET THORNBURY Dec 5 The Will ALLENFORD CABINET CONSIDERS VALERA DESPATCH (Canadian Prase Cable) LONDON Dec In a special meeting today the Cabinet discussed for two hours the problems a ns ing from the crisis which has been reached in relations between tbe Irish Free 8tate and the United Kingdom The Ministers had before them a despatch President Eamon de Valera of the Free State executive council had sent H- Thomas Secretary for the Dominions It was understood Mr de Valera said he waa awaiting a statement aa to what would be the British Government's attitude towards the declaration of an "Irish INSTITUTE SPONSOR PROGRAM Hep worth Talent Present Fine Entertainment HEPWORTH Dee On Friday evening a fine concert and play were given In Down's Hall under the auspices of the Hepworth Women's Institute Since the opening of the Memorial Park made possible through the efforts of the In- stltute the organization -has used varied means of raising funds to finance and maintain the work Hie concert of Pridar evening was a part of the financial programme A splendid crowd attended Mias Lizzie Eld ridge acted as chairman The first part of the entertainment was contributed almost entirely by the public school children under the direction of Mrs C-H Steele Five tinv tots under school age Connie Kinch Elizabeth Buckland Jackie Williamson Kenneth Sinclair and Burton Rourke received generous applause Other numbers were recltaton? by Kathleen Cutting Helen Mather Ruth Wamick Theodore Cutting Jimmie Williamson Berenice Masteraon Marie Ivne La verne Wamick Douglas W'lliamaon Donald Brown Marguerite Diebel Howard Qateman Evelyn Wamick Eddie King June McKillop Wilfred Mercer and Jackie Mastcrson Interspersed throughout these Juvenile masterpieces wvs? piano solos by Misses Emily Oox Laura Kinch Margaret Lambertus and Audrey Dewar vocal solo bv Bar-rick Wright and a trio by Donnia Dewar Doris McKellop and Jimmie White harmonica selections by Pat Downs and Eknle Kirkland After a short intermission the play Ladies' was presented by ten local ladles The theme of the play deals with the efforts and methods of the church sewing circle to raise funds for a new library Those ap pearing In the east were: Mia Holden Mrs Dewar Mrs Brown Mrs Buckland Mrs Bacon Mrs Mathers Mrs Whitney Mrs- Jas Douglas: Mrs Harvey Mrs 8 Yeo: Mrs Crane Mrs Geo Oupskey: Mrs Green Mrs A Mercer Mrs McLean Mrs Osteman Julia King Mrs 8 Rourke Katie Mrs William son At the clone of the play a ticket was drawn for the wool blanket HAND INJURED HEPWORTH Dec While employed at the plant of the Hepworth Furniture Co Mr Jacob Diebel met with a very serious accident on Thursday momiiig While operating the turning lathe he had the misfortune to have two fingers of the right hand caught in the machine and severely bruised and tom Medical aid was summoned and the injured fingers were dress-eel st once Mr Diebel will be ome days before being able to re--m to work- HEPWORTH PERSONALS HEPWORTH Dec Mr and Mia Oswald Baker of Detroit recently spent a week-end with the latter's parents Mr and Mrs Rourke Mrs Bert Cutting of Chesley Is lsltbig her parents Mr and Mrs 'Vm DriffU In Hepworth on Nov 29 Mr and Mia Arthur Knight a ion Mrs Kenneth lambkin of Ches-ey! is vtaiUig with Mrs Ely Yeo his week on Tuesday evening in the lodge rooms at a social evening of cards and erokinole Those winning a-wards in the games were: Ladies euchre Miss Mabel Nicholson and Mix David Tedford: men's euchre Mr Nelson Harron and Mr Calvin Crawford: erokinole Mr and Mrs Vinditfen Mrs Hall and Mrs Arthur Watson Refreshments were eenvd at the close Proceeds amounted to $10 CHURCH TARA Dec The weekly meeting of Knox Church 8 was held on Monday craning with Miss Ruby Morrow in charge of the open lng exercises Seven Wonders of the wras the subject of an excellent and instructive address by Mr Gordon Cunningham Arrangements were completed for the missionary bale and plans for the Christmas concert on Dec 19th The meeting closed with prayer TARA PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT Senior Room Sr Hazel Clould Paul Tob-ty Wesley Tobey Melville Best Jack Moise Max Gramdrn Florence Down Daw Trimble Jr Velera Galbraith Margaret Snence Peter Galbraith Sr Norma Gran 'den Muriel Strong Gordon Merriam Glenn Miller Etta Hall Mbrie Gould Margaret Beattie Jr Wild a Scarrow Jovce Beattie Jack Ruff George Mills Willis Trimble Betty Down Janet Hby Doris Gar-butt Clarence Dix A Cunningham teacher) Junior Room II Class Marian Wark Marjorie Miller Shirlev Moise Byron Eby Bobby- Tambilng Roy Omild Dee Ranney Vern Dix Ruwrl Best I Class Jean Purdy Verna Baker Jacqueline Matthews David Eby Violet Trimble Loreen Best Sr Pr Marjorie Bert Bobby Tin-dale Jackie Gransden Jr Harold Matthews (Donsid Grant Kenneth Mlllert Mary Tobey rteaeher) 5771 ANNIVERSARY TARA Dec A Jollv time was oent at the home of Mr and Mbs George Nell on Saturday evening when they entertained a few intimate friends at dinner on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary Mr and Mrs Neil were the recloienta of numerous pretty gifts and good wishes from a large circle of friends snd neighbors TARA PERSONALS TARA Dec Melville Kennedy his sons Robert and Melville JT and Mr Charles Legge of Detroit were weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs A Hogg Miss Edna Hay spent the week- ABUNDANT LIFE SOCIETY HELD REGULAR MEETING ALLENFORD Dec On Tuesday evening the Abundant Life Society of the United Church met aa usual with the president Mr Alvin Sherriff In the chair Miss Mae Aiken gave a piano solo and Mias Anna Evans rnad a poem Saints Without a Name" Mime Reta Fenton and Helen Hurtbut literary vice-presidents had charge or the rest of the meeting A specially interesting and amusing feature was the dramatization of the poem Mias Launene Montgomery read the poem and the following took the various character roles: Mias Helen Hurl-but and Mr Laveme Broacfoot as bride and groom: Mias Vera Spicer minister: Mlswa Jean Fenton and Katharine Aiken were bridromalda: Miss Reta Fenton and Mr Alvin Sherriff were father and mother and Mr Wesley Snyder was the hero Lochinvar After the meeting clewed a half hour of sports was enjoyed ITS REALLY FALSE ECONOMY TO USE DOUBTFUL BAKING POWDER INSIST ON MAGIC IT ALWAYS GIVES DEPENDABLE RESULTS- REV OIPIIAM PREACHES FIRST LOCAL SERMON TARA Dec The Rv Oldham Mrs Oldham and his motlier Mrs Oldhnm arrlccd here from Dunrta'k lust week and haw taken up their residence the rectory recently repaired and renovated pending their arrival Mr Oldham preached hU first sermon on Bundav mornin-r and was warmly welcomed by larce congregations both morning and evening During his remarks Mr Oldham referred to the splendid record of Christ Churrli in the pu-t particularly its contribution for missions and the excellent work of the Sunday school and choir under the supervision of Mr John Brunton He expressed his pleasure and appreciation st being the rector of this parish and asked for ro-operation in the work of the church in its various department Mr earnest efforts will no doubt net with a sincere respmse from the congregation PRESENTATION MADE AIR- AND -MRS DERRY TARA Dec A merry party of about 135 friends and neighbors of Mr and Mrs George Berry gathered at their home on Thursday evening and spent an enjoyable time with cards and dancing During the festivities Mr and Mrs Berry were presented with two handsome occasional chairs a combination end table and magazine holder and a monetary gift accompanied bv an address of welcome and good wishes read by Mr Ernest McDougall The formal presentation was made by Messrs Norman Bailey Alton Speer and Harry McDougall Mr Berry apoke a few words of thanks and appreciation for the kind thoughts that prompted (he lovely gifts on behalf of himself and Mrs Berry A delicious supper was enjoyed at midnight MASONIC OFFICERS ELECTED AT MEETING TARA Dee 5 At ih" re'-ular meeting of Tara Maple Lear Ma-sonle Lodre on Mondav evening lat the following officers were elected: WorshipM Master Bro John Hvndman Senior Warden Bro Grant: Junior Warden Bro Melville Henderson: Chaplain Bro Merriam: Tiler Bra John Watson treasurer Bro Wm Collins: secretary Bro Shannon united ciirncn TARA Dec 5 The Mondav evening meeting of the United Church 11 SAYS MISS ALICE MOIR Dititimn mnt VnUiMTiJhart tpartmml-hottl nimrawi EDENHURST Mr RobL Thomas received the sad news last wvek of his mother's death at her home near Plcton The late Mrs Thomas passed away Sunday Nov 36th after a short Illness Mrs Joseph Brown attended her mother's funeral which was held on Wednesday of last week at Plcton Mabel Qreig small daughter of Mr Peter Greig was rushed to Wlartan hospital on Wednesday where an immediate operation for appendicitis waa necessary We wish her a speedy recovery Mr Herm Slocum of Chicago spent a couple of days visiting his parents last week Mm A Ions Slocum and daughter Mrs Robt Slitter made a trip to Toronto on Wednesday Mrs Slocum remained In Toronto for a MAGIC MadelaGsaada not quits '4 of a cent more per baking than the cheapest inferior talking powders Why not uaa this fine-quality baking powder and be sure of satisfactory results? "CONTAINS NO ALUM" rbU nnl aa every da ia year gaeraatee chat Metis Bek lac Feeder ie free from eium er eoy harmful MnOisb Build Yourself Up To Resist Winter Dlls kTHElVJTAU was presided over by Miss rnd at Ixmdon with relatives Mary Tobey Those taking part- Mr- Irwn Hogarth attended the I Pre-Keeners' convention and Royal Win taw MAtWMSOnM tar nr rail i Mm Fwrlyllnn mm la kanrk II I lmn- Maim OnmM aiMai HMtai TitamS nw sm taw mar MW ta mr Inf Mae: WHInf WM rantac nnwratanr wi ta Mona BImmS WM ftanmwd la fcoun at an ta Wf" Sam pie Treatment Fit EX from Bines Lsboratorlw Co 1U3 Mill St Cleveland Ohio on ra-eelpt ot 10o to cover pocklna etc But you take no rlak in aetilng the regular 11 Use on auarantee from any money bock If not relieved in 3 hours PRESBYTERIAN YPS MEET ALLENFORD Dec The Society of the Presbyteries Church met on Tuesdav evening with the president Mr Baker presiding Mira Lois TWton read the Scripture lesson During the business period captains were chosen Mimes Reba and Marian Black and sides chosen for an attendance drive As Mira Walker will not be able to be present owing to her teaching duties Mr Nonral Cox was appointed devotional vice-president Two interesting papers were read on John Calvin by Mr Bruce Tolton and Mis Reba Black The meet- ing clewed with prayer JUBILEE CIRCLE MEETING ALLENFORD Dee 5 Jubilee Circle of the Predbyterlan Church held a short business meeting In the Sunday school room of the rhureh with the president Mis-Lola Tolton presiding on Ssturds afternoon Several item at buxine-were settled and Mrs Heetor Diebel Invited the society to hold Its next regular meeting at her home on December 13th PRESENTED FINE PLAT ALLENFORD Dec On Thursday evening the play Acre waa presented by the Arkwright Dramatic Club under the auspices of the Women's Institute Owing to the condition of the roads there waa a very small crowd present but those who did attend en Joyed the splendid prerantation of the play ALLENFORD PERRONALB ALLENFORD Dec 5 Mu Heddle has returned to her home after spending about three weeks in Toronto with her sister Mr and Mrs Oswald Baker have returned to their home In Detroit after a couple of days visit at their parental homes hero and in Hepworth We are glad to know that Mr Archie MarDmigalri is able to leave the and Hospital Owen Sound where he underwent an appendicitis operation and ia now spending a few months with relatives In Southampton Mias Roberta Heddle of Toronto spent Saturday visiting her sister Mrs Aiken who is 111 at her home here Her many friends are pleased to know that Mrs Aiken ia somewhat improving again since last week BACKACHEt Backache ia the most persistent eymptom of kidney troubles Dr Kidney-Liver Pilla entirety rid the eyitem of the ptaoona which cause backache lumbago and other painful and dangerous diseases Used once or twice a week they ensure the healthftil action of the liver kidney and bowels to(rf RiTie5l J3 1-CALCIUM Vital ta life aad health Adequate auppliea are eon-Uatly Denied to an We tha inttatinel twite la contract proparly ta promote aomal action of muadra and aervea to build and to preawva atrong bone and aouad taeth Ordinary diets sra more likvty to bo defieieat ta eairium then ia any other chemical element (V Lamp Shades 39 -1) ")9 IT) 98c 1-PHOSPHORUS Aa Important anaetituent of ail eeUa ta tha body of thy bom aad glandular lieaua aad firat among all pnhataacae food granary DON'T face the winter in a run-down condition If you tire easily if you are underweight if your blood ia thin or if your digestion ia poor you are likely to catch any cold that comes along and then get still further run-down and become an even easier prey to further colds bronchitis flu and pneumonia The best way to prevent winter Ilia is to build up Sour health strength and resistance You can do 1 with Fellows' Svrup This world-famous preparation contains the "Vital eleraents-calcium phosphorus and iron absolutely necessary for building and preserving tissue bones blood ana nerves Fellows' Syrup brings you the "Vital 3" in a form that is easily digested that ouickly enters and enriches the blood stream feeds the nerves creates energy increases strength and builds up resistance In addition Syrup brings you potassium sodium and other mineral aiihatsncca which when combined with ths "Vital keep tbs blood more alkaline Take Fcllowa' Fjrrup regularly at this arsann of ths year and thus put yourself in hatter lighting trim to mist winter ills Givs it slin to your boys and giria to build up their powers of rematsnrs Doctors have prescribed for GO yean and tiie most recent sdciititia discoveries attest atill further to tha valua ta calcium phoephoma snd iron ths restoring invigorating and strengthening the human system Two size at all drag itorea in Canada and obtainable in 6'J countries World Famous COMPOUND OF HYPOPHOSPHITES 395 Winter Fair at Toronto last week i Mrs Jan Barter visited relatives In Owen Round over the weekend MT A Johnston spent the latter part of the week at his home in Listowel Messrs Allan Koehler and Harvey While have learad from the Tara Rink Oo the arena for the coming season Mr and Mrs Joseph Watson have taken up their residence in their new home on Main St Mr Onuee spent the weekend si his home In flt Thomas Mr Bert Clark motored to Hes--r over the weekend Mrs 13 Bowman Miss Ella Bowman and Mr and Mrs Jas Tug-man of Owen Bound were guests of Mr and Mrs Mel Hay last week Mm Wesley Raeburn Chesley visited her psrrnls Mr and Mrs Cope Baux over the weekend Mr and Mrs Cecil Fenton were pirais of Mr and Mm Wilson Kincardine on Sunday Mr Gurnet Bartman of Niagara Mia Iv visiting her parents Mr and Mrs While Mrs Wm Munonn and Mrs John Norton received the sad news of the death of their brother Mr Wesley Hamilton which occurred at his home In Toronlo on Mondav following a stroke lYlctay Mr Geo Munson Mr John Dolphin Mrs Wm Munson slid Mrs John Newton motored to Toronto Monday to attend the funeral to he held on Wednohdiv 0lLVn lrfl BA and the YLflait (ltd not And io to fN-nsniw rai-li oili-r Nnllher niiMnn looking n- -lnif dirt a'tiren veers The Now Yorker Bus Lines Daily Jr Floor Lamps Complete with shade Your choice SHOP BOILED DOLLS 49c Reg $295 and $343 fale Reg $295 and $373 Sale These have moveable eyei end hair THE NEW IDEASTORES Limited Jna II Ilart Jas Hart Ml Zn8 Are Eaat Phone 111 100 125 ia regulating and maintaining tho neutrality of tha Mood and ia auatauring Ha normal tempera turn A lea required ta taming Diarchy fnnde (bread potato uigar) Into energy Freeh auppiie of phoephorue are needed daily IRON Tho ante atom of iron In tha human eyelem ia only about ouo-teotb of an ounce and eonatant renewal of tbia dyne-mio oiemant ia nereeeary Kvery ceil of tha body and every tiny red corpuarlo need a auppty ta iron every day or weahnem aad In ta atrength immediately raault If anough iron ia not anpplied each day tha blood will draw upon tho email rraerta atmwa ta the liver apieen and bona marrow thua weakeniug the entire body etno-tura Anaemia and thin blood simply mean inauflicivat iron ia tha system iMKAFORD LINE Leave Owen Sound FM 12:30 Leave Meaford 1:30 AJVl 8:00 0:30 1:110 1:00 WIAM'ON LINA Leave Owen Sound s88 1:88 1:08 Leave Wlaaton 18:15 1:28 4:15 WALKERTON LINK Lean Owen Bonnd :88 Leave Walkerton 10:30 8:30 Phone 265 Taxi and Bus Lines 030 8lb SL East Gwen Brand flOMK WORK fKItrhrner Record) A profitable bit of homework for the elretora Is to deride on the elate of candidate who merit an behind their names HI MaM.

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