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New Castle News from New Castle, Pennsylvania • Page 15

New Castle Newsi
New Castle, Pennsylvania
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ts'lsVY CASs'lLli, FJA. NliWS, MONDAY, NOVLMLtbk 7, lViS gets her In Manhattan In limelchnngliiB the temperature of lheinnPl'i Bii Pm)tlnnnt NEW HOME FOR JAPANESE WAIF Store Serves Soup ft works by burning gas through Musicians Petrillo To These Early Birds PIE she has to be at work. Sho slops off at the store, sips her hot drink and takes off for her job as clerk NEW' YOHK (UP) Soup CHICAGO (ITP1 Jamcs ctrlllo, president ot the AFX, on for customers who arrive i catalytic ccruinlc plates perforated with ZOO boles per square Inch. The ceramic builds up to a surface temperature of between one New York department store a rival slorc directly across street. ticiorc doors open ollielally.

American Federation 0r Musicians, says parcnls should not rear tllclr children to be professional imisi. clans. MAO to 1,600 degrees within 2 t.arly armnls, served col Illi matching ruilf hat. she. car minutes after being lighted.

for years, now get a morning OUEDOOU HEATER BTJKNS GAS, UESE INFHOKEO Hie tremendous heat cruises ried a colonial bouquet of pink carnations. ckup ol clltier not consomme or consomme combined with lo-maln soup, 'Die store T.ord and Ulcnard Cole, cl EJeauure, "The kids will starve," be said i In nn Interview1, "Twenty million Americans play musical Inslruiiients." "and whit! does lhe public like? Canned muT CLEVELAND A Clevclandemission of infrared rays. TV concern has marketed a gas-bnrn-iimlt can be used for spot heating outdoor heating unll. Its bun- tag in factories, broiling of food, sen-type burner is said lo heat the protecting crops from frost dam-object placed In its path without age, 'and many other purposes. Taylor sold llic addition didir acted as best man, while Paul Knauff, of Mercer, and Robert Veoii.

of Edenburg, were ushers. Janice Ban hole mew sang 'The Sweetest Slory Ever Told," "0, Promise Me" aod "The Wedding Prayer." Organ selections, were offered by Mrs. John ijtiesls, numbering 300, were on- lerlained at a reception in the Penney's church social rooms. EARIjY SHOPPERS "LOOL HERE" PENNEY'S PACKED WITH CHARMING SMALL FRY GIFTS DESTINED TO LEAVE 'EM WIDE-EYED WITH DELIGHT! USE PENNEY'S LAY--AWAY PICK NOW, PAY LITTLE BY LITTLE UNTIL CHRISTMAS! Later the couple left for a trip' by motor. The bride will remain1 with her mother v.

Idle her husband NEWTON-FRENCH VOWS ARE PLEDGED vows were pledged by Miss Mary Newton, daughter cT Mrs. Harold It. Newton, of Mercer, Ii. D. 1, and the late Mr, Newton, nud Albeit Pierce French on November 2, In Unity Presbyterian church, of Greenfield.

The bridegroom is a son or Mr. and Mrs. Paul French, of li. D. 1.

Riles were performed at 30 p. wllh Itcv. Robert G. Frey-lag, church pastor, hearing the finale ring service. The bride wore a floor length gown of Chantllly lace and nylon tulle, styled with a basque bodice, nn Elizabethan collar, long sleeves nnU a skirt, (rimmed with Hers of ruffles tier tiered illusion veil In finser lip length Jell from a tiara cf lace, edged with seed pearls.

Miss Newton, given In marriage by B. F. flyers, her brother-in-law, carried a bouquet of while pompons and red rosebuds. Miss Charlotte Draper, of MoT-err, wearinj; a floor length gown of commodore blue nylon tricot and velvet, was maid of honor. She wore a matching velvet half hnt and carried a colonial bouquet of red carnations.

Mrs. Joan Dyers, of IliHsvllEe, is in service. Mrs, French, a member of the! ISM groduatluE elflss of Mercer High school. Is a bookkeeper at ine irsi aaiionai oj cer. Mr.

French, a graduate ii TIMOTHY JOSEPH, J2-month-oliJ Japanese orphan, is shown on the lap of his new mother, Mrs. William K. Trick, ot Jeannette, iffer his adoption. At left is his foster father. 7he children (1.

to are: Mary Catherine, 1, who was also adopted; Vicky, and Lynn, 11. Union High school, Is attached lo tile S. Navy, being localed at MISS YERKOVICH IS urunswicK, Me. Forly-NJncrs1 Club Mrs. Jlichacl Cassella, 2 5.

Ash land enlerlnlncd Forly-Nln ers' club Thursday evening. PEARCE-FARRINGTON TROTH ANNOUNCED SHOWER HONOREE Announcement ot the betrothal Card prizes went Id Mrs. Tony Miss Gloria Yerkovich. bride1 uompelio and Mrs. Albert Leporc Plans were discussed for tin elect of November 2-1, was honored at a tirenuptinl shower on Novem of Miss Virginia i'eacce and Pfc.

Duane Famngton has been announced by her parents. Mr, and club's Christmas parly, be held ber 2, by a group of friends, The Yi uuam w. i'earce of 1606 December 11, at Inn. Delaware Ave. briJe mat roil, wore a pink nylon The hostess served lunch with party was held In (he Y.

lounge with Miss Marjoric Pearcc and Miss Agnes Mitchell acting as hostesses. Farringlun Is the son of and Mrs. Forrest Farrington nei gown over taffeta and a mat rlilng half hat. Her colonial bouquet was of yellow carnations, nice, Florence Lewis, of Younuslciwn. j.

Street. EvenirJg party prizes went Miss Pearce is employed In the Lhe aid of her special guest, Mrs Joseph Frank, The group will meet again November 17, in the home of Mrs Frank Ilonficlrj, 401 Cascade St Amity Club Mrs. David Memo, Mrs, John1 Accounting depai luieul of the Bell Dz.cniyan, Mrs. Charles DernnzrT sister of the bridegroom, was! also brldesmntron. Attired in.

nnl nylon, net gown over taffeta! telephone company and Pfe. Farrington is with the U. S. Mario nil JoAnn AlatCeo. ine eve- ing trophy went to Joseph Corps, presently stationed at lhe Amity club met Thursday with Johnson.

Marine Unse In Chlncateacue. Va miss morence tiiir.iui- Games were planned for the so At an appropriate hour the host. Wedding plans of the couple are indefinite. esses served a dainty lunch with pink and while (he decorative color cial evening, vtlth prires going to Miss Ida Casacchlu and Mrs. Jo scheme and bouquets of fall MISS ROSATI HOSTESS ers gracing the bulfel tables.

An array of lovely gifts were re-'fOR MISS L. STONE seph bparr. The hostess served lunch at a table, centered with a larye bouquet olmiims. MlssYulnndn Carney assisted. Mrs.

Domlnick Chinlullo, Hazel- caieu irom unaer a Ray snower Miss Rita Rosati, chosen maid umbrella nnd presented lo the of honor for M155 I-ucille Slonc bri do-elect of his month, was host EVERGLAZE COTTON 1.98 RELIEVES Skin nemHO In 5 Minutes A sufferer from skin irritation, writes, have complete relief from Itching within 6 minutes after using Resinol Ointment." Rich in lanolin, medicated Res. ino! oils and softens dry skin as it soothes fiery itch of eczema, simple piles, chafing Try itl hl Nw HJJIHOL OHUIU.UI honorce. Miss Yerkovich, daughter ot Mr. 'and Mrs. Paul Yerkovich of ess to a bridal shower event oil croft Ave.

has invited the club to her home for the November 17 November 3, honoring Miss Stone, 2fi N. Mercer St, will marry James in lhe home of Mrs. Joseph Tern erato of Wlnslow Ave. meeting, Emcllne lto.e DcEire Team John Johnson, son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Johnson of Princeton road, on Thanksgiving day.

The custom of open church will A WARDROBE IN ONE PENNEY'S 4-PIECE SUIT 0RL0N SWEATERS 3.98 Slipover 2.98 Orion wealers made, for Penney's by new costlier spinning process! Greater lontjrer weir! Gow-ing shades. 7 lo t1. Games were enjoyed during the course of the evenine, and prizes Degree team of Emcline Rose nebekah lodge No. 37 will meet Tuesday at fl o'clock in lhe home v.T-- r. Li tu '11: vrjrmu- be observed for the 9 a.

m. Nuptial Mass in St. Michaels church. ne-s. A mock wedding ceremony or Mrs.

Maude Forrester, 461 Washington St. A wonderful girt for Ltie nuyl Smart raynr was enacted ny airs, -viary oamia no, Mrs. Clara Alfono. Mrs. Car Wide sweep slips to pillow out their full skirls to Class A.

C. class of First Congre Lccc matchins ijlyn Mlllo and JUiss Jeanne Dom- T.00 lann. Mrs. Margaret Ciappa cap- gational church met Thursday in the It conlriatiiiK tav--cctatc gabJT dine rustle nnd and vest thnl SAVE $50 ON A ime of Miss Irene Price, Rose After a devotional period, led by every movement. Everlazc luieu tac evening iropny.

Lunch was served en nicety dec oraied tables with covers for S( tuesls. The hosless svas aided ii rt-VLTSDs 1o match suit or slacks I Wear it 10 waytl i-rvi-iKes 1o inaMi suit or I til i. Elacksl Wear it 10 way 1 1 cotton, Lice trimmed. Size 2 to S. the hostess, a social period of names was enjoyed.

Prizes vent sei viay by her mother, Mrs. Mar- una ner sillers, mrs. lem George Jones and Carl Tur--rCI'alD. Mrs. Laura Mooney and nor Mrs Jnwih Knnrr uvtn Ihp'-ICS.

nnn door prize. Jrie nreplaee decorations carried IU1U--W rnn oiy. ij, ir.uir.i-. Win lilV GAS RANGE mm table, where the hostess was "ride and Eroom and mi-iature hand tistcd by Mrs. Reese Price F.venlDg guests 1 Vs99v isaticlle Price.

cie: i-armcn atone, moiner December 1, Is the date set for, of lhe btldp eleei, and Mrs. Ralph the class" Christmas party, to mother of the prospective E. LONG AVE. held in a local lea room. Mrs.

Eugene McGivern and Mrs. John Miss Slone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. barmen bione of Cas Sullivan will have charge of the cade St. and Archie Cepro, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Cepro of 209 iv. rirsr -sr. win De united in rtope on Salurday November 19, PLAY-POISE in bl. Vitus church.

Dames of Malla Mcetln? arrangements. Fast Side 50(1 Club Assembly Mrs. Albert Perkins ot lieu ml St. entertained members of the Kasl Side 500 club on November 2, for an evening of cards. Score awards went- to Mrs.

Charles Miller, Mrs. John Knell and Mrs. Perkins. Refreshments were served during the course cf play by the A I Dames of Malta will hold a so cial lime and bazaaron Wednesdav cveninr; in the 1 O. hall following lhe November usineis meeting.

The members ill assemble at 7:45 p.m. in the au tor a short husiness session Coordinators help in lhe development of proper walking hobils. Designed by more than 1500 shoe experts, wi KNOW they're right for your youngster. hostess Mrs. Ralph Phillips will entertain the club.

in the hnuic of Mrs. James A. Phillips ol 316 13ell Ave. on November 16. VACUt'JM'ACX MEAT STUDIED NEW YORK A New York iwi.

k.v iiu e.vislori OTHER PLAY POISE SHOES S5-45 loS8-50 method of vaeuuni-patWng fresh 0 CCI meat in plaslle film. SILVERMAN'S ECONOMY SHOE SHOP 110 IVishinglon St, Zoning Officials, Jamison To Attend Planning Meeting Zoning board members and AT LAST! PENNEY'S PUTS SISTERS IN MATCHING LOUNGE slstant cily solicitor Robert Jarnl-i 98 Pcimcy's pretty little lonns-ine pajamas are leisure fashions in miniature! Saucy little coltnn cortl -ind torer.dor-k-jiljlli IrousLTs in a novelty twin print. (Jet yours now Tor ever tounj-er on your Kifl list! double knee. junior extra protec-t, elastic back im good fit, ashablc. Sizes: Custom Upholstering GOMORI-ORIS Mattress Manufacturing Co.

son were autboriacd by city coun-: cil to attend Hie Pennsylvania: Planning Commission convention In Philadelphia on November 10-11. Tbe convention- will be highlighted by discussions on sewage, schools, parks, industrial development, flood protection, finances, Shiits thai pack style wallop! Handsome woven plaids in long-wearing Dan River cotton gingham at a fauy-'em-now Penney's pi ice Wrinkle-shed finish. Machine washable. Heavyweight corduroys fui wear, tion! Half bel motfel for fi Completely i to 10. SAY: You Don't Hnve To Be Sherlock Holmes To Find Your Best Buy On All A PL IANCES! The Big Switch In Buying! See Kelly and Cohen Discount House Today! ana legal aspects of zoning.

10 Cu. Ft. REFRIGERATOR Men's, Boys' Girls' WINTER OUTFITS At Lower Prices A Step To Greater Value With Our New Low Prices C1t-HCp. ft. Chrst tatlmrt'crttn.

t200.99 now s21 9 35 Visit Our Toyland Large Selection of Tors-For Christmas USE OUR I.AYA1VAY PLAN I Tw WrrtT KANTZ DEPT. STORE ON THE SQUARE We Give Green Slarops SAVE 38 Brand New 1956 Famous Heme GAS RANGE C. C. LEVINE Automatic WASHER Says: For 111- I-n SAILOR DRESSES 2.98 Hit frlet DRESS-UP BLOUSES 1.98 Dlvldtd BS3 frctlain. 0.

Fill Width 1 49 35 WANTED TRIM STYLE! BOYS' LINED SURG0ATS! 90 Jane Parker PINEAPPLE PIES 39 8 I lift lttms. 5-YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL UNITS At lVnney's coats that drape simply, smartty. Uc-iigned with plain front, self collar of heavy weight rayon acelate nylon shocn gabardine. Qullt-llneil, water, wind resistant. t-7.

Crsdlt Tfllb No Eitra Chirres! Now, the famous sailor, in red and navy. They stay fresh and flowing, washing after washing. S'top, shop Penney's today! Sizes 6x. White, pink or hhie tops for their very best skirts. Piclure-pretty and practical, too, in washable dacron.

Sizes 3 to 6 Open Tu Thwr. Until 5:30 Frl Sat Until 9:00 SHOP' PENNEY'S TILL 9 TONIGHT 212 E. Wish, Si,.

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