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Nebraska Daily News-Press from Nebraska City, Nebraska • 5

Nebraska City, Nebraska
Issue Date:
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jViivV'; "v' 'iii'fri f- i Tt-nf. Lanin! gLifryVitf rt 'V. i i n. y- 1 1 1 1 1 ft- ft ft. -ft ftftYftft ft thehebbaska -y nv I ft HEAVY PROPERTY anopKini JL 1 I 'r i'i Wmj Eleanor Crtwnw gJdlafeRnlirfT Tii filin auni YetwTWs the Wgd5i8f NEWS FROM NEIGHBORS whHdv irf ivMtirtiiNNiwd' -Inspiring.

Attorney (iedrral Explain Jlle Idea ef a Ruddled Statute. f. m' --y! wax rPTTTtrT nTTT Say er- Genuine of cl of Telegrapji, Telephone i and Railroads Hard by Will Arraare for Radio, Y'- C. Abbott will go, todny. wbcro Jie'wllt bojthe' guaat of Pathfinder fSnb Mit He iurrangemonts tor be given the School Kir' the 'Blind, by members of The radio is lo bo on of tfta -V' latest typo gnd.

will bo a aourca of j. educatlon to tbeV stodcnt ah Uur school. Vs 'Li i Y-'-v i-. thousand! of hom Soolhd. 1 CHICAGO, Feb.

b. Tile want lilli wrt Inasra rased from ths Rocky Mountain to the Mississippi Valley 1 Tuesday, bringing suffering and heavy property losses. 'Trains were running front one- to twenty-four hour late. ltb Many annulled, entirely while telegraph and telephone -communication we dcmoralbod. Chicago remained practically Isolated tram ouUld world all day.

To tbe east and south tbe Only meann of 'communication was, through uniwrtalti -telegraph wire, running through ihe storm area to Indiana pmrmmrotf.and drfhtmd int 4 YtosiDfe Intesnatiokal DicnoNAnr ms polis' "'Genuine Bayer Anpliin1 have beeh proved safe by million' and prescribed hy'phyeldan over twenty-three year for Culd and grippe boxea.of twelve tablela cant only few cent at any drugatore. Each package 'k-on tains proven dlrec-tlone for Colil anil telle how -to prepare an Aspirin gargle for sorethroai and tonalHR. Advertisement. v- rNADILLA. Mlsa Beth Corsage' cable, from a visit with friend in Saturday.

Mis Ruhr Yelgh returned visit friends In Lincoln, and Fred Schreiner, wen Syracjiae callers Friday. Mr, ifar. Halin'. Luff, Mr. H.

A. Butt and Mis 1 Agnes Horslman all- had denial Work doiifc In Byracuae the pant. week. Dr. Moyer at Burt1 was a Lincoln passenger from here.

Saturday. 'The Missionary Society met at the home of Ifenry Miller Thursday, llat. Our High Scliqpl Basket: Ball team played Dunhuy Friday evening. Dunbar won the gome, r. Mils Nora Rodawny' was 8yrg-yise.

Caller Monday evening. -Wednesday, SO, woe the birthday of Mra -Henry. Musefe. pud the ladles belonging to tlie ancle of fhe Christian Church, brought well fllled baskete to her homo Md sumptuous dinner was nerved and ta time 'was had never to be forgoUen, 'Itffiunrd MHchplaon were Uncolu caller Monday. Mrs.

Jennie Judklne spent the past week lx the country with her eon John. 1 The Woman Club met at tho home of Mrs. Coy Saturday Feb! I. The meeting was called to order by tbe president, Mrs. H1.

A. Butt. Two instrumental solos were played by Mias Eleanor Crownorcr, which were much enjoyed. Topic for. the meeting; The Revolutionary War.

Paper The Leaders, Mrs. H. Al Butt. Reading Mora Cruel than Mias Lls-sle Doyle. Paper Important Battles Mrs.

Fred Bchrelner. Paper-Framing of Constitution, Wm. Two Boloa by Hundred ot 1 telephone. and 1 tale-graph llneamen worked practically throughout the day In all direction from Chicago, but complete wa the wreckage- that. Jltlle.

progress Wu Wireless atatloii In Chicago, Wilwaukee nud Mlnnenpoll nought to replace the damaged wire system. They cent out limited hewn dlspatrii-ee and broadcaatcd relief montage. MotlioS choosing delegates to a county aulijeit which Is to he dlaeuaaed ylth Interest' within few week, havehocn due to a. muddted-up legislative progTum a your ago, and Attorney General Spillman has been, Jed lo express hie opinion. With respect to' chiHsdn'g dclcgatm to county convention's.

Which must be held on the third Thursday after the' Tuesday on. Which thg prlfaary is held- Tuesday In April this yuan, Mr. Spllfmun hoe old: The various political parties elwll hold a younty convention in each county on the third Thursday after, the Tuesday upon which the genreal' statewide primary la county from Its pwn membership, select" delegate to 1 the stale convention, and transact knell uthor business as hliaI properly enme before any precinct fail at the primary to Its quota of delegate to ihe chunly said don vent loo shall have (tower to select such quota from the voters of ieitch precinct, and In like manner to All, any vacancy that may occur: Provided, that any party whose candidate for governor at the last preceding election receive lee than to. per cent of the totpl vote cast for such office may select delegatee to its county Convention (Without' regard to precinct representation'. In caucus called for the purpose, which county convention hall select delegates to tbe stele convention on, a basin authorised by the state committee of a-icli party.

Having authority by law for holding the county, convention, os above act forth, and there being provision for the election of dclsgate thereto, should the question be raised ns to authority for apportionment of delegates from the various precincts it (a my opinion that the present' county central committees would bejustlflcd In determining such appointment qnuta, and would have such authority by Inference lu the absence ot ex-press provision of tbe law. TORNADO- KILLS THREE ---r-Sfcy While llllxxurd Rage In Xertb, Mam-N nirr ilqrrlra IIH AluNamm A MILWAUKEE, Fob. 5.Loa of irhgrapb, telephone and lranapor-talioii lidua aa result the atorm In till aactlon today was estimated at one million dollar. Street ear were "(ailed and taxi Feb. A tornado struck1 death into the home of Rev, Wallace twelve mile from laat night, killing three cab.

compnhlee' were refusing calls ex-i member ot hi family and Injuring cept whet on Street car line as they others. The family, with the x-would not. attempt to brave the aide. lu-wMon of lb pastor, were at tbe din- Wllltem Jennings Biya of preetdonttaLfame has purchased an i which Im calls Villa Brrenu. at Miami, Fla-sJcw where sunshliM In whoteaata lota This nhoto shows W.

J. B. lookhig out over Hu treats. nr table at p. ra when the storm at ruck.

1 Tbe bouah wa daubed to DETROIT, Feji. Michigan lay 'beneath a gloss a Ice today, with tranaportatftm crippled and rommutil-j thirty-! and non Clarence, aeven- piece. The dealt are: Mr. Cora Carpenter, Joe If slier le Imp rev Joe Huberle, who baa Isien tlout at the PresHytcrlaa hospital In the Kmpreai theater, has1 resigned and Omaha for wevk. 'I impror- yesterday Kearney, where Jie jAb Wrlr Gees to Kearney.

it pa-1 Wclr, for some time operator ar OACMCRRIAM CO.HplWI.M.MMi g. ration partly Interrupted. Rain that Earle, fifteen. The Injured Ing according to word received here by relatives yesterday. will be employed In similar position.

In a theater operated by William Tkorulurg, formerly of this city. are: Mildred, eleven; Herman, twelve Matthew, seven, and Woodrow Carpenter, two. When ambulance from Birmingham gent to the hunic they fonnd rnlna surrounded by fallen tree. The dead were badly The Injured were fonnd partially burled beneath the debrla. Mop at Knall bra's gnd gel riuxrn ynlr of sucks, glJSJ duxes or pair far tSBe, fell and froxe made motor and pedestrian traffic prei-arloue.

In Central Mlrhlgan and in Hi upper part of the lower peninsula, drifted apows sad xero temperature were reported following a severe bllgxard of yesterday. Few report had lieca received, from those direction early today. 1 Ijpo Fassliender of Omaha I Ing a fhw day in Nebraska City. CAP MURDOCK IS DEAD NEBRASKA VftITn 15 5AVT BHOWSN Gage CiAinly Pioneer KncruMha Age of Eighty Four. NOW HERE AND, READY TO BE DISTRIBUTED, TO YOU OMAHA.

Nek, Fab. B-Ceill of Johnsadj who enlisted in thwmavy In Omaha, wa accidentally drowned at Kan fedro, M-cording to Information -feeelve by the local naval, recruiting office. At the' request of the local office, police located a Covuellu Jenkins, taxi living 'at Csss JTAPOO SIKCIAI, WII.L NOT REACH CAPITAL TIRE 117 k-i LARGE CONSIGNMENT WruORR. Feh. S4, fadilllarly known aa Cap one of the few rumaiulng original settler of this city add a prominent figure-fer'yepru la the llh of Wymorepnd Gage county, died it hhi home Jierg Surtdny after lingering illnc from liiBrmltln due to old ng.

1 Me waa born In Pennsylvania In lM'i, and ranis west, living for a time In Illinois and Kanaaa. lie fought throuehonl tba civil war with Ihe union army, first ns a bugler In an Illinois regiment and later became Wit Ij Ids parents, Munlork settle.1 In Nebraska near the present site on Jtarnrston In this munty. In the early id's his father being a mlsshm-sry among tbe (Moe Indian lot many years. OPr- (Ily lladini WASHINGTON. Feh.

5. The M-Adon special train from California will md reach Washington In time for Ihe funeral or Woodrow Wilson, it waa anmiuneml yesterday. Train official anld the train wa an delayed by 'the storm, that It would nut bu able to make up the lime lost. DR. RK II, Rerial KpeclaUsi, Grand Island, ebr.

Ruslnes gelters Press Wnnt Ad 19 THE POPULAR CHINESE GAME I. Will NW Resign! PILE Ucnlixinj; (hat tlim oxists gn int ginwiiif; inlirol in Hip oi (inmt iliut is liscii.vii uml liivii pm vi liavp nrrHiijfi'tl for ii liirgc iiinnlily ami iiomisi to ii-1 rilmtcv tlifiit to our irailei iiuil lo lli iiilslis at Ifiri rsiciit'iilly nl Cannot Be Cured witfi Salves and Ointments' Kvcrvoiio wuiiIm jo piny litis fiisci.iintin lint tlx liigli prirr lilts lim'tofim? prevcntoil linnilnul in this city from tin ciijuvincnl nf it. Many linv ciiKcrly cnllisl upnn dciilcrs only to Ih infonm'il llutl tlu sets nvrniKi wliilo I lu clii'tiiH'ht wns uhmiikI way lo core PILES and prevent them from IIIKRK la only one sensible, sane and safe coining buck every few wej-ka lo pain and annoy you eicain. This la by permanently healing lie in by a nillil, nun-operative treatment which and-heals them fur all time. Our new Kiiim will, wi know, till it well i crognizi il miil for ip iilnr prid'd nt uml iusti'iuj of hi.

H-1 iFJ.tM or our rt-ls, roll ul My method of curing IMlea, Fistula and Fla-sure is not arinethlug new. It la tried and proven method that permanently cures your trouble In a few iluys. without (lie knife without Chloroform or Kilter. It iloen nut confine jrou to bed or Incon-vciilum-c you lu auy I A5 PROVE EVERY STATER EXT I RAKE I have keen CUtllNG PII.KH and RIXTAL DIKKAHKH or all except Cuueer, here in Grand Island for more than twenty yearn, and have IiuimI reds of Cured am). Happy Patients who will lo glad In tell you uf their wonderful cure.

PAY 50THIXG CNTIL If RED I.ENN EXIENStVE SETS O.RII.ETE niTIl THE OK TRlYft, 2J CENTM Remember I do not ask you lo pay anything until you are rured. Thin Is my way nf doing haul-' mm. You meat lie rured and aulbifler before you pay one rent. Don't pul oft (ending the Coupon. Let Re bend You eMdrie lafornwlion Tim Rsme Is playrd exactly lli san4 aa Ilia msil expensive acts.

It eouslsta of lit playing piece, or tiles In I colors, low roiintera uf wuoil In 1 tnlnni, 4 gold lacquered inctal racks, I bona dice, anil a book lit dlrdclliins. which will explain thu game so aliuply that anyone will be able to play lu one uvenlng. Tbe anly reqnlremrnl we nk la I hat )ua rail at ear uflire nad preseal nilb the Sir Absolutely FREE Coupon llelew FREE IX FOR ATION COI POX Dr. IIP Rii-lal Bperilnls), MA JONG COUPON nblcb piears In Ihe paper, ar J7r 1 yea prefer Itar cheaper set. Rail Subscribers I'tease add I rents fur ponImtc In senes.

Grunil InIuuiI, Nelir. Wllhuul sny cbllKsllon on my pari, pleuae send me Free Compleie InferniiiHmi Ixviit your Cure fur Plica and all Iteetnl Dlm-aiii-a, except The Nebraska Daily Press I Name 1000 Central Avcnuo Town' Blate, II. F. D. nr.

Kl rm- yerre'ary of Navy I.Mwm Oenl'g tnlil WashlnKlun rerte-Misdcnts he ruld nut llt iinitrr liiw. tllnwin a tiMilua i. ihe faliiiiet. This ft tuns was taken Just enieida lit IVhl'e II'hjm ami show Imnliy (arrow) by Ihssioie-imruund wont-i. I i' I I.


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