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New Castle News from New Castle, Pennsylvania • Page 18

New Castle Newsi
New Castle, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NEW CASTLE NEWS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1917. Ik two Berlin Fears Butler Man Deaths of the Day Two Fortune of Invention and production and that nothing now will deter- you from pursuing your adopted course," Deeply Moved. Mr, Balfour spoke Willi a voice tilled with emotion about the suffer Jucob Mujnjwllcr, Substitute Neutral Rage Hti. v. G.

Ayers received a tele-j grain Tuesday tolling her of the.) death of her uncle. Jacob Mundwller, ings or his own country and of 'France in the two years and ti halt lot war. lie was struck, he said, by which occurred yesterday at hls home in Iloytvllle. O. nu; Mr.

Mundwller. who was about OUttm uiuiubkuiu uo the- feeling ol security which just being on American soil gives lo him. "I have been very deeply touched," ho said, "by the welconio given DO YOU WANT A LOT TO GARDEN? JOIN THE GREAT SERVICE ARMY. The crop reports to hand from nil sections, predict a lean year for elapla crops wheat, corn, rye, etc. Every American everywhere, and especlslly every cltlJCn of N'ew Castle should prepare fov fall and winter.

vegetables are ensy lo raise, thc-y thrive KVerywliero, with care. We cannot Import Iherj. We must grow thoni and they uhould he grown Jn (unnlUlc unknown before. Tlicy bliould be grown by the rich and by the poor, and by all who care to Introduce themselves betwixt and between, litans, Onions, Peas, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Hadlshes, Lettuce, Cabbage, even Turnips these should bo everybodles' crop. Grow vegetables.

Don't waste your time on (lotters. If you aro willing to spade and plant, and give the necessary rare and you do not own or control a lot, the board of trade can get a lot for you. i i 1 Tellers Are Behind Bars They Told Other Peoples' Fortunes but Failed to See Their Own. Her to Modify Submarine Walter Sumner Addresses Weekly Lunch of Board of Trade. years oi age, iDrmeny inm Neshannock Kails, and was widely known In (Ills vicinity, especially I among the old soldiers, as he fought Warfare.

in llio riv war. lie leu. ock Falls many years ago, and had made his home in Hoylvllle since that lime, ilia widow survives hlin MINISTERS ARE CALLED HOME ROTARY CLUB HONOR GUEST with, four sons and three daughters. Mr. and Mrs.

Ayera will leave this ovenlng to attend the funeral. N'amo Many Inspiring Patriotic MAN IS A HINDOO WOMAN IS AMERICAN Norway Hears U-boat Restrictions Are Already in Mrs. Daufrheriy ltirrlod. The funeral of Mrs. Sadie Daugh-ei-iv if of 11.

DauEberty, was Address Speeches Mark Postprandial Program at C. held at the family home, 1306vWc3l this mission. All of our hearts aro touched with the egressions of sympathy and even more so by the out wan! and public manifestations of synipalhetic emotion wherein lies llio rc-iil seen lit; of success. "No man who has sano through I ho experiences I have. In the last two days can doubt lite full determination of Iho American people, I don't suppose It is possible for you, and surely not for mo, to realize In detail what this war means.

"The full realization ran only cumo from experience. "Over them we have been living in the- atmosphere of war since A he Hill. Lights llnle Him. "I nrriied Sunday afternoon, That evening 1 uiuk walk in tho park, and was struck by a feolins which at first I co Id not analyze Then it came lu ine suddenly it was the first time in two years and a hull (hat 1 walked down a street at night that was properly lighted. Think what that means! Iondoii is wrapped in gloom.

Kverywhci is Force. Phone. Ward. Washington street, Monday even-ine- and was attended by many Constable J. M.

Rae Works Up Cases and Has His Own Fortune Told. friends and relatives. Rev. J-Vaughn, pastor of the Wesley M. conducted the services.

The remains were tacn Tuesday to Grove City, where interment waa made, Rev. Vaughn accompanying CSnin: -iinil International N'cwi Service) LONDON, April 25. Indications piled up today pointing to a move by Germany to modify her submarine, warfare at least In so far us neutrals Although dlsapointed at the ot either of ttia speakers scheduled for the occasion, members of Ihe Hoard of Trade, which assembled at tho V. w. C.

A. for (heir regular weekly luncheon, with the How many lots will you work? What is the longest distance, in blocks from your home to tlie lots that you would travel? I-'ill out this coupon null mall It to Iho hoard of trade, treer DulluTng. Do il now. me mneiai uanj- IRfp (iniieeriied sons-in-law of Mrs. Danglierty acted eoncerued Coincident with the announcement as pallbearers.

club as their gue-sts, received that Spain, in her latest note to Uer- Alleged ability to tell other peoples' fortunes, but failure to fure-Eea their own, resulted in Prof. C. Braganza and Mrs. Kelley being placed in Jail last night following a hearing before Alderman Gross. J'rof claims to be a Hindoo, lie says lhat he has ruada IWu trips here (mm India and has traveled practically all over the United Slates.

Mrs. Kelley lias been hern fnr utmc lime. Constable J. M. lLlO.

darkness. It is much like living inl Hiss HiLiniltoi) Hurled. many protesting against rolontlcas The funeral of Miss Louisa 8. submarine warfare, had virtually Hamilton was held Wednesday sfrvcd an ultimatum, it became morning at 10 o'clock, at iliee s. jn()vvn tlial Germany has summoned chapel, with friends and relatives In I Liomo her ministers to neutral coun- un inspiration to a concenlrateu en-doavor in the Interests of tho home city, and hoard a burning appeal for ho national support of tho president and our government In the present crisis from tho lips of tho speakers who were characterized as "pinch hitters" by David Jameson.

Big Honor ror teachers ibo early ages." The. tall Union spoke with seriutvj-uoss of tlie manner In which the war has touched every licrirt home in the L'jiited Kingdom. "I saw with very great regret I hat attendance. Rev. Robert Jittic oi tho First Presbyterian church, conducted the services.

Interment was made In Greenwood cemetery, and the pallbearers were T. F. More-head, John Taggarl. T. J.

and Samuel 5. Hamilton. IN. I. Women son ol Ilonar Lan- our chancel tries for a conference on the U-boat situation.

A dispatch from Copenhagen say.i tho German minister to Denmark already has lefl for Berlin Frou) Chrlsllana comes a report lha'. Information has been received ibtre that Germany already has who worked up the rises for the district attorney, doesn't know who presided. Several hundred in the symuasluin at the Y. W. C.

A. for the luncheon. Secretary of the lor of i he evehenuer Is wounded and inly Supt, lloy fi. Islln Announces DaIos on Which They Will bo Held. Board of Trade, Kennedy, read telegrams From Lucius E.

Wilson ot the missing in I'nltsline. It brought home to me even more the tragic losses of this war. Of I he cabinet ministers who were serving the government in August, 1911, one has Mrs- II. A. Itoyd.

merinan City Rureau, and from A. where Blio came from. The "professor" has been located la a local hotel. His room was hung with oriental draperies and when peering into the imure wore a big rd turban, supposed to mystify hii dupes with due regard (or his oc- 1,1 Chosen, to Knit for Tars on "Pennsylvania" and wife ot TI. A.

15 agreed to some restrictions on her J-tDat warfare as it atlects neutrals. This report could not be con- Mrs. Mary E. Boyd president of the First Na- tlonal bank of Voungslown, stating iloyd, died Tuesday, April 24, at her home. 3H drove street.

been killed in action and at leas! llrnjed. "Melville," ineir inability tu be present. Mr Adams' telegram read: "Unexpected' She was 60 years of ate, and was The Spanish note, which already four have lost their sons, ft is characteristic of what Is happening everywhere, throughout rance and County Superintendent of Schools K. C. Leslie will hold an csamlna- tlon for provisional certificates for jail those who have taught one or i more years at tho New Castle high is declared to a native of Sllpperyrock township, has reached Berlin, ly called to Newport on matters ro luting to my son's enlistment.

In the having beeii born there uctobcr 8, say In part: MANY ARTICLES naval service and cannot be with D'lCgCU imnuLiiui hand hills, on theatre program and any oilier way that suited his lancy. When arrested by Constable Rae 1866- Her parents were iguana j. if ino imperial Herman govcrn-and Ilebecca (Delrumple) Luti. nient persists in declaring that it you today. Very sorry, but could England.

"Ill France tho losses have been even more tragic, because she had a large anny and was engaged in actual conflict from the very start whereas we had a small ariuv and Mrs. Bovd was a member or the adheres to Its determination in order mn -n-n a -pl-ct ttpd sell on 1 building on April 2S11I, be-10 Dili IHAUli Hj Kb ginning a. m. All ninterials, 'except pencils, will be furnished ihe lapplioanls. All those who want to Third United Presbyterian church.

Ho defend Its lite, It must not bo and of Willard Council, D. of lastonlshcd if Spain, for the same and had many friends. reason, must cmphaslie lier right OfTinitl.l of GamfoTtS Comrflit-llo iff eiprcteil, as private or spc could not tret started. er but claimed that he was able to read the future by scanning the heavenly bodies and by the art of palmistry. Two women were secured to have their fortunes told in 9he Is survived by her nusDano, i to defend her own jtre.

i cial examinations are under the ban. neither forsee nor avoid 11. Pleaso nisiko my eicuse to your meeting. A. E.

Adams." Walter Kellogg Sumner, secretarv of the Chamber of Commerce of Duller. was present, and upon re-Quest of Mr. Jameaou addressed the meeting. Mr. Sumner touched on the present national crisis, and lha duty of every loyal American, concluding and bv tlie ioiiowing oruiueia The branches to be examined In slaters'.

James Luti, of Bllwooil tee of National Branch Yisits Here, Today wo have coming to America a mission from Franco. I feel certain flic welcome, Ihoy will receive will be no less warm than tho one yon so generously pave us." Here the Dritish statesman paid are: Oihograpby, reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, grammar, history of the United States and of order that evident1! might be nbtalu- ed. Braganza didn't seem to know that they were after his scalp, but with a sumiuarliatlon of some of the 1111UJ UlfcU L.ICLII 1 Liu 1 ll work tho Chamber of Commerce had Big Mixer Made Here; In Operation PeriiiHylvrvnlii ECnjrineeriiig' I'Jiint Product installed nt Vonus-towii Mills. Clity: Albert and Willis Lurz, or tins cliy; Charles Lutz, of Chewt'on: Mrs. NToblo nooher, of Shenango township, and Mrs.

Homer Welch of tlllwood Clty. The funeral services will be held Thursday allernoon at 2 o'clock at iho family residence, and interment will bo made In Harmony naplist cemetery. Pennsylvania, physiology and hy- s. i glene. civil government, clcmenlarv -Now Lastle women who are -ilfTebrtti musir, drawing, theory bers of tho comforts committee ofo( teaching and one book on peda-Ihe local branch of tho Navy League jgogy.

The book selected Is Char-have been assigned tho honor ofiter's Teaching and Common Rrancb- -what his in store for them in tlie luture. Both had their fortunes laid arid gave testimony before tho alderman. Their evidence was to accomplished recently. Me told of the new community building, which opened at Lluller on Anril 9 a glowing and heartfelt compliment to Marshal re, who stopped the Germans at tho Marno. Marno Most lyc-risive.

"Gen. Jolfre will go down in history of all tlmo us the successful general of tho allied forces at the most critical moment In the history i John S. Ourslcr, superintendent ot Lnaking knitted goods for the men nilcs- fn Lite arne'le steel mills, neib-spoke, one ot Uncle Ham's greatest battle-, vi sending forth an appeal In the Inter ships, the "Pennsylvania." and also -frv i csts of the Lawrence county Hed Cross the effect that Uragania had undertaken to foretell future events for a consideration. Brasan-a T--l represented at the hearing by Walter S. Reynolds and the commonwealth, by District Attorneys Ailey.

Braganzi claimed he had tTfKlll. campaign for caeacc w. Hocd of tho world. When I was a hoy 1 used to read In school tho 'Fifteen infant son oi Charles snd Ida Hood, of Shenango Mr. Ourslers statement that 3 ut of th hnm 1.

lor those of tho destroyer llal-; vllle." Large contrihutlous to l1' fho if i ma ha All such teachers will take the ei- welfare of the.e men will be made aminalion on Salllnlav. Aprj, 2Sth. iroui I ins city. subjects in this examination in Miss harmony, reprcscnllng the decisive battles of the There can cn longer be any doubt but that 1he 1 S00 employes of the steel null 1 iust heen engaged to travel with near the school house Tues 763 had joined the fled Cross was re carnival comnnny and showed a the liaute ot the was tho most ticket which tea had rscevved to iaV.c i decisive conflict in llio history of the Turn to Boston, to ioin the com- world. And il is with great satis-tiaii-v Ha said that he had been faction that we greet her hero of ceived with applause and ehecTS.

He added that he thought they would Loague at Washington, made a La i. YOUNGSTOWX, April 2a. According to announcement Monday the Youngstofn Sheet and Tube Co. is preparing to operate Us new ton hot metal mixer, which has been under construction for many niiiiilhs. The lnixer will be operated for the first lime this week, states General Manager W.

C. Rellly. The company has two smaller mixers of 300 tons capacity each. Construction work for the new device was accomplished by the McCllntlc-Mnr-shall Co. of Pittsburg.

The mixer selected out of a mt ot i appli day afternoon al 12; 3') o'clock. Pneumonia, from which hB had been suffering about two weeks, waa the cause oT death. The child was nine months' or age, In addition to the parents, three brothers, Harry Kenneth and Elmer .1., and one sister, Frances, survive. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:35 o'clock, at the Ar reach 100 per cent at the plant. In conclusion Mr.

Jameson inspired the men with a sllrring appeal to the duty of every citken In the present crisis. "As the leading nation we must make the sacrifices for tlie liberty of the afflicted nations, just as our fore short call on orricials of the local branch of the league Wednesday, afternoon. She is stopping at the Wiuiatu Penn hotel in Pittsburg. Miss Karrnony reported that the Washington headquarters is overwhelmed with work, and lhat enthusiasm runs high. She said thai eyamlna tion.

Final examinations for professional certificates will be held at the Eig-hlh Grade building. Castle, Tuesday, August 21st, 1S1T. The branches rennlred for a professional certificate are all those re- that memorable conflict. Not only Is he one of the greatest military leaders of all time, bul in him Is embodied (he soul and spirit that is animating the allies in the great struEfis. "Again lot in? impress upon yon, cants hecnuse his unusual powers.

He was tiabk to furnish bail and was cnmmiiicd tu jail for the June term at court. His charge for telling a forfaae was usually one dollar hut sometimes more. yirs. Kelley, who was located on Long avenue, only charged fifty nr- In nrdsr to secure evidence fathers sacrificed themselves for out uuiTed for a provisional certificate. ofucers and men of the ships are liberty," he said.

was manufactured by the Pennsylvania Engineering company of gentlemen, that onr mission lo America is not to Interfere, not. to also any two of the following: Gen pleased at lha prospect of being sup lington Avenue Free Methodist church, with Rev. F. M. Hall officiating-.

Interment will be made in Graceland cemetery. eral history, Knglish literature, phy- suggest or advise, hut lo co-operate plied with the warm Knitted goods 5ica seophy, plane geometry, el' which tlie government does not sup Constable Hae went in to have his ami gain your assistance lo the end fortune told- Mrs. Kelley produced athat Ihe nohle cause for which wo CAPITAL ROARS WARM WELCOME ply but which will he highly serviceable on board ships and will pre- nients of botany, elements or zoology, elements of physics and one book on pedagogy. The book is Cutler and COLLECT PAPERS WHEN WEATHER IS GOOD lire now lighting may be brought to pact of cards and told bin; io cut them twice. He did so, turning up glorious end seilL lu a situ CIIUIIL LUK uu ui vh, fn, havln'g the- men later attended by Q(s an, AH applicants for a professional The loca officials gained from her ecrtiticatfi mU5t secllre an pica lurther information about yarns.

Iin MnU. frnm thll,. Cutting Affray At Hour of I'uneral. The funeral of John Carney of 521 East Lutton street, will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock, nt Rl. Mary's church.

Time of -Funeral The funeral of Mrs. Lydia A. GaTt- (CroUnnaA Vtom XgB Odi) William Pliillips, "Warren Roherls and Lanier Philips of the slale department; Col- William W. Harts, personal aide to President Wllson- a three spot and a live spat. Mrs.

Kelley's interpretation was that something was going In happen within from thTee to live hours, but she did not seem io know that it was going to happen to herself. She also informed the constable Owing to (lie inclement weather, Ihe Visiting Nurse association which was to have collected papers anil magazines this afternoon has post Birthday "Party" needles aml other articles used in teildBnl an(I rcturrl the worr. out bflfore August 1st. Miss Karmony expressed d.ap- An t0r reneWill of polntment thai she could not remam fcsslonal ccrificll0s must secure an for the meeting of the Business r-, poned the undertaking until tomor- lev will he held al the family resl-itow or the liral good day. that he was badly worried.

This was I Maj. U. S. Grant, III, V. H.

ann Lieut- A. F. Carter, U. R. X.

In addition to Minister Vlviani and dence in Wayne township. Thursday! having papers or maga-aMernoon at 2 o'clock, and interment I lines to contribute will confer a fa- tiii .3 hi mi. rr.rrii.uh. rt 6'. 5-iinRriTilen superintendent and return it prop-1 Marshal Joffre.

the visiting party in- ColoTcd Woman Accused of linifc nt Lawrence Street Kiuiclion. will be made in Locust Grove iv uieaaea "nil iiib jminuue viuit. rU. fnl eluded Vice-Admiral Chucliepral, vor by caning Mrs. tiram Curtis.

Mrs. R. G. Maxwell or Mrs. John Lamb.

which is soing on all over the conn- tery. dean of the French navy: Marquis true for Kae was worried for that she would not charge him the customary ah cents and hp would' uc unable to place, her under arrest. When Mrs, Kellny told him that all of. his worries would be over in a short lime he heaved an Sxlu sigh of relief, for be foresaw lhat she -would charf-a the fifty rents. At wishes to be examined Pierre DeChambrun, memher of the try.

Miss Karmony went from here to Beaver Falls, leaving on the 8:10 train last evening. Mrs. Eliiabeili Courtney. chamber deputies; M. Simon, Inspector finance; M.

Kovelaeque, Mrs. Elizahctli C. Courtney, widow These blanks should be secured at once In order that they may be properly tilled out before August 1st. of David Courtney, died about 1:30 Emma nailey or Baily. colored was arrested last night, accused of having wielded a kniie at a party at the resiilr-nr-p ll! t.a't rpnrt- krrfpr stwI cut Coltls Cause Hcndaclic und Kiip LAXATIVE DROMO QUININE removes cause.

There is only one "Brnmo Quinine." E. W. GUOVE'S signature on box. 2 Be. Wed.

Inspeclor general of piihhc instruction: l.ieut. Col- Fabry, chief or Joffre'a staft; l.ieut. Col. Brown Pursued least thai was Hae's interpretation. When Mrs.

Kelley told him that William Mnrrls. alo colored. The al- Women Conductors Wednesday afternoon at her home, 326 Park avenue. She was one ot the well known women ot the northern part of the city. Further announcement will be marto tomorrow.

Kec of be war office; MaJ. Al tie was Irym-T lo ncnievt certain frav i Clirrcd at midniuht. Morris, as result and that his cfrnrtf. would i samxl. ttns anorebended By a Mad Bull fred Dreylus of the medical corps, and l.ieut.

DeTossan or the 10th army. Escort. For Trolley Cars meet with success, Itae 11 by the police easier some more. Then when morning Morns was discharged 1 Kelley reached tor bis fifty cents he was rivm nver Llnedup Inside of the ward were I Mrs. William Gourlcy.

The following article Is from The Tribune-Republican of Meadvllle: HULL 1'IIDMl I'JO. W. displayed his badttc, which she bad One Df the Red L'wss publicity bid Brown, motored toward iiaul ToI(, two ironps of Iho Second cavalry ot lailed lo see through the lapel of VounBstoim the regular army, who after the wel i cu.lodj of i he coimtr deleclivc, an in- formation having hecu made against her. Mnrri i Tainted Hint he did not know coming greetings had been exchang Mrs, Gourley. widow of William Gourley, died at her home In New I Lebanon, near Cncliranlon, ahout 101 RICE Poller.

Tly Vomnn Huhliy in New fnslle. ed, axted as personal escort to the I0S. s. his coat and she was a prisoner. It is said that Mrs.

Kelley telling fortunes hire or sometime and that hnr place has been -visited by scores of people who were lining Lull nun aiau uioldjii. ii'i" that place ran out of gasoline. He I usually has plenty of "gas" but not the1. Und that runs automobiles. He dcciil--cd to go through cross lots and car- I.

It In1 fVnrrC n-HT rrriK IllTVI I wun who rut him. while the woman declared that she did not know either. Police sav that from recinrls of wit- o'clock Tuesday morhing, in her SJnd and following a lingering illness. Mrs. Gourley was a' nrsses Emma Davis wielded the ross uag inni.

Mrs. Thomas Murphy of Portsmouth visitors. The latter had been accompanied up Ihe buy anil river from Fortress Monroe by the French ambassador to the United Stages, M. Jules Jnsserand: Col. Vlgiual, the French military attache; Commander DeBlanpre.

the French naval attache: Third Assistant Secretary or flMRAL DIM El.1. E. KOHTJI 31- knife. lilting Morris as he was frolng painoiio io run i.nncipies "-Stayed two days and a night nt the out of Ihe door. Morris roomed aL the taeked by a raging hul which chased ErIe rtcpot awaiting In vain for the same liou.o as ihe woman arrested three miles through tho briers snd arrlval ot her h.lstlantl who is emplo-.

memher of Hie ew Lebanon Pros-1 byttrlan church and was held in high esteem. Surviving her arc four daughters and one ton, MrR. Arthur Hill, of Meadvllle: Mrs. J. S.

Anxious lo learn what was going 1n happen. Her fortune telling was mostly dono with a pack ol WE COME TO SERVE. NOT TO DIRECT YOU bnishes. was finally rescned ly cd 1n a New st(Je, mlM that they were and r. fleers Red Cross nurse at the Overlook tle wonlani hHrdb.

more (tlan girl f.tatp Long; Assistant Secretary of the Navy franklin D. Roosevelt, nuLsiae oi a ik The rut hv Morris Is n(ll Fiinnamra. was penniless and had no food for F-lHoll. New Castle; Mrs. J.

F. Andrews, Lebanon; Mlsa Jennie Gourley. at home, and It. A. Gour hcir.i; a In tho shoul-' craicni iu over 36 hoiirs when she tottered into lit was decided that his heart action CaDlljn icX1choliu orriM ftt serion der.

(CoQllnaed Fi.m Fzzb One) ley of Franklin. Funeral services will be held at the Cochranton Presbyterian church al 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon, con Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package was soon anu was Kr.nirai Bu Mion mm-nin she tM heT his journey. He received a rousing re-, Forv Kin(( ncBTlc(. poHce 0 replinti at (he village of New il- lt)ol( lp a r.0ncc(on aIlrl mlnslon and discovered the people 50 f(r her and 5ne Ml fnr Woman Sent Here; near-Admiral HaTry McL.

Huse. U. S. Major Gen. Hugh Scott, chier of the army general staff: I.

lent. Col. Spencer Cosby, S. Major Fox Connor and Captain Philip Sheridan. V.

a. A. The general public was nrt admitted to the yard and the poller, had cleared the streets for several blocSs so that It was not until the procession swung into Klghth street that the populaco could make Its wel ducted by the Rev. Mr. Crewe, of Vlica.

Interment in tho Cochranton cemetery. there have set ineir goal as j.ucm mem- CaBtl(, nhcT catnR a hers. Imeal She was also riven a letler to Fails To Arrive I proves it 25c at all druggist. the N'cw Castle police asking aid iri lo-raling her husband. Youngstown Vindicator.

Fine Concert By IT Chief of Police M. J. Voting faid SuprnntrTidrnt lkunr Vjil- this afternoon that nothing had been Thayer Quartet: come known. The route laid out or the passage ol the distinguished visitors took them through the capltol grounds. seen of ihe woman here.

IcTnT-CW A TTTA i and llritish rnmmlsrions is lo "tell I America how 'u run th'- war." Nothing, he conld he further from t'ne triitb- tlonfiileiur In AnicTic.i. "Our coming lo America," he Fail), "is lo ro-upr-rale wiih Anrrica and to gain In this inio whiih we ail now arc launched, We no: lo riiake a Ireaty. rir to involve your country an alliance. Our -em ing is not hacd sui sballow considerations. No ineri' lr-aly could Ins-phe in us more confidence than vc already- hap thai Anirric-i.

now thai she is in Iho war, will en the limit, as you say. there anything certain in human affairs, that much Is certain. "Two years anil a lislf base pone by since Ibis grvat war broke out. During that tini'i America has waleh- ed with growing Ihe pro across the. capitol plaT.a and down VJ A.

U11U11 ,1 A- i VJ 11 Women ronduiiors iu charge An audience of ahout fiflfl people atlcnded the concert last evening In the Third P. church by the Thay-i er String Quartet. The extensive program arranged by the young ar- AT HILLSVILLE jjrnmids lo historic Pennsylvania rvenne. Atonp that thoroughfare, Itho visitors passed, swinging south of Chief of Police McCartney received th, Wrsicrn Pf-nn-ylania troiley no dream. War makes strange conditions Annnunr nirnt wa-; made in leaver rminty esi'rda by iipcrifi ten dent lisls was Erceteil with volliable ftp- -rnrri lacr nieht thai the Overland auln I Buy Your Rugs Now from the largest selection in the city.

Our April rug sale is now going on. Humlrsds of customers bought last week, Make your selection while you can get what yoa want and at the price you wish to pay. We have just opened a new lot of rugs for this week. W. F.

DUFF0RD CO. w. 11. Uoyc of tiie Iraeiion coTdpany ihe audience showing great llich stnten from the Rroadway I Ihe fashionable residential tin. oi women ror posl-: Ihroughmit.

I garage last Friday night bail bc.n re-UecUon until the residence of For- a (nii.liinor nr. icvrral nf ibe Thc nliarirt was ably assisted by at illlsvllle, sav. a Karrell L1CI mhas'ador Hctirv White al in rt-c wnuM lw received Carroll Kotirns soloist, and Credent Place" which has I in be ule.l 1 1 a time as I here Mrs. Cbristman, a reader. Their of-, There wcre thrcc jn tlio 1 heen turned over to the' visitors was Is a shoring of men lor the po'lhon--.

vere also highly rommendablc fal. p0cc, it, but he-1 reached because or I he demanil? of war. ilrew rrneatrd hursts of ap- inT Hie officers had chance to ar- Th gress the hlooil-siaineil conflict. Many of iT.e carnicn have offered piause. "There has been nothine oeti ircst them they succeeded In making bad been taken for the sifelv of the in Tlie rnmrn'ed of osne.

They are known to thc I French officials. In addition to their I.nurf-n Thayer. William Stewart police and il Is believed they will hr military guard they wTe led and apprehended within a short time. The I followed by picked men of the se-cir was not damaged. Rev.

Father service and- of the Washington pan of St. Elizabeth's church anil John police. Armed men stationed on Fagan left for Hillsvillr yesterday roofs at advantageous points alung morning and will drive thc car hack to hhe route watched against possible Francis Kissinger and Lyle Newberry, These boys are making good start in concert work and they aTe exprcted to have much success In the work. your country i rr.lranre into the meir sit' in u.r niiu struggle. You" aro animated bv no it 1- anticipated, lhat unless there Is a small motives but bv Ihe facl'specdy peace the of wo-that the liberty of all mankind is men a stft car conductors is very hanging in the balance, and to that l)rohabli in the valley, cause America felt she must nuh-j Similar action will he taken In scribe.

Surely no nation ever other elite? lo war on mere noble plalforni. "And now lhat yon hive found: Wnlrli T1tumiM. your place by our fide I feol certain! One iTiseri in tile News Classi-thal von will throw into the conflict Ned column, was instrumental In Farrell. George Wellman of Johns-1 attacks Trom above. Thcsrj precau-town who was recently awarded the i lions wctc taken In order to prevent Urnnie liodaba.igh of Plalngrovc, has concluded a visit lo local car. notified of Its recovery and any untoward Incident. 318-320 EAST WASHINGTON ST. rni: ifl vi'" v- i r- nil vnnr ii-icnua leil resources, ereal-, rr- 11 ne watui In i owner, ter- iTdiu ge iiiui.Hi oi ijviisure Horn to Mr. nnd Mrs. L.

John avenue, who spent Ihe winter in il i nan 1 lose (il auv nor naun iic. iinur" i i le W. H. Miles of Cleveland avenue is threatened with pneumonia. of Sumner avenue, a daughter.

tho south, lias returned home. in tho world, all your groat power. same In Ihe cemetery on Sunday..

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