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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 2

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKLAND TRIBUNE MARCH 20,1912. WEDNESDAY EVENING. HUE 19 SEEK Oakland's MosLfrogresslvo Stqro MEESE VICTOS III 1MUULLEHSVIT Pure Product of Nature's Springs, which acts surely and gently a necessary aid to health. Does everyone good. PLOTTERS AGAINST KNOX WILL BE PUT TO DEATH Leading Liberals he to Be Executed by Nicaragua Attempted Assassination 5.

Em Cor. 13th and Washington Sis. reiba, destroying a small portion of the tract OUR GREAT Dissolution Sale i 4 Is Now in Full Force Our Circular will give you some idea of the. prices established for this great sale. Now is the time to buy at Abrahamson's.

CONFESSES EI I CUSTOMS DDTIES Judge Gives Decision in Favor of Oakland City Treasurer. B. S. MacMuIlen failed to amend his complaint in a suit charging malfeasance in office against City Treasurer Edwin Meese and Superior Judge Ellsworth this afternoon entered a default and gave Judgment In favor of the defendant and against the plaintiff without costs of the action. Ten days ago the same court sustained a demurrer of' the defendant allowing ten days for amendment.

Sensational charges made by MacMuIlen against Meese have therefore been dropped as far as the slut he brought aglnst him Is concerned. In sustaining the demurrer the court held that It had not ben prop, erly brought in that the charges should have been placed before a grand jury and tTrTTHaTcTmeTirTeli-ilefeaTnrK TaoYs WeTe sufficient to substantiate them, and not brought by a private individual. (Continued from Page 1.) Kuskind, making his home at the St. Mark, and serving as manager for the firm of Dr C. T.

Palmer specialists, with offices at 1015V4 Broadway. The company Is no longer in existence In Oakland, having removed Its offices from the Broadway location several months ago. Susklnd was last here at the time of his marriage to Vllma Steck, the actress, on-February 2 7-i At- that-4 Ime-he-lived fur several weeks at the St. Murk. Mrs.

Susklnd, was a member of the company which appeared at Idora Park In the open-air theater last summer. She Is a sister of Olga Steck, with the Kolb Dill company In San Francisco. The Steck home was In Alameda. Johnson Comments on Election Result SACRAMENTO, March 20. Commenting on the North Dakota 'primary of yesterday Governor Hiram W.

Johnson said today: "The significant thing In the North Dakota election la the vote of Mr. Taft. The progressive vote in that state Is represented by the jym of the. vote polled for La Fotlette and Roosevelt. The reactionary -vote is represented by the total received by Mrl Taft "The election there demonstrates that the people do not want Taft, and that wherever they have the opportunity of expression they will make this so plain that none can 'doubt it.

"The Taft vote shows at once the reason and the wisdom of the Taft managers In denying the peopla the right to vote upon their candidates for presidency." ACTRESS IS HOSTESS AT KEY ROUTE Miss Jimmle Jlmeson entertained a party of friends yesterday afternoon at the Key Route Inn. The table was decorated with pink and white carnations and asparagus ferns. Miss Jimeson made her Initial appearance last Monday night at Ye Liberty Theater. COLDS CAUSE HEADACHE. LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine, the world- wide Cold and Grip remedy, removes caue.

Call for full name. Look for sig nature K. Ultuti. amr. MiTDEBNcfy PL The District Attorney Will Be Candidate to Succeed Ellsworth.

(Continued on Page 2, Col. 3) firm, sa'ylng that he had made up Ills mind and wouUl put his decision into ef fect. Only upon that determination did District Attorney Donahue consent to be a candidate for the office. BEGAN IN 1889. Judge Ellsworth took his plsce on the bench In 188 after having served two years as state assemblyman.

Previous to that he was city attorney In Alameda. On January 7 he will have completed four six-year terms, being one of the oldest superior judges in the state in length of Service He has passed his 70th year and has made an enviable record on the bench, having sat In some of the famous cases tried lrithls 'County. The first waterfront suits were tried bIarf Judges Greene, Hcnshaw and Eilsworth sitting eh banc. TTiTfae-clded that the Carpentler grant under which the property was then held was void. Judge Ellsworth was born in Connecticut and came to California In December, 1867, settling In Alameda county.

He has resided hcre-erer aihee. When he retires from the bench next January ha will have served twenty-fonr years. "It has been said that Judges and politicians never resign and seldom die," said the retiring Jurist, "but I hope to prove an exception tu the julc Jnone particular at least. I have had long and active service. My career on the bench has been an -enjoyable one to me.

While I have been urged to be a candidate again, I have felt for some time that I should lay down active work and I expect to devote my time in the near future to less exacting duties than those which befall a superior Judge." HOST OF FRIENDS. Judge Ellsworth, during his many years on. the superior bench, has made a host of rlends. He has always retained the highest respect of the legal fraternity and his decisions have been noted for their- alrnese and the deliberation which he gave them, Ills retire-ment came as a surprise to the public in general, as few had any Intimation that he would not sconslder another term in office When court adjourned in the criminal department shortly after noon today Judge Ellsworth called representatives of the newspapers Into his chambers and made a formal announcement that he would retire. The news spread rapidly among the various offlees at the court house and Immediately there were suggestions made as to a possible successor.

District Attorney II. Donahue was named, and when asked as to his Intentions he said: "Every member of the bar has the greatest admiration and respect for the integrity and sterling ability of Hon. John Ellsworth as a citizen and as a jurist. I regret his derision to retire, for if he were a candidate under no circumstances would I oppose him. But, Inasmuch, as he has decided not to seek re-election I have been urged to become a candidate.

"As district attorney I have, for four years, given to tha people of Alameda county the very best that was In me, and now, under the new law. Inasmuch as the nomination and election of judges of the superior court "Is non-partisan and non-polltlcal, I can -see In the office of superior Judge an opportunity to do much good and to be of greater service 'to the people." Police- Judge George Samtiels also confessed this afternoon that he would be a candidate for a superior Judgeship. Superior Judge F. B. Ogden's-six-year term also expires at the same time as that of Judge Ellsworth and Judge Samuels says that he will endeavor to fill one of the vacancies.

The salury of a superior Judge Is $6000 per year. That of district attorney Is $4000, his assistant $3300, W. If. L. llynes, assistant district attorney, has been mentioned as a candidate to succeed II.

Donahue In the event of the istter's succeeding toJhe superior Judgeship left vacant, by nhe retirement of Judge Ellsworth. Judge Ellsworth today did not hesitate to say that he felt that the new provision In tha slate law referring to tht recall "ot superior Judges was a vi cious clause. "No man Is safav against the recall, once It Is said. Is unjust to the people." 50,000 Women to Be In Chicago Parade Fair Sex Will Storm Republican National Convention in In-terests of Suffrage. CHICAGO, March 20 Fifty thousand women will march In a parade at the Republican national convention in the Coliseum here next June and ask the party to endorso the equal suffrage cause, if plans formulated here nre carried Into execution.

1 Dr. Anna Blount, one of the leaders In the cause, said, that every Rtate In the Union would be represented. I. W. CLOSE SIX MILLS.

HOQUIAM, Wash. March 20. Six mills have dosed down on Gray's harbor a result of the spread of the Industrial Workers of the World str'ik, five of the, number closing yesterday. Two mills In Hoqulam sre "affected and four In Aberdeen. The mill owners state their plants will remain closed for an Indefinite perlort All that is necessary is the occasional use of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a preparation of common garden Sage and Sulphur, combined with other valuable remedies for dry, harsh, faded hair, dandruff.

Itching scalp and falling hair. After a few applications of this simple, harmless remedy, your hair win gradually be restored to its natural color, in a short time the dandruff will be removed, rfnd your hair will no longer come out but will start to grow as Nature Intended It should. Don't neglect your hair, for It goes further than anything else to make or mar your good looks. You can buy this remedy at any drug store for fifty cents a bottle, and your druggist will give your money back If you are not satisfied after using. pur.

chase a bottle today. You will never regret It when you realize the difference It will rnak In vniir a nni Soioltl agent. Owl Drug Co. NEW ORLEANS, Murch 20. As the result of the alleged discovery by the government of Nicaragua of a plot to assassinate Secretary of State Knox during his recent visit there, it Is not Improbable several leading Liberals will be put to tieath, according to advices received here today from Blueflelds.

Thirtce' dynamite connected with an- electric, battery and placed beneath the roadbed jyer which Secretary Knox's special train traveled from Co-rinto to wore discovered by government agents and will be used as evidence against the conspirators. On the day of Knox's arrival at Managua a bomb was exploded under the C.hllamnte bridge, between Leon and La Doubling the Capacity of Rich' mond Refinery; May Be Largest in World. RICHMOND, March 20.The Standard Oil Company starts up today the first five stills of the big battery now under construction at its refining plant in this city. There are ten more stills to be completed In the battery, which are used In refining crude oils pumped 300 miles from the Kern river cpuritry, to which oil fields the third pipe lino of the great concern Is now being laid. The other ten will becpnstructed as fast as the brick can be obtained.

This new battery of stills is but one of the mainy contemplated by the Standard compauy which commenced some months ago. Its process of. enlargement to a point doubling the capacity of the present plant. The first enlargement completed was the half million dollar asphalt plant, now In operaflon, and new barrel houses, rftfwrilne shops, with nearly 200 men on new construction work alone. i When the plans of the company are completed It Is said the Richmond plant will be the largest oil refinery In the world.

The new stills are extending out along the adjoining territory, while Immense tanks are appearing around allMhe adjacent hills. Tank steamers continue to sail from the big wharf here to all ports of the world, and when the sixty new stills are in operation the present force of 1600 workmen will be greatly augmented, at which time the attending payroll will reach close io the $100,000 a month mark. It Is now $72,000. 1E511I0TE Valley City Expects to Carry Election by Substantial Majority. NILTC8, March "20.

Great interest Is being manifested over the probable outcome of a special school bond election to held here next Saturday, March 23. the sum of $28,000. The election was not called until after an expression of the wishes of tire voters had been secured at a mass meeting by the school trustees and It Is believed by those In favor of the Issue that the bonds will carry by a lieavy majority. In the event of a successful Issue the new school buildings -will be built on an ample area. The arrangements of the class rooms and appurtenances will be on modern plans.

The proposed bonds will be of a denomination of $1000 each and will bear Interest at --the rate of 5 per cent per annum, the dividends to be paid semiannually. To Be Guests at House Warm-. ing of the Women Improvers; ITPER FRC1TVALE, March 20. The merchants of Plmond will be Rendered a reception at a house-warming by Woman's Improvement C.lub of Frultvale tomorrow night -in 'the new Iieadquartera of the organization, 2910 Hopkins street. The officers of the club, who.

have been making the arrangements for the affair, are: President, Mrs. Carolyn G. Holmes; first vice-president, Mrs. Ida Becker; second vice-president, Mrs. Kate Rollins; secretary.

Mrs. A. R. Hawkins: recording Secretary, A. Chalfont.

There will be a musical and literary program In which local 'talent will be the principal feature. TRUSTEES CONSIDER B0NDING0F VALLEJ0 March 20. The, proposition of bonding Vallejo for a new city hall and electric lighting plant was considered here by the city trustees today. A resolution was adopted declaring that these are public necessities. Another resolution accepts the offer of Holano county to Join with Vallejo In building a Joint city Invil and county jail.

The election will be held In six weeks. In the event of the bonds carrying for the city hall It Is the Intention to makei the old city hall a central fire house, -with quarters on the upper floor for the flre-men. TO SElTbIG TRACT F0RDAIRY FARM BYRON, March 20. A monster subdivision scheme for a tract of land near Byron containing 3K00 acres is being projected here by F. A.

West and L. Wol. holt, owners of the land. It is planned to plant 4l)0 acres In alfalfa at once and then to subdivide and sell the land for dairying purposes. A complete Irrigation system is to be Installed and next spring ton additional acres will bo 'planted in alfalfa, this being repeated each year' until Ui whole tract undar cultivation.

STIDIiOILt -EUOCKUI SHO BONDS IRCNUS will 0 WASHINGTON SURPRISED. WASHINGTON, March 20. State Department officials' expressed surprise today to the reports from New Orleans that the Nlcaraguan government contemplated executing Liberals arrested March 5 in connection with a reported plot to kill Secretary Knox. United States Minister Wetsel, in reporting the arrests to the State Department at that time, declared the records failed to show that any dynamtt bombs actually were placed. The men were' arrested merely to keep them quiet during the secretary's visit as they had been talking wildly and publishing inflammatory articles In the newspapers.

Secretary Kjiox, In cablegrams to the department, declared these precautions were unnecessary. No request of any kind for the punishment of the men was maTle by the American government. WELL ADVERTISED Automobile Tour to New York Showing Many Moving-Pictures. RICHMOND, March 20. The Richmond Real Estate Association has engaged the Parlscopc company, a big motion picture firm, to begin Its trans-continental tour in automobiles with Richmond as th starting point.

At every town passed between here and New York, moving picture films showing tliei manufacturing industries of Richmond will be distributed foniseTnTthe local, thousands of feet of films, are to be made at once for that purpose. Prl-triarlly the tour Is to be made for the purpose of selecting a route -available for trans-continental autoists and will receive the widest kind of publicity. The Standard Oil reftnery, Pullman car shops, railway shops ihd the various manufacturing establishments will be shown in full operation. After being circulated in the show houses of this country the pictures will be shown throughout Great Britain, France, Germany. Australia and South America.

The- members of the realty board here are enthusiastic over the big advertising scheme and are interesting the business men with them, as a large expense Is attached to the project. KEY ROUTE GETS CONTRA i COSTA JM. FRANCHISE RICHMOND, March 20. The board of county supervisors yesterday granted to the Key Route company the franchise' asked of 5000 feet in Contra Costa county, from the Alameda county line toward Richmond. This, Is the first link in the chain of movements preparatory to bringing that fast passenger service Into this city, as announced by Its officials some time ago.

The strip of 5000 feet asked for embraces the only land not owned by the Key Route or allied companies along the right-of-way to be used from Albany into Richmond. Its right-of-way to San Pablo and Macdonald avenues is- over land owned by the Realty Syndicate. Work has already commenced on the grade. DETECTIVES SEARCH F0RJISSING BOY SAN FRANCISCO, March 20. The detective department Is searching today for Edward Shields, a lad, who, according to a brief dispatch, was lured away from his home In Tacoma, by evil companions.

A wire received by Chief White from the chief of police of Tacoma declares that Shields is in the company of an older boy and that he himself look's old for his age. When he left home he was attired in brown mixed suit and wore a red necktie. He la 5 feet Inches tall, weighs 170 pounds and has dark complexion. Special Southern Pacific Rates Account Shriners' Circus This coming -March 30th. 31st, April 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th the Southern Pacific company will Issue round-trip tickets at 11-3 regular-fare with return limit April from Salinas, Fresno, Sacramento and Intermediate! stations, including branch Southern Pacific lines to Oakland, Cal.

MAN AND WOMAN HELD ON FELONY CHARGE RICHMOND, March 20 C. K. Pauline Ruby Stanley arrested here ia'st -evening by the local police, acting for tho. police of Oakland, oh a charge of embezzlement b.jt.ivthe...ew' thoritles of Visalla. Pauline was at one time or(uiie'e for the order of Moose and became involved by alteyird-shiirtage in ins accounts, wnen apprehended he was working at the Standard-Oil refinery here as a The woman has been traveling around with liinn for a year past and is also wanted at Visalla for passing bad checks, according to the police of that place.

They were taken td Oaltlnnd from here. 2nd Hand Burroughs A Adding Machines nre rarely on the market. You cannot buy one from any owner, because they know its value In their Sometimes we have a second-hand machine to sell traded back to us by some one purchasing moro up-to-date machines which' will do' more forithem. If we have one that1 you can use, we will be glad to sell It to ymi, guaranteed for one year, the tama as we sell new ones. Drop us a line or phone us and we will tell you more about it.

Burroughs Adding Machine Co, D. E. PERKINS, galea Mtuajcr, 400 Thirteenth St. OAKLAND, CAUK. Onklsml Bill II BE Natural Laxative uruw nan U1B99 wjrM on Arising aw CONSTIPATION Industries Are Paralyzed in Following the Coal Strike.

(Continued from Page 1) 1810,000, In addition to 12,500,000 In the" previous week. TO RESUME WORK. GLASGOW, MarclvA 20. The 'officials of the Scottish Miners' Union received telegraphic Instructions from London today to make arrangements for having the striking miners return to work March POLICE HAVE TROUBLE. Many non-union miners have resumed work In the Scottish coat fields.

The police are having serious trouble In protecting them. Pesplte a growing dealra In the British coal fields to see a settlement, fresh trouble was threatened today In the notification to tha labor party In the House of Commons that tin-less the) minimum wage bill also provided a fixed minimum wage for the furnace men the dispute would not be settled. An abnormal exodus of steamers from British ports for America Is taking place. The hope to obtain cargoes of American coal for the Mediterranean. James Henry Thomas, the labor member of parliament for Derby and organizing secretary of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants, confirms th report that the railroadmen Intend to submit a new national program to' the railroad companies early In May.

He would not commit himself as to whether the men Intended to strlke'lf their demands were rejected. The decline In railroad traffic receipts last week amounted to as compared with the same week last year. The steamer Kaiser Wllhelm der Grosse took the mall for the United States and Canada, owing to the suspension of the sailings of the vessels of the American line. TO RESUME WORK MONDAY. Preparations are already being made In most of the Yorkshire collieries for a resumption of work Monday.

Some of the men are anxious to resume today, as the distress among them has become acute, but they have -been prevailed upon to await the passage of the minimum wage bill, i The miners' federation, after a long consideration of the text of. the bill, resolved that no act which does not contain a minimum wage of five shillings a day for each man and two shillings a day for each woman would ba. acceptable. The delegates also called on the members of the labor party In the House of Commons to amend the bill to include the miners' schedule, of rates. It Is unlikelythat tha government will accept tlie amendment, but possibly a compromise may be agreed upon by which the Insertion of the five and two-shilling minimum shall be made.

GENERAL- STRIKE FEARED. CLEVELAND, March 20. A difference of 20 cents a ton In the wage sought an that offered confronts a joint conference of mine operators and miners here today. The mine workers want $1.05 a ton for coal they get out, while the operators 'meet them with a counter proposal i that the payment be only 85 cents, which Is 10 cents less than the miners receive under the agreement 'that expires March Zl. Sixty-four men thirty-two operators and thirty-two mine workers representing the bituminous eoal fields of Pennsylvania.

Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, are delegates the con- They came to" reach an 1 agreement, if possible, but both sides i appear determined not to yield upon the major points Involved. A long suspension ef work, beginning April 1, If not a general strike is regarded as Inevitable. Announcement was made for the operators last evening after they )vad Conferred that they were unanimously agreed to stand by their demand of a I 10-rent reduction Easy Way to Preserve Natural Color of the Hair and Make It Grow, A harmless remedy, made frorrf common garden sage, quickly restores gray hair to natural color. The care of the hair, to prevent It from losing Its color and luster, is Just as lmpot-! tant as to care for teeth to keep them from discoloring. Why spend money for cosmetics and creams to improve the complexion, and yet neglect your hair, when gray hair is even more conspicuous and suggestive of age than wrinkles or a poor complexion? Of the two.

It Is easier to preserve the I natural color and beauty of tha hair liao. la to, hava a good complexion. in THI FfHST GRAY DOS LOOK OLD wiiMi for years was one'" of the most proBilnent residents of this city. mother, two sisters and two brothers reside in Los Angelesr whence- the family removed four years ago. Mrs.

Carson and other sisters, Miss Carlottd and Miss Beatrice Eugenie, have been residing In San Francisco. family Is one of great wealth, and after their mansion on the Alameda had been badly wrecked by the earthquake of 1906 they removed to Los Angeles, where they had large property interests. Mrs. Carson had been. a great world traveler for many years and a few years ago she published a book on Egypt that attracted considerable attention.

All the members of the and Mrs. Carson was an exceptionally attractive woman, with fine business and literary ability combined. She had a wide circle of friends here. WIDOW OF rilYSICIAX. SAN FRANCISCO.

March 20. Mrs. Blanche Carson, who committed suicide at a New York hotel today following her arrest for smuggling, was the widow of Dr. Edwin Carson. Mrs.

Carson resided at a fashionable apartment house here with her two sisters, the Misses Eugenia and Charlotte Mahury. "I cannot believe my sister guilty of smuggling," said Miss Eugenia Mabury today. "She was Independently wealthy and carried with her several thousand, dollars' worth of jewelry when she left here on her world tour last August. My sister cabled from Paris thut she expected to sail for New York on the Olympic March That was the last word I recelvrJR from her. Dr.

Carson died twelve years ago." Carson belonged to the Century Club and several similar organisations here. Mrs. blanche Carson was an alumna of Vassar College and active in tha work of the Vitssar students' Aid Society In this city. She was the author of several books, Including "From Cairo to the Continent" and "Letters From India." Her husband, Dr. Edwin Carson, died a few weeks after their marriage a number of 1 years ago.

Since then Mrs. Carson has Rpent much of her time at CarmeM. by-the-Sea, a colony of writers anf artists, near this city. BEATEN AND ROBBED BY BRACE OF THUGS SAN FRANCISCO, March 20. Frank Jthnson ot 101 View, avenue, was held up at the' point of a revolver In tho hands clone or two men on West Mission street near Eleventh, early this morning.

rrhi thugs first administered a beating tor their victim and then as he lay pros-trate'rohhed him of SS cents and a watch. li Mux 'vr i fr4.TC k1? w-fs i 1 i JmMm li Suicide Follows Discovery of Attempted Smuggling by S. F. Woman. JContinued from-Page 1LV valuation.

I am willing to pay the duty." Lawyer Osborn said he did not know of the previous affairs of Mrs. Carson. In her room was a card with her namo on It and bearing the address 1925 Gough street, San Francisco. Mr. Osborn declined to open the letter addressed to him until the coroner had completed his examina-, tion.

The letter addressed to Paul Maybury began: "Dear Brother," but It was not made public. The letter to Mr. Osborn read as "Four a. m. My Dear Mr.

Osborn: My brother's address is Paul R. Ma-bury, 919 West Twenty-eighth street, Los Angeles, California. I can never thank you enough for all you have done for Dispose of the remains lhere as quickly jis possible. Do not send them home. "(Signed.) B.

mtOTHER SKEPTICAL. LOS ANGELES, March 20. raut R. Mabury of 919 West Twenty-eighth ejtreet, this city, "when told today that Mrs. Blanche Carson of San Francisco had committed suicide In New York, where she had been arrested on the charge of smuggling, said he had a sister of that name, but said he declined to believe, despite the fact that the dead woman left a note addressed to him, it was his relative who had killed herself.

"There are many people named Carson," said Mabirry. "I shall not believe It was my sister until I have official reports." is the manager of a trust-company here. WEALTHY FAMILY. SAN JOSE3, March 20. Mrs.

Blanche Carson, who hanged herself in New this morning, was a danehty of the- late Hiram Mabury, Copyright Hart SdufTner KLAI Pwu fk ND Yoar-------TT'T-4Ry-; Spring Suit IS HERE in infinite variety- This season we're decidedly "chesty" about our showing of Men's Suits for spring and summer wearWe Know that we have planned and picKed and ordered and selected with a view to showing perhaps the largest and best line in the West. i Hart Schaffner Marx Have contributed the major part, and we're "chesty" about that, too. Come in any day and looK 'em over. You'll find we have your suit in the right model and material, and at the right price. HnlRSIGIil OF ABE.

BEFORE Mil TIME $15 $40: AM.

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