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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 9

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKLAND TRIBUNH MARCH 17, 1912. SUNDAY MORNING. THERE'S MUCH TO SAY OF PERSONS Bits About the Footlights HOME INDUSTRY AND THE STAGE i i i. iii THINGS, THEATRICALLY -BENT (By ROSWELL DAGCE.) HE "Patronize Home In-1 viewer stood on the steps of tho Mao-dustry" sign has been out aonough the other night while the this week in Oakland. Not sa1 tory unfolded Itself to the actor anything as common- mpany ng tears of Jupiter Pluvius.

place as fruits or flowers. T. falnt heart never won fair world, but where can you find a pure man?" Vane Is asked. "What would you do with him when you found htm?" he queries in reply. "Your good man Is on of two things; he Is sick or silly.

COHAN AND HIS ANSWER. Somewhere In the following may be found George Cohan'? answer to those who have ventured to criticize the class of musical comedy, he puts forth: "I am frequently asked," sayL, nil 07M i WttW '7 I I yll DAVID BELASCO, who has leaped his wall of reserve and will do things for the vaudeville stage. brought them to this country for his F' IWU IllO tVUU SlgH. 1 thought I had a good Idea in, this show of mine, actually following as close as possible a sight-seeing trip through San Francisco. And I know I'm right.

Wait until we hit the road. "I TOr.n YOU SO." "Nobody wi. hasn't put on a show knows what it's like." Thero was a bit of bitttfrness hidden behind th admission. "When anbody tries to put a show on out here everybody knocks and does everything to kick it down and out. Everything that can hinder its going on happens to the tune of 'I told you sos' from all your knocker friends.

Even when you've rot a Dlav to start out with, it's bad enough to get together a company out here of a lot of semi-professionals and. make any sort of a production out of it." "With me I had to start out with no. play into the bargain. I had an idea that the sort of thing that you seo wnen you go on a sight-seeing trip would make good stuff, and so I took all those things and put them together. And even if everybody has knocked, I think I've got a good show! mat win go big on the road and I'm stick toTt.

Hickman, who was born in Oak land, followed it by being manager! oi mo unuies in san rTanoisco for twelv years before the fire, but hasn't been here for fourteen yearn, echnpfl thfl Rtnrv TTa holnari saIa. the company and rehearse It, but when asked for some experiences adroitly changes the subject Prob- ably painful things too recent are better who will be compelled to go outside of the building if they want anything stronger than tea or coffee. ooo Mr. Collins was asked if the censorship" which Is applied to productions In Eng land is a drawback In any way. ''On the contrary.

I think It Is a good thlnsr." he replied. "Were there no censorshln. the London theaters would be free to put on some of thoje questionable French rarces that, in the long run, would re act upon the producers. Censorship Is a good thing. It does not bother the decent producer.

oo When Ruth St. 'Denis produces her one act dance plays, one of them will be a dramatization of Lafcadio Hcarn's story, "Out of the east" SHED TEARS FOR 7 YEARS "You can not blame an 'emoting actress for wanting to change her line of work," says Helen Ware, the well-known actress, who Is successfully Btarrlng In Ooorge Broadhurst's drama, "The Price," "It Is a mighty tiresome thing to rack ybur nerves every night wrestling with a strenuou part, and then, the tears Is no easy Job, either, if you believe one who has a fondness for truth. "In looking back on my career, I find that, for the last seven years I have done nothing but shed little rivulets of briny tears from one end of this broad land of ours to the other. I begin doing the tearful act In 'The and fol-towetl-itejup. siThar and 'The Kreutiser Up to this time It was desultory crying.

However, In 1008, as'Rmma Brooks, In Tald In Full," I became a cryer in real earnest. I simply flooded the stage at Wallack's theater In 'The and In 'The Third Degree' I shed enough tear to float a small sized armada. In 'The which was my-first-starring vehicle, I cried for forty minute at every performance. Mr. Broadhurst, lj writing Th Price, being mindful of my ability to shed tears, gave me abundant opportunity to display my talent in this direction, by providing one whole act In which I poured out my soul, aided and abetted by well-trained tear ducts.

"Speaking of Jea.itejaifcllc will no longer staml for the actors' simulating being mindful of my ability to shed wltlAtbctr kerchief. They're all Missonr-lans, sitting oiit ln front, ench ona with a forty-horsepo-wer opera glass, and they are not swayed unless they can see little river coursing down your cheeks." AGDOM ant of to th th a 4' I Va1aim Dnk. uiiuuiiLTH int lim wui present a musical version of "Unci Tom's Cabin." The book and lrlcs ar by Joseph Frederic, and the musio is bj Arthur Pryor, of band fame. CharlotU Parry has been engaged to creat Topsy. "Arthur Collin, managing editor of th Theater Royal, Drury Lane, will produce In London "Officer 664" and "Get Rich Quick Walllngford." "I making arrangements," said Mr.

'for the production in New York two of my London successes, 'Tb Whip and 'Hop O'er My 'Th Whip" Is a 'sporting drama In four act and II Joseph Kllgour ha no roi in "Lady Patrioia," and Harrison Gray Flk ha allowed him to accept on of th leading role in th production of "Making Money," In which William Courtenay la hav the principal role. James Montgomery wrot th play. ooo- Henry B. Harris has engaged Frank Mill to play the leading mal rol in "The Right to Be Happy." a three actV play by H. Kellott Chambers, with Dorothy Donnelly featured.

"The Vaudeville Broker," the new vaudeville sketch In which Lea Harrison appears, shows th interior of a vaudeville agent's otfle. Mr. Harrison plays agent, and several player appear and apply for work. Mascagnl will personally conduct per formances of "Oavallerla Rustlcana" at London Hippodrome. Lottie William ha a sketch called "Goodbye.

Pierrot," by Rose StahL which she la shortly to produo In vaudeville. Jefferson de Angellt Is to present a sketch, entitled "Th Traveling Dent ist" PRETTYACTRESs TO WED ASTOR Rumor from Boston and Newport society has It that Mlsl In Clair, th youthful prima donna of "The Quaker Girl," playing the Park Theater, New York, Is engaged to William Vincent As- tor, son of John Jacob Astor, and a freshman at Harvard. With that rumor well fixed in his cranium, 4 reporter dropped around to ask Miss Clalj-aall about It. thinking mat ine woman in in ca wouiu naturally tho on to glv th most authorltatlv statement But th guess was wrong. Miss Claire's replies wr Ilk it.

S. 1 1 1 wU you blow Us head oft to see whether he loves you. Th dandelion, says; "lie loves me. He loves me not!" And that was Just about What Miss Clair said. She said that sh could neither confirm nor deny the rumor, but that it wasn't so, and that she wasn't going to discuss It.

"We're Just good friends, that all." The Interviewer pointed out that when woman says she's Just good with a man It amount to a confession that her left-hand Anger ha a ring coming. You ar engr.ged to Mr. Astor, ar you not?" Miss ClaJre was asked. "I not," she retorted. "What I'd like to know is where did you nws- papers find It out?" "Kind what out?" asked the questioner.

"Why, find out that we Were," Mis aire unuuereci. "i mean, now am joit happen to find out that we were sup-, ......1 dnnirtttf tall VA1I -Wnn't either confirm or deny such a llly ru mor, "Well, anyway, you'll' marry him, Won't you?" Mini fin Ire. hesitated notloeahlr for sev- Arl moment vn1. aunnoBe." she asked, "that I'd marry a man to whom. wasn't engaged know ir.

Astor vry wU, don't you?" "Oh, yes, very well. "I see him well, he rnmns down here sometimes. you bnnmr' Claim Umllurt "He Just come down here well, on business, you know. He has a lot of business. We're Just friends." Miss Claire was asked if young Astor was not making very frequent trip to New York, and spending considerable part of his time at the Park Tbatr.

"He comes down here frequently, and he sues the show, but he's Just business Just business." "Does he se the play on buslnessT -u'hv ve sure: it's hi business to) ee the play." Miss Claire wa asked about her rcnt visit to a furniture stor whr an auc tion Is being held. "Well, that was Just business, My own business, principally," said th prima a Iin.h- CiiBlra- fltil iUOOMA Ol Aim WAa. This Is the third time in two years that young Astor has been reported engaged. -1 1 rt The Hl'Bl two limn un nvtm be engaged to daughters of society. Th Inst, rumor connected his name with that of Margaret uiuu" and Mrs.

Paul -A. Andrews of Miss Andrews Is only 19. Her parents, denied the rumor and sailed lor Europe. IJ THEATER Phone Oakland 87 famous drama love, with AND (By LEO LEVY.) ATHE.K a typical bit of Rl play building was employed I by Rupert Hughes In "Ex-I cuse Me" and a recital of It goes to prove that out of chaos may come anything and especially a mint. hughes had the title a year or more before he used It, according to an Interview ho recently pave.

After digging up "Excuse Me" from a -mass of notes ho proceeded- to rind tofit It. In M.r rtmiriiagljisr, he says, he came across of prone he had once mapped out, the- Incidents of wliich were laid on a transcontinental triln. And from title and the hint as to the possibilities of farce on an overland express evolved" 'one- of the mt suceesslul comedies of the preseniday. Hughes claims "Excuse Me" as ms first big strike. Me wrota "The Triangle," acted by Charlotte Walker and Ferdinand (Jottscr'allt, Borne seven or eight years ago; adnpted "Two Women" for CnrW, the drama first played as "The Transformation" by Florence Roberts.

Hushes wrote "All For a Girl," In which Douglas Fairbanks was starred In 190S with Adelaide Manola, Hughes' wife, as lending woman. When "Excupe Me" opens In Oakland, Willis r. Pweatnam will be the first nf a cast of stars. Sweatnam in an nii minptrel man who oame to the coast first In 1S72 with Slocum's minstrels. One of his later-day successes was as "Sassafras Livingston" in Ade's "County Chairman." Ann Murdock made her first success with Robert Kdeson about three seasons ngo In "The Call of the North," when she was leading woman In this dramatization of "Conjuror's House." Charles Meakins followed Donald Bryan In the New York company "The and cang DanllQ for three seasons.

Meakins was to Edith Bradford, who was contralto the Princess theater company across the bay In 1907 and 190S. Meakins has been a member of Aborn's comic opera organizations and sang LtttleJohn In "Robin Hood" In the summer" of 1910. Rita Stanwood has risen (rom the ranks of. the chorus. She was with Richard CarVt In "Mary's Lamb," one of the show piif In the original Chicago production of "

8herry." when she was "Helen Van Ness," one of the girls whose "every little movement had a meaning all Its cwn." And thus, ad Infinitum, can you go on to exploring the past of the cast of "Excuse Me," an'exceJlent cost," a capable cast and a cast worth your attention. BELASCO IN VAUDEVILLE. In the evolution of vaudeville, so re cently enrlchied by the acquisition' of Sarah Bernhardt, the most Important nopvement, unquestionably, and that vWich ln the very nature of things -should give It an almost Incalculable momentum, comes the announcement that David Be-laeoo' will now and henceforth lend hs geriVua to the support of this form of entertainment. Belasco has just entered Into an exclusive contract with Martin Beck whereby there will, be presented In Beck's New York and Chicago Palace theaters and over the Orpheum circuit, a series of one-act plays staged and produced In such a- manner and under such artistic auspices as to set a standard hitherto undreamed of and thus far never attempted outside tif Bo-callcd "legitimate" productions. tiicse plays are already process of staging, one of which, "Madam Butterfly," being already booked for Its prcmlero performance in BL Louis early In Anril.

while the other, "The Drums of Oude," by Austin Strong, will see production a week or so later. Be'iasco will launch the new venture not with much-wdlt and glbry to himself, but with Infinite profit and pleas-tire to the lovers of vaudeville. -Each drama will be a classic In miniature. The history, of Belasco's "Madame Butterfly," both as a drama and later us an opera, has become almost a commonplace of knowledge of the theater-, going public. How David Bolasco, seeing Inloncnlv flr.TmatlC.

COJSlbilltlOS Of a simple short story oJLJohn Luther Long's, developed out if It by the magic of his genius a little drama wlSfch was destined to become the Very microcosm of Japan; no? by presenting his' talented stor, Blanche In the title role of Yo Belasco, in) a single night, established the artlstlo reputation of. thaL, woman arid started lier On the road to fame and fortune; thexfjreat furor with vhlch this dainty glimpse of old Nippon waa received In NewWdrk, Us long run here, Its triumphal and long protracted tour of the United States, its phenomenally successful season In London at the Duke of York's' theater; theso are all now matters of theatrical history. "The Drums of Oude" Is a play brief enough to be performed within the space of half an hour, but within that half hour the audience, thanks to Strong's art, lives through the perilous days of the Indian mutiny, In fact "The Drums of Oude" which played for mors than two years In London without missing a single night, presents the terrible mutiny In a nutshell. It Is, as It were, a thumb nail sketch of, the awful epoch In the history of ine JSWtfsh Imperialism In India. For.

"Beck oure the right of producing it In the, houses of his circuit In a triumph of managerial manoeuvering, but to have It produced under the angle of David Belasco and his associate Is a stroke of gen- ious. 0 0 0 POOR OLD NAT. And our old friend Nat Goodwin husn't acquired hforse sense with the years. Blty. 'tis 'tis true ot all, but being, so we may but sigh and let It go at Tr was on that day when New York gloating pver Goodwin's coming bUik Fasrln In "Oliver Twist" that the actor vet displayed an uncommon lot ot his feelings and began to pout It woiDd seem as If his'plcture had not been played up on billboards and In newspapers as liberally and as often as had been those ef some of the uffragtita or even macmnery, duii something far rarer and mora nothing less, In than a musical comedy.

"Night, Follies of San Franv ci'sco" It was called, and Tony Lubel-skl, familiar figure in theatrical circles about the bay, was Its. manu-factu-rer. Now' and then -a -concoction of the musical comedy variety Is turned out someyhere other than In the immediate vicinity of Forty-second street and Broadway, New York, and great is the, fuss thereat. But by "turned out" is really meant written, for when It comes to the actual bodying forth of a that is done from that little old town -on the banks of the Hudson, where all actors claim to belong. This play is the one glowing exception.

Here Is a piece not only put out under the wing of a San Francisco man, who had first written it and arranged the music, but every aspect of the piece, from scenery and costumes to players, came from about the bay. I.IKE AN OPE11ATION. When this putting on is seriously considered, one thing Is certain to loom up prominently. Not the glitter and glory of the venture, but Its arlivio.HL startlin likeness to surgical operation. In the first place, it costs a lot of money; is generally ex-tremelypalnful while It Is being done, and, finally, wheh it is all over Just as likely as not the whole thing wasn worth doing In the first plac.

Anyone who doubts this has only to ask Tony Lubelskl, or his manager, Art Hickman, an Oakland boy, who ls in charge of the "Night Follies." Lubelskl, Hickman and the Inter- "Paid In Full," Eugene Walter's powerful drama, to be seen at the Liberty this coming week, was the first success of that playwright. It was produced originally with Oza Waldrop, a local favorite with Liberty patrons, as the sister of the heroine, "Emma Brooks," and with two other players well known In California iii the two main roles, Lillian Albertson as "Emma" and Tully Marshall as "Joe ooo "A Romance of the Underworld," ty Paul Armstrong, played a few weeks back as a sketch at the Orpheum, will have Its premier as a three act play at Bridgeport, tomorrow nighC It is a story of criminals, the original scene being laid In the famous Tombs prison in New York. ooo While Elsie Jams Is seen here shortly at the Macdonough In the latest musical comedy by George Ade, "The Slim Princess," she will be supported by Queenie Vassar, The name is not fa miliar to theater-goors of today, but ten. years or more ago Miss VasBar was one of the most- popular musical comedy sdubrettes. Miss Vassar Is the wife.

of Joseph Cawthorne, chief support for Miss Janls. 0 0 0 Charles Frohman is bringing the extraordinary Russian actor, Paul Orleneft, Into his Garrlck theater, New York, for an Indefinite season in Russian plays. These are the plays barred from per- rerjfirtolrM IneluriAa "Cyl, WnfAnrt Paul and It Is said a very interesting Hamlet. It Is the actor's second visit to America. ooo Signed contracts have been exchanged by Augustus Thoinasfor the production of.

the new play lately completed by Thomas and entitled "Tho Point of View." Tnomas' newest work is a in four acts with Its scenes laid partly in old New York In the vicinity of Washington Square and Fifth avenue. The characters are notlve Americans and French-Americans. The play will produced under Thomas' personal direction. There will be no star, but a company of unusual caliber will be organized for Its, performance. The play will be acted for the first time in Baltimore on Easter Monday and com Immediately afterwards to New York.

ooo' Edith Wynne Mattlson has been engaged by Wlnthrop Ames for tho principal role in "The Terrible Meek," the new play by Charles Rann Kennedy. The cast of "The Terrible Mei Is a smalf one, only persons appearing In the play. MIhs Matthlson will hav the role of a peasant, woman. Sidney Valentine will be seen as an arm captain, and Reginald Harlow as a common soldier. "The Terrible Meek," which will run for 50 minutes without Intermission, may called a peace play, for it con tains a strong plea against the wars of empire building, and deals drnstlcnlly and critically with the whole question cpmprehended under the term "duty." ooo The Solomon Small, one of the known rabbis of the New York Jewish ghetto, has decided to desert his pulpit and adopt the stage as his profession.

He made his first stage appearance at the Olympic, New York, February 19, with the "College He has arranged a program of Hebraic melodies of the church and folkloret Interspersed with several of tils own compositions. He Is the author of more than COO Jewish songs. ooo Emperor William has made his debut as a singe manager at last. The kaiser, says the New York Review, personally rehearsed "Frederick rter (Imsse." which wus put on for a gala performance on his hlrtliday at the Itoyal Opera house in Berlin. The first scene represents Frederick "In lilielnsberg one of his favorite resiliences near Berlin.

There Is music, such as he loved, and his own compositions are Interwoven. The sec-und scene isttlie amp -during the buttle of I lohenfiledbuig'. and Hie filial one represent the end tli'iillsiiy's gifat monarch. ooo There will he seals for 199 persons In- Wlnthrop Ames' i.Htle theater. New York.

Tliis gives the owner' Ihc benefit of all the laws sgalnM which' he "Would, have to struggle If his building were In the height of the law, a theater. As It Is not considered so by the law it Is possible to build It without the six feet of open space on enrh and, moreover, with a bar If the msnagement n-slres to have one. But Mr. Amu hna derided that there will he no bar In the lounge of his little playhouse, con-vtnltnt a it might for hit patrons my estimation, Is my most successful play, and, according rules of game, my. answer should be either "The Little Millionaire" Of "Get- WaJllngford," as they constitute my successes now current.

As a master of fact, I think "Forty-five Minutes From Broadway" Is the best Milne I have done down to date. To priV Wy thinking, tho'most Important trjlhg to be considered In play construction is Salaeiousness finds ho place In the products of my pen, and up to the present writing I have succeeded jin attracting and holding my share of public patronage without filling my prtducts with vulgarisms to makt them marketable. I am not looking for that kind of Which would seem to indicate that Cohan considers a. lack of salaeiousness and vulgarity answer to tho charge that his characters are "(Srt and tricky young men from the street and the race track" and that their activities make up his plays. At least.

It would seem that cleanliness is considered next to godliness, goodllness and genuine merit. OOP SHORTER LENGTHS. To the letter writer who remonstrates with our continual and continued use of "lace, lisle and llngefTe" In connection with shows a Anna Held, we would say guilty of repetition. lady, never Jn our "career- have uttered the label, "Pulchritude" in connection with anything stage and perhaps iT9-ht will excuse the other grave error. Irene Ann' Coleman is the off-stage name of Ann MurdOck, who Is the chief feature of "Excuse Me," soon to be here.

I George Webster Is known as "father" to the members of Ye Liberty Stock Company, due, no doubt, to his experience and a certain' degree of kindliness. Bert Coote, a vaudeville artist, known here, last week aeompllshed the feat of playing a part In "The Eternal Waltz" and one In "A Lamb In Wall Street" In the afternoon and evening of the same day. 0 0 0 And now there comes from New York, the gladsome tidings that "Preserving Mr. labeled by the critics Pinero's wost, has struck out a lively gait and seems duo to live fcr some time to come. Roasted to a rich browm by the crltlcuBses, the peoplo have taken to It as to drink.

Some of the lines from the comedy are here: "Joscpha has had a dreadfully rough time," says Mrs. Panmure. "I believe she has known what It Is to din upon upon an egg." Well, my dear," answers Mrs. Heb-blethwaite, "If It was only a fresh egg." "Years ago," says the Jealous Mrs; Hebblethwalte, "at Harrogate a creature In the hotel a hussy with a ridiculous waist that was the first time Mr. Hebblethwalte stabbed me to the heart.

I walked on the the tennis court one morning and confronted them." "What happened?" another character asks. "I was fined a shlllng for damaging the, turf with my heels," answers Mrs. Hebblethwalte. "Last night the cook, whom I picture as a literal female of opulent physical proportions" says Mr. Woodhouse, "last night the cook evidently shot her bolt.

The soup was described as mock turtle. I don't dispute the fidelity of the Imitation, but the partloular turtle that was mocked must have lived on a diet consisting malnlyj of glue. Then the codfish; -wooly-as a blanket, and a more underdone fragment of meat than my slice of mutton I have never seen off a butcher's board." "Now, gentlemen," avers Mr. Panmure, who has himself klssed-Josepha, the governess, but Is bravely accusing others of the misdeed, "we don't kiss girls In my house without being perfectly sure beforehand er ah what I mean Is, Oils sort o' caper won't do at the Clewers, I can lei) you. No, no, this won't do for me." 0 0 0.

Frederick Ward and his company and a production of "Ole Olscn," the Swedish play, were the attractions -at the Oakland theater for the week beginning March 18, 1892, twenty years ago. Warde gavo two performances, one of "The Lion's Mouth," In which he took the role of "Paul De Novarra," and the other, "The Mountebank," in which he was "Belphegor." His leading woman was Adele Belgarde, now playing dow'ager roles In the stock company at tho Alcazar In San Francisco, where she has been for years. Wards himself will soon be In Oakland again playing one of the roles In the no-star production of Walter Browne's modern morality play, "Every woman." Ooo Preliminary to his annual trip abroad, Frohman will shortly visit each of his stars, wherever they are appearing. year this will mean two weeks of continuous travel by special train. By keeping closely to an.Uinerary already laid out, Frohman ill visit John I ew in Kew Orleans, Maude Adams In Chicago, BHIje Burke In Columbus, Madam Nazl-mova In Pittsburg, Donald Brian In Cincinnati and Francis Wilson In Syracuse.

Hlstlast night in New Ymk before sailing Is always given by Frohman to visiting'! half dozi-n theaters under Ills direction. 1 Ills season tills will mean unexpected to Otis Skinner, Kthei BArrymofe, Hattle Williams and Gertrude Elliott. 'ooo. David Torrence, who has one 'of the leading roles In support of Lulu Glaser in "Miss Dudelsack," soon to be seen at th Macdonough, appeared here two or three lessons ago as one of the canny Scotch brothers of Maud Adadms In "What Every Woman Knows." HI lat-eat roU Is also that of a Scotchman. ot the company, and Nat was sorely' grieved and grievously sore.

Whereupon Goodwin ambled haughtily up to Manager Tyler and served hira With two weeks' notice. It's not on record how Tyler took It; perhaps not -too seriously, maybe not at all with concern. The comedian may think It over before the two weeks are up. GOODWIN AND HIS MOTHER. Lillian Burnett, who is Mi-s.

Ram-beau off the stage and the mother of Marjorie Rambeau, Yo Liberty's leading lady, like to tell' of Goodwin's affection for his old mother. Mrs. Goodwin, near-lng the end of her days In the East, takes no greater delight, than In praising Nat to the skies and hesitates not in writing the actor of her idea of his goodness. "We were guests at an affair Mr. Goodwin gave In Southern California," says Mrs.

Rambeau," -and we found him crying over a Jetter he had Just received from his mother. The old lady had said, 'I only hope all sons are as good to their mothers as you have been to me," and It seemed to touch the comedian." Which would seem to Indicate that there Is a side of Nat's career that has never been exposed to the gaze of a rude public. ooo PONIES AND PONIES. We were regaled with the antics of a "pouter pigeon" ballet when the Newly weds' baby cooed, at the Macdonough, and may consider ourselves lucky and all that. It might have been a "pony" ballet, you know, and such would have given us all a deep and lasting pain.

In these days of many musical comedies pony ballets are anything that Is glrly and young and prancing. Out of a thousand applicants the producer selects six or eight youthful (looking) and tender chorus girls and trains them in the way of a tireless young horse that hasn't had an education and spends Its days and hours In kicking up the grass In somebody's meadows, Whereupon, anotherponey ballet Is foisted on us. L-. Right -now-- New seeing -the original ponies and they do say there Is talk Of bringing them West. Away back In 1598, at the Dni'ry Lane theater, London (that's In England), several pretty young" girls, graduates of a ballet school, made (heir professional appearance.

These little ballet girls, In their concerted dancing made, a distinct impression and forN two yars nrmysang anil danced their way Into the hard and stony hearts of the British theater goers. They adopted the name of the English Pony Eallet. George W. Lederer, an American manager, heard of their fame and production of "The Casino Girl." At once they became as popular here as In and since "The Casino Olrl" they have been 'returning to America to appear In various musical comedy pro Auction, and In vaudeville. The originals have all married, glad to tell you, and others have taken their places, but their fame goes on and on, etc.

0 0 0 IN KILTIES, AT THAT. Lulu Glasler In ItiUies, a bare-kneed chorus attired likewise, should be a delightful picture, and really were eager for "Miss Dudelsack." Miss Glaser, whoso "Polly Varden" was a source of much Joy, Is soon to be here In a Vlenesse-Scotch affair that is said to be much of a success without setting the estuary ablaaa. "Dudelsack," be It known, Is an tremely Dutchy way of saying "bagp and that'll give you a clue to the title. There Is much of musical comedy love In the piece. Miss Dudelsack Is the foster daughter of on' old German keeper of a Scotch castle.

Her real father has been away a long time; he's the lord of the castle, In fact, and we may expect complications when he returns. She Is beloved by a distant kinsman who makes violent love to Romantic thing, it must be. Trying the music over on a piano beforehand would lead one to believe that the composer, a resident of had been trying to fuse the stuff with a bit of hot -Scotch. Tho result is a weird variety of composition, musically Inclined, but ever getting off the theme Into something strange and bagplpy. However, there are a couple of candied waltzes, so the day Is saved, and the play.

0 DAVIS A8 PRODUCER. Apropos of "The Picture of Dorian Gray," which Is coming to the Bell soon, after an absence of nearly two years, we are reminded that Edward Davis, author and a former Oakland clergyman. Is now producing director for the Bulllvan-Con-Bidlne people In New. York. When the Oscar Wlida sketch was here last, Davis, himself was Cyril Vane, the eplgramatlo actor who quoted poetry and shattered tender rumblings with harsh philosophy.

Adele Blood, Davis' wife, who was the Dorian Gray of the sketch, Is now playing In worn an." You remember the lines of "The Picture of Dorian Gray?" ''Passion burns like Are," cries Dorian. "No," responds the disguised Vane: "it doesn't burn, It grows, grows like a vegetable." And; "There are many pure women In the him to come to America with her. He consented and all was over, for he found that the land of his birth was a pretty good place to live in after all. That was 12 years ago, and now he Is a land owndr, having a large farm In Brook-field, Massachusetts, where he spends his leisure time now, and Intends to spend the rest of his days when the work Is done. Among the plays In which Hunter has distinguished himself are "The Pries of Peace;" with Elsie Wolfe in "The Way of the World;" MriuJe Adams In "A Pretty Sister of Jose." aitd "The Uttlo Minister;" wltlilSuthrrn and Marlowe as Mercutlo; the In "Hamlet," and Don Pedro In "Much Ado About Nothing;" Viola Allen in "The Toast of the Town;" Henrietta Crosman In "The New Mrs.

Lorlng;" Katherlne Grey In "The Reckoning;" "one year In vaudeville in "The Van Dyke;" again with Olga Nethersole In repertoire, and "The Writing on the Wall;" Mrs. Leslie Carter In "Two Women;" and for his latest creat tlon Dr. Bristol, with Helen Ware, In mi The Frio." Baltimore Etar, February FOUK STAHT1XO THIS AFTERNOON MAT, WEDNESDAY HENRY W. SAVAGE 17 'Funniest fare to Offers 1V1C years." Examiner. .1 BY RUPERT HUGHES Willis Sweatnam, Ann Murdock, Charles Meakins and Entire Original Cast.

Lower Floor, $2 and Halcony, $1 ami 75c; Gallery, 50o and 25c, Matinees, 25o to 11.00. T1IHEE NIGHTS, BEG. THURSDAY, MARCH 21 LT. SATURDAY HENRY SAVAGE. HARRISON HUNTER FLED in imiim nil mi hi mm mmmmmmmmi Harrison Hunter, leading man wtth Helen Ware In "The Price," and who wasH seen at the Oakland Orpheum In "The Vandyke," Just naturally can't help being an American.

It was pure accident that he was born In the United States and not In Scotland, which boasts all his ancestors. His father and mother were visiting In Nashville, Tennessee, one winter, when young Harrison was brought along, and so he can be president if the voters would let him. However, lie was taken back to Scotland before he realized wlmt had happened to him, and did not return to his native land for many years. Hunter was educated at Cargllfleld and Fette's colleges, famous Institutions near Edinburgh. But In spite of his education, he determined to be an actor, so he ran away from home and secured an engagement as call boy at the famous Theater Royal in Edinburgh, which was then under the management of.

Mrs. Wyiidham. There he met all the great actors of the day, and learned his A hi acting. Hunter nail quite some career In Brit' aln, and then OUja Nethersola coaxed Blsson's Paraslan of thrilling- and mother the tfsual perfect HENRY W. SAVAGE cast and production.

Cast in-, eludes Adeline Dunlap, Buron Duglas, Harry Malnhall and many othera. Lower Floor, $1.50. 1.00 and 75c. Gallery, BOo and 25cv Matinee Saturday, 11.00, 75c BOo and 25a.

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