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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 39

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKLAND TRIBUTE. APRIL 25, 1900 3D vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 5 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Eor Exchange I- four flats. I T. and room; F0 feet frontage, within 5 minutes' walk' of Central Broadway; Rood Inriiiw; mortgage; will exthnnRe equity for clear cot-tag-; submit proposition. tXCLUSIVE AGENTS, Laymancc Real Estate Co.

$3000 East Oakland Real Estate FOR RENT Two fine fi-rooni modern cottages, $20 eai-h; one fine u-room modern cottage. $25; one fine 5-roorn modern cottage, 22.50: one fine 8-room modern cottage, 325; one fine 6-room modern cottage, 522.50; one 9-room 2-story house, $30; one 6-rooin cottar, $30; one 10-room 2-storv house. one lj-room house, S4.V Modern Flats For Rent. $3500.00. ruitvale Heights SUNDAY MORNING, INFORMATION OR NT $350 Per Month Net Is the income on this new and elegant flO-room apartment house, 10 vears leas.

$2100 cash bond. This Is very close in, thoroughly well built and Is the best investment in Oakland today that-I know of. Can be had for part cash and vou will have to be quick. Total price eluding building, lot and $5000 worth of furniture, in the house is $26,000. D.

F. MINNEY Attractive, modern cottage, high A with basement larirn lot: Mriice uve. and seven-room, two-story house, paneled mantel Will secure for you a beautiful See THE CREAM CF SUNNY FRU 1TVALE. Carletort $200 down, balance $23 per and grate, cove ceilings, gas and electricity; porcelain lined plumbing; on the north sidle of the street; lot 40x135 feet; street work complete; 2 blocks from the Key Route station at 55 th and Grove streets. Terms can be arranged.

See this tomorrow. The Wolcott-Hough Co. Larse lots: 'fine homes: goodschools; ninth. $3075 maernincent view: easv r-avmentsK no In terest or tax. Prices.

$4o0 and up Free carriages from Frultvale station every Sunday and from our office New. un-to-date 4 -room cottage; lot 3R- Two new 4-room miaern Hats. 3I2.ii0 each: one new u-room modern every day, including Sunday. slCO; street work all done; just east of Jvifco t. on 3d terms.

HAMILTON MOREHOUSE BROADWAY. DODD NEU 520 $an Pablo Avenue Phone, Oakland 883. HaydenBright Co. one new 5-room fla't, $25; one new 4 room modern flat. $20: one new 4-room modern flat, WESLEY DIXON E.

12TH EAST OAKLAND. (Sole Agent?) 1232 Broadway, Oakland. "in-, i 422 11th St. P52 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. 968 610V-.

Thones Oakland 214, Home A-3014. SAFE INVESTMENTS 'Ye can show you an investment in a new stoie and flat on a good business street In Oakland that pavs 14 per cent Taylor Bros. Co INCOME PROPERTY 1214-1216 BROADWAY. Cash $3000 Mortgage at 6 $4900 Sacrifice Real Estate and Insurance. net.

ice Only, $2250 to handle lc This is better than hoarding Broadway. Phone Oakland 950. 1236 up your money. Cottage Mudern 5-roobi cottage on Oakland lot 35x100; price $3250; you only have to pay $500 down; remem Real estate loans for building pur ADAMS POINT HOME. 7 rooma.

lt 50x130. Good location. Terms. $2000 cash, balance $75 pT month. NORTH OAKLAND.

$1S50 4-room high basement cottars. Lot 0x100. Ample room for another cottage. Close to car lines and Key Koute. Easy terms can ho arranged.

SANTA FE TRACT HOME. New 6-room cottage on 53d street. Bar Grove; jus-t completed; neatest little home In the Santa Fe Tract; $2500 mortg.vge can remain. Perkins Smith Co. "Exclusive No.

1 TELEGRAPH AVENUE. Branch Office, corner Perkins street amd Grand avenue. (Open Sundays.) WANTED Someone to buy this new bungalow; 4 rooms: lot 23x100 feet: $150 down; per month: 2 Mocks to Piedmont Key Koute station. If you are locking for Bf-methlnsf extra nleo 1ft me show you this cottage for $fi30 down and per month; larse roonis; 2 mantels; every modern convenience and handy to Key Route and College-avenue oars; price $2300. I havei a buyer for a 5-room cottage; $400 down, $25 per month; not over $2i00; wihat have you- got? I MONEY TO LOAN.

LEO. R. WEIL Insurance. Notary-Telephone Oakland 3630. 211 Bacon Bldg.

New and modern 7-room house LOT (IMA" MAKi: 2 Oil .1 LOTS. $31 l'KIi I'OOT. poses or on improved property, at low (colonial), inside or 37th near est rates, and can accommodate both Fine corner. 50x75; budding leased good tenant. RENTS $1200 PER ANNUM and-ten-ant pays water ra-tes and makes repairs.

Price $12,000. $000 cash, balanc my remain at 6 per cent net. J. H. MacdonaldS Company 1052 ber this is in Linda Vista, and a bur-gain.

Lots--2 excellent building lots on 46th street, 35x100 each; street work done; pHconly $900 cash; terms of $150 casn. A chance for a contractor to mafke some monev. SUNSET REALTY CO. FANK M. REED, Manager.

1070 BROADWAY, OAKLAND. 1 UOfMER CO. Telegraph large lot with driveway; $15Q0cash, balance 6 per cent, Lewis Mitchell Co. Exclusive Agents, 30S-9 First National Bank bldg. borrower arid lender on short notice.

Insurance and all papers drawn In our office without additional cost. I DROADWAT. 100 ACRES FRUIT AND GRAjIN RANCH Some 16 miles east of Oakland, near the town of Lafayette, Contra Costa county: ail well Improved and a plendid boy at $100 per acre. 2 story house on easy terms $50 Down and $5 Per Month Will buy you a lot close to a new SOUTHERN PACIFIC LOCAL LINE ENTERS STONE ORCHARD Lots 10 per cent cash, balance! per month; come out Sunday. MUTUAL REALTY CO.

Exclusive Agents. An Opportunity $4650 $4650 to acquire this new and model bouse of 7: rooms. Including gas, electricity and built ia bookcases. Garage. On a lot with a 40-foot frontage, within 200 feet of Telegraph avenue, this tde of 30th street.

The rice Is flown to bedrock for a ouick sale. Let us show you this property. Price $4650. The Beautiful Coronado Tract Lots S700 and Up Including street work complete; one-fourth cash, balance In three annual payments or monthly if desired; within 10 minutes' car ride from 14th and Broadway or the University of California. Only a few of the choice lots lef tj BRYANT DERGE "lectric line.

Conservative Investment A pair of 4-room flats, new and mod ern; will rent for $12 and $14, which is 15 per cent on the price. $2000 i This property will always be rented. See. Brown Olson 948 Broadway Stein Price 53S00, of which only $1400 need be cash. P.alance can be paid at $25 with interest at 8 per cent on deferred payments.

Parlor and dining-room weathered oak. balance in maple; fine sun porcii, modern, splendid neighborhood. Ca'n show it today if desired. FRANK K. MOTT CO.

Quick Realty Sales our. Specialty. 1060 Broadway, Oakland. Phone Oakland 147. 481 lSleventh Oakland, Cal.

Price $500 RANDALL, TROWBRIDGE WRIGHT Auto service. Branch office oh Tract. F. A. WXPERT REALTY APPRAISKW Room ,729 First National Bank Bldg.

Phone. Oak. 7840. Home A-3784. Take Ilayward or San Leandro cars; get off at Stone Orchard.

1112 Broadway, Cal. 1306 BROADWAY. 476 Tenth Oakland. Cal. i 1 mm COUNTRY LAND EXCHANGE A.

3. Snyder, the Broadway real estate dealer, lias recently added to his already extensive business a department country property. While this is an Innovation with Mr. Snyder, its success has been immediately established from its inception, and during the past montli upwards of $100,000 worth of business has been handled in this department. The most i recent excliange Just now being Oalpil's Salt-Water Supply System Will Abolish Dust at Minimum Cost ii i i mni 'Lin iw ii mmtm inn hi i'iwwih mi I T'tf 1 KfU t- Ji1'' I 'T iffw fa tt JLL A wft.

(aayMBMWMMMWMllBMt illill rill effected is a trade whereby the owner of a Contra Costa ranch, valued at becomes the owner of a Napa valley ranch, valued at $25,000, and vice versa, the Napa valley owner takes in the Contra Costa ranch. -This system of exchange is confined to no special line, various country properties being ex changed for city homes or other country properties. The most important deal now pending is a cash sale lor a stock ranch in the, northern part of the state, running iil over the $100,000 mark. "You would be astonished at the Interest that is being displayed in country property," said A. J.

Snyder, "among all classes of clients I have fhquiries for good Country, productive lands. Some of these demands Residence of F. T. Matthews, Proprietor of Bay City Iron Works, Corner Newton and Lester Avenues, East Oakland, Now Nearing Completion, Cost $7000. W.

A. Newman, Architect. I am being able to supply at once, while some others require considerable effort to find the satisfactory places. 1 1 1 1 SCENE IN CITY CORPORATION YARDS AT 7 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. tually tne Iiew system will prove very economical, j.

Each pump is worked by power and the cart drivers in filling the wagon tanks have only to turn a switch to set the -water flowing through the pipes. I At the corporation yards at Ninth and Fallon streets, occupying fully an acre -r of land, forty men are employed dally In a very few weks the city of Oak-Is n4 will have oiih of the most rom-tilet watering tm of any town, Irreupxtivw of Pacific coast. Already half th work towards accorn-plitlilng this hasl bc-n done and labor-era are working iliy aftT day Installing the iirw salt wntr pumps nt different points about the city where the bay water can be reached, which will give to this Mty street watering system arfcnnd to none. In all, rleven pumps lll noon be at work about the city. Mor.

than half this number are in operation, while -the woik at the -following I'U-atlons. where the pumps will In- in-atalled. Is alreadv under way: At the foot 'of Jackson street; at foot of Web fore the carts have traversed Oakland's many thoroughfares not yet bttuminlzed, many weeks, the roads will gradually become hardened and calked as though oil had been poured on them, for the salt deposited on the road bed. after the evaporation of the water, hardens, effecting the ways even better than oil would. All these conditions hnve been brought about by the men Oakland corporation yards, under Supervision of As-slstjnt Superintendent of v.

y-. Hlair. Ii. tu Hoard of Public Woil w. cr.n;!e.i Us approprhitb.ii.

almost li." entire sum d'-votivl to the belf r.nn nt of thf streets through the effort of the corporal ion -yard men. The There the sprinkling wagons are held over night and the horses stabled. About loo horses are kept on hand in the yards and expert hostlers are employed for their cjiv. From the yards each morning the sprinkling wagons are driven about the city, watering the boulevards from West Knd to East Oakland; Thirty wagons ar-f to be placed in operation this sum mer. eaih vehicle carrying the largest of tanksL the capacity of which is 1000 gallons large sum the city was expending to keep Its streets well watered throuKhout the; summer was re.ili.ed more by Blair and his men than almost any other A plan was drawn 'up by Which in establishing pumping stations in the vicinity of Lake MerrVtt, water could be :,7, and Excursion Los Gatos 1 Apartment and Store Rooms at 1553 Tventy-third Avenue, S.

W. Mall's New Residence Recently Finished on Adams Builfby H. F. Sanders. I i i'oint, corner Falm and iJellevue Avenues, at a Cost ot ster street, at the rove street wh.irf, foot of Fourteenth and a.nd Harrison streets.

All these pumping stations will place Oakland far In advance of other ltles aa to a watering system, but with the Installation of the huge cistern at the Willows on Oak Street. Which Is chiefly for the protection of the residences from fire but from which tne watering carts ran draw. their supply, the excellent system will be completed and the wind can blow and blow with nary the rle of a single Cloud of dust to annoy llaffling the wind in Its dust-raising scheme lalnot the least of the advantages by the sult-water system, lio- O- drawn at a cost of $4 less than the city-fathers were paying to the People's Water Company. When the feasibility of this plan was seen by those in authority, its carrying out was immediately ordered. The statictm about the lake worked so well that it was decided to plant other pumps at the above mentioned localities.

The cost of the installation of a single pump is less -than $100, hence even On all afternoon trains April 30th and all (trains May" 1st, Southern Pacific Company will sell round trip tickets io Los Gatos, account Hay Day celebration, at one fare and one-third, return limit May 3d. For -further information see Southern Pacific Company, corner Thirteenth and Franklin streets, jor depot agents. UT 1 H. F. Sanders, the twenty-third avenue dry goods merchant, has erected a two-sory building on the northwest corner of Twenty-third avenue and East Twenty-first street.

The building contains three stores, one of which is now occupied by' the wrier, and the other two were rented to tenants' before the building was ready for occupancy. The upper story Is devoted to1 offices. K3l -m j. H'BdPrt rr )-; -rill" tmerasi 44 SSaffI '-'r-'tr- r-! C- iV -A S'' fV t. FISH WILL BE SHIPPED FOR BREEDING PURPOSE WASHINGTON, April 24.

In an effort to rehabilitate the Unite'd States with the now practically exterminated Danish sturgeon, Horace G. Knowles, former American minister, to Rou-mariia, Servia and Bulgaria, now accredited to Nicaragua, has arranged to have shipped from without any expense to this government, millions ct youn sturgeon and sterlet. These fish are valuable, because, unlike tne they are not a season fish, but run all tha year. 4rT4' -i fc i I. The Juel Apartments Being Built for Dr.

G. B. 1-1. Clow on Corner cf Vernon Street and Ve'r-1 non Terrace. They Will Cost About $25,000.

John C. Fremont KigH School. 7T- -6 4.

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