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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 1

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a tfFf LICECOMMI P0 SSI0NERS IN VESTIQATE ALLEGED SCANOAL HIE 20 PAGES. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, SATURDAY EVENING, Exhtualvo AccoaiatocJ Proao Cervical vol; lxxi. OFFICER UNDER FIRE ACCUSES llTHFRfi I IIUIIU tity Authorities Indignant at I i I I FRIEJINDS" DEINV THAT WIFE DANCED AS SALOME HARD UNIL FOR DIVORCE mrs. selby not 'settlement SHE SEEKS SEPARATION FROM ir ALAMEDA: COUPLE FWppr i frC I if Alleged False Statements 1 of Policeman DECLARES MULGREW IS SPLENDID OFFICIAL Sergeant Said to Be One of the Most Competent Men on Local Force, "You have no stones to throw, Captain was the savago retort that Policeman Christopher made to his superior at Jhe preliminaries of the trial for neglect-of duty of Policemen Carroll nnd Christopher, which was begun before the Board of Police and Commissioners- this miming," and laid over until nej Saturday to give the defendants an opportunity to secure counsel. Christopher, who, in company tnin- Bock of passing several ii "i hours each night in the society of ech other, drinking and eating free lunch, asked for a delay of a week, so that the counsel he had APRIL 3, 1909.

Sinks Teeth in His Shoulder and Sends Him to the Hospital "DEAR JENNIE" NOTE IS, CAUSE OF BATTLE Wounded Man Vows Ven-: geance, on Writer of Message to His Spouse SAN FRANCISCO, April sudden discovery of an who had be come attached, to. his wife, caused a row in the household of Harry Meyers, a cook of "ap58 Twenty-fifth street? 'shortly af ter noon today which resulted in the man's going to the Mission emergency hospital to have dressed an ugly wound in his shoulder, caused by a bite from his wife. Meyers, who is out of employment, started out this morning to look for work, expecting to be gone all day. He changed his mind, however, and returned home at 12 o'clock. A short time' later a messenger boy arrived with a note for Mrs.

Meyers. The husband received it and the wife fought with him for its possession, biting him on the shoulder and striking him on the head In the scuffle. He got the best of the battle, however, and read the note, 'which was as follows: "Dear Come up to my house Immediately. I'm sick in "bed and I am getting i worse. Lovingly, "ROBERT." Robert lived at 2921 Mission street and Meyer left the hospital, vowing vengeance, his.

wife following after and endeavoring diasuada him. QUEEi SUES cruelty urourtds. Stewart, Photo. 1 iy -J 1 i er5 jt 1 IN FIGHT OVTEH I NO. 42.

Two Masked Desperadoes Break Into Garage of i Uumber King VICTIM LIES HELPLESS IN AGONY FOR MANY HOURS Employe of Fred C. Talbot Is-Attacked; Posse Searches For Criminals One of the most daring robberies that has been brought to the attention of the poiice of Alameda was perpetrated early this morning when two masked robbers broke interne automobile garage of Fred- C. Talbot, the lumber king, whose large estate lies in the foothills near Elmhurst, bound and gag ged Fred Whitney, a chauffeur, and compelled him by torture to tell them' 'the whereabouts of money which he, had1, hidden. They Secured $60 in gold and made their' escape. Whitney lay-in agony for hours" until he finally succeeded in working the gag loose with his tongue, and then called for help.

He was found at 8 clock this" morning by Wicker, another chauffeur, almost unconscious, from his" night of agony. Constables Tom Carroll, and William, Allen and a posse from the sheriff's office are scouring the hills and highways in an effort to lo- -cate the desperadoes. The robbery occurred at 2 o'clock this morning. Whitney was sleeping1. in a room of the garage, and was awakened by a crash, and saw two men breaking in the door of his room: They covered him, with a folver, and threatened hlfh Alth death, if ho mndn n.

sound. I Bound to His Bed "Tell'-us where your money Is, andj we won't hurt you," said one. Whit ney refused to giYe the. required in formation. With an oath, the men; sprang upon and with a rop which they took from their pockets.

tied him hand and foot to the cot: "We will" see If you won't comef through," said one. And then they proceeded to choke their "victim In an effort to induce him to tell where iho coin was Whitney heroically' withstood their torture for some time, but finally their treatment became beyond hu man endirrance, and he I whispered through his swollen throat, -that the money they were after was beneath his mattress, Reward Is Offered The robbers secured the coin, and gagJig their victim, made their s- cape Whitney lay In agony for hours, trying to unlose his bounds. Finally he managed to slip his gag, and cried loudly for help. He could give no description of the robbers, owing to the darkness, but is positive that the men knew him. and were aware" that he had money hidden about the place.

i Fred C. Talbot has offered $100 reward for the apprehension bQf the twov Grand Furniture Auction On Monday, April 5, 11 a. at Its magnificent 8-room flat, 2046 Grove street, corner 31st. Grand Upright Piano, cost elegant Davenport, Parlor Pieces in mahogany. Ladies' Secretary, grand Sideboard, Extension Table, fine Brass and Iron Bedsteads, grand Hair and Floss Mattresses, Dressers, Sewing Machine, Refrigerators, imported 9x12 Rugs, fine Carpets, Hat Rack, Dressers, Chiffoniers, Paintings, Lace Curtains, Malleable Steel Range, cost $80; also large line of other useful furnishings generally found In an up-to-date home.

Ladies, attend for bargains. Sale, ralu or shine. MKYSEL METSEL, Auctioneers. Office 359-363 d3th Street Phone -Oakland 4478. HomeA4479.

WEATHER FORECAST. and vicinity probably showers tonight, and Sun--- day; cooler Sunday; brisk southwest 1. Santa Clara Valley Cloudy, prob---ably showers tonight and brisk west winds, Sacramento i Valley Cloudy, prob- ably showers tonight and Sunday; light south winds. San Joaquin Valley Cloudy, show---. ers tonight and Sunday; light west winds.

Southern California Cloudy, prob- -e--- ably showers tonight and Sunday; brisk, southwest winds. -Qi HUNDTD HIS BED BY ROBBERS r-. i employed could be present. "Fake," Say Board Members During the proceedings. City Engineer Tiirtiflr whA m.

mmtr of "the hoard. putv Christopher on the mat regarding the -i story of the police scandal In the various newspapers. When the smoke died down, the board did not hesitate to brand the article or one of them ai a lie and a fake. That the maliciousness and unrella-hliltr of the article" In one of them more than a sane man Tld stand, wee manifested by the ft led attitude of the members of the board. This hocus-pocus Journalistic elastic, which' was handed over by Chflstorher himself, and then pretended (Continued on Page-2.) i 4, I'LL BE Young Missing Manager of the Western Fuel Company Is Located in South SENDS TELEGRAM TO FIRM FROM LOS ANGELES Friends Will Leave to Bring Him to His Home in -This City "While, hundreds of friends of John L.

Howard, were scouring San Francisco and Oakland all day yesterday In automobiles, searching for the young manager of the 'Western' Fuel Company, who dropped from sight last Wednesday undeT mysterloiJS circumstances, the ob ject of their search, during a spell of mental aberration, waa epeeding on his way to Los The first word from the missing man came yesterday afternoon at' a late hour, when a telegram marked "Rush" was received at the. Oakland office of the Western. Fuel Company at 477 Eterenthratreet, addressed to C. KTor-cross, secretary of the coal company and broth er-ln-law of the then missing The waa from Howard and stated that the sender had recovered his senses when near Los Angeles and would return home Immediately. 'Xorcross, however, deemed It safer to go to Los Angeles and return to this city with Howard.

Telephones to Wife About the. same time the message was received at the office of the "coal com pany, Mrs. Howard. was called to the telephone In her residence, at 585 Jean street. The voice at the phone proved to be that of her husband, who stated he' was speaking from RHilands "I hav ibeen very 111," said Howard, "but am better now 'and will be back soon." Mrs.

Howard quickly rang up the office to Inform them of the safety of her hus band, but was told that a message from him, had Just been received. Since the mysterious disappearance of young How ard, Mrs. Howard has been postrated, but the'' Joyful news of her husband's safety has restored her peace of mind Howard hnd Just returned from a trip to Vancouver, R. where he had gone to seelc rest after a long spell; of hard work: In the office. On his return he threw himself back into the whirl of active business life.

Soon he complained again of feeling 111 but despite the of his. relatives refused to give up his work, Suddenly Disappears Then came his disappearance. Detectives were called In oh the case and the police of two cities asked to assist In the search. The first clew to the whereabouts of Howard was obtained from John DufTey, a section boss for the Southern Pacific. He had seen Howard waiting for the San Jose local at First and Washington streets on March 31.

On the same day Howard's abandoned automobile was discovered at Fourth and Washington streets, a few blocks from his office. But here, all clews ended until last evening his friends were searching the outlying districts of Oakland and San Francisco In the, hope -of discovering the lost man wandering about. Somo years ago Howard received a severe blow over the head through an ae- eident. It Is thought that this. blow had weakened his mind and together with the hard work he had done in the office, tended to produce his mental aberration.

He Is the son of John L. Howard, president of the company of which he is general manager. Taft to Visit California This Year April 3. President Taft stated today that he expected to visit Sanj Francisco during the summer. He! made the? announcement to M.

S. Alexander and Leo Alexander, from the Pacific Coast, who were presented to him by Representative Kahn. MACHINERY AUCTION SALE We have received Instructions from the Eastern and Western Lumber Co. to sell the following list of machinery, formerly belonging to the Bridge Construction Company; sale at warehouse on Thirty- rourth street, one block east of San Fablo avtnw, Oakland; sale Monday, April 6th, at 10:30 a. m.

Comprising in part: Two cement block machines. 3 pumps, 1 sanding, machine, bucket and chain hoist. 1 five and 1 ten-ton Jack, 2 iron frame cars, 18x10 Krough rock 1 pile driver, 20)0 grind stones, saws, camp outfit blacksmith tools, drills, and office furniture, etc. All must and' will be sold. J.

A. MUNRO A. Auctioneers, SOON WIUUIAiVl ZINGQ Robbed i of Money and Then Knocked Down With Butt of Revolver POLICEMAN FINDS HER LYJWG IN STREET Joung. Woman Badly Dazed From Effects ot severe Beating 1 'AN -FRANCISCOfl April 8. As saulted and beaten by an unknown man, who had followed her.

watcn-lng his opportunity to secure her valuables, Kdna Wilson, a 19-year-old girl, was robbed of $20 in cash and rendered uncor scions at 2 o'clock this" morning at the corner of street and Dubuce avenue. Tjlie young woman, who resides, at the i Casa Loma apartments. Fell and Fillmore streets, was on her way home from i a call, on a' sick friend, when she noticed someone quite a distance baefk of her, but paid little, attention, and thought nothing more of It until she found (herself confronted by a gleaming and was told to hand over hei) mpmjy. The thug, who is described as ofAme-dlum weight weighing ISO pounds; and apparently a young man, then the butt end of the weapon beat her over the head" until she fell unconscious. At 3:45 a.

m. Police Officer; A. Wag ner, passing, louna ner lying still in a dazed condition with her head on the sidewalk and her feet-resting on the street He aroused hen and was assist ing her to the patrol box when he met Corporal Leonard, who. advised that she be taken to her home. She later revived and is not thought to seriously inlurad.

1 Her Claims Against Baldwin Estate Not Tangled in Recent Understanding MOTHER WAS MEMBER OF 'FIRST SHE SAYS Widow Ends Chance to Fight Will by Accepting Deed to Property Mrs. David F. Selby,) daughter of the late "Lucky" Baldwin and heir to a por tion of the dead turfman's millions. In a short interview today gave but the first statement since the filing of the will which named her heiress to "200 acres In the southern part of the State with an assessed valuation of some $40,000. "I have been 511 ever since my, father's death," said Mrs.

Selby at her home this morning, "and my affairs are In the hands of my husband and the attorneys he has retained to protect my Interests. prepared prove, to the world, if the occasion arises, that my mother, the daughter of one of 8an Francisco's first families, was the legal wife of Mr. Baldwin at the time of my birth. She died soon after and he sent me to school, rear ing me carefully and providing for my wants. He visited me frequently up to the ttme of my marriage, which was con tracted with his full consent, and I was very fond of him." Mrs.

Selby refused to discuss the set tlement which was reached yesterday by Mrs. Lilly ljennett Baldwin, widow of her father, and the prlncpal heirs of the Baldwin estate except to state briefly that any arrangement, made yesterday will not affect her demand" for a proper financial settlement. "However," she continued, "I am not at liberty to make any statement at this time." As published exclusively lit THE TRIBUNE yesterday, an agreement between the principal Baldwin wlttfthe exception of Mrs. Selby, was reached yesterday afternoon by the filing of a deed from (Continued oh Page 2.) clad only in night clothes, and were met by neighbors. Although burned about the neck and hands, Duffacy's first thought was of his favorite horse, locked in the barn, and with the assistance of his neighbors he succeeded In rescuing the animal.

The house, which is a total loss, as valued at $6000, which Is covered partially by insurance. Prison at Folsom. Pia was found guilty a week ago by a Jury, Senator J. C. Sims.

Senator E. B. Martlnelll and Leonard Stone, the attorneys for the defense, moved to appeal the case but the appeal was denied. A motion for a new trial was also denied. Life of Little! Boy discovered six year old Antonio Loretti crouched In an abandoned cellar opposite the Hotel Elk in Larkln street.

The little fellow, who was stiff with cold and nearly exhausted by his efforts to escape, explained that "two playmates had thrown his hat Into the basement, lowered him down to get it, called April fool, ran away, and, left him to his fate. Jrought Suit in Courts ing with the Presbyterian Church. United States of America, werernot effective. It was held that the "Cumberland Church till existed and that its members still retained lt creed, doctrines, etc. It was held that the Unionists had allied themselves with a different church and different doctrines.

The Cumberland are 4vea the church orouait- GO INTO COURT Popular Woman Brings Suit and Her Charges Are Kept. Secret IDA E. ZINGG of Alameda, who waa queen of the 'Alameda County. Carnival at Idora Park County Carnival at Idora Park one of the most beautiful, talented and popular women of the bay region, has Instituted divorce proceedings in the Superior Court against her hus band, William V. well known tobacconist and clubman of the Island City.

The complaint was filed fwlth the County Clerk In a sealed envelope by the attorneys for. Mrs. Zingg, thus keeping from public, for the pres ent, at least, the nature of the allegations it contains. It is hinted, how ever, that the petition contains very sensational charges against Zingg. It has been generally known In Ala meda for some time that the domestic relations of the Zinggs have been anything1 'but amicable for.

some time, so the news that the' wife seeking. legal separation from the clubman (Continued on Page 2.) U. II TRUE ON On Long Postponed Charge of Alleged Kidnaping of Older CASE OF R. PORTER ASHE TO BE NEXT CALLED Working Out the Scheme; of "Back Development Today AX FRANCISCO, Aprtl 3. The newest move in the complica tion of cases of the graft prose cution was made this morning in Judge Dunne's court when Assistant District Attorney Louis Ferrari announced that it had been decided to press the long postponed charges against Luther Brown and R.

Porter Ashe for the alleged kidnaping of Fremont Older. These cases have been hanging fire for months. This morning Brown was notified to be ready for trial on April 25. In addition to the kidnaping charge against the defendant there is one for subornation of perjury growing out of the same case. Ferrari, in court -this morning, an- nounced that as soon the case against Brown waa completed it was their intention to' try R.

Porter Ashe. This. development is looked upon as another incident in the back fire of the prosecution which began a week ago by the rifling of the offices of the United Railroads, and the breaking into the, private safes of Patrick Calhoun and other officials, and the 'ar rest of numerous attaches of the United Railroads on alleged charges nnn nr I IS BEATEN Burned While Fleeing From Flames Which Enveloped Home SENSELESS 1 BrriaiiTw I nw Tiinn PAN RAFAEL, April t. 'The home Charles Duffacy a well known contactor of Marin county, was de-troed by fire at o'clock this morning. Duffacy, who was In bed at hli noma, which Is located In Lo mlta Park near Schutzen Park, wan wakened ly the blowing of a freight train whistle, sounded as an' alarm.

He and his wife ran out of the house Brutal Assailant of Young Girl Is Given Life Sentence PAN RAFAEL April' 3. Gluseppt Tarlo Pla. who was found guilty of issaultlng Mist Mary Elizabeth rapes on the night of February 6, was sentenced by Superior Judge Thomas J. Lennon this) morning to epend the rest of his life in State's Late April Fool Joke Nearly Costs the HAS FRANCISCO, April 3. A bested April fool Joke caused a small Ital-'n boy to pend a most uncomfortable tight In a ruined basement from which ie was rescued at an early hour this corning.

K. 11. Keefe, a night bartender, ias returning to his home on Bush street 3 o'clock this morning when. he heard 1 child crying, and upon investigation Cumberland Presbyterian Church Wins Long AAMiviLLE. April The Cumber- 'resbytertan Church in Tennessee Afternoon won.

the noted church case which the Tennessee Supreme Court rJiaa been wrestling for two years. The Supreme Court, In an opinion delivered by 1 Justice M. M. Nell, holds that the steps ought to be taken by a portion of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in unit.

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