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New Castle News from New Castle, Pennsylvania • Page 1

New Castle Newsi
New Castle, Pennsylvania
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NEW CASTLE NEWS NEWS PHONES 4000 rteTma Your Weir ltnra to The Knee -Vtuf Cell WEATHER SIXTY-EIGHTH YEAR-tfo. 182 NEW CASTLE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, PACES FIVE CENTS A COPY PROBE STORIES CONFLICT Named To Cabinet Make New Flying Speed Record Girl Is Killed Thursdav Is Dollar Ex-Army Officer By Boat Propellorl in rcV WesternPowers Study Result Of ELKTQN. MC, Aug. 10. 'INS Maryland authorities today sre In- eslBalng the death of.Llnncn Admits Knowing SpyCaseWoman 48 Merchants Aiding toppled' fruin a nlutuv bDAt and Molotov Talks With all the clamor about Ihe angled by the propeller, girl died in Union hospital.

last night. high cost of living II was lime yesterday somebody did aoineining aoout n. And the New Castle merchanl: Duncan Lee And Miss Bent- Truman Signs Alien she was rid Ins: i Optimism Over Possible boat in the rvcriri m-idav. August II been Chaneslown. Mi ley Face Each Other In Probe And Make Oon-fliciinrf Statements doMflmlad Midsummer Tjollar Dai by 48 merchants of the Merchants Division of Ihe Cr renter New Cas Housing Act negotiation to settle Berlin Oriais Tudts Some NEGOTIATIONS ARB Rev.Fr.Streiff Ass ijlk: dollar Net llu; iiudnuni LEE DENIES GIVING WASHINGTON, Aiifl.

10. I rniinni. IrxJv rt iv different Ian an carl si I mg NOT MADE PUBLIC dollar, it's Ihe day. nol (lie dollar. lanlly signed wlial he ihe "eo-calltitl Tlourlng Aiid lmnl- Is Transferred ANY INFORMATION (BULLETIN) WASHINGTON, AtifJ.

10, (INS) Elizabeth Bentley 1 i irsdaj 'or thai one day ery self respecting dollar, silver uancr. can lift its head again siineously mileashed Uiller nllntk upon Ihe Ittiiubllcan-i LONDON, Aug. 10. (INS) British Foreign Secretary Bevin today talked with U. S.

Ambassador and do a dollar's worth of woik. The chlrf exreuiive cluriicrl thil and the er-anny officer the congress "flollbcrnlely nrRlcricrl" St. Joseph's Pastor Ap pointed To St- Joseph's Church In Pittsburgh Lewis Douglas to review the accuse! lo Dein( a wtuuiue Soviet spy "contact" con- 181'ge groups ol tuizrris who ure forced to live In Ulsigeaceful urban anil rural slump. hand an- going in this Dollar Day Home of Hie clothing men have cut their summer prices lo the point where profit is only word tn the ilicliunary. secret East-West negou REV.

FR. BECKER Will Offer Rargali NEW AIR IAV1 RKCORD FRANKFURT. Anti. 10, liNS i The Ameilcain air llfL lo bLrwUrfru. Rev Fr.

Francis Strciff, lor of St. Joseph'. cluirrh, S. .1 Berlin'sltutllefi 347 niJ(h the supply' eorridflr during nasi 24 hours endlnt At setts, Maurice j. Tobin fahovei, hurled the charge of has been nominated-by President rrtli 1 Truman to-be Secrelary Labor, He would succeed Ihe lale Lewis MlSft Bentley, CODtegSed J.

Schwellenbaeh. Nomination of I spy ring fiOUrier and Duncan Tabln, who was also former Pemo- rJ 1 cr.lic m.yor of Boston, as nol! Lee. former lieutenant col- acterl wn by the Senate before lls.onel in the top seoret office etraUgio "rvice, teatlfied today. Contracts For tions in Moscow. Bevin's special envoy.

Frank Roberts, stilt lo London liis re-port on last night's, tripartite ambassadorial meeting with Soviet Foreign Minister Mololuv, and this is-being studied by Lyndon experts on German problems. Optimism Dimmer Optimism pre ratline last week over the possibility of big four negotiations to settle the Berlin crisis had' faded somewhat today. There Is Increased feeling, despite the lack of any official in. tons of food and oilier vltfhl -Giip- ars. has ri-ceicd his olflelal insFer nnri appointment as pas- of St Joseph's, church North-ie, PiUstmreh.

succeeding the e. Rev. Fr. AlviTl Forney, fire appointment Mas made by Most Mev. Hugh C.

Roylr. D.D., in Ihe Kuviel-enctrelo-d svtst-seelors. (Internal lonal) before the House Un-Amer The three pilots pictured above' and crew of It set a new nan-stop speed record flyinr. B-29 from Germany, to Marshall Field, Kansas. En 23 hours and 50 minutes.

The flyers, left to right, are Capt. Waller Abbott, lies Monies, I.t. John Gaffney. Akron, and Capt, Hotly Walmo School ican activities committee. Biihop of the Pit I si) High illoeese, Their slories conflicted In almost -ery' respect except thai the live- Are AwardedPenoor Calls For Move each other.

powers have been unable lo aree with the Hoviel mi any basis for- Ake About Atom Bomb Blonde Divorcee Russia Asserts To Cut Nation Tax Load ton-level talks on Germany. TliK allilndp dcvelnncrl lay. Aug.i-u 19. Bev. Fr.

Becker Coming Replacing fr. Streiff. at St. Jo-eph's chnrch. tliis city, as pastor, be TIev.

Fr. Cornelius H. iecker. of St. Vincent de Paul inireh of Fayette sland after Lee' denied her asser- Boa-rd Lets Contracts For ttont thtl she obtained eonflrtfn-tlal Information from him.

aftermath lo yesterday's latest meeting envoys of the United Slates, Britain and France wlll- Seeking Husband 0 AM DEN. N. Auif. 10. HXSi Berlin Railroad Addition To School At Meeting Monday Night called lorlav county.

His duties will alfn begin Will Subpoena admin! slralion to fiiTi nhout the atom bomb project at Conlracls were awarded lo three tlons to decide whlfh cbti he A 30-ycar-old divorcee Ihumhpd through lliree- offers of marriage today undecided which one lo accept. Mrs. Annette Newman advertised for a "husband in a southern Fa I her Streiff lias been a credit, nut only In St. Joseph church, but lo cnrnnunily as well From Hie slait of his duLles here, he Diplomalic quarters ponUerlng the session at the Kremlin cited the fael thai since last Wednesday there has heen no mceling of the so-called Berlin committee ol the western in London. This Still Unusable dilforcrit conlraclois for the build ualc tnen super-secret and.that he told her somfi-Ihing big apparently was going on at Oak illdge.

Miss Btnlley also testified tint Russian Teacher ing of the 4-room addition to the jcrflpped to cu tho nmionrj Ux load. Milllkin. elialrman of tlie Senate Finanee Comlullleei pi-edieled 1hat Gov. Thomas E. will enrrv I In tlC m.u nrises of Ihe citv.

and toi group is composed of Ami New Jersey newspaper over ine weekend. By Monday she had 38 offers. -very: mucn upsei toio nolltcr occaiion that the OSS NesliannoCK Township Elementary at Wilmo, a( a special ineel-inR of the Neshannoclc lownship live pari in civic and community Ambassador Lewis Douglas, French. oul surh a study if 'elected. I'hf.

Despite Soviet William Strang, Vriltsh foreign senator said: Priivtti Adn.nlftlrjlnr wants a "widower with' By OMF.H ANnEKKllN BERLIN. Aug. '10. The traff manager of lire Russian-conlrolh economic commission declared I day that Ihe ralC line from fieri Id western occupation ioncs mains unusable. The statement was made by Gc Ollice expert on liermany.

Hire Gone Limit "I Ihlnk Gov. BtrVey do 11- Hoover Given He is provftn At. "the same titrn. Mlinklji' By RAVMOWII WlLnOVK il. S.

S. Mkit CrrpiMvli WASHINGTON. 111. The In this connection it Ik sugResled that the western powers have gone jolnod Senate OOP Pollev CJialr- school hoaid on Monday evening. General contract lor the erection oi Ihe'adtlttlon to the schc-ol w-as awarded lo tlie Aionlgomery Construction Company, at the hid of SGli.lDO.

Ilealinq nnd liBliliiig contract was av aided to Hie MaJllllaclurers nislrihullng Company, af a S9.100 bid. 1 hi- same, company was awarded Ihe plumbing contract, at a homebody around- 40 Report German Police Purge flo to meet, anv Soviet Tribute Today wAiumaTON, Aur. it. A meitiher ef the. Iwuk Mtlvltlea Visumlllre oharged leday the Communlal spy ring hearings are "filled with perjured leillmeny" and demanded prsaecuUen ef wit- The demand came alter Elll-abeth Bentley and rtuncan Lee, ex-army officer aJit.

named aa a wartime Sevlel spy eentart, laid eentlletlng atoriea and ae-eusd each ether of lying. Tlus contradicts lie eIodiiiv There is belief therefore that Instructions sent to thi: western look hy Treasurj' Sr.viln;, Soviet 'government was 'defieil loday. by a Congressional eommilfee ivhteh prepared serve -a silli: poonn on' school whose custody has been demanded hy (he. USSR. The subpoena will be sorverl today by Ihe House tin-American activities cbiumitlee at an undis envoys in Moscow relate to hasie mailers and are nol lo be al At Birthplace -There was no indication from Mllliktn "I alii confident that we In Soviet Zone have a snrnlus.

Is TlcDuhlat era I Traffic Manager Willi elm lit-senrr in denying a report to William T. Babcock. Amrr-ican deputy commander in Derlivi that tlic Berlln-Hclmsledl line soon would be ready fcr resuiiiu-tinn of coal Bcsener: The line now, as heforc, is He added, that nothing could be salrl at present concerning Ihe prosress of repair work which the Soviets asserted had lo be done before Ihe line could he reDpencd. policy lo reduce" tatfeV and debts Moscow whether further talks of a preliminary nature are planned with Molotov who called yesterday's meeting. The helh-f Is that Molotov handed lo the westerners his reply WEST BRANCH, 10.

INS: Herbert Hoover, the. nation's only livine former president, will receive a T4th birthday tribute today in Ihe quiet Quaker community of 71E1 persons where he Electrical conlracL w'as sticen the Lawrence Electric Company at a S1.35I) bid. These bids came lo a total of S76.3D0 for I lie overall construction nf the -l-room addlllnn. Thr hsiildini! is a nne- last as tne surpluses acveiop. He said he exucels the tax reduc "top command" wis discussing an exchange of Merit agents with closed hiding place, believed to he In New York City where the teacher.

Mikhail I. Bamailn. and his family have sought seclusion. This was- riisclused hy Rep. Mimdt (R) S.

acting committee chairman. The committee wishes By OMER, AXIJKHSON BERLIN. Aug. ID. The 1 ans were reuor.ed purging tion bill -whleh must orjina.e ii Ihe House will enmc over to llu Sennit oarly In ihp jirntioit lu Mr.

Hoover, only native lory 6 of German police and governii officials in their occupation i ill he added lo (he present ask Kamann wha( he knows hout an alleeed wartime Soviet bnildine-. all on-slory. At present, Ihe gymnasium and offices spy ring. today to cement trie Lommu Social Demorra 5. Uftrls Pa Newc Observes Trieste Charges orlairially will not be added.

Soviet Paper greeted In a noisy wokomn. The Iwo-ioom frame coltage where Mr. Hoover was born has been restored by the Herbert Hoover Birthplace Society. Tim homestead is now known as Hirthplnce once Ihe ad- The ox-spy said l.ce told her that among those at the "tnp command" meeting were Admiral William D. I.oaKy.

chief of staff lo the late President Roosevelt, and J. Edgar Hoover, director Df the FBI. Sh sold his vrns In Ihe spring of 1944. Miss Benlley said Lee was a Communist "to- the' best of my He denied that hi ever hail been a Communist, Knew Woman WASHIMtiTON, Aug. 10.

A former envernme'nt official narrfd mlHoc was acting tvlth the approval or ihe Stale clepartnieni which releeted a formal note finm the vill be of All new additions fireproof constrirclioi has been sel for their Soviet govei-nnient deniandlntr hat By Yugoslavia Samarin and hiu wife he lurncU Says Big Four Democrats and lukewarm Communis! followers were said to form the majority of those ousted. The -French-licensed newspaper Kurier in Berlin said the includes ofrlcials in German provincial governments. Hie British military government organ Die Welt said scores of police experts were fired. Secret Police Judge painting and relettering rural mall bom along some routes In the over lo custody of (he Russians. The congressman staled thai the county.

Names on the boxes now quite distinct. his parents. It was there the elder Hoover made his living a blacksmith when the town sLill was considered a frontier village. Pour horseshoes found on the IS. subpoena will direct Samarin lo apiiear.

in Washington, perhaps In Deadlock This" tesiuypcbSo Should Return Trieste To Italy Three jeifj ago Saturday of tlie 'til acrverl on Airs. Snrrarin. RENE Bv SI MuncM said Hamniin (CKlLinonv The Kurier said the Soviet rrnlirc NKVD oritimiallon is Plain Skyscraper will be takci, behind ciosi-d door tinued loday lo tvny charKes in Ihe United Nations Hut it violated the peace trejly provision nn Triesle. I clcclfilon will foe rcauied ltl-wlicthof to present sufoae- site of I he n.u shop acioss Ihe street from the Hoover collage will hi s'n en llll president in I lie; rnvm of a plaque. Mr.

lioover will deliccr an address over the National Radio Networks from thf cottage yard in ihe afternoon. Mr lionver will receive an honorary Doctor or Humanities degree from Coe fOSCO Aug, lfl Red Slai ilirnlcd hidav that tlie scercl bin ncgolialions on Germany in ascokc are deadlocked. Alone of the Sovlcl newspapers. qucnlly at an open 11 S. Maintains Ihe filial Judge of those purged amid growing German opposition 10 the Russians and their Gennan Communist agents, thc sociai unity imiIv members.

VYillielw I'ieck. veleran German Communist ami soda! unity chair- a conclusion with the surrender of Japan. While harvesting is still In pro-areas on some farms in the district, Pa Newc notes one farm where' flowing is already In progress for fall planting, Night (lying by local pilots his been colored the past few evr- ineflnwliile intertrf lt ryiaikn It tnc Hnssian army oi-Ran allackcd Use Bloodhounrj clear to Itussia artU Yugoslavia that Trickle will be belter oil ns an In- LAKE SUCCESS, N. Aug. 10.

tlN.Si The United Stales de the United Stales, and restated For Pittsburgh I'lTTSHURGH. Aug. 10. HNS) Preliminary plans were being put Intn action loday for the con-slrucllon of a skyscraper in downtown Pittsburgh which will house I lie enlcrprisirs of the Mellon National Rank- and Trust company and Ihe United Stales Steel Corporation. Erection of the structure, which ccporlcdly will be 40 stories high.

In Man-Hunt Near legral pari ol Italy than a Tree territory. The Trieiie issue i3 IwrDro the clared. In irtfi United Nations lo liav 1 3iDt the TLalian Uefltc tret ol the German crisis. guards at the Bad Ulster health sectirlly council afler JMarsSial Ti- in territory. Although lllumt- These purge reporls followed of Probe Collision On Detroit River will he sLriclly objerved buL that Trieste should be retnrniid lo lh3y.

FhMlp C. ns spDkeEiman for Ihe U. lrll Ibe Security Coodersport, Pa. COUDKRSIORT, Pa It). 1NS State nollce.

aided bv a ry a Installed at the New Castle airport. Improvised means are used by the ficial western dt'jialelies that tin Russians have made wldesuieai arrests to quel! disorders agains pilots for landing. by Ihe tliree Moslem will depenn upon inc ueveiopment today or rLdetjualc traffic and parking 10 3 regime accuBrd the 'Ansln-Americin authorities nf CDnnliiriinj! postal, currency and ir-ade ppels with llaly. Yugoslavia claims tbo pacts arc rlesfRned to wjpe out the' free IcrrUnry status. Initial heaiinRs liwclrnerl in spite of the rift Ueiin'Sfrt Til -5 And thi? cominfonn.

ihe Soviet Merchant Marine officials today manliunting bloodhound, concentrated their search in Red Star said Russia is demanding an early peace treaty between big tour and an organized ccn-IraJ German governrncriL to defeat what charfied were 'Anglo-American nvmopoly'J attempls to gel a stranglehold on Germany. i ED I TOR'S NOTE: The wrslerr. have sought a loose German invernment that cannot he turned into a Snviel satellite state. Soviet failure lo unify Germany under the Polsdain agree-nncnt leil 1o the western move for i- facilities and the Irend ol eon- "Loitering on the East Washing- clerl mountain section of norlhe Truck Driver Is irale Trieste in ils men tan street bridge which ned hv cl(T authorities so imenl ol the proposed roller county for a nn-year-oid Ann odd-job man wanted in conneeiion hullrtl made in a joint stale- launched an inlo me Detroit river collision of a lO.OiK) ton ore-carrying freighter and a Wabash Railroad car fern. Kiel, head of the.

Merchant Marine investigation division, said a hparins would result an hour-Ions sucecli, Jcssup ago has been resumed. Some of lire young men aland alongside of the signs which prohibit loafing at Killed In Crash, Union in putting up a Jron: on all issues bffArecn fiussl-i riorJ her satellites. filled. VuKoslavian charges the UnKcd Stales coinl bv Ihe point. with the slaying of his wife.

men! Mnnday by Richard K. Mel- Sought hy police. is Cleoj Mi- Inn, chairman of the Mellon Bank, keiish of Clifford. His 23-vear-old anrl Benjamin F. Fairless, presi-wife.

Certrnde. was found dead of denl ol U. S. SlCel. club wounds In the rural MnKean counly home of her parents Au- nd shifted the entire blame rslial Tito's asserlcd en rhe western group is reiniorcir Helper Injured govern- il preliminary findings i nd iral 'negligence eausctl the accident.

a separate west Genua ment with the Aid Plan I Shoppers In the downtown Monday cvenini. had their rho Antrln.Amp'rican adininislra- deavor lo selJO Ihe frn territory by fomenting of discord and nn- vessels involved in ihe early mnrnlng river crash veslcrdav thoughts turned toward Christmas Arthur Mometer altftouxri it Is live monies away. jor-General T. S. Aircy.

I fc commander of Hie BrUlfh-Amer called for investigation were Ihe freighter Krlward M. Saunders, owned hv the Mid- I BOROENTOW.V, N. J.r Aug. 10. UNSI -A trurk driver was killed and his helper injured seriously loday when two huge tractor-trailer trucks collided three miles south of Bordentown Police said William L.

Wlscom. Held Death Of Former State of the display or Christmas tree bulbs other Vole decorations- li land Steamship Co. ef n.nelaiid y-joslai ia'a "I K.ilr.r. Vs Car- tan military zone. Bernadotte Seeks gust Pvt.

Arthur May of the CowJors-jiorl sub-slation said no trace of the man has been found but Mate police from Pennsylvania anil em-York are confidenf they will find Mlkclish in the densely wnodctl area around Oswayo. May said the bloodhound had been brouglil the scene from the Roekniew ferry Detroil. The Saunters sb the Soviet bloc. Jos- tremely large crowd of shoppers of Tampa. dieif Lnstautlv iroiii csupcrior.

lo sup concluded: when his vehicle crashed into a Cleveland full load of Senator Miller Peace In Jerusalem seems to inspire some other1 gov- 14-whccl truch loaded with general merchandise. His companion. Mill unidentified, was taken lo St. Francis hospital. HABR15BUHG.

10 Dayton Strike A Ifarrishurg raan today waived Daily Weather Report JKKUSALEM, Aug. 10. -INSl Count Folfce Bernsdotte ir cMiPrhiPled to meet lodav witti reaty. they may disregard or Has Been Settled a police court hearing on an invol untarv manslaushler charge rc. condition with multiple injuries.

-The United Slates, while urg- DEATH RECORD Tuesday. Aotust It, 194k Isulling from the dealh of former United Stales weather statistic That little tilt with the a shaken up but nol DemocraliS State Sen. Charles Dr. Bernard Joseph, military governor ol Jewish-held aTcas of Jerusalem. The United Nations rnfrJiator is conferring in the Holy City with both Arab and Jcvrs in his efforts DAYTON.

C) Aug 10. IINS- ln chanee in lr Italian peaci ic 97 -das -old violence-ridden treaty, meanwhile regards it a ri'KC auainsl Ihe Univis i.ens b'nUng Dalon was sellied loday. uorg. injured. -emit la he gene for new.

aed summer is back far anether av and the mercury's up and hear. Free under SlMO honrl pendiiis Infant Barker, tit Butler for the 2t boor pe -low tMIng a. m. today follow: Maiimom leraperatore. 79.

Minimum tcmperatorr. it No prcclfJUtlon. iver stage, S.3 feci. WRONG ANSWER NFAV YORK Five hoys tn reach an appearance before Dauphin coun- The (y grand jury is Theodore Mag- ing CIO nelii. 5.

accused of having L'nion 'nral Workers In tide New iigh! to accept a Jcnijalrrr. 1 fttaine street. and headed for hiseer stnff. hut July .11 dunng it iropicat. datj south Harrhburg lasl bar i men! said they were "lust argument There were mounting reports Richard, two.

1W3 Nerlh IranLly It seems that that's pVmlT nf Iruce rnsinwhiie. Cedar street i liirh. in short lhafs a bent tawk army sources report- Herhrrl Nenten Armslrenji, 416 I'm not cemplainittg er jeMln. ing. lfl casualties in fighting on avenue.

mere lytivlitg yen all the dee. It'i baltlefronts tn and around the F.lne A. Keekl. B- S. re ken, which ia jm ettay.

citv, Caitlf but awl much jaetter, I awpe. fine ch.irerd ffra.f lar-1 died Statistics for (he. rear aga falfon: Maximum temperalnrf Minimum frmperalvre No precipitation. eeny and (lie ulhers with juvenile i five days after the hlov uns posa delinquency. he did no', regain' conscl ou sncas.


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