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New Castle News from New Castle, Pennsylvania • Page 9

New Castle Newsi
New Castle, Pennsylvania
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Horo is a case where larger space was used' in other local daily papers but results were not near what smaller apace did in The News. The following loiters are plain enough for anybody to understand. Mr. Groskin was at tho St Oloud'HotoL for five 'days and nuido careful inquiry of all who ended on him. Tho Swoboda Bureau is onb of the largest advertisers in 'tho United Slatos, and it ia needless to siiy that they know whore they are EB IRE 0NL1S2I81TI ICiENTi Express Car is Entered, but It Claimed No Money Was Secured.

Society of the Holy Family Are (Opening an Institution on Lincoln Mrs, Bertha Long Tells Mayor Credentials Committee Falls to Jackson a Harrowing Tale. Reach an Agreemertt la Parks Atfaif. ONE OF THE ROBBEBS HURT IN FORCING SAFE UNDER AUSPICES OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHILD SHE ADOPTED IS WO REPORTS ON THE TAKEN BY AUTHORITIES CASE ARB PRESENTED I Kdy Family. RT. Sept.

Wiyov r.v. the BmUtiKt. for orphans and low opening rlendless ehihl-'eiiFon property i'l'iin helll Hi) iiuhl live miles Vim i Tho Now' Lotior lo Mr. Oroskln: i New Castle, l'a Sept. 29, 1908.

Mr. Marlt, Groskin, Representative Swoboda), Pittsburg, Pa. Sir: Having 'ascertained that while here, daring your advertising campaign for the Swoboda Bureau, you kept a record of the inquiries received and from what source in, order to ascertain ih'e best advertising medium iii- New Castle, would, it he contrary to your rule to give exact figures' or percentage as jou have them? ff not, I would greatly appreciate the favor. Trusting to hear from you, we remain-, Very truly yours, THE NEWS CO. Fred L.

Jlentz, Manager. "ii masked men. Tlicy rained an pn-i ranee lo the ex in cup car after rs-changing shots wiUi the express mt songcr mid blow open ihc but of ihc expiusy comjinny and the i nicy. 'lie 1)- I 1 1 I i stor- tn esjilnlu Just whs1 encd to an behind the bars, been arrested ut the ajiart-Mnry Duffy, er Jumbnii In;. i wife was to hnse hearing.

wn fSKI taken before Mnyor She sa.d she wns desperate lier hiiHln.rd laid failed in-o- Publishers' Tress Dispatch. KANSAS Hept. 3S. After the nueslion for houia vention of (he International ASBociatlort of llililgo iind Structural Iron Workers today announced that II could arrive at r.o eoniluslon In the matter. of Knni i'urks and his contesting New Ycrk and had decided.

tn permit Hie i-enventlon to seltle the fight. The JntenHe Interest that Ihe contest has nioiistil linuslit the delegates 10 the convention hull early, eager lo hear the conimttlee's report, which II whs promised last night would bc-macllf 01 10 o'clock this otlllilly at the appointed hour Prea Idem Huehaiiun culled tho ennventton to order anil asked for the result ontrie riedetitiuls committee, whlcJi -wns fltllrkly There were two reports, the minority report being signed by J. p. Carey, at In I renter of tin- iivl-ii rt -i i rsiii, iici. h-Irlel of the illy.

The home ivlll lie In chnrgo of Mis. i-nitm mi, ut Cleveland, who now holds the Stevenson, property undei lease. Donovan Was seen Wednesday by representative or Tin News, outlined Ihc work Mile expects lu accomplish heme, Pile Iwpes lo train and afford ii linnte for el least score of ehllilren. Already six niotlierleSH end fnthejlep-chlldrcii njrc bring al the home Ijj- Mrs. Donovan.

Tliey are from but. Ill I ones from this and the in territory will ulsu il month. Mayor,, in the tour rnaletl me cnielly Ing svlth hiul ije- IL-Ill hO J-flS Qply weeks. lie- hah also anil I am tired of themselves ami nit before limy gnno. I Hie Institution.

The mu large of Couduetn ds formal opening nuffnlo, and Chniles WJnslmv, of Wash arvoy, of St. An the robbers ho ran bu the lit Jackson asked I had not a good rollier'H name is Swope, and resides at Apollo. ihe sniil. The rnme here from Warren. O.

Idle at the hitler plare they biul opled -nreity llltle child from the of Use Jiolil- llltle Lime yet, oa the house is enly being prepared for occupancy. Mrs. Donnvnn explained that the eiety of Holy Family was Olgnti M. j. Seunlon ivhone death ocrti time ago.

Tlie original bom lu Cleveland, whore many hotni children are helnj eared for nml lia to become usetnl men anil women. Mr. Groakln'm Ropfy to Tho Nam. loiter: Pittsburg. Sept, 22, 1003.

New Castle News New Castle, Pa. Mr. Fred L. Itentz, Dear Sir: Answering yours of the 19th. I would, state that from my most careful inquiries from the callers I had, I found that about seventy per cent, of them noticed our advertisement in your paper.

Yours very truly, MARK CmOSKlN. AqylHiu, senrchlnfr the lillls. The riihhnra slopped deep out, using nil Mm. Di stltutlon ington. Thry said they believed I ho lu' President nuehannii.

was uncnnsti-tul tonal, because no notice had- been given, and they believed ful-tlier that flic testimony on whlrh the net. was based won 1nsu ITU-ten I. An executive spsslmt of the convention was enlleil where the reading of reports hail been and nil contested delegates, policemen and ic-POllers were excluded from the As Talks nnd his delegates filed out, Pinks said: "1 am perfectly willing to leave thli matter In the hands of the COhVc ntlriri," Ciedeiitlali refused' J. i.le-Nnmnm, of Clncliinutl, because 'hlsj lodge Is in nrrrnrs, Oeorgo Kogerty, Snranton, aril W. C.

Firiiob. Slakion It Is not likely that ilW coriventloh will consider President to dismiss Miller, the gevsiiin r.t M'lntlns ofilco employe whose esja hui ufford Hie bene-to the little ones hey will alpn lie that tho I.oiir i enlrustiHl ivilli Ihe one and CnptiilTi of ihe hifnni and Wan-en. m- hnshuud had pi-e-ivork. hut did not n't lose his eyesight he?" nked Mayor join- lire he didn't," rous reply. I-, 1 1 i The day scllools prnvJdnd bilge.

Usually the I. BANKERS GATHER IN ehllilren attend the public lie those of Catholic trnm- Mine the very The hlishalul his wife before ilemuvlcil, us si ee him UEaln. Mayer JueksDii t-digers In Hie train Were Sn ni pnnio, Tliey dirt net ntletniil to give battle lo Vllie robbers, but Mailed quietly, until Nie police clinic. Speculation nil the Identity ot the 1 nidlci engages iih much intention us Ihc robbery itHClf U. Is believed live i.r the highwaymen were Harvey Tikiiii mill Kid Curry, I.ngnn Is the nolorinus lobbor wild wns sentenced Id Feileinl l'i ii--()Ti in Tlmiii, Jinkling curing He escaped from prison few months ago.

Curry Is also an escaped train robber. The Iritiu wns. In charge nf Harvey, ol' thin city, and I'riEf Eliei'l Lewis. As il. Is a lluuugh irnhi beLweeli Ihlp illy mid Denver, It Is supposed Ir i-urry huge suras of money In expreu packueCK.

KANSAS CITY, Kept. 23. Ni: information Is obtainable here hp lo lb. edti tion In the THE CITY OF SMOKE schools, whl litiroehtal si The liomei slptahee of I CONFERENCE ON AT THE YILDIZ PALACE BlljiiKu ied by lnrltably Inrlin weekly foi- ea -hoiv lout' ivlint lie had had been eni- CUT NIECE'S THROAT Intense opiwsltion is oelirs the tlelpgates litjlf- I15M.S-I liecftUfle a local nuwapupcr 'na City 1 Vrcsa Dispatch 1U1, Kept. ng at the Hul piLUem and uth line th.

day. I to order by VI bis morning printed Jronl pase aayln: lils wife tn it was the my man Remarkable Confession of Crime Representatives of Powers and 1, Let then: fight II. 1 i Ik-Mr K. e.l rnpany loss Adams I'Jxprcsn I itiiHtigloii liolil Made Before a New York Magistrate. or otherwise.

Is possible that located In this Sultan Discuss Plaris for Ending Trouble. May the 1 of ri oi 1 bin uliihl. Tlie pull THROWS BOMBSHELL INTO FUSION CAM? ilcutn of -ii rein The fTcied by He, ALLEGED MURDER WAS MOHAMMEDANS BEING Pi LI D. city. Mrs.

Dnunv: destreil to linvc ninnbers of little anil their cm fmm Ihul ol" atbi DONE NEAR PITTSBURG INCITED TO MURDER An s- 1 1,, OSS DlspatPh. y. Sejit. who. sihglehanrted, is enomlnntlon or Seth.Low rew a bombshell Into, thb litis morning' by Hie puh-open letter tn K.

Fulliih dent uC the CltHer.u' Natural Gas Co. is Constructing Larger Mains to Connect nlqpnteh. MJ-JW Vi OIK sept, as IN fill FOG help that, us Itm-nfl, who recently lived ut ,1 leu Mi i l.r,r,kl'ii the police lust pight and mnOe li HUH-COIlltl 1 liud rollow'ed nted to be si mil Muynv CTseir proiirvl un Fulton, soeratal This fact 1m la vorahle Hiirnltlc Ralkaii situutio BEARING OF ALLEGED at ihc time, was Intoxicated ui lorkcil up for the night. Tl One Man Killed and Another In SWINDLERS POSTPONED brfui- MiiL-l-tratc Mayo he .5 IV brarlnir mi the bed districts. is still ret'urd-uone of the jitred ou Railroad in Allegheny.

New Wells. ruining Winter the Manufacturers l.lsht .11 Heat Company, is now laying 11 urn pipe line here tram the Kiipnory nork i -reek. The present line Is lull six Inchrn i misblerably tniipr. The latter will be right Inches in llllltnelnr ut places, while il will at others he ciiljireed to ten inches. Quite a hiren nf Lnlioreis is erifraged in ihc work, which villi be nHiiuluUMl before (hc.apnroiich cold pented his strange tale and was I niandcd lo Jail, pending Investigation.

N1SW YOltK, icv.t. sin uf police iin- Inngr att ulii; con-ily, but no iro-T sv)ill she lip i' oyes aKftli'- It tr. Iongt to ween, lp rnJip hy ails pc -hr wire, iJi'cnMitU to Wnrrt-n or get Tng aairt. he vaa wife if alie jLCtqil iind JdIiti 'I'lirrnips-iTi, 1 ul on, nnd ut the conference cqnamltiee of Ihe various anti-Tuminany org-arifxs lions, in which Klllton states thatf he feels riw. cannot win.

Fulton fiiso says ho has learned lhat ivorklng ffalk, poll, and nra agdlnHl Is-a big man in Hie CltlMin's' and the publication ot hisnlei-lers are tlie sensation of. tho, day in pn.ltl.jil circles. m-hll letter, says tn Mr. Cutting that he i claims thill In the I'all of deied his niere, Miivsaret Fei or the dist slliiution. liowei-i rs yf-l prupDsnii 1 NNA.

Sept. 1. rm.i.ii Lcau, of PiLlHburfi. nut nf while living in a small town call rTTSTHiHO, Sent, ii Due man Shafton, locoted near Pittsburg, I rouli bo'U. minLnK- opcinitons.

ralfriiml in the Toitibn Pnlii-r- I aril li.i.ll, 1 1 Allegheny this tnorniiiK on I he correspn Kirk-Klllssa. years old, liurns said, he we villi bis married sister. Fens. Fifteen years ubo nt at the fos. The dead man was The Jiilntl I ty aculnjLL-e upon III! uyitH-'d (o Itrt ul of tftwn rjulcklv lllltiu to RLjjtnm-l -II rlffhl, but pht ai "DIvorL-s vasl mc estC4l Lhtrr iiaUctl for an rejourn MIR in, icy a 'dimn-dlt.

wife and left her and came to iveiv 1 ork. W-Jii a I'll li.iri;; ill killed ys lie authorities distributed reports iteilua deelarini; ivo given the- Snl- ulnly looked he married Oic Mohn lc-n durlnff the cold nnnps, niter Wiule Tthn nioimvhllc nvo iK la 1 Cnir-plr-" Moian, IEC Dllllake, oiiposttKin 10 i.oir. but he makes apih-ul -Hint the nomination Low heiStcppCil before It Is too ln.1 Otki's hake" pause," he si "stop. thin, business before It Is too ta iirnlitg the keys to. tlic widest Jml, vlll be pleased, to know that, Ihcy 'xpect a bettor Ii.

I ntpi nllc-Ec-d to bn inKril up In thr ijctcclivna jiro hro nn lug them I mheblluul i been ill Mohnmnii V.rr she besim When l' 1 1 yii)0i)i; only n- crina was dlatrilSH- Inn carle lrlonebe and 1 exterminate the Hnlrtai Klfly villages, he add! stroyrii. At lli-karlon pillaged a churc liters later parailed th inn Eli, he derlarpd today, he cut In with a curving knife. He bun workers we is PittsbuTS, railway track. IH-l', FORM coiniKiny Has ems wells during lie connected up a line Is coiiipleleil. Wayne Cliluas TO IB cd her body lu ihe stove and when Ii sister rolilrlici! he told lier the girl ho KAISER STIRS UP A 101 I until her hortilrumrteL-s bent the street.

Slie tl iiM 1 1. I11IC knsth ioat or nnirtf in arvl trnyeil away. Uiirouch of an out nmui la I Ion train, hli LITTLE HARD FEELING Tturns 111 hp had trteken ever slnre, thu- Dtirkey was Dllllake mu V1HNNA, Sept. its Tt is learned tt coldness has arisen between Kaii WIFE BEATER ARRESTED TODAY AND BEHtND -BARS GHASTLY FIND IN Wilhelm, or and, I-lmpei l'ranz of iistrla, as lite ics LOCAL MAN HAS NEW STEEL HAIL PROCESS THE WINDY CITY NEGRO IS FATALLT Kaiser revealing during his visit to Vienna the fact Ihnt son. ITInce Kilel, hall lean Publishers' Presi Cable.

TORONTO. iSppt Is a raoTcrtiem to form a iabor federatrdn for Cnnadfl; -Independent of-the American-Canadian unions eKlstlpg One of the objections or the present unions is that when there la a strike railed In Canada, workmen belonging lo get public sympathy, owing talhe to get public sympethy. owing popular outcry taut Canadian, strikes are promoted by American labor boiips. It is held that striked In Canada would, be more successful ir dictated and supported purely by a Canadian labor rnlrration. HEAVY LOSSBT FIRE At GARDEN VI N.

Tress Dispatch, nuffnlo, ficpt. fire jyrokt out at o'cloolt this mornlns ihc boiler rooms of Charles -InK works In llnrd' nivllle, and did J7S.OO0 dflmnse, destroy, ins the entire plant, Die town posLoHire Hie motor piiwcrliuuse Of the Ourden -llle and Kbonexer trolley line and act' to innibei' of homes in, ill- DIVORCE APPLICATION I'irbuu, of iiridfP! Iitp.l Wednesday i-t Hell while lie was I-, ,1:1,1 ur-cd as dv WOUNDED BY MOB Publishers' Press Dispatch. i-rnooii by or-ud ministering icrvcd punlsli-I Urban Kept, unidentified Hungnrlnn tanKlinge. This, it 1s so bndlm or .1 man and y. -pin i.

each abotn Inkcn by Franz Josef to imply tl Kllel would some day lie avr 2-1 years old, were found this morning thmugh 11 new process he ha-discovered for treating steel rails, ac-conlingtn a rnmraniilcation received by The News, bearing the slgnalllre of John Herold, ivho signs himself as a ahiimlst of -ia ye, 1 tp The latler does not stale iv ho Iho Inpal mnn is, but f-s plain able an cnmlidaie for the throne hlch went with hlnorlhounils in paint of a npro who tired on M. Hungary, I'rnnz Josef's heir, T'ril Ferdinand, lines not know a woni 1 11 varum lot lit Slth and venno. There was a buV.r-l bole in the Oman's breast and two bullet holes 111 Ho nrai'J neck. Clasped In tho mill's igtit hand was a revolver with thne mpty chambers. The wmnitn was rein l-i' ioth- lum, a white citiicn, of Shelby.

as led by the doga to the lir.nse of ngtb greatly arter. When the men knocked WAS HELD TO ANSWER HAS BEEN FILED ir ihe Ivngllsb NEW CASTLE HAN HAS le doer for ndniittance, the lights wer- SUIT ON BOND AGAINST ROBERT A. TODD ing and the man's garb betokened flood FOR ROBBING HOTEL cjzllnviisheil. They then brov-e il the door, while the negro emptied FORMED OIL COIPANT nslances. tin the woman's perns found a handkerchief on which pistol without hurting any r.t- 'I the posse Ti-jilieit, fatally woundlne; Car George of this city, left for u-y HORSE SALE.

Buffalo confer with (-jipituUnt! Joseph F. Rtnek, by Ills Nurrls. applies for divorc from his wife. Mnrtha Itinrk, on tli crounds of desertion. They were mar Tied In ISM lived together unti ISflfi.

A fliihpnrna has been aivnid in the case. lun-i f.f erinp he it has been entered by the Com-wealth of Pennsylvania against 'jn Hill and HoSert A Tod, ood City, to recover on a Stoil.l a by Hill with Todd as surety. Jllll imlirtci! by the Grand fr MOTHER AND CHILD III undoubtedly be lynched. moot Eh. 7 oT oil MOI.ibi KILLED INSTANTLY In Tonne-sjce.

Mr. Jotics 3s onnnectCil Highland stnbl CHARLES BOLLINGER with thft hatiiifi- prnmoled illegal liiiuor selling the MerchanlV adersigned ivill sell forty head of 1, consisting of ponies, coach e. The evidence deTendant was man Cubbison. CL-utor, Herman in saw Jlaynes ey In a satchel swore Hint lite ery sirens anil far court by ,1 iiudlittr of the testified Ilia the bag of himsplf. He win lenve BufTfllo flhorty VERT MUCH BETTER RICHMOND, Flli" for Memphis nml Hoitt yw -i -i Western rallwi; Sept.

23, The or the Norfolk night struck a vhieh wptc sealed chihixen at C. tturney for the plaintiff. who was BAZAAR AND SUPPER. stroke Saturday, wife nnd 1 -Tli 11 1 I.07CU, al Hl.irt!. i diiartettc o( Yankee Charles Fbillir s-r.

Is much bcll.r ti- in, ed while place of business, caused Vy the hurst1 vessel In the head. lie was alt; The afflict inn 20t5-r-tlt X. ROfiKUS. TBE SLAUGHTER SHOE SALE sl-le of PeteTstiuig. acr son.

aged yean WILLIAM JOHNSON IN CRITICAL CONDITION The worn." vas serloiHl ag of a small blood ty kLlied, and one othei Tho best ivsulls are obtained by slicking the lM-st mertla and snend-ing an ndenimlc amount of money In them. Judicious Advertising. Hanikorrhif-'f nnd apron taxnn lumber 30, followed by a 2v nj-f meat aitpjir Troni 5 to nl the avenue Chilian church. Villlarn Johnson. 1 nararters In Denmari Thompson Ceo.

W. P.yer'n "Our New "--tarius startle. the delect Ive: C.irl Ho'ten, the wholo-Houled rustic; Syl-varius rjarlletl. the poatmastcr: nml obadlah HUirton. the vlnegar-heattej tnrmer-wlll be played by the same actors who were seen in these jwrrs liist season when 11 scored Its remark-able hir he OpeTa Houe.

'tnr Npw Minister" Is booked for sn mnn. rnem oil Monday. October 4, U-i PIANO TEACHING. FINDS $1.02. WANTED See Prof.

Mox Cn NoTrls block, WEATHER, For "Wflslcrn lVnrjuylvai: night; fooler in north pol dny fnir; cooler. ThcH.W Doii.nln.'i iioiv selling at 'I "A at the Ullc-mun Company. Rverv luyer fttids himself nhend U.K. It-f piano tuning and reriilatiiix..

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