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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 10

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

If a i 10 THURSDAY EVENING OAKLAND TRIBUNK DECEMBER 31, 1903 SOCIETY PEOPLE PLAN TO MEET THEIR FRIENDS. Rcfltord. Miss Helen Crane and Miss Grace Barnard assisted Mrs. Aliardt in her. duties as hostess.

Among the friends who enjoyed the day with the children were Mrs. Georpre' Rodolph. Mrs. Charles Rodolph. Mrs.

Frederick Morse. Mrs. Seth Mrs. Churchill Taylor, Mrs. Felton Taylor, PRETTY WEDDING CEpONY AT ELK GROVE.

FORMER CARNIVAL BELLE Mrs. Charles Lovell. Mrs. 'Everett Ami's. iurs.

hranK j. wooawarn, Mrs. wsnoru. Mrs. William Hamilton Morrison, Mrs.

H. Kergan. Mrs. A. S.

Larkey, Mrs. Warren Olney Mrs. J. C. S.

Akerly, Mrs. Worden, Mrs. Frederlek Aliardt, Mrs. Isaac Hvde. Mrs.

Arnold, Mrs. G. F. Aliardt, Mrs. 8.

Clisby, Mrs. Carleton Crane and Miss Grace Barnard. WILL SOON RETURN. Ensign Claude Bloch hay'neen detached from the United States sfteamshlo Wheeling, now stationed at amoa, and will come direct to San Francisco to Join Mrs. Bloch.

who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kent. 1 r. gL IS MISSIN6.

ATHENS CAMP. Athens Camp, Woodmen of the World, gathered In large numbersat Woodman Hall last evening to participate In a Jolly reunion and banquet. A number of outside frii nds were invited and the spacious hall was taxed to its utmost capacity. A small space was reserved for dancing and everyone present entered heartily into the spirit of pleasure. A banquet was enjoyed in the large dining hall and at a late hour the merrymakers dispersed, voting the occasion one of the happiest of the year.


Two pioneer families were united In marriage at Elk Grove. Sacramento county, during the holiday season. John Folsom Clark of Oakland, son of Mrs. Genevieve G. Clark of this city, wedded Miss Nellie Stelier, youngest daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. F. W. Stelter, a pioneer resident of Elk Grove. The ceremony took place at high noon, the Rev.

Messenger, pastor of the Elk Grove Presbyterian Church, officiating. The bride looked very pretty In her gown of cream silk eoline over white taffeta, trimmed with white chiffon lace and liberty silk. She carried a bouquet of white pinks. Victor Heck of Alameda acted as best man Und Miss Pauline Evanis of Elk Grove as bridesmaid. J.

F. Clark is in the employ of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company and has the confidence and esteem of the company, as well as all his- associates. He was in the public schools of Oakland and is a member of the Order of Eagle.s, nnd the Independent Order of Railroad Trainmen. The wedding breakfast was served In the dining room of the Stelter home, which was tastily decorated. Miss Julia Stelter and Mrs.

Williamson had charge of the preparations for tile weumriK -eonauoii. nr. and grooni were the recipients of many beautiful and I useful presents. After the weddiner the newly married couple left for S.m Francisco, where they will spend their honeymoon. llaWIJi, I 11111 -i 1 MISS JENNIE' HARTKOp.

WHO IS MISSING. -C Miss Jennie fiartkop Cannot Be Located By Parents and Police -v Are Asked- to Search for Her. son, Miss Elsie Ames, Miss Effle Wade. Miss Helfen Robinson and Miss Rhoda Howell. BERKELEY ell known young L- if! 1 1 1 in fififiiriilii ittfi-if -t JOHN F.

CLARK. I I ITCH OUT THElSENT The luncheon given by Mrs. John Charles Adams at the University Club in San Francisco yesterday, in honor of Mrs. J. Malcolm Henry of Washington, D.

C. who is spending the winter With relatives In San Francisco, was a most unique and charming affair. The decorations were red and white streamers festooned from the center of the ceiling in tent-like fashion. In the center of each table toy drums, rough riders, tmllot dancers and wild animals were grouped. Later they were carried away by the guests as souvenirs.

A vaudeville -program was given bet ween' the courses of the luncheon, which included delsarte dancing by Mif-s Jean Logan, instcumei.tal and vocal selections, etc. Mrs. Henry, who an attractive wore a magnificent white lace gown and a large urciue of 'white tulle. The hostess was gowned in a soft 'bhie material trimmed with pe-irl-em-broidered butterflies. A wreath of was twisted through her dark hair.

Among the dressed ladles at the luncheon were Mrs. Frederick Stoip, Mrs. J. Ioran Pease. Mrs.

T. T. Durgie and Mis. E. J.

Cotton from Oakland. The invited guests were: Mrs. J. Malcolm Henry, Mrs. A.

H. Voorhles, Mrs. Seklen S. Wright. Mrs.

D. D. Col-ton, Mrs. Frank Grace, Mrs. H.

E. Huntington, Mrs. K. Burke Holladay, Mrs. J.

Dlngee, Mrs. Hubert Howe Han-croft, Mrs. Henry Wetherbee, of. dak-land, Mrs. Scott, Mrs.

Oliver orrick, Mrs. John L. Howard, Mrs. Smith. Mrs.

J. Howard Smith, Miss Florlnne Brown and Miss Geraldine Seupham of Oakland, Mrs. Philip Van Arsdale. Mrs. Irving Moulton, Mrs.

T. T. Dargie, Mrs. J. R.


DEATH. i WILL BE AT HOME. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlon Smith will be at home to their numerous friends all afternoon and evening New Yeftr's Day and during the evtaving the young people will enjoy an informal dance.

The reeei vingfepuriy will include Miss Marlon Smtth. Miss Grace Sperrv. Miss Mae Burdge. Miss Winifred Burdge, Miss. 1 Evelyn Ellis, Miss Florence Nightingale, Miss May Coogan, Miss Carolyn Oliver.

Miss Anita Oliver, Miss Jacqueline Moore and Miss lorence White. ENTRE NOUS WHIST CLUB. The last meeting of the Entre Nous Whist was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.

E. on Fifty-ninth street in Guidon Gate. A very pleasant evening was spent and some fine scores maUifrThe next meeting Of the club will be the homo of Mr. and Mrs. 1.

Miller on Marshall street on Saturday evening, January 2, 1904. WHIST TOURNAMENT. A whist tournament will be given Thursday evening, January 7, at Maple Hall, for the benefit of the Daughters of Israel Belief Society. The affair is in chargrof Mrs. Jules Abrahamson, Mrs.

Gus Conn and Mrs. Henry Abrahamson. Twenty prizes will be given away. The touiment nromlses to be a social and financial success, as a large attendance and pleasant evening Is anticipated. Tickets are 50 cents.

PRETTY WEDDING. A wedding of unusual interest was that of Mrs. Isabelie F. Burdlck and C. A.

Holton, which took place in Trinity Methodist Church last evening. It was! for some time that Miss Isabelie Burdlck. who attended her mother as bridesmaid last evening, was to have been the bride and the statement has been corrected P. number of times. Frederick C.

Parworth attended the groom and Rev. J. A. B. Wilson, paster of Trinity Church, performed the ceremony.

The bride was attired In a white cloth traveling gown and her daughter and bridesmaid. Miss Isabelie Burdiek, wore a clinging rose-colored crepe gown. Mr. and Mrs. Holton will reside at 9Sa East Twenty-fourth street and Miss Burdlck will make her home with them.

WILL VISIT FRIENDS. Mrs. Laura W. Wight of Filbert street, with her charming daughter. Miss Ella Wight, will spend New Year's Day with Lieutenant ar.d Mrs.

Phillips Andrews. who have a cottage fer the winter at Coronado hen eh. Mrs. Wight and her jiaughter. who is one of the most beautiful girls of the young'-r set here, will remain in I.

os Angeles for a short visit, where they will be extensively entertained. CHRISTMAS AT THE mi. CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT FOR OLD WOMEN AND CHILDREN. On Christmas day. at 10 o'clock, there gathered in the Assembly Hall of the Children's Home, at Alden, eighty-six boys and girls, happy and expectant.

They marched in to music and formed very prettily on three sides of a hollow square, facing a beautiful Christmas tree. As many of the old ladies as could leave their rooms joined in the festivity. A delightful program of songs and recitations, appropriate to the day. were given by the children as follows: "Sing the Christmas Story," song, by the children; "The Earth Has Grown Old," recitation, Annie Kiddie; "Mistress Santa Claus," recitation, Nellie Losee; "Aunt Kitty's Christmas Shopping," dialogue, Augustus Kleeman, Ethel Bassett, Annie Kleeman, Annie Kiddie; Spanish songs; "Little Tommy "Christmas Has Come," song, the kindergarten; recitation, Robert Wallace; "We All Are Good Musicians," action song, Ave little ones; "Christmas in Other Lands," thirteen boys and girls; "Christmas at Sea," recitation. Especially interesting to those watching the progress of little John and Josephine Doswald were their Spanish songs.

Born of German-Swiss parents In the Argentine Republic, they entered the institution less than three months ago, speaking i only German and Spanish. They use fluent English now. Though they have wandered far and know no other shelter, their sunshiny faces prove that they find "their lines fallen in pleasant places." The manner of speaking and singing and the behavior of children reflect credit upon them and their teachers. Every inmate of the home i snarea in ine gins urnuaueu irom ine tree and vicinity. The little arms and aprons were full of things dear to small hearts as they filed out to dinner.

Xot all, even of the older residents of Oakland, know of the benevolent work done quietly, for many years past, by the Ladies' Relief Society, incorporated "for the care of needy I and unprotected women and chil- ,1 The beautiful homes where this is done are at Forty-fifth street, between Telegraph and Piedmont avenues. At i tnis gooa-vviu season tne usual I do likewise" the society would be most grateful for the children's sake. MRS. DWIGHT B. HUNTLEY.

ANNUAL MEETI The annual meeting and rr1 call of the First Free Paptlst Church, Atev. Clifford Hand, pastor, will be fheld tonight. After the business meetlngalight refreshments will be served in the westry by the ladle3. A watch meeting ol prayer and praise will follow till miHRlgdit. All friends of the church are welcorrje.

I woman of this -i are being anxU'ii 1932 Hearst young woman hp.i her whereabouts tl Miss Hartko jfcond for VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS WILL HAVE OPEN HOUSE AT CLUBR00M3. The Elks will keep cj-i New Year's Day at tie quarters. The Elks' q-i nish music during evening a.nil'TfftSoeiai -j ti ll joyed by all attending. ATHENIAN CLUB regular New Year mh The Athenian T.ih'v. 1: hoM rr.

ular New Year's celeb: i An enjoyable program will i which will invlud the number of interest ing PRES CLUB. The Oakjand Press' Ciub has an enjoyable program for Year's- celebration. A ance members is .1. Tide, of 1- interesting papers ill be es.rrade and music rend cT7 MILE CLUB. The Nile Club, which was the firs: Of the local elwbs n.

the' Ncv Year's Day open a feature of club life, ill celebrate its first open house from 12 to 32 on New Day. THIS ivirs. Lj. ti. uryau, nnnKiuu i Edith Selby Burnett, Mrs.

Henry C. Farnham, Mrs. Sidney. M. Van Wyck Mr: Gregory.

ENTERTAINED FRIENDS Mrs. Frank Powers. Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. in AIINED FRIENDS.

Henry Payot, Mrs. Gaston M. Ashe, Mr. and Mrs. Knowles of Berkeley Mrs.

Thomas Porter Bishop. Baroness entertained a few friends at a very en-Von Horst, Mis-s Katherine Dillon Missj JoyabIe Christmas party given at their Patricia Cosgro've. Miss Alice bu.livan. nome last Thursdily. fhe Ruests were MlssEtelka liar Mrs Runyon, -Mtss Mr am, A.

Gale Mrg yallejo, Marie ells, Miss Juamta Weds, Miss i valle-io nnma rhiL I FRIDAY NIGHT CLUB. Dr. and Mrs. Harry P. Carlton will I entertain the Fridriy Night Club at rtielr home on Webster street this eve-j nlng.

These congenial people have en-j joyed several delightful meetings this winter rid a very enjoyable hour Is anticipn tei this evening. The members include- Mr. and Mrs. Seth Mann. Mr.

and Mrs. Churchill Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Fred H.

Dallam, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lovell, Mr. and Mrs. W.

1 Mills. Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs.

Felton Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. Harry P. Carlton. THEY ARE MARRIED.

Cards have ben received announcing the marriage of Miss Hattie Tabor of Alameda, daughter of Mrs. Harriet S. Tabor, and Frederick T. Armstrong, a professor in the Honolulu High School and prominent in educational circles there. WEDNESDAY CLUB.

The Misses Jane and Ethel Crellin entertained the members of the Wednesday Afrernoon Euchre Club at their home on (Jackson street yesterday. Af- rer a delightful game of five hundred, Miss Alice Knowles carried off the prize. The players included Miss Edith Gnskill, Mrs. Montel Taylor, Miss chrissie Taft, Miss Ruth Knowles, Miss Alice Knowles. Miss Bessie Palmer, Miss Jacqueline Moore, Miss Gertrude Allen, Miss Ethel Valentine,

Irving Lundborg, Mrs. William' att. Miss Claire Chabot and Miss iitiri r( 1 Coetzman eQ and Mrs. M. J.

Skelton. WILL GO NORTH. Dr. nnd Mrs. Walter Hughes will leave next Monday for Dutch Flat, and it is expected that the change will benefit Mrs.

Hughes' failing health. Assemblyman William Higby of San Benito county is visiting relatives in Alameda. WEDDING TONIGHT. A very pretty wedding will take place tonight at the home of W. W.

Hunt at 3704 Telegraph avenue, when Miss Green will become the bride of Harold W. Coffers. Revi'C. O. Brown of the First Congregational Church will perform the ceremony under an arch of pink rose- anit asparagus tern in the spacious crawlng room.

The decorations will be unique and artistic. Smilax will be used with splendid effect in the hallway, converting the space Into a bower of green and in the dining room great streamers of broad crimson ribbon will extend from the chandelier to the four corners of the rooms, huge bunches, of Christmas berries completing the picture In red. The bride will wear an elegant traveling dress and will be attended bv her sister. Miss Millie' Green. Carl Evers will attend the groom and only relatives will lie present.

After til ceremony an elabo- 1 ate supper win ne served and the young people will depart on a short honeymoon. They will make their home on -Kighth street in tlii city. TUESDAY CLUB. Miss Besrie Reed entertained the Thursday Afternoon Club today at her home on Hirrlson street. These meetings are always delightful affairs and a merrv game ui ine mniiiii'u is aiwavs me ort er nt tne "ay- Among those who participated this af- tf i noon were: Miss Jacqueline Moore.

so A ir in Coodf.lW..- ULo I wo Vii i nase. Miss Bess Reed. Miss Mas- Coo 1 i OLD YEAR. SERVICES PLANNED TO BE HELD IN THE CHURCHES TOMORROW. There will be special services In nearly all the local churches this evening to watch the old year out and welcome the new year in.

The First Congregational Church will have a musical program and refreshments early in the evening, won watch services and prayer-at midnight. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. At the First Presbyterian Church there will be special music by the choir, after which a watch social will be held in the parlors of the church. NORWEGIAN-DANISH. A social and religious watch night service will be held at the Norwegia.i-Danish Episcopal fureh, of 547 Twentieth street, from to 1- o'clock.

METFIODIST AND BAPTIST. The Firs'tV Methodist and First Baptist churches will also hold special watch cervices. Y. M. C.

A. The local Young Men's Christian Association will celebrate the event tonight with a concert by the Fisk Jubilee Singers. The ladies auxiliary has charge of the decorations. SALVATION ARMr. The Salvation Army will distribute 2000 garments to the poor of the city from the army bureau at 40 third street.

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. The Church of the Immaculate Conception of Seventfh and Jefferson streets will hold special services this evening. The! Christmas music will be repeated under the direction of Adolf Gregory. EIGHTH AVENUE METHODIST. Rev.

Owen Hotle announces that the Ladies' Aid Society and Epworth League of the Eighth Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church will keep open house on New Year's day from 3 to 10 p. m. All friends and members of the church are cordially invited to be present and re-ce've a greeting for the New Year Light refreshments will be served and in the evening there will be an interesting program, (I LINK" DENNIS POPULAR RESORTS. The recognized rendezvous for colored railroad men is "Link" Dennis' favorite club rooms and resort at the corner of Seventh and Wood streets. The place is splendidly appointed, embracing everything essential to make it inviting and convenient.

There has 1 whereabouts H'tr'kop'; residing at befallen the se i ch to discover fey runnirfja close WORKMAN TRIES TO ESCAPE FROM FLAMES AND IS KILLED. 'HIC December 31. An mc-et to, lay on the fourth States Feather r-tory. Twenty or thirty work on the floor at the hese at least one. Daniel jumped into the alley tne i ot was killed.

Others were reported to have a. the number being building was soon a a mes. Box Couch Only $5.50, ciiri. us a New Year's It'- i. Ran: um.

H. Schelihaas. Never Mind Hot-AIr Machinist Stick by the J. J. Lerrl Co.

Steam Cleaning Works. 368 Fourth street. Phone Main 3So. New carpet It bedrock pr'ces. CASTOniA, Bears the Y3U HaV8 Always BflBgJi Signature of IS Each one of our customers will be given one.

by 1 109 LSroadway near 12th 14th Broadway 13th Ave. 14th Street Saa Frtacisct resort business men MYSTERIOUS WOMAN btiN I SWEETMEATS THAT POISON CHILDREN. ITHACA. X. December children of Michael 'asey.

a "1. Two wealth business man. a boy of ten and girl of thir; from years are critically aiciv believed to con- tain box d- ris green. This i 1 at the i a was in a ase-v home bv a boy to whom it was given by a ysierious eiled woman. When rile messenger delivered the package a party was being entertained by Casey who a widower.

It was It ft unopened over night. In the morning the children divided its contents and were stricken after eating a. few pieces. Investigation showed that the chocolate-covered creams and gnm drop? had been divided, a portion of th inferior removed and filled with paris green. The pieces had then been stuck together in such a manner that except by close examination the dividing would not be noticed.

The messenger says he had a call from near the city hospital and was set in front of that institution by a veiled woman, who handed him the box with instructions to deliver it at the Casey home saying it came from a nurse at the hospital whose name she mentioned and who was a friend of the Casey family. No trace of the poisoner can be found and the nurse is unable to throw any light on the affair. RELATIONS DISSOLVED BETWEEN CORPORATIONS. NEW YORK, December 31. Business relations between the L'nited 1 States Steel Corporation and the Pittsburg Coal Company, the soft coal combination of Western Pennsylvania, 1 will terminate tonight, according to the Herald, with the expiration of a contract which has been in force for more than a year between the two: companies.

Conferences have been held between the representatives of the subsidiary companies of the United Stats Steel 1 Corporation and the officials of the Pittsburg Coal Company, with a view to arranging a new contract, but thestfiegotiations. the Herald says, have failed and the National Mining 1 Company, Frick Coke Company and United Coal and Coke Company, which controls the Pocahontas prop erties and the river mining company properties coruroueu oy ine sieei i rporation, will shortly commence taking out coal for the plants of the latter. Disagreement over prices is said to have caused the move of the steel officials. Dr. C.

Howard Merrltt has opened dental parlors in the Central Bank Building, Rooms 311-312. Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 1 to 4 p. in.

Porcelain work a specialty. i i I i Calendar Day At BOWMAN'S Hfioo (firU Hull Mioa EAll ill oimauii. Kathleen Bull, Mrs. Percy Kessier. Mrs.

Robert Cunningham. Miss Van Wyck. Mrs. Henry Lulu Bothln, Miss Emily! Stone, Mrs. Dickenson.

Mrs. Joseph i Masten. Mrs. Cook, Mrs. John P.

Young Mrs. HerrlcKo Mrs. William Willis. Mrs. Lillian Brown Everts and Mrs.

hreder lck Stolp of Oakland, Mrs. Francis M. Dunwoody, Miss Jean Howard. Miss Blanche Powell, Mrs.J.L. Pease.

Mrs. E. J. Cotton, Mrs. C.

E. Cotton, Mrs. Gordon M. Stolp. Mrs.

James Pierce, Mra. Irvih M. Ayers, Mrs. Franklin Poop, Mrs. George A.

Webster, Miss Marea Stone, Miss Ruth Anderson. Miss Helen Partridge, Miss Erwina Smith. Miss Laura Van Wyck, Miss Lucy Bancroft, Miss Sbarbora. Miss Shirley Cookman Hayes, Miss Marietta Havens. Miss Josephine Pierce, Mrs.

Edgar Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Miss Whitney, Miss Hittell, Mrs. Walter Henry, Mrs. Kellogg, Miss Eva Powell, Mrs.

William High, Miss MacMillan. Miss Man. Mrs. C. M.

Mann. Mrs. Wil- liam Sesnon, Mrs Dick, Hawley, Mrs. D. Haskell.

Mrs. Mrs. "William Kirk. Mrs. George S.

Meredith, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Birgsten, Mrs. Hood, Mrs. Woods.

Mrs. J. L. Martel. Mrs.

James Miller Merrill, Mrs. William Ashburner, Mrs. Zoe Gre-en Radcliffe, "Mrs. Valentine, Mrs. Maxwell, Mrs.

Stanley B. Re vet Mrs. Thomas Morf-few, Miss Roblna Henry, Miss Vere de Vere Adams and others. ENGAGEMENT 0F MISS ERWlN. The engagement was announced yesterday afternoon of Mis Marjorie Erwin, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. James W. Erwin of Berkeley, and Lieutenant James Gibson VTaylor, Thirteenth Infantry, U. S. A.l now stationed at Alcatraz.

The secrft has been suspected fo- some time by the friends of the young couple, but the formal announcement was not made until yesterday afternoon at a card party. Miss Lucile Webster, who assisted Miss Erwin in receiving her guests, made the announcement and good wishes were showered upon the young hostess. Miss Bessie Thompson also? ssjsted the charming hostess and the "guests Included Miss Maude Myers, Mh May Myers, Miss Alma Mitchell, Miss Alice Downing, Miss Edna fihafter Orr, Miss Florence Thrall, Miss Edna Wilde, Miss Lucile Wrebster, Miss Kate Jackson, Miss Mabel Reed; Miss Linda Kemp, Miss Th imp- One is yours asking for it BOWMAN CO. lately been a gymnasium added to thejf, establishment and several pugilitets xrn gan. Kthfl Syms.

Miss Edith' Beck 1 nrisimas aonauon or iuu irom i. Miss iown. y. Miss Fthei Crellin' I Barker is much appreciated by the Miss Emily ('bickering. Miss Bessie Fill- management.

If more of our pros-more Miss Ada Kenna. Miss Edna Ban nerous men and women would "en and note have made this place their fWad Quarters, including Jack Johnson recently defeated Sandy Ferguson "Link" never does anything by halves he is of the -progressive kind, even If he does lean to sporting proclivities that may be objectionable to some. He is true as steel, a good friend to have and his popularity is ex-fended. Everybody in West Oakland knows "Link" Dennis and know him faorably too, and that's why Mr. Dennis enjoys such a lucrative business ami one that Is going rapidly Into the ascendancy.

and Mis. Irving Burrell CHILDREN ENTERTAINED. Mrs. Charles Aliardt opened her home on Linden street yesterday afternoon for a delightful party including fortji children and a number of older friends. A huge Christmas tree laden with gifts de-lighter! forty little hearts and after the merrymaking a banquet was served in the dining, room, which was prettily decorated for the occasion.

Miss Lottie Aliardt, 'SLfs. Fred Aliardt, Miss Clara THE tWen'B Grill Room is a handy for Oakland it.

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