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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 14

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Notice As hereby given by the under-nini if tha estate of Helen AND ARRIVALS BELL THEATER TO DISCONTINUE THE USE OF BILLBOARD ''ADS' Pershbaker. deceased, to the creditor of Ready for Staging Farce Written by i Local School Boy and all persons naving ciaima atriinsi um said deceased, to exhibit them with the iwrnun- vcinr-hern within ten months OAKLAND Tralna are due to arilr and leer AT BIXTFKWTH KTHI'BT STAT'OW. Oft AND ATI BR M'MUV. FKniUJABY T. 10 after the first publication of this notice to the said executor at the office of Welles Whitmore.

room l.i No. 1003. Broadwav. Oakland. which said office the uhdcrslsnod selocta as hi" place of business in all matters connected with -ArTfve CDBESllE IMS aid estate of Helen Fcrshbaxer.

ae-Wlf T.TAM C. PERBI1BAKER. ssa Executor of the estate ot Helen Perth-baker, decoased. Dated Oakland. February 17.

1909. WELLESj WHIIMORE. attorney for executor. 1K3M; Broadway. Oakland.

Cal. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE WHY AP-PLICATION BY EXECUTRIX TO MORTGAGE REAL PROPERTY OF (PERT til- a.n fablo, Usrdaea, Rsv I'oliit. nt -hlcbmonU, in Tsblo. Ptnl Jrnckett, Port BnlHa. PmUuii.

Pacmnifnta. Rolll. M'beatUnd, Marjravllle. Thlre, Rd HlnlT, An1rou. Rediln.

IHintmnlr. 1tI. Tordl4 MrTivlll. OrovllU).

Willows, Orltnd (nsmt'tnti, rornln. T-hama Ktw'rs, WlDlera, Gulnda. RumT iMflta. lonrord. San tnn, puasaalon Cowta.

Marflnea. Antlx-h. nvron. Trarv (Htoclitont. Mn.

Mtfd, rriw. H1ma. onen Junction, nanfnrd. T.

fortrrrllla. In this short talk we want. to tell you something about the cause of Rheumatism, and what is necessary for its cure. We hope to be able to show you exactly tytiat brings the disease about, and then to tell you, in a plain, honest way, just why S. cures it.

Rheumatism is really an internal inflammation a diseased condition of -the blood cells which supply the nourishment and strength nec At the last meeting of the officers and. directors of the Bell Amusement Company the following resolution was passed: Whereas, We have been advised by the; Sullivan Consi-dine Circuit of vaudeville houses, who operate a chain of theaters from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast, and of which we are the local representatives, that they will in the future discontinue the use of billboards and dead walls for advertising purposes and hereafter use only legitimate hews and trade papers for their publicity, and -f Whereas, We have always given the larger share of our advertising appropriation to the various newspapers with gratifying results and thoroughly believe that class and method of publicity to be by far the best, therefore, be it Resolved, That we, the officers and directors of the Bell Amusement Company, operating the Bell Theater in Oakland, will in the future discontinue the use of billboards, dead walls, and confine our advertising strictly to the columns of the best papers. ABE S. COHN, President. EDWARD A.

HOMAN, Secretary. ESTATE. SHOULD NOT ED. BE GRANT-: the Sfate of In the auseiior Court -of County of in and for the essary to sustain our bodies Alameda. In the matter of the estate of Bernard The disease is caused by an ex Gllboy, deceaaed.

No. 11447. Department 4. i Order to ahow cause why ftppllcatloa HELPLESS FROM RHBCHATISM. 1 was terribly afflicted with Rhetunatism for irtteea months, ani dnrine tay ickneaa tried tha slull of man; good physicians, all of whom pro Bounced myas hopoleaaj I waa for a yaax in tact a helpless conditioa that I was unable to drees or wrrnlrt; Voemlt Vallav by executrix to mortgage real property of estate should not be granted.

d-OSf) Atlantic ro.t. Mary A. Gllbov. executrix of the Last feed myself. I had filled at difieceat times fifty- Mnlcls.

Klmlrs. Pavla. ffra-nto. Colfax. T-uoker., "inifmncc 1 1. i Will and Testament of Bernard Gllboy, deceased, having filed herein her duly certified petition praving for an order of cess of uric acid in the blood, which gets into the circulation because of indigestion, constipation, weak kidney action, and other irregularities 'of the system, which are sometimes considered of no importance. This uric acid produces an inflamed and acrid condition of the io-senbl'r- i.ak..ritt.; 10.89a Orerlae-J ChW. :480 inis court authorizing- and directing ner to borrow the sum of One Thousand Dollars (1000. 00), or audi lesser um the Court may deem neceasary, wliere-

Denver t. Omaha. (VHar ii.7." Kanaaa Cat. I'm Chlraao. No with to fay the debt of said estate 'rrli htwea Saa Trancing and to maintain and educate a minor jraie h.

niniui TO NAME SCHOOL MERCHANT DIES IN nelr' of kmi1 nt miri in nav pay of fafflllv allowance and other the cost debts In- r4 TaJf of said estate (ton) VZcS rJ.I in the said pe- fRamd rZ- purred for and on behalf blood, and the circulation, instead of nourishing the differ IDA particularly described titlon of petitioner on file hert-in and for Two prescriptions tuggetiea ny menos, none or them PTiag me any relief.1 I finally decided to include S. 8. S. in my hit, and took the first dose while hobblinc about on1 cratches. After taking two bottles I loan so mack relief I waa able to relinquish the nse of one cratch, and a faithful continuance of the medicine relieved of tha ether crutch and shortly afterwards enabled me to rote my work, at which I have been ever aince.

I have had no return of aymptoma of Rheamatfsm, al-thourh thia was five years a(o. fours very truly, J. O'MALLBT. 213S K. Senate Ave.

Iadianapolia, Ind. OFTBH COHP1HEDTO BED. Raleigh, W. 0. For several years I wonld he completely broken down with Rheumatism in all the bones and Jointa of my body.

I waa several times confined to my bed for weeks and weeks. The pain was ezcrutiat-ing and I was fearful that I waa going to become a hopeless cripple. About three yeara ago I commenced the use of 8. 8. S.

and commenced teim- rrove from the first. I continued the medicine an til got my blood pure and the Rheumatism was entirely cured. Since S. 8. S.

restored me to health the purpoce of securing; the payment of such loan to mortsraire to the lendfr of MARSHALS I.Unrl Sana ent portions of the body, continually deposits into the nerves, muscles, joints and audi money that certain real property of I band estate situate in the City of Oak- land. County Of Alameda, State of Calt- "oirat. T-nrbM n- HOWARD RENWICK. FIRE IN STORE Police Are Investigating Cause of Blaze Which Did Much Damage bones the irritatine Dain-nro- lomia, and described aa follows, to- illna. Tqee- wit: Directors to Cut Down Shade ducing acid with which it is BeKlnnlnir at a roint on the northern Cnlra.

Vina. Tehama. Red Bluff. Ar- weidon of Rock- filled. Then follow the riain- A three act farce.

line of Milton street, distant thereon L'40 fet westerly from the point of intersec a iriT alraal 10 Ma 11:110 11:141 Trees in Front of Building ford," WTitten by Howard Renwick, an Dq IrTo nil cpViaJ "K-Tr la sv t-ita oanf ad ful and torturing symptoms of tion or. the northerlv im of eald Milton DUon, Sac street with the westeilv line of Spji at cadet arrdory hall tonight for the Rheumatism The very life Kabio avenue: runnlnar thence westerly s' P'Tt I and 11 I aionr tne a aid northerly line ot Milton benefit ot the Presbyterian cadet corps, and vitality of the blood IS I nave not naa an acne or nam. lvut cakk. TKB BEST RBMBDT TOR RHEUMATISM. wtreet 30 feet: thence at angle northerly 10C feet: theme easterly ami At the regular meeting of the board of education last right permission was The exact cause of the explosion.

which resulted in the destruction of a shoe store "'imams, roin.i Corning" forrt. Albany. A.hland, Port- parallel with Milton street 30 leet: and granted Professor Charles Keyes, prin The piayiet is brim fun of fun. As acid poison, and every muscle, thence at right angles southerly 10rt feet fit 421 Seventh street and the cjeath of O. Ospano late last right has not been cipal of the Oakland High School, to al a college skit In three scenes, it Is a well I nerve and sinew Of-the Dpdy to the rwntj of commencement.

Belnaf low Jacob Riis to gi-e an illustrated lec the westetry 10 feat of lot IS and the determined by the police. Captain Peter- easterly 20 feet of lot 19 in tl.e Mlltn.i 'Port' Bn('r ill rtaTla. Wood, end. y.ih. nty Knlchta Lan.

the average school boy, presenting: the sen refused to discuss the this tract, an per mnn or record In the office We do not claim for ture March 23 in Assembly Hall, where the high school students will have an opportunity of hearing the distinguished purely humorous side. I waa severely troubled with Rheumatism. 1 had it in my knees, legs and ankles, 'and any one who has ever had Rheumatism knows bow eacrmtiafang the pain ia and how it interferes with one at work. I waa truly in bad shape having been bothered with it for tea years, off and en. physician advised me to use S.

8. 8. tdid so. After taking a few bottles I noticed the soreness and pain were greatly reduced. I continued the medicine and waa thoroughly cured; all pain, soreness and inflammation gone.

I recommend 8. 8. 8. to all Rheumatic safferersr" J. L.

AG5IW. i of the Recorder of Alameda County, morning, saying: that ihe matter was-the subject of a police investigation. Ospano's Rehearsals have been carried on with S. S. S.

that it is anything lOrOM much enthusiasm and among those who It is ordered that all persons Interested charred body was found the ruins. rmno Port rt. more than a first-class blood trill tn.k nart tonieht are: lecturer. To Rent Gymnasium in sana estate appear before Uils ourt at its court room. Department 4.

In the wJrTn i Antlncfc. r-sthrop. Mnrteato. Tor- C-MrcM. Rerenda.

Madera. Howard enwick. Paul smith, Fred i punner ana tonic, ana mat 13 The Crew department officials have made a report to the effect that the fire was caused by the explosion of the gas pipes In the buildiner below the floor. Court House, on street, be The high school committee recommended Thomas William Evans, Lotfls Hewlett gjj y0U neeJ tQ cure Rheuma- tween Fourth and Fifth streets, in the r'oV." City of Oakland, County of Alameda, on that $40 be appropriated toward the rent Ing of the gymnasium of the First Con There is some belief that the Are may Oertrude Green and Kitty Columbel. Paul tlSm.

It IS true that IimmentS, 6o Bast uamnier st. mi. veraon, w. IHFLAMMATORT RHEUMATISM. TlTa i i'i Wakeawai Vaa tne za day of April, A.

1). 1909. a.t 10 Ramon and I.1rrmor R. nave been or Incendiary nature. The fire was not confined to the store o'clock A.

M. of said day. then and d. smith is assisting in the wort of piasters, and. other external 11:84 JkS liioa gregational Corps- for the use of the Manuel Training and Commercial High there to ahow cause.

If any thev have. direction. I ortnliratinnc nftfn lmnnrii why said prayer of aald petitioner should oi Ospano but spread to the tailor shop of F. Brown of 41' Seventh street and the barber shop of Tonv Silver at 423 School. i.WpOwl Umlt-K-' CM.

New- ni not te granted and the real property UDOve a esentea mortgaged to secure a Seventh. Barnum's restaurant and the raise funds for the equipment of the Tily relieve the pain and agony Presbyterian cadet corp'a summer camp, of the disease, and it is Well The following teachers were elected to fill positions in the department until the close of the present school Miss loan to said estate of One Thousand ionmar jate suivered nominal damage before the fire could be extinguished. Dollars TtlOOO.00), or such lesser amount enough to use them for the a the Court may deTn meet, where An inquest will be held over the body Margaret Farrell. Mrs. Gertrude Benne WUIVIAIM ntr Udto iulhi, comfort thev afford, but such with to pay the debts of aald estate, ol uspano on Saturday.

and Miss Clara Crumpton. the maintenance end education of a i rva eat last summer while reoovenng from nlneae of fever, I had a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism in the kneea, from which I waa unable te 1 eave my room for several months. I waa treated by two doctors and also tried different kinds ot liniment aad medicines which seemed to relieve me from pain for awhile, hut at the same time I waa net any nearer getting well. One day while reading a paper I saw an advertisement of 8. 8.

8. for Rheumatism. I decided to give it a trial, which I did at once. After I had taken a tew bottles I frit a great deal better, and I still continued to take it regularly until I was entirely cured. I now feel better than I have for years, aad I do cheerfully recommend 8.

8. 8. to any one suffering from Rheumatism. CHAS. B.

GILDERSLbBVS. 613 3d Street. COMMITTED TO ASYLUM treatment does not reach the Mar. Inland Port fnata. ulm.

Parramcnto f.u:n. irnofMo 1 Trwiw. Boca. Rone 2V TallKada. ri.r' lake rill' Kaoui tAliwa i flt- hlctr" Mr.

Sims, who has been assisting Mr. minor child of deceased, and the family allowance for the support of the Gale of the evening drawing class, has P.rown this mornlne ordered Mrs. Seat Of the trouble and of Deen elected a regular teacher in the family or said deceased. and certain other debts set out in said petition. evening school course can have no permanent Stockton for insanity.

It developed at the good elTeCt. S. S. S. CUreS It "la further ordered that notice of Miss Aileen Guppy of the Grant School theheartng of said petition be given by publication In the "Oaklsmd Tribune," a was granted a leave of absence.

ini nntardThyAhrauh had Rheumatism permanently be- I newspaper of general circulation, printed Resigns Position become alarmingly afrgravatea -py me roitcA ntinHM thft OOfi i inoi allJo, Crnckett. Port ETJ Bar Point EiprwiPort Coat. .1. c1- crameBto, Marra- KM BlnlT. Pbata Sprlusv and published in the County of Alameda development of a pronounced suicidal and State or caurornia, lor lour weeks prior Mrs.

Anna W. Eldridge of the Camp homicidal macnia. The woman refuses to I POCS QOwn mlO UlC ClrCUia to the time set for hearing a aid peti CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE OF DIRECTORS SELECTED At a meeting: of the directors of the Merchants' Exchange held last night the committee to select members to be voted for for directors for the ensuing year reported the following names: George W. H. C.

Coward. L. H. Davison, Theo Gier. C.

P. -Kertell. John Mitchell, A. H. Schlueter, J.

J. White. E. A.jYoung, 3. L.

Champlin, R. M. Braire, D. Crowley, F. G.

Eiben, W. P. Hook. A. Jonas, E.

F. Muller, Fred Sinclair, H. G. Williams, D. C.

Brown, J. C. Downev. H. Gard, W.

V. Harrington, Geo. T. Loher, Robertson, A. G.

aft and Wilber Walker. Honorary directors, J. L. Champlin, H. M.

Sanborn and J. F. bell school resigned. tlon Ifd for dTvTat a tST some timTago tion, removes the excessive uric acid from the blood, purines and re The following resolution was adopted (KISS vitalizes this life-giving stream and causes it to nourish and strengthen the uonyou refer0 to1 the pe- she was taken into custody on account of her: mental condition but made such appointing the census marshals: Fallal, Portland f'blna and Japan FaM Mail-Port Cota. Eaotpta.

TatickM, Crhre. Orrton, rh'Tnn, TnTr. Kan City. Omaha. Chloato Resolved, That the pay of the chief a erood showing then that the court ord- system instead of gradually hardening the muscles ana stitrening the "ie Dnted Oakland, this 2d day of March, ZITll SSI Pints by destroying the natural oils and fluids with this uric acid poison.

census marsnal for the year 1909 be fixed at the sum of $6 per day-for each A. D. 19t9. uay s. actual employment.

was not other alternative but to incar- Rheumatism is a blood disease and S. SJ S. it because it purifies FIRST STREET. KKAS BROADWAT. F.

B. OGDEN. of said Superior Court. NOTICE OF SALE. liiat each assistant marshal cerate her.

the blood. Book on Rheumatism and any medical advice free to all einpioyeu in field work taklne- ohr.r.1 who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. ATLANTA, GA. In the Superior Court of the State of Jan Leandrn, Lororo.

Harward. Vrcato, NUm. IrTlnfton. Mil- ffa flava InK SAYS HUSBAND IS TOO California, in and for the County of Ala- IDLE TO SUPPORT HER consus be paid the sum of $5 per day for each day's actual employment. That ths pay of assistant census marshals employed In tabulating and compiling census returns In the superintendent office be paid the sum of S4 per day for each day actual "PREACHERS TOO FRESH meaa.

In the matter of the estate of Carl Gottlieb Schumacher, 'deceased. Notice of sale. Notice is hereby rivon that In pursuance nt An rrir ftf tha fiitri.Hnr Court (Agnes Grindle was married to Alllston Grindle at Palo Alto September 5. 1903, WITH WOMEN" IS CLAIM Connects at Han Jna with H. i2.i th Coaater 8aa Jo.

Ilnaa, Holedad, Paao Boblea Hat Sr-rlnr. Ataacadrro, Santa Marcarlta, San Lula Ohlapj. Or ra no, Ooadalupa. Santn Barbara. Tcatura.

Of-rard, Loa AnfrlM Lompoe. rajaro, Watannrllla. Santa riua. Ponldrr Ork. fjl-od.

Ctntrnrmt Dl Moot a. of the County of Alameda. State of CaM- but now she comes Unto, the Superior Court of this county with a complaint for a divorce, alleging that Grindle has failed to provide her with the common Clarence R. Davis was so Jealous of his" a or education proceed to if thoc rtfoH rt li-t "pmt jf chief census marshal and two that he refused to let her attend wife assistants necessities of life because of his "ldle-1 That each mmHo nt it-. i iorma.

mad on the 18th day of December. 190S. in the matter of the estate of Carl Gottlieb Schumacher, deceased, the undersigned, ihe administrator of th-j estate of said decedent, will sll at public auction, to the his best bidder for cash, sold coin of the United Statt-s, and sub ness, profligacy and dissipation. mi; uuoju Ul education be requested to appoint one census marshal, said appointment to be made on or about April 1, 1909 N'lla. Plraantnn.

PIEDMONT TURKISH BATHS. Twenty-fourth and Salt water swim. Oakland avjnue. Altamont. Cjy, Mldwtj.

Tathrop. "torktoa. Tracy. Newman, Tya Tlanna. Kcrmaa.

Frnn, Ilanfnrd, Por-trvtlT 1.1, The Inverted Gas Mantle ject to confirmation by said Superior Court, on Tuesday, the 16th dav of March, 1909, at 12 o'clock M. at the auction salesrooms of J. A. Munro No. vuy superintendent of schools nAls '5ercby aulhorized to employ, he deem it necessary ilso, to Purohase all necessary 6tC- f0r takl sa Piedmont Floral and Seed Co.

Ittianell. Alrarado. Newark." Alt Always has a fresh supply of choice i e.M 04, lao, Ajrnew. Santa riara. Saa cut flowers.

Funeral designs and bou toa. Wrlsht. Imrai 4op. una ui 2317 Ssnta Clara" avenue, AUmeda, Ata-meda County, California, all the rlsrht. title.

Interest and estate of the said Cart quets promptly made. Ring up phone Connect at flnta Plartt rmtrlnnfl utore 1300 Broadway St. A. L. ANNA FORD, Gottlieb Schumacher at the time of his death, and all the right, title and interest infn tne estate has bv operation or law.

No. San Lula Ohlpo Sillnaa. paae Rohlea riot Sprlnca. Atara-Oro, San Lnl Oblan4. Ilnllla-tr.

Tret PlnnWataonlll. Fanta ('rm, Iv Monte. Mob-terrv. Pain it. LnAftDALlj, Finance Committee.

0 Remove Trees The committee on schnni or otherwise, acquired other than or in church, because the preachers were altogether too fresh with women. I At least this is what Minnie M. Davis alleges as one reason why she should be granted a divorce from her husband, in a complaint just filed in the Superior charges Davis with extreme cruelty in addition to his poor opinion of the preachers, and also alleges that he is In the habit of iconsortlng with women if loose morals. JAB IN FACE WITH FOOT STARTS DIVORCE SUIT Bcause her husband Jabbed her In the face with his foot, twisted her arms on numerous occasions and railed at her until he fairly frothed at the mouth. Mrs.

B. J. Birmingham of Berkeley is seeking a divorce from J. J. Birmingham.

The tjomplaint was originally filed at Stockton, but Mrs. Birmingham afterwards took up her permanent residenca in the University town and for convenience has succeeded in having the case transferred to the Superior Court of Alameda County for trial. Nothing Like ill IU ues called attention tn addition to that of the said Carl Gottlieb Schumacher, at the time of his death, in and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lring and btinc in the Nllea. I'loanautno. T.lvermo'ra.

the sidewalks of several school grounds. Burnet-- "tnckton, Lodl. Oalt, Surra-j Biento. Red Rlnff. Oakdala.

i Cblneae, JimMtnivn Sonora. uiy or Aimeiia, county or Aiameaa, 9 en or sixteen trees on the sidewalks of the Clawson school buUd-ing. They stand close tthr i Tiinliimti. An them in the world. CASCARETS tfc biesest sefler why? Because k' die Ust an Leandro.

Lorento. na-ward. limbs Interlaclnsr, and make the sidewalk r.ue. irriogina. warm Hprlufa.

I Han Joaa State of and bounded and particularly described as follows, to wit: Bounded by a line beginning at the point of intersection of the northern line nf Railroad avenue with the eastern line of Grand street (as gaid street and avenue are delineated on the map hereinafter referred to. said Rallroud avenue medicine (or the liver and bowels. It's what thev will do for rrw not what Kuaaell. Mt. Eden.

Alrarado. aare tnaer the trees. The has a bid of J20 for th r.m,i of every other tree, and for the trimming we say they will do that makes CASCARETS famous. Millions use me iitBounai are leit. being: sixty (60) feet in width): running thence easterly alone said northern line isewark.

Al-lao, Afnew. Santa Clara, Pan Joae Cottnct at Ban Joaa with No. "8, Del Monte Kxpreaa Otlrn-, Chittenden, I'ajaro. WataouTllle, Fanta Crui. Oaatrorllle.

Itel Monle. Monterey, Piclfle Orora. Rallnaa The committee recommended that 4, Throws the Light Down Where It Is Wanted i Try. a Good One Cheap Makes Are Inefficient or Kan road avenue, sixty 0) reet; thence at rffcht anxles northerly elarhty- matter be left In the hands of the committee on school houses and sites with CASCARETS and is all the medicine that they ever need to take. SM two (82) feet six (6) Inches; thence at power to act, provided the consent of the San IaDdro, Lorenao, rii-ward.

riirnt ancles easterly twentv-eiKht (JM feet; thence at rlrht anjtles northerly I 0a CASCAJUtTS roc a box for a week's treat meat, all alrunciau. eetter in the weald. MiUioa bexea a month. thirty i80) feet; thence at right anarlea westerly elshtv-eisrht f8S) feet to said Flatulency or Wind On Stomach Doara or public works or other proper city authorities is obtained. There are large elm trees on the south frontage of the Lincoln school grounds and also on the, south frontage of the Durant school grounds.

enstern line of Grand street, and thence southerly alonr said eastern line of Grand street one hundred and twelve (112) feet six (6) inches to the point of commence Oakland Gas; Light and Heat Company Clay and Thirteenth Oakland, Cal. fire Insurance 1 I'eroio, nnea, irrington. Baa Joaa Connecta at Ran Jnu with No. 80. Trea Pinna I'anaenger Coy-ott, Morsanhlll, Gilroy, IJ oil later.

lYea Plnoa No. 10. Kunaet Eipreaa Paao. Ran Antonio, Nw Or-leana. Wa-hlnaton.

T. C. New York: California Special Rleeper for Kama City, Rt. Iol. Cbicaso No.

10 Rallnaa. Pam Roble Hot Rprlnga, Ataarndero, Rail I nla Ohlapo, flaudalupe. Surf. ment. Xs It Is Commonly Named, Means That Decaying Food Is Making Gas.

Being; si portion of Block Number The committee recommended that those trees be removed. Those trees can be removed at an expense of not to exceed thirty-seven 'S7 of the Town of Enclnal. Alameda, as the same is delineated on a certain map entitled, "Map of the Town at Better Rates This most senou3 condition is very r.revslent and results most distressingly and fatally Oftentimes. The stomach in per iree. 1 ney can be trimmed at an expense not to exceed $1 per tree.

ot Kncmai ana tne iana sajaoent. but veved bv Horace A. Tilirlev. county sur cases of flatulency is unable to digest the food proDerly. Decay sets In, gases We save you from 15 to 25 per cent.

veyor, assisted by J. T. Strmton," filed Aufrust: 7. 1S54, in the office of the County Recorder of said Alameda County. Terms and conditions of sale: Cash.

Only first-class risks solicited. See us form, extend the stomach, force their way downward into the bowels, and if HOSPITAL FIRE Rants Itarbara. Ventura. Ot-0rd, Loa Anvelea Wataonrllle. Aptoa.

Capltola. Ranta Crua et Monte, Mouterey. I'aclfle Orora Nllea. Pleananton. T.lrerniore, i Midway.

Tracy. I.atbrop. Rtnrk-J ton. Iodl. Arrlre rla Marttnei i at Rtxteentb-af.

depot Pan Iandro. Irenao, Tftyward, i IVroto. Nllea. Runol. Pleae- before placing your next line.

LEWIS MITCHELL coin of the United States, ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid to the said auctioneer on the day of relieved it extends upward, press ing against the lungs, liver and heart. sale, balance on conflrmartion of sale by causing shortness of breath, belching, (General Insurance Brokers) 308-9 First National Bank Building. foul odors and- many times" sudden the said-Huperior court. Dated February 20. 1909.

GEO. GRAY. ES death. Foods which are filled with gase Admin Intra tor of the estate of Carl i antoo, Llvarmore Uuatell. Mt.

Rden, Newark, CenterTllle, Raila "lra. San Joee. Connecta at Ranta Clara Gotfl eb Schumacher, deceased. 'when taken into a deranged stomach, MR. EDITOR-Dear Sir: GEO.

W. RKED and JOHN S. TK- LANCEY. attorneys for public admin! cause flatulency rapidly, vegetables being especially given to this quality, Please say to all of the peo trator, rooms 1101-2 T'nlon Savings Confusion Among Patients buiidiiur. Oarkland.



S55 Broadway (up stairs), Oakland. Hours. 9 a. tn. to 9 p.

m. SUNDAYS. 9 a. m. to 13 m.

NOTICE OF TIME SET FOR PROVING While Firemen Are Putting Out Blaze and poisonous gases affect its glands. with No. fl2, Vrlbt I'aaaenaer Doufberty, Camplteli Loa natoa. Alma, Era, Wrlcbt Ran Ienidro, Lorenzo, flayward. Nllea.

Irrlnjton. Mil- pltaa. Ran Joae Leandro, lyirenio, Tlayward. Deeoto, Nllea, Ran Joa Connect at Ban Joe with No. 18, Loa Angelea Etpreaa Oll-roy.

Rallnaa, Klnf City. Paao Roblea Hot Rprlnga, Ataaeadere, Ran Lula Ohlapo, Plimo, flaota Rarbara. La Anaelea WILL. ETC. muscles and tissues to such if degree tut to incapacitate it almost at' once.

In the Superior Cdurt of the County of Alameda, State of California. In the matter of the estate of Patrick J. Land, deceased. Notice of time set for These gases distend, the stomach in Three fire alarms were answered this all directions, preventing the contract morning, one in the De Wu-th hospital, where they was considerable confusion among the inmates. A defective flue nfls.

ple that at 111 San Pablo avenue there is a full and complete stock of seasonable merchant tailoring goods to be made and trim med in first class style and at satisfactory prices, upon order. Yours truly, D. C. BROWN, (formerly of Brown McKinnon). proving will.

etc. Notice Is hereby erven that a petition BOTJTHIIBN PAtiriC 8TFIAMFR REnTim. ing muscles from doing their regular duties, or 'if they do force the gas from the stomach it goes elsewhere in the for the probate of the will of Patrick Oaklanl Harbor rerry. nrnaaway wnarr.t OOP- OOi, caused the small blaxe In the chimney. The damage was confined to the brick Land, deceased, and for the Issuance to G.

H. Umbsen and G. M. Ferine of letts system with even more harassing re W1UJ1111B. eila.

llOOrn. 20Op. SrOOp. eBOOp. 'Sp.

-0)p, The roof of the home of T. It. Qntv suits, and then th decaying mass still testamentary thereon has been filed In this Court, and that Friday, the lUth day of remains to generate more gases. 1 omnariiie. itio nwi.

ivictob. March. A. D. 1909.

at 10 o'clock A. M. was discovered blazing. Prompt effort on the part of the fire department extinguished them. The most effective methods for allay said day.

at the court room of Departmen walnut Itrorw. igruin, land. Sacramento, from Baa Kranrlaco, amits end ferry Ruildlns lt No. 4 of said Court, at the Court House Crossed wires caused a fire in the Nar WEAK PJ1EN ing flatulency is to remove the cause of gas making. An emetic will do tills Evorjf IVomao in the City of Oakland, in saiil County of row: Guage Restaurant at 1156 Webster street at about noon.

The restaurant Alameda, has ben set loc Uie tiearlnar but the stomach will havfe the same (ay anl. said petition and proving said will, when is tiuereaia ana inonia kaew abent the wonderful was badly damaged. trouble the -moment new food enters it and where any uerson interested may ap Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets get at gas MARVEL Whirling Spray I Ibe sew Tkelaal sriar. IMMUNITY BATH SUBJECT NOTICE OF TIME Sf.T FOR PROV pear and contest the same. Dated March 4.

1909. JOHN P. Clerk, Br W. M. MANNING.

Deputy! Clerk. Beat it oat convea- DR. HALL'S REIN VIGO It-ATOR stops all losses In tl liours. "i'ou will feel an improvement from the first dose. We have so much confidence In our treatment that we could safely offer 'FIVE HUNDRED reward food at once, digest it, prevent decay, quickly reduce food to nourishment, lent, it WILL, -Ik.

OF BONNHEIM CONTEST a2If iiaT fBC" rttie good rich gastric fluid and pass BISHOP HOKFLER, rooms 363-369 BERKELEY, March 10. It tias been In the Fuoerlor of the Airiiii of California. Ruas building, corner Bush and the digested food to the Intestines, giv Ait yonr dracirlit for It, If be cannot aappiy toe announced at the State University that County ot of Edwlit time set 1' Montgomery Ban Cal In tl.o matter of the estcte H1RTIL, accept no nth-r bnt a-na itimn for- fne jtjonnneim contest for the lower divi et Remedy Enlarges Shrunken crei remoay lmrjotencr. Varicocele. Godall.

vi ing the stomach its rest and the system Its nourishment. Flatulency simply cannot exist where these little tablets are used. They build up the stomach NOTICE OF TIME SET FOR PROVING book acaled. It eiVM sion will close on Monday, March 29, provinK will. cures stHri Tflrtn-vunJ arli'Art that A rl1nl WILL, ETC.

lull paracuikra ana aireruoaa in- Frematureneiin. nl alna.lile to ladle. ABV.EL CO, i H. S. BRIDGE CO.

I'he Leading Tailors of the Pacific Coast Imported and Domestic Cloths In the very latest fabrics are now made up in the newest styles. 108-110 Sutter Street, San Francisco Telephone Kearny 4210. 5 the probate of the will of Ldtxlnl for Lost Manhooa. anu essays are beginning to come in. The subject for essays in the lower classes will be "College Honor." The higher classes IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE fluids so that it matters not how many and ror tne iaaa.n -ea Ooo-lall.

Sr. of Vouth i J' fn Settles $5. Guaranteed to cure an vegetables you eat or food containing Arthur Cioociau una o. tyuii letters tcstamentsry thereon Iiks Ixei to of County of Alameda, Mtate of California, In the matter of the estate of Jay 3, Rnaaell. deceased.

jsjuan titles of gas, the stomach does- its will write on "Ought a prosecuting officer to grant complete immunity to a guilty fn 'T V. in thia Court, ana ma. rnaay, URINARY curable case. Try. U- liKe mavrc.

Call or address HALL'S MEDICAL JN-ottttttit! kk Tiroadway. Oakland. CaL work well and quickly. Notice is hereby given, that a petition 19th day of March. A.

U. lsoo, at 1 Pinole a V. of snld day. at the Couti uyw class contest will for the probate, of tne will or Jay JO. DISCHARGES place in December.

Office hours. 9 a. m. to 9 p- Sundays, Russell, decetrsea, etna lor ine issuance tn. Emilv G.

Palmer of letters testamen Room of Department No. 4 of said CourtA at the Court lIouse in the City of Osk-tmnA in Kfrid 4ountv of Alsmeda. has Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold verywhere and used the whole world fever by sick stomachs and stomachs that want to eat heartily and yet not TO TALK ON POLITICAL tary thereon has 'been filed in this court, and that Friday, the 19th day of March, RELIKVED IN 24 HOURS been set for th henrlng of said petition and proving-said will, when and where A. D. 1909, at 10 o'clock a.

m. of said CONDITIONS OF RUSSIA get sick. Lany person interested may appear ana day, at the-Courtroom of Department No mrmu Every druggist carries Stuart's Dys Eieh Cap- sule bears KIDYI 4 of said court, at me wiun uouse in in fitv of Oakland. In said County of Ma pepsia Tablets, price 60 cents per box, Dated 5. 1 JOHN T.

COOK. Clerk. The demand! for these little digesters nieda. has been set for the hearing of Pv VT. M.

MANMN'i. Deputy Clerk. DR. Chinese Tea and Herbs, P62 Franklin bet. 7th and Sth.

Oakland. Cal. GUARANTEED CURE. Why- sufTer when relief Is at hand? Chronic diseases. Catarrh.

Nervous, Skin, Rheumatism, Blood Poison. Kidney, Asthma, aald iietltior. and proving saJJ when the naireAVfr-Vw Bevcart of 'counterfeit! ALLDBCOGIST? BERKELEY, March 10 Tomorrow evening Jerome B. Landfield, formerly an instructor in the State University, will lecture in California Hall on Russia. He has Just returned from that country.

EDWIN T. COOPER. f0l-6, Crorfce and where any person, interested may bullrllnr. ranrisco, ai attorneJ for potitioners. ALL BRANDS OF THE BEST WHISKIES AT THE E.

F. THAYER CO. 970 Broadway, Oakland appear and contest the amne. JOHN P. COOK, Clerk.

By W. M. MANNING Deputy Oerk is constantly increasing. Forty thousand physicians in America and Canada use them and prescribe them. Send us your nam and address and we will send you a trial package by.

mail free. Address F. A. Stuart 150 Stuart Marshall. Mich.

where he mads an exhaustive study of conditions, especially along the political developments, which sufcffect Is to be CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE TRlSUNl GIBBON cV WOOLNER, Attorneys. Room No. 613. First National Bank Building. PAY BIO RETURNS' FOR MONEY -cltis.

Piles. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE TRIBUNE INVESTED. Oakland, Cal. Tv. vr -'i jrtv io treated At some length in the lecture.

Female oawntbly Returns FOR MONEY mlalp INVeSTPD..

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