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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 9

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


130. t5 ffllER SIT, Uncle" George Bromley, Noted Clubman, Dies at the Advanced Age of 92 Years DHIIIK5 TOAST TRIED TO 'BURY 10 DEATH; ELSIE SIGEL'S Turiii ur BOD! MARSHALL HALE, DOES NOT INT N11TI0N 1 The Late Uncle George Bromley. One Picture Shows Shaving Himself, Although 92 Years Old, and the Other a Character Pose. Both Pict Taken--a Few Months Ago. GAMP MOVES TO HID! ill Members of First Battalion U.

S. Artillery Engage in Row ylat Hay ward PRIVATE FRED 0SGRANDE wop ices NDED IN THE FIGHT Officers Deny Report and Men AVeJVSoved on to New Urgent Efforts of Municipal League Have Not Yet Proven Effective PROMISES FINAL ANSWER TO MAYORALTY COMMITTEE Merchant Declares I That Brothers AreOpposed to His Candidacy FAN FRANCISCO, Juno 31. Tho Mu lolpal Tyerrxue of Independent Republican Clubs Is now "Mdcavoring to Induce is now "Mdcavoring to induce all accept nomination a idldate jayor at the forthcom-rert pri ry election. At a meet- Marshal Its can lng direct ing of the league Id last night the mayoralty committee regretted to announce thirt it bad not reached a decision and asked for further time. The situation In the, league is thus suc-clntly stated: The mayoralty commU4e sat half Monday and all yc-sbiuJyiiNisuluition at headquarters.

vVveral nanfrr prn discussed. aTnong tlem those of Thomas E. Haven, Byron Mh-, Sheldon Kellogg. Da-niel A. Ryan and Frederick Tillman, Jr.

In the midst of the conference Marshall Hale, appeared before thie committee to advocate the claims of another man, said to have been Hyron Ho at once poune'ed upon by the committee and told he was the one man to sarvc. the situation. Hale Falters Hale was told a great deal about civic duty and self -sacrifice, ana every member of ahe committee exerted his ar.ts of persuasion upon him. Finally Halo threw up his iiands and said he would reconsider the matter If his brothers, who are his associates in business, would consent. He must consult them first, ho said.

i The committee iarreed. and Hale set to Private FrM Osgrande, first battarlVrfk, United Stati Afr4j, now encamped at Warm Springs, AlaiueSvscovintv--waa shot in the icht hip and uWweh both legs early yesterday morning. during an. altfrciitl.iS with a fellow soldier, sup- posed to be Private D. McDouflii, who was also severely head and face by a rcvolvey'iised as a club, wielded, it Is Osgrandc.

Tha shooting oecureil at Hayward. Osgrande occupies a cot at the county Infirmary, iud his condition is reportad as serious. An effort was made by the'' officers of the" company to hush the shoot- ing, find they broke camp yesterday morning and left Hayward for Warm Springs, bearing with tin in the wounded McDonald. i Sheriff Parnetis making -an Investigation and if is probable arrests will bo made today. Engage in Fight A short time before, the shooting two soldiers, ltrtjieved to have been Osgrand work at telephone and telegraph.

Leon Ljng Took Remains to i Laundry and Tore Up Floor SOLID ROCK STOPPED PLANS OF MUREOER Suspect is Arrested in Kansas City But is Soon Released. NEW YORK, June 30. The object of Leon Ling In first taking the body of Elsie Sigel in a trunk to the laundry of Yung Wah, In Harlem a few hours after she had been choked to death, was to bury it under the Hour of tho cellar there. Defectives have just discovered th it Ve wood of the "'floor was torn up but he body was not buried there because under the floor is a bed of solid rock finding this onbstacle. the police- believe tfiat Ling-then decided ti hurriedly take the bodv hi ai taxlcab to Newark and there dispose of It.

What obstable he met there which caused him to rnaKe ie long trip to the room lin Eighth avenue, wberel the girl was kllleji. Is yet to be determined. Jf Several members of Yiing Wah's household Have informed the'ipollce that Leon Ling took the body inrtlie trunk to the basement of the Harljrtn laundry and there heard him-iip up the boards In the floor. It was subsequent to this that he employed the Ujixlcab and started with the body for Newark. Another Suspect KANSAS CITV, June "SO.

A man suspected! of being Leon Ling, the alleged murderer of Elsie Sigel was arrested here lne OI, (XUO ICTCKIUICO lTWO, UllL 1 VII I 1 I1T i an alibi, and was released later. Young came here from St. Louis and said r. had ben detained by the police there week, i i Will Report Arrest NEW ORLEANS. June 30.

Lieutenant Colonel J. Alexander Pasos, of the Nicaragua Army, who was mistaken for Leon Ling, the slayer of Elsie Sigel, an 1 rested here yesterday, declared last night he would report the matter to the minister in Washing-tin. Colonel pasos arrived here; yesterday Trom Washington, where he "stated he ha.i been the guest oi the Nicaraguan minister. FOmial ODenina Of POBLlLir Summer? Resort Attended by breat Festivities HOWARD SPRINGS', Juns 30. Saturday, June 26, be long remembered by the guests cf Howard Springs and the surrounding Lake county neighborhood, as It was the formal opening day of this ropular resort.

Tho day was one of great festivities, lasting from early dawniuntll far Into the night. Outdoor s-ports and games, which, jiad boen specially arranged for the occasion, werc. enjoyed during tho day. The broad verandas hadl been tastefully decorated hostess. Miss C.

Wheeler, a profusipl of evergreens, which abound In this vitfnitv, being used to advantage, and hero dainty refreshments were served at Intervals to the sViests. Grand Ball in Evening in the; evening a grand ball was given In the spacioijfi new ball room, which has just been 3tdt1f th ehotel. Here too was eviaenced the work of the artistic hands, Xor: everywhere cvergrens, wild' azalas were seen In abund- I ance. Intermingled with bunting- of the national icolors. The scene was a brilliant ani efTey-tive one.

Music, was furnished by thCjlToward Springs Orchestra, by Paul Reeves, and at midnight a bounteous supper was served; Von the veranda4 the tables being for 150 guests, After the, supper dancing, was again resumed i until the early morning hours. Many Frbm Oakland The fctllofing were among those pres-ent i From i Oaklanrl-rr. and llrs. A. Waxon, 1.

SM. Ja-Jbs. Mr. and E. E.

LayrrKinoe, J. At. -Sr. and 2 a MsRof heeler and others. Vf From jAla-meda Miss E.

O. Schetter O.iTwiUajns and H. M. Wber! rom Low'er Itke G. B.

Rannela, MJ ugelmap, Kate Timothy, A. S. Kugelmafi, Miss ITazel Hopper, HMlss Susan Adams, George Wood. rand i Mrs. A.

Bassett, R. E. Covington. Mrs. L.

u. Guard, Mr. and, Mrs. D. Bonham.

G. C. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. G.

Bear, Mr. and MrsT lri Cathy and others. Frc-m Middletown Captain Hunt, William Spiers, MCoy and Jrs. D. Christopher.

Point Richmond Bruce Arch McKlntey, A. Hoberg, A., Mrs. Frazier and others. i h' From San Francisco- Mr.

and Mrs. niilip P.atimw.rth. Mrs. M. A.

pollard, Mis' Edvth P.dKrd, Mrs. fjrv Brie, I AlSiska: .1. Gutman, E. C. Norton; "Father Mp-Naboe, Neil Williamson, M.J McCoy, Oeiorce Heningsen, Jack Gregersen, Mr.

ami Mrs. G. M. Barretto, Miss Lillle B-ihm. Mr.

and Mrs. L. li. Stevens, I Sttrkton; Miss Grace Vellhaben. Miss L.

Eliott. Miss Mabel Miller, H. C. Kalm-bafck, Ed. Langley, Miss Flyrrn, Mss Virginia Salmina, Miss L.

Eick-horst, Mrs. C. Srbultz, Miss Clara Mr. and Mrs. E.

Dillon, Miss Minnie McPermott, Mrs. Charlea Busby and others. COUPLE WEDS IN SANTA ROSA "SANTA ROSA, June SO. Arthur A. Parsons, age 27, and Mrs, Lucille A.

i Frick, age 25. came here from Elm- hurst, Alameda County, yesterday, se cured a marriage license and were mar tied by City Recorder J. W. Bagley. A marriage license issued here Sun- fday; for Herbert oJseph Kertz.

age 27, of San Francisco, and Miss Laura V. mm springs nnmi TftimmTrt iUliniff- I UUIliU 1U i i i. Friends Cink passes in Last Draught oi Liquor Dennis iTakcfc WELL KNOWN V- PUTS EK9 TROUBLES Swallows Cyanide of Potassium and Dies on the Way to Hospital Down In the little corner saloon at Seventh and Myrtle streets. West Oakland, the habitues of tho resort drank a toast to death last night when "Link" Dennis, proprietor of the place" and one of the most widely known characters In thlsi State, called everyone to the bar and quietly swallowed cyanide of potassium In his glass, while his friends, unknowing that eternity stalked In their midst, drunk his wine. Dennis swallowed tho mixture and turning, said: "Goodbye, everybody; this Is where I cash up on th.

Inst score." and fll to the floor unconscious. Another "negro named Stewart summoned the pili hastily and they started with tli? dying man for the receiving hospital, but Dennis died on the way. The body Is at the morgue. The dond man, who has been connected with the Seventh ward politics for manv years, was a popular leader In the negro colony of this city. A Native Son, he was born in Pan Francisco in ISiiT.

and had widy acquaintance all along tiie Coast. He was probably the best known character in West Oakland. Friend to Negroes For seven years he ran the saloon in which he, took his own life. It was the rendezvous for nearly all tho negroes of that section of the city and he was always the besfTrTtiTrtose of his race who became Involved with the police. Son-o of his closest friends' assert that during the last ten years of his career he forfeited to the courts not less than $20.00 In bail money to secure the liberty of negroes in trouble.

He was a close personal friend of all the top-notch of his time, Including Joe Gans. Joe Walcott, Sam Lnneford and Jack Johnson, who at prea-nt claim to. the heavyweight championship- of the world, ns well as the colored Ighters of lessor degree. Ho won and lost thousands of dollars backing these fighters in their prize ring i But' Ilk all good fellows 'of his stripe Dennis died brokjj In fact. It was his entangled financial affairs that prompted him to commit self-murder.

His taloon and fixtures were heavily mortgaged and finding that It would be imponsible for (iin to save them, he decided it ail at once and for all time. He leaves a widow! and seven brothers. Supreme Court Decision Can: not Keep Him Out of Politics, Declares Prosecutor ROSEBURO, June 80. Prancls IJetiey, when shown a dispatch irom Ran Francisco to the effect that the balifornla Supreme Court had rhandi 1'iwn a decision upholding those sections of the primary law providing hat po candidate can aecert two omlna-llons and that a candidate must have register ed two years in succession in Iho nominating party to be Qualified he Smiled and said: "I shall run for prosecuting attorney tn San Francisco on an independent ticket and will win, by a vote of two to tno. Heney reiterated the charge that furora' In the Calhoun case had been bribed, but said he had no authority lubstantlate the charges.

He declared Blnger Hermann, the former Oregon congressman, would be trted this year. If at on the land fraud charges. CHINAMAN 'NO SABE' WHEN WOMAN SEEKS HER LOST DIAMONDS SAN FRANCISCO, June 30. Mrs. Ida Severln.

of 1202 Devisudero Street, reported to the Dolict this morning- that Jewelry aggregating 250 had been sent by her by mistake a Chinese laundry with the family The Inventory of articles includes one solitaire diamond ring, one plain wire rlnsr, one Marquise ring with tixtoen, email diamonds, and other minor articles. On lnautry at yio laundry, airs, cverln could get -no satisfaction. No was all the Asiatic would say to her, excited imfWffy as to whether -he had found the lost ar ticles and the some nuery put to him by mah? members of Severln' family brought no more encouraging reply; Two detectives have- been detailed HENEY SAYS HE WILL RUN ANYHOW I and engaged In a fist light street. One of. the men, tho, larger, was out by a blow on the Jaw.

He was unconscious for live mln- utes, and When he recovered the two, who were obviously under the Influence of lbjuor, renewed their ualr1. Shortly after midnight, Robert Gra- -ham, residing on Kiist an J. streets, Hayward, was awakened by two men quarreling outside his window. One of, tlwem said: "You hit me. In the jaw, Freddie, when I wasn't looking." i The other replied: "No.

I didn't." I hen, according' to Graham, one of the men said: 'Yoifre afraid to shoot; you're afraid to shoot." The other replied: "No, I am not." Cries of "Help Murder" A few minutes after this. Graham heard two shots ring out, and a man cry "Help, murder." lie rushed out, but found no traces of the men. except a soldier's cap, which he picked up and now lias in his possession, Shortly n1erwarrts, a soldier, supposed to have huim McDonald, was taken to the residence of lr. D. S.

Nielson. at Hayward. where his wounds were dressed. Th4y consisted a wound on tho forehead, caused evidently by a clubbed revolver, numerous contusions on the face, and a battered jaw. No explanation of the affair was vouchsafed ty the doctor.

Marshal Schilling of Hayward, who heard the shooting and made an Invetr- titration, was told by Captain Klute, i no one was hurt, arid tnat the men had used blank The officer was satisfied with the eje planation and made no further Tho battalion consists of 400 artillerymen and left the Presidio Monday on aQ endurance' march along the coajst. Important Topics, Relative to Unionism, Discussed by Speakers During Fjast The Bulldtng Trades Council held itn "Get Together Banquet" last night, and there were present "representatives of the State Building Trades CouncjL as also members of the labor organizations In Santa Clara and "Contra Costa counties. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed and the dlpcussion of the menu, with the accompanying goodfellowship which obtained, afforded keen enjoyment. Tha exercises were presided over by C. M.

Wardell, president of the Building Trades of this and among the speakers were P. U. McCarthy, Tfho chose "Progress" for phis topic; O. 'A Tveltmoe, secretary of the State council, who spoke on "Home A. Johannsen, State organizer.

Who itolked 4 on "Harmony and the. Benefits' of A. M. ThompsoA of the State Federation of Labor, explained the objects of that organization; Thomas Graham of the Santa Clara; Trades Council, discussed the labor situation lr San Jose; F. H.

Pratt, secretary of th Trades Council, spoke on the "Philosophy of tlie Trades Cnlon Movement." Other speakers were P. H. Magylre. president of the distrct council of the parpenters' and R. M.

Hamb. business agent of the Building Trades Couneil. i EX-MAYOR TAYLOR SUES TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE SAN FRANCISCO, I June 30. E. K.

Taylor, former mayor of Alameda, filed suit In San Francisco yesterday to foreclose a mortgage exeolited by Mannla C. Bacon to secure a promissory note for $2,000. Taylor advanced the sum named In' the note August 5. 1907, at 0 per cent Interest. The note was secured by a mortgage on property In Tenth avenue, Sn Francisco.

No Interest has been paid on the note since June, 1908. Others besides Mannle C. Bacon nanud as defendants are Elizabeth W. Giftord ai.d George W. McGinn.

All the lefendants. are asoclate in C. W. McGinn Sr Co. Fortunate Is the" woman who know, that her, husband Is as smart as Bb, thinks he la.

'J "'Xl LABOR LEADERS HOLDjANQUET ly after i clock last night he sent word to the executive committee that he had no Idea cf able to accept. The result wffs that when the league conference met hi Lyric Hull last night everything was up in the air. In an interview last night, Mr. Hale said: "I stand now just where I have al-ways stood. I have always been opposed to the idea of becoming a candidate for the and so have my brothers It will afford me great lea.ure.

to learn that the committee has another man In view." "It the Idea of your candidacy quite out of the question;" was a--ked. "I do not know," replied Mr. iHaJe. "I have agreed to. take up the iiattter again with the

tomorroiv." OF CLIFF HOUSE Prominent Citizens Attend an Informal Banquet at the Popular Resort SAN FRANCISCO, June 30. new Cliff itouse was opened informally last night when a banquet was given to one hundred prominent citlens. The new Cliff House Is well arranged and the bnaquet hill Is one of the features of the institution. The merrymakers recalled old memories last night as they gathered aroTInd the banquet board and discussed the elaborate menu. The place was artistically decorated for the occasion and the well equipped house was tftrown open for the inspection of th guests.

The formal opening of the Cliffy House will be held tomorrow evening, when, society people will turn out In large numbers to grace the banquet hall by their presence. It will be, a large event in this city. The banquet last evening simply an informal way of letting friends of tha management known what an elaborate menu they may expect tomorrow evening. There were present capitalists, professional men, newspaper men, city officials and business men, all of whom enjoyed the occasion. Several Informal speeches were made and the management was congratulated for its excellent service throughout the new house by the Golden Gate.

BUYS WIFE ONE MEAL A DAY; IS DIVORCED SACRAMENTO, June 30. On the gTound that her husband. Dr. Percy A. Webber, a prominent dentist of this city, has refused to buy her but one meal a day, and later refused to pay the room rent, Sadie E.

AVebber has been granted a divorce by Judge; Shields and 25 a month alimony. Webber, she said, took her out to dinner once a day and left her unprovided for the Other two meals, forcing her to depend on neighbors and relatives. The Webbers have been married a year and a half. KLAMATH Jno. C.

Hill announces that on account of the industrial banquet of the Chamber of Commerce this week there will be no stereoptlcon lecture on the Great KTamath Country at 306 San -Pablo avenue. These lectures will be resumed next, week, Thursday evening, however, and all are invited to attend. These lectures are very entertaining and instructive. If you are looking for a good place to spnd your vacation or invest your money, do not fail to hear this lecture. No admission and all arp welcome.

The Fourth of July Eye. An Ounce of Prevention against Serious Injury suggests Murine Eye Remedy aa re First Aid. Try Murine In your Eyes before the Doctor arrives. Murine Soothes Ere Pain; Reduces Inflammation. OPENING SAN FRANCISCO, June 30.

Georgs T. Bromley, for many years the most noted of the clubmen of city died at 1 o'clock this mornings the ninety-second year of his agej at his home 1324 Jackson street. Death had not been unexpected, for the reason that for some tiuie the celebrated raconteur had boen suffering from the infirmities of age although he had borne himself with a great dea1! of Immunity from ailments' of a serious hind during his long and peculiar fe. He was ministered during bis last illness by Dr. J.

Wilson Shields who was present when the end was reached. was tl'rm "Cncle George" as an vidence of affection by the host of club- jnen with whom he came in contact and Jn a special manner by the. members of the Bohemian Club of which he was a member for many years and of which he was also one of its most appreciated en-, tertainers. lie was a man of many and in many places in the world. At different times, he has made a living as a farmer, a sailor, a railroad man.

a employe, a diplomat, a "Jcian, a wit, an author and a clubman. In all of these' callings, he was In a mea- a success, but his greatest forte vas an entertainer in a quiet circ-I? of friends or good-fellows and good fced--rs. The deceased was born In Norwich, April 14, He was put to worit the age of ten yoars, his first occupation being the turning of wheels for tho of enabling employes to make lipe in a rope-walk owned by his father. Goes to Sea He tired of th? occupation, however, aid at the age of thirteen years, went sea with a fleet of sperm-whalers. At l' years of age tie.

was at Capetown and b1 the time he had his eighteenth year he was once more at the fiailly home in Norwich. YVhen he announced his desire to go to sa he was suprised to learn that his rrrther favored project and when h. I asked hen how she could so readiiy cusent to his departure, his mother re-pled that if he was at sea. she would where he was at night and that something which had been concealed fr ni her by the youth for some nights pr-1'iously. his return to his native town pcie of his schoolmates were engaged in preparing for the production of a play ami George Bromley was appointed to apjfear in the character of Jem Baggs anijlt is said 'that 'he played the pa ta successful a manner that the nam I i aftt! h'm whlle he re ma Bed at nome.

It? 1851 Bromley took a position in the cutcom house in this city under the patunage of Thomas Corwln, then secret ry of state. In the following year, thee was a change in the administration and 'Bromley was superceded. 119 then turned his attention again to navgation and became mate on the sterner Cornelia which was plying between thi city and Stockton. Beiomes Conductor H-' soOn afterward abandoned running on he river and became a conductor on the Sacramento railroad, a line whi was then running from Sacramento to fOlsom. This was the first road of the -ind on the western side of the North pAmt-lcan continent.

Ht remained in this occupation for nine year. 'and in 1S63 purchased the Continental; Hotel in San Jose and made a succss of the venture. o-TJ after he entered upon this enterprise he' was offered by Senator Stanford the general suprjntendency of the Pacific railroad, but the offei wae leelined, but a few years later, he becare interested in the contract for tho layinj. of tho of Western Pacific ietween the citie3 of Stockton and Oaklfiid. 0 vus "i IOC lirsi mem- bers a lae" xsonemtan Club when it was organised in 1872.

He was one of the men r-ve life to the organization. Sub-seouertly he took an active nart in tho rRepubican campaign In the then third Congressional district and was sometime later ippointed. consul to Tien-Tsin. There vts a change in the administration and as Bromley returned ity and was annointed nntarv to this public, slldate He was subsequently a can tor public administrator, but was ITS LIGHT UTGHER5 Pure Food Crusade Against Doctored Sausages and Hamburg Steaks DEFENDANTS WILL TEST, LAW IN THE COURTS W. R.

Robbins Prefers Charges Before Justice of the Peace Edgar BERKELEY. June 30. The crusade against the blushing sausage and ham-burg steak, which has been, under way In Oakland and San Francisco for some time, reached. Berkeley this morning whth State Food Inspector W. R.

Rob-bins procured warrants against eight local butchers', charging them with using sulphur dioxide in these edibles as a The defendants are: M. H. Gist, 2235 Shattuck avenue. E. E.

IJlcks. 3312 Adeline street. T. H. Nevln.

2440 Bancroft way. Fischel Baumi, 20u Shattuck avenue. 3 charges. W. J.

Cox, 2u37 Shattuck avenue, 2 charges. Whitehouse Brothers, 3196 Adeline street. Annan Brothers, 2008 Shattuck avenue, 2 charges. After the warrants had been issued froin Justice Edgar's office, Attorney John J. Allen of Oakland conferred with the district attorney relative to making a test case of the crusade.

Allen at first asked for delay in service that he might secure a restraining order to prevent service on the defendants. but later agreed to fight the issues in the court on the merits of the law, under which the prosecution is undertaken. CALKINS' A. P. FRANCHISE SURRENDERED FOR SALE SAN FRANCISCO.

June 30. Referee in Bankruptcy Green was notified yesterday that the franchise of the Asso- elate ed Press to the Sacramento union. held -is collateral by the Ixmdon-Faris-American Bank for loans made to the Calkins Newspaper Syndicate, would In all nrobabilit be turned over to L. Bontz of that paper so that the property could be cleared for sale. The bank; Is a creditor for Attorney Osgood Putnam stated that there was an absolute difference of opinion between the Union Trust Company and the London-Paris-American Bank as to the validity of the securities held by them for the debts of the Calkins Syndicate.

The first consists of the controlling Interest In the Nevada Publishing Company, which owns the orass Valley Tidings and the Nevada County Transcript. The second collateral is the 100.000 shares of preferred stock of tlT Sacramento Publishing Company and 170.000 shares common stock. The first Is held uy me union hum a-nti ioucj iuc 1 3 V. V. 1.

lthor The trustees are to push the sales of the Nevada County and Sacramento papers and pay. thfe London-Paris-American Bank as oon as possible. defeated. Since then he has done yry little in the way of active work. Bromley was greatly admired by the best known people of this city as well in the larger pities around the bay and his death removes a genial spirit who will Ions be mlsse iorn SEPARATE Milfionaire Keeps Bachelor Quarters While Wife is at Her Sister's Home CLUBDOM SPECULATES ON FAMILY AFFAIRS Career of Wealthy Polo Player Constant Source of Gossip in "Biingum" There Is a persistent rumor in the exclusive set of Burlingame that Walter Hobart.

millionaire, spectacular exponent of the Joys of high popular clubman, and his charming wife, who before her marriage, was Miss Hannah Will-lams, daughter of Commodore W. W. Williams, U. S. have agreed to disagree.

Weight Is added to the airy gossip bubble by the fact that Mrs. Hobart Is at present at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. S. Lilley, while Hobart lives at the family mansion at this place in lonely splendor.

The family, however, rigidly refuse to discuss the apparent separation and will neither deny nor affirm the story; Whether Hobart was told by his wife that she Intended to remain away from their home In Burlingame for a stated length of time, or whether she made her return conditional upon a future requirement, wnre matters of speculation that made much talk in the precincts of the Burlingame Country Club today. Hobart Topic of Gossip Hobart has been one of the most familiar figures in the recent life of the Burlingame Club, which he can reach from his home In a few minutes' spin In his big touring car. Events connected with Hobart's activity the club have been the subject of diverting smoking room and boudoir recitals in Burlingame within the past few months. It was he who tweaked the ears of Franics Carolan because of a calico polo pony's squeal. Carolan, according to Hobart.

had maltreated the pony and it took Some nice diplomacy among the friends of the two men to make the former forget the ear-tweaking incident, which had taken place In the presence of the spectators of a crowded polo field. The Hobarts have three children and their home life has always been regarded as ideal. Murderer of Wife's Parents Ends Life DES MOINES. Iowa, June 30. The dead body of Calvin Littlepage, who murdered Mr.

and Mrs. Elmer Jamieson, parents of his divorced wife, near Valley Junction, yesterday, was found early today by John Richie, whose farm 1 close to the Jamieson home. Llttlepage, de spairing of escape from armed posses. had committed suicide. Officers believe he was intent upon reaching his swlfe, intending to murder her, when he shot jumseil.

-v yn the case. Seatcy. age 2G. of PetaJumA..

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