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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 13

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i I .1 I Secbnd Section Pages 13 to 20 'i VOL. LXXI. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA. SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 12, 1909 NO. 112 USPEGTS PUT DIVORCES HIM FOB SECOND: Farmers a Merchants Savings Bank to Erect $io 0,000 Building UP WW 81TTIE Mrs.

Annie Tietjen Once More Alleged Cracksmen Are Cap-v tured by Police After I 1 Lively Chase iw n-riMV- WM 111 IJU fetfl rfcl U'iki PlPt NSSfeU mm ll 'ikk -LU SIM fct fetiv mite rTTJ. o33i MAW ''-4tr ifeil -r fill' -tMlli i K53? jam ir" I 4 -I -v -a New Farmers and Merchants Savings Bank Building, to Be Erected on the Southeast Corner Becomes Widow Throbgh uourt Ruling HUSBAMD BRUTAL TO HER, SHE DECLARES Claims He Said He Rerdarried lion rw 1 111 iu hvuiu ruyiiiu Alimony Annie K. Tiefjen's second rn a rrl to Fred U. Tietj n. formerlv Ji well Known rurnituro dealer of East Oakland now a.

contractor and builde'ii protred even a worst failure than the firsd pTporlence she had with him. tind now that a final-decree of divorce Was been entered in the Superior Court favor, therr is little probability jrisfcing another nuptial contract with him. This is the second time she has been divorced from Tietjen, decree hi the first instance being in tine, on the ground of "cruelty. In the first case. Mrs.

Tietjen was granted $2." a month from the date of tho Interlocutory decree as alimony by Su perior Judge O.gden, and In April, 1907, she employed an attorney to uke proceedings to compel Tietjen to ofbey the court's mandate, which up to that ttmo he had utterly failed to do, owfing ner something like Dodges Alimony A citation was issued r'lt'lrlna him to show -cause why lie would not he pun ished for contempt of court, aid then he agreed to pay his divorced wife $25 every month if she would riot ike any sVps for Ithe alimony. She acquiesced in this and then he came for-" ward with the proposition that sh? marry hi magain as the hfst means of getting rid of the alimony proposition, snd still having a great affection for hltn Mrs. Tietjen also agTced to this, and In September. 1007, they were remarried at San Rafael. The second ninrital venture las-td until the following February, where there was another splHtrp.

A month later Mrs. Tietjen called upon her attorney and asked to draw up articles or separation' at the request of her husband. This he did. and- went with his client to Tietjen and submitted the arl icles to him. -In his testimony nehalf of Mrs.

Tietjefi the attorney told the court that Tietjen said he would refer the matter to his lawyer, hiit further than that agreed to nothing. The mereht.nt said at the time he would never live with his wife; again. The ihe 'law-yer knew of the matter, Mrs. Tietjen called at his office one morning itnil sAId that she had been informed that her husband had advertised to sell all his furniture in his place of business In Kiist Oakland at public auction on, the fjollowinf? dav and asked him to begin suit for di vorce. At once and get restraining order I '1-1 I Mrltl, lO ivijt-li r- all tho money.

The suit was) tncHtntefl nnil then n. Re lmme- tloment of the property Tights was forced jpon Tietjen with the Understanding that his wife should not ask for more thin $25 a month as temporary and permanent ali Frequent Quarrels Mes. Tietjen resides In her owM home at 37 Helen street. During- the of her i sul-she told the court that, her peporid trouble with Tietjen betsrap about a morth before the separation, when lie tried to Induce her to sell her home. Quarrels freqiient, and durjlnff on of the rows toM his wife, acpord-inp to her testimony, that the only red son be married her again was because ho owed her the $10 hack alimony.

He said he had cheated hv before and would cheat her again when, she iiprieale(i to the courts. He Bald she wotuld not get a cent from him the. next time. The woman, also stated that TWJcn. hod been In the hnblt of onlring- ht vulgar names arid was very filthy In hi habits 'bout; the house.

Tietjen also lold her lawyer, plaintiff paid, that she linfl killed two men and that he was not going to have anything more to do with fear she would make him her third vic tim RIVER BOAT SINKS. PTTTBAP-FLPTITA. June 12 An explosion In the engine-room of th? Sherwater on the Delaware river off: this city today Imperiled the lives of about -fifty; persons, mot of then young women. were taken from the disabled vepsel by a Philadelphia The Sherwater sank. INE Koers Silverware concession in tlie' price, I entire, line at greatly reduced my Fourteenth-street window.

of Franklin and Thirteenth r-i 1 i Streets i -f BOTH ARMED AND HAVE TOOLS IN POSSESSION Skeleton Keys and Jimmy round on Pair When Searched SAN uno 12. After a csperate hand to hand fight between two alleged safe crackers' who woto en- countered 'oeMnjcr iu a suspicious manner at 4 'iYcloek this morning. Policemen Nash and Kelly arrested Clarence French and Chester Ayhensl irrnl placed theirtirt detinue at the city 'prison. yS The twn policemen were standing on the corner of Twenty-fourtjva nd Bryant streets when saw tvo men running hurriedly toward them a block away. Secreting heiruel e-in a doorway, they waited until -pair should come-by.

As they papscrt. Kelly recognised French as a man who had recently been Shown up tr'i TMiev therefore decided to follow them, and drawing their revolvers, the two officers set out in The the police, took to their UeeJiCiard ing all calls to halt. Fair Are Caught 'A' length, after several shots had en fired- oyer- their headx. the came up with the and as tlu w. re about to arrest them both of 'the' latter endeavored to draw their re--volveis.

F'efor ttu'v could do so a. hand-Ib-hand encoutite- ensut'iT. which finally resulted in the alleged safe-crackers being arrested and taken to the Mission nation. (Hi French's person a "X-eahbre revolver, a -burglar's lamp, a jimmy, a iv of cartridges and some skeleton tVlmi.1 nVile AVhCllS llld-1 Mniitli Xr Wesson revi tives were' det.iVd to discover win thier a robbery bad -ommittod in the neUhborhoo.i. anil NJi lie event that, no more serious innisifw.ns can he made against, the pair.XhV will be tliar-ed with carrving eotri-ealeik weapons ami itavinar burglar's in tfixir oos- session.

COSTS FARMER S35 AND WATCH TO SEE SIGHTS June 12. Williant fanner from Madeline, 18- oetf oounty. reported to the police tnls-mojrning- that 'he had been robbed of $35 and a gold watch while he was making the round -of-resorts along the waterfront. Alt NOTHING, BUT "GAINS WEIGHT; DIES AT 510 POUNDS NEW June 12.f-Xot even darvation or fatal illness I'buld reduce the of James Mills, who die.d In Helle'yue Hospital, last nigl.t weighing 'dO pounds. Mills he.

In barge of the dining, room sit "the Municipal Lodging House, and 'his friends said his proportions were iue to the accessibility food. But this was disproved after he had been in the hospital three weeks suffering i 'rom' heart disease and during wmen time he ate almost hut his ize continued to increase. Before go-J Ing to the hospital Mills said that he had never been weighed in his life and that nothing could induce him, to get un the scales. "At the hospital the doctors and orderlies had a severe fight with him to get ids weight, which was necessary for the hospital record. The physicians were unable, to understand the cause of the" increase in size when he ate comparatively Or Grill ITable d'llote Pinrjer Sunday, June tlie ISth, 8 IV MENU.

St. Mark Appeti2er 1 nine Toinls on the Half Ptwll Kadishes Olives Sherry Amontillado Viejo Consonime Mon'tetarlO Mongole Boiled 'Kpihu beck Palmof Sauce Riclie l'otatoes I'arihienr i Jpiiannlsberger Sweetbread I'attie Connefoy Baspherry Punch Poulard Farc.Ie Burgundy Roat Prime Kibsof Beaf au Jus New' Green Peas Straw Potatoes Lettuce and" -Tomato Salad i I Mousse Glacie 'jst. Assorted C.fkes I i Titsse Bemember our daily Business Men's i.unch' Mrsic every day; from 12 to 2 and from 6 to 8 P. M. i i ELMER F.

VVOOCBURY, Manager. Hotel St. Mark -o Iri arranging the plans for the', new huilding, is to bef oe-upied only by the brink, all the best of the more recently erecterl bunk buildings of' distinct iv type have been incorporated. Eotii President Kdson 1. Adams and Cashier Geo.

S. Meredith i have inspected many of the 'test examples of -this class of buildings in eastern, stat' the latter having made a special visit- to Pittsburg, Washington, Boston, Baltimore, Buffalo, Cleveland. New Yo)k, Jjetroit and Chicago to -gather ideas of construction and from the bank buildings in those cities. i Finest 'Example of Bank arranged for the 'comfort and conven-f ience the bank's clients. Growth, of Bank's Business i It will be the aim of officers an(tj directors to build up one.

of the strong- est savings banks in the West. The present banking room on the west aidit of Broadway, just north of street, is wholly inadequate for the heed! of the institution, and when the building is erected it is confidently ex-i pected that the business of the banll will, grow rapidly. The paid up capital stock of the bank; isj shortly to be greatly increased. rt i. W'p If Oil lllly OUViliya DdllK.

1J The new building of the Farmers and 'The Farmers and Merchants Savings Merchants Savings Bank will undouiV J-iank; does only savings business, and. e'y "ne of the finest examples of has the distinction of being the only; the buildings of this class to be found bank in Oakland doing only one class of on the Pacific Coast, and It will a business. It takes only savings ac4! groat' iVedlt Oakland, rurtherniore, counts, and it pays interest on all sueTl it will be a jti ne advertising feature for accounts at the highest rate consistent- our city. 3's the best examples of diis-With conservative banking. Ijts loan tinctive hank buildings are picture Tar are made on real estate, end the" utmosLi and wide.

care, is in the making of tlies riff in'orc nf thn Roi-jI loans, so that the safety of the deposit'- ui uic ucuif ors is conserved. The officers and directors of the ibm lifii r- I I Partners and Merchants Savings Rank When BUllding Will Be FiniShed are Edson F. Adams, It is confidently 'expected that the MoKte, viee-jiresich nt G. S. Meredith, building will be finished and ready for -cashier and secretary, and F.

C. Martens, occupancy by the 'first, of next January; i assistant cashier ant! assistant npcfr-Tiie will be rushed. i Perspective of the FflSTEH ACGEPTS ves State Health Board to Stiperintendent of School Health. Department SACRAMENTO, June 12. X.

Fos ter if the State "Hoard of'ILealth yesler day announced that he would accept the offer of the Oakland Board of F.du ca- tion to be superintendent of the -Depirt raent or IIealtlr: in ttie public schools of that city. l)r. Foster is! not certain when he begin the duties of new position. -thu it is believed ill leave the State office ahout the middle of June, as new members of the board hold, their first meeting and election of officers' kit onicerstmt 1 rr. Jds- that date.

The position was offered to ter three weeks ago. At the time Ct-i ernor tlillett appointed the new mcmljcft of the board it was. understood that Foster should retain, his position If chose. The reason rr. Foster gives Ir.

he' for; changing his fositlon is that his sVife is irK.poor health and needs a changef of climate. DESERTS WEALTH TO TAKE POVERTY Aged Millionaire Says Young Wife Eloped With Russian Adventurer NEW YORK. June. 12. John an aged millionaire.

"5wner of the Hotel Angelas in Los and other splendid hotels elsewhere, arrived here yesterday on the Mauretania and told how' his beautiful young wife had deserted, him in Paris and eloped with a Russian adventurer. He met her after had run off with the Russian and made her return to him J10.000 worth of I Jewelry had given her. "Sfhe has gone off with penniless scoundrel," he said. has not. a cent.

I would have killed that Russian if I had to hang for It. she shielded him from me. He will cast her off as he did i Hunt says he will not gratify his faithless wife by getting a divorej. posmai A contract was let this morning for the construction of 'ja distinctivje, bank buildingfor the Farriers and Mert-ha'nts" Pavings Iftink on. tlae building site at the southeast corner of Thirteenth and Franklin streets.

'J" lit lot has a frontage of fifty oil Franklin street and 100 feet on Thirteenth Ireet. will occupy the entiqe lot. The building Cost of Buildinq The, ftrehitects. ard Sutton ScVreKs, and the contract for the construction, of the building has bet rl let to the Rickon-and Construction 4. The contract Krhart Engineering Company, price dees not include interior fittings and vault work, so that the building cost about when cqir.pkted will Handsome Extei i or i The exteri.ot of tlie building yill be constructed of Xante! stone, the same, as lias been 'used for the lower portion! of the new Palace HoUl in San Francisco.

The effect of this itone in the eye; is to give an appearar and solidity. The ce oi tone uilding will be as: higlit as an' ordinary tliree-story building, j. i Interior Arrangements Tlie main entranc. to tli will be I on Frankliij. street, will be an entrance; also on teenth "street side, jso that bit tin're tiie Thir-aeccsaj to the safe deposit' vaults may be had batiki.ig hours.

Thj- plans call for a tloor ovt tiie front part of the banking room anj! iiriJther mezzajiine tloor over the rear ii'f tioti. Among otlier'i rooms to be located jon these mezzanine hoots will be the directors' and a room designated claily rr.r. tr-e. 'oon- venienci'," of custinies ot the bank! who may wish to h(fld a liveetling of any At th southwest ior of 'the building orner of the1 mter-wiffl be located a handsome, and commodious office fok- the president of the hank, kind directiv in front of hi office jwill ne a railed-in waiting lobby, at the offices of the Of other side of which -shitjr and assistant cashit will be located. i Ladies' Room V.

1 At the northwest corner of the building on the main floor will be a 'ladies" rom. which is especially designed to make tfje lady depositors of. the bank feel at home. Here be found tables with writing nfateriiils and comfortable chairs. In giving $ver to the ladies' room the best location, in the building, directly on the corner or Thlrteenin and Franklin streets, the Farmers Merchants Savings Bank will he creating p.n innovation on this Coast: but the idea has been a feature of most of new bank structures in the eastern states.

Safe Deposit The safe deposit vaults will be spacious and thoroughly; up to date. These vaults w-lll be located in the rear part of the banking room on the ground floor. In the basement there will be a large vault fo storage purposes. Marble is to be reels used in the banking i Tlie interior arrangements of the new bank will be according to the best east-trn stafldards, and everything will be PRAYS FOR HER SISTER Mrs. Wong Sun Yue Offers Daily, Supplication For Mrs.

Howard Gould- SAX FRANCISCO. June Wong Sun Yue, sister, of the beautiful Howard Gould, who is suing for divorce from, her millionaire 'husband, with suit-able alimony, declares that she prays daily for the success the relative with whom she has hot been on speaking terms for eleven years. Not, in fact, since she gave up the comparative luxury to jyhich she had been accustomed and -werft into the. streets of New York as a pnhlie siL.ater she came to this city where she married the Christian Chinese whose name she bears and with whom she is now living in Chinatown. Hut through' all op the years since.

the and her sister bade each other a last good-by the woman of Chinatown has held C'lemmons Gould in her ami now', with the opening of the 'Gould trial in New York Mrs. Wong fun Yue of her sister's success every mfnnte of the day and spends her time upon her knees. "I only wish I could help my sister," said Mrs. Sun Yue yesterd.iv. "She has many good, prayers.

Jiowever, for I have spent hours in (supplication tor her success, and have' asked friends stq' join me. She ought to win, aiiil I saV this; though have, not each other fur eleven i years, and havd not, comaiunicated witli each other in any way for that long: time." i FAMOUS QUEEMSBORO- BRIDGE IS OPENED XF.W YOB1K, June A week's celebration of the opening of the QueensborO bridge across the Hast rives was begun today. The bridge is cantilever structure, said to he the largest of its kind in, the world. It connects the boroughs ofl Manhattan and the Manhattan terminal being at Fifty-ninth street. The cerebration began with a parade of members of civic and military organizations, which escorted the first trolley can froni Manhattan borough across the bridge and was then reviewed by Secretary of War Dickinson, Governor Hughes and city officials in the plaza at the eastern terminal of the bridge.

This was followed by sr marine pftrade under the bridge and the opening of a carnival in a stadium in Long Island City. For tonight extensive fireworks are planned. The carnival and celebration will be continued in Long Island City ail next week. Folev's Honey iand Trr is especially recommended for chronic throat and lung troubles and nianv sufferers from bron--Wfis, asthma and consumption have found coinfort and relief bv using; Foley's Honey Tax. Sold by Drug Store.

1 v1 I 'it. Just received, from tlie manufacturer direct quantity of (jLM iim secured a special offer all 'next week the prices. iYou can have your choice of five different patterns' each design jsprit up in silk-covered, velvet-lined chests, ahd6ontains table knives, six i table forks, sixtable spoons, six tea spoons, butter sugar shell. Ordinarily the would seJKtor -During this sale the price will be only $8.75. I guarantee each article to give entire satisfaction See the display in TUT inioj Broadway at 1 4th Street Gold and Silversmith REMEMIfER ONE WEEK ONLY j-rKS-y- 5sst -4 I' i.

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