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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 31

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKLAND TRIBUNE. NOVEMBER 17, 1907. EVERYTHING ONWARD 1AM' OF PROIR IN 0PEJJ1S Beautifully Decorated Grill to be One of the Finest in America. 34' SUNDAY MORNING, SiOWS ST. MARK'S TO i ra i i nzri i "i i 1 i ri "1 "i 1 I rr fft 333 -F-fl 4p 5p pT 3- fT fli 1 rri "HI rtii I j--Lj- I.J i -1-1 I .1 iji i fr 7i, -t i.

i 1 i i Jollo liOlioBloloL it I 1 I ii i i i III I .1 1 I 1 Within the next few week Oakland will be able' to boast one of the finest hotel grll roomi in country, aa the grid room of St. Mark's hotel la about ready. The decorations in the grill are eiai.irate, the itiirro work being in designs of such as grapes hen-anas, and these will all in their natural colors Many innovations are to lie In this jrrtll In the ay of ar-loninioilaliuns an. I comforts I'-ir table tiej hones will Im at ea ii or tlie tablt rifar the wlmlows anil patent rl.M-tri" heaters line I wen 1 u-ed at -onenknt pi uIhi -i ih prlil. The room will a alxul ar 110 rooms la I lie caravansary and tw enty r.mmr elicht of hlds ill in tin The rooms in tiie ix i FOURTEENTH AND i4 i'LKVATIC-f NEW PLANS OF THE THAYER BLOCK.

SOUTHEAST CORNER JEFFERSON STEEL FRAME AND BRICK BUILDING WHICH IS TO BE "AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CLAY AND THAYER BUILDING TO BE 5-STORY BRICK STRUCTURE Surrounding Improvements Influence Owner to Add Another Story to New Hotel. FIVE-STORY BUILDING PiT CLUY AND iHTH fTREETS Dr. E. Kelley Will Erect Structure of Goodly Dimensions in Future Rental District. stories an now re-niv to le furnish? I ami work Is llnp roused on the I lirst tv.

f1ors. Tl." hott I will he r-i ly for the put. II. iltoui 'hri-tiiiMs MODERN STRUCTURE TO REPLACE ROMONA HOTEL Tlie tenrlnn down of I "tel -tl Thh te been the old K.tisi ri and 1 1., i ri 1 it) end of. next cut 1 Hn hmldiiiK v.

ill piolil.l he ire lid in its pla li Kim; the owner of tin pn peity has 1:1 Lithe annoutn-ettient that he lifnds rr ft I ti a larxe structure on the site, but so far has. tnutle no lii.ltc plans as to the sire and kind of huihiine The ftantona lb. lei was built man years uti. fid at the time was one of the h.rwest betels In this eltv Inirlns the past few ''cms .1 I ui, -li- has been In state of deciine. Kinu has now determined to teat it ilow 1 and make ready for a huildin; which will be In old with tli upbuilding of tiie city In this sei tlon.

An ill' sir i picstiitcd I. fie v.ll i shims Fout st i 'i'nl a' online to the I i. I r'tect M. ami Wytiie. Wb-n tinis' cl this l-tituiinu ill he I in cotijum-ttoti with Mi Hotel M' H.i-pole will he fitted us a -class liuop ir.

having all th" ru-fuhintx in intting lmli-' teceptloii loons In to an I smoking rn.i ii. Tin- gnuim! floor nnd basement will Index I to stores MM IIOAIIES il'fe OF JOSIAII GARRATT. 43D STREET WEST -T. D. NEWSOM, ARCHITECT.

ERECTED BY DR. L. E. KELLY FOURTEENTH STREETS. New Structure on Fourteenth and Broadway Will be Ready Next Spring.

Wotk raphllv on trie new btiihHmc it the First National bank. loe-, t. I at tne ,11 ire of Par Foiittcentli stre Broadwnv. and the I ll.tik if Kaxlngs at Twelfth end Witnln a i-nparatlv ely short time loth if there structures will be teadv tor 1 up.

1111 lie leintoi.rd 1 omtrte l.e! of th First Na! nal Hank building Is com t'ontrm tlon work of the lexteilnr l' now aln ost iltilshed. The 1n-! rlor wot'lv XX 111 lie short tlnm Its lompletion will mark tha establi-hitkeiil in in th. piincipal fo'irida 1 1, i'is of Oakland great commer cial future The lirst floor of the Oaklr.nil ink of Si IflKS bllllldlnC Will Is completed xx hi hi ti imd the tank Itse'f v. Ill be -tablisbed II Its re.v miurters eailv next xer r. The 1 ffh 1 toe upper stories I.l not lie flnlshd for several moid lis EAST OAKLAND SHOWS MARKED IMPROVEMENTS Som pt-Mlmlstl' persons say that business in llast Oakland, especlal'y In the viclnttv iiif Thirteenth nxenue.

liast Font teei, td street and Tw ent third a I lih i'ii iio Increrse or dex-elnp- ment A irsi.tx wl of this section. xvld show progress which is plainly notable ew pi es business have sprung ut. in all liirertlt.ns and new homes are under 1 urn and contemrilated In ex erv portion of KaM Oaklaml. Tl business coinmunlt lies uridtiiK Twtnty-thlrd ax 'tun Fast Font street and alsii.t Thli teintb axetiue. between Fast Fourteenth and Fisf Twelfth streets, arn eotapre'u nsix one, and they are now branching nil alon Fast Fourteenth through it entire length Athens Park to be Opened Settlement by Firm Now Controlling It.

to Mirers president of Athens Realty Compi.ny. soi to the Ceorgs W. Johnson for i0.oei a large tract of Und known a th Athens Hark at Fltrhiuirg. 1 driving settlement east of Frultxle, wiih a of alxiut A n'im- iter ni large roieww manuiaeiunng st a'ahn tnenls are Incited there as well as many stores and business bouses Th resident! are now advocating the advisability of an It. opsuatlon Athens I'ark Is a choice residence property It Is a natural park with rare beauty.

Trees of the choicest variety were pla nit -d titers at an early data, hlch malices the avenues ani streets Tttf pictures 'je and desirable for homeseek-ere. MANY NEW HOMES. City muter and cement sidewalks are already within the botr-darles of this tract Flb hhorg boasts of the that more than I'm new hotoes have been en. letl and are occupied py tii owners within thi last eight months. The grejtt demand for homes at Is because of th superior climate and a.

cesslblllt Th Southern 1'aclfle Company maintains a ttallon at FItrhburg.i the Western Pacific has established a depot site th-r. and the electrla car set vice Is giod. Tie fJe.irge Johnson Coirpaay has starts! the erection of twenty eorss homes containing three or four rooms whl will be offered on the Installment plat to homeseekers. ben price. Several pood sales have been made recently by the Itodge-Ver Mehr Company in the southeast section of the city, espei-claly In th r.el.thborhood College avenue.

FroMtsies on farHer. Benvenue anil Alcatras avenues are among the com' pan y's recent sales, Bearrely any ressa tlon In business activities has been noed by the Warren Cheney Company, who are tiu tur with their West Berkeley hold- RUSH IRK ON BAN BUILDING mm nin TniinT DUf tiib I nub 1 AT FITGHBUHG mm city North Adeline and Clinton Improvers Among Faithful Workers for Oakland. t' of the I. est gauges to fliow the deli i niina lion of the i t-iie-ii of a city to t.phm! I ami pnnin t. the Interests of that tit' 1 liie est iMlshtiient nf ntinierous rlvif bodies, sueli as Improvement luiis un i 1 Ions have been start-t I ml in- helna started In this city tine of the foremost of these organlza- th, she I dine to I onint'- linpr- ni the Interest- and the F'rst now has 1 'n I rtt i.ini in general I.l! The 111 i- mil Is tiimine nt Ii hel -it ml Is well attended hv an en-eitn M.itiv net.

residents I'll lies ill I J. I. V. th trc th'isi 1 m-itil -nt fol ts Tl" In- .1 prof" at I rri tcl th! I. and ii'm tl section hv many impr through its I of ii en Ie ef- si'Vnn t' "a larcer pop en Ie i.

It- 1 fli' 1. t-t nml mint f-as servi 11 1 I'uton emet'l t'hib. I In is' Oakland Is another pi lat ion of sid' nts This irgan-pres-r-fran 17. it 10 ti B- 1 l.lllof. t- also x- 01 1 -e.

king "txii 1.410. The ig for In lo SX' ell he npil- club is now ir fur 's If in st side i.i.lng a site for a park if the Mcrritt TO The ALTER SPIRITUAL CHURCH. Firt Spiritual t'hurt Ii. located on A-If ns is i til 1 A huge 1 1 1 re ir I vl 10 is to tie aiteretl nn it i to he built 'tnnTixini he onstr at of main budding. MAPLE HALL Dancing Floor is Being Enlarged and Main Entrance Changed.

Maple Hall btilldln-j. at corner 0( i and Webster strefts. is un- dergoln an entire alteration The building, in its new style, will be ready for occupancy within a short r.s a large fore of carpenter are at work A nw entran'-e 1 1 th main dance hall has been built to the right of the main building and stores hive bee 1 buiit at each side of this en ri- The dance hill and it appointments haxe mil been re-arTanged anil aiade larger. Several mail meeting roens har? been arranged on the second floor, white th first ft'ior of th main building ill used for meeting purpose- Th newt that staple Hall will toon be ready for dancing again will be good news to the younger set. as.

up to th time of the Ate. this was one of the favorite halls about the bay aa wr'l as on of the larg est. Cotillions and dirrlng rluba always assemble In tb's hall, aait at th time of th fir, hen It was turoeJ Into a mercantile eslabllshmtnt, ther wag great sorrow. 1 REM NEW HOME The Thaver al'din the southeast corner of Jeffeison ani i t'-n 1 1 1 stteet. iib in he a lixt -story strii' me.

is to Ix- covered wl'h an extension making the tomplee ru I I r- a smid hrh'k bite Tin i'k bast no i.l I. i been navniwl Slid it" I' tU 'l i t- mistrial piarn nt the owner I ro bled eu.l f.ii I. but -t! ln; lll.rox -rni fits I ri I tne rant. I nr ii'i of tl ty have rn largcd Ills Ideas BUILDINGS Steel for the Taft Pennoyer Structure Delayed on the Road. The I mill' Telepht ne i I i lalt'l l.t' a tii if will plllfV litil ff Kill.l'rii; I- of I.

the I' Stan plliV. I- it ii ii I oil. r. te and c. It, tint I.

lull' V. be ttvt tp. i i lamp-. UK i' line II "oii't llli till ie It l.el: lloll I iteil In -I ''li 'lie. lie I ii i i i' tt it i ll! I .) I't-ITIK 1:1 'Iit- Uoik i miiln I' leent ii onu la He 1 1 1 ifi Taft i lied 'II 1 I 'I ft It 1 II Mil i- 'if let lit 1 Mrett Wl'l he I I I it1 li I Mil ttteel i 1 1 1 1 I I le ah'iul v.

nl 1,1 Tl Then- I Of sto I 111 the tWt III I Clt i inn cm he in tilurnn. wh' li pec. li- in Tin i i n-. I Kll.leis It put in -ia e. Icit until the i en ro It ontiH'tors.

tin' hit I 'i the ex d.eim Conip.itu the ill trtence Tin it wl'l he month In-fore fht'i work om luiKe deribka have boen pat In phf e. ady to pro. i-e witli tiie COnstriii tloti Taft A- ei plan to be established In the baildinR next St iemli'M The new home of Mall A I'om-fmny three story strtn ture i.n I at Kout teen ih and JifTer'on st'eit i tap Idly neartni: -ompletlon and wi'l', by the Mrt the year. FOR PROGRESS Want the Department to Keep Pace With the Growing City. That She t'te tils (hould on a lattre a.i-Is tiie pinion of ie nu nil cin of the Uit Ctun il arid Its the prefect il year rtau vini; ar proriiU i Iji Kire C1.1 UJJgesteJ ai.

impi. em are being ad i-'tcd a by the Chief Ball believe, however dlstrlbuoint; it the disposal of the fire I. under the 1nrisdi t. ni of the en 1..1 1.. Il sc ri.

isuie. tint Uie tie .1 I 1 Dili s'. tit mlssloner. H-ui not 'ie t'nuii tl. IS Is tne rase at the resent time In this iitv Thu presen pUn.

the ihtef declares. of too much red tape aivi -onsiderahly ti--lava the pr.ipoe.t luprnx ement The Fire Com nr svmets In manx lar ara allowe I to one funds tA. llltatlng the work of irrj.r Th new ici'lcet provides for he ere, -tlon of a lew fire house on eutx -f treet, near ltroadway. a new mse on Fifty-first oieet. near Telegraph itvp-ia.

and tha repaJring and altering of engine house No. I in Kant Oakland. Due! Hall asked for a new house hrt Alice street, between Klgioh and Ninth streets, ami na In the manufacturing district south or Keren tn soreet. nil nese were no ai-lawetl for. Th near butlgrt also pto.ldes for three tiew engines, three combination wagon.

Several wt icons far general use and tne gfcompanylnrf apparatus. Wloh these Improvements. Chief Rail baiuvta th city will uuen bat IR ON THE IN hv two soUl lot immediate temoxal Tin in atlon is directly ar ross Font -te. nth -trtet ftotii th- 11. -w i'i and I'en-n iyer stole, whose steel fi ime is now ii.C e' feted i main mezza ire mnl baseniei.t tio irs of I ir Kelix r.ew idoi are to he titled for stores and the upper Moots for laid- olli' os it is aunt1 step lowaid hat will constitute the new fashionable tetati 1 enter of Oakland rf the II t'ap el i I ji loiitel 4'ompatiy will te in iv i- the 'I'ouraine Until, novj -Miupxlni; cottier of Fourteenth ami a- soon us the present leases -plre In haf i a ll't'.

over a eat to 1 1 to make room for a inanlti. nt sli.c I lie to constitute the I. ace lloirse' i ure home Real Ekate Firms Continue Open Tracts in Berkeley Foothills. tO i v. el.

the il- 1: I 'tig Stlte bav p.t been if but iric 1 ha a la ge tb-riind A fcleat ir rentable rty man idtitges are in building of ti ts I t. ha' he 01 if te, during the it but still the 111 and far esceeils the shipl. Inv est'iielit this ha rat ter have pto is profitable I lining the month of 1 1 the tlepartmtnt Issued a ital of 111 build lug permits representing an outlay for new I. milling of Work was started this xv ti tla structure of the1 Home Tclcphon- I'oiiiwfTnx It will cost) I 1 initi. ami is lo.ateron the corner or Milvia and Allston Wnx.

NEW BANK BUILDING. W01V on the story ImiMI'ig of the iet' national ManK is progressing I rapl.llx F.xcav ath lis me nltout corn-are elng rap pit t' I and foundallons l.llv laid Tiie nt1' ossnrv steel for the new high school has and work ha been startc 1 on ti at h-jlldint; on -e again It will lushed to In, mediate completion Th' ia r.n. lit run coritlnu" to improve An em ouragir.a lKn ws the offer durir.p tli we.k to tne t- al estate men -if more, hi seiurltii at 1 nrrent rates I 01 in1 ti onii'ienee 1 now reiarning. tiie holder 1 "in aie heirinnirg to realize thai it 'till not Kfoxx in a tin box. anil a r.

i ding lo take advantage of tiie good loans i oppo if'llt'-s nnxx at hiir' rrte m' -t This ill nr. tout tcttix r. In a return of deposits lo tin hank, xx tin were lii out tur.ld ot.t TO OPEN TRACT. lepite the souiewhat dim at preiw-nt. the real est.ite agents ftf the rlly are going abend with their plans rind are inclined to regard the whole sltu- 1 atlon in .1 most- hopeful manner The has completed arrangements tor the opening of Boulevard tiard.

Trut No whl'h will take pin neit when they will run excision trains from Stockton, Sacrament 1 ami ill the towns of the valley In order to rlv the people a chance to view the wonders arid opportunities offered here This is on the line of the proposed Key Riute Boulevard, situated on the hillside overlooking the bay. It offers an es-ceptlonal fine building site for the small honeseeker at reasonable figures. The general opinion prevails among th lonaer-headed business men that now Is th- time to gather up 1 llttl" Berkeley real estate. When the holidays are det La red I off business Is expected to open 1th a rush, and hundreds of people are just waiting until the money situation eases up a trifle to commence building homes on property which they have purchased In this city. In the meantime hundreds are renting- still and rental prices continue as firm as several months aco.

GRADE STREETS. W. J. Mortimer Company are Improving the time grading the streets and laying In tlielr Orand View Terrac tract- When completed tins will be on ef the most sightly Home tracts im this side of the bay. Geo.

P. Baxter's property In the Wheeler tract baa Just streets, hit'ictti oci.pled stot 1 ottagis. which has BUILDINGS TO COST S3GQ.0QQ 1 1 i I I 1 I nc o' the si rat ion lepa: linen today Sim's 111 xxanitie rhor. steel I in this tiie flvstor and frame and I rh r. hi," designed Ii nml the ,1.

K-ll. i soul I.W es whh Is to b. on his lot. urner of Clay et In I oil lilt' Fourteenth and NEAR ILL FAVOR THE ELECTROLIERS Business Men and Property Owners Believe inr Well Lighted Streets. -oxv 'mil 1 "iux st I and Thirteenth street let ('lav ami Webster streets as xxcl as Washington stnet wax let- beer ad irrred witii nd Itioatl-' roller.

irlo' in--11 are 1 -if the '-listn s- (I kind if lamps fllUt In other 0 hi t- tlon same trh tt mi llj The Itroailw ix San I'ahlo at tng I in; of 1 a 1 south of Sexeriih and and T'ietraph av.tiae and 'Art' Is proje.tetl be mhiii v. Iv I itter be-fme th. in I Merchants all oxer ti. it 'if if the of me ele. (rollers Aiil do In h-a itif; tie street of Oaklan with tcrs belle' it, lev.

et wiil xor h.xxt the tan j's ascd BEAllTiFY THE in ,1 I and l.dea Park at the Northeast Arm oi Lake Merritt Will Soon be Reality. The proposed park on the city property at the northeast arm of I.ake Merritt. will soon he a reality The city roun-fl now has before it a resolution which will appropriate atjfftclent money to complete the Improvement of the property. The Improvement of this piece of property Is a part or the general plan to beautify the shores of Lake Merritt. The property Is almost filled tn and after thia work Is completed, lawns and gardens will be laid out.

similar to those already established at the southwest corner of the lake. After the plans for beautifying the shores of the lake are completed the lake will be one ef the prettiest in the country. Iaw-ns will slope down to the shores and flowers and shrubbery will grace the banks. Builds up the waste tissues kidneys. lasa'a Kidney and BltUra.

the Uver BIG CULVERT Much Progress is Being Made on the Work in North Oakland. A ni uiv "I 1 1 it li-Hf. I. iir.pi i 1 1 is is 'ihen' and Tn. under fourth sir of ci ins i in of the st.e.

ha-, hi lave I '1 a reek Tiie lix. he MI'p. inter Ac orddig street I I St 1'. tils se -iron the ears pas; the titer ran. 'tl.

Ill fiat water III! 1 n. ii ho ill. Fil ls now it a' it i.m date tiie inr to a water Ilil'llbel ti a iu h-ri of tl.e itv liie u'x fat has 1 itv a the hi There is Quite a Building Boom in the Western End of the City. i BUILDING WARD BEING ERECTED Work is Going Right in the Prosperous City of Oakland. me.f the i-ettlest hiPKil.n In this in wi 1 he that to he ere ie, In Itola'i i 1 1 on ih- north side of Korty-tMrtl -treef fc.

wejit of et street I he 0 tiB.i'..w is to contain six room ntl ath The arid. ite, for the struct ure I 1 I "W'itn tSairait expe. to en, 1. in ev in the. Interio.

tin I 1.1 J.ln.i tt I In. lit In ni-; A ft fine dw r'l hi; that of II Whit. I t. 1 'tied a perm from he I'nh'i. U'o'k for fie n-'tt'i biiiiilmt: 1 "I I ee st-e jhtli .,11 I', iren Mieet I 1 tint.

iin i ho has I I Hon i 7'. feet it! I-and ill o-I Ma). one is ht.ii:.. to i.l .1 two il i- ill In, a 'dtil -Ide of riftv foiirt1 stveer.

1 1 ot 1 tie slim turf will elexen ndt on 'li" teet ni'lis 1' M' li icr the -known ai 1 "iilhi, tin. Is to hliilld a two-story l.o lot hllt'telf on notth 'de of Miss 1' teet west of air- lew The biill.lltiu will ontain seven room s-vl il ost Jl.ltin I ha obtained a peril t- etet-t a two stoiy. ele en room dvi 'lint: on cn-t idr -t th id K.iiiwi a t-ri'ie. I ctrnctnie will ost piflo M.iti other pertti't belt obtained t. i-ortrti' ilwe.ij.ics Ir all portions or t'-f b'tthllni; record ts 1:1 int.

tl! -pite temporal) irry In the Milan. 1 il i.ia-ket A straraser tn Oakl.ihl will have ti tr e.ble in the visit hp; por-U of tie Itv ii, not lose his wav A mini be; of street will ami wll' be Immeni I Th's of nw sIrhs will it ('It ete the work of laheilinK the street of I' lk'and About a ear at; slpns were a along ail the tnatn streets, over hi ar line pastel but the remainder nt the tli will now bear signs. FOUNDATION IS LAID OF SCOTTISH RITE HALL 1 -ia, re iitisil Hut an I Madison and within a tail strut tut xx foundation of the ner. Hail. l-M at Fifteenth 1.

eompletej. tirr-. work on the a--tion wlil eontnent-e This otnpleted. will be one of the prettiest in the Wett. and It will cost oxer Th contract for tha building' haa been lt.

althiugh not signed aa yet. to Fen O. .1 The steel girders hare arrived 1 and will be In place within a Short time It Is ex petted that the building will be oiiipl. ted in p.hteit a year. It Is planned to finifii the exterior work by nett summer, so Interior work, which Is mostly in hardwood in be dona when tha weather is good.

ter protected against fire, but ha advo-rate a continuance of tha Improvement and the addl'lon of mora facilities. Tha t'ioy t'ou n-ll Is determined to make tue fir fir eltv ah iiutly sxfe In the event of ami will take steps to Improve the department ai every opportunity. Owing to the erection of so many large buildings in th business disorit t. It la thought that th city will soon bav to acquir a Br towar, auctt aa la used la other large cltla. There is quite a butMtng boom on In the First Ward and iew homed are springing: up In all of that portb of the city.

Three permit vx ie'lued last eek for block ab-ne In thta district, that being; on Sij ty-xflrat street. between Dover and Shattuck avenue. Many of the new home are belnfc erected in the Santa Fe trait, which lies between Shattitck avenue gp.l Orove street and Sixtieth street and Alcatras avenue. The dwelling's that are being erected arc. In most cases costly ones.

A prominent resident of th First Ward said of the boom: "I believe that the First Ward is growing faster than any other portion of the city at the. present time. Many homes are now under course of construction ani p. any more are being- contemplated. I have never seen any portion of any city build up so fast.

The new dwellings are all costly ones and add much to tha appearance of tne section-".

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