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The Register from Santa Ana, California • Page 5

The Registeri
Santa Ana, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE SANTA ANA DAILY REGISTER, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 14,1914. Page Three In Social and Club Circles FOR BRIDE ELECT Miss Edna Blee Honored Guest at Afternoon Affair at Montgomery Home Miss Edna Bloe of Venice, who has FOR MISS SHAUL Linen Shower for Former Santa Ana Girl Held at the Yarnell Home DOUBLE SURPRISE PARTY Merry-Makers Descend on Newly-Weds Only to Be in Turn the Surprised Ones A jolly surprise party for Mr. and Miss Linna Yarnell and Miss Lela been a week-end guest at the home of Thomas were hostesses oft Saturday Mrs. Forest Whitson, planned and Mrs. Victor Montgomery, was the afternoon with a linen shower for Miss out by the young men associ- honoree at a sachet shower last Sat-, Rhea Shaul of Los Angeles in honor with Mr.

Whitson in the Santa urday afternoon given by Misses her approaching marriage to Fred Ana Transfer Company, found the trude and Louise Montgomery, as a Maze of Los Angeles on October 12. newly-weds unprepared for the inva- eweet foretaste of Miss coming The event took place at the home ofision. The self-invited guests met at marriage to Mr. Morris Moody of Port -1 Miss Yarneu on West Fourth street, home of Mr. and Mrs.

W. It. land, Oregon. Pink formed the color and the house was radiant and fra-; Seviers, 509 South Sycamore, on Sat- motif for the house decorations. Hang- grant with pink carnations.

A pretty urday night and from there went to jng baskets of Tacoma flowers comfort was tied during the after-j the home of the Whitsons at 209 West and plumosus ferns formed graceful noon, and lovely gifts for Miss Shaul Camille street, Mr. and Mrs. Seviers decorations in archway and winnows, were opened in the presence of the preceded the party to make Clothes for Boys sure of the involuntary ho3t and host ess being at home. When the bride and groom beheld the party of friends at the door, it was plain enough to he seen that they were absolutely and overwhelmingly surprised. A scene of real merriment resulted while the hosts were recovering from their astonishment.

A handsome Morris chair was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Whitson by the boys of the Santa-Ana Transfer Company, following a magnificent gilt while potted begonias and ferns gave guests the needed touch of green. Twelve Later a delightfully appointed two- intimate friends of the bride-elect en- collation was served in the din- joyed a progressive game in ing room, the table being centered wiiich Miss Carrie Brier of Playa Del with a cut glass bowl of pink asters. Rey proved herself most skillful, re-1 As the guests were at the table, a ceiving the prize, a Japanese potpour- Western Union messenger arrived ri jar filled with fragrant rose leaves, with a telegram, which was read by At the conclusion of the games Miss Yarnell.

It was a message from Ernest Crosier Phillips gave two beau-1 Dan Cupid announcing the coming tiful vocal while Miss Brier marriage of Miss Shaul and Mr. pleased with several instrumental se-lMaze. lections. Covers were laid at the table for Many sweet and daintily perfumed i the young hostess and the honoree, sent them earlier in the day. After gifts, hidden away In the heart of aj Mrs.

Maurice Yarnell, Mrs. F. M.ithe presentation of the evening gift, large pink paper flower, were present- Thomas, Mrs. O. K.

Forgy, Mrs. T. C. I partners for a were ed to the guest of honor. At the close1 Lambert, Mrs.

Dr. Price, Mrs. Ralph by the matching of dissected of the pleasant afternoon, a dainty Williams, Mrs. Thomas Cox, Mrs. Wil- postal cards, then the merry-makers two-course supper was served, pink lard Nelson, Mrs.

J. W. Shaul of Los invited by Raymond Dickinson and white cakes and mints carry-' Angeles, Misses Dolly and Viola Twist, i to follow him, and the doors were ing out the color scheme. The Vivian Cravath, Gertrude Roper, Wil-'opcned for a general exit. This was a cake, containing ring, penny and i heltnina Cavens, Dixie Perkins, Elsie mysterious proceeding to all of the thimble, caused much pleasant rival-1 Lutz, Ruth Visel, Bladvs Thomas, Beu-! parly hut three or four, hut they fol ry.

A fortune-telling contest, in iah Thomas, Helene McNeil, Emily! lowed the call of the leaders without which pink paper rose petals assisted I west, Merle Garner, Anita McDonald, any serious demur. Bride and bride- Fate in unrolling the future, euded Edna Rasier, Anna Walker, and Misses i groom and the guests were according- the merry afternoon. Dorothy Dean, Merle Riehart, Jeanlly escorted to a big transfer truck fit Miss Blee, who has occupied the Robertson of Los Angeles. jte(1 up with seats for all, and a grand chair of English in the Venice High jn tbe evening Dr. Shaul and Mrs.

i tour to an unknown destination was School for the past three years, is shaul, parents of the bride-elect; Mr. with Mr. Dickinson as the driv-i the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.

Maze, the bridegroom-to-be, wither and Leslie Williams vis general! Blee, former residents of Santa Ana. Miss Shaul were dinner guests of Mr. I master of ceremonies. After a. few I and Mrs.

Maurice Yarnell and Miss blocks, stop was made at as Class Reunion Linna Yarnell, the visitors later motor- though the party was to be enter-, About forty ladies of the i ing back to Los Angeles, where the tained there. Alas for their Bible class of the First Baptist Sun-; gbauiS( former residents' of Santa' however. No sooner had they begun to descend than they were told to1 seat themselves in the truck, semi-annual reunion. Then they were driven to the Hotel At noon a committee composed oil Organized New w. o.

I. u. Rossmore, ostensibly for supper. But Mesdames Austin, Ramsey, Mrs. F.

J. Rogers, county president jonce niore their high hopes were Peterman and Pearson, served a of the Christian Temperance dashed. They were informed, by pre- bountiful two course dinner in the I Union, and Mrs. Lea Warren, record-, concerted plan, of course, that so; small dining room in the basement. ing secretary, went to Placentia a party could not be aecommo -1 During the afternoon the ladies urday and organized a union at that dated.

So once more the journey, visited while they were busy at va- place. The are good tor a seemingly without an end, was re- rious kinds of needlework. As a lit- real live union. The following officers sumed. All at once the truck sudden-j ting close of the day a freewill of- were elected: President, Mrs.

Julia jly stopped again. Some alarm was fering was made by the members of I Crosby; vice-president, Mrs. J. A. Nen-1 feR by ho uninitiated when they; the class which completed the first no; corresponding secretary, Mrs.

jwere (0id (0 descend and were walked half of a pledge made at the dedioa-1 Sloan; recording secretary, Mrs. Alla briskly around a forest-like place I tion of the church. Mrs. J. S.

White Burkett; treasurer, Mrs. L. N. Myer; which, after they had circumnavigated has been teacher of this class for literature superintendent, Mrs. Mattie eleven years.

Hart. The meetings will be held on the Sunshine Society evenings of the second and fourth The regular meeting of the Santa1 Tuesdays. Ana Sunshine Society was held at the home of Mrs. A. Getty on Friday, Sep- Pleasant Afternoon tember 11.

There was a fairly good Mrs. C. L. Heaton, assisted by her attendance. mother, Mrs.

Davis, was hostess to a This being the first meeting after a few friends on Friday afternoon her vacation there was neces- borne on West Fourth street, the la- sarily hiuch to discuss. A bazaar to be dies- taking with them their needle- held some time this fall, was the prin- work Over their sewing they chatted cipal subject. A special eneeting is to over the events of tlie day. Later in be held Thursday, September 17, to (be afternoon delicious refreshments prepare some work to be distributed were served, consisting of ice cream among members for completion. All; an(j cake.

who possibly can are requested to Thos who enjoyed Mrs. come and lend a hand. This meeting anfj ber hospitality were Mrs. will he at Mrs. Stella Dressers, 1521 KHiott, Mrs.

Beason, Mrs. Neff Morri- Spurgeon street Mrs. Elmer Huugerford, Mrs. Lou The next regular meeting will he, Best Mrs Miss Alta Buell. at the home of Mrs.

Herbert 730 street, October 14, 1914. day school gathered in the parlor of I Auaj noxv reSide. the new church on Friday for their Son- There he fine looking little chap. that stunt! Wonder he rip his clothes no chance wearing his just made for such a play hard live kid as Boys Clothes will outwear any boys clothes you ever All reinforced in every part under strain and the knickers are lined with linen. Going on a Vacation? There are just lots of things need for a happy, comfortable vacation trip.

a handy list to check over. Just a few suggestions. think of articles omitted. Write them down and when ready bring the list in. Foot Powder Toilet Waters Fountain Pens Tooth Brushes Drinking Cups Bath Requisites Cold Cream Soap Bath Caps Kodak Films Stationery Shaving Supplies Hair Brushes Talcum Powder Combs It is easy, to make your purchases now.

Have them handy just when you want them. ROWLEY DRUG CO. C. S. Kelley.

Fourth and Main. Phone 40. cordial invitation is extended to the ladies of Santa Ana to attend our Fall Millinery opening Wednesday, Sept. 16th. Orchestra music.

Miss Ruth laylor, I. O. O. F. building.

School authorities througKout the county are showing -much interest in the Public School Music Course which we are offering for grade teachers and any others who wish it The course will follow closely that it, revealed itself as Birch Park. Much i relieved to find themselves on safe ground, the young people played lively games for an hour. Then the boys and girls were divided into crowds, and one by one a young man was sent from the east side of the park northward. At the same moment a hoy was started out a young woman was sent eastward, the two meeting on the northeast entrance to the park. In this ingenious way the couples were matched for refreshments of icc cream and cake served in the park, amid the bloom of roses and the greenery of overhanging trees.

It was a merry crowd that was finally allowed to feast peacefully on the delicious cream and cake, well repaid for their and mysterious wanderings. Those in the party who were originally members of what was a surprise party but who later turned out to be the really surprised ones, included Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Whitson, Mr. Mrs.

R. Seviers, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.

W. J. Morrison, Miss Eva Nininger, Miss Anna Gilbert, Miss Margaret Cleveland, Miss Emma Gerken, Miss Grace Clement, Miss Effie Clement, Miss Jessie Adams, Mr. Hallie Pettz, Mr. Frank Cook.

Mr. Leslie Williams, Mrs. Wilbur Sherwood, Mr. Raymond Dickinson, Mr. Ferris Muxworthy, Mr.

Eugene Dickinson, Mr. Frank Hammett, Mr. Edwin Dickinson and Mr. Stephen Combs. Occidental Club Meet The Occidental Club met Saturday night at.

the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Smart. An indoor baseball game was played, college songs were All Wool Boys Clothes in the greatest assortment you ever saw at $5 up to $10 in both Norfolk and plain styles. All the new shades and weaves of Browns, Tans, Grays, as well as Blue Serges.

Everything else for boys waists; shirts; caps; corduroy pants. You can outfit him here economically. Vandermast Son Mr. and Mrs. T.

A. Gidcomb and T. H. Newman were registered at the Argonaut Hotel in San Francisco on September 11. W.

Drake and L. Robinson, who have been in Santa Ana for four months visiting friends, left yesterday for their home in Las Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico, where they have farming interests. H. Clay Kellogg left this morning for Otis, on the Mojave river, where he is superihtending a big irrigation project. Mr.

and F. Tl. McElree motored to Los Angeles Saturday with their sno, Maurice, who enters U. S. C.

this year, taking a medical course. Mrs. C. Campbell and Mrs. F.

Vanatta spent today in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. F. D.

B. Browning and Mrs. Roy Browning and Felton Browning motored to Los Angeles today. Miss Grace Parker of Los Angeles has been visiting home folks here for several days. Yesterday the Lyon- Parker-Harris home was further enlivened by the presence of Mr.

and Mrs. Michael Thompson of Los Ange-j les, with their little daughter, Miss iuarian. Mrs. F. M.

De Long, and her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, of San Bernardino, who have been spending the past week at the home I of Mrs. E. It.

Halesworth of 316 Hales- worth street, returned to their home, yesterday evening, regretting to as they were very much delighted with Santa Ana and surrounding al rs. George McKenzie and daugh-1 ter, Miss Marguerite, who have been spending the past two weeks with Mrs. E. R. Halesworth, who is a sister of Mrs McKenzie, returned to their home in San Bernardino yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fine and fam ily, Mrs. L. B.

Fine and Alonzo Lopez took a motor trip into the mountains yesterday. IMiss Ruth Visel and Miss Elsie Lutz left last evening for Mills College, near Oakland, where they will enter on their first school year in that favorite college for girls. Miss A. B. Nichols, who lias been a house guest at the home of her cousin, R.

V. Corbett, left this morning for Huntington Beach, where she joined by a cousin who is to accompany to her home in San Dimas Hand thi coupon to your grocmryman at your door or at hia stor If your eroccr has no FOI Golden Gate Tea in tins, he can for you Special Value offered, as cheerfully forward hlrr a sin Rle package at our regular price, through any chon nel he designates, and wc pay him his regular profit in addition. Buy the flavor yon use. If you no choice we Black land Green. I This is the new scaled tin of GOLDEN GATE TEA IX FLAVORS CEYLON-INDIA black ENGLISH BREAKFAST lack BLACK GREEN blcnocd OOLONG black J.

A. FOLGER COMPANY San Francisco Steele Finley came up this morninf ELKS TO HOLD SOCIAL SESSION AT ORANGE Miss Maud Jones has returne from Laguna Beach where liis famil) a stay in the nor ie i a fortnight. of the state. She greatly Kaiser 0f Tustin was a --------I joyed her visits at different points, visjtor to los Angeles today, going Tomorrow evening Hie members of land comes back recuperated tor tier to tlie city via the P. E.

Santa Ana lodge of Elks will be in thee Intermediate school, 0 DanieI was a jegai visitor to tertained at Orange, the program bo- where she teaches this year. Los Angeles today. ing in charge of members of this Mrs. A. H.

Lyon and Miss Mrs. F. A. Preston and little daugh- lodge who reside in that city. A.

L. Lyon were visitors in Los Angeles to- (ef Marian, who have spent the last Tomblin is chairman of the Jtw0 months at the home of Mrs. Pres- tee of arrangements. Recently a soil. B.

Wait, a well known conductor parentS( Mr. and Mrs. E. B. rial session of this kind was held at 'on the Los Angeles-Santa Ana smith, 106 South Birch street, have re- Anaheim and proved successful, leaves tomorrow for Ackley, Iowa, turned to their home at El Centro.

A brief business session of the lodge where he will make a vacation Miss Mary Addie Jones this morn- will be held at 7:15, after wuich the till first of November. Mr began her first year at teaching, members will go by automobile to Oris one of the most popular conductors ghe having been appointed as teacher ange. All members who plan to take on the road, well known for his genial-1 of the gehooj their autos are requested to be at ity and courtesy. His friends wish tne and rs. Ellermeyer and son, hall promptly at 8 North I very best sort of a time for him dur-1 spent today in Los Angeles.

'Main street is now open as far as ing his eastern visit. Mrs. Elizabeth Paine spent today in Chapman street, so that no detour will Miss Clyde Warne, formerly Miss U)g Angeles on school affairs. he necessary to reach Orange. Uttley, resumed her school Mr, S.

Baker and family of 719 ---------------------------Spurgeon street, who have been spend- drinks and light lunches at ing the summer at Laguna Beach, te-; xay(or's eVery minute they are open work today at Myford, where she is principal of the Myford school. Her school engagement was made beiore tUrued today she was married a few weeks ago, and she will fulfill it- D. F. Campbell, Miss Ruby Campbell and Mrs. Mary Gilchrist passed through here this morning on their i way to Los Angeles, where they spent i the day.

They traveled over the Pacific Electric. J. W. Walker, who lias been visiting i with friends in this city, left yesterday for his home in Shensburg, via the Salt Lake route. i City Recorder Wilson spent yesterday at Balboa.

Mrs. Pete Hunter of Los Angeles is visiting at the home of Mr. and for business. with mandolin numbers, and Mrs. James Stanley on the piano.

Late in the evening delicious grape ice and wafers were served, Miss Stanley he- H.gSton!eyed m0lher' Dr. and Mrs E. E. Emerson left to- Mrs stcckford Wheaton. Mrs.

Hunter day for Butte Falls, Oregon. 1 hey tformerly resided here, will stop en route at Ventura, Hiori-, Mrg Clark and Miss Hazel they will be guests of Miss Grace Ciark, her daughter, left today tor Riley, principal of one ot the Los A to S1)end a week at (he schools. From there they will go' of the j. c. Glovers.

San Francisco tor a day or two, then lJan Thatcher, formerly on to Butte Falls, where Dr tendeJlt for the Santa Aua Co hoo tictnhlislipfi uractice. superin- I tendent for the Santa Ana Co-Operative Sugar Company, now in in Los Angeles, was in Santa Ana to- prru besides the were Miss Norma Petro, Miss Mr and Mrs. S. M. Davis and family James Livesey, Mr.

and Mrs Stanley. C. h. DIED sung and refreshments were enjoyed. Santa Ana, Monday, Sept.

Those present were: Misses May 14. 1914, F. B. James, aged 87 years. Thompson, Helen Roberts, Eva and Funeral from Smith and Edith Tidbali; Jessie Flippen, Florence; chapel Wednesday, Sept.

16, at 2 p. Flippen, May Thompson; John Hen- m. I offered the nast summer bv the Uni- 1 uuim neu- m. domiciled of California and will great-, Kenneth Deceased is the father of W. L.

nients. of all Will Warren. Charles James and Mrs. II. E.

Bradbury of this! Dr. Har vacation at Laguna Beach. 'street Mrs. J. P.

Hatzfeld and Mrs. R. M.j Mr and Mrs Forrest Whitson of 209 Scott and daughters, Misses Greh Wogt CamiHe street spent the day yes- and Josephine, returned yesterday terday visiting Mrs. par- from a stay at Long Beach. Mr.

and Mrs. W. F. Strosheim Mrs. Lydia Robertson has returned gan juan capistrano.

Miss Minnie from Long Beach, where she was tne gtr0sheiin, who has been spending the guest for two days of Mr. and Mis two weeks at home, returned to W. S. Rose, who are spending two ganta Ana wiU the whitnons. weeks at the seaside city.

They are; Miss Edna Blee was a house guest domiciled at the California Apart over (ke week-end at the victor Mont- $15 Buys a good all wool Suit. Some of them with two pairs of pants, warranted all wool. We would like to show them to you. J. E.Tillotson Po8tofflce Block.

For Hollywood Guest ly increase, the efficiency of all taking it. A musieale by a number of pupils from Mr. mass will be given next Monday at 4:00 p. m. at the Conservatory.

A cordial invitation ex-i Miss Helen Stamey entertained on tended to all. Saturday night at her home. 1418 West 504V- in. Main St. Pacific 214 1 Second street, in honor of her house guest, Miss Frances Saltmarsh, of Hollywood.

The house was brilliant gotnery home on Walnut street. Jason of Los Angelos and Mrs. D. W. Sturgeon and Tidbali.

The latter is president of the city, Mrs. Ed Johnson and Mrs. Isaac was-an over-Sunday visitor yesterday Mr. and Mrs. B.

Martin, club. of. Illinois, and had resided in in Santa Ana, where he was the guest; Mr aud Mrs. W. A.

Lowman and son, county 15 years, one year of R. A. Wilson. Warren and Miss Hooper left this af- this time being in Santa Ana. Billy Cochems was a passenger this (ernoon tor Balboa Beach, where they morning on a Los Angeles bound car.

wjn remajn one week. Monday, Mrs. E. L. Tripp and her daughter, ARE YOU SATISFIED? with your tea and coffee? If not try ours.

Wc guarantee satisfaction and save you money at the same time. We also have the best Flour in the market. Buy it now. D. L.

ANDERSON Both Phones 12. Best Goods at Right Prices. The Cash Grocer. In Santa Ana, Sept. 14, 1914, Dan Pavicich, aged Miss Ruth Tripp, of Ramona Acres, 74 years.

who have been visiting at the C. D. from Smith aiid Shields home, returned to their home with decorations of red geraniums, and I chapel, Wednesday, Sept. 16, at 10 a. morning.

They were accompan- Notice to the Public I will not he responsible tor any the evening was delightfully spent with an informal program of music and pastimes. Those contributing musical numbers were Misses Terry Thomas and Peggy Smart with ukulele selections, Miss Marie Thomas Dr. Dorothy Harbaugh Physician and Surgeon. Hours: 10 to 12 a. 2 to 4 p.

m. and by appointment. Special attention given to Gynecology and Obstetrics. 610 East Fourth St. Phones: Home 181; Pacific 1310.

Croenwald and husband, D. M. MeCheyue. ned by Mrs. Anna Groenwam aim i fan 1F McCHEYNE t- daughter.

Miss Eva of Beaver City. 1 ANMi, aha uline 3- Oklahoma. Mrs. Tripp and Mrs. are sisters and are the daugh-1 stop That First Fail cougi Deceased has lived in Orange coun ty for 40 years, much of that time be-; Oklahoma ing at Newport Beach.

wald are sisters and are the daugh-i fall or col(, Ht onec 1 ters Of Mr. Shields. may lead to serious lung Calf Dnlionf Unmo HnMnrc 1 Mr. Ben Warner, who spent the i weaken your vitality and de- oGIT-n6ll3ni nOmG UOClOlS at Ocean Park, returned thisjvelop a chronic lung ailment. Get a bot- all tie of Dr.

Pine-Tar-Honey today: morning. t' it is pure and it freely for and Mrs. II. T. Duckett spent 1bat fan cough or cold, if baby or ehit- re it peri Special on Dresses We have the greatest line of Dresses ever brought into Santa Ana.

Stamped Dresses made up to embroider. Baby Dressee embroidered and stamped to embroider. A full sample line to sell at 50c on $1.00, ranging in prices from 40c to $5.00, will sell for 20c to $2.50. Special beginning Monday, September 14. Merigold Bros.

Building Ask for KRYPTOK Lenses The only Invisible Bifocal, near and far vision in one pair. Made by Dr.K. A Loerch Phone 194. 116 E. 4th.

does not Santa Ana Painless Dentists, East Fourth St. Main 253. is what women are called who over this broad land make their an-, Mr nual collections of roots and herbs, Mrs. William dren siek give to them, it will re- and rely upon recipes which our pi-; AtkiB80n' ot Los oneer mothers found dependable for, Migg lsabelle Comns of vma Is antiseptic and different family ailments. In one oi accompanied by Mrs.

Fyfe, spent to- fortifies the system against corns. It these recipes, Lydia E. Angeles Miss Collins surely prevents cold germs from getting Vegetable Compound had its origin iTlngeleT this year. and so successiul has it proved Mrg Baumgartner and Mrs. H.

------------------------------there is hardly a city, town or uamlet spent today in Ixis An- in America where some woman who has been resored to health by its use Miss Mary Russell of Fresno is vis-J itfng Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wilson of East Pine street.

Miss Ethel Phillips returned this i morning to Cumnock school, where, is taking her final work, Miss Phillips was Cumnock field sec- iretary in the school during the pres-' 1 ent vacation season. She has been i spending the week end with her moth-: ier, Mrs. M. E. Phillips, of Tustin.

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Merigold and and Mrs.

W. I. Stewart spent in Los Angeles. The ladies expected to attend a matinee this afternoon. Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Gulley have returned from their honeymoon trip and are at their home, 1045 East Second street. Mr. Bulley is once more at work in the Dragon. Mr.

and Mrs. Gulley are receiving the warm congratulations of their friends. Etta D. Turner. Nell EXCLUSIVE NOVELTIES, COMBS.

PINS, BARRETTES We ordered just one piece of each pattern and iiave secured exclusive rights to handle this goods in Santa Ana. Exquisite designs in polished black with amethyst settings. Imported demi-amber set with topaz, amethyst, emerald, sapphire and rhinestones. Full line of gray goods. Turner Toilet Parlors Sanitary White Shop.

Room 12. Dstalra East Fourth St. Sunset 1081. Santa Ana, What's Wrong? Your Why? Probably yen Stop let your may tx the or keeOitchet. Dr.

J. R. Wilcox 214 West Fourth St. Phone 2 77. rest your eyes Even if you are not.

entirely dependent upon glasses, to see with, you still will find a pair of correctly fitted glasses a great comfort and a decided rest to your tired eyes. Call in aud see us. C. P. Kryhl Son.

Jewelers and State Registered Optometrists. 118 East Fourth St, Santa Ama. A Good Time To Buy a Good Time Piece See our line of fine watches for ladies and gentlemen prices to suit all. We guarantee our watch repairing. CARL G.

STROCK Jewelry and Planoe 112 E. Fourth St. Santa Aaa.

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