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The Daily Phoenix from Columbia, South Carolina • Page 2

The Daily Phoenixi
Columbia, South Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

we Ibo balloting will begin for a Untyed Staten to fil) the place nbw' by Senator Robertson, of ofUco ex? 187L We have had little to nay on thia aubjoat, becaOBe we haye deemed it a.matter which we could not for the honor and good of names' of the mon proposed for tho office of TJui ted tutos Sepat'ofv, We favor tho eledtion oS'none whose names have been tlie claims of thom nil We want po mon to go to the United States Senat? from South Caro lina, excopt ono fitted to represent the tone'-' virtue, the intelligence of South 'Carolina. With ns the question is, does tho candidato oppose Radicalism? Oar candidato must be a bold, out? spoken Carolinian--one opposed to Radi? calism-in-all its forms, and one reso? lutely bebt npou the redemption of South Carolina from the regime that now weighs like an incubus both upon the State and tho country. Give UB a bold, strong, hopeful, resolute, wide-awake South Carolinian, "native, and to tho manner born." We go for such a man. Such a man cannot be elected now. We shall not go out of our way to find the least of all the evils.

THE accounts from France are so confused, that it is impos? sible to arrive at the exaot position of af? fairs. One thing, however, is evident the war is fast reaching a crisis. Paris, without a supply of provisions, cannot hold out many days; therefore, the siege must bo raised by a defeat of tho Ger? mans, Ol'the oity must fall. If tho re? port's of tho auction of tho two French armies he true, as reported, the re-pro? visioning of Paris has become practicable and the war may be prolonged without a repulse of the besiegers. This, however, ie questioned, and we must await further advice's before forming any opinion as to the ol'.

'J Saggeatlona Mn. EDITOR: see that Mr. Levy hos "introduced a bill to authorize the Attorney-General to purchase for the State a manuscript compilation of the penal statutes of the State, prepared by E. B. Seabrook, of the Charleston Bar." Now, notwithstanding tho gorgeous display of carpets, chaudeliers, coruices, curtains and costly ornaments at tho State House, South Carolina is a small and poor State; and we think reasonable eoonomy ought to be practiced; and make tho following suggestions: Tho At? torney-General is by the Constitution relieved of the duties of Solicitor of the Charleston Circuit, and ought to have time to make the compilation himself, and without oharge, The penal statutes are all printed, and we aro told by a lawyer that ull are indexed up to 1839, and that au index of the later statutes can be made on two pages of foolscap.

Again. It haa been the practice of all Solicitors to make for their own uso a compilatiou of all the penal statutes and of the criminal law; and the Attorney General might obtain without charge a copy from his relative, Mr. Chamberlain, tho Solioitor of the Charleston Circuit. Again. Wo have been informed that the Attorney-General has a law partner in Charleston, by the name of Soabrook, nod ho might obtain for tho Attorney General, without charge from his rela? tive, E.

B. Seabrook, a copy of the latter's valuable compilation. Again. There is a Commission, well paid, coustituted for tho very purpose of making suoh compilations, of which Commission Mr. Whipper is Chairman, and as by Seotion 28, Article 2 of tho Constitution, Mr.

Whipper is declared uot "eligible to a seat in thc General As? sembly wh'lst ho holds" this "office of profit" under the State, ho must now have leisure to perform this duty for whioh he is paid, and make this compi? lation, without further chargo to tho State. RETIRED. Mn. EDITOR: I havo beou traveling extensively iu Laurens within a week. Went there the day aftor the Govern? ment troops arrived, and returned to Abboville several days after they left.

I was at Laurens Court House on two successive days, and wing heard that "Tin Pot" was literally riddled by the "rebels," by firing upon tho Jo CJIEWITES contained in it, I examined that fortress closely, aud could not find whore a soli? tary ball hod entered that ic ill-be. relic of Toryism. I understand, Mr. Editor, by quite a number of reliable citizens, that tne officer in command of tho troops referred to had learned, and really ex? pected to find at lea3t 2,000 armed rebels ready to meet him at his coining; but on his arrival, finding nothing but ponce, quiet and good order, ho was perfectly indignant at the slanderous lies that had been perpetrated by Jo Crews and his myrmidons, upon a peaceful, law-abi? ding community. That officer, with his troops, left, and I have no doubt but his visit to Laurens will prove eminently useful to the cause of good order and pure Democracy.


The.H^use carrent I to imest gice tho of publia Referma? to tye Committee 8 I Mr. Corbin presented the of tho Charleston'Board of Trade'against any change in tho nsury laws. Referred to Committee on Finaneo, and ordered to bo printed. Mr. Hayes the account of Messrs.

Bryan McCarter for books. Referred to Committee on Claims. Mr. Nash presented the accounts of R. C.

Shiver, W. B. Stanley and J. H. M.

Ii. Kimmi. Referred to Commit? tee on Contingent Accounts. Mr. Montgomery, from tho Committee on the Judiciary, reported, recommend? ing that certain bills do pass, which were ordored for consideration to-mor? row.

Tho following resolution was adopted: That tho Clerk of tho Senate bo author? ized to draw a pay certificate for $3,000, on account of current printing work. The following, introduced by Mr. McIntyre, was ordered for consideration to-morrow: That tho Committee on Pri? vileges and Elections be and they aro hereby instructed to investigate aud ro port at au early day as to the right of D. T. Corbiu holding a seat in the Sonate of the State of South Carolinn.

Mr. Arnim introduced tho followiug resolution: That a committee of ono from tho Senate, to be appoiuted by the President, and two from tho Houso of Representatives, shall, immediately after the adoption of this resolution, pro? ceed to examine tho books and accounts of tho State Treasurer, and make their report without unnecessary delay. Or? dered for to-morrow. Mr. Montgomery introduced a resolu? tion, that all standing committees of thc Senate shall consist of three, five, seven or more members, 6o as always to secure an odd number, in conformity with thc rule and oustom of nil legislativo bodies which was ordored for consideration to morrow.

On motion of Mr. Wbittemore, it was resolved that whou tho Senate adjourn, it be to meet to-morrow, afc ll a. m. Mr. Swails gave notico of a bill tc amend au "Act concerning the office nm duties of Clerk and other officers." Mr.

Greene gave notice of a bill tc amend an Act to regulate tho fees of Pro bate Judge and other officers. On motion of Mr. Nash, the following was adopted: That the Governor, Comp troller-Gencral, and Attorney-Gcnoru enter into negotiations with the holder of the Fire Loan debt, and ascertain hov it may be adjusted. Mr. Arnim gave notice of a bill for tb creation of au Agricultural Society.

Mr. Nash gave notice of a bill amend "An Act to amend an Act entitle? Act to provide for tho appointmeu of a Laud Commissioner, and to defin his powers and and for othe purposes therein mentioned," approve Muroh 1, 1870. Also, a bill to amen "Au Act to nitor and amend the charte aud extend tho limits of the city of Cc lumbia." approved on the 2Gth day February, 1870. Mr. Elayne gave notice of a bill to fi a suitable salary for tho Lieutenant-Gc vernor.

Mr. Whitteinoro introduced a bill incorporate the Pleasant Grove Bapt? Church. Mr. Greene introduced a bill to mak appropriations for the payment of th per diem and mileage of tho mcmbct of the General Assembly, and tho sah ries of thc subordinate officers, and othc expenses incidental thereto; which rc ceived its first reading, and was ordere for a second reading and considerate to-morrow, aud to be printed. A resolution to request for informr tion as to tho State penitentiary, adopted.

A resolution to appoint a joint cou mittcc lo wait on the Governor for cot: ferencc with him on measures of legi; lation, was laid on tho table. A resolution requesting bonds of cb pnrtments to transmit cojnes of thei reports wns adopted. A bill to authorize County Commit siouers to pay township department! was referred to tho Committee on tb udiciary. A bill to amend "An Act to establis a system of freo schools, was referred tho Committee on Education. A joint resolution authorizing th State Treasurer to purchase a safe fe the Attornoy-Gonoral's office, wnsnmem ed by substituting Attorney-General fe State Treasurer, and ordered to be oi grossed for a third reading.

A preamble and resolution on th death of Hon? Henry Buck, were rea and adopted. Senate adjourned at 1 p. m. nOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tho Houso met nt 12 m.

During tho reading of tho journa Mr. Byns seeing in the journal that a ri ferenco of cortuiu papers had been mr.c to Committee on Contingent Account made tho point of order, that tho pointmcnt of such a committee was ii formal. Tho Speaker sustained tl point of order, aud stated that ho woul therefore re organizo tho Committee Claims. Mr. Whipper, from tho Judicial Committee, reported ou joint resol tion, that both Houses meet in juiut coi ventiou, on December 3d, to olcot Associato Justico of tho Supremo Com and a Ji lgo of First Circuit; and recor ja that December 10th bo subs! tuted for December 3d.

Tho reBolutic contained in tho report was adopte Also, reported favorably on bill to ve tho title of tho State iu a lot of land Orangeburg, tn the purchaseT ata sa by order of the Court of Probate Charleston County. Ordored to lie ov for a second reading. Mr. Dennis introduced a joint resol tion, directing the State Auditor ai County Commissioners to levy col' -waa1 and referred loathe Md Means. ifavS "An: Act to tain a system of free schools." i On motion, It was resolved, that whon this House adjourn, it bo to meet to? morrow, at ll o'clock.

Mr. Hurley introduced a bill to incor? porate the Charleston Water Company. Bead the first time ami referred to the Committee on Incorporations. Mr. Hedges introduced a bill to incor? porate the town of Wrightsvillo.

Head the'first time and referred to the Com? mittee on Incorporation.1;. Mr. Levy introduced a hill to repeal so much of tho Act of 1830 as prohibits Clerks of Courts from practicing in tho Courts of tho State. Read the first time and referred to the Committee on the udiciary. Mr.

Bryan gave notice of a bill to charter Strawberry Ferry, across the Western branch of Cooper River. Mr. Smith gave notice of a bill to vido for the caro of tho poor. Mr. Maddocks gave notice of a bill for tho enforcement of tho fouce laws.

Mr. Warley introduced a bill to incor? porate the town of Manning. Read the first time and referred to the Committee on Mr. Leo gave notice of a bill to amend "An Act to regulate thc pay of certain officers, and for other purposes." Mr. L.

Cain introduced a bill to au? thorize Clerks of Courts to take testi? mony in certain cases. Read the first timo and referred to tho Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Smart introduced tho following joint resolution, which was adopted: That tho Attorney-Generul be author? ized to call to his assistance two Solicit? ors in the preparation of documents for I tho present session of tho General As sembly. Also, gavo notice of a bill to re? build tho bridge over the Congareo River, opposite tho city of Columbia.

Also, introduced a joint resolution to provide for the adjustmeut of the Fire Louu debt. Read the first time and referred to tho Committee on Ways aud Means. Mr. Sellers presented tho acconnt of J. T.

Dubois, jailor of Marion County. Referred to the Committeo on Claims. Mr. Henderson gave notice of a bill to amend "An Act providing for tho next general election aud tho conduct of thc same." On motion of Mr. Doyle, tho following resolution was adopted, That tho Clerk of this House be instructed to furnish tho Senate with copies of the journal of this House daily.

Mr. Jamison gave notice of a bill to authorizo tho County Commissioner of Ornngeburg to build a public road from Butler's Mill to ulonck's Corner Road. Mr. Simons gave uotice of a bill to amend "An Act to amend the charter aud oxtend tho limits of tho city of Columbia," approved February 2G, 1870. Mr.

Duncan gave notieo of a bill to renew and amend tho charter of the towu of Spartanburg. Mr. Mobley gave notice of a bill to muster the militia into activo service, in. place of tho constabulary. Also, a bill to repeal "An Act to establish a State police," approved August 22, 18G8.

Also, introduced a bill to prevent the breaking of tho peace and rest of the Sabbath, by tho firing of guns. Read thc first timo and referred to the Ju? diciary Committeo. On motion of Mr. Farr, it was resolved that thu mileage and per diem to which tho Hon. Wade Perrin would have been entitled, had he taken his seat, be paid to his widow.

Ou motion of Mr. Frost, it was re? solved, that a Standing Committee of Seven ou Public Lands be appointed. Mr. Lee presented tho petitions of J. S.

Simmons, J. S. Johnson and James Holmes, praying for payment of balance duo them as teachers of public schools in Edgefield County. Referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr.

Whipper introduced a joint reso? lution, to authorize the State Librarian to purchase certain State reports. Read tho first time and referred to the Judi? ciary Committee. Also, the following, which was laid on tho table, that rule 19th of tho House, relative to the ap? pointment of standing committees, bo hereafter enforced. Mr. Qaither gave notice of a bill to prevent and punish vagrancy.

Mr. Hurley presented tho petition of tho Board of Trade of Charleston, against tho passago of au Act to repeal au "Act to repeal the usury laws of this State." approved December 18, 18G6. Roferred to the Committee on Ways and Means. Also, gave notice of a bill to charter tho Uuited States Manufacturing Company of Columbia; also, a bill to charter tho American Cotton and Wool Company of South Carolina; also, a bill to charter the South Carolina Laud and Improvement Company; also, a bill to authorizo tho city of Charleston to issue policies of insurance. Mr.

Bowley introduced a joint resolu? tion to authorizo tho Legislativo Libra? rian to causo to ho prepared an index to volume 11th of tho statutes of the State. Read tho first time and referred to the Committeo ou tho Legislative Library. At 1 o'clock, the House proceeded to tho consideration of tho special order a concurrent resolution to authorize tho Clerks of tho House aud Senate to em? ploy Engrossing Clerks, which was laid on tho table. Mr. Mobley introduced tho following resolution, which was laid on tho table, that all standing committees be empow? ered to employ whose com? pensation shall bo the samo as Engrossing Clerks.

Mr. Hurley introduced the following resolution, which was postponed until Thursday, at 1 P. that a standing committee of seven on contingent ac? counts be appointed. Tho Speaker laid boforo tho Houoo Ea supplementary ol the ditor, iu reference to the salaries aunty. wldoh waaro 3 on! Ways ouse a Mourned at 2 Pi M.

I -rf -m- -iV- MB. ED rr OK: Sunday afternoon 'wno an interesting occasion to the officers, teachers and children of tho largo and growing Sabbath School of Marion Street Ohurch, of this city. Tho school had as? sembled, until there was not a vacant seat, to hear the farewell remarks of their faithful pastor. Tho interest of this touching and long-to-bo-romembor ed occasion was increased by tho sub? stantial exhibition of affection and es? teem, in presentation of apiece of silver, upou which waa engraved "To our be? loved Pastor, William W. Mood, from Marion Street Sabbath School." COLUMBIA, December 4, 1870.

HOMICIDE OF COLONEL following despatch from Dawson, giving tho result of the trial of John Kelly for tho murder of Colouel Ames, will surprise tho public; but wc know nothing of the evidence befoiv the jury: DAWSON, December verdict of tho jury, in the 3nse of tho State against John Kelly, for tho murder of Colouel C. T. Ames, proprietor of the New Orleans Circus, iu November last, was "Not guilty." WHY THE TROOPS WEBE SENT TO NEW is now given as a reason why the troops were sent to New York to "insure a quiet election," that, ubout thc 20th of October, Assistant Treasurer Hillhonse, of New York, wrote from New York, through Secretary Bedwell, that he lind information through the detectives that there was great proba? bility that a riot would occur on election day, iu which case tho sub-treasury wonld be entirely nt tho mercy of the mob, and that Secretary Boutwell was no impressed with tho information that he brought it bofore the Cabinet, with the result so well known. It is supposed that the same motives which influenced tho administration in sending troops to Now York prevailod also io the case of the Eastern Shore of Maryland and other Sun. A frightful accident occurred at Si neath's, on the South Carolina Railroad, on Friday last, by tho giving way of tho scaffold erected over a well just dug on tho aide of the track.

Six of tho work? ingmen woro precipitated into tho well, which luckily had but a few feet of wal er in it. Thomas Loftus, one of the hunda, waa plunged in tho mud and had his leg broken above the knee. Tho men oo the outside immediately lowered a ladder, and by that means were enabled to get those who bad fallen in, up. .1 train passed at tho timo of thc breaking of the scaflbld, aud it may have caused tho accident by shaking thc superstruc? ture, causing it to give away. Courier.

SOMETHING will scarcely be believed that in this year of our Lord 1870, men aro actually caught at night, like so many cattlo, perhaps drugged, and then carried on ship-board and im? pressed iuto service. Yet, it is oven so. Several cases have already been reported to tho Courts, and it is understood that others havo occurred. At the present time, mystery hangs about tho fate of ono individual, who, it is said, suddenly disappeared ou Saturday night from At? lantic wharf, and whose whereabouts havo uot been discoverod. Clots of blood and a pistol left behind, would seem to indicate a struggle for life, aud that either murder or captivity has been tho result.

Xeics. Burd, editor of a uowspoper published iu Atlanta, called tho IVue Georgian, heretofore ostensibly devoted to tho support of Grant'a administration, comes out this morning declaring tho mission of tho Republican party ended; renouncing Grant and Republicanism; hoisting at tho head of its columns the name of John T. nofftnan for President, and Genoral Johu B. Gordon for Governor, in 1872; and supporting the Democratic nominees for Congress in his district. This action has caused a considerable stir in the ranks of tho Republican party.

PORT BOYAL learn that the work upon this now enterprise is steadily progressing. Twenty-odd miles of track aro already in running order, and the determination is to complete tho remaining portion at the earliest day possible. Business men in Beaufort, it is said, haye made their arrangements to establish brunch houses in the new city of Port Royal, as soon aa railroad con? nection with it is established, and prepa? rations aro in course for building ou a largo sculo. Tho mysteriour coffin which was sent to Germany somo timo since, and which gave rise to tho supposition that it con? tained tho remains of General Moltko, in the mind of somo imaginativo French? man, turns ont to bo that of tho Suxon General Von Gersdorf, who waa buried recoutly in Dresden with great honors. PARDONED BY THE President to-day pardoned ex-Speaker Calicott, of tho New York State Legisla? ture, who'was, two years ago, sentoncod to two years' imprisonment and 810,000 fine for defrauding tho revenue.

The sentonce covered imprisonment till tho fine waa io Baltimore Sun. For an irritated Throat, Cough or Cold, "Broion's Bronchial Troches" aro offered with tho fullest conthlenco in their efficacy. They have boon thoroughly teated, and maintain the good reputation they have justly acquir? ed. Aa thero aro imitations, be sure to obtain the genuine. 0 1 SEAT xx UKITKD STATES i SENATE AT Will be Hold at auction, this 12 o'clock, at the State Honse, nofc disposed of.

before that timo to a private Gor.t for six years in the United States Senate. LAOTIENS next, at 12 tbe Lanrens Railroad will be sold. Partios desiring to get in? formation upon tho subject, may apply to J. M. Baxter, at tho Columbia Hotel, in this city.

Pi KEN ix IAN prico of single copies of Ute PHOENIX is five cents. Ii carriers cbarge moro it is simply a swin- I dlo. They can bo obtained at that price at the office. Wo return our sincere thanks to the Fireman's Brass Band for a delightful serenade, last night. Tho members-the majority of them young men, citizens of Columbia-aro entitled to great credit for tho proficiency they havo attained.

The music they produce is particularly pleasant and soul-stirring. The attention of tho County officers, elected October 10th, is called to tho fact, that the time allowed them to qualify, will expire thirty days from November 8, tbo dato of the declaration of election. Our wide-awake fellow-townsman, Mr. D. Goodman, ever alert to the wants of his many patrons, has again received nt his bazaar, on Main street, next to the Pollock House, a largo supply of those handsome and well-fittiug over sacks, capes aud pea jackets.

Thoso iu waut of a good holiday suit of of supe? rior style and moko, aro advised to give him a cull. To-day, at 12 o'clock, tho balloting for United States Senator commences. A lively timo is anticipated. Large sums of money, it is currently reported, have been distributed among tho voters. Tho "silver moon" now "lights tbe traveler on his way." There aro still a few chances left in the monster jewelry raille at Mr.

Diercks'. Stop up and try your luck. Sc Lowrance have just received another lot of fresh mountain butter ant largo mellow apples. If you want somo thing good in tho butter and applo linc givo them a call. During the past few days wo have beer blessed with most delightful weather clear and cool.

Tho following gentlemen wore arrested in Newberry on Saturday, and broughi to Columbia at 1 o'clock that night John Montgomery, J. J. Houseal, Wm Wright, James Packer, J. G. McFall and H.

P. Tarrant. They were arrestee by the Uuited States authorities, uude tbo charge of intimidating voters at tin election on tho 19th October. Yesterday morning they were carried before Uuitet States Commissioner Boozor, aud upoi petition of Y. J.

Pope, were ro leased ou bail. It is said over 500 sol divrd went on tho expedition. Yesterday afternoon Captain Gus Dickert and Mr. Thos. Pope, of Now berry, were brought to Columbia ant lodged in jail.

They are also with intimidating voters. Vive le buyo net. OUR BOOK Bryan McCarter have furnished us with copie of Nod. 318 aud 319 of "Libra ry of Select is tin Heroiuo?" aud tho "Vivian Romance. The name of tho author of tho first worl is not stated, while tho socond is by Mor tinier Collins.

These works belong ti tho prevailing ordor of English romauces but aro really worthy of perusal. Tb prico of each volume is fifty cents. enough, in all conscience. Messrs. B.

M. have a large stock of readablo work to select from, aud any tasto can bi suited. SORIUNER FOR Scribner, of New York, issue a secom number similar iu goneral character ti thc first. Its leading article, by E. Steins, is entitlod tho "Street Vendor; of Now York," which aro here photo graphed, aro tho curb-slono dentist, bal loon man.

the chostnut vender, Howe girl, bliud tho Nassau stree razor mau. A good articlo on tho "Hoo sac Tuuuel" in North Adams, Mass, relates tho history of that gigautic on ginecring oxporimont, and tho method employed in its completion. Mr. J. Thompson contributes an article of area interest ou momornblo escapes iron prison, with powerful illustrations.

Bo sides tho continuation of the stone commenced in tho last number, ane other articles, two now departments tho old Cabinet-aud ouo of a humoroui charactea, called Etching, have beei added. Tho latter is illustrated will several very good comic sketches. Tin publishers announce that they have consolidated with tho Riverside, popular young folks' periodical, ant that they will issue a grand holiday num ber of the magazine. hy Ho roner body tho jory. tb nt bo oona fco hin: death from vial of whioh Tho unfortunate man bad boen ou a spree, and it is thought ho was auder tho effects of liquor when ho took tho po Mr.

Dent was generally regarded ns a qniet, industri? ous man. SUPREME COUTIT-December ward vs, Hasell. Mr. Young waa beard in reply. Jonas byrd el al.

vs. Thomas B. Small. Mr. Seabrook for appellants; Mr.

Corbin for respondent; Mr. Seabrook in reply. Joseph B. Seabrook el al. ads.

Joseph H. Mellichamp, administrator. Mr. Whaley for appellants; Mr. Pope fonre spondent; Mr.

VVLaley in reply. John H. Smith and Noah Gibson vs. S. Garlington Pato and John W.

Stubbs. Remanded to the Circuit Court, with in? structions. In the following cases opinions have been tiled: In re, Sarnh Kennedy. Decree af? firmed. Willard, A.

J. Separate opin? ion by Moses, C. J. Adams rs. Smith.

Order reversed. Willard, A. J. Moses, C. dissented.

rs. llouzo. Order reversed. Willard, A. J.

Shclor vs. Mason. Decree affirmed. Willard, A. J.

Muller vs. Earbeart. Order reversed. Willard, A. J.

Moses, C. dissented. I Adams vs. Lido. Order reversed- Wil? lard, A.

J. Moses, C. dissented, These cases sustain the constitutional? ity of thu homestead provision as to an? tecedent debts and judgments. Chief Justico Moses coucurred as tb dobta-r dissentcd as to judgments. tih At 2 p.

m. adjourned uutil Tuesday, (if ut 10 a. m. UNITED STATES CIUCUTT COURT, MON? DAY, Docomber 5, Court was opened at 10 o'clock George S. Bryan, District Jndge, The grand, petit and pleas jurors an? swered to their names as on previous days.

Tho United States vs. J. Bethune August, 1867, $2,288.92. F. W.

McMaster, Counsellor for John Meighan and John Caldwell, Executors of Davis, subrogated to the rightB of tho Plaintiff. Ordered that E. E. Johnson, United States Marshal, do show cause, on Monday next, 13th instant; at 10 o'clock n. why ho should not be at? tached, for having failed to make and pay over tho money in the above case.

Tho United States vs. Augustus Hen? derson-Illegal voting. Banskett for Defendant. Upon reading affidavit ns to materiality of Defendant's. witnesses, ordered that a bench warrant issue to bring Bonjamiu Taylor and Frank Pat? terson beforo tho Conrt.

Tho United States vs. Gilbert Glover and Ned Crofton-Illegal voting. Tho grand jury having returned no bills in these cases, ordered that the Defendants1 be discharged from fnreher IN THE DISTRICT re Char lotto E. Tillman, of Lancaster-Invo? luntary Baukrntot-Adjudged a Bank? rupt. W.

L. DePass, pro. creditors. Late Marshal Epping, as messenger, having failed to execute tho warrant in tho above case, Seo. Ordered that Mar? shal Johnson do serve printed copies on all tho creditors, whose names are Bet forth in said warrant, within ten days, and hat a meeting of creditors be held at No.

72 Broad street, Charleston, be? fore J. C. Carpenter, Register in Bank? ruptcy, ou tho 5th of January next, at 10 o'clock, to provo their debts and choose assignees. The United vs. Jaoob Addison, Gilbert Glover, Thomas Johnson, Pick ens Tillman and Matthow Dickson.

Commitments at Edgefield jail by Com? missioner Cannon for offences against tho United States, Seo. On motion of District Attorney, ordered that bench warrants issuo to bring up said prisoners beforo this Court. Tho United States vs. Jacob Addison, M. Dickson, Pickeufl Tillman.

In the above oases bills" having been ren? dered by tho grand jury and Defendants brought over. On motion of tho Dis? trict Attorney, ordered that said Defend? ants bo released from further confine? ment, and that they bo permitted to go without dolay. HOTEL AnnrvAXiS, December 5. Nickerson House--P. H.

Woodward, E. S. J. Hayes, Lexington; Joseph A. Mabry, Tennessee; J.

L. Clark, Md. J. Webb, N. Miss Miss Jones, Ala.

C. E. Spencer, Yorkvillo; W. H. Wallace and daughter; Miss E.

Dawkins; Miss Addy Stutmnn; John J. Steers, Walhalla; Wm. H. Trescott, Greenville; J. P.

Kinard, T. S. Moor rnnu, Newberry; W. B. Williams, York ville; Z.

li. C. Willis, A. Buck, Balti? more; Wm. M.

Fleming and wife, B. Townsend, John D. Hall, H. J. Simp? son, S.

J. Thurman, Union; Dr. McAboy, J. M. Orentzor and servant, Philadelphia; Wm.

Perry, Pendleton. Columbia Hotel-Qt. W. Barnum, city; Y. J.

Pope, No wherry; J. B. Kershaw, Camdon; T. A. Youug, A.

Lorsch, Nor? folk; Levi Stein, Baltimore; H. Kraft, Now York; J. S. Shoolbred and wife, Gadsden; W. J.

Crosswell, S. John W. Clarke, Winusboro; Robort Pfeiffor, New York; W. L. Hardin, Baltimore; J.

M. Baxter, Nowberry; Wm. S. Byles, W. D.

Whitemarsh, Wm. H. Beckman, New York; N. F. Bynum, Kingvillo.

LIST OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Meeting Palmetto Fire Company. Jaoob Levin-Auction. Meeting Trae Brotherhood Lodge. J.

Moighan-Strayed or Stolen. John Gibson's Son J. S- Shoolbred-Found. D. B.

Miller-Coart of Common Pleas..

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