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Edgefield Advertiser from Edgefield, South Carolina • Page 1

Edgefield, South Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

pu A- K. DtB'ksCA 4 Si VOULAIS nw DOLL vus Min if not within sis ino'iilis- DALLAnu paM bo'foif tho expiration c-l'-t-ho Ob'1 AH will he irsertej at Tw? DOLLAR per Stinnrs CASU liner or loi!" (nc and Osa DOLLAR for eaoh cubsequqnt i a symon. nncing a Candid i'-: (net in.ii.rtod until paid for.) Teri Dollars. Ail eiflr-. r.f a pcrscna" Ohitu.iry iles.dutiou* '-r of arv Society, Association or Corporation, will 1)0 chr.rgcd as Our Piivnteers Doing a Smashing ness I Two vears have now MTICC Semnics particular ciuise in tba Sum tpn since which time about one hundred and fifty of oar vessels-valued with their car.

at ten million dollars-have b-ten captured bj vessels urdor 'he slid nothing effectual has been done by onr immerse ivy to putt slopto'heir whole Pale acta of rapine, plunder piracy. From tho of the iitt'e Jv Davis they liaye gone on increasing in and power' until, by tbejr numerous heavily armed steamers, the Confederate navy has been the terror of. our entire mercantile Their vessels arc found in every part lac they even captare and born vessels within sight of our commercial mart-, a still escape it may be called) from vessel? which never scent tip pursue, or at least find them. Still nothing is done. Tue eSect of this'apathy or neglect on the p-rt- the Niivy mu bf fully realized by a glance at the character situ i'V ot'lhi- vessels thtl now the carrying trude at.

this port while -ourown ar? rotting at cur wharves. Oar merchants, fully realizing that the fhg under which their vessels nave so and proudly can no longer afford them protection in the pursuit ol' legitionite trade, are compalled let them ho idle or resort to the disgracoiui tice of putting idem under the (big ol a foreign power. Tris practice ts beea'carried on loan Jilmost-incredibie extent since i'. Las bec apparent that they have nothing lo h-pc for or expect at the bands of the Department at Washington. Si ice the breaking ont.

of the three hundred and eighty-five vessels, with an tonnage of more than hundred and sixty sis. thousand tons, Lave been transferret! to at this port alone most cf sailing uniter of Great our most promiiiei.t commercial rival, and rlfv'of Som h. At ether port.s the prevailed, and it would be fair to tile of American tonnage under it, during the past wo years, at three bund! ed thousand tons. This loss to us, as a matt; of course, involves a consetpient iuct of the tonnage and power of our rivals. to show the effect ot? oar erny mg tinje, glance at the commerce of New York darius the fit-t si.r moni hs of thu year compared wita a period in the Daring the fortier period tho oi vessels lileared at Qua port lor rvefa ninetyfivVof weitu hui.dte'l ana thirty three were American an foreign-a difference of per cent, in favor of American ttarii'g ibo samo period Of the pre-cut titi re have be'iirtwsnty ono hundred and nine.

ty-st-v-m which fourteen i.undr?i I and fc'fiv were fo'reiirn ai.vl onlv seven hundred ace furty-aeyeu American abdwing an increase in tho number of foreign vessels and a difference in their lavor, as compared with tue named period, of about two hundred per cent. It is difficult to imagine where this practicewill "lead to if'spmt' protection bo not afforded our merchants and ship-owners the putsuit of their trade. DbXJETOR CHAHLRSTON AllSEXAL.TTearo much gratified-to learn that tho employees pf establishment have organized themselves into uiiiitary companies for city defence. Three hundred and thirty-three men, from li! to 09, have formf-d five strong companies, averaging upwards of sixty each; elected their oSicers and tendered their to Giriieral Beauregard, whenever be shxil think tliKV cao do more good elsewhere than in their workshops Co. A-Thomas Bi Ford, Captaiu 70 Tweedy, Oaptafa 7f! men.

Co. C-J. Peterson. Cap'aiu C6 D-lt. James, Captain Co.

II. Andrews, Captain CS men. learn ibat not more t'tian six or seven of ail the employees refused to join any company and Major Trezevant, commandant of tim Arsenal, quickly sent ILese, witt; their foreign protection to Major Perryman, our new Bundling Oliicor, who as quickly forwarded them to Morris Island, where is going oe, and foreign papers" are not Mercury. PaoMOTEn-Major Generat II. Hill has been promoted to the rank of L'entenantGecersl, and assigned to duty in the army pf the WeM, under General Joseph E.

Johnston. Lieutenant General Hill passed through Petersburg on Sunday morning last, en-runic for his now field of Lieutenant-General Pemberton having fallen into the hands of the enemy upon the surrender of Yickshurg, it is supposed that General has been commissioned a Lieutenant General to supply the vacancy-at least, temporarily.Petersburg Expresa. Terrible JCiots nt the North. July dates of the 15th have received. of the 1-lth, gives the particulars of a great riot, under a displayed caption, occupying nearly a column The Draft Tremendous Excrement in City.

Popular Opposition to thc Enforcement of thc Conscription. Enrolling Offices ia 8th and Districts Demolished. Two Whole of IloUKfS on I'd Avenue and Broadway Burned. Military ordered out. Citizens and Irlled.

Arrival of Police on the Ground. Soother Attack on" the Crowd. The P.dice Dispersed. Som? Killed'and ally Beaten. Superintendent Kennedy Severely Wounded.

An Armory in Second Avenue Destroyed. Raid on the Negroes. Colored Orphan ylum Laid in Ashes. Detraction of Buirs Head Hotel. Two Mansions in Lexington Avenue Sacked.

Tne Aftacked. Repulse of the Acsailants by the Police. A A'egro Danged, Jcc, frv Ac. TtiO nerahVs summary says that at on9 time a of at from twentv to fifty thousand, assembled, at one spot, and affairs a serious look. Several buildings destroyed and many lives lost Several soldiers, police and citizens were wounded.

Many private Jiousns. in not a few iustanccs, were broken open and bc despoiled. The Times, of the 1.3th, gives an account cn of the progress of the riot ou the preceding tuj Il says lhere is no question that there tio; vra3 nnmrfr encaged than I Monday; and tho ppoctatore wore increased A-u taca) ihouaaods. Soveriil euconiiU.rd i courted hoi inoK p-lic- siiu-a of il Wi ra wiw killel. C.

l. ihe 1 Nev York, who j. comma: Jed porlicaof the forres, wes bsa- dtstiti by thc crowd p.M? Saug. L'jie i barricaded, buildings burned Mi.ics suchod and in den d. All the large fg ud end fciwry brunch su-pended; Seymour arrived from Albany and thc crowd from the the lie that he had sent r.o wat uington ask the to the draft in tb: lbsMiuentlv issued a proclamationdeclaring the city and county in a stale insurrcctiou.

July riot broken, out llf.ry?;riL (Troops huco been sent to the arsenal. exe? temen inwhis city. JAMES T. BACON, EDITOR. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 18G3; Latest News.

As '70 go to press o-ir Courier arrives frota Augusto with tho latest rews. See our Nows Colnmn. Dispatch to are touch indebted to Mrs. BO.VUAM for ibo following to Gr.v. BONHAM.

Gov. DOMn.VM arrived at bis lrotuo on Saturday and returned to Charleston ou Monday morning: july 19. To fr'-r. Jltmhnm Bombardment of Wagner incessant during yesterday-Iront-idos, tivr Monitors and olhor vessols four fcitlod and fourteen wona'ded da-nage to Port night F-iv't wis in enemy repulsad with rrcnt vi gb ter. Casualties on our onrvitmdrod sud Lieut.

J'hn C. killed; enemy's loss estimated from fifteen hundred tr. twa thmisand. A. C.

fl -VRLINGTON, Adjut-itt und Inspector Genoral. Approved Titos. Via no We aro requested to state that Mr. DSKCR, of Columbia, S. bc in Igeftel.i during the prssont week for tho purpose tuning pintos.

DUNOK thoroughly this business, nod cannot fail tn give the satisfaction. Our Literary Department. With much regret, we announce to our readers chit, on account of thc present very limited sire of thc and the great quantity of Advert? ling, our Literary Department," so gracefully and intellectually conducted by CLARA V. LUruAN, will ho obliged to discontinued for a few weeks. Wo hopo to mako arr.ngt-ments shortly, which will remove this so-rauch-to-beregrotlcd necessity.

iff anim a Beets. WK aro indebted to the Rev. Mr. SMITH for. three ar four remarkably large bcots.

Ho wants to 'know if wo have seen finer thi? season1 Of course not-neithor'iu thi' or any past season they are quite ns largo, and very much tho samo shape, as tho Buoys iii Charle-iion harbor. Death of Xiient. Col. Simkina. Lient.

Col. JOHN- C. SIMKINS of tho 1st Regt. Regulars, waa killed at Battery Wagner on Hw night of the Son of and adopted' ion of Ab'oevillo, these two Districts will mingle freely his grave, Ho was a tvDoj a patriot of tho very man of tuc very highest mottle, purest typej a soldier of tho Edgefield will write his uame ia blazing upon her Roll of Honor. Hnsorxcctiou In New Yorfc.

Elsewhere in our issue of to-day, wiil be found an account of a grand und fearful riot in Now York. Tho mob, in their resistance to Abraham Lincoln's Conscription carried all before them; Uko the beasts iu Revelation, they broke, tore in peicui, and stamped thc residue with their feet." This is tho most gratifying and promising news we haro had for a long time. Wo may look for a speedy re-enactmcut of the scene in some other part of Lincolnddtn. That may hurry on their confusion is our prayer. Government und Repudiation.

bclievo ttio world sven so religious nn army as that of ih? Confederate States the days of Charles tba X11, who always had prayers road at the head of his army night lind morning. Wo do not except the Puritan Army of Oliver Cromwell, for we bavo long thought, as old Noll himself, upon a memorable said to Col. Harrison, thi" were often upon their knees socking not God but a cork-screw." hold too the high opinion of tho civil' department of the Confederate Government. Wo havo believed tbut they wero a just, upright, God-fearing sc: of men wu still think so, and will continuo to think so untilMbij opinion is torn from us by an open act of dereliction from the pnth of honor on the part of those whom we have trusted. But what mean these vil reports that are com-ig up to us.

from Charleston and now from Hickjiond, of au intention on the part of Govornjieut to repudiate the publie debt This repudiaion, siys tho correspondent of tho Mf.rca.ry, hos, is said, the sanctiou of the lion. lt. M. T. lljinor.

We do not believe this of Mr. Hunter, and TC aro sure that the Secretary of tho Treasury, Mr. Mr in ui i nt ur, will never lend his intluence Jo a nefarious schciuo. We have lbs utmost onfidenee ia Mr. Mein in ger ns a man of honor md integrity, and wo ara sure he will nuver saneion a fdieuie of downright fraud.

Wc arc pained however, and alarmed, wc eoness, that such can be brought an.i-disussed publicly in our news papers. Tho mero ireulotion of suth rumors by tho Press is calcuated to do serious injury to tho currency of tho Public credit, like female virtue, must ot only be pure, but ahovo suspicion. We know hat theso reports aro already bHgetting distrust nd suspicion in tho public mind, and working ujury ti tho finnnciai internst of the county. Vc think that thc interestof thc country omands of tho in authority at once to set at Ihe public mind on this subject Wc arc disposed lo ducmsit this report not only -om tho known integrity of our public servants, nt because thc thing is so manifestly impolitic, requires no profound skill iu finance to judge a matter of this sort; it. reiolves- itself into a iosiicu of fact-and about this we have bet'er jportnnities of judging than the most skilltuT hummed iu his in Iiichtound.

The simply this-will the reduction o'f tho on the 8 and 7 per cont bonds duetroy confidence of the people in the currency of country We ansWor without heuinikin that Ji will. And no pecuniary gain eau at ell tom- 0 nsiite for such an injury. This would surely the most short sighted of all measures. If tho ivomuiont should ever resalvo to destroy it's I und sacrifice public we weald rgost that il secure some, udequato compensa, a for euch a jjacrifice. Tho defrauding its honj out of -two por cent inteyAt i luaUy destroy the credit of tlo ns though ii should at orce repudiate.

au-L intercut. will cb ont 1 have every-reason to he wc ouf of a pound. The nn-1 only wants thc io foe grunter, retire, our corr.p it had as' well sellars fcharacter for o.gco.'l rum at well bo bung for a lamb." Indeed should we ever see tbo Bad day whoa our Government repudiates the fytefc-t on ii? bonds, we shn.ll feel ossuro.l thr.t noxt will be a repudia doh'of tho If this work of should our ad vico to our every wpiofd to" seli out theso Govisriitnent fop anything. will it bat chips andarte tones-- Comba.

'Onr skillful ajd industrious Mr. C. L. is making splendid Iqjtklng curry Wo aro not a^?..braneh of art, and therefore cannot distmuwe. of it ni tech nitral terms; a friend however, curry comb proclivities, tells us either for hair of horses or wool of If this issue of the Aovrrtlntr should into the hunds cf tba Yanks, they would straightway go and publifh that we curry our wc do our horses.

Hut that's neither herd" nor there givo friend Rtfo call. I il to Work on thc Fortifications at Charleston. Wc publish in another eohuiin tbejatll of Gov. OM AM for Three Thousand would impress upon our people tho DebosaUr of 'attending to this matter at once. of it is sufficiently palpable to every- minljV.aodsome small sacrifices most'ba made yn order to avoid ones being wade foins without any will of oars in'tho natter.

Sane farmers havo objected te sending hands they need them for rooking their crops. KO wmld advise such riot to be. over careful abonlclor.i-.g out of their Corn juBtnow, fot'ofreuinstances might occur wbich might result in tyoxr having no corn to clean grasB out of men cf EdgpScld strain a point or twe. man who is able, loud at least one When there is a will there, is the glorious objects for whick our people aTaealled oe to risk und to sutler so much sball be who will not wish to be amattg those who centributod to independence? The min who is not a friend to tho oause cow, when the needs his couutenant 3 arr', may be sure that Triton succors ia attained, an friends abundant, ho will sham rino of the -honors of.success. Tltc'lLatlies of At a Concert and tty the-Ladies of the Ridgo Bolbel Church the present month, tbe nett proceeds' tamouotod tn $130.

Ata Concert, Supper -flair given by. the same lndins at tho residenco ELIJAH WATSON, on the Sth, the nett proncaerts amounted to $230, These handsome sums bare bcon sent by theso energetic and ladies, to the noble Wsysidc Hospital at Columbia-and other beneficent establishments or societies the relief of Casualties of Com, K. 7th Reft. R. C.

V. MR. You will please publish tho jello wi ns: list of Casualties.of -Reg. S. C.

in battle. July 2nd, 1 Killed-Private M. B. Gentry. Wounded-Sergt.

L. M. wound in arm. Corp. W.

L. Talberfynrm, slight Private Henderson, below knee; John H. Rampy, flesh wound, arin; W. J. Holmes, thigh, severe Sorgt W.

N. Martin, shoulder, very slight, not diiabled and niy" aro: and leg, not disabled. M. BERRY, 1st. Lt.

Com'iJ" 7th Reg. Casualties in Edgeficld Companies o. thc 14th and 7th Reg. S. C.

V. Wo mako the following extract from a. letter received on Mondiy by Mrs. SARAH COVAR, from.her husband Lieut. E.

H. COVAR, of Co. 7tU Ree S. C. Y.

Of course this information is entirely reliable. "I will hen give tho casualties in tho l-l th Ragt as ns I know. N. L. Bartley wai one arhg fell to rise no more.

Sergt Charles L. Durisoe was wounded through thc right knee, and I saw his leg cut otT-about four inches above tbe leuce. I san Corp'l -Ta. CM Younghloo.i'* right arra cut efl'just below the elbow. Lient Harvey Crooker was wouuded in the left breast, and died ou the morning of 3rd.

Sergt. Beaufort was also severely wounded, and died tho saino day. James Colgon was wounded in tbe tbigb, but not dangerously. John Cclgan in the band. Beaufort Christian wounded in the arm, not dangerously.

Preston slightly wounded in tba hip. Preston Prater wounded in thigh. Lieut. Wm. Brimson wounded in both Joseph Brunion wounded in thigh slightly.

Milledge Bartley was sovcroiy wounded through tho mouth und neck. I havc'ut timt) to give all tho names, in fast I do not know all thc casualties. But you may rest assured the loss of the Uti was very heavy. This Regiment is a portion of Ooo. A.

P. Hill's Corps. On the 2d Gen. Longstreet, in whose oorps ia the 7th Regiment, moved to tho front, and early that moruing became engaged. The battle ragod with fury nil day, ouch army holding it's own position tho battle indeed lasted for five days.When both parlies evacuated the fiold, our whole Brigade (Gen.

was found to have suffered aoveroly-especially the old 7th. Co. A. had throe killed ou tho field, Sergt. R.

L. Miins, Jas. Johnson and Charlie nummoud wore these devoted men. Lt. A.

W. Burt was wounded near ankle bis log was amputated Lo was wounded in three different Lt. P. E. Walker was morally wounded through tho breast.

John Elsmore ind bis finger shot ort'. Thomas Anderson slight. wounded in tho shoulder by a shell. Charlio VIilc3 was also wounded. Charlio Gray slightly but returned to tho Reginent-this morning.

Lieuts. Daniel and Rutland, of Co. E. were loth killed. Lt.

Traylor, of Co. C. waa mortally voundod. Lt. Hodges, of Co.

B. was killed. Tho loss of our Regiment, (7th) in killed aad rounded is about 186or 1-40. Jimmie Paul, Willie P. Durume, James Grccu' Covar, John Green, ond Lawrenco Covar ame out safe and sound." Tbe dato of thu lotter is 9th July, written from lagcrstown, Md.

Mr. Gk Wi Murrel of Co. Mth Rcgimoat, in letter to his fr.ther Mr. recapitoUos thc list abovo given, and also atutious the tllowing. A.

F. Ridgel, killed; F. Corloy and B. Corley rounded; J. Bridaell, badly wounded; T.

T. idgel, D. Etheridge; W. D. McCarty, W.

Griffis, ahn Whittlo, Toby Cheathain, E. M. Dinkins? Cheathsm and Sam Ovorstreet, nil wounded. Thc writer of thia letter was also wounded. of Casualties in Co.

JSth S. C. V. Killed-Privates W. M.

Sampson tckcR. Wounded-Lieut. W. A. Smith, C.

1. T. T. Neri Carr, W. A.

Craw-ord, R. F. Dean, J. J. Dorn and Maj sony Mostly thought mortal, H.

Cap'. Co. 15Lh S. C. Regt: lllctrxoip, July 10.

1861. a C. Ii. Durisoo lost leg, animttiiten just 'above knoo jninr. In hand? ol' enemy, doing wcli at la-c Wai1 ker and Buikswuh bhri.

Yountrblood. Lieut Burt, Lieut. Sharptou, M. flriftitli ano! others iii enemy's hands. B.

W. Chrisrinn. J. J. X.

Onzfs. T. Cheathani, H. Boyce bf and Wm Talbert, John Riuupy, J. E.

Ellsmoio, 7th Rejr. at Do ward Grove Hospital, (near Kiohrhoh 1.) all doing well. Lieut. Brnnsou und Liuut. Bell, also here duiug well.

1). R. D. Districts Statistics. CAPT.

X. DKAX, District Tax bas kindly furnished as tbo following recapitulatioiof tho tuxesibr EJge'field District for tho yesr 1603, which will bo found interesting to our read-' 'i? RECAPITULATION. 25,102 Negroes at $1,26 per head, $31,628.52 .17 Freo at $3,00 pr 141.00 40' Pecks Playing Cards at 13 cts. 5,20 $135.050 Sales of Goods at 22 eta. 29741 $29,000 $1,00 296.00 Salario? and Wugeiat $1,00 3OV.00, S281.3?0 Town Lot? at 22 620,07 $2.504,900 Money ht Interest at 10 eta.

2,505.90 $500,000 Bank Stock at 40 ct J. 2,000,00 $37,862,70 1,140 Acres Land at $3,50 $0,690,00 5,710 4,00 22.840.00 ii no 26.080 1,00 811.440 fi 40 324,576,00 20 25,278,00 Acras-valued at $413,424,00 ot $1,30 od $5,400,51 Total EHatn $13,263,21 Deduct conuuUiions at Si pr ct. "Nett amount dno State, $4 1,749,00 DISTRICT RECAPITULATION. Publio Building Tax, 8 pr cont, on $43,203,21 $3,461,05 Deduct CbmniiseioDS at.34 pr cent. 121,13 Paid $3,339,91 Poor Tax, ll percent on $10,559,32, Hamburg Incorporation excluded, $4,461.51 Commissions at t'i per l.i6,15 Paid Commissionors, $4,305,36 Road Tax, 5 per cettt.

on $40,559,23, Hamburg Incorporation excluded, $2,027,06 Deduct commissions a 3t per cent. 'Paid Commissioners, $1,920,50 Total paid Commissioners, Total Commissions, 1,892,89 For thc Advertiser. theso times of speculation, and nu i a for money making, it is like the Osh in thc desert to the weary traveller, to record acts of liberality, for tho rolief of the families of soldiers who are battling for our rights, and nobly dofeudiug our homes and firesides from the ruthless invader. Such an act of liberality tho Soldiers'Board of Relief for this Distriet, (akT great pleasure in acknowledging from Mr. JA MUS Joxas Guitar, to tho amount of Two Thousand (2,000) Dollars this day sent to them, to bo used the relief of Families.

Mr. is the eeryiee of his eonntry, bis mbaty'th Kiri 'atitbitituteto' screen himself from danger, nobly gives it to the and con.inuos at his post'. How matty in bdgcfield ure willing to follow thc example thus set, aud send us donations at our next mooting, (or sooner if they choose) thc first Monday in October next? Muuy, webern satisfied' ouuld givo somefAtiM, if uot ns much as Mr. GKKOO has done. Wo hope the oxample will bo followed.

The sum in tho aggregate, large, but when divided bolween some persons, dwindles to an insignificant amount. Ry Order of Ebe Board JOHN HUIET. Sec. Tres. Tho Old Guard is full of tho true npirit of'76.

it hesitates uot to tell the Government and the people what the war dunc for the North, as the following article, copied from it, shows How WE ARB REVENGING following are the reported casualties of this wai' from its beginning to January 1st. Federals killed wounded died of disease ami wounds made prisoners 6S.21?; total 459, 37b. killed did of rii-tcase and wounds nude prisoners 22, 1(J9; total 222.C77. They have kilUid 22.874 more of our men than wc have of They have wounded, not mortally, 39,414 more of our mcu than wo have of theirs. 150 nfjO more of our men have died of disease and wounds than of heirs.

They have made prisoners of 46,000 more of our men than we have of theirs. Onr total casualties are 237,297 more than theirs-that is, our casualties have been 14,000 more than as much" again as theirs. is the way wc have revenged the firing oii Fort Sumter." But tLis all. We have spent almost 2,000,000,000 more of money than they have spent. We have made 200,000 of our women widows.

Wdhave made' 1,000,000 of children fatherless. We have destroyed the Constitution of our country. We ba7e brought the cious savagery of war into every corner of society. We have demoralized our pulpits, 30 that our religion is a source of immorality sad blood. Instead of being servants of Christ, our ministers are of Satan.

The land is full of thieves, provost marshals, and a thousand other of illegal and despotic power, as Kgvpt was ol vermin in thc days of the Pharaohs. We are rapidly degenerating in everything that exalts a nation. Our civilization is perishing. We are swiftly drifting into inevitable civil Par here in tho North. We are turning our homes into charnel louses.

There is a corpse in every family. The of death sits in every d'ior. The devil has removed from Tartarus to Mhington. Wc pretend that we aro punishing the abels, but tbey are punishing us. We pretend that we are rostering thc but wo are destroying it.

We pretend ibm weare enforcing the laws, ut wc arc only catching negroes. That's the way we are "revenging SumSelling our souls to the devil and taking incoln io Wo bavo in and blood. That is thc way we are revenging Sumir." Rngs! Hags! Wo went Rags-Cotton R.igs-Linon Ragsjun Rags, wo can got a plenty of Rugs can keep the Ailvertittr afloat until-the war da. Bring on your Rigs and help as to koop Advertiier one of the fixed institutions of tho twtry. I From CiiJ.ui.r-..

ru.x, July bouibardiaom was renewed for a 'hort time ilia afternoon. Ab quiet this Special to thc rattlier From Charleston. HATiLcsros, Joly three two mortar and thc on Morris' IslunJ, renewed the bombardmuut vt' Jbutery Wagner at 12 o'clock to-day. Batteries Wagner, Gregg, Tort Sumter, and a nev battery replied, forcing- the Ironsides to bjavo position; Oar casualties to day aro eighteen wounded three inortaliy. We secured over 1,000 rifles yostorday, besides other polia ta kui) from th? Cold.

From En rope. July special to th? Whig from -Bimker Hill, near Winchester, give? a summ'lry ol' the DOWS from the Baltimore American of (he 76th, which hns been chietly The only thing new is tho following, but it not stated whether it was brought by a later arrival or not: Boebuck stn ted that Napoleon had authorized him to to the of Ci mmons ths.t he bad instructed Baron Oroa to-propose negotiation England for mediation. The London Herald rays it is reported that John had resigned on account ef a disagreement with tho Premier on tho the recognition of the South. The'Yankee cavalry advanoed from Williamsport onHhe 13th to within of Martinsburg. ye BICH MOND, of importance baa transpired to-day.

Tho chief topie is tho Mrs. Allan, wife of Patterson Allan, charged wnh-ocmraunieating information to theoneuy. The Hccrrsad a native of Ohio, and bocamo united by in Europe with one of tho most wealthy and respectable fauiiltes in Bich? mond. The letters written hy her and forwarded by blockade constitute the evidence of ber guilt An oGccr from tho Valley states that Meade's onay is still in Maryland. The report that the enemy is landing troops from transports tu Jamts river, lt) miles below Richmond, is not confirmed.

From Johnstone Army. MORTON, July IS. Our army is still slowly falling back. Vp to 4 o'clbck yesterday evening no troopa, except about 2,000 cavalry, hail crssed Pearl Biver. Our cavalry ware skirmishing with theirs beyond Brandon.

Citizens who como out since tho evacuation say that a flag of truce was sent hy citizens formally surrendering the city. Graut assured them that private property would bo respected. Tholr cavalry came In at 8 o'clock took enemy, who for soma time past have been erecting earthworks on Folly Island, opposite the lower end cf- Morris opened from them on a 'nattery of oura on-the latter pointy Latter in -Man after succeeded in effetSftl'ngi'a Island, but in what force we have been unaDIO to learn. Colonel Graham, of South Carolina, cutninauds on Morris leland. General the successor or Hunter, is in command of tit? Yankees.

He is a very dangerous mau where foi ts or other works are to be reduced by irtillery. He is a nati ve of Ohio, and, in 1844, graduated at West Poiut at the head of his class. For a year or two after his graduation ite was a Professor at that institution. Subsequently he was assigned to the duty experimenting upon "thc power of proj cliies upon earth, wood and earthworks, and spent several years in this acquiring in that lime more experience and knowledge OMthls subject than any man in this country. The more perfectly to record the results of his experiments he took photographs the effect of every shot fired.

At Fort Pulaski he, for the first time, brought his skill lo the test actual experience Pulaski was con-itiered next to Sumter in impregnability. iiuore sretting his guns to within six hundred yards knocked ic tu pieces as he ni'ght Lave done a honao of e.k?d? wo say ihat Gilmore is tuan ul intellect, and knows all about have said all thiit can be said in his favor. Iiis classmates represent him aa a fellow of low proclivities, who, whilst at West Point, was rather more tliau of Examiner. Convention Nurserymen. A prominout Nurseryman'and Fruit-G rower of a neighboring writes us as follows: D.

REUMO.VD, Sir-Would it not be wejl for the Nurserymen'of thc South to meet together some time during the present summer, for consultation on matters pertaining to their business? It scum's to mc very desirahV that, at least, there should be concert of action in regard topricce adapted to thc times. It is preposterous to sell the products of the Nursery at the prices which ruled previous to the war, while everything else is so enormously high. A regular schedule of pries should be established and ad. hared to by oil engaged in selling trees, vines, shrubs, dre. Other matters of interest to the profession, and to Southern promology, might very properly eugage the attention of an assemblage of Southern "Nurserymen, and I abonld bc pleased to see the proposition carried into effect.

The object of this note is to suggest to you the propriety of calling attention to the subject in the columns of tho next issue (if the Cnllivutorf should it meet jonr approbation. Lot meeting, or convention, be held, pay nt At'nnfa or Augusta, some time in the month of August. If yon agree with me, name the time and place iu the next number of the Cultivator. Fully agreeing with the writer of the above, in the views he has expr ssed, we take the liberty of appointing Atlanta as the place, and Wednesday tho 10th of Angitst, as the time of boldinj: the Convention and hope the importance of the sirbpct will secure a full So. CULT.

General Wade Hampton. Private Carolinian) lave been received hero stating that this galant officer was twice wounded in the Tate tattles-a sabre cut in-his bead and a gun ihot wound in bU side. His wounds, we are deascd to are doing well, and the Genral is on his way home, and may be a day or two. Some music teacher once" wrote the art of playing the violin require the nicest erceptlon. and tho most-aen si bi I of any rt in tho Known Vpon which tm ditor comments in the following manner The art of publishing a newspaper, and larking it pay, and at tbe'same time making please everybody, beata fiddling higher ian a Watchman.

i For th? Advertiser; Edgcfield Association. "Tho next meeting of ibis will ho heh! at Ridge Spring Church, commencing on boiVre the 2nd in September nert. The attention'of of tho Churches is culled to and of. the lait Minutes L. H.

OBITUABY. CARROLL, sou Ja.s. C. lau Ron Ear oio? au baulah, in this District, on the evening of tue four years. Reared sniid and taught to the beautiful and pure, this, the lovlo-sc floweret; among thom been its earl bloom, ere yet sin left its impress ou its immaculate spotlessness, or tho worbi vi brvathrd- its sordid taint upon its gnileluss heart.

A dark shadow hivtb fallen on a JUJ around which gathered truo and loving hearts, knit together by affection's most hallowed tios. Earth contains a dear one less. Heaven gel Tie little wearied form so patient in its suffering and help- lessnoss, is sweetly on-fts Saviour's bosom. The golden portals baVj been opened TLe Hb'y City reached, aud the young immortal borne thither by some pitying argel rejoices in the now found-bliss that hath au oud nevermore. 6.A.L.

We bavo been anthorized'by many frionda of Major EMMET SEIDELS to announce him' as a. Csndidate for the Colonelcy of tho Regiment to be raised in the 1st Division, auder thc recent call of Gov. Bonham for Stato defence. We have been authorized by many friends of CoL Xii OS. G.

BACON, to, nominate him a Candidate fur Stato Senator -from Edgcfield, to fill tho vuoancy therein existing ia consequence of tho death of Hon. A. Stmciss. May 12; te M. We havo been authorised by the friends of JOHN LAKE to biat a candidate for State Senator to fill the vacancy therein extstJuly-7 27 An Excellent Placation Ioffer for salo my PLANTATION in on Shaws Crock, 10 miles from Edgebold C.

and tO miles from Aiken'; containing by a recent survey TWO HUNDRED AND TilIRTY-FOUR ACKES. It hus a groat stream of water running through it, fur ruuning any quantity sud quality of Machinery. And for tacuiiug it is not surpassed hy. any plac-5 in tho Stato, having about thousand aon-s of lovel Pino land with clay subsoil, and about Four baudrod of ftoo Creek and branch bottom laud, capable of producing from 40 to b'O bushols of Corn per The balance ure all fine rol'in? heavily timbered with Oak, Hiokory and Pine, Com, Cotton und grath Of all kinds. Tho place bi all in good repair, having hean newly fcuccd and ult the buildings thoroughly repaired within the last six m-iuths; it has neat, dwelling and all ofber necessary for any number ot' hands-it lias a vary tine Urohard, a Vineyard vf several acres with nearly 30 varietiri of tho beet grapes.

It is supplied with the very best of waler, healthy and tho leal place for raising Stock in District. If desired I will sell the crop of die present year and all ocock helonging the placo. Ter.irs.-Cash or to snit Address JOHN A. ADDISON, tl je field (J. H.

S.C.: July 22 tf .29. pgr Tho Charleston Mercury will copy- week for throe mouths- and forward ueojuut to this State of South IN ORDlKAXY. BY W.F. DTJRISOB, Ordinary of Edgefield Disrriou Whereas Elizabeth Raborn bas applied to mc for Letters of Administration, on nil and 'singular and chaulas, righis and crudits of tvltljam Raboru, late of thu District, aforesaid, deceased. Theso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, thc kindred and creditor? of the said deceased, co bc and appear bcfire me, at our next Ordinary's Court for tho said District, to be holden at IMgeiield Curt House, on th? Jd day Aug.

next, to show causo, if any, why ihc said aduiiristxation should not be granted. Giver, lieder my hand and se 20 th day of July, in th- year of our Lord one eight, hundred ami sixty-three, and the eightyeigbth year of tho Independence of ti DURLBOE, o.a.n. July 22 2t Xand for THE subscriber wale TRACT OF LAND TUREE lilifNDKED ANO ACRES, Moro or on tho hoad of Lop Utiles Hast ut Edgeli-ld C. bounded by lauds ot' Cub 'S. lluiet, 1'.

ll. Ulvlnck and orbers. About one bun drud and tiny acres cleared, therest io nativo tores t. For further intoriuation apply to the subscriber JAS.

MURRELL. July 22 5t 29. Notice. ALL persons in possissiou of Slaves liable to Road duty in EJgeSoid- District, aro hereby summoned to deliver one nurth of their.Slaves liable te Road duty, at tho depot nearest their respective residences on Friday the 14tU day of August next, by-10 i li ore ti await transportation to Charleston for. thirty days labor on the fortifications, those oiruing but one baud are exempt, owners are required to furnish their bands'with Spades or Shovels abd three days rat fons.

at the rate of oue to every hundred hinds, are allowed to be selected by the owners, and tho Confederate Govemmeut; Fifty dollars per mon tb, one Commissioner is required at each depot to deliver tba bindi to an agent, authorized to reooipt fo? the By ordor of GEO. MILLS, of the Gen'i'Board, E. D. A. JOSES, Sec'iy.

July22d 2t 28 Bethany Academy. THE exercises of this School will be.resumed on tbe first Monday in August. The Latin, Li rock nn-4 French languages, together with tho usual English Branches will compose the entire 2ourso. R. Juty22 fc 29 Wheat.

THOSE webing to sill Wheat will please give mo a call aa I will satisfy themas to regards S. Ev BOWERS, Agent. July 22 tf 29 Pocket Book Lost, ON Thursday hut ia EdgerloM Village Blsck POCKET ROOK with my name written in containing $156 Also anote on 2. payable to Hom, Wise for $157, ercdted with $50 or $100. Also a note drawn by Jas.

Dozier, payable to tho sumo partios, for SlO t. Uso one note drawn, hy T. N. Lundy, S7, to tho subsoribor, dates not pay a liberal reward for therecovery of said look and ten ts. All persuna are notified" uoi trade fur ihe said notes.

L. TILLMAN. 20 lt -Copperas. FUST received a supnly SUPEPIOR to any in tho market- J. Hamburg, uly 13 Im 2S dhewing Tobaccos a GOOD assortment on hand and fir sale hy IL J.

A. GURLEY Hamburg, Jone 0 lm -J3-.

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