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The Jasper Weekly Courier from Jasper, Indiana • Page 5

Jasper, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JASPER COURIER Mr. A. Wickhart of Louisville, lyM was in Jasper this week visiting relatives. For regular action of the bowels eaay natural movements, relief of cnoetapa tion. try Doan's Reimlets.

2o at all stores. adv. Editor Pickhardtof theH'Burg- Signal was over at Commission ers court Monday, Wr en baby snffers with croup, apply and give Dr. Thomas' Eclectic 0:1 at once. afe for children.

A little goes a long way. and 50c. At all drug scores. ad v. Socialist Wm.

Able and if of Iva was in Jasper Saturday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ignatz Kress Sr. Impure blood runs you down makes you an easv victim lor disease. nnra Mnwi onmwl riinocl.innRnr.

dock Blood Bittere. -l -rrx i. i At ail drut; stores. Price, $1.00. aav.

Edw. is preparing to build a new residence on a lot next to his fathers on North Mill Is your husband cross? An irritable, fAtilt finding disposition is often due to a disordered stomach. A man with good digestion is nearly always good natured. A great many have been per manently cured of etamacli trouble by takir Chamber'ain's Tablets. For Bale by ail dealers.

adv. The various township trustees were in Jasper Monday collecting claims for election expenses. "There couM be no better medicine than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My children were all sick with whooping cough. of them was in bed, had a high fever and was coughing up blood.

Our doctor gave them Chamberlain's Cough Eemeny and the first dose eased them, and three bottles curea them," says Mrs. R. A. Donaldson, of Lexington, Miss. For sale by all dealers.

adv. IF TT-l 1 Mrs. luaw. juampert was up from Chandler this week visiting her mother. Ignatz Kress Sr.

Henry Keller, Mr, Leo Zwigard, of Louisville, and Carl Krodel made a flying trip to Washington Tuesday, Krodel's auto. They made the 37 miles in 2 hours. Mrs. Peter 11501 Buckeye Rd E. Cleveland, 0., had a little son with bad case of whooping cough.

She saya He coughed until he was blue in the face. I gave Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, and the first fw doses had a remarkabla and almost immediate effec. A few more doies cured him. Yes indeed I can recommend Foley's loney and Tar Compound." In the llow package, At Joseph A. Meh-ringer.

adv. Miss Freda Miller, of West Baden, visited relatives and friends in Jasper this week, Miss Alta Phillips is at home from West Baden this week for a visit. The hunting season is now on byt quail are scarce in this locality this year on account of the extreme cold weather killing many of them last Winter. so "Doan's Ointment cared me of ezema that had annoyrd me for a long time. rps lit was lasting" S.

W. Matthews, Commissioner, Labor SitatiE-XUa, Augusta, Me. adv. Sheriff Schwenk made a hurry up trip to Johnsburg Tuesday, left Jasper 8 A. M.

back 9:45 rode 32 miles Seventeen arrests and nobody hurt. Mrs. Emma Maier, 627 N. 7th nrnnovhr nn o- Springfield, eaya her kidney trouble resultttd from an operation: From then until used Foley Kidnev Pilis I did know what a wed day was. Then fniy backache left that tird dragged don leohng was pone, I slept soundly and awoke refreshed.

I had no more headache or dizzy spells Safe and sure. Try them. At Joseph A. Meh-j ringer. adv.

m1 xne SOIlg OI a Jasper JJOnirace You all know who: Rush 'em! Slush 'em! Splatter 'em with soup; And rrr'x 'em a drink That's like a loop-tv ioop CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, Tli Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of rolled urea. Last Monday while loading saw logs on his farm in Madison township, the hook on a chain 4broke and the log relied back and over Joseph Brescher, severely injuring him, at this writing how bad, is not known to us Twinges of rheumatism, biekacho, stiff joints and ehooting pains all show your kidneys not working right. Urin-ary irregiiiarilies, loss of sleep, neifi, wtjtk back und aore ki neya tell the need'of a reliable kidney medicine, Boley Kilney Pilig are i-oaitt, strengthfening an I restorative. Taey build up the kidneys and regulate their action. They will ive you quick relief mnd contain no habit forming drugi.

At Joteph Mehrinjer. adv Kid fights too numerous to mention Saturday night. Century Club was entertained by Mrs. S. A.

Cooper Wednesday evening. Rev. Philip Schneider was un from Chrisney yesterdav for a snort visit. Dr. and Mrs.

John Casner vis- ited at Boonville the latter part of last wpaIt. K. Bretelle was un from Boonville from Saturday till visiting nis iamny. Huntinchnrtr afaxu. tj.

Jasper yesterday. a a. Lji a i ill 0, rrm MISS Kuebler Came home last; weeK irom Louisville, where tf a she had spent several weeks. "Kitty" Gerald, of bn WAS in Tnonoi- lQDf I mg acquaintances. Marie Eerer sold the mnst frVk- ets to the Grand Theatpr SatnrJ day and the rino-.

TT7 O- mr. ana lvirs- m. jf'. uasner. or uaiiiieiLon, visiuea.

uneir sons in last wees. 1 The bov's jinnfitiffi i. nf.n f.ho nnrna of -imuzement. If you would have such mpetite take Chamberlain's Tablets. They not only create a healthy appetite, bnfc 8fr the Rtomh and Pnnhl it to do its work naturallv.

Porsale by all dealers. adv. Mrs- Josephine Seanthin, ofLwt; Louisville, came to Jasper this i'TJr T7. if i luo und IVTvcj KVorl HVlremfaic Misses Lizzie Berger, Celia Yeager, and Laura Woerter, of Huntmgburg, spent Sunday with Mrs. Anna Renner Jasper.

A party of friends surprised Mrs. J. P. Schwenk at the jail residence Tuesday evening, the occasion being her birthday, and had an enjoyable time. ko waste your money buying Btreagt-eniDg Rasters.

uhamberlain'B Liniment is cheaper and better. Damp- en a piece i iiainm wm 11 ana oina ic uvoi tue iti-lcULcU. ptti iQ Uiiu It Will i no uaiu. nuvj. ouicucDO.

I'Ul ome UV Uli 111 1 -ii 1 1 T-l 1 I vicit wnu was xeceiitiv injured while at work on the spwpr Vin filpri sm acraincr fho ro-t. -P WAAVrfl uiiflUWifl lUi Aiq "ho I an-aay meeting at; we ean manse yesteraay ana enioy- 1 1 ei themselves. Judge J. L. Bretz came home from Petersburg Saturday and returned there Monday to re-con- Announcements are out an- nouncing the marriage of Miss Blanche Sprauer to Mr.

Ray Friedman, which will occur in Str. Joseph's church next Tuesday morning. I lhe following is the grand par pnrvpi' chorus of a Burg meat carver, ana isaiso sung at times Dy a Jasper Butcher. Beat em! Cheat 'em! Give 'em short weight; Charge 'em half a dollar For a ten cent steak- Mr. Edward Schroeder and Miss Theresea Reylinor were mar- in St: church Tues day morning.

They will make their home in the fornw "HYprl whlT fechroeder recently purchased A large number of friends at- tended the dance in honor of the mrrifl0.p flf FnnlPQ Hnll Vnli airiage, at Kunkel Hall lnes- day evening. The Courier ex- tends congratulations, Mi. Hiram Steele, 028 6ch St. Terre ilaute, writes: -I camedown wilh a severe case of kidney trouble. had to get up too often at night, there was pain and much sedimeut, puis undtr my eyes, back pained terribly, and I was dizzy.

Foley Kidney Pills cured me quickly, and I feel 100 per cent bet-ter." At Joseph A. Mehringer. adv. Boy Killed. The 14 year old hov of Mr anrl Mrs.

Frank Buehart at Louisville1 former residents of was run over by a street car in1 that city and killed last day. His aunts Mrs John1 Heichelbech and Mrs Mary Betz1 went to Louisville last Friday to' attend the funeral. I I "lens The Whole Sfcorv 55 I To ssv that KoIpv'r i-fnnov ,1 rP uompoiind is bet for children and ami contains no opiate! tlan on Ev. 'lish and other shins as tells on.y purt of the tale. The whole, PftPiv nq bo Ul iiunrtpr of rhp four story is that it is the best modicHe for' ut 'Jurtfr lOUT-coaghf, colds, croup bronchitis and oth-i teenth century, and thcrcrore much er affecrions of tye threat, chest ami; before the time of the buccaneers.

lungs. fcioos la rionft fonolm nnrl mi, uyr ine Foley's Uon 7 and Tarj oo in pound, pound. nr. JOte A. Monger.

FOR KENT. 4 acres and house and stable An rood mile from Jasper. Apply Frank Hopf. Jasper, Ind. Miss Marie Melchoir, who had been visiting relatives in Louis ville for several weeks, returned home last week.

James Theiio, Iron River, says of Foley's Money and Lar Compoune: "This winter both my children and I were troubled with bad coughs. We need Foley's Honey aed Tar Compound ana it promptly curea us. can re commend it as a good cough and cold ure. uomains no opiates. At Joseon A Mehringer adv I mi ri 11 lne bwellest bunch of Xmas Taps.

Stamns and Postal ferric ever brought to Jasper are for aaie ac tne uouner, wholesale prices. ou get the bunch 216 1 rn i ouc ana you can't Doy them i I i ir nin r- eisewnereiora ys.w note. "Ifc Is a pleasure to tell you that Chamberlain finish Pamoi ia I. -J jest coush medians i have ever used." )ltes rs- Hugh Campbell of Lavonia, vja. u.ivc useu it yuu an mv cniifi- oaun.auij,.

1 18 oy ail dealers. I At tho Plood. Hearing of a rising river at the headwaters of the, J3uphrates. with I (11 a iaiimg Darometer and indications of a flood in t.hp vniw ihn "Pifv nhflnfi mS-nA I A tranklv admitted it to TTnnh TTk maMOr that of a chastened and softened person. monkeyed, too loner9 said hp -nofrimv VAV no ave yuu cnaTlce to come in -with, us, and yon wouldn't take it.

Kow we have ar ranged for all the stock we care The liquidation which j. towed had the usual effect upon all but the insiders. Puek. First Diner OutI shav oie cnaR d'you know Wilshon? Second Diner Out-No. Whateh ish name? First Diner Out-I State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County.

sa. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. (IhpnAv fin rlmncr hnoinoco in iha.

City af Toledo, County and State afore- Baid and tbat 3aid fir will pay thesum Qf one munlbed dollars for each and overy cage of Catarrh that cannot be hw fho imo nf F-Tnll a nnfaTi Hi, f'nnwuv J. I nur nyoanhon fliia ftft- rJo-t? nrrm Vr- ViCVyiiuui UUIO UHJ U( VX 1OV.UUiUCXi a. U. lssii. A.

W. GLEASOisr, (Seal.) Kotaert Public. IT 1 I -li 1 "I 1 i 1 -tiaii a uaiarru oure is miernai Iv. anrl nrttsrlirflftHv nn f.Sa hlnnrl nnrl W.WU. UUU.

muc us surfaces of the sysfem. p. j. CHENEY Toledo. O.

soia by 75c. Take It all's Family Pills for constipa- tion. adv t. Andrew wa3 in a iUtUCl pUlUlcLULl 1X1UUU, U11U 1XL UIUsl to restore his customary good hn- mor his mother promised him some preserved strawberries if he would a god hoy. CaUing a servant, she said: "Jennie, please give Andrew about four strawberries.

jcimie proceeded to fulfill the i i -i her mistreSs and counted mit thn linrrifiS. rw n. "I want five' protested the child. "But your mother said four eaid Jennie. "Mamma said 'about four" replied Andrew.

And he got the fifth. New Tor Times. Would 8uit HTm ffetteK Amixy V.ij. unl bnvght your mamma stub a nkv new for you last Wouldn't you like to boo tiu ilear lirtlc baby? Willie No; hot I'd to Ree the cnnon. lhrt iirucci.itihdinK cannon were amoni the We find with heaw iron ngs, and was load- en Dv me nseruon or uie cronna cham'bor," iron naa containing the oharce, which fitted into and i closet tlie breech.

These guns were ery ciuin-v imam comparison iVith the LiOitru i reechloader, but lhc prmcile was tho samt. KMicmi For Btino lniltmant There was something: in the at- mosphere whieh told him that things were not exactly the same. Mlence ionowed soon after the usual greetings, but at length she spoke. "Are you aware, sir" she began, that one hand of the Bar- tholdi statue measures sixteen feet five inches?" 1 "So I hare heard' he nodded, happy to be address ecL agaife. "The thickness of tiio head from ear to ear' she pursued icily, ten feet." "Yes." "The nose is four feet six inches long' "That's right." "The mouth is three feet across.

"I believe so. Just imagine it." "The waist thirty-five feet around." "Y-ycs. Why "Then will you kindly explain, sir' sne continued, "why you stated hi the poem which, you addressed to me that I reminded you of the Goddess oi Liberty?" Ladies' Home Journal. Street Lighting. The streets of 3STew York were first lighted in 1697, the liditins being done by a lantern suspended from a pole stretched out from the window of every seventh house.

The lighting of streets with, gas was first tried in 1816 in Baltimore. At Philadelphia a theater was thus lighted on Nov. 25, 1816, the first place of amusement in America illuminated in that manner. Gas was first used for lighting houses in Boston in 1822. It had been used thirty years before at Cornwall, England.

Scrap Book. The Child (after silent Inspection) Well. don't understand why ma saji t's eaay to koo through you, Mrs. Ton're tltirk Brooklyn Ufa SOUTHERN RY.f TIME TABLE Schedule in EffectJSundey Apr. 21 the Fo owing is for Information Only and is nor Guaranteed.

EASTBOUND No. 5 DAILY 9:34 A. M. No. 17 5:53 P.M.

NO. 11 8:10 P. XO. lx) SUNDAY ONLY A. Iff, No.

12 Daily 7:57 A. 1VJ No. 14 11.30 A. Al NO. NO.

20 Sunday Oxly. 11:05" A. Time shown at Huntiugburg.5 tEASTBOUND. No. 1, DAILY.

4 :37 A. M. I No. 9, 9:20 No. 3, M.

No. 23, 5:40 WESTBOUND SO. 2, DAILY. 12-50 A. M.

MO 4, 10:30 No 24, 41 11:5 A. M. No 10, 8:0 P. M. V.

E. Claycomb, Jaapor FUCK Plasterer. First Class Work Best Finishings Contracts taken Let ns show you. CHAS FLICK HE HE ffiEPll The Home Telephone Co has the largest list of subscribers and will give you the best service You can talk to your friends, order your merchandise and make your appointment by the Home 'phone. MMR flfl uu uuuxuwu uu Sore Nipples and Chapped Hands Are quickly, cured by applying ClianikerUin Slve, Try Um ucco iticc 7 oeitt Cks.

COMING TO JASPEH Associated Specialist Will be at the Stewart Hotel Saturday Dec. 7 One Da? Only Remarkable Success of These Talented Physicians in the Treatment of Chronic Disuses OFFERTHEIR SERVICES FREE OF CHARGE. The Associated Specialists licensed by the State of Indiana for the treatment of deformities and all nervous and chronic diseases of men, women aud children, offer to all who call on th trip, consultation, examination advice free making no charge whatever, ex cept the actual cost of medicine. All that is asked in return for these valuable services is that every person treated will state the re sult obtained to their friends and thus prove to sick and afllicted in every city and lo cality, that at last treatments have been dis covered that are reasonable sure and certain in thoir effect. These doctors are considered by many for mer patients amone America's Inn ill a fr mach knd nerve specialists and are experts in the treatment of chrenic disnnsps nnrl sn great ana wonderful Have been their results that in many cases it is hard indanri tn finri me dividing line between skill and miracle.

Diseases of the stomach intestines, livnr blood, skin, nerves, heart, snleen. Icidunvs nr umuuer. rneumatism, scintica, diabetls, bed- wewiug, ieg ulcers, weak lungs and those afflicted with long-standing, deep-seated, chronij diseases, that have baflled the skill of the family physicians should not fail to call. If you are troubled with Piles you should be sure to call. Don't wait for more serions complications to tell you of the daggers of this cruel disease, act now, The Associated Specialists have cured cases where doctors and even operations have utterly failed.

A euro in the most severe case is practically certain. According to their system no more operations for appendicitis, gall atones, tumors, goiter or certain forms of cancer. They were among the first in America, to earn the name of "Bloodless Surgeons," by doing away with the knife, with blood and with all pain. If you have kidney or bladder trouble bring a two ounce bottle of your urine. Deafness often has been cured in sixty days.

RkMEMBER, this free OFJrER is for this trip only. Married ladies musi come with their husbands and minors with their. parents; Jd Papers the Courier nor ackaer nj ffiG 5 WE USE" DANIEL Hann fEM Made in Louisville by CHAS. C. STOLL OIL CO.

LOTS 01) We have 30 choice lots in Gutzweiler's addition for sale at once, at very low prices. These lots will be sold for cash or od the installment plan. All are on improved streets. Good healthy location. It will pay you to examine.

Call on. JOSEPH CU1ZWEILER, Main street Public square. Road tie Courier, headache, biliousness, in- 1 digestion, rheumatism, pimples, blotches, yellow complexion, are all Signs of poisons. in your blood These poisons should be driven out, or serioits illness may result To get rid of them, use Bedford's k-Draiiglit the old, reliable, purely vegetable, liver medicine. Mrs.

J. H. Easier, of Spartanburg, S. says: I had sick headache, for years. I felt bad most of the time, I tried Thed-ford's Black-Draught, and now I feel better fttan when I was 16 years old." Your druggist sells it, in 25 cent packages.

Insist on Thedford's Winter Tourist Fares are now available to destinations in the South and Southeast Via Southern Railway. Tickets on sale daily. Limit May 31st, 1913. Ask local agent for full information regarding variable tour tickets. Pullman sleeping car line will be established Nov.

24th, as follows: 12.04 pm Lv St Louis Ar 5.40 pra 8 10 pm 4 Louisville 9.30 am. 6.15amAr Chattanooga Lv9. 45pm 11 10 am 44 Atlanta Lv 5.10 PM. 8 20 pm Jacksonville lv 7 40am J. C.

Beam, AGPA, St Louis, Mo. What They Will Do for Yo They will cure your backache strengthen your kidneys, cor. reot urinary irregularities, buiW up the worn out tissuei, and eliminate the excess uric that causes rheumatism. Pre. vent Bright's Diseaso nd Dia-bates, and restore health and strength.

Refuse substitute For sale by Jos. A. Mehring BOONE AXLE GREASE And don't have to grease but once a week. FOR SALE Will.

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