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The Daily Phoenix from Columbia, South Carolina • Page 3

The Daily Phoenixi
Columbia, South Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LONDON, Maro In tho House ot Oomrapns to-day the biji for th? lishtn'ent of th? CHuron came up for its second reading. Mr. Disraeli addressed the House. His argument was that the connection between the Qhorch and State was a necessary one, the former rendered the State religious, in? vesting its authority with the highest sanc? tion. This Irish scheme was likely to de? stroy religious freedom and toleration.

It was a complete violation of the rights of private property, corporate and private property being intimately connected. All nets of spoliation wore dangerous; hitherto they had been followed by civil war or something worse. Former confiscation had only enriched the laud owners. The strength of Ireland was in her connection with England. The majority of the Irish people were discontented; the settlement of the ohureh question would be insufficient to quiet their discontent; the land question required settlement.

The details of this scheme were complicated and delusive. Mr. Disraeli deprecated the course of the present Government ns in antagonism to the former policy of tho Whig party, whoso aim wa3 civil and religious freedom. In conclusion, he expressed a belief that the bill was most dangerous to the country, but he felt that he could depend upon the pru? dence and patriotism of Parliament. He then moved that the bill be read a second time six months from to-day.

Mr. Wm. H. Gregory, member from Gal? way, followed in reply. He taunted the last speaker with his inconsistency, com? paring tho speech bc had just made with his former declarations that tho Irish Church was a monstrous grievance to Ircle.nd.

Mr. Gregory, however, did not unreservedly support the bill; he thought an equitable division of the church property among the three religions parties preferable to the present scheme of In House of Peers this evening. Lord Grey uod Lord Cairns condemned the policy of tho Government in releasing thc Fenian convicts. Earl Granville, Colonial Secretary, ex? plained that the ovations given by theil friends to the released Fenians were acts ol personal hospitality-not demonstrations hostility to the Government. LONDON, March Irish Clairol disestablishment was debated last nigh at great length.

The principal speaker in favor of tho measure was Jehu Bright. MADKED, March trouble in An dftlusia still continues. At Ferez de Frontera opposition to military conscrip tiuu culminated in a battle between the in sargents and the troops. Tho engagemen was bf short duration, but was very fierce The insurgents were defeated nud routed I Six hundred of them were taken prisouers Miramon, nt the head of 900 Carlists, btu appeared at Pantena, in the mountains nen Almeria. Troops have been despatched that neighborhood.

AU ID, March soldiers wer killed at the Xerxes fight. The loss amon? the citizens was heavy. VIENNA, Maroh royal decree ha just been published, establishing trial jury for offences against the press law. HAVANA, March political prison era have sailed. The embarkation was oi derly.

The wharves and house-tops wer packed. A thief was badly beaten, wh was taken by the volunteers in barracks One of the Polios Commissioners, suppose to be a friend of the thief, was killed. drum-head court martial condemned th thief to death. Cuban cries of "Death Spain!" Vi va were heard ne? the Governor's palaoe, when the sentim killed one of them. Frequent cries "Viva are hoard.

-o Affairs In Washington. WASHINGTON, March letter wt read in the Metropolitan Church, to-daj when Grant and Chose were oskiu the spmpathy and prayers of the congregi tion for the revolutionists in Cuba. WASHINGTON, March B. Lawreno formerly husband of Sallie Ward, of Loui ville, known as the 1 'Belle of the West," dead, and Robertson, Chairman of the Cot xnittee on Political Disabilities, is preparii an omnibus disability bill, excluding names likely to delay action. There was a Senatorial caucus this mor: ing-fall, but stormy.

Grime Sprague, and six others, were withdraw The caucas meets again this afternoo Suspension of the tenure of office hill next session seems abandoned; tho fig will be over suspension for years or repeal In the Senate, a bill passed requiring pr prietors of bonded warehouses to pay Bama as storehouse keepers. Tho bill a thorizing Northern and Southern railroa to connect through Washington passe Adjourned. In the House, an immenso number bills were introduced under the regularen among them was one to divido ganizing a portion of the State, South West of the Colorado River, into a Stu and continuing the Provisional Govei ment. Referred to the Reconstruction Co mittee; also, a bill incorporating the Soul ern Express. A joint resolution gran ti the right of way to the Memphis, El Pi and Pacific Railroad, passed.

A rosoluti that contestants for seals, disqualified shall receive no compensatio passed-109 to 28. A bill removing election disqualifications of persons, a declaring the person recoiviug the ro highest number of votes elected, was int dnced-consideration postponed to Wedn day. A bill abolishing tho chief of staff the General of the army passed. A reao tion to withdraw the concurrent resolut: from the Senate to adjourn on Friday fail A motion to suspend tho roles, for the pose of introducing a declaratory resolut mim i i i that the fi? loen th amendment wai to include Chinese, failed-42 to 106; a strict party Adjourned. The papers nominating Charlea M.

Wilder (colored) for post master ut Columbia, S. are before the President, endorsed by Cres? well a ad the entire South Carolina delega? tion. -LO Items. CHARLESTON, March ers Magnolia, New York; Falcon, Baltimore; schooners H. N.

Squire, Boston; J. H. Lockwood, Richmond, for Savannah; Hattie Combes, Richmond; Hatch, Rich moud; N. W. Magee, Now York.

FINANCIAL AVI) Nsw YORK, March dull. Wheat lower and dull. Corn quiet, and uu chauged. Pork dull and declining-now mess 31.37(3)81.50. Steam lard dull-bar? rels Cotton steady, at Freights quiet.

Stocks active and excited. Mouev offered freely at 7. Exchange Gold 7 P. short, at 7. Sterling dull, at Gold 31.

Slocks firm-Go? vernment steady. Southern securities dull and heavy. Cotton steady, with sales of 2,200 bales, at Flour a shade easier State superfine U0. Wheat l(a)2c. lower.

Corn declining-yellow Southern 1)2. Pork lower-new mess 31.50. Lard dull-kettle Whiskey quiet, at 95. Rice-Carolina Sugar active and higher. Freights firm.

BALTIMORE, March steady, nt 28. Flour activo nud unchanged. Wheat dull. Oats Rye dull. Pork 32.50.

Shoulders 15. CINCINNATI, March steady, nt Provisions dull and nominal. Mess pork held at 32.00. Bacon-shoulders clear sides NEW ORLEANS, March dlings bales; receipts, since Saturday, oxports 0,895. Gold Flour declined-doublo G.00; treble 7.25.

Corn firm. Pork dull, at Bncou only retail trade-shoulders clear rib clear 18. Lard firm-tierce keg Sugar better-com? mon prime 14' J. Molasses better-primo Whiskey inac? tive-Western rectified 92'J. dull fair prime MOBILE, March of colton to? day 750 bales-low middlings receipts 841.

SAVANNAH, March fair de? mand-middlings 27; 700 bales; re? ceipts 1,195. AUGUSTA, March market moro active, with sales of 285 bales; receipts 150; middlings CHARLESTON, March dull and nominal, with sales of 125 bale3-middlings receipts 542. HAVANA, March slightly ad? vanced; holders ask still higher figures. LIVERPOOL, March 22-3 P. quiet-uplands 12; Orleans LIVERPOOL, March rather more active-uplands 12; Orleans sales 12,000 balfes.

SOUTHERN New York World, of Friday, in its monetary article, gives the following report of that market on Thursday: In Southern securities, Louisianas were heavy and lower, and the others were strong at the quotations. The closing prices were as follows: North Carolina bonds, old, to 63; North Carolina bonds, new, 57 to South Carolina 6 percent, bonds, old, 71 to 72; South Carolina 6 per cent, bonds, new, 70 to 71; South Caroliua registered stock, old, 63; Charleston, South Carolina, 6 por cent, stook, 50; Sooth Carolina Rail? road stock, 45 to 49; South Carolina Rail? road 6 per cont, bonds, 71; South Caroliua Railroad 7 por cent, bonds, 85; Northeast? ern Railroad first mortgage bonds, 80; Greenville and Columbia State guaranteed bonds, 54 to 57; Tennessee 6 per cent, bonds, old, 66 to Tennessee 6 per cont, bonds, new, 65 to Memphis City 6 per cent, bonds, to Memphis City old bonds, 55 to 56; Memphis aud Charleston Railroad stock, 46 Mem? phis and Charleston Railroad first mortgage bonds, 88 to 91; Memphis and Charleston Railroad second mortgage bonds, 75 to 78; Alabama 5 per cent, bonds, 6734; Alabama 8 por ceut. bonds, 97Jf? to 100; Louisiana 6 per cont, bonds, 72; Louisiana 6 per cent, levee bonds, 66 to 69; Louisiana 8 percent, levee bonds, 86; Georgia 6 per cent, bonds, 80 to 83; Georgia 7 per cent, new bonds, 92 to 93; Virginia 6 per cent, old bonds, 57; Virginia 6 per cent, new bonds, 60 to 63. -o- HORRIBLE PUNISHMENT OP A MURDERER. A Chinese laborer, not long ago, murdered a whole family of seven persons, in Peru.

He was arrested, and whilo tho partios who had made the arrest were taking him to the judicial authorities he was rescued from hi3 guards by tho inhabitants of the town of Guadalupe. They took him to the public squaro of their town, covered his body with kerosene oil, and thou burned him alive in a Aro which had been propago.1 for the pur? pose. A counterfeiters' den was discovered four miles from St. Louis, on Tuesday. Fifteen thousand dollars in bogus local treasury warrants, a lot of spurious fifty cent United States notes, and an assortment of counter? implements, were captured.

A wo? man living near tho place was arrested. An explosion occurred in a powder-mill and torpedo fuctory near Titusville, reooutly, by which throe workmen were killed, and the proprietor, Col. Davidson, so seriously injured that his recovery is doubtful. Nearly fifty bodies have been washed ashore near the scene of tho Mittie Stephens disaster, in Red River, Louisiana. Ono lady was identified by two wedding-rings on her fingers, each bearing her name.

SATURDAY, March Senate as? sembled at ll A The House returned to the Senate an Act to determine the Taine of contracts made in Confederate States notes or their equiva? lent. AIBO, "a bill to alter and amend an Aot to incorporate the village of Ki uga tree." Ordered to bo onrolled. The acoount of W. W. Wind, Sheriff of Williamsborg County, for services in guard? ing prisoners, amounting to $214.50, was re Ifcrred.

A number of reports from committees were submitted. A joint resolution was adopted, to appoint a committee of investigation for the Third Congressional District. A resolution was introduced, instructing the Committee on Railroads to report back this day a bill to aid the extension of tho Spartanburg and Union Railroad. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tho House mot at ll A.

M. The memorial of citizens of Anderson County, relative to difficulties iu regard to tho working of the public highways us at present provided in Act No. 71, was refer? red. The accounts of B. Dent ($9.00) for fuel furnished the Hotise of Representativos; and of W.

E. Templeton, M. of Rich? land County ($50) for jtost mortem examina? tion D. Forrest ($4.50) for locks, and the account of W. Sholl ($5) for fuel furnish? ed the House ot' Representatives; W.

B. Stanley ($4) for basket, furnished the Comptroller-General's office; Isaac Epps, ol Williamsburg County, for services reuderetl as teacher of free schools, were referred. Tho petition of tho Charleston Union, No. 1, for an Act of incorporation, was referred. The Committee ou Railroads reported" favorably on a bill to charter the Manches ternud Augusta Railroad Company.

The Speaker laid before the House tin following communication, which was rc ceived as information: COLUMBIA, March 19, 18G9. 7b th" Honorable the Speaker and Members oj the House vf Representatives of the State oj South Carolina. HONOBAHLE Slits: Feeling that the actiot took on yesterday in allowing my feeling: to get the better of my judgment, was no such as was in keeping with the dignity this House, I deem it necessary that should oller to you, gentlemen, an npolog; for the course I pursued, and beg leave ti state that I was actuated by tho ungentle manly and undignified manner in which Mr DeLarge acted, and the profane and ungen tlemunly laugungo ho used and npplied ti mo. Feeling that my action was a reflec tion upon tho dignity of the members your honorable body, whilst I do not de siro to offer au iota of apology to him, desire to offer au apology to the membei of this House for my action, and hope tba in the future I'll better bo able to contri my feeling whilst in the I have tb honor to be your obedient servant, T. K.

SASrORTAS, Orangeburg County. Representatives W. J. McKinlay un Keith obtained leave of absence The further consideration of a bill to ai tho Chatham Railroad Company was pos poned until the second Wednesday in comber next. A bill to define the jurisdiction of Ju tices of the Peace and regulate the practh in Justice Courts, was postponed until tl next regnlar session.

Bills to amend an Act entitled "An A to define tho jurisdiction and regulato tl practice of Probate Courts;" to furth amend an Act entitled "An Act to define tl jurisdiction and regulate the practice Probate Courts;" to amend an Act entith "An Act to fix the salary and regula tho pay of certain officers;" to repeal au A entitled "An Act to prevent persons hoi ing certain offices from leaving tho State to punish persons violating Section Article IV, of the amendments of the Co st i tu tion of the United States; which we road the third time, passed, and ordored be sent to the Senate. Tho Committee on Ways and Means i ported favorably on a Senate bill to fnci tate tho settlement of the affairs of the Ba: of the Stato of South Carolina. Also, Senate bill to authorize the Financial Agc of the Stato of South Carolinn, in the ci of New York, to pledge Stato bonds collateral security, and for other purpose; A Senate concurrent resolution, relati to tho appointment of a joint committeo hold a the city of Columbia, 1 gioiiiiig oue week next preceding the me of" the General Assembly in regti session in November next, to consider claims not actod on at the present sessh was laid on tho tablo. A joint resolution was received from 1 Senate, providing that a committee, ct sisting of two membors of tho Senate a -members of the House, is here created and empowered to proceed duri the recess to thoroughly investigate 1 disordered state of affairs in tho Third Ci grcssionul District and tho causes of tho timidatiou, outrages and murders per trated preceding and at tho late gene election, whereby it is stated that jl and unbiased expression of tho peop! choice could not and was not given, and tho existenco of organizations inimical tho peaco and well-being of tho Stt That said committeo may procoed to various Counties ouibraced iu tho Th District, and aro empowc to compel tho attendanco of witnesses i to Bond for papers. They may also emt: a stonographer, and, if necessary, ma; a lawyer to assist in tho investigUi hat said committoo shall be appointed tho presiding officers of tho Senate i House of Representatives, and shall composed of at least two Democratic bera.

They shall receive the same per and mileage, whrle actually engaged, as is 1 to tnemoirrof the General Assembly, the sama being paid, in the usual way, (ro? any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated; and that the Governor is hereby requested to furnish said committee all information in possession bearing upon the objects of this investigation, and he Vi hereby required to furnish them all necessary facilities and protection in visiting other Counties. Bead' the first time, and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. A joint resolution to suspend the writ of habeas corpus in the Counties of Laurens, Newberry, Edgefield and Abbeville, was taken up, but postponed until the 22d. i The Committee on Eugrossed Acts re? ported os duly and engrossed, for 1 a third reading, a bill to chartor tho South Carolina Central Railroad Company. Read and ordered to bo returned to tho Senate with amendments.

DEATH OF COL. ALLAN aro pained to announce the death, at tho Mansion House, iu this city, at ll o'clock yesterday morning, of Col. Allan Mucfarlan, for years past ono of the most promi? nent planters, as well as one of tho most public spirited citizens, of Chesterfield Dis? trict. His disenso was consumption, from which he had long been suffering; but the immediate attack of illness which resulted in his death, was of but two weeks' dura? Charleston News. Chicago has a ghost that Hos down in frout of railroad trains and insists upon be? ing run over.

JANNET'S HALI- TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 23, 1869. THE ORIGINAL PEAK FAMILY BELL RINGERS'. AND tho Celebrated "BERGER FAMILY," Vo? calists, Harpists, and Violinists, assisted by Mn. SOL. SMITH RUSSELL, the talented racial delineator.

Everything now, brilliant, and at? tractive The Largest Company of Bell Ringers in the World A Complete Sot of One Hu ltd rc tl timi Twenty Belial Two Crawl Action Erard Harps! A 'Stair of Pure Slicer Delfs! A Magnificent Silver dornet Hand! Cards of Admission, Reserved scats may be obtaind at Bryan A MeCartor'H Bookstore, without extra March 23 NY. Yv. FOWLEB, Bmmicss IEL" ZE? 3Et. 3E2 CAROLINA HALL, Lcaeoe and Manager, JOHN TEMPLETON. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 24.

-o ALICE VA XE'S BENEFIT NIC HT. -o 4 RMED CHAIRS and Boeervod Seats, in front, ladies and gentlemen, can bo recured at Uoiso'a Confectionery Store, 1.00. Separate Back Seats for gentlemen, unaccompa? nied by ladies, 75 couts. Separate Seats sot apart for all colored people, 75 cents. Entiro chango and attractive programme for to-morrow evening.

March 23 DANCING. MIS8 LILY LEVY will resume her DANC? ING SCHOOL, on 7th of April, at her resi? dence, corner Lady and Bull streets. Terms in advance. March 23, April 5 In Equity-Richland County. James R.

Tringle vs. Thomas B. Clarkson, et al. Pill for Injunction. Foreclosure and tienci-al lie lief.

IT appearing that Lemuel C. Clark and Caroline B. Clark, Ma wife, Petor Bryco and Ellon M. Brvco, his wife, defendants to tho within bill, re? sido without tho limits of this State, it is, on mo? tion of Talloy, Bachman A Wa ties, solicitors for complainants: Ordered, That thc said defendants do plead, answor or demur to tho above stated bill within FORTY DAYS from tho publication hereof, and in default thereof, that au order pro confesso bo entered against them. March B.

MILLER, 0. 0. P. In Equity-Richland. Mary A.

Hanigan, Administratrix, vs. Edward II. T. Hanigan, et al. PURSUANT to tho order of tho Court, the cre? ditor? of THOMAS HANIGAN, deceased, aro required to preBont and provo thoir demands against tho said estate, beforo mo, on or boforo tho lat day of Juuo.

D. B. MILLER, C. C. P.

March 23 In Equity-Richland. D. C. Higgins, vs. el ut.

et at. John C. Boyie, et al. PURSUANT to tho order of tho Court, tho cre? ditors of EDWARD V. BOYLE, decoaaed, aro required to proaont and prove thoir demands against tho said estate, beforo mo, on or before Hie 15th dav of Mav next.


SIXTY HHPS. Muscovado MOLASSES, landing ex Prometheus, GO Hhds. Grocery SUGARS, 50 boxes Fair Orocory Sugars, 50 Hhds. Choice Orocory Sngars, 100 Hhds. Choice New Crop Clayed Molasses.

50 Hhds. Choice Now Crop Muscovado IO Hhds. Now Crop To Arrivo, por "Mary A. Holt," from Matanzas. 50 Hhds.

Brime and' Clioice Barbadoes SUGARS, 100 Brands Choice barbadoes Sugars. GO runchcons Choico New Crop Barbadoes Mo? lasses, To Arrive, per Schooner from Barbadoes. RISLEY A CREIGHTON, Accommodation Wharf, Charleston, 8. 0. March 23 $50 REWARD I WARREN'S TOILET and WASHING SOAP ia superior to all others in that it washes easier, saves labor, timo and inonoy.

It whitens and beautitlos clothes; its bleaching qualities are unequalled. 1 will give tho abovo reward where it fails, in anvinstanco. to do all our billa recom F.vory family should havo a right. using it throughly, they cannot afford to do without it. Calf and seonre a right mimcuiately.

Assignee for South Carolina, D. HIOKS. March 23 "hoice, Fresh and Desirable Groceries rolthout reserve. BY JACOB LEVIN. TO-MORROW (Wednesday) MORNING, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, before my Store, the follow lng ohoioe 1,500 lbs.

choice, warranted HAMS, 3,000 lbs. suprior Breakfast Bacon, 5,000 lbs. choioo and largo Belly Bacon, 25 kegs and kits Leaf Lard, 25 boxes Adamantine Candles, 25 boxes No. 1 Family Soap, 10 boxes Orange County Cbeeso, 20 bbls. line Irish Potatoes, 10 boxes choice Codfish, 200 boxes (jardines-largo, 20 boxes fine Layer Baisins, 10 boxea Can Tomatoes, 25,000 choice Segare, 40 Flour-No.

1 article, 20 kegs Nails, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, Champagne, Madeira, Sherry, Currant Tort and Claret Wines. Raspberry and Ginger Cordials, Lemon 8yrnp, Stanton's Bitters, Ac. Marou 23 Assignee's Sale of Stocks. D. C.

PEIXOTTO SON, AUCT ON MONDAY, tho 5th of April, at o'clock A. in front of tho Court Uouso, in this city, wo will sell the following Stocks belonging to the bankrupt ostate of R. Bryce: 8 shares Colombia Gas Company, 34 Greenville and Columbia R. U. 3 Elmwood Cemetery, 1G King's Mountain Iron Company, 50 Colombia and Augusta Railroad, 2 Broad River Bridge.

Conditions cash. Sale positive. THOMAS J. LAMOTTE, Assignee. March 23 30 April School Furniture.

BY permission of W. H. Wigg, Judge of Pro? bate, I will see, on WEDNESDAY, tho 24th at the ODD FELLOW'S SCHOOLHOUSE, tho following articles, belonging to the estate of tho lato F. W. Papo: 10 DESKS AND BENCHES, 1 Stove and pipe.

2 Slack Boards. Tei ins cash. T. WALTER. March 10 28 24 PE I A TIES AT R.

C. SHIVER'S. WE keep from this timo forward, "Chelly's French Kid Gloves," the best Glove im? ported. ALSO, THOMPSON'S Glove Fitting Corset, "the greatest favorite with tho Ladies." ALSO, ALL of Thompson's andBradley'a popular styles of Hoop Skirts. ALSO, TUE handeomost lino of imported DRESS GOODS over offered to Columbia buyers-BO con? ceded by all who have seen them.

ALSO, A most elegant collection of Silk Coverings, White, Llama, Lace Points and Blaok, French Lace Points, Shetland and Berge Shawls, Ac ALSO, THE best lino of Domestic Goods we have over kept for WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. PLEAS? remember that wo guarantee every? thing wc sell in prioe and quality; that is, we hold ourselves responsible and bound to sell as cheap as any house South, and are anxious for a large trado. R. C. SHIVER.

March Statement of the Oondition of the North? western Mutual Life Insurance Compa? ny, of Milwaukie Wisconsin. ASSETS December 31, 57 Invested as follows: Cash. 70,479 27 In hands of Ageuta and in 11,116 14 Real Kat ate unencumbered. 128,860 61 United States 5-20 Bouda. 133,596 00 Wisconsin Stato Bonds.

1,000 00 Accrued Interest. 8,264 00 Loans on Bond and Mortgage. 1,608,632 26 Loans secured by Policies. 8,227 24 Premiums in course of transmission principally for December renewals and Policies. 489,744 50 Loan Notes secured bv 1,971,419 21 Accrued Interest.

71.283 06 Deferred Premium (somi-annual and 256,634 48 Ofrico Fixtures. 1,215 80 LKSTER SEXTEN, President; HEBBXR SMITH, Vice-president; A. W. KETXOOQ, Secretary. J.

H. 8EELYE, General Agent for Georgia and South Carolina. Dr. R. W.

GuiBEV, Medical Examiner, Colom? bia, S. C. Traveling and Local Agents wanted for tho Stato. Liberal terms will bo offered by the Gone ral Agont, at the National Hotel. JMarch 21 Planting Potatoes.

fr rv BBLS. PINK-EYE PLANTING P0TATE8, OU just received and for by Jan Sc T. R. AGNEW. Fresh Supplies.

DUTCH HERRING8, FRESH COUNTRY AND MOUNTAIN BUTTER, and Peach-Blow Planting Potatoes, Fine Goshen CHEESE, At G. DIERCH8, the Wlttch- The Reynolds Patent Plow. HAYING mado arrangements with Wm. Glaze A for tho mannfaoturo and exclusive sale of this justly celebrated PLOW, we are prepared to offer them to tho country on good termB. Good tools will alwavs be found a good investment.

Feb LOWRANCE A FISHER. FIRS I 11 -o. jETNA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, HA TFORD, CONN. Incorporated 1S10. Charter Perpetual Cash Cash Assets.

5,000,000 The STRONGEST Firo Insnranco Company in the United Statos. North American Insurance Company, HARTFORD, CONN. Capital and GEORGE HUGGINS, Agent. Ornoo in rear of Messrs. Duffie A Chapman's Book store, Davie' new building, Main street.

Co? lombia, 8. C. 3mo.

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