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Boston Post from Boston, Massachusetts • Page 4

Boston Posti
Boston, Massachusetts
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BOSTON POST, SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1920 SAW THIRD GUNMAN IN BANDIT CAR Witnesses Say Shot Was Fired by Vanzetti PLYMOUTH. June the trial of Bartholomew Vanzetti before Judge Thayer in the Superior Court on charges of attempting to rob and murder Alfred Cox, paymaster of the L. N. White Shoe Company, Bridgewater, Dec. 24, more evidence was put in by the Commonwealth tending to identify he defendant as the man with the ihotgun who fired on the little ruck in which the payroll of over was being carried from the Tridgewater Trust Company place Main street to the factory near the railroad station.

on trolley car from Prldifewater to Brockton, last April, and flndlngr four shotgun cartridges of 12 gauge on him. Chief of Follce Stewart ot Brldge- told first of his connection with the incidents of the day of the attempted shooting, and went more particularly into a conversation held at the prllce station after zetti was arrested, in which the defendant said he had come on the eve ning of the arrest, with a friend from Stoughton to visit another friend in some part of Bridgewater. Vanaettl said he was unacquainted with the town, and could not tell much about where they went. Vanzetti denied knowing Mike Boda. Chief Stewart knew Boda.

described him and had searched for him without avail. Coaccl lived In the Boda house, he saiu. in Bridgewater. A light colored cap was found in the house, 35 Cherry screet, Plymouth, where zetti lived. One of the motor bandits w'as described as having a light cap.

COAL PROBLEM GROWS WORSE Outlaw StrlKers Have Tightened Hold THIRD GUNMAN JPreeman Shaw. Bridsrewater, Broad street, close to the scene of the attempted holdup, and was the i rst witness to introduce a third gun- mn into the storv. saying there was nother man whom he did not see get ut of the bandit car, but who had a evolver, and went up the street to- vard the pay car. The gave most of his atten- lon to the man with the shotgun, he saw fire at the truck. A econd man with a light cap was near this one, and he too fired a re' olver, two shots at the truck.

The 'en boarded a large automobile on Hale street and left. positively identified Vanzetti PS the man he saw with the gun. He lulled to notice the third man much. John Herbert King saw a large car pass home oit Grove treet going toward Mt. Prospect treet at very high speed soon after a.

Dec. 24. The curtains were lOwn, and he could not see who was aside. He w'as positive as to the lake of car, as he w-as familiar with notor vehicles. Between the dispute over the interpretation of the Interstate merce order giving New England priority In coal shipments and the outlaw strike on some of the railroads, the coal shortage situation is growing rapidly worse in New England, according to Administrator James J.

Storrow. "Things are practically at a standstill 80 far as anything 1 can said Mr. Storrow last night. Constitutional law questions had been raised as to the Interpretation of the priority order ana these are being threshed out at conferences held In New York, he said. No break is in sight.

Summing up the situation as related to the strikes at Baltimore and Philadelphia, at the cedar Hill varda near New Haven, and at Harlem River on the New York, New Haven Hartford railroad system. Mr. Storrow said: "The strangle hold which the outlaw strikers have on New throat has tightened further during the last 24 hours," Some of the railroads may have to shut down as well as a good many factories If no relief comes, he said. RALLIES FOR PORTUGUESE FUND DRIVE New York Express jumps at Norwood, but None Injured! MILL AGENT seat and only the absence of a top hla oar saved his life. Mr.

Emery was dead when medical help reached the spot. The cause of death was given as concussion and hemorrhage In the spinal cord. Receptions to Crew of the Sab Gabriel Next Week A series of rallies to secure funds for the Portuguese War Fund will be conducted this afternoon and tonight in Cambridge and East Boston. The Portuguese Civic League will direct the Cambridge meetings, which will be held in Harvard, Central and Inman squares. A group of young women will assist the league members and George Foster, president of the league, will be the principal speaker.

RECEIVE NAVAL MEN Women Leader to Wed Ex-Senator Saw Car Getting Away Dr. John M. Murphy. Bridgewater, sounds Dec. 24, like two tires lowing out, saw the big car making I get-away, a man with a long bar- lolied weapon getting into It just be- i'ore it started.

He lived close by the tcene. Hf picked up a shotgun shell In the road, about where the man with fie shotgun had stood, and Identified one shown In court. Patrolnian Michael J. Connolly, told of arresting Vanzetti Charles I. Quirk, former Senator and 'ex-member of the Council, ond Miiss Hilda A.

Hedstrom. chairman of the organization of the Boston League of Women Voters, will be married next Wednesday. The ceremony will be performed by the Rt. Rev. Patrick Supple.

D. of St. Church, Roxbury, and will be private. The prospective I ride has been prominent in many public activities in Boston, such as the war food sales and the Hoover economy campaign. Observations in Boston Mean barometer Mean temperature dew point Mean relative humidity Maximum Mlnlmunu-temperatnre J.

W. SMITH, Meteorolofdat. MEN Open all day Saturday Because a few of the sizes are missing priced below present wholesale OXFORDS Were $10.75 and $11.50 Reduced to Two groups: young long, narrow toe style in mahogany veal leather; same style but in black. Also two groups of JOHNSTON MURPHY young oxfords Young medium narrow toe style in black wax calf; young long narrow toe style in tan calf. Both styles Were Now 12 .75 shoe floor Today is the last Saturday store is open till September The Hon.

Fernando Abecasis. Portuguese consul at this port, named yesterday those who will comprise the committee of reception to the officers and men of the Sao Gabriel, which. It is expected, will reach Boston from Montreal early next week. The following men have been Invited to become members of this committee; Dr. Luiz Moderno, Manuel Acores, Augusto Acores, C.

D. Medeiros, Philip Manta. Frank Linhares, Dr. Henrique IJnhares. Alfredo Acores.

Alvaro Acores, A. P. Sears and Joseph Linhares. The cruiser and its crew will be accorded a truly cordial Boston reception. In which citizens of all nationalities will take part.

Officers and men of the Sao Gabriel will assist In the drive for funds while they are here. MARY E. JUNE IS KILLED! WINS ELECTION Auto Strikes Cable at Detour in Natick ...30.12 ..14.00 10,00 .75.00 .6.3.00 SCENE IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE TRAIN WRECK IN NORWOOD ON THE NEW HAVEN. More than 135 passengers escaped serious injury yesterday when the 11:21 train from Boston for Hartford and New York on the Midland Division, jumped the rails at Winslow station in Norwood. The steel cars prevented a big loss of life.

The photo shows a portion of the engine cab at the left, the overturned tender and the combination smoker and baggage car. In the background can be seen the remainder of the tpin also derailed. The roadbed was torn up for a long distance. A broken brake beam is believed to have caused the wreck. PROVIDENCE, R.

June Manning Emery Jr. of 34 South street New Bedford, agent of the Passaic Mills there was almost instantly killed when the automobile in which he was returning from the races at New London, struck a wire cable across the State road at Cut near Natick, about 9:30 Chosen President of Phone Union DROVE INTO CABLE Mr. Emery drove his car into a detour which, witnesses said, was not properly protected by obstructions, and was going at a fast rate when he struck the cable stretched across the road. The cut through the windshield and hit Mr. Emery in the neck.

A similar accident took place at the same spot last Sunday night, when Clarence Spencer of this city drove into the detour with his car and struck the cable. He was hurled back from his Miss Mary E. June of the Back Bay exchange was elected president of the Boston Telephone Union at the annual election yesterday. The vote was not tabulated until early this morning, when the ballot committee announced that Miss June had won bv a vote of about two to one, the exact count not being made public. In the balloting about 3400 votes were cast.

Miss June was for the offlfce by Miss Mary Matthews, the former president. The following officer- were elected contest: Vice- president, Frances Van Tassell: ing secretary, Annie Molloy; treasurer, Theresa financial secretary, Loretta M. Baker. Counting of the ballots began at last night in Wells Memorial building, and was completed at 2 this morning. LYNN BOY DROWNS IN FOUR-FOOT PIT Albert S.

Holsen, eight years old, son of Thomas S. Holsen of 120 Myrtle street, Lynn, while playing on a raft on water of the Nicholson clay pit off vval- nut street, Lynn, was drowned yesterday afternoon when he slipped from thi planking and fell Into tonr feet oi water. His body w'as recovered by police about 4 shortly after the accident. Fund for Specific Purpose The following statement anent the arrangements for the Sao Gabriel reception was issued by the central committee last night: "The Portuguese War Orphans Relief committee will not authorize any local sub-committee to give any reception to the officers and crew of the vessel under the auspices of such local dommlttet because the Portuguese War Orphans Relief committee, being a charitable organization, cannot undertake to give such a reception. "Sub-committees wishing to give entertainments for the benefit of the fund are allowed to use the name of the committee for that purpose.

The committee feels that anything, such as banquets and receptions, to be given to the officers and crew should be given In the name of the colony and organized by the committees working independently from this relief fund workers, so that the public and all those that have contributed to the fund may not think that the money so contributed is bejng expended In entertaining the crew of Sao Gabriel. "Every penny donated toward this fund, outside of expenses for printing, Is to be sent to Portugal to aid the children of the Portuguese soldiers and sailors that died during the war. "The central committee has planned to hold mass meetings In Boston and suburbs for the purpose of making collections at these mass meetings. John N. Souza has been delegated to go to Portland and meet the commander of the cruiser in order to learn the date of arrival of the cruiser at Boston and the length of time she will remain here so that arrangements for mass meeting? and the possibility of a parade may be arranged." Standing of Fund One hundred and thirty-five passengers on the Boston-New York express, via Wllllmantic, which left Boston at 12:21, daylight time, yesterday, escaped serious injury and possible death almost miraculously when the train, consisting of a combination baggage and smoking car, two passenger coaches and a Pullman, jumped the rails at the curve just beyond the Winslow station in Norwood.

their way to their several destinations. Traffic over the Midland division waS blocked up until midnight, trains being diverted by way of Walpole and Walpole Junction. Three Appointed to St. Cathedral Staff Dean Rousmanlere of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul announces the ap- pointmenls of three new men to the rinslow station in Norwood.

the Revs. John Wallace Suter, The train tore along 1000 before Aldrich and Niles Carpenter. 11 stopped, the cars rolling and lurching Rev. Mr. Suter, who has been secre- like small boats caught in a trough of Diocesan Board of Educa- the sea.

The passengers, many of, them assume charge of the work of women and children, were hurled from -------their seats and terribly frightened. A TONIGHT AT THF POPS Aglde Jacchla and his superfine orchestra of Symphony players will give ihe following programme at the Pop concert In Symphony Hall tonight: 15 Victoria street, Dorchester, and the fireman, Harry B. Selmer of South Weymouth, escaped unhurt. They stuck to the cab until the engine was stopped, then jumped. Station Agent W.

C. Robldou of the Winslow station summoned doctors from the Norwood Hospital. They were not needed, however, and with the exception of one girl, a student at Dean Academy in Franklin, who was sent home in a taxicab, all the passengers boarded a relief train and continued on religious education, especially among Marche Mllltalre Orerttire to "Poet and Peasunt Violin solo (Mr. Jacques Hoffmann). E'antasla, from "The Meistersingers" Wagner Introduction to Act of the to Hans Sachs Prelude Barcarole from "The Tales of Hoffmann" Offenbach Finale.

Fourth American Military American Idyl, "Indian Vienna score of more were made hysterical. Apart from this and a few minor cuts and bruises, none was Injured. Kven Rev. Mr. Carpenter the engineer, Robert T.

Robinson of- inaugurate a class for adults In so- gr Ar finH iviiBtcFuo Waltf. the Rev, Mr. Aldrich 'will iiave gwedlsh Coronation March I charge of the Rousmanlere Bible class and of the class of young men at the olal questions. WINTHROP FLKS TO HOLD DANCF TONIGHT The first of a series of dances given by the Winthrop Lodge of Elks will be held tonight at the clubhouse In Winthrop. The committee in charge consists of John Gallagher, chairman; Eric Ambler.

Chris Ahearn, FYed. Clark, John Kelley and A1 Knox. VAN RIPFR RFLFASFD, THFN RFARRFSTFD NEW YORK. June C. Van Riper, arrested today, was released tonight after furnishing a surety bond for 20 000 only to be arrested again and locked up on a charge of being a fugitive from justice.

Van Riper was Informed the order for his second arrest came from the director of public safety li, Philadelphia. His attorney declared Van Hiper will wave extradition proceedings. Consul Abecasis requests that organizations desiring to entertain the officers and crew consult with him at his office. 92 State street, before making definite plans. Contributions to the fund w'ere reported last night as follows; PreTloualy ecknowledgeil by Boston, ElUrtard and WUilnm Rooney, ir memory of their Julia D.

McRae Mra. Cbrlatina Ham'ook. In memory of he mother, A. p.ter Mp.4'1i'm $52.) 85 2.00 1.00 2.00 2 I Fred A. Young Ned Cochrane A.

K. Keene U. AnililOIr therlue A. Cunmff nnn''an Gordon .1. A.

Orquhart H. Bate? Johnston Mr. Pratt Mr. Morrlsicn R. O.

Ehirldge W. vidildge Chas. Harries Mnrasta Herbert S. Holmes Chae. D.

Coe Pimentel Joseph Isnado Plagie Osen Joset.h Fler-ia Sonfor C. Jaennes S''va Antonio F. Plela J. Mra. Sheldon Antonio Machado Manuel Ollrer s.

Brooks WllUnm Mra. J. M. Boyle ICS F.illth Sofrlie MarA' J. Sofr'ne Portuguese Civic League of East Boston Lusitania 8 of Rallies of 8 Boston 1.00 10 l.CO 1.00 1.00 .25 .25 ,50 .50 1 0 .50 5 00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 Thousands of Pairs Tennis and Sport Shoes DIRECT FROM Cambridge Rubber Company At Prices Less Than Factory Cost to Make SOME SAMPLES SHOWN Highest grade white poplin, with guaranteed fibre sole, $3 value.

2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 110.1.3 10. Oo 30 4.3 Total to date from East Previously acknowledged 2 Portuguese Fraternity Providence R. I.lnharce I Mr. and Mrs. Kelley, Arllugtou, Mass.

I Mrs. Charles Howe Mrs, Adelaide Soirs Anna Day Mrs. Harry Davlg I Helen Johnson Florence Armstrong Antonio Sousa Cttaco I'rhano P. Martins l.anrlano Amaral Botelbo Manuel Andrade Frink Xavier Manuel Soares Francisco Ricardo finllherme Ricardo yrscUnA,) F. ifacquothera D.

Medeiros P. Ti. Manuel H. Mathias P. Cirl Msnnel Cordelro Mathew A.

Haler E-meMnda Femandea Coelhs Joto Botelho Red DAwnes Burke Bsm Schepelhto Romardo A. F. Nutting, 701 2 $. 3 680.01 10.00 10.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 .25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.09 .10 ..10 .10 ..10 ,10 .50 1.00 .60 1.00 .10 .10 2.00 .50 .60 An ..10 1.00 1.00 2.00 PRICE PRICE White or brown pop 1 i reinforced leather tip and trimmings, value $5.50, CELLING PRICE VALUE Tetnl to date Bast Boston contributions 3,746 26 700.23 total $4,515,49 BOSTON MAN ELECTED. BY ORDER OF MOOSE AURORA, June 25.

The Loyal Order of S2d annual convsntion adjourned today at Moose Heart, ill. after oonflrmlng the following new officers: Supreme dictator, Darius A Brown, Kansas City, Mo. supreme vice- dictator, James P. Griffin, Boston; supreme prelate, J. W.

Pierson, Danas, Tfixae. Brown or White Brown or White Brown or White Brown or White Brown or White Brown or White Brown or White Brown or White Pumps, Brown or White Brown or White Brown or White Pumps, Brown or White Brown or White Ox. andMary or White 1.75 1.50 1.65 1.45 1.50 1.35 1.65 1.45 1.45 1.50 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.10 3.50 3.00 3.35 2.90 3.00 2.75 3.35 2.90 2.90 3.00 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.25 WO striking illustrations of our gi savings values in and shoes. OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 10 P. M.

Stock from Haverhill and Brockton Co-operative reat FACTORY SHOE SALE Old Oriental Tea Store, 87 Court Street STRAWS Knox Beautiful, clear, clean made down to the smallest detail in true Knox fashion. The longer you wear a Knox Straw bat the more you realize what Knox Service means. Proportions that are just right. SIX DOLLARS 2g SCHOOL WASHINGTON STREETSTREET OPEN EVENINGS One Ikmdred ki Condensed Works of Dickens. Thackeray.

Kipling, Conan Doyle. Swift and others condensed by Ex-President Taft, Ex-Governor McCall, Basil King, John Kendrick Bangs and others. Complete in Four Volumes at Sii (or $1.50 a volume). At All Book.

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