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Evening Standard from London, Greater London, England • 2

Evening Standardi
London, Greater London, England
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EVENING STANDARD WEDNESDAY DECEMBER: 29 1970 HIE TROUBLE with the first Night of Pygmalion Is that Its punch line packs no punch 1 mean who would get worked np about a line like not bloody likely in these days of fall fron- choice undercover world of vice la tonight's Softly Softly Determined to dean np the criminal element surrounding organised prostitution In Thamesford he teams up with a detective from the local vice squad for a closer Inspection Elizabeth Seal plays one of the girls he meets (BBC-1 S10) Tomorrow's Highlight Mar garet Lockwood in Shaffer's Five Finger Exercise (BBC-1 GSOFFREY HOBBS plays Shaw Miriam Karlin Is Mrs Campbell the star and John adorning every other Osborne portrays Uecrbohm Tree West Lnd stage? But Richard lh Hutretfs engaging reconstrurtion of the events that led up to the £1 1 i production of Shaw's famous play Is nevertheless a vehicle for some ff 1 life (BBC-2 7MT7- fine acting display of 1120) JOHN and a rgoes monumental Mas Adrian Programme not in colour WATT delves Into the BBC-1 BBC-2 Thames Radio 250 Journey of a Lifetime (repeat) Barnabas i rcpeatl 15 Christmas Cooking Party Rupert Bear Crossroads Lift Off Sexton Blake and the Puff-Adder 1 730 80 810 Watch with Mother (repeat)' 145 News 330--3ou ot Iron Horse (repeat) School (from BBC-2) 499 The Three Princes The Magic Roundabout 550 NEWS gO NATIONWIDE LONDON ac JESUS The story of his life With the Young Generation Introduced bv Kenneth More (repeat) 7 70 ACE OF clubs The Grand Final AW With Michael Aspel 550 news 62 THE SAINT (repeat) Simon Templar wants to have a famous diamond re-cut but the stone disappears NEWSROOM i TIMES REMEMBERED MAN ALIVE The Community Relatione Commission set up to help improve race relations in Britain has been bitterly criticised and passionately defended What is its future PETS AND VETS A look at some exotic pets SHIRLEY BASSEY (repeat) T1IE FIRST NIGHT OF PYGMALION by Richard Hugged With Max Adrian Miriam John Osborne (repeat)- (See Hobbs's choice) NEWS Weather LINE-UP Interview with Richard Huggett author of The First Night of Pygmalion 70 THIS IS YOUR LIFE 730 CORONATION STREET 90 920 1010 1115 1120 Legacy part 1 (9) Beethoven and Webern talk 111 Beethoven's legacy continued part 2 Webern (1) New a (I) Staraephonia breadesit RADIO 4 (HOME) 10 1 Daily Service i Christmas Music Hour 1UI An Irish Medley You And fours 1225 Not In From of the Children 1255 -rWeather preview and newt The World At One The Archers Listen With Mother Steve Invitation To Music -19 Afternoon -Theatre This -Island Now Story Time 59 PM: News ma canoe 559 Regional Newt Weather ana preview News Petticoat Line The Archers News Desk Down Your Way 115 Midweek llieatre Now Read On' Speaking For Myself Weather The World Tonight 1941 Moonlighters talk A Book At Bedtime 1115 News Weather Market Trends LUXEMBOURG 7 Tony Priacs Bob Stewart 1139 -Darkl Christian Dimensions with Kid Jensen RADIO LONDON 1 Woman In Town iiii Listen Children 1130 News 1132 Bedside Microphone Never Too Late education Capital City London Newa magazine As Radio 4 Lunch A La Carter 2-39 At Radio 1 49 Travel -Newa 42 A Radio 1 439 Home Run Newa magazine 930 Quest Christian churches Speakers' Corner As Radio 1 RADIO 1 1 ft-Jy Young 19 i Club Tommy Vance 26 Barry 1 Mason 32 Terry Wo au 50 New Dave 'Cush Bounds of the 70s: John Peel 72 As Radio 2 545 Soccer Special Music after the As Radio 2 RADIO 2' 1 Qft Morning Story fHOU 1145 Waggoners' Walk NW Broadway -to Piccadilly 121 Sam Costa 21 Woman's Hour Terry Wogan Waggoners' Walk NW 431 Charlie Chester 91 Album Time Sports Desk 72 Humphrey Lyttelton with The Best of Jazz i Way for-Muslc Bill McCue Time for Old Time 191 Late Night Extra 129 Midnight Newsroom Night Ride News Weather RADIO 3 (THIRD) 10 1 Liszt: Song 1UOO Recital Midday Concert part I Beethoven Mozart Bruch Bach's Fugues: talk 1229 Midday Concert: Siart 2: Mendelssohn 19 lews Weather Haydn Beethoven Ravel: Recital 25 lolanthe: excerpts (5) 256 BBC Training Orchestra Bach Bartok Liszt Choral Evensong from Exeter Cathedral The Young Ides 645 Today records (5) 125 Programme News: Stock Market Report 531 Study on 3 Starting Spanish 71 Six Modern Artists Mendelssohn and Strauss Concert (3) 135 Three 8ov(rt Scientists and a Crock of Oold talk Italian Concertos Corelli Gemini-anl (t) Beethoven's BBC Southern Weather 1127 Ace of Clubs BBC-1 7JM 8 1A SOFTLY SOFTLY-Task Force: A World Full of Rooms by Allan Prior a lot of money to be made from vice See Hobbs's choice 90 news 9 20 nRAN RIX presents: Stand By Your Bedouin British agent Fred Florence finds himself trapped in a with hilarious results 1 045ASSOCIArION FOOTBALL 1 1 25 TI1E SPINNERS AT THE PHIL Seasonal songs from the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall As London excepting SI-635 8outh Today News Weather ITV Anglia A Family At War Thames 90 8 0 THE BENNY HILL SHOW With Nicholas Parsons Trisha Noble The Ladybirds Liz Frazer 9 0 A FAMILY AT WAR baby is due in a few days time It is October 1941 and the family are worried! 100 NEWS AT TEN -10 30 father dear father with Patrick" CareR Natasha Pjnf CargilL As London excepting Christmas- Cooking Party Analia Newsroom 435-455 The Romper Room About Anglia S35 7 Crossroads Stories or Histories Donald Ecitn i ReptaD i i I 5 i WEATHER 120 ITV Southern BBC Anglia 11 0 PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING From KaJJ Croydon Hobby Baron Le Petit Print iron Para 1 1 45 'VII'T THE PAPERS SAY Church and As London excepting 49 House party Wind In the Willows Day by Day Crime Desk 639-7 My Three Sons 103fl-r Southern Scene Southern News Weather Carols by Candlelight As London excepting Look East Weather News Weather oaDCDDuoatte (SBraeinraas SssdqQBss 7- 4 i i i 4 i i i i if 4 1 7 I i i THERE'S A GIRL IN MY SOUP Weekday Performances 1245 245 445 650 850 Sundays 430 630 830 THE RAILWAY CHILDREN Weekday Performances 10 30 535 80 Sundays 345 545 820.

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