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The Athens Post from Athens, Tennessee • Page 1

The Athens Posti
Athens, Tennessee
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


VOL XII-NO. 578- 0 7-yv I inr in iv if ii 1' -t TEEM 8: THE POST II PUNLIfllltn EVERT FRIDAY, At Two Dollars i Year, Payable In Avenoe. GsT" ATo ctMeiiriia paid ta antics or Mf paper whcm aceomjMntVff Me Cash. AnvnTisannT will bo charted II per iqtmre if 10 or taut, for tha Knit insertion, and 61) mn tar each eonttnnenee. A liberal deduotion rovto tu those who advertise by tha year PMnM sending advertisement, must mark 'in ramher or time.

I boy desire thorn inwrted, or uioj will be oontlnued on 1 11 forbid and obargod amntrdiniffly." Vot annttinoina; tha narao. of candidate, for ofll ti. Co. Obituary notice over 12 linos, obargod at regular advertising rate. All communication.

Intended to promote tbe private ends or interests of Corporations, Societies, Sohools or Individuals, will be charged as Joa Wons, inch a. Circulars, Handbills, Ac, Kill be executed In rood style and on reasonable terms. All addressed to tho Proprietor, will bo promptly attended to, No eommnnicatlon inserted unless eecorapanli Xtr Offloo on Main street, ncit dr to wo ol Jackson Hotel. Athena, Friday, October 8 It 1860. Fnii.Atwi.PBiA, Oct.

11. The opposition are celebrating the triumph of Mann, for District Attorney by 3.500 majority, and the residue of the ticket by 2,500 majority. In Lancaster county the opposition ticket is elected by 3,000 ma-jorito. The Democratic majorities are in Wayne county 000. Northampton county 1800.

Montgomery county Dauphin county elects the whole Republican ticket. Washington, Oct. 12. The Government is satisfied that the Yacht Wanderer is the only vessel which has landed Africans on our coast. They are making stringent efforts- to intercept further cargoes.

New Orleans, Oct. ft Pieroe's store on Levee Street was burned last There is a mass meeting of the Omo-sition to-nfght. Soule is speaking: there is a great gathering and enthusiasm. Baltimore, Oct. 13.

Two men were shot last night, and the ballot box "at the 20th Ward smashed, up and no return made. The Reformers carried seven wards, defeating the most objectionable candidates of their opponents. Excluding the 20th Ward the Americans have 387 majority against 19,000 majority at the last election. New Yoke, Oct. 13 Noon.

Flour declined 5 to 10 cents Sales of 9,000 bbls. Com buoyant, mixed Whisky 29. New York, Oot. 13. The Washington correspondent of the Times denies that England has demanded an explanation of Harney's course.

On the contrary, while Lynns is claiming the Island of San Juan, he has submitted a proposition for a settlement of the dispute Cass replies, positively declining to shadow of English title. This turn in affairs is regarded as very serious. Our Govjernment think peace or war depend upoi the tenacity of England to her pre-tension. PiiiLAuELPniA, Oct. 13.

It is reported rii it President Buchunan intends pose-. Mr. Forney for libel in an editorial on Miudofick's death. m.una Ei.V.cTio.t. The Republican elected on an average of about i jr ,1 lie Rev.

8. G. Starkes, I'rinoipal Si.tte Female College at Memphis, ii Fr dt.y in li ning lust. a t.ikh Duel. On tho 17th an- tatut duel wim fought with rifles, at i iv paces, near San Andreas, Cal.

The were Dr. Peterson and Col. Wm. A "fnewood. Tho former fell mortally aued, ond died in two hours.

JJisiiop or Mobile. The Mobile Regis-U-i- "We learn from a friend that liu- Rev, "John Quinlan. of Cincinnati, Oiiio, President of the Theological Seminary, has received the appointment of Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Mobile and West Florida, rendered necessary by the death of the lamented Porter. Jfcajr Tho Utah mail snys, MoKenisio, the forger of the Government checks, has been sentenced to two years imprisonment in the Penitentiary. ifflr Treasury receipts of the week, $1,136,000.

Drafts paid, $1,280,000. Drafts issued, nearly $1,540,000. Subject to draft, $4,570,000. T- A t.Ai.l AfvAlirairtn linu fni Rome time, been going on at both the Baptist and Methodist Churches in Thom- aoville. Muny nave connected iiiemsoives witn tne ine xion.

j. Bahtbridge Argut, 'lath. states the Canebrakes of Alabama is said to have utterly failed jn ita crop this year. Democratic Consistency, Two Democratic Conventions were held in Massachusetts on Tuesday. One resolved that a Territorial Legislature had no power to exclude Slavery from a Territory, and the other that the people of a Territory, as well as of a State, have aright to deoide for themselves whether or not Slavery hall exist within its limits.

Hoo Cholera. The Shelby News Rays the hog cholera is prevailing ton great extent throughout that county. Some farmers have lost nearly all their hogs. We learn that this disease is also playing havoo with the hogs in Washington county. Iiouinvillt fT The salt or brine in which any kind of meat has been pickled, is a deadly poison to stock." Seat in Congress from New York city, is quoted at ten thousand dollars by the papers there.

Wtf The man, Wm. Fulton, who killed his child in Detroit, whiU Bring a gun at bis been found guilty of murde in the (ceond degree. The jury raoom-mendedlhim to mercy. ttf iti, Prioa, a white man, received 80 lashes at the last Wythe pounty Court, fop petty laroeo, Gov. Harris on Banking Thut portion of the Governor recent Message which relates to "Banking" is not received with any favor by-the press of the Mtatc, if we exoept those few prints which "grind for the toll," and are ever ready to commend nny absurdity, or monstrosity that ominates from "head quar ters," Among tho journals disposed to take issue with His Excellency upon the Currency, is the A'ashvilli Gazette, from which the article below is taken, and which paper is strictly neutral in rexpuct to parties The Governor's Message.

We have intended, for some days, to notice tho contents of. the Message. As might have biy- Gov. Harris occupies all II o.4)lverted fterod others tiiat have been totind to be worthless, and still others that it bus been reserved for him to bo the originator: or, in other wolds, those which are good are not new, ami those which ere new urcnot good. As we do not intend to slur tho Message on this important branch of public interest, but propose to give it our best attention not only because it is not a party question, but because it is tiusal'o to make it one we cliiill only glunce at what seems to be tho Governor's wedge," in introducing the subject of Banking; that 's, the democratic Bentiment that, commencing in our Federal Constitution, is generally I he foundation of nil the constitutions of all the States.

What this is worth in the practical application of a banking system, at this time what it was found tfi be worth in Gen. Jackson's time, when applied nt a State democratic sentiment, as onrmed to federative uower and what all the changes are, through which such radical notions go, when brought into conflict with the every-dny practical operations of life and government, might have been unfit questions for Gov, Harris to have argued on the stump; but we did hope that, in his writ ten Messaite. be would nave given tnis question a practical turn, and from his hieli ana innueniiai position, given us a practical and a statesman-like view of a subject about which he knows there is so little really known, in the masses of the community, and about whose evils the veriest demagogue lias ceased to prate ceased to raif at Turnpikes, because they did not run by every mans door; ceased to rail at Railroads, because thoy did not touch every man's farm; ceased to rail at Ka.nks. because every man cottiu not en joy the benefit of owning or owing a bank, whether he was ume to own or oniy aoie to owe it. We venture to glean from the Message that a bank is not an unconstitutional thing "per Be," ns Mr.

Tyler has it, and we think that, though it will bear this tremendous siuniticanoe of interpretation, and though thiB opinion has been safely till i v- Message shows that the writer bus gono through "deep waters" in order to rind the constitutional terra Jirma upon which to place himself. But the t)U8iness community, wnu whom we have to deal the most the planter, who probably cannot count interest as fast as ihe Governor the former, who may or muy not have a bill to sell at 30 days, are interested in some of the deductions drawn in the Message, and we propose to examine them carefully, in future issues of our paper. What General Tavlor saiu to Santa Anna. A correspondent of a Northern paper has the following statement of what Gen. Taylor did say in reply to Santa Anna's summons at Buena ViBta to surrender; I relate the circumstance as it was told by a person who was present, and the language which was really ued.

Before thecal tic of Buena Vista when Taylor's gallant little army was surrounded by a force five or six tunes its number, and its utter annihilation appeared certain at least to those who knew nothing of the material of which it was made ui Gen. Santa Anna sent one of his aids to summons the old Veteran to surrender and to represent to him the folly of entering upon a conflict that must end in the utter defeat of the Americans. The summons to surrender was reported by Col. Bliss, who, when he had translated it to Old Zack, askod what reply he should make. "Tell him," Baid the General, in his usual prompt and emphatic manner, "tell him to iso to hell." Colonel Bliss asked him if he should send that reply "Let me see.

No!" replied the old mau, "say I see him a hi at. Col, Bliss, who was throughly posted up in tho etiquette of the camp, thereupon wrote the dUpatch which lius been oredited to his commander, and which was to tho cllect that tho summons hud coivp'l and that General S2W a Barrel. At the lost ac counts flour was selling on the island of Hayti at two hundred and forty dollars per barrel! That looks like a high price, but the money was llayticn currency, which is like our old continental money. About $20 of it are worth one silver dollar. Iron freight cars are comins into use on the Ohio Railroad.

Four or five have been constructed, and are found to answer well. The entire car weighs only 11,500 pounds, while the ordinary wooden baggage car weighs 14,500 to 16,500 pounds. 19 The London Times says that the seizure of San Juan originated in the assumption that England would not dure to avenge the act, and It is time to put a stop to suoh notions. Neutralizing. Poison.

A "general reader" sends the following prescription to to the Pittsburg Gazette i "A poison of any conceivable disorip-tionand degree of potenoy, which has been intentionally or accidentally swal. lowed, may be rendered almost instantly harmless by simply swallowing two gills sweet-oil. An individual with a very strong constitution should take nearly twice the quantity. This oil will most positively neutralise) every form of vegetable, animal or mlnerable poison with whioh physicians ftnd chemists areao ruilnted. lelss.sssBasssa.

ssssseneSeSFTTa tlfillllTI A Fixed Fact -An Entrenchment. r. The New York Courier hoastingly says i f'The Republican party is a fixed fact. It Is entrenolied impregnably from Maine to Minnesota. It cannot be beaten anywhere along that line, nor will it surrender." The "Jixed fact" and no "Surrender" are partially (rue: nothing else.

Bourbons never learn but, "Chew on wisdom past, And totter on in blunder, to the last." Let us Inspect, now, that iMPnsxKAnijt. entrenchment, as it stood in 1850. when the Republican leaders, by running Fremont, elected Buchanan President. The popular vote then was rnSSIllENTIAL VOTE IX THE NORTHERN STATES III 1800. XT0 I.7B2 24,1 16 28.I2H 82,176 615 6811 N.

Hampshire Now New York 411,1143 llii.878 fi.flMII 62,81.1 .18,345 11.4(17 :iu.mi Ohio Pennsylvania Hhodu land Vermont Wisconsin Total 1.22H.352 1.X40.:I20 Fillmore vote 3114,841 Sub't 1,020,99.1 Fillmore vote l. Fremont's mi-1 nnrity in the 280,673 Free State. Republicanism never was so strong as Fremont and Jessie;" and now. in there is not a free State where the Re publican party is not weaker than it was then. STATE OP THE ENTRENCHMENT.

The summary of these facts und futures is then as follows No Fremont Electoral Ticket in fifteen States of the Union Fremont in the minority in the sixteen free Suites Jrremont in the minority in the United States, STATE OP THE FIXED FACT. The "fixod fact," then, is. that in 1800. the Republican machine can make a Democratic President, and do nothing else. Xew i'ork Express.

TnE Caloric Enuine in The Northampton Gazetto thus re cords the triumphs of its new caloric engine: It coes "like a clock." Pufiinii and blowing, it tugs away at its work like a boy at iiis Bteut. Hundreds of people huve been to see it. 'What makes it asks one. "Where is the water?" asks another. "What tho deuce won't they getupnext?" And on itgoesl "What's that blowing oil' That is the escupe of than is needed to drive the press, it is passed otf through the ample pipe.

No water is used. A fire is built in the little furnaco and the wheel set in motion, and away it goes. It needs no attention any further than to keep the lire burning. Any boy can nianuge it. And besides driving the press, it gives all the hetit necessary to warm the room in the coldest weather.

It can consume but little fuel, mid therefore cannot cost much to run it. It is the cheapest power in the world. When first set up the draft was not good, and it failed to show its power, but that dilHuulty has Lees, overcome, and now it "goes like a top," Three cheers for the caloric printer! ftaT'Tho Scientific American speaks of a new invention tor horse-shoemg, designed to obviate the continual driving of nails in the hoof, by which great injury is sometimes inflicted on valuable horses by unskilful workmen. A groove is made in tho underside of the common shoe, into which is fastened a piece of iron of the same width and shape as the groove, only thicker and slightly curved upward, the junction forming a complete dovetail. The advantage of this inner shoe is, that it is made to project beyond the ordinary shoe, and when worn down can easily be removed and replaced by another without pulling off tho shoo from the horse's hoof.

Strange. To heur a person at one moment confess himself a vile worm of the dust the chief of sinners a hardened rebel totally depraved -deserving of eternal tortures, Ac yet ready to blit7.e up with passion the moment one hints he may have formed an incorrect opinion, improperly expresses himself, or commit ted some action not quite accordant with the Cf'l' Which Bhall bo be lie, has MillcTcntlv exinessivn self-abasement ut another, a broken head if you question his infallibility. Horace Greeley, who was announced to deliver the address before the Wyoming County Agricultural Society on Wednesduy last, arrived in New York on Tuesday evening from California and only calling at the Tribune office a few moments, left to fiilfiill his appoinlmont without even seeing his family from whom he had been absent four months and a half. There is punctuality for you, but we wonder what Mrs. Horace says about it.

Remedy foe Cold in the Head. The following may be worth trying: "Tie a handkerchief over the head at night on going to bed, taking oarc to cover the ears, and an incipient cold will be gone in the The first. symptoms of a oold should never be neglected, as the simplest remedies have effect then, which prove useless afterwards. If a cold has sained some headway, avoid liquids for twenty- rour nours, ana it win disappear." The London Illustrate! News, discussing American Politics, has the following valuable information "The Presidential nominations tnrm the chief topio of conversation in Ameri- three, candidates in the field Wise, Douglas, and Botta. A 1 1 out aocounw Botte wag little ahead," vl tf-i l'TlMi ii

J-1 c- 7 s. tpmaie Korvnutf Proposed Abolition of the Law for Enforoing the Payment of Debts. (Prom the New Tor Iad.pn4!ent.) Abolish all laws for the collection of debts, and leave creditors to their own power of discriminating character when giving credit. This is the point to which our growing civilization tends, and to which practiclal wisdom and philosophy point. We have long since abolished the inhuman laws which used to imprison debtors, in wliioh abolition we took the lead of old Europe.

We have now to lead the way to a rvvre Important reform. A great portion "of tho bad debts made arises from tYvfag of business credit I and ore would be more proirmed to the known means of thn debtor, both as regards amount and time. The expenses attending the collection of debts aro very great and absorb a large portion of the profit. In cases of failures among the dealers, their debtors are, as it is well known, apt to take advantage, and delay, if not altogether refuse payment of their debts. The law is resorted to by them for its evasion.

The moral effect of this proposed abolition of the law to compel payment of debts, which it does so imperfectly and at so great nn expenso of money and time, would bo very great. It would be felt by all traders, that to obtain any credit a reputation for character must first be obtained, and constantly maintained. It would also be felt by the seller that it would not answer to tempt buyers too much. Besides, cash transactions would increase and speculative dealings diminish. The evasion of the present laws for tho collection of debts is very easy to dishonest men, aided by professional advice; nnd numerous instances abound of men huving become rich, by running largely into debt, putting their property so acquired out of reach, and setting all laws nt defiance.

Rich men abound whoso property is all settled on their wives, or held in trust for them by others, which, in the absence of bankrupt law, cannot be reached. Indeed, if no law existed to enforce payments of debts, men would look into the moral habits of their debtors before trusting and not afterwards. Tliey would not be so ready to seduce, by illicit means, any set ol men to make purchare. Men i.fW'K.-Pi'in 1' bo aoie.d are What a New Orleans Fireman can Do. For a small city, we thought Mobile had some as active firemen as could be found anywhere.

But they are ahead of us in NewOrleans. At a recent lire in Tchoupitoulus street, in that city, Mr. Jules Dreux, a member of one of the hook and ladder companies, saved himself by jumping from the lotirth story of a burning brick building; the other three stories having burned away walls and all some two hours before, and left the fourth story retaining its position simply by force of habit. A gentleman from the Crescent city, who was tin eyewitness to the miraculous feat, says that when Mr. Dreux saw all hopes of getting down stairs in tho ordinary way were cut otf, he took a running start for a window, fronting on Tchoupitoulas street, and went through sash and all.

In his swift descent, and when he had nearly reached the ground. Ned Rntushide, of No. 13, who espied him coming, cried out, 'Look out, Jules, or you'll fall right on our engine and smash her Like a good fireman and a noble fellow, us he is rather than injure another company's machine, he stopped a Becond in midair, then turned and jumped back again, alighting upon tho roof of a two-story housa on the other side of tha street, from whence he reached tho ground by a ladder belonging to his own company. Ho was immediately seized by his friends and carried round the corner, where ho called for an article usually prescribed for snake-bite. Ho was uninjured, and said the sensation was delightful whilo ho was descending, but when he stopped in the air und turned round to jump buck, it was indescribably awful.

This is the true history of tho affair, about which the New Orleans papers have published so many conflicting reports, Mobile Jirrihtcr. The Ladv of the Kitchen. Tho papers are making light ojsretVjnunds made temalo servan TTTife'fles the ll anted to hnvinon nlnn nnt homo, no incumbrances but a' husband and a child, wishes to place herself at the disposal of some servant who can come well recommended from her last place. She would prefer one who would be willing to remain within doors at least five minutes afier the work is finished. She would also stipulate for the privilege of going to church herself once each Sunday, having been compelled to refuse the last applicant, who was not willing to allow her but half a day once a fortnight.

Wages satisfactory, if under ton dollars a week. She is deeply conscious of the utter inability of ladies in general tooomply with the present demands of sorvauts, but she hopes by strict, attention to please in all respects. The best of reference can be given also, a pood recommend from one who has now left her to the fate ot many housekeepers. Please apply before six A. M.

1 A Gem from California The tongue of childhood in its earnest and innocent lisplngs not unfremienlly gives utterance to the most exquisitely poetio expressions, whieh seem to fall from their tiny Hps by inspiration. A few days ago a bright-eyed little boy in this vloinity, about six years old, retired up stairs to bed, leaving his mother below without the customary good night kiss, As lie kissed his father and bade him good night he naively said, mamma good night for me; forgot to kiss, but her that tits her in my -lHb. MIT 1 eruji IHI'III'. The Mystery of Mr John Franklin's Fate Cleared Up. While the interesting diaooveries recently made in the Aretio regions, by Captain McClintock and the orew of the yacht Fox, set at rest forever all hopes and fears as to the fate of Sir John Franklin and his brave eomradea, they stamp upon the records of Arctie investigation a melancholy tale of suffering, and an instance of fortitude ejnd devotion to duty almost without parallel.

Stimulated by the undying love of woman, tbe hopeful nature, the- unyielding energy of a fond wifeL the little band of the Fox set out to make the final search for the remains of J.ha hat icn liitoriiiation rmwmmrrr as they the adventures were enabled to discover the track of their predecessors, nnd follow up the trail accurately, meeting at intervals the mournful traces of their last Journey from tho abandoned ships across tno desolate regions of snow and ice. Tho reoords found by Captain McClintock at Point Victory, a full account of which we published yesterday, establish tho fact beyond question that Sir John Franklin died in the midst of his faithful companions, on the 11th of June, 1817, and that the ships were abandoned ten months later, on the 22d of April, 18 18, more than eleven years ago. Turning their faces southward, the surviving adventurers, numbering a hundred and five out of tho original hundred and twenty-nine, commenced their march over tho ice towards a region where they expected to find deer shooting, and doubtless, also, with a view to carry nut, if possible, the object of tho'expedition, by ascending Fish river. All the traces found of them intimate that they were not short of provisions, ammunition or fuel; for, in or around every cairn evidences of abundance yet they dropped away on that desolate path, oneafter tho other, until the last one perished. Tho skeletons of some were found lying in boats, others bleached upon the buows, surrounded by the relies of home nnd friends.

How long they held out against the terrors of their situution after the 25th of April, 18-14, the date of tho record, will never be known enough, they perished one by one, and they have mouldered where they fell, in the midst of si- eleven winters. 'u- nows of Tho fate of these gallant men, as now ascertained, bears out the assertions which Dr. Rue made after his search in 1854, that Sir John Franklin and his crew were not the victims of Escruimaux treachery, but had probably taken a course to the southward over the ice, and perished on the journey. All uncertainty as to their fute being now set at rest, it is presumable that the expedition of tho Fox is indeed the final one to the Arctio regions. With the discovery of the Northwest Passage or open sea by Capt.

McC'lure came also the conviction that it was impracticable for purposes of navigation. No discoveries havo since bcon made to afford any hope of better results from Arctio explorations, and we trust that the solution of this twelve years' mystery will bo the signal to abandon all further attempts demanding so heavy a sacrifice of gallant and chivalrous lives. Y. Herald. Moderate Drinking.

Let no man say, when he thinks of a drunkard, broken in health and spoiled in intellect, "I can never fall so." He thought as little of falling in his earlier years. The promise of his youth was as briuht as yours, and even after he began his downward course, he was as unsuspi cious as the hrmest around him, and would repel as iudignantly the adomni- tion to beware of intemperance. The danger of this vice lies in its almost im-nerceptible approach. Few who perish by it have by its first access. Youth, does not suspect driikeiiness in the sparkling ueveragn winch quicKcns alt its suscepti' butties of joy.

1 he invalid does not see it in the cordial which gives now tone to his debilitated oruans. The man of thoughts and genius detects no palsying poison in tho urauiilit winch seems spring of inspiration to intelleot anil in Hie I ntemperiince comes with noiseless step. uiiu incus mju ursfc coma Willi a touuil 1 .1... l. too light to be felt.

his truth of mourn fill experience should be treasured by all, and should influence the arguments ami mums oi social anil domestio lite every class ot the community. W. Vlaw It OfniiT to Pass. A correspondent of the Camden Republic recommends that the Legislature, of Alabama pass an act ns follows; "That the Probate Judge und Circuit Clerk, in each county in the State, both bo required under a suitable penalty to keep a file of tho county paper in their ollices, and at tho expiration of each yeur to have the same well and substantially bound, and kept in their oflioes ns pub lic records, for the use of the public." JUST One of the railroads in New York is said to be the safest in tho world, as the Superintendent keeps a boy running aheud of the train to drive off the calves and sheep. HOT A Mr.

West, of Bradford, N. has been mulcted in the sum of $100 for breuking a promise of ninrriage made to a Lowell widow. Both of the susceptible parties have seen upwards of fifty summers. gST The first looomotive run in Egypt used mummies for fuel, making a very hot fire. The supply of mummies is said to be almost inexhaustible, and they are used by the cord.

naaa iin in a Diflerenoa between American and Frenoh Brandy. The Chester county (Pa.) Times is responsible for the following! A gentleman of our acquaintance wished to purchase some brandy to use in sickness, and called on an old German liquor dealer in the city of Philadelphia, and the following dialogue ensued "Have you any imported brandy-genuine stuff!" "Very good prandy. Come and rink some claret punch dat ish goot, too, Ten the vedder ish hot." "No, I thank you, I want a Little brandy for a sick man." "Come and try the punoh. One vriend from Germany peen here. I see him not pefore, for many years.

We peen drinking de punch." "Come and tell mo about the brandy. I want a little of tho he Ic" -just enough to u-ii. irtjaar anil the visit ot Jus iimiini Hli ed his sympathies as to make him com municative. "Now, my vriend, you vants goot prandy, and 1 sells you goot prandy. Dure ish some prandy I makes myself, and dat ish goot.

Dare ish some I bought in New York, nnd dat ish sheap prandy. Dare ish some I imported from Vrance, and dat ish very goot, too." "Did you say you made that lot yourself?" "Dat I makes myself, and I warrants dat. It ish made of de vera best old whisky." Whisky I I don't want any of your infernal concoctions made out of whisky and called brandy." (Old gentlcmun, solemnly,) "It is all made of whisky, my vriend, and dat ish de reason hy do French prandy is not so goot as the American prandy. No prundy ish now distilled from wine any more; it is not possible to make it sheap enough for dis market from wine, and de American people do not like de real prandy, because dey are not used to it." "Did you say that French brandy is not so good as our manufacture We import some brandy from French, do we not we import blenty or prandy to ilease de rich people, but it ish not goot. Vrance.

de prainlv ish made of potato whisky, and dat is not so coot as de corn whisky what we muke into prandy hero 1" Pretty Stanzas. I.cnf by leaf the ro.os fall, Drop by drop the springs run dry One hy one beyond recall, Bummer beauties fade and die Hut the rose, bloom again. And tho spring will blush anew, In the pleasant April rain Aud tbe summer sun and dew. 6o, in hour of deepest gloom, When tho spring of gladness fall, And tho rose, in thoir bloom, llrnop like maidens wan and pale Wo shall find somo hope that lies Like a silent gem ancrt, "Wtthfcfcfhwvof Kdo-aAiru! Pemo swool hepe to gladness woii, Thut will spring nfresh and now, When grief, winter shall Lave fled, (living placo to rain and dew sweet hope that breathes of spring, Through tho woary, weary limo, Budding for its blossoming, Iu tho spirit's glorious climo. A Wife in Trouble.

"Prav, tell me, my dear, what is the cause of those tears?" Oh I such disuracel I have opened one of your letters, supposing it to be ad- tressed to ruvselt. Certainly it looked more like Mi's, than Mr." Is that nil? What harm can there be in a wife opening her husband's letters?" "Hut the contents i bucii a disgrace!" "What! has one dared to write me a letter unfit for my wife to read?" Oil. no. Jt is couched in the most chaste language but the disgrace The husband eagerly caught up tne letter and commenced reading the epistle that had been the means of nearly break ing his wife's heart. Reader you could'nt guess the cause in an age.

It was no other than a bill from the printer for nine yean subscription. A most sensible woman I There are some readers of tha Courier whose wives would lie sorely vexed on seeing the bills due for subscription to We shall consider the expediency of addressing duplicate bills to these good ladies, it their husnnnds do not settle their scores in good time. Char. Courier. USf Bricks that will float used to be made years ago, but the art has been lost until recently.

A Monsieur Fabroni has, it is said, discovered their composition, which is said to be fifty-five parts of si liceous earth, fifteen of Magnesia, fourteen of water, twelve of alumina, three ol limo, and one ot iron. 1 hey are in fusible and will Host in water though liurfc of conimnn. h- affaed to them, rhev resist water, unite periectiy with nine and are subject to no change from heat or cold. They are nearly as strong us common brick thouuh only about one-sixth as heavy or consider ably lighter than water. 1 hey are such poor conductors ot Jient that one end mav be heated red hot while the other end is held in the hand.

2ly An old Dutch farmer, just arrived at the dignity of a ustiae of the Peace, had hislirst marringecase. Hediditupjin this way. He hrst said to the man Veil, you vants to be murret? Veil you lovinh dis vomiin so good as and vo- inan vou have seen "Yes." Then he said to the woman, "Veil, do you lovo dis man so better us any man you have ever seen?" She hesitated a little while, aud ho repeated "Veil, veil, do you love him so veil as to be his wife? "Yes, yes," she replied. "Veil, dut ish all any reasonable man oan expoct. So you are marret, I pronounce you man and wife?" The man askod the justice what was to pay.

"Nothing at all; you are velcoms to it if it vill do you any goot?" The wuter that flows from a spring does not oongeal in winter. And those sentiments- of Friendship which flows from tha heart cannot he frozen in adversity. BfiT A little boy was savins his raver. half asleep; "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep und if I should die bufor I wake-wPpp. goes the weasel!" The Letter from Arkansas.

(Fran the rHstrrffl. Vallj Tw.J We are indebted to our friond, Major E. A. Raworth, for a tetter, dated the 12th from Maj. B.

M. Barnes, formerly a Very popular Sheriff of Davidson oounty, but now an Arkansas farmer. After, speaking of some private matters, Mr. Barnes proceeds to say, that the hog cholera is making fearful havoo in that seotion of country, (Clear Lake,) that the eettle have thermrrrsiai and black tongue, the horses have the foot-evil; that the deer are all dying in the woods, and the fish in the bayou; and that a disease is said to provail also among bears. He says he killed a fat deer, and on opening it, found its lungs a mass of rottenness, another dead in tho woods, re eieron, j.f ops, jm says, are t.

as an average, and cotton in particular, better than an averngoA; Many large planters are locating aroBTMl him, and land is advancing rapidly. There is quite a neighborhood of, Tennes-seeans, and they find the sountry much healthier than they expected. B. reports his own family and immediate neighbors in good health- The following illustration of a wild "RackaBsackian," is given Jy Mr. Barnes for his friends amusement, and we copy it for that of our readers "By the way, I will relate a trivial occurrence which I incidentally heard and saw in one of our Arkansas towns.

On county court day. A real screamer, about six feet six inches high, sprang out of the crowd, and used language something like this: This is me 1 If it aint cuss me! They commonly call me little Billy all the way from Buncombe. I'm a small specimen, as you see a mero yearling, but I'm the true imported breed, and can whip any man in this digginv Whoop I Wont no body come out and fight me? Come out some of you, and die decently; for I'm spiling for a fight I 1 aint iiad one for more than a week, and if you don't come out I'm fly-blowed before sundown, to a certainty I So come uptotnwl Maybe you don't know who little Jiillv is I'll tell vou. 1 in a poor man, it's a fact, and BUtell like a wot dog. but I can be run over! rnr the tellow that grinned a menagerie out of counten mice, and made the baboon hang down his head and blush.

Whoop 1 I'm the chap thut towed the broad-horn ftatbomt up the Saline river, where the snags was so thick, a fish could not swim without rubbing the scales off, and if any body dobts it let him muke his will. (Then crowed like a cock.) Maybe you never heard of tho time the horse kicked me and put botli his hips out of joint 1 If it aint true, cut me up for fish-bait I Pm the very infant that refused my mother's milk before my eyes were open, and colled out lor Wtloo Whnon L. Wake snakes nuou" and tli rowed her into spasmadies, and she's a raving maniac to this day, poor thing 1 Whoop 1 talk aliout grinning the hark off a tree! 'taint nothing! One squint of mine at a bull's heel would blis ter it. I'm one ot your tougn live forever, and turn to a white oak post. Look at me 1 I'm the genuine article; a real double acting engine; I'm the locomotive that pushed the bull off the bridge I I'm can out-run, out-jump, out-swim, out-talk, outat.

chew more tobacco, drink more whisky, and stick my head further in the ground than any man If that don't make you light, nothing will I Whoop 1 I don't behove there is a man among you that has any gizzard I Not one of you got courage enough, to face a gander I i Aihino at TnE Wrono End. Teacher. 'Come here, you young scamp, and get a sound spanking." ISclioUar. I ou hamt sot no right to spank mo, and the copy you just sot me, ses so." Teacher. "I should like to hear yea read that copy." Schnllar.

You-shill (reads) 'Let all the entit thou aiinest at be thy country's and so forth, and bo and wheat you're a spunkin' me, you aint aiming at ho such end." BoynooD Faults. Judge LongBtreetin his new novel of Wm. Milten, publishing now in the Southern Field and Fireside, very shrewdly says It was a common remark of Doctor Waddell, "show me a boy with a horse, dog, and gun, and I'll 'show yotl a boy who will never come to any thing." We can look back through the vista of fifty years, and we can not point to the man, living or dead, whose history disproves the remark. Wo can point to many in verification of it. Bsy "What were the mob saying?" asked the District Attorney of a Yankee u.i uJmm a riot trial, "Well they was sorter singin'." "What wore they singing about "Well, they was singin' 'pout a song." "What was tho song what they wero saying "As nigh as I kiu keep track, they was a tellin' a Missus Long (her first name was Lucy) to take her time 1" "You can go." The Des Moines Citizen says a returned Pike's Peak wagon passed our office a few days since with these words rudely daubed on the cover, "Fizzle rask no questions." That told the whtrle story as woll as it could be told in half an hour, and saved the time of the travelers, who felt that they had already wasted 'too much.

6x2 erome.Jeromo!" screamed Mrs. Butterfield, the other daw to her blvuest boy, "what ore you throwing to those pigeons "Gold beadi, mother, and the darned fools are eatin' 'em 'spool tliev think t' corn." i Iriy An Englishwoman, about Svau. of age, living nine miles West of Auburn. New York, walked into the Auburn market recently, bringing the entire' distance 29 pounda of butter on her head, 28 dozen eggs on one arm, and a thumping fat baby, weighing 36 pounds, on the other. IOr "Yes," suidakind motherl of one of our city chuiehs, helping her little son learn his Bui day school lesion, "Cain was a lugmve ana vagaoorid on the earth he was so bad that he thought every man would slay him.

Where could -wicked Caio go to Why, replied thoughtful Johnny, eeuld gone to $ltutri".

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