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Boston Post from Boston, Massachusetts • Page 11

Boston Posti
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BOSTON SUNDAY POST, SEPTEMBER 8. 1901. 11 BOY KILLS HIS FATHER MEDICAL. Arnold Brielman of Pittsfield Slays Drunken Parent. PITTSFIELD.

Sept. well aimed rifle in the hands of Arnold Brielman was the instrument of death to his father, Arnold P. Brielman, this afternoon. The tragedy was the result of a quarrel, REPUTATION Is the only surety vouchsafed the patient. What Dr.

G. A. LOUGEST has accomplished during the past forty years, and Is doing every day, ie a guarantee that he can and docs cure all DISEASES OF MEN no matter who nor what has failed. Owing ta his greatly Increased practice, Dr. Lougest has associated with himself two of the most celebrated medical experts, whose fame compasses the entire continent of Kuropc.

The world has never witnessed a stronger combination than the union of these three wonderfully gifted medical gentlemen. Men, If you are going to spend time nnd money, do you not want the surest and best? You cannot afford to further experiment by seeking the advice of unknown medical pretenders and self-styled specialists, nor by using patent medicines, electric belts, washes or specifics when a scientific method, offering absolute certainty of cure, is available. Lost Manhood, Seminal Weakness and of Yontbfnl Indiscretions, Nervonn MEDICAL. A BLESSING Weak and Diseased Men REAL, You may be examined by the X-RAY etlsing from the father's intoxicated con- Debility, Pimples and Blotches, Hair dltlon and hi.s desire to chastise members Fall inn; Out, Undeveloped Of the family Loss of Memory and Energy, Jmpo- WELL FINANCIAL. If you want to live easy and enjoy the only spot within a 5c.

fare of Boston or Lynn, just visit the well-known, popular Crescent Beach and see the attractions, also carnival which is now in progress, and Unon Street. Peiern, where house lots are almost given away, as our Prices run from 4-c. to foot, end few higher, without Interest, taxes, mortgages or Light in possession of The Dr. Collins Remedy Co. By the use of this wonderful light bidden symptoms enn bo seen.

men who are troubled with unknown or complicated private troubles should be examined by the X-Ray Light, for bv Its use the very Inside of the body can be seen nnd the exact amount of disease ascertained and then the proper remedies can be applied intelligently and successfully. If you have been disappointed i in npr in patent medicines, Doctors or quacks. and free life insurance, with 10 per still suffer from Indiscretions of or discount for cash; terms, $5 to $25 down, excesses of maturer yours, if yon have night woeltlv and when vour lot is drains, suffer from loss of vigor, lost manhood, i $1 to blood poison, sore gums, falling hair, ulcers, i paid for any bank will loan you money unnatural or chronic discharges, stricture, vnri-j erect a house; come, boys, pay $5 down, eocole, kidney and bladder troubles, then miraculous cares are dally pitch a tent and see the fun you will performed, even of the xvorfst and have; don't fail to visit Ocean View Park; upon the land every day. includins We Advance Money To Male or Female employees holding responsible positions for about the rates charged elsewhere. We also buy Notes, Accounts, Incomes and all kinds of securities.

Business confidential. No preliminary charges. Office hours 8 a. m. to 8 p.

m. JOHN MULHOLLAND, 7 Water Rooms Winthrop ALL WANTS Cents Per Agate Line. A i fence, Rheumatic Pains, Discharges The Brielman family live on their smaii ar)fl all quickly and per- farm on the Hancock road, two and a manentiy cured by an original and never-failing half miles from the business part of Pitts- treatment. Syphilis, Ulcers, Gleet, Strlc- momherq were auite well tnre. Varleocele and diseases of the field.

I he r8 1 several Kidneys, Bladder and Blood cured In the known here for Mr. Brielman for 8hortest possible time without the use of mer- years was a clerk In a well-known grocery. After leaving the store he went to the farm. The only son, Arnold, who killed his father this afternoon, is 17 years old, and the story he tells Is straightforward in every particular, apparently, and, further- ir.ore, is corroborated by the stories told to the officers by Mrs. Brielman and the daughter, who is two years younger than the son.

Arnold, the son, walked Into the police station late in the afternoon, and said he had shot and killed his father. He said that his father came home intoxicated during the afternoon, and began ill- treating his mother and sister. The son asserts that his father, enraged at the protection he had tried to give to Ms mother and sister, came for him with a club, and threatened to kill him. Arnold says that he tried to calm his father, but this added to his parent's anger, and so, in fear, he ran into the house, picked up a small rifle and ran back into the yard. Arnold says his father again came toward him with the uplifted club.

Raising the rifle to his shoulder, the son flred, his father dropped to the ground with the exclamation: and died almost Immediately. The son said he immediately -walked Into Pittsfield and gave himself up. The officers, after listening to the story, locked up the yotjng man, and though the formal charge has not been made, he is held without bail. Officers went out to the farm and saw the body of the elder Brielman and heard what Mrs. Brielman and the girl had to say.

They described the shooting just as did the young man, and they gave the additional impression that Brielman when Intoxicated wa3 generally accustomed to use them harshly. The dead man was about 45 years of age, and has several relatives In Pittsfield besides the immediate family. cury or hindrance from business. Book for sent free to any address. Consultation by mail and at office free.

Reasonable charges for treatment. Physicians having stubborn cases are invited to consult. Hours, 9 a. in. to 9 p.

m. daily, Sunday Included. 313 DR. LOUGEST, Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass. WEAK, DISEASED, DESPONDENT MEN written for a permanent enre given in every ease.

DR. COLLINS REMEDY CO. Berwick near Hotel Plaza. COLUMBUS BOSTON, MASS. Telephone call 487-2 Tremont.

Consultation and Examination with X-Ray Light free daily 0 to 9. Sunday 9 to tl. If you cannot call, an elegant book with particulars and proofs of successful cures sent free. HOW I WAS CURED -OF- LOST VITALITY. Consnlt the Old Reliable Dr.

ffalloek Medical institute. situated 51 at 110 Court street, Boston, Maas. Guaranteed to cure old. obstinate of Blood Poison. Unnatural Stricture, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, and all weaknesses of men from whatever cause arising; enable to call write.

OLD DTI, HATI WONDERFUL ELECTRIC PILLS, for weak, worn out. Herrons peonle: a positive cure for nervous and Physical debHitv, it per box, elx for $5. ehcniAl OCCCD you are afflicted and OrtulHL urrcn want to be cured, hut are sceptical of the merits of our treatment, we will rend FREE, sealed, by mail only, in plain wranper, onr regular ft nf pills, with valuable book, question list and letter of ad- on receipt of 10 cents to cover postage. HALLOCK MEDICAL INSTITUTE, COURT BOSTON, MASS. Hours from 9 a.

m. to 9 p. m. 10 to 1. For years I suffered humiliation and disease from night losses, varicocele and weakness, and knowing the terrible effects of these troubles I will gladly write every sufferer the secret of my cure.

I have absolutely nothing to sell, but take this method of doing my share towards helping humanity aiid building up a race of strong manhood. Address in confidence, inclosing stamp, Rev. J. GREEN, Box 11, South Billerica, Mass. Sunday.

Como early and avoid the rush. Office Upn the Land and 54 Devonshire Street, Room 24, Boston. Don Go away out 10 or 15c car fare FROM BOSTON Established 1891. WILLIAM FAY, Rooms 700. 710 and 711, 00 State Boston.

Providence, R. Office, 406-407 Banlgan bidg. Worcester, Office, 403 State Mutual Unwell, Office, 8 Associate bldg. MONEY TO LOAN to salaried people and retail merchants. Confidential and reliable dealing; and no.ary public.

Write or call; hours, 9 to 6. SEE US LAST. Salaried employees nay procure the best terms obtainable and we will loan at a lower rate. Furniture No publicity. Blonoy fidvnncert on household furniture nnci other personal property; rates low; service quick.

MUTUAL MAI 7 Watvr fitrent, Room MO. FEMALE HELP WANTED. LEARN DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY Come for Fall Positions. The only regularly registered in Boston recognized by the wholesale and retail trad TAILOR DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY COLLEGE. 3,7 We have the largest re and 1 college In this country.

MORE PUPILS In every department teaching. PROVED syetem of drees- itonrrht in our coiiPitei cutting (taught exclusively in our cuium, all the stores and indorsed and used by dressmaking establishments In better reference can you wish REM EM BE MALE HELP WANTED. Boyle Money Down. For and Clothing, Hats and Shoes on Credit. You can get your slothing without a deposit and way a little week afterwards.

The Green Store, 853 Washington South End, near Broadway TINMEN WANTED. we have the only college in Boston which uses "regular in teaming millinery Hours, ft a to 5 p. dally. EVENING SCHOOL every Monday, Wednesday 0 COMF, NOW FOR i ALL IOSI1IONS. Keep away from Boston, strike on.

For Information apply 40 Bennet st. Per order Local 17, A. S. M. W.

16-6 9 m. uuair. Call or write for descriptive circular. 18 SALARIED PEOPLE And retail merchants furnished money, without easy payments. TOLMAN, Room 724, 58 Stale st.

EFTS ENGLISH ennyroyal I jf-x Origlimi nnd Os AFE, Al" PILLS Only Genuine. Driiigirt -----------SH LADIES, Waste time and money and ruin your health with pills, tablets and operations, but get a of OLD DR. JACKSON monthly regulator. It has saved thousands of women from suicide; $1000 for a case we fail to relieve In 24 hours; absolutely safe and painless. Don fret nnd worry; but call at once.

At office or by mall $2 HOME REMEDY 233 Tremont Boston. Mass. Hours. 10 a. m.

to 8 p. m. 2 to 5. Specialists for 60 years. Advice free.

Lady attendant. LOWELL COUPLE MISSING. Glen Pattee and Mamie Lynch Thought to Have Come to Boston to Wed. MRS. Monthly regulator never falls; most obstinate cases relieved within two days or no charge; easv methods; success guaranteed; office or mail, 2 ladles boarded; care If desired; advice.

free. 621 Tremont st. Hours, 9 to 9. Sept. Pattee.

a elling salesman, and Miss Mamie Lynch, pretty spinner in the Merrimac mills, both young and popular, were the hero and heroine of an Interesting mill romance made known here today. For some time past the young couple have been keeping company, and the voung mother did all she could to make the path of true love run crooked. She forbade the mill girl to come near her house and threatened her son with all kinds of things if he did not break the engagement. But Glen was firm in his devotion and did not stop his visits to the mill girl. Lately people wondered why the young man carried away so many dressing sacks from his house, and all sorts of stories were circulated as to their possible destination.

Last Saturday the denouement came. Young Pattee informed his mother that he was going away for a few days. Miss Mamie, his sweetheart, told boarding mistress the same story, did not give any destination. The young couple have not been seen or beard of since. A thorough Investigation of young room was made and everything bad disappeared.

The young woman belongings were also missing. Miss Lynch, the heroine of the romance, has manY friends around town. It Is thought that the couple have gone to Bos ton to be married. a fklBC Compound regulating the celebrated French remedies. relieve 1 on almost immediately.

By mail or at office, $2. Registered physicians in attendance. Consultation free. No charge unless cured. PARISIAN REMEDY 224 Tremont Hours, 9 to 8 Sundays, 2 to B.

Specialists In all FEMALE DISEASES, posltlve- relieve the most obstinate cases within two 3 or no charge. Ladles boarded; registered physician may be consulted free. Confinements taken. 54 Howard Harvard M. D.

graduate, skilled and experienced; ladles. 10 consult the old. RELIABLE on all female diseases; a guarantee every case; 10 to 8 Sunday, 10 to tel, etl7-3 Hay market. her but MRS. GROGAN HAS NOT WED Mrs.

Richard H. Grogan, cimphnti cullv denies that she has married again Bhe Is the widow of the man who was shot by Charles H. Eastman, the Har vard Instructor, on July 4, 19)0. A rumor to the effect that Mrs. Grogan bad been wedrled to a conductor In employ of the New York Central railroad has been circulated in Cambridge for the past few days.

The rtews, which was ac cepted as being authentic, caused some what of a commotion, so brief has been the period of her widowhood. Mrs. Grogan has been livirsg with her sister, Mrs. Hollander, on Audubon road Brookline, and last night she was seen by a Post reporter, who asked her to corf' firm or deny the story of her alleged marriage. is not a word of truth In the she said, I am much an noyed that people should circulate such reports.

I am still Mrs. She, then turned to her brother-in-law Mr. Hollander, and asked him if he had heard aught of the matter. have not, he replied, people will be in more trouble If they do not learn, to be 4 Ho denied that his remark might have a double meaning. Mrs.

Grogan looked! much younger than at the time of the Eastman trial. She was attired In a white shirt waist and dark skirt. About her neck there was tiny band of hlack ribbon, fastened with a little gold brooch. This was the only bit of black she wore. for KNGLI! In RED sn4 mat with ribbon.

Take no other. Refuse Dangerous 8- and Buy oi your Druggiiit, or -ond 4e. Testimonials and for Uttm-, by return Mall. 10.000 Sold by Chichester Chemical IT Vodluott AND FAY 10 or 15 cents per foot for laud when you can buy good house lots only 5 walk from North Cambridge depot for 5 cents per foot and upward; 250 lots, all 1000 feet fronting on Massachusetts handsomest place between Boston and Lexington, electrics pass the lantl every 2 small payment down and $5 per month, no Interest, no taxes, titles guaranteed; no rocky bills, nice level lots, stone given free to cellars; fine for gardens; electric lights and town water In front of lots, shade trees on sidewalks; houses how being built on the property; don miss this chance; land 1 getting scarce, rents are high; now Is the time to stop paying rent If you are ever going to do so; wake up, your landlord is getting rich while you are sleeping; some people make more money In one day by Investing than they would In a whole year by hard work: come at once for choice locations; you can take any Atllngton electric car, via Cambridge, and get off at Henderson Arlington; I or my salesman will be there to meet you every day from 9 a. in.

to 6 p. and will pay all car fares to and from the land. T. TOLSON, 67 Massachusetts Arlington. 18-al BANKRUPTCY.

$5 down, easy terms; salaried persons In debt enn have them adjusted. the Post. LOAN $500 Indorsed note 12 months; Interest. 7 per cent. Address the Tost.

18-8 honest people, easy payments; no security. Room Oil, 100 PRIVATE PARTY oylston. 17-8 loan of $2000 on rov note for 1 roar without security. 71. the Post LOAN AGENCY-Furntture 1 per cent: salaries unsecured; notary public; justice.

247 Washington at. Chocolate Dippers. Chocolate Dippers. Apply to Richard Bell, 447 Commercial Street. CHOCOLATE DIPPERS, Packers and Wrappers wanted.

Apply every morning before 9 clock at 41 Bowker st. A GOOD SHAVE. le.t haircut, 6 5 different departments. BARBER SCHOOL, 786 Washington Boston; open 8 a. m.

to 8 p. try us. 18-9 AX I of $15 week can he earned in spare time or evening by any person able to write. Proof sent free anywhere to those send- litg addressed envelope to ROBERT GRAN'NAN MFG. Box 227.

Brooklyn, X. Y. CATTLEMEN for S. S. Sachem, to Liverpool.

Apply Monday, ATLANTIC SHIPPING 3 Lewis Boston. 18-8 Inside finishers. Apply P. .7. CANTWELL, Webster Brookline, Coolldge Corner.

18-8 COLORED PORTER In drug store; young man; Monday morning. 97 Court St. KNIGHT'S PHARMACY. 18-8 WANTED. Light foal a lid A.11RRI€AN BUBBEB Sixth Cambridge port.

1W FOR SALE TO SETTLE AN ESTATE THE Of attaining perfect mmnhood In using Dr. Harvelloua Indian Giant Salve THE ONLY EXTERNAL REMEDY for Atrophy. Varicocele and Impotency. Builds up, Strengthens, Develops, indorsed by elans and medical journals. A box mailed clans and medical journal plain sealed wrapper for 25 c.

sliver, money order 01 stamps. Address, The Burns Remedy 38 Mt Kilby Boston, Masa. The homestend of the late G. F. Spaulding, 68 Harvard West Medford, consisting or large house, all modern conveniences, 12 rooms nnd hath, stable, 53.000 ft.

of lawn; 5 minutes to steam and 2 minutes to electrics; will he sold at a bargain. Price rent $40 per mo. ALSO TO RENT. Modern house, 9 rooms, fire-places, 92 Monument rent $30 and water rates. Ad dress or call.

C. H. SPAULDING, Traveler Office. FOR a bargain, a cottage house of seven rooms and hath, hot water, heat, open plumbing, set tubs, good lot. with fruit trees; near steam and electrics; near beach; boating, bathing nnd fishing; easy terms; price, $1800.

Address or call at 1 Appleton MUSICAL Weber Piano Warerooms, 131 Tremont St. Chlckering upright. $128; write for foil Hat, Weber Plano Warerooms. 181 Tremont St. Hallett A upright.

$100; nice tone. Weber Piano Warerooms, 181 Tremnt St, Wm. Bourne A Son splendid piano, $180. Weber Plano Warerooms. 181 Tremont St.

Steinway upright, worth $300. our $130 Weber Piano Warerooms, 181 Tremont St 100 pianos to rent at reduced Weber Piano Warerooms, 181 Tremont St. Hear the latest Improved piano playar. Weber Piano Warerooms, 181 Tremont St. Write ui today for full Hat of bargains.

h2-tf FOR WOMEN. Dr. Monthly Regulator hRS brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. There Is positively no other remedy In existence that Will so quickly bring relief. Longest and most obstinnth Irregularities relieved at once.

Have never had a single failure. No pain, danger, or interference with work. By mail or at office, $2. Valuable advice free. All letters truthfully and confidentially answered.

DR. W. EMMONS 170 Tremont st. Hours, 10 to 7. (1rs.

Dr, Greene Office, 51" Old Dr. Office, The Old Office, aan A IUI 105 Tremont AITI Cw treats all female troubles; most obstinate cases positively relieved within two days or no charge; easy methods; success guaranteed; private home, trained nurses; doctor care if desired; terms low, advice free; ladles. I have the surest regulator In Boston; price hours, 9 to 7. E. W.

CAHAN, M. 224 Tremont Street. specialists In Female Diseases. Private hospital, trained nurses and every convenience for a comfort. No charges whatever unless cured, Consultation free.

Confinements taken; 9 to 8 Sunday, 2 to 0. FEMALE REGULATOR troubles; most obstinate relieved within two days or no charge; treatment simple, safe and sure; ladles, $lft; advice free; lady assistant; Dr. WilsonW-regulator is the surest known; price hours 9 to 7. (Copyrighted), the safest and surest remedy for ladies; all genuine bears signature W. 11.

Knight; avoid imitations; your druggist or KNIGHT PH4RMACY, 97 Court Atlantle. 18-8 house. 7 rooms, hath, hot watef, set range, fruit and shade trees, or lot, $15 month; lots others to sell or let. CARTHY. 83 Sudbury st.

MAC 17-7 MELROSE, 10 Cutter 6 rooms and hath. $13.50, or will sell for 1100 down, balance easy monthly payments. C. E. JENNINGS, 55 Ames building.

SELL wav to auction houses, land, farms. GREGORY, auctioneer, 10 Tremont at. 18-8 TENEMENTS WANTED AND TO LET IDEAL SUITES, Dorchester easy housekeeping; 4 rooms and hath, coal and gas ranges, finished floors, steam heat ianltor service; rent moderate, convenient to electric and st service. Address L. J.

FOSDICK, 27 Bedford Boston, or apply to Janitor, WM. L. DUNCAN, 776A Dudley st. 16 7-9 GOOOD TENEMENT at 244 Harrison 4 rooms; rent low. FRANK STONE.

178 Devon; shire Room 311; 11 to 5. 18-8 SUITES of rooms and bath. 89 Fort Roxburv; take elevated Jamaica Plain car. 18-8 IVEBS A POND PIANOS. rianos to rent at very low rental; rent counts toward purchase within specified time; new uprights (not Ivers Pond), $200; $15 down and $6 a month; bargains In used pianos.

$50, 75 $100 nnd up; see us before buying, renting or exchanging a piano. IVERS POND PIANO 114 116 Boy Is ton st. J278TuTh-tf Wanted-Young Lady who thoroughly understands inaniciwe ing and chiropody; a poaltton to 13-8 right nartv: references required; expected. Address the Post. RIBBON BOWS.

girl experienced In tying and putting ribbon bows on candy Iwxes; round Job to a capable girl. Apply at BELLS, 624 Main Cambrldgcport. 16-7 Chocolate Dippers Experienced split nnd string workers can get fine wages and steady work at DAGGETT 93-101 North no lay-off after the guaranteed. 18-10 Chocolate Dippers and Packers Wanted; experienced girls find steady employment at good wages. C.

F. STAHL, 24 Beach st 16-7 Chocolate Dippers. Bost experienced hands wanted. BATES YEUX A 274 Friend st. COBB, 17-15 ALL WONDER how we can do It; violin or mandolin outfit complete and 20 lessons, $15; easv payments; best approved methods used AUDF.T, 131 Tremont.

18-8 NICE sonare piano for sale, In good order, has carved legs, is Boston make, only $40 cash, with stdbl. 94 Blackstona Boston. HALLETT A DAVIS piano, $800. 55 Adams st. (call evening).

Roxbury. 8-8 SQUARE PIANO. $15 cash; call quick. 94 Blackstone Boston. 18-8 cash offer on elegant $1200 Chlckering A Son concert grand piano and is good as new nnd guaranteed to he In first- clnss order.

See It at of J. S. WYMAN, 04 Blackstone Boston. 13-8 Experienced choeolale also packers nnd rlbboners) all workrooms light and airy; no basement workrooms. Ao- ply jit our new faotory, 87 Union st.

n. OUTTER wanted on mackintoshes and rain coats; state experience and salary wanted. the Post. 18-S CASH PAH) for second-hand bicycles, pawn tickets. GROVER, 298 Hanover st.

18-8 CUSTOM coat pressman. 294 Washington st. BURKE 18-9 ENGINEERS, flreWn, machinists and electricians, send for 40-page pamphlet containing boariquestions asked by examining board of engineers to obtain tloense. Address GKO. A.

ZELLER, publisher. Room 183, 18 South 4th St. Louis, Mo. h4-ll-18-25il-i FAITHFUL man to manage office business this section; salary $125 month; extra commissions; no soliciting; must he willing make permanent engagement, furnish good references and $800 cash. MANAGER.

Drawer 74, New Haven, Conn. 18-15-22-29 FAITHFUL MANAGERS In each State for wealthy corporation: salary $18 cash each Wednesday direct from headquarters; expenses advanced; Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope. MANAGER, 305 Caxton building, Chicago. h25-25 GOOD STRONG man wanted for porter. Apply by letter only, BOSTON BOLT 33 Purchase St.

18-8 PARQUET floor layers. Inches and Inches; experienced men only; $4 per 8 -hour day; steady work. AMERICAN PARQUETRY 503 Fifth N. Y. elty.

18-8 SHIRT and collar wanted. the Post. 15 8 FOSS Inc. GIRLS To make paper boxes. PLACE BOX --84288 Norfolk Cambridge.

il-tf CHOCOLATE DIPPERS wanted; good pay and steady work guaranteed to June 1. J. steady worn Kunmiuvru CONFECTIONERY 622 and 624 Main Cambridgeport, Mass. 15 7 superintendent for large Western printing, electrotyping and bookbinding establishment, who thoroughly understands all branches of mechanical work In these departments; first-class position to right man; must be a man of ability, good Judgment and competent to handle large force of employees. Address, with references and general experience, HENRY PHILLIPS, 5518 East End Chicago, 111.

18-8 experienced man to run stone crusher; also a good carpenter accustomed to sewer or bridge work; good long Job. Apply to PATRICK McGABA, Nobscot. near Framingham. 17-7 COOKS, $5 to $7: housework. $4 to second, $3.50 to plenty places.

206 Massachusetts Room 202. box nailers; none others need apply; permanent place for right party. Address A. L. SNOW, 406 Border East Boston.

15-7 COOKS, second, table. 20 general work, $4-50, $5. MRS. HASKELL, 771 Washington st. 18-8 parties for private detectives (all localities): self-addressed for particulars.

NORTH AMERICAN DETECTIVE BUREAU, Oneonta Chicago. 18-8 MUSICAL. TENEMENTS for small families, $1.50 per week. 115 Everett East Boston. 17-8 TO rooms, with bath, in good order: $35 a month.

1231 Washington st. 18-8 DR. GORDON Offici 532 Trnmont Strmot The oldest established and moat specialist in female in Boston; licensed lying-in hospital connected. 9 to A DR. ADAMS 175 Tremont St.

All female disorders promptly cured. Longest relieved immediately. Treatment simple, safe and suie. Consultation free. Hours, 10 to 8.

J. E.FROTHINCHAM, M.D. Only office 11 Allnton fincht peculiar ta private hospital. OLD MRS. THOMPSON, female specialist, Hoffman House, 212 Columbus Suite 2.

MISCELLANEOUS. ALL BOWLERS should visit the Beacon Chambers alloys, corner and Myrtle Boston, finest howling alleys; also billiards and pool. 16-12 collected, legal Shorey, notary, 28 School h26-110 MEETING HOUSE list. PYNE, 208 Bowdoin Dir. complete 18-8 to enlarge yonr hust six Inches free; cannot fail or Injure the most delicate.

LEONARD MEDICINE Kansas City. Kan. I To Cure Private in a Sure cure. Why pay big and wail Bead our book. Dr.

Hell, Office 478 Columbus avenue. GOLDEN for sick or In trouble, take these: anre every time; $2 a box. MRS. DR. BELL.

470 open The OLD DR. BAILEY Office 48 Howard treats All Female Consultation Free. Houra, 9 to 9. r. VITALITY low.

debilitated or exhausted cured by Dr. Invigorating ionic. FREE $1 trial bottle containing 2 treatment. Dlt. INSTITUTE.

931 Arch Philadelphia; founded 1871. TEN dresa skirt makers, power machines, steady work. BALFOUR SON, 77 Bedford st 16 8-9 tobacco tags; stage quantity and price. Box 225, Pt. Allerton.

Mass. 18-8 books and paper novels bought; high price. JOHNSON, 303 Tremont at. 18 8 field glass. P.

O. Box 3037. 18-8 APARTMENTS WANTED AND TO LB tf GOOD FIVE-ROOM FLATS at 92 and 94 East Dedham one of 4 rent, $3 to 3 50 FRANK STONE, 178 Devonshire sU Room 311; 11 to 5 18-8 CORNET and Military Band School. 170 Tremont thorough Instructions and hand Practice; Instructor JOHN C. HAMMOND.

$30 GRAPHOPHONR for $18. including 65 records and large brass horn; call evening or Sunday. 34 Vine Roxbury. 18-8 or voice lessons; professor: 20 experience; write. 84 Newton st.

18-8 FOR SALE. 5-ROOM FLATS, large closets, $4.76 per week. 68 Leverett. Room 1. 17-12 Samples and Uncalled I For ami of high grade work and materials at low price; call and try them on.

W. BERMAN A tailors and Importers, 164 Hanover st. HOUSES WANTED AND TO LET. TO No. 3 Lawrence Park, Roxbury; all modern Improvraents; American family only.

Inquire 59 Lawreneo ave. 17-10-12 BOARD AND ROOMS. DOUBLE PARLORS, suitable for physician or any business. No. 50 Columbus cor.

Tern nyson also furnished rooms to let. 15-7 FURNISHED SQUARE and side rooms. 8 Townsend off Carver near Common. 18-0 213 WEST NEWTON let, large square rooms; also rooms, all newly furnUhed; hot and cold water each room; large closets, steam heat. Between Huntington and Columbus gentlemen only.

THE MRS. DR. J. B. BISHOP office, apeclallat In female diseases.

178 Tremont formerly 74 Boylston (Hotel Pelham); hours 10-7; closed Sunday. FRENCH and Er.gllah epeclalleta, 271 Tremont opposite Hollis; experts on female diseases; the famous Miss Johnson, assistant; ladies, $10. female regulator, safe, sure; prepared by a registered pharmacist of 26 P. O. Box 3057.

second-hand gasolene eaw. dress the Post. Ad- 18-8 WEDDING BKLL 8 paper Introduces people socially or matrimonially Inclined. Send 10c. to Box 2529, Boston.

MACHINES. A DROP HEAD Singer, a Wilcox A automatic, Households. New Home. Davis and White that we will sacrifice at $5 to $26 this week; they are the beet I ever offered at these fail to ace them. experience.

Dudley Elevated station; our telephone, No 177-2 Roxbury. To Gloucester. FOR BARGAINS In new or second hand sew lng machines, go to 31 Clarendon st. 18-10 are the most delightful of rip CAPTAIN IDE TO RETIRE Captain George E. Ide, United Navy, Is to go on the retired list Sept.

27. Ills retirement will advance three of the jOfflcers who are now on duty at the Navy Yard, Commander Joseph Ci. Eaton, Uieutenant-Commander George W. and lieutenant (Junior grade) Ernest L. CHINESE PROTOCOL SIGNED BERLIN, Sept.

settlement protocol between Chino, and the this morning. ADDICKB IN CONTE IT TO STAY DOVER, Sept. prominent hereabo jib deny that there Is any his withdrawal from the contest fair the United Prates Senate. Word also comes from Newport, Ft. Jdr.

Addlcka he In senatorial contest to remain. all the year in which to tako the trip by steamer Cape Arm or City of Gloucester to the most famous fishing port of the North Atlantic old Gloucester. These popular boats dally and' Sunday leave the north side of Central wharf, foot of State street, for the most Interesting and Instructive trip tourists can possibly take out of Boston the celebrated North Shore route to picturesque Gloucester and rugged Cape Ann. A good orchestra, accompanies each steamer, and enough time is given at Gloucester to see all the points of Interest In the rarely lnterestlrg old town, as well as for a good view of the famous recks forming the sea wall of Cape Ann. The Sunday boat leaves Boston at 10:15 a.

m. and returning leaves Gloucester at 3:15 p. m. The week day boats leave Boston at 10 a. m.

and 2 p. and on the return leave Gloucester at 2:16 p. OUOHLIM FOR LIEUTENANT-GOY r.NOR Dr. John W. of Fall River, who was Mayor of that city for foiir years, has been decided upon by the leaders as the organization camlldgte fpr Lleutenant-Gorvernor.

COLLAPBE OF A BUILDING Two men were Injufed by the collapse of a frame building on Francis stroet yes terday forenoon. William Bailey of 21 Phillips street was Injured about the body. John J. Jordan of 15 Dwight street, married, had one arm broken, besides receiving internal injuries. He was taken to the City Hospital.

him to express their indigna- at nrnl execralfori of the President's Ufa. the attempt CAMBRIDGE CHURCH LEGACY The will of Isabella James, widow of Thomas P. Janies, who died In England Aug. 6 a bequest of $1000 to the Church of the Ascatvsion in East Cambridge, as a tribute to her husband. The money is left to Bishop Lawrence in trust.

HOTEL MAN FIXED Harrv W. Wesson, a Revere Beach hotel keeper, was flnod $10 yesterday morning in the Chelsea 'Police Court for contempt In neglecting to obey a sum moriK to go into court In answer complaint against him of selling to poor JAM SA LE, 2265 Washington 1 minute from LADY sacrifice improved Singer, com jletc, $5. 61 Jay Carabrtdgeport, off estern ava. $3 per week: dinner, six tickets, fl. 13 Eliot 18-9 32 GRAY desirable.

at all very 18-8 282 SHAWMUT day or week 18-10 FOR Afoot desk, two roll top desks, letter and stand, Amberg letter file, 18 drawers, counters, to dose at a bargnln. Apply 51 Portland at. 18-8 GYMNASIUM $100. sell for $20. LAMBERT, 100 Washington Charles- COOKS.

$5: second. 20 general work, $4.50. MRS. HASKELL, 771 Washington st. 18-8 white men, experienced window and floor cleaners.

Apply with references, 8 COOKS, housework, table girls, new arrivals. 514 Tremont. BUILDINGS CARE Room F. In basement, 128 Bedford st. 18-8 EXPERIENCED tuckers on ladles' waists, also exeminer: steady work, good pay.

NEW ENGLAND WAIST 16 and 18 Beach 18-8 man who understands bronzing and painting hot water and steam radiators. Apply at once at 56 Union st. 17-7 EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers good par and steady work. F. DAGGETT (X)MPANY, 93-101 North st.

fliers, gas chandelier makers and lacquerers. R. HOLDINGS 51 Troy at. 14-9 EXPERIENCED waist makers, best pay In Boston, steady work. IDEAL.

24 Kingston st. Experienced oiler on slickers at once. CARTER OILED CLOTHING Beverly. Mass. 15-7 18-8 EXPERIENCED waist steady work 169 Chestnut Everett, Maas.

18 8 EXPERIENCED operators on shirt waists. RELIANCE MFG. 643 Atlantic ave. n-T HOUSE GIRL WANTED at 77 Rogers ave Somerville; take Broadway car. 16-7 nickel corset steel protector, front or steels; protects shape, retains waist line, lasts forever; 15c.

coin for sample and terms. THE EVANS COMPANY. Box 197 Waltham. manicure, 25 cents; shampooing, 50. ERNEST DE SOUZA, 19 Tempieri.

18-8 MEETING HOUSE HILL-Get list. PYNE, 208 Bowdoin Dor. complete 18-8 WALL PAPER. rooms, paint, $1.25: send postal or call. L1PSOX, 76 Merrl- mac st.

ROOM 8 papered, $1.75: painting and whitewashing; send postal. 142 Merrimac NASON. 13-8 ROOMS papered. $1 75; painting, whitewashing; call. ARONSON, 3 corner lOrtft Washington st 18-11 18-11 tores offices etc DESK ROOMS, offices, factories.

A. ELA, 54 Kilby. I TO for rent, desirable corner store ou Dorchester suitable for provUlnn. confectionery or fruit store; $15 per month. Apply at 14 Portland at.

18-8 TO LET. 18 11 LADY will sell Improved all also Chlckering piano, fine condition, cheap. 221 Columbia Cambridgeport. 11-7 SINGER sewing machine, in good order, ail attachments, only $5. 40 Silver st.

18-8 SINGER sewing machines, $4 and up. In good 024 Dorchester ave. 18-8 HOUSES, CARRIAGES. ETC. FOR pair of calico well matched and broken to single and double harness; will sell at an extremely low price, owner has other business.

Apply 1 Washington corner Hyde near Andrew South Beaton. 18-14 GOOD-SIZED STORE at very reasonable rent at 252 Harrison near Broadway. FRANK STONE, 178 Devonshire Room 311; 11 to 6 18-8 $28 A brick house In West End. Apply to J. B.

PHIPPS, 31 at Boston. SUMMER RESORTS. few boarders for Sept. and at farm house; 2 mln. from train; good fishing, fine I a bio hoard and all comforts; terms.

$4 and city MRS. C. M. ARNOLD, Waldoboro, Maine. 18-10 MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE-Several buggies and light vehicles at a sacrifice; call ani them.

1 Washington corner Hyde Andrew Soiuh Boston. 18-14 WANTED- Stable to rent within of Boston proper, centre preferred, leasing and of 5 years or and rent. 68 the 17-7 Post. wagon. 72," the 17-8 FURNITURE.

HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for furniture, pianos, mdse, of deaeription, N. M. HATCH, 8 Park sq. 131-eod-tf DIVORCES. DIVORCES, quietly; payments; 20 experience.

F. G. PRESTON, lawyer, 230 Wash ington Room 7, Boston. 19-14 WATCHES. JEWELRY.

WIXCHENDON, wanted on one of the finest in this part of the conn try, amidst Ihe pines, on high ground, a veranda, summer house and lake near hy, plenty of fresh cream, eggs, berries and vegetables; use of piano; and gents $7 per week; no children under 8 years. 161. 18-8 LOST AND FOUND. IX)RT-On Sept. 5.

between Concord and HIngham, Mass 4 a small diary, containing pen etled notes, bearing stamped E. also several cancelled checks on Boston Mafe Deposit Trust Co. Please return to H. A. McGOY, Richmond Boston.

17-7 LOST Labor Day. lady's red silk umbrella finder please notify. AddrcNH 8 the Pose ROOMS papered, painted. postal. 168 Merrimac at.

8 LINER. 14-7 BIRDS. DOGS, ETC. PLEASANT and profitable occupation teaching the Cirele-dlsc. a new kindergarten system of music.

C. C. GUILFORD, 181 Tremont, Room 34. 18-8 STRONG GIRL for general housework, girl preferred. 7 Asylum st.

green 18-8 Book and on printed steady work and best pay. Me NAMKE, Harvard Cambridge. 16-7 Girl for housework and plain cooking, small family. 17 Tllestoo Ererett. Fortune tellers for travelling camp MME FOSTER, General Delivery, Me.

188 or two lady to learn the telegraph business. Address the Post. 18-8 WANTED-An experiencedl bon-bon dipper. ply 146 Tremont HUYLEK GO. 8 AS I AM about to move, will sell pure breed hens, pnnots and houses cheap Pleasant Watertown.

HOFFSES, 88 18-8 ENGLISH PUG PUP, small size, pure breed. Pnrtv having such for address, with price, nr. I.k..» 18-8 P. Box 197, Waltham. FOR and tan oocksr spaniel, 6 months, price $25.

279 Washington Lynn, Mass. SCHOOLS 4ND COLLEGES. BOSTON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 18 BOYLSTON ST. Short Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Ac. Individual Instruction.

Call or send for circular. Fall term begins Tuesday, Sept. 3. 1901. Students received at any time.

Hand Stitchers on waists, also fin Ishers. MASS. MFG. 726 Washington 16 DANCING. F.

T. BRIDGE, 646 Warren at. Roxbury i open Tuesday. Sept. Monday, Sept.

MRS. TOBIN. 390 Tremont Monday Wednesday. Friday; gents, ladies, $1.50 for 20 lcswins; opening prices; only school where all dances guaranteed 1 ticket or money back MR AND MISS STOKELU 208 Warren st class for beginners Sept. 9 and 12; intermediate claeB opens Sept.

24 and 27 day classes Saturday, Oct. 5. morning and afternoon; telephone Roxbury 637-8. 18 MUNROE, Winthrop Hall. Corner evening class.

Oct. Oct. 2 p. m. 14-8-8-10 15-11 piece pressers.

sleeve makers, on coats. OHAS. ABRAMS, 788 Washington at. 18-8 to feed stock to England and return free. C.

BALLEM. 282 Commercial st, J7-SuMW-tf once, two all-round roofers. CROWLEY, 292 Main Charlestown. 18 8 WILLING MAN wanted, $19 Mf week for year if right. 230 Washington at.

Boom 4. 17-7 YOUNG MEN with natural talent for drawing, to train as newspaper by mall: write for free circular lesson. SCHOOL OF CARICATURE, World building. New York. 18 8 SITUATIONS JANITOR wants position; married, not afraid work, handy, all the of Post.

18-8 GENTS WANTED. Imported from France, an article never sold in America; mi this Is no fake. H. A. McLdEAN.

878 Somerville Somerville, Maae. Manager in erery city, county to handle best-paying business known; legitimate; new; exclusive control. PHENIX 13 28th st N. Y. 18-9 new, the Monopole automatic fish hook; fishermen buy on eighty sample and terme, 10c.

DO BRING A 00. Stuyvesant Brooklyn, N. Y. 177 18-8 Start mall order business at home with our own immense 340-page catalogue; rena 26c. postage for sample; free.

INTRODUCTION Dept. 19, Chicago, 111. iS-8 Agents everywhere to sell our equity accident policy, something entirely new and original with this company; but $6 payable quarterly; issued to classes; all occupations accepted as preferred risks; pays, hand- AL AOCI- 320 enee necesaanr to sell them. DENT SOCIETY. Broadway, New York.

18-20-22 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Plumbing, gas fitting, furnace and ahon, tout 4 miles from city; average trade from $5 i $6 monthly. the Post. Am securing control of olns yf luablemlnsa (Government famous Ollpln Disir ct. DETECTIVE AGENCIES.

Confidential Reports furnished on habits, of doubtful persons, a leakage In your business located by my unfailing system; audited by experts; 20 experience; day and night T. H. IlIOHAM, 47 Court Room 35, Boston. 17-11 astrology Revere, an oilstone. FRED PRlp- HAM.

3 Winter Room 84; reward. 18-8 $5 REWARD and no questions asked to (he finder of a containing 5 boxes, lost fn team near Summer Hoeton. on Fri- dsv. 11. FERHaM, 22 Marshall 8 Vitie.

BICYCLES. $59 REMINGTON bicycles fitted with Morrow brakes. new bicycles. $18.76. REMINGTON BICYCLE AGENCY 1022 Washington Boston, Mass.

h24 24 WATCHES -Would trade for wheel or TILDEN, 170 Summer lb gun. 16-8 $12 60 frame, BUYS 1900 $66 Bigle racer, 20-Inch condition GROYfcflk 288 Hanover 19-8 A PROPHETIC trance medium. MRS. M. FRANCES.

29 Ml TLa tells startling truths; go to her when all others fall; 25 and 50 cents; five ride, city; open Sunday; algn on window and door. MR. SCHOOL. 7 Park pupils can register now; halls to let. 18-8 PROF private academy, 661 Tremont taught In 2 lessons.

15-8 8 178 Tremont st. 50c. day or evening. -Private 18-8 THE BAY STATE DANCING SCHOOL, 1031 Washington Boston. the place to learn dancing; childrens class Saturday afternoons; admUilon 25c.

1813 WALTZ, ballroom, stage dances taught privately. MARSHALL, 218 Tremont st. STOVES. HANGES. ETC.

PROF. ARTHUR, the gifted blind trance medium; 2 to 6 p. m. 60 Fourth Chelsea, 1 PROF. SWAIN, Box 3722, Boston; send rex, blrthdate, hour If known, for horoscope, ts-S PALMISTRY.

MARIE LE NORMAND, Celebrated palmist, haa advised and helped thousands; will teach you how to win the man or woman you love; do not fall to consult her in trouble or changes- It may mean much to you. 228 Tremont near Hotel ALFRED GUNN, the stove lining msnnfac- turer, 11 Portland price 85 ceuts; lit any stove. Opportunity for handsome prot.ts. Particulars C. D.

OURLEY, 1123 Broadway, New York. 18-9 BUY WHEAT and corn, order now; write for book free. J. building, Chicago. they are cheap; ILd 'Successful Specula- COMSTOCK A 18-8 FOR doing $140 weeklv; mcneymaker; rent, $30.

See J. WILLY, 1113 Washington at. 18-9 OWING to ill henlth and retirement from business, stock, fixtures and good will Apply on premises, No. 8 Orren between 2 and 4 p. in.

RETAIL HARDWARE stMnd and real estate; ily store In town; other recently destroyed only fire; good opportunity, write quick. rentre Hall, Penn- Box 67. 18-8 SUBURBAN hotel, liquor liberal. A. ELA, 54 Kilhy.

OUR WONDERFUL variety includes No. 8 $600 LODGING HOUhE st McDowell oven, several Walker and Taunton pay $36 month over rent. S. C. ovens, Walker 9-hole and Franconia ranges, 18 Watvr at.

i i ll atawi and 20 Thayer and Winchester water heaters, I Walker, Cbilson, Buratow and other furnaces, broilers, jacket kettles, and all the leading makes In new an h. rangea for family use. 104 Water st. ALBEE'H, 09 Blackstone at. 17-8a-tf $500.

NO BLUFF- Al variety store, 4 schools, fine trade, heavy stock. S. C. MoKEEN Glenwood range, good as new; at once. 101 Malden Roxbury.

sell chea; 100 NEW fireproof to close oat at about ooat to room for new stock; bargst DETROIT 8AFE 67 Sudbury st, Boston, 24-24 $750 Half of insurance and real estate business; income monthly; reference. the Post. 18 10 TYPEWRITERS. DC KIT Smith, ait others, 83 and 84. It Civ I monthly, including ribbons.

fie up. SELL i he k-est at prto THORP A MARTIN 00.. MUk.

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