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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 9

Times Heraldi
Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

sy- 1 i THE EYBNING-TIMeS, WEDNESDAY, NO.VEMBEB 3T, 1895. 9 $5B ST12CIAL NOTICE. Br A wis VrtMtiflRhin T-ndpe. Tin? regular meeting on Thanksgiving Blest will Tie oruiued. A special meeting; for giilnr business will be held Saturday, Noveniher SO.

ill 7:30 p. m. fix order of Hie lodge: E. T. PETTENQIX.

R- B. JWOTTCE Tlieflrraof Albinsou 4 Chase have ci-wlved partnership by mutual consent. James K. Alblnaon will continue the business under llie firm name and assume all debts. Parlies owing the firm will pleuse eail settle as soou iw possible.

JAMES E. ALELNSON. HOMER L. CHASE. rn2G-2l-cm SPECIAL MOTtCB-' io the MARKET for jourTnANKS-Qt VIM! supplies.

The stalls and Mauds are filliil with Hie choicest productions of the season. Come onel Come all! to this rrumuiolii market anil see the good things provided In great abundance for all the people. All car Hues reatli Center Market. The M-irktt will be open Wednesday tram m. not tl 1 0 p.

and oil Thursday from Bi.VI.m Kid a.m. I. S. SMITH. Clerk.

MR. JOHN uiHliy 'ini his new care. l.J0b St. Ills rrlcrds and the pen-era! p-iljlic are cordially lnvllcd to at- tend. noZ0-2t T.

I ITT TA I.MAUK,D.D.-W1H piurli every Hiinuath evening at 7:30 o'clock, and also Thanksgiving morning, Nniiiln-r 28. at 11 o'clock a. at First Presbyterian 4 1-2 bet. and 1 1. we I nELr WASTED-MAUS.

Co'ored boy tn work nroucd store; $2 a cek: slateage. Address II. A-JJits office. lt WAHTED-A smart colored boy who tan i idea bicycle. Apply Koom 85 Le Droll building.

Slh and nw. It and collectors. Appl Hooin 51. Lc Droit building. It WAN in lit.

TED- Experienced clothingsnles-Apply at TEN PER CENT I NO HOlISE. 0-7 7th St. It CL0T1II WAKTED-WiMSsers willing to work i.ia make good money selllns household specialty; otr easy payments. Apply before It WAKTED-MJi witii tmall capital to lake luiercst In firM-class paying refer exchanged. Address A.

MII.I.EIl, CU Virginia are, sw. lt WANTED-1' IheniarlnccorrJis boys, tolearu field music! drual aud trt.iiiin.ct must be bciwtca fourteen and hi teen years ot age; of good moral cnaractcr and Found be.iitli, and able to read and write; coiio-iitoi iimnlKor gunrdlans necessary. Apply to the CO.MMANDLN'U OFFICEK, Miihie liarrarks. Eighth no27-lmo WANTED-'fto tellable men: Inrldc iwilions apply all cay.

MILLEK A 321 nw. 1'riiate door. po27-4t WAKTeS- youth to take charge ot nil ice; btst of references required; Salary per week. 033 St. uw.

It 4NTiir 1 itbt-closs cake end pastry uiktr. ot once; utate salary esiHTtid. ft i urin.flf no2G-3t Aeil I i i ill" houest, sober und m-uustnous man, with small family, to work a farm references reii.nred. Apply 3040 Dunnnrton ave. iio2i 2t WANTiSD-iniiig man with clerical audit', so from $250 to S500 oenlnl; lull address.

GO AHEAD, this of-flee. uo25-3t-em WAHTED- -Areata to Eell the Home lULUll uliaiors and Ilrooilers. Call at 907 Bth si. and sec the machines In operation- no23-5t 1IKLI tVANTKIl FEMALR sjy ANTED Girl for general housework and in oo cooking. Address 1115 1-2 Bth St.

nw. Aitra WANTED-A good, honest girl to assist in ciiamberwork and make herself fenerally iiMful; wages per month. 1103 th t. nw. It-cm WANTED-Tlitm bushel women at uiio me New York Clothing House.

8 11 Fcvcntli st. nw. no27-3t WANTED Lady ot ability and re-uncniiMii for good paying position with a rciinole house; experience unnecessary. Call after 10 a. R.

F. STONE-BTREET. CPU st. nw. lt "WANTED Oood colored cook: two 614 111 laillliy; UD TVUBIUOB, CICIUILTI.

13th nw. It WANTED- White -woman: am hernia Ids. paslry 014 It 13U1 nw. WANTED-White Infant's nurse also It gooii wnue coos. UI LiiU uw.

"WANTED Intelligent white girl, rrora 14 io IV. as nurse. 614 13th nw. It WANTSD-WI familiar with government work to know that they can get a iiosllion by applying Room 84 Le Droit building, cor. Mh and nw.

It -W ANTED-A coloredglrltocook, wash aud iron, and general housework: refer-ence Call at 1 5 Ninth St. se. co27-2t WANTED-A blteglrl, not ovcrfour-icen, for light l-oasework and makeher-eir generally usrul, in small ramlly. Address, suting wsgesexpectud, ageaud rerer- ence. M.M..

this office. It AVAKTED- Expenecccd. Intelligent and relimil nurse, ror child 2 jears old; must be neat, agooJseamslre8anilof amiable disposition; references reautred. Address Hot IPX, this ofHce. po25-lwem WANTED-tmuty ladles to learn Mine.

Wasiilugton's dress cutting system; the lal-st aiiilbest; goil pojltl'ms after learning; ladles wishing dressmakers op-nival the school. G04 12tlisl.nw. no2C-2t a TJT'isn Ornce work of any kind: pewnuen and mimeograph workdone at lo'nest rales. Address INFELICK, this office. nol9-tf HELP "WANTED MALE AND FEMALE.

WANTED-Young boy or girl that owns typewriter for office work: application by letter only, stating salary. Address SCHR0T city. no27-2t SITUATION TVANTED-MALE. WANTED By respectable young man, oerman, 20, position as driver or in store; well recommended. Address E.

this office. no27-3t-em WANTED Work, by a young car penter; iicnnauent ii. possioie. xuunu MAN. this office.

s.a It WANTED- Young man wants employment as clerk; can give good reference. O. 914 12th st. nv. no27-4t "WANTED Stenographer and typewriter desires evening work; long ex-perlcnceigood references; pay small.

SEC-fcETARY. this office. no27-2t WANTED-Boy. 10, wishes position 'oi some an of some kind after school, from 3.30 mrto 9 or 10 p. m.

Address B. H. this office. It ANTED By a uKeinl man. age 4fT, English, a situation in private home; good reference.

Address C. E. this KOi office. It WANTED A respectable colored woman wants a place as cook or laundry work done at Irome; well recommended. Apply 31 3 St.

nw. no20 It WANTED-Dy young man who has experience In grocery store; can cut meat; refs. Address B. X.D.T., this office. IlOili-1 WANTED Young man wishes sltua- Uon where he could Invest $300; is rcry handy und capable business man; refs.

exchanged. Address AT ONCE, this office. no26-3t "WANTED Place as driver; best colored; age seventeen. E. this office.

no20-2t WANTED-By young while man with family, position as driver, or anything; good refs. Call or address J. PHILLYSS, 1022 7th Br. nw no23-ot-cm WANTED-Hr very respectable jourg man, place to take care invalids, look after fires, or wait on table; best refs. E.

this orrice. no25-3tcm WANTED-Situation as grocery clerk 421 St. nw. no22-4t "WANTED Freel Frrel Freel Me-ciianics of any kind furnished by us; also we have a few men suitable for driving a team or something similar; best of refs. furnished.


clerk. tf "WANTED ROOMS. "WANTED Two unfurnished rooms; must be moderate. Address HAGE. 2103 Pa.

ave. it WANTED 4 rooms; housekeeping; low rent: 10th to 17tb sts: and from ave. to heat, light, bath: con venient. Box 2, this office. no27-2t WANTED BOARD.

THREE young men want room and board; state accommodatlonsand terms; rivate family preferred. Address BOX f. this office. It "WANTED HOUSES. WANTBD-Hy DcciTUber 2 a or C- room.

house, a. in. not to exceed 416. Addreu C. this office.

Item 8TTTTATION8 WAKTKO-VEMALa. WANTED Br experienced milliner. lupre first-class work, at hats trimmed for 00c. 11th at. ic WAKTBD-Place oa rinst-class cook In private family: good reference from New York and Washington.

Please address 174a Oregon avc. nw. It a respectable colored girl, trim references, place to do chamber work, in private family or hotel. Call or address No. 830 23rd st.

nw. It una for wblta sir's LIUIU UHJU.IJ, ItKllttO MlUllCl UUWftO. Ladles should call, BROOKE. 712 13lh St. nw.

It WANTED-Br two girls, one to do general housework, the other at chambermaid or nurse. Call or address 17S8 st. nw. it WASTED-Situation as ceneral iiimse- worker; colored girl, van iiou mm st. It WANTEP-bowing to do with dresi- matter or in privaiu lauiuy.

Address 022 Mass. ave. nw. Item WANTED uy tespcctable colored woman, place as chambermaid or gererat housework. Apply at 2314 st.

West Washington. po20-3t for sale-miscellaneous. FOR SALE-Many fine-bred homing pigeoiii, ery cheap. 121 0 after 0 o'clock. Horn FOB SALE-Nickel window fixture, for hats or men's furnishings.

8. FISH-MAN A SON, 430 7tb St. nw. no27-2t FOR SALE Cigar Store, 101 4 l-2sU unlit sell; want an otter- 1 1 FOR SALE-Good work horse; wlH hell ciieap; owner has no use for It. 445 st.

nw. no27-2t A.T VEALE'S (Georgetown 1 Haztar Thls.lsa "big day;" Withers' 29 head ot nurses win be positively sold this hviq-nesday) luoriiing; and, as usual, carriages, S'irreys, buggies, and harness. Sale commences at regular sale days, every WcJiieMlay and Saturday at the above hour. F. D.

VKALE, Antlloueer. It FOR SALE-Hand-made high seat furniture uagcu; also large coverwl wngoii and first lass phaeton; very cheap. Rear of 442 St. nw. It FOR SALE Flue lan terrier: male: Htuniis iiiin pups.

SCHMID'S PET ANIMAL STOR 712 Twelf tti si. nw. co27-3t FOR SALE orexenange Horse, coupe, hack, ano license; whole, tn part: any kind or business; will sell cheap. Apply 1337 St. nw.

It AUCTION sale of unredeemed pl i'ge. I will sell by public auction at 1009 St. December 3, al 6:20 o'clock p. all goods on which Interest rtmalns unpaid as contracted consisting or gold, sliver, and metal watches, clocks, chains, rings, Jewelry or all kklnds, diamonds, clothing, books, musical etc. F.

WARREN JOUNbON, Auctioneer. Bo27-7t FOR SALE A cherry parlor suite, 1924 14th St. nw. It FOK SALE- pool tabus. 1HM Mil FOR SALE ood gentle horse, harness and Miri'j' for $100: lady orchl'd can drlvehlrn. no2ti-3t FOR SA.LE Ojsier house aud dli.lng-rooin in a business location; will sell for 5fi. Apply It, this office. tio2fl-3t FOH SALE Tolinrci. cigar, and lurch room; north S300; won't refuse any offer.

I'ail l.lfiC no2n-6icra FOR SALE rurnllurc ot a 10-room house; full of roomers; at a ery law figure. Tor cash only; good reason for sell-lng. FOK SALE Lumber, coitir sts, rall- road ties, or cord wood. You save money by orderlafromVIRGLNIACOI.ONY Urlstnw. Va.

no2rv7t FOR SALE Anclerantoystcr house in no reaiinable offer refused: owner to leave town. Address OYSTER, thla office. no23-3t BICYCLES Persons desiring to pur-cnase new or scmnd-hntid bicycles will find It greatly to their advantage to address BICYCLES, thlsofflce. no25-3t FOR SALE Owner leaving town will dispoxe or li's Bradbury square piano at a sacrifice. A bargain.

Address this office. no24-tf ORGANS. S2G UP. SX DOWN. SX WEEK.

51 down and 1 week for any organ la stock. Greatly reduced prices. Organs from $26 up. Best standard makes. F.

G. SMITH. 1225 Pa. are. nw.

FOR SALE A small steam launch; iTeresuioff eitzine and bolter; can eeen at Ritter's lioae house. o8-tf-cm FOR 8 ALE Beet make ot incubators, brooders and fresh green bone; call aud see the lncubalors In working crder. Bird ard Pet Animal Stores, 712 12thst.nw.anil 122lPa.ave. ooB-tr WAXTHIl- MISCELLANEOnS. WANTED By a first-class mattress maker; your old mattresses to make over, at our residence.

E. W. 2019 w. It WANTED-Grading, top-dressing, with sodding and planting; terraces and p.irking; alv ravli of all Urdc. ref-.

erences; Dept. ot" P. B. A Address BART, store 21st and II nw. It ANTED-Good substantial day-Ion; stateToweet cash price.

Address SPRING BANK. Alexandria. Va. It WANTED By a Ilrsi-das mattress 111,1, i on old matt resses to ma ke over at your rtsidence. E.

W. 8., 019 st. nw. no2G-2t-em WANTED-Meat blocks and market store fitiures, tools, etc. Address R.

this office Item WANTED-To buy Warren range; second-hand; In good condition. Addre3s A. B. thlsofflce. ro2G-5t WANTED-Uom lor Its keeping; light work.

Address 1C31 Rosedalc st. ne. 0025-3 t-em WANTED Will take a blcyclo on building lot, on new electric road to Baltl-mlre. H.D.GORDON.918Fst. no25 6t WANTED "liris to be marrlea ladles to lessen dressmaking Mils by learning to cut by Merchant Tailor Square: particulars at school, 718 12th tt.

Wanted Try Rubber Roof Paint. WE STOP ALL LEAKS PRE! As chare only for palmlnz: -workgaarsntssl JiAT. KUDllEK ROOPPALNT CO. KMl 8ta WANTED POSTAGE STAMPS. S74.50 paid for $5 State Department stamps; same proportion paid for all other department stamps used or unused.

In any quantity; also for collections ot U. B. and foreign stamps. R0TH-FUCUS, 359 1-2 Pa. ae.

no24-tf "WANTED Department stamps; will Tkiy all Liuds and any quantity and pay the highest cash prices obtainable. H. F. DUNKHOHST, 1005 7th St. nw.

no20-tf-em WANTED BOARDERS. BOA. NG-G 15 Sixth st table no22-6t boan 4 per week. ONE Dollar per day. The Templar, 207 Pal avenue uw.

Warm rooms and excellent board. $4 to per week. no21-6t WANTED-FLATS. WANT ED A 5 or 6 room modern Hat; convenient tn 14tb st. car line.

Adr oresa MODERN FLAT, this office. selQ-tf FOUND. FOUND A large yellow and white gyp dog. Call at 3213 Sherman ave. nw.

It FOR BENT HOUSES. FOR RENT Handsome new houses; well-located; $20.50 per mo. OWNER. 1009 St. nw.

It FOR RENT Reduced to $20: nearly new handsome house. 906 11th st. 8 rooms: large parlor; a. m. 1 furnace, luck alley; on und near car lines; stabling if needed.

Apply at 900. i'o2G-7t FOR RENT J04 15th st. rooms and cellar: newly papered; $13.20. F. J.

DIEUDONNE, Ohio National Bank building. no2G-2t 35 ST. new 0-room house; papered; $24.30. F. J.

DIEUDONNE, Ohio National Bank building. no6-2t FOR RENT 2414 new, 7 rooms, bay window, cellar, furnace, fireplaces; s2H. h.ey at williaku A BEERS. 1416 st. po2G-3t FOR RENT 1431 N.

J. ave, nw 7 moms and bath; bay window, press brick front; nice condition: all modem improvements: only S24, If taken at ence. LATIMER A NESBIT. 1321 St. no24-7t FOR RENT $25; 9 rooms and bath.

No. 702 bt. ne. EDWABD GRAVES, 474 st. nw.

no23-7teni FOR RENT 12J8 Duncan st. ne-, 7 rooms: all mod. imps-; nearly new; $15.30. JOHN W. MORRIS, 814 St.

ho21 FOR RENT 2022 Kittm, pressed brick; bay window front; 6 rooms and bath; all mod. Imp Innte vnrdsand closets; reduced rent. Key2Q20Kst nolB-7t-aa IOB BENT BOOMS. TOR HEJTT Second floor rooms with baarcirtatb adjolulng; nicely quiet bouse. Mi.

22 Qraot place. BO27-3t. FOR RENT Fur. room, small but comfortable and well heated, with gaa and privilege of bath; private family; rent reasonable. 1347 Corcoran sU, near 14th st.

cable can. it Op CENTS down: new credit system; ii curtains, portieres. rmt. I a bio linen, blankets quilts, table and piano cuTers. china dinner and toilet seta, silver p.

wan banquet lamps, onyx tables, clocks, window shades, albums, etc. Send NORTHEAST CREDIT HOUSE? 12l'o st. net Open till 9 p. m. ft FOR RENT Several furnished roomi, in privale family, adults: convenient, to departmenu; table board near.

810 -1st at. nw. no27-3t FOR RENT Parlor and beiVroom! aujoinmj; in handsome bouse; 20 rates' walk from Capital; 1-2 block minutes' irom street cara; 820 per also bed- st. nw! uiu, inciuotncr neat and IIcM. 72 no27-2t FO 3R uiifu RENT 2d-story front room! Oriiii.n.1.

fn.loi..i n.n board it desired. 'C26 9th lt FOR RENT 1- furnished and 2 un-furnisned rooms, in home of prhate family. 038 East Capitol st. It eu: FOR RENT Second-floor: Hat; 4 rooms; neat gas, and balb. 311 11th st.

references. it I FOR RIBNT Some beautiful, newjy-. turniahed rooms, with lioard: tor single gentleman; In privale famllv. S2S Flftl st. nw.

no27-3t FURNISHED ROOMS" signs. OcT each, at TOUfJ V. SHLlTlY. 623 t. nw.

no27-law-lmo FOR RENT 3 rooms, unfurnished; lwrlor, bed-room, and kitchen; entire flat; first-floor; heat, gas. bath: $15 per month. 708 N. Capitol it. FOR RJSNT Chceriul rooms, all mod.

board ir desired; reasonable. 420 3d st. nw. ni.2G-7t-cm FOR RENT With lioard, large par- lor; double room and single room; good first-class board; low rales; rooms well heated. 906 1 st, uw.

no26-3t-em FOR, RENT 436 St. large unfur. rooms on 2d floor; heat, gas and bath; 4 rooms on 3d floor: all modern conveniences; near 3 car lines; terms very moderate; board If desired. it-em FOR RENT 2 rooms, 2d floor; 'fur. or for light housekeeping.

1141 0th st. nw. no2G-2t-em FOR RENT One good-sized, nicely fur-ninhcd front room. 803 8th st. nw.

FOR RENT 3 coinmunlcatiug rooms uu floor: heat, gas and bath: Sll per month FOR RENT No. 323 6t. accommodations for gentlemm, with heat and bath; from $1 per week up. 1Jitf' nuKm -J Mr Vtt A iDir.iuui, eev LU U1I furnished rooms: suitable ror Iionsekeep-Ing.

213 Four-and-a-half st. nw. no2G-3t 3t FOK RENT Three rurnishisl rooms, all fmiit; shigle or en suite. 033 N. J.

ave. cor. O. I'rlcc, S3 and SO per montli each. FOR KENT-Larselrorit iiarlor or ticTT-rooni.

furnished or unfurnished; rent reasonable. 017 Pcventh st. no26-lt ROOMS for rent signs 5u each at JOHN St. nte. TKiVrt.r.l r.

KillilKY. 023 St. FOR RENT Two neatly furnMieil rooni. with boanl: convenient to the Government Printing Office: terms moderate. No.

89 st. ne. no2G-2t Has established Want and Liner Ads will be received cent a word as at the head! office: 1 Walter J. Bovce, First Y. are nw.

H. C. Easterday, cor. and N. J.

ave. nw. Frank Smith, 4th and nw. A. B.

McCloskey, 1312 Seventh nw. R. TV. Duf3-, Ninth and nw. F.

M. Criswell, Seventh and nw. Edmonds "Williams, Third and Pa. nw; W. G.

Roe, Seventh and nw. Mt Vernon Pharmacy, Ninth and N. Y. ave. nw.

G. A. Bcutley, 14th and Corcoran nw. OiTut Blurner, Fourteenth and nw. J.

Louis Krick, 17th St and Pa. Ave. Geo. B. Lockhart, 1344 32d St Georg-et'n.

FOR HUNT ROOMS. FOR RENT 1400 st. elegant rooms; table; transients. no27-3t FOR RENT Large, comfortablye tarnished 725 It FOR RENT 1 large, handsomely fur. 3d story tront room; heated; rers.

813 10th St. nw. no27-3tem FOR RENT 1 unfur. room 3d floor; neat and gas; rent moderate. 923 12th st.

nw lt-em FOR SALE Cigar ssnre for sale; rentals. 225 1-2 Pa. avc. It-era FOR RENT 3 furnished-rooms, cheer- ulEiid clean; heat, gas and bath: SB. S8 and $10.

ESTERDAY'S DRUG STORE, 813 3d st. nw. no27-6t FOR RENT Two unfurnished rroms, ah gas, bath and private entrance; per month. Address IB 4th ne. It LIGHT HOTTSEKEEPING 2 rooms; 2d floor; fur.complete; cooking utensils, dishes, gas, heat, bath; 512 psr monlh.

301 10th st.sw.. rear T. i a rooms; iioor; lur.couiiiieie, cooiui FOR RENT 'Rooms. handsomely fur- niaheri. with board: three on second wild uoato; floor and two on third.

Call at 721 11th st, nw no22-4t FOR RENT A flat or 3 large roomsr all mod. on 2d floor. Address 1012 loth St. nw. JPOR RENT 808 19tn st.

en-tlre tirsi Xioorr hot and cold water. no2-i-oi jp-QR RENT 2 second floor furnished rooms. lull am sr. nw-, nu-o-oi FOR RENT Elegaot suite of 2 rooms on 2d floor; private bath; suitable for member of Congress. 924 14th st.

nw. Board next door. no21 FOR RENT Several pleasant rooms with good board, may be had on reasonable terms at 1225 street northwest. MIS 3 FANNIE MASON. no20-4t irnn Ttfr.TH'r 2d floor fur.

room to lady, with board: a. m. object, com pany; also large nan room; terms rcason- able. No.ClSTst.ce. no20-7t FOR RENT Unfurnished, 1311 11th st.

several lovely rooms; rented singly or en suite. no22-St FOR RENT Neatly iur. rooms with good board, $20 per mo. Table board $15permo. 616 sen w.

no24-3t FOR RENT At 914 8th entire 1st floor; convenient to Paten trand Pen- slonofflcesandSthst.carltnes. no23-4t-em FOHREl story, $1 per week lima st. nw. for gentleman. no24-3t FOH BENT-SUBURBAN.

FOR RENT Suburban, at u.u., uiocKsiromcars. -room, rrame; cellar, hath and attic: latrobe. range; hot and cold water. Inquire I. S.

HOLLIDGE, care Saks A Co. no27-7t FOR RENT At Hyattsvllle. nearcars, on paved street, cottage of 10 rooms; cellar, bath, pantry and range; furnace, large lot, stable, a desirable permanent residence, combining city conveniences with country air and water. L. O.

WISSMAN. no26-7t SALE-LOTS. FOR SALE Decided bargain, lot on 0th near Fa. ave. east front; 21x87.3 tn a wide paved alley; $980; title perfect O.

M. BRYANT, owner. Warder Building, Ota and T. MST-n PERSON "WILL ODC" of "'0 three gentlemen who called Not. 2C- at 626 at.

to jinik a pmrwnr was out, please' i room, mriiil landladsf ill agatn." lt7 FRTJIT rE4iLERS-Therjs fin CWIVK irca Uktfll I Kt. nw nrwl m. fejr i-rateji oe sold eacti day P- n. a J- the qpuble Eagle." latest two, UUtjO WORCli, 024.7th st D02B-10t A. "U2VDKR the ftiip, oc.

nw. m. C. Frlzzell at 6 tor-st. iw.

um "CENTRAL High Bcnool TworStep." WUBredekamp. At all music mores. -A oozs-at COME nlpni "thtkey;" get yuor brad rhooiiedoff: asTre areselllni the flnptf. ciislom-made suits and overcoats, the least bit worn, at unheard of prices. JUSTH'S OLD STAND.

CIO st. nw. no2Q.7t 25 CENTS Weekly Lace curtains, Rogerar silverware, mgs portieres, table linen, lamps, blankets, clocks, send address: will call with samples. Address WALTERS, this office. Du25-4t THE DAYS" CURE Dr.

Mc- TtEEUANrTlO 12ib su 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. dally.

MASSAGE. vaiMr, mediiiiu-d and ptaiii Gains, by Mrs. M. LEWIS 702 0th st. nw.

nov24-7t tPIHRT-CLASS mectiamcs can be st. Paoer- at ouu i.iiu s. huhgers, painters, bridge und structural Iron workers, carpenters, lathers, plaster laboring men of an yklod. WORK-1NOMRNR LIBRARY AND BUREAU OF LABOR, 000 13th st, nw. Telephone.

260. M. P. Clerk. coS-tf DR.

I'AILOH. 0G si. nw- make fui'. sets of teeth to? satltfactlon Koaranteed: teeth extracted without palK cold filling, tl: amalgam. BOc se4-tf J.

T.WALKRRSONS. 20410th st carpet uniug. reus, nncK ana clay, asbestos, pniuta. brushe lime, cement, twoand three-ply roofing materlaLapr21-tt TF yon sang tenor for $00 a minute you would be "hoi sturr;" it wIU compensate you to see those splendid snlts and overcoats, "almost new." we are sellinr fora song. JUSTH'S OLD STAND.

619 sL nw. LADIES needing confidential treatment. A safe and sure relief in a0 female trouble, constipation. Irregularities, tumor, cancer, opium habit, fistula, etc Separate looms for patients before and during confinement, aud find homes for infants If required. Htrlclly conf Idon-tlaL MRS.

DR. RENNER. 16 Fourth at nrn rli. Cupltol st Washington. D.

8-tf PROFESSIONAL massage. Parties suilciiug wlili chraulc rheuiuallsm and nervous atiineiils speedily eureil bv Mme, CoRord. 1210 sL nw. Hours. 10 a.

into 0 p. Sundays. 2 to 0 RISTil AS will soon be here, when you will want to gle some presents to friends or relations. Nothing Is so acceptable as Jewelry. George D.

Horning. Room 8, Central BalMlng. tells the rinest quality or watt hes and illnuioiuls on weekly or monthly p.ijments. One dollar a week will buy jou a handsome watch, and you will never feel the expense. Order one at once and you will beglail when Christmas comes.

FOR EXCnANGE. WANTJED-To exchange for bouse or lot In iVusiiiiigtoiiTu. place in country 2 miles from city, near Ballsiou, nearly iicwhousuau12 1 -10 acres land fine neighborhood. Address 615 Gth St. nw.

no24-3t THE TIMES the following Branch at M. McNulty, 1336 Fourteenth nw. H. 2153 Pa. ave.

nw. Daniel D. Mulcahy, N. Cap. and I 3ts.

J. E. Woodford, Fifth and Hue. A. P.

Geier, 13th and ne. J. W.Johnson, 49 ne. W. F.

Mackay, 821 ne. Hoyle Fourth and East CapitoL F. P. Weller, Eighth and I se. Thomas A.

Dob3'ns, Second and Pa. ava. se. Joseph Linden, 406 Eighth se Joseph Petignat, 609 Seventh sw. TV.

W. Hall, 722 4 st. sw. W. D.

Brace, 30th. and Georget'n. J. W. Jenning-s, 1142 Conn.

Ave. N. W. EDUCATIONAL. WANTED-You to learn letter amorith.

IVY INSTITUTE Sth and K. 'It PRIVATE branches; Iirep.irallon for examinations; backward ami delicate persons carefully taught; English lessons to foreigners. Address MlbS C. M. BALL.

810 21sl st. nw. PIANO. Org-m. Vocal Music anil theory taught by J.F.

GERUUILLEU. Gil I st.nw.: lenns moderate. nol7-lm PENMANSHIP me ilol-Tar a mont nntll January. Twonights feloti. EATON.

LCRNUTT A DURL1NG College, and sts. nw. Clas. from to -1 p.m. noS-lino.

WIMODACGHS1S Classes. 1328 I st. beginning Nuvcaher Short hand, dletution and tjpewntmg, Mrs. Ha'dwin, or Blsiucs Hiun School; book-teeplng. etc ADA L.


Sight singing classes tnotc chain system). Studio IllSNew Yorkavenue. Twolesaoas weekly. $20 per pea son: Mount Vernon Seminary CORNER AND ELEVENTH BTKEt'I j. WASHINGTON.


Large aid attractive buildings. 010700x111? equipped with every requisite of a refined home and a progressive school. Applications for admission of pupils to the day school may bemsdeaflerSeplember fifteenth, between the hours often and on clour each morning. MRS. ELIZABETH J.

HOMERS, se27-3mo. rtnmrjaL FOR SALE cbuNTHY PROPERTY. FOR SALE On very easy terms, from 1 to tf miles from Washington; 20 acres adjoining Arlington Heights, on Mt. Vernon Electric railroad; also several tracts containing from 1 acre to 100 acres; improved and. unimproved; also 34 acres to be sold at) suction near Arlington on December 4.

The attention of government employes, mechanics, investors, speculators, and business men generally. Is called to my large list of suburban and farm property. Call -'for my map or country 25 miles around the District, and largo list of property for sale; free to all callers; also building lots for $1 per week- Now Is the lime to buy; property shown free of chargo. JAMES E. CLEMENTS, noO-lm 1321 st.

nw. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGB. A HOME rLACE Lo Angeles county, two and or.e-1-alf acres, bearing oranges. lemons, peaches, nprlcols, figs, walnuts, prunes, pears ana small fruits; hedges, vines and flowers; house, 8 rooms; large barn; chicken and dry-house; piped water stock, over all; photo- prapn oi place ana owner, at Orrice. U.

8. Capitol ic no23-7t FOH RENT STABLES FOR RENT Cheap Possession. December is; a fine stable, 25xS0 feet; two every convenience: five stalls, with plenty or room for more; adjacent to 900 Elevenths st, where apply; can, rent connected, eight-room dwelling- onVrunt street IX desired. no26-7 Auction Sales FiltT-g TED fiTA l-llMtt MARSHAL'S- virtue ofa writ of fieri facias Is sued out of the Clerk's Office of the Supreme Court or tbeDiatrlctotColurntJlaand tome, directed I will sell at public rale ror cash, in front ot the Court House door ou Tuesday, December 24. 18BB.

at 11 o'clock a. all the right, title, claim and Interest or William Bory tn and to original lot 2, In square 700. tcjjether with the improvements ttiereon; seized and levied upon as interest of William Btory In said land aial sold to satisfy execution No. 38888 In favor ot Wm. O'Donohue.

ALBERT A WILSON, U. 8. Marshal. DUNCANBON Auctioneers. nov25 30 Ilec3 7 10 14 17 21 24 MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN.

LOANS made on approved collateral such as stocks, bonds, certificates ot deposit. Building anil Loan Association deposits, land syndicate ccrtlllcntes. and old line llle insurance policies. XEItKES BAKER. 40 to4CMetrcrottbldg.

no24-tC FT. 1C. FULTON'S trfiun nirice. 12ia Pa." ave. nw.

Established In 1870. Money loaned on watches, diamonds. Jewelry, silverware, etc Special bargains la wan he. jewelry, and silverware. MONEY to lonii at sum pur cent, ou District cf Columbia realty: uu delay tf security Is satisfactory.

WALTER ACKER. 704 14th cw IvSl-tt MOTifEY TO LOAN in ttrze snms. or as low-as 41.000. al 0 aud 6 per cent on 0. real estate: also $750.

at per eent WM. Ii BAUN-HCttS A 1407 st. nw tf MONEY TO LOAN All ennsses ot real estate irnuii with promptness I curent rates THE McLACULEN HEAL ESTATE AND LOAN COMPANY, com ner loth anil streets nw mtf WANTED T1w loan or oatlm-cuus inuda prupertj: no agents. 70S IPth st. sel2 tf BUSINESS CHANCES.

FOR SALE A nice little business: good livii.g or possibly morey to be uaue it managed ngnt. Address W. B. this office. no27-2t C.

ROYER AND SON. 214 7th BU bit. have for sale dairy lunch and cigar store, A No. 1 place; snap for $125. no27-3t AN old-established meat market for northwest.

$100; easy payments; fine fixtures and lee box. Address Box. 20, this office. It irOR RENT Store and dwelling. 3d tt.

also stable: No. 1 place for grocery-rent only $20. C. BOYER A RON. 2147th st.sw.

no27-3t SGOO will buy halt interest in one of the best paying concerns in the conn-try; it will pay you to investigate. Address FACT, this ofHce. no27-3t LOST. LOST On Monday, a white fox terrier, w-itn collar marked with owner'Bname: answers to the name of "Ohio;" reward If brought to the Wondrsont, 13th and Io wa Circle. 1 1 ST A liockelbook containing 3 pa wn tickets.

Return for reward to JAMES ALLEN, thlsofflce. noT26-3t LOST A watch guard: Mason's charm on guard; small garnet ring on end; reward paid for tis return to G. RICHARD, this office. nov25-3t-em Agencies, where the same rate one j. ii CHURCH NOTICES.

MT. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH. CORNER Twcirtn nnd sts. ne. A union relglocs Tlianssgivlng service all day.

condncted by the Baptist Pastors' Weekly Council of East Washington, Rev. A. Wlllbanks. president: Rev. It.

N. Brown, secretary, pastor of Mt. Olive Baptist Church. Literary escrclscs from 10 to II o'clock. Preaching at 1 1 a.m., by Rev.

W. M. Johnson, pastor of Israel B. Church. A reception from 2 to 3 p.

given hy the ladies of Mt. Zlon. ciinrch to the ministers and their wives. Fraiso meeting at 3 o'clock, conducted by J. II.

Lindsay. pastorofSt. John's Baptist Church. Preaching at7 p.m. by Rev.Danlel Tucker of Enou Baptist Church.

Services close it to p.m. Lamb-roasting after services. All are welcome. THANKSGIVING SERVICE IN THE Metropolitan M. E.

Church, 4 1-2 and sts. 11 a. special music by the choir; sermon by Dr. Johnston on "Our National Hcrltaage." RYLA.N'D M. E.

CnUECH An all-day meeting- ou Thursday: 0:30 a. praise and prayer.servrce;ll a. Thanksgiving sermon by pastor; 3 p. an old-rashlon love feast; 7:30 p. revival, led by Mrs.

Smith. LN ION M. E. CHURCH. Twentieth street noHliwest There will be services Thanks-givlrg Dny at 11 a.

sermon by pastor and review ot the events of the year by A. M. Gangewer; esq. Contributions or food and clothing wlu be received at the chnrch ou that day for lbs Inmates of the Methodist Home- FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, corner Tenth and streets northwest-Rev. S.

M. Newman. D.D., pastor. Thanksgiving Day services. Ila.m.;prcachlrsby the pastor.

The Mount Pleasant Congregational Church will unite in the service. Music by full choir. FOR SALE SUBURBAN. FOR SALE A few houses at a tar-gain at Lakeland. on line of new electric railroad to Baltimore; nicely located; large lots; planted with fruit trees: good water, etc Enquire of NEWMAN A BON.

611 7th st. nw. no24.5t HIS SKIN AN ARMOB. Marvelous Cnso of a Berlin Man Who la Bullet-Proof. In Berlin a Sinhalese bain-s all investigation yb physicians by the impenetrability of bis skin.

The bronzed Easterner, a Hercnles, in shape, claims to have found on elixir which will render the human skin Impervious to any metal point or sharpened edge of a- knife or dagger, and calls himself the "man with the Iron skin." It Is true that It has been Impossible to even scratch bis skin with sharply-pointed nails, with finely-ground knifes and daggers. He Is now- exhibiting- himself, and his greatest feat Is to-pass with his entire body through a hoop, the Inside or wnich is hardly big enough to admit Ins body and is closely set with sharp knife points-, daggers, nails and other equally pleasant trifles. Through this hoop be squeezes his body with absolute- Impunity. The physicians do not agree as to his Immunity, and some of them think that Rtiarmln, which is his name. Is a-fakir who bos by-long practice succeeded in hardening hlmseir against the Imm-essinnn of tnetnl noon- his skin- The professors of the Berlin clinic, however; considered it worth- while-to lecture about the man's pronouncing It an Inexplicable I matter, London- Dally OreenJs.

ZTBOUB. FOR a ALE 1 have for sale or rent a new store, with 0 rooms and cellar. In a growing neighborhood, that I trill sell or rent cheap to a good party, 1 1th and nc; want an offer: also a nice new bouse of 8 rooms that I will sell for $28 per month-small cash payment; 1030 IT st. ne. Inquires.

CARB, 13B6Md.aTS.Be, oZT-8t-e FRENCH trimming. 2Bc; work caRed for; sendpustal. 05 9th nw. It SO CENTS down, ChrUtmas-wedding and mrthday presents. Bee personals.

PHOFITAHMB teaching. If yoo'd like to make 9SO a month anywhere teaching an easy art that yon can learn in a few lessons, address PROFITABLE TEACHING this office. It HUCKSTERS can buy pears at auction, Tn crate lots; every day. at 4 p. at T.

WADE'S. 811 Bst-nw. It GO tn Gordon's, cor. kutn and for cheap turkeys today. I am going to retail them at wholesale prices.

HATS trimmed or retrlmmed, Parisian si vie. 50o. 623 St. uw upstairs. iio26-7t DEALERS and consumers are respect fully invited to call at 908 st.

nw. and witness the operation of Spllman's egg tester, whereat the same place you can buy the best country roll butter and fresh eggs in quantities to suit at bottom prices. Don't forget the No, 908 st, nw under BIIO'I Theater. co2G-2t FOR SALE One nearly new wheel. ai islf St.

CANCERS cured wltnoat the knife; ample references Banltarlum, 1320 st. nw. CHARLES ALLEN. M. D.

uo20-3rao FASHIONABLE dressmaker, late of Philadelphia and New York, destres first-class work; terms reasonable. MRS. HARRINGTON. 428 st, nw. no 19-7t jnST RECEIVED Fine lot young Cuban parrots, guaranteed to talk: also monkeys, canaries, mocking birds, gold flli.

dogs, and fac-T pigeons. BCHMllva, 712 12th st branch 1221 Pa- are. niTlO-tt GUNS. Rules. Revolvers.

loading tools, hunters' outfits, watches. Jewelry, guitars, violins, banjos, mandolins, at about nne-iialf regular dealers prices at PAWN SHOP. No. 1009 st. nw.

ocl-erao RAILROADS. Pennsylvania RAILROAD. STATION CORNER OP SIXTH AND STREETS. In Effect rnovtjinbor 17, 189 A. M.

PENNSYLVANIA LIM ITED- Pullman bleeping, Dlnlug, Bmok lng, and Observation Cars, Uorrisburg to Chicago, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis. Cleveland, and Toledo. Buffet Parlor Car to Harrisburg. 10.30 A.

FAST LINE. Pullman Buffet Parlor Car, to Humshurg. Parlor and Dining Cars, Harrisburg to PltUburg. 3.40 M. CHICAGO AND ST.

LOUIS EXPRESS. Pullman Euffet Parlor Car to Harrisburg. Sleeping and Dining Cars iiarrisourg loot, iouis, uuunnau. ixuis- ville. and Chicago.

T.XO P. M. WESTERN EXPRESS Pullman Sleeping Car to Chicago, and Harrisburg to Cleveland. Dining Car to Chicago. T.XO P.

M. SOUTH-WESTERN EX- PRESS. Pullman Sleeping and Dining Cars to St. Louis, and Sleeping Car liatrisouxii ui tuciuijiiii. 10.40 ST.

PACIFIC EXTRESa. 1'ullinan Bleeping lar to nttsburg. v.rn A 19T. Tor Kane. Cananriaiirna- ana Niagara Falls dolly, ex cept ounuay.

10.30 A. M. for Elinlra and Renora, dally, except Baoday. For' Wiilkunsport dally, 3.40 p. m.

T.XO P. M.for WlUIamsporCRochester. Bufialo. and Niagara Falls dolly, except Saturday, with Sleeping Car Washington to Suspension Bridge, via. Buffalo.

X0.40 P. BI. for Erie. Canandalgna, Rochester. Biffalo, and Niagara Falls dally, Sleeping Car Washington to El inlra.

For 1'Ulludelptala, New Xorlr, and ths East. 4.00 P.M. "CONGRESSIONAL LIMITED." dally. aU Parlor Cars, with Dining Car from Baltimore. Regular at 7.0B (Dining Car), 7.20.

9050, 10.00 (Dining Car), and 11.00 (Dining Car Wilmington) a. 12.45, 3.10, 4.20, 6.40, 10.00. and 11.35 p.m. On Sunday; 7.05 (Dining Cart 7.20. 9.00.

11.00 (Dining Carrrom Wilmington) a.m.. 12.13. 3.15. 4i'0. 0.4O.

10.00. and 11.35 p. m. For Philadelphia only. Fast Express 7.50 a.

m. week-days. Express. 12.15 week-days, 2.01 and 5.40 p. m.

dally. For Boston without change. 7.50 a. m. week-days, and 3.15 p.

m. dally. For Baltimore, 6.25. 7.05, 7.20. 7.C0.

ODO, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00, and I1.B0 a. 12.15, 12.45. 2.01, 3.15, 3.40 (4.00 Limited). 4.20. 4.36.

6.40,6.05. 6.40. 7.10. 10.00. 10.40.

JJ.15. and 115 p. m. Ou Sunday, 7.05.

9.05. 10.30. s11.00n.ra.. 12.15. 1.16.

2.01. 3.10. 3.40 (4.00 Llmltefll. 4.20. 5.40.

6.05. 6.40, 7.10. 10.00. I0.40f.and 11.33 p.m. For Pope's Creek Line.

7.20 a. m.and 4.36 p. m. doily, except Sunday. For Annapolis.

7.20, 9.00 a. 12.15nnd 4.20 p. m. dally, except Sunday. Sundays.

9.00 a. m. and 4.20 n.m. Atlantic Coast Line. Express for Rich-moud, Jacksonville, and Tampa.

4.30 n. m. aauy. Kiciimond and Aliantn. 8.40 p.

m. dallv. Richmond only. 10.57 n. ra.

week-days. Accommodation ror Quantlco, 7.45 a. m. dally, and 4.25 p. ra.

week-days. For Alexandria. 4.3o. 6.35. 7.45, 8.40.

9.45, 10.57. 11.50 n. 12.50, 1.40, 3.20, 4.25. 5.00. 5.37,0.15,8.02.

10.10, and 11.39 p.m. OnSundayal 4.30, 7.46, 9.45 2.45, 6.15, 8.02, and 10.10 p. m. Leave Alexandria for Washington. 6.05, 6.43,

10.28 a.m., 1.00. 2.15, 3.00, 3.23. 6.00, o.3f. 6.13, 7.00, 7.20. 9.10.

10.52 and 11.08 p. m. On 8unday al ti.43. 9.10. 10.28 a.

2.15. 5.30, 7.00, 7.20, 9.10, and 10.53 P. m. Ticket ofriccs. corner Fifteenth and Streets and at the station.

Sixth and streets, where orders can be left for the checking or bagjwge to destination from hotels and residences. B.M. PREVOST. J. R.

WOOD, Gen. Manager. Gen- Passenger A geut. CAPTURED CANNIBALS. Adventnro of Mr.

Peters, Since Murdered By Mongo Savngp-. Folk who know Uttle or nothing of the true condition of the Upper Congo are apt to doubt the existence of cannibalism. The following incident took place In the Jurisdiction of Major Lothalra's old station of Basankusu, and wUI tend to dispel such delusions. Mr. Peters of the Free State, since murdered in cold blood by the Mongo savages, was canoeing up the Loporl to oppose the Western Arab incursion, which slowly nut surely was creeping down tho head waters of that river and of the Bolum- bo.

The price of slaves bad been so depreciated by the Arab Influence, that two boys wero sold for the price of a goat, and a man for the price of a dog. Arab-hunted folk were seeking refuge In villages further removed from their devastating raids, and natives, taking advantage of the fears and distress of the refugees, had been tying them up as slaves. On reaching the mouth of the Bolambo. Mr. Peters made a discovery of brutal In.the night, when his boats were moored.

Mr. Peters and- his men heard the songs from some approaching canoes, slave laden, bringing home their spoil. Pnttln? out Into the river stealthllyand getting quite near the traders, he completely surprised the canoers. Six prisoners were taken, others, prang-inginto the river, wereshot. On taklngpos-sesslon of the candes, Mr.

Peters found in each human flesh lnabundance.thecooklng pots full ot legs, arms, hands, boiled and boiling, other pieces roasted and dry. As figure-head, one ot the doomed craft bore, hoisted on a stick, the Jawbones of one of the many killed. aruRDEREHS' MASCOT. Hl Boast Tlint litis Presencellss Pre-Trnteil Many Convictions. There Is a young man going about the country atunding famous- murder trials, and the lawyers have given him the nickname ot "Murderers" Mascot." He said that he had attended thirteen runrder trials In the last two years, and In no case was there a conviction.

He was at the first trial of the Hyarns twins for the murder of William CT Wells. This took place In Toronto. It looked blaclrforthetwins. butwhen their counsel sawthe "murderers mnseot'Mn the courtroom he felt confident of victory. "If yoa will remain right with- ns here." be- said, "we'll win the Jury, sure." He and thejnry disagreed.

He went back to Toronto to be present at trie second trial. New Yort Press. Tennllle's Great Clothing Bale Is today HEEDS OfJBpCT Cwnniissiiners' Report Will Aa-vocatB Many Reforms Io Laws. SOPN TO BE SUBMITTED The Grado Crossings Question Will Be the Subject of Vigorous Action. Extension of Streeta street Lighting Improvement Public.

Library Needed. "I havo known the Commissioners' report." said Mr. Ross, today, "to be finished, as late as Monday morning before Congress met- We haven't bad even one meeting yet to consider the report for this year. "Of course all the department reports combined with It are in and printed, and each of us is thinking over what we want, to put in. But the report Is one of the things that can be left, till the last, and there is always much else that Is pressing for immediate settlement." The report will probably contain recom-mendatiuns as to the extension ot streets, changes in the sewersystem, street lighting, municipal building, public library, harbor boat, and harbor Improvements.

The decision of the District supreme court that the purchase of property at tax sale relieves said property of tne lien ot all unpaid prior taxes upon It, Is still a bar to the collection of a large amount ot arrearages of taxes, and an encouragement to tax-payers to be dilatory In the payment of their taxes. In the hope that they may ultimately evade their payment under the aforesaid ruling. The Commissioners have sought to cover the defects of existing law on the subject by preparation and submission to the first session of the Fifty-third Congress ot a but In relation to taxes and tax sales, and now earnestly reiterate their recommendation ot Its earl snactment. GRADE OEOSBINaS. Ons subject to receive consideration Is the grade crossings ot the steam railroads.

Tho recent attack made by the roads upon the Commissioners In Joint equity suits only serves to arouse them to more vigorous action against what they have long considered one of the most serious wrongs suffered by the people. Their views were expressed strongly In the report ot last year. Their words then were as follows: "So far as known, no action was taken by any of the steam railroads In the District toward changing the elevation of Its tracks from that of the street or road crossing. "Notwithstanding precautions of fcaces. gates, watchmen or signals, accidents continue to occur, by which persons traveling on public highways are mangled to death by passing trains.

"The stoppage by trains of street traffla Is a matter of serious inconvenience and loss to the public. "The Commissioners recommend the enactment of a law compelling steam railway companies to change their track crossings from grade levels in Washington, within two and a half years and in the county within five years, upon plans subject to the approval of the Commissioners." But the last Congress tolled to do anything at all about the matter. Since the lost Commissioners' report the situation has grown worse, rather than better. Two rapid transit street car lines crossing steam road tracks have gone into operation, the city has grown in population and trafiic and the evidence of the Increased dangers has appeared in numerous ecrae of them fatal. The seriousness ot the situation has Iieea kept before the public by toe citizen' associations, by The Times and liy other agencies.

The Commissioners hove recognized the added dangers by making a iollce order requiring the roads to stop tlit'ir trains at crossings and to observe other rules, ror the safety of passers on the Street. These rules the managers of the roads claim are almost prohibitive ot trarflc Tie Commissioners have answered this already in their reirart of last year, quoted above. AN EXPENSIVE RELIEF. In spite of all precautions, they say accidents continue to occur that vould be impossible if crossings were mailtr almve or below grade. It Is coming to be cognized that like the placing underground of dec trio wires, this for the time an expensive but the only sure and reasonable relief to the dangerous conditions.

The Commissioners believe it is the only one th people will ever accept as satisfactory. Ther I wiU almost certainly press the matter upon tne attention or congress with greatly increased energy. The-prospect for the passage or the Icgls-latlon required Is considered much bettor than in the last session of Congress. There are hundreds of new members, and they have not been In reach of the Influences which railroads use so effectively to prevent action unfavorable to them. Many of these new men are desirous tomakerecords for themselves, and not a few sec thegrow-Ing Interest of the people in matters that touch their own safety and convenience in their relations with owners of aluable franchises given by the people.

AWAITING CONFIRMATION. The Senate to Decide tho Fate 400 Positmastern. The almost 400 Presidential postmasters will be presented to the Senate ror its action next month. So far there have been 240 recess appointments and all of these will bo sent to the Senate for confirmation. The terms of 130 postmasters expire during the month, and there are also gbt other vacancies caused by deaths of post-masters whose successors will have to be chosen.

The principal offices where post-mastership terms expire during December are Portland, Maine, on December 10, and Hartford, and East Providence, R. on December 17. Another big office, which soon will be thlcd, is Al-toona. Pa. In none ot these offices has any spirited contest so far developed, ami few papers are on file at the Post-office De partment in the cases.

Hartford is Senator Ha wlcy'shomeand he doubtless will namo the Incumbent. At East Providence the appointee probably will be Senator Aldrlch's candidate, while the Portland office may be filled by some of whum is a resident of that city. Post-office Department officials point out a remarkable Increase In the mi rt-illty among postmasters, disproportionate to the increase In the list. During tie- past year there were approximately hlrty-five among those of the Presidential class. This Is said to be larger than for any year in the past fifteen or twenty years rd Is attributed to generally prevailing ti laita-ful conditions.

A few days ago the deaths of the re'tmas-ters at Bowie, Texas, and Ail. Lee, wero announced slmul and lost Saturday the Bepcrti. es -titled of the dratts of PoMmasttr B. GUI, at Eustls. and Postman McDonald, at Altoona.

Tluse are Le the first Instances of deaths of Prcs.t.i tlnl postmasters announced the same i lor many years. Children's Lyceum Entertainment. The Children's Progressive I.yi-eum gnvs an Interesting and sncvesstul musical, literary; and draniatlo entertainment at Masonic Temple last evening. An Interesting program was enjoyed by those present. In which Misses May Phelps, Florence Davis, Bertha Jullhn, and Isabel Shelton, and a first-class dramatic cl'rb under the leader-ship of Mr.

A. T. Seaman, participated. Tb fancy dancing ot Miss Isabel Shelton, a premising young pupil of Prof. Caruana, anil other little fmks from the class ot Misl Cora Shrove i activated the audience.

Halving ami refreshments were then tn Joyed until midnight, the music being fu nlshcrt by Prof. Shreve's orchestra. MUslng; Steamer Benches Port. Puluth. Nov.

27. The Lake 80. pcrior and Lake Michigan Transportatlos, Company's steamer. City of Duluth, rei ported from Chicago as missing, arrive, lu port here yesterday. -A.

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