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Lexington Gazette from Lexington, Virginia • Page 2

Lexington Gazettei
Lexington, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

VublLshed Every Wednesday Evening WILLIAM R. KENNEDY Editor and Proprietor. 1 Lexington. April 17,1907 Subscription Rates In Advance: One $1.00 I Three Months. 26c Six Mont 50c Single 5o exceeding 10 Hues, tributes of respect, cards of thanks, etc.

must be paid for at the rate of 5o. per line. local notices 10c. a line or first insertion and 5c. a lint, for each subsequent insertion.

raf" Office Telephone No. 8. Long Distance Metallic, connects with town and county lines. rates, whioh are mod erate, furnished on application OR. JAMES A.

QUARLES The death of Dr. James A. Quarles ii sincerely regretted bv everybody ia the community whe knew bim intimately and lovec him fondly. Sympathetic, kind hearted, the Chris han graces of tenderness and thoughtfulness with a mina ol rare culture, he wes tbe friend ol ell, the comforter of the uistreesec and tbe true friend under all con ditions and circumstances. Hil influence will be missed among bi colleagues, the students, and al the residents of Lexington, bot! white and colored.

Hie very pre senoe wherever sorrow or pain trouble wae, brought comfort am consolation and often patient sub mission. Hip wa9 the truly tram parent life in whom united Chrii tian culture and social amenities. ANOTHER H. O. RUMOR Our exchanges bring to us tb news that the Baltimore and Ohi officials have a party of engineei in the field surveying a route fro Keyser, W.

to Harrieonbun The route being surveyed is sai to be an easy grade. In connec ion with this report a furthi statement is made that there a plans on foot for the extension i the Baltimore and Ohio from Le: ington southward to Roanok whereby a connection could be cur.d with the Tidewater. Of course this may be another tbe frequent rumors that get in print concerning the opening and completion of the Old Vail railroad from Lexington to Rca oke. Tbe rumor hue been publie ed so many times that very liti credenoe is given to the repo; even should it come from sen official sources. Rockbridge waited patientl many years, as yet has not een tbat road cc pleted.altl ough much of the hea masonry and difficult fills ba been finished.

Arranging for 'Memorial A joint eeting rf the extcutl committees of Lee Jackton Cen C. and Camp Frank Pax! Si. ns of Confederates was li last Saturday, (he 20th, forl purpose of making urrangeme for Confederate Memorial 1); Tbe date selected wus May 25th. Tbe tim was fixed early because of the meeting the Grand Camp in Richmond May 80th. Mr.

Thomas S. Whitt, wus pointed chief marshal for the casion, ar.d Mr. Harry A. Dur. first assistant marshal; and tl were given authority to select additional assistant marshals ft their respective organizations.

The commanders of the i camps were instructed to issue usual invitations to the vari military end civic organization! the community. The several mitties were appointed to suitable arrangements for the servanoe of the day in keep with the occasion. on the Orient Mr. Cameron Johnson, a for missionary to tbe Orient an known lecturer on Kaei lands, will give a series of lect on his travels in the Orient in new Presbyterian lecture rt beginning Friday evening, A 26th. Four lectures will be gi as follows: Fridty evening, April 26th Miracle of tbe Ages, Saturday evening, April 27 A Miracle of Modern Missions Monday evening, April 29 India: The Land of Wonders.

Tuesday evening, April 30 Palestine: The Holy Lard. Mr. Johnson is un entertai lecturer, and his themes wil illustrated by views taker, of countries under discussion. 'J ete will be sold for ore dollai the whole lima Gospel Four ladies, Misses R. R.

leader, A. L. Hatterxan, A Holtzapple and S. E. Mussel gospel workers, in Le ton last Friday and left yestei Tfe reid gospel sen the streets every evening, muai? (-it-tintr of singing banjo and guitar in '1 iifuuqusrters are in land Ohio.

They ft Lexn for Clifton Forge, end stoppi at Buena Vista and Buob When they stop in a town fo length of time their custom bold hall meetings in witb their ttreet Barriers. of to ip ey ti? ll? ie rt, li? lt ut ve ir In 'Pi OB le ntl hke vi on i.p CC lap bey six om two the ous i Of d-fl? ake ob? iing The Bones of Soon to Be Mounted The bones ot "Traveller," General Lee'6 favorite war-house, will soon be properly mounted, and tbe skeleton placed on exhibition, most likely in the proposed Lee museum at Lexington. This announcement will catch th? ear of every Confederate soldier and of thousands of others in every pail of this land, who know nothing of tin war by experience. "Traveller" ls one of the most nota ble of all the great war-horses of his tory. He was a fine ipeolmen of thi Gray Eagle stook, and wltu General Lei it was a case of 'love at first sight.

His beauty, springy step, wor.derfu endurance ar.d great strength caugh the commander's eye at Genera Lee's affection 'or the horse and thi amiable disposion of the "Confederate gray" himself made Traveller a pet li the Lee family circle, and, as Miss Le says.he was mourned almost as a mein ber of the family, wheo, after escap 1 uk all the dangers of many battlefields he died lr the land of peace and pleat of a very unromantic, but none the los fatal, case of plebeian lockjaw. Miss Man Gustie Lee.only survlvltii dsvighter of General Lee, has wrltte this exceedingly interesting account TrevelleaV death I am asked to give some account I the death of Traveller. There is uc much to tell, though it was pathetl that a borea who bore the brunt the whole Civil War, endured so muct and ran so many risks, when he raigh have looked forward to a peaceful an honored old age, should have taken off by lockjaw. "He did not long survive his maste lt was in the June following Qenert Lee's death tbat his end came. I wi sitting in the veranda of our home Lexington with my brother, Genen Custis Leo, when Traveller, always privileged character, but of course special pet since his master's doat came browsing around in the yard, at seeing some one on tbe piazza, a vanced, whinnying, for the lump sugar tbat he always expected.

I a tered the house to procure bim when I returned with it, found ii brother examining his foot, sayir 'This horse seems to b9 A ve small nail or tack was extracted, ai the wound was so slight that lt not even bleed. "After eating his sugar with relit and being caressed to his heart's cc tent, he moved leisurely away. In course of a day or two the hostler ported him unwell. We bad no vete narian in Lexington, but the doo) was summoned, and the two who had attended nay father during last illness devoted themselves assh: ously to the sufferings of his tami war-horse; and his sufferings bec-i so very great. Everything that si atd devotiou could do wus dona was chU-roformed, liquid nourl.hiu< 1 down his throat, and when uiil'l no longer stand upi featl hed was hld on tha stable floor to him all the relief possible.

'Our little town, indeed the wh neighborhood, was Intensely syrn thc tic. Not only the gentlemen of 1 town, but the farmers around, came offer suggestions and condolences, was all ro avail. The efforts to lieve him merely prolonged his suf ings, which, when all hope was gon advocated bein? put an end to at ot But my brother could not bring (Hf to that, though poor Travell groans and cries were heartrending the extren-i, and could be plalnlv he In the house. I don't think any were able to sleep that last night, i it was really a relief when all over. When I went to look at I after death, from being a powet well-grown horse, he seemed to I dwindled away to the size of a and I am sure we almost felt that lost a mem tier of the family.

Ti ellerhad at fist be9ti Called 'Gr but his indomitable pluck, e-jy and endurance suggested change ot name, and I have often my father state that the end of most ardous day, with often thrown In, he was apparently fresh and livelj as when first moue bought for a second, or rsi; i ut as one after another of more showy steeds, notably a raj charger presented by tbe gentlemei Richmond, and named after federate capital, succumbed to the tunes of war, Traveller came gradi to the front, and remained there; father riding him, not only uiRttox, bat on his return mond." 1 mer a tern tires the pri 1 ven, tb? th? in? ning 1 be tbe Nck for untz, B. man, aing on tbeir with er. te Jleve Dgton ed olf anan. any ii to Bction Unique Substitute tor Salo Balthuoie Sun: In Denmark reformers do not attempt total al euee from alcoholic drinks, but at supplying beers and other having less than 2J per cent alcohol. At the same time they upon the social attractions ol saloon and establish "tempe homes," which are combinations i building of a restaurant, beer si and rooms for social gathei amateur theatricals, concerts, balli entertainments of other kinds, families gather for a good time, ing the social and taking iu amusements.

It is claimed thi light beers served make tbe peopl more ready to give up whiskey class themselves as The cause of on tbe consumption of Hunt bet in fact, booming in Denn ail; sobriety is said to make real pro Arrests for drunkenness lu Copei in were but 16 per 1.000 of tion, against 62 pei 1,000 in Gothet where drinking ix controlled, mark puts no tax on light there ls no politics in mpcram is tbe shrewd appropriation ai pansionof the social feuture "saloon" tbat the 1 svetein. A severe cold that may deveb pneumorla over night, can be ou-ckly by taking Petey's Hom Tar. It wilt cure tbe most ob racking cough and lings. The genuine is in a pac.iage B. H.

Gorrell. Never Oan tell when you'll I finger or suffer a out, bruise, 1 scald Be prepared. Dr. Tl LoleC'rio Oil relieves tl Cures tba Wound. rf il ri III r.

il la il I. a id cl? ef ii nd By ry nd lld di. lie iri 01 WI bia lo? ma UH! lin Bi act ha hoi Ive eli pa? sha to It re for I ice. im er's in ard us ind was liiru ful, lave we rav een en the eaid the the as ited. tbe 1 of Con for lally my LPPO lich From Lower Kerr's Creek and Vicinity Gazette Correspondence.

April Henry Alphin is visit? ing his mother- He bas been in rall road eiprers office durlog tbe winter ard thinks of going west tbfs Spring. Mrs. Annie Selby has gore to Rich? mond for her dai'ghter-tii law, Mrs. Harry Selly, who, after a surgical operation at hospital there, is'so much Improved th.t she can return home. Mr.

Kenaelth Morrissn is now store? keeper at the Seusabaugb distillery in place of Mr. William Lackey. i Mr. Alexander Dixon ls Improving 1 his home by building a large barn and 1 repairing birt residence. Mr.

Thomas Obenschain, wife and I daughter ot Tratestc Dakota, i after visiting his brother, Rev. J. P. Obenschain, has gone to visit relatives at Hollins In Roanoke county. Mr.

Samuel Wilson, who spent a few days with Mr. Walter MoCown list week has returned to Buena Vista. Mr. Joseph Miller ls recovering from several weeks' confinement with lt? 's grippe. Miss Myitie Bngleman, daughter ot J.

w. Englciuua, lia. leturnet to her vork as teacker at Craigsville, after a short stay at home. Mr. Graham Glover, wbo has been attending a medical school in Canada, was the guest of Mr.

J. VV. Engleraan's family last week. Mr. Berry ls painting his recently erected handsome residence.

Th-a comtrunion meeting at Bethany Lutheran church, postponed tbe las' two Sabbaths on account of uufavora weather, will be held nextSabbu'h if weather is good, H.P. H. W. L. U.

Football Schedule The football management at Washington and Lee University has announced the following schedule of games for next fall's season: October 5th, Hampton-Sidney College, at Lexington. October 14th, Catholic Univer? sity of America, at Lexington. October Polvteob nie Institute, at Lynchburg. 20th, Mar) land Agri? cultural College, at Lexington. November 2nd, Richmond Col? lege, at Lexington.

November Otb, University ol Virginia, at Charlottesville. November 18th, Baltimore Medi cal College, at Lexington. November 28th, Bucknel! Col lege, at Lynchbur'g. Springfield Gazelle CorrisPondmce April Ethel Starke re turned home Sunday from Bucb antin where she was the guest Miss Kate Thompson last week. Miss Myrtle Parcons ie spend ing soire weeks with relativis a Murat, and in the Rockbridg Baths neighborhood.

Mrs. 8. W. Arnold returnee ast Tuesday from a ritit friends in Winchester. Miss Mabel Wilson of Fane Hill spent Sunday with rtlativ here.

Mrs. G. M. Leech and Mi Willie Le'ch were 'n Lyncbbur several diys last week. Clovis Blossom on the istln aiiii rinks of seize the rance one doon inga, i and Horj njoy part it the the and baned is.

and gre ss. ihagen iburg, Den and It id ex )f the )enlsh into cured and uti i vour yellow Heal Esta The following needs of bargain ai sale were entered of record la tl clerk's office of Rockbrldge oounty fi the week ending April 9. A. J. Graham to P.

E. Sprou-e acres adj. grantee in Walker's Cree district, J. W. Weeks to F.L.

McCluog 6 acr and 00 roles at Timber Ridge, $250. J. W. Weeks to aasocla Reformed church, houie and lot ot acres adj. Win.

McGutBn. South Riv dUitriet, $600. P. M. Engleman and wife to Edwa Tni-sell, 2i acres near Kerr's Crei postoffice, $40.

H. E. Moore, to Frank T. Gil gow, acres on Alum Bprin road near Lexington, $60. Can You Believe Your Henaes When two of them, taste and iui( having been impaired if not uttei destroyed, by Nasal Catarrh, are fu restored by Ely's Cream Balm, you doubt that this remedy deserves that has baen said of lt by the thoi ands whom lt has cured? lt is applied rectly to tbe effected air passages a begins its healing work at onoe.

Why get it today? All druggists or mailed Ely Warren Street, New Yo 011 receipt of 50 oents. A Criminal Attack on an inoffensive citizen is fiequ.n made in that apparently useless Iii tube celled thc "appendix." It's gen ally tho result of protracted tion, following liver torpor. Dr. Kin Now Life Pills legulate the liver, real establish reg. habits of tho bowele.

fte. at B. Gorrell's drug store. The New Pure Food and Drug We are pleased to anuounoe tl Foley's Honey and Tar fer cou? colds and lung troubles is not affec by the National Pure Food aud Di law as it contains no opiates or ot harmful drugs, and we recoromeiH as a safe remedy for children adults. Sold by H.

H. Gorrell's store. Oot ot Sight "Cut rf sight, out of mind," is au saying vi ich applies with special to a sore, hum or wound that's I treated with Bucklln's 8s lt's cut of sight, out of mind and 01 existence. Pl'es too and chilbl disappear under its healing influe Guarteed by B. H.

Gorrell Drug 85c. To Cure A Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine' lets. All refund the mo fails to oure. E. W.

Grove's eli lure on eaeb box. 26c aash a br Ax. Guaranteed Cure for Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protru Piles. Druggists are authorized fund money if PAZO Ol NT Ml fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 5Co.

Don't let the baby suffer from eel lores or any Robing of the skin.Di Ointment gives instant relief, quickly. Perfectly safe for chile All druggists sell it. "Had dyspepsia or indigestion years, rio appetite, and what I icuiae's'eat distressed me terribly. Hui ie pain, Blood Bitter cured H. I ker, Sunburjn Obit, POINTED PARAGRAPHS.

People will treat you all rlgbtratftil they become familiar. Whipping a little wan does yooj np ufcttlVc as a fighter no good. You can't please everybody. A rboot? ful lterson ls a pessimist's idea of a fool. Tbe man who realises thc of people can alway, put up a greai bluff.

You can lite way off on a lonely farm, but trouble will come to you out thara. When put a quarter In the collection basket lt gives them a feel? ing of being real sporty. The man who ls really lu love pays very little attention to the ability of hia sweetheart aa a bread maker. Don't feel bad If people do not agree with you. You may not agree with yourself If you stop to think lt Atchison Globe.

When the Earth Quakes. Home Idea ot the stupendous power of tbe subterranean forces exerted bj earthquakes Is shown by the changes effected by them lu geography. Moun tains have been obliterated or new one formed, Inlands have been made or de stroyed, and whole stretches of coaar I line wiped out. For Instance, in Hep 1750, on the lofty tableland! about 100 miles southwest of of Mexico, a piece of land four square miles lu sren was suddenly raised 550 and numerous coues one of them, the volcano of Jonillo being nearly 1.700 feet high. Java lr 1772 suffered In the opposite way, for I tract of country fifteen miles long bj six miles broad was swallowed up en tlrely, a mountain of 9,000 feet being reduced to 5,000 feet only la procasa.

"i KKW M.VKKTISKMENTV LOST-ON TU A Kl KU noon between store inn' S. H.Leech's re-idr-uce a plain gold Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity pin Finder please letarri to tbis efflce. COR 8ALE-(1'JRN AND FLOUR Mill, located in best grain section of Virginia. Water and am power. Apply to MOORE St MOORI Apr.

17-lt THE IE pot and the University Dormitory, Monday afternoon, au open face gide watch, Elgin movement, with (-old (-li? net fob; initials H. F. the fob Suitable reward 1( returned to tldi office. te 1 nr ni 11, an all te? di nd Ot by rb, tu? ttle pr? to rj ilar II aw hal -ba ted mi; lier I lt tnd rug old orce rive. lt of ains nee.

gist. rab ney sa idlng re ems, Min's sores lien. for did Wal Annotiticefnent for the House of Delegates Coin Son tit Si-HiNos, Va. April 15, 1907 To the voters of the ('ounty of Rock bridge aud the City of Htien i Yi-tn Having been twice honored as you in the I-OOM ol* gates of Yiri.ltila.and wita! concious neeeof faithfully perfbtosed Hi duties entrusted to me, I ask in annoiiccliig my caudiduc for position; subject to the Den.c eratic primary; whleli I would tmpiesa upon your attention should be held. Respectfully J.

8: CRAIG. Api.l8-8t Another Friend of Davis 'My Paiutor said he foretime a paint that would cover densel much surfuce as Davis 100 per cen Futz Paint" JamoB L. McCray, Blanch, N. The best paint ls andoobtei ly the paint that will con most surface, densely, an that is DAVIS Ask your dealer end do not buy Impu paint. SPRING GOODS Refrigerators from the chea est to the best "Porcelain lined Mon tain Freezers Hammocks and Croquet Sets A SPLENDID LINK OF Water Coolers Majestic Ranges and Cooking Stoves Don't fail to get mv uh the BEST QUALITY has ways been ray Hotto.

R. S. Andersoi Examination of Teacher The first regrlar examination white and colored in pu schools of Hock bri for-fcbe be held ou Mav 2nd, 8rd and 4th io public school buildings at Li-xlngto; The second regular examination be held on July and Teachers may take either of theme atxlnattons, but all who do not em to att-nd a eum.ner Institute shu take the examination In May, aa tht ot the July examination maj made known too for trnoher contraot for schools and iney thus ci them Inconvenience Teachers who take the examlna in May and fall will not be penni to take the July examination ut they In the meantlne attend some uer institute. All secoud and third grade teac certificate, expire lu 1907 wil required to take this examination. Circulars have been sent to teacher In ths oountry and they tum governed thereby.

First grade certificates will elthe extended for one yeur or a new om sued, according to the ivKiilatlni State Hoard explained In circular. Teachers should supply tbemsi with and sbou of uniform sile, which can be obte at Mr. Stuart's tookhtore. Examination begins promptly o'oloek each day. G.

W. EFFIN'lErt, 131 v. Sup of Schools ot Rookt ridge Coi Apr. Shoe Items OXFORD TIES that are stylish. OXFORD TIES that Fit and feel good on thc feet.

OXFORD TIES that wear well and kvep their shape. OXFORD TIES that are as low in price as good quali? ty will permit. THESE ARE ALL IMPORTANT "SHOE ITEMS" GRAHAM, The Shoe Man. sells OXFORD TIES that embraces all these items. Our Ladies' Oxfords At $2.00 ware the handsomest evqr and are worth looking into GRAHAM CO.

HEAD AND FEET FITTERS Something New Miss Sarah Hoffman will conduct a kindergaiten (school)this summer at the School Building for children from 5 to years. 30 cents per month iu advance. Please see me to'enroll be? fore May 15th. Apr. 17-lrno.

REDEMPTION Rockbridge County BONOS Lkxinoton, April 16, 1907 Notice ls hereby niven to the holders of the following Rockbrldge County Honds, issued under an AK ot the Gen eral Assembly of Virginia, approved Februaiy 1894, aud commonly called Court-house bends, that the un d-rslgnod has been directed by the Hoard of Sinking Fund Cominli-sloiiers of Rockbrldge Countyr held In the County Treasurer's Office April 10th, 1907, to redeem the bonds hereinaft-r named (being the remainder of th?" Court-house 5 cent bonds outstand? ing), and In puisuai ce of tbe said order the treasurer hereby gives notice thal OH I ht! first day of May. 1907, the follow? ing of the said bonds paid on at the office of thc County Treasurer, Lexln anc in default jf s.ib presentation, that iuteiost will be paid on thoa after tba date, viz: Noa, 1. 2, 4,5,8,7, 8,9, 10, ll, ll 13, 14, 15, Ki, 17, is, lit, 20, 21, 22, 23 24, 25, 26. 27, 28, 29, 30, 81, 82. 33, 34 lo, 30, 37, .8, 39 and 40 for ono hundrei dollars MAD.

S. R. MOORE, Apr.17-3* County Treesurei To My Patients I have opened a branch office a Milena Vista, and will be there Tuesday of each week. A report to the cttect that I am I close my Lexington cfflce ls withou foundation. I ll be in my Lexingto office as usual, Tuesdays aud Sunday excepted, from rc.

to 4 p. ra. John H., I). D.

8. Jan. BO, 1907. Lexington, Vi Vainer. Pole Company LEXINGTON'S MAIN STREET Furniture Dealers AND UNDERTAKER! All Orders Receive Prompt Attention.

FANCY GOODS NOTIONS AND WHITE GOODS SPRING aU MILLINER' i Montgomery if Blacl LEXINGTON, MI. will thc ll. -rill i' ex tect uld re be tc ilise tion tted dees hers 1 bs te ry tbe be 3 is is of 3lve9 ld be lned at 9 t. inty. SALK OP Valuable Real Estate ON THE LITTLE CALF TA8TUBE RIVI NEAR GOSHEN, VIRGINIA Under and by virtue of the provlaii of a Deed cr Trust executed by Jas.

Weaver and Elizabeth A. Weaver to D. Ijetcher. Trustee, dated Feb. and recorded lu Rockbridge Coui Clerke Office In Deed Book 00.

p. 495, to secuie to Jos. W. Olendy bonds for each, dated Feb. 1901, with Interest from that dstw, i due renpeotlvely in 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6 am yearn, together with the taxes, int ance, all of whioh have not palu as stlp undersigned sell at public auotion on the on THUR8DAY.THB APR 1907, AT 12 M.

841 acres of laud, more or less, era in a north and south direction by Little Calf Pasture River, and Craigevllle Road, adjoining Bell Catlett, J. W.Lyle, Wm. Davis, Jackson, and Mles Flora Larew. TERMtir-Oue-thtrd cash.the bale In one and two years, evldenoed by bonds of the purchaser, waving he stead, with Interest from date, soo by a deed of trust ou said property. G.

D. LETCHER, Truste 1 JJOUSK AM) I OT FOB BJ I I iooils, bliAk holier, frau ell, good garden, with fruit trees, street, Lexington, Va. Applv J. 8. SMITH.

COR RENT DV Kl I.I I house on lower Main street, Lei ington. containing eigld roo rn with lar. Good garden. Applj to Mi- T. MoCRUM Lexington, Va apr.

3-2t Eggs for Hatching From Choice Stork. Rose Comb Rhode Isla Hods. Velvet Reds. Single Comb L'ro l.e/lun ts. 15 for $1.00 50 lor W.

W. RUFF, Uxlcgton, Va. 20-feb-3-mo Announcement for Mayoi To my fellow-citizens of Lexington; Yielding to the soliclations of nou I ous frierdh, after nil weeks i flection, I hereby anootiDce myself I candiibite foi iyoi i tl Town of Lexington, and I noel rt jpectifiuly voui- ri ai I tluence. Election to be Tuesda June ll, 1907. Very truly yours, 2.1, WM.

K. KENN Important Notice to Tele phone Subscribers Your bill due April Ut li is mailed. remit full arnot promptly, so I can balance bi and settle with the Telethon 'Cciupai Don't fall to (tay your Long tickets when sent, ae this is nu em ii separate fund and baa lo be fm wan every 30 days. Respectfully, T. S.

Bl KWELL, M'OI April Announcement for the Hou of Delegates Editor Lexii gton Oaaette: I wish to Bay to the voter, i bridge that I will toa candidate lor House of Delegates at the OOmlug tion next fall, subject to iv Fri nary, if one is called. Thanking the friends who have ki ly proffered dm their support, ii ml licking the support of others, I am, Very reaper tf nils, apr. 10-4t W. P. i CATARI! Ely's Cream Balm is quickly absorbed.

Gives Relict at Once. It cleanses, soothes I heals and woteets the (hseased mein- brime. It I' tarrh and i S11 away a Cold in th Head quickly. lb UftV FF VI tho Senses ol 'll? 1 1 Tuatc mid Smell. Full size r.0 ct- al or by mail; Trial Size 10 cfs.

by i BrOtbrca, 56 Warren Street. New A. EGGS! EGGS SHIP TO A. J. M.

MURDOCH 40 42 8o. PENS Top Values Guarantee -DAILY RETUPNS Live and essed Poultry, Thc Gazette, Agents, Lexington; Sh ipi Everywhere. lo answerlug this advertises. please mention Gazette. 8 li, ms H.

a. KU, nty taft 7 uni 1 7 sen will 80b, IL, Mid the the and Jeo. mee the unf? ired TRUSTEE'S SALK Of SAW MILL, ENGINE A ATTACHMENTS By virtue of a Deed of Trust exec April 20tb, 1'JlKi hy H. S. Curtis Frank Curtin to Ina undersigned Fadley, trustee to Moore urtai, St the sum ot with i est thereon from April 26th, lUOl paid, payable in ul men ts am virtue of the said Deed of Trust i said debt has been declared duo payable and default being linnie ii terms of piynieut thereof, the it signed trustee will sell at public tion on Satwday.

May 4th, at MILLBORO DKPOT.BATH VA TY, VIRGINIA, the following property. Gue Sixteen Horse Power Ci Traction Engine, Number 1810! the usual appurtenances; one GO eight inch Drill Belt; One Poney 54 Saw Mill No. 3248 with variable and 2 Excelsior Dogs. TERMS OF lu ha day of sale sufficient to pav cost including Trustees commissions ol oent.the cost of drawing and recc Dead and the amount of bebt due Scott St and tho balance If a such terms as may be announced day ol' sale. H.

K. FADLEY, Ti I iaoa a -fCKM FIN- CLOTHING a.snr. a sr. OUR Spring Greeting Wo are about ready for our Friends, who need 8PBING linea are being filled every day. CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, CAPS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS Trunk and Dress Suit CASES -SUITS HADE TO ORDER We take orders for tbe best there is in Tailoring.

Try Me. COURAGE, Catch thi APACITY and Cream ol APITAL Economies Mr. Stuart Hutcheson is still with me. J. ED.

DEAVER Main Street Lexington, Va. WE 4RE LOSING MONEY EVERY DAY! HOW? lu the same way that the little boy said "pins saved lots of peoples' that is "bj not we ure losing money bv not making it when we have the opportunity The greater part of our present stock of goods wis bought before the prevailing high prices were react) and we would be justified in marking them on the ti da i 'a coat. So far froui doing that, we are selling many ol them at old prices, and charge advances only when we have had to pay them; aadeveu then not always as much as we paid. A glance at the Item i below (a few of the many ia stock will convince the reader that we study our custo mers'interest an well as oar own) In these we defv competition. Not a p-'U-VV of advance tn price of the "business, and Di iki IV.

i -e led s.e tb. (J iUc m. last year, and are selling them far below their actual value or, today's market. Well worked Bdginga and In? sertions, on 8v iss, Nainsook or ('aniline, in a great variety of de? signs, beginning at cen'a a yards Finer ones for more moneys India Linons, and other Whiti Goods are jlling one grade of India Linon ai 8 in nts a yard, contracted for lat gumieer, that would COsi ns that if had to buy it now; and other grades iii like proportion. Of course we can do this only so long as our present stock lasts.

''A hint to the wise, etc." Panama Skirts At 25 per under price. How does it happen'. The maker was wanted to dose out httfliock.New goods and latest styles. A chance for us. We pass it on to you.

Don't miss it! Voile Suits None of the so-called'cheap'' kind, but dependable goods in quality, st vie and price; made by one of the best and largest houses. Iii black and navy blue only, silk-lined Eton jackets, at $24.00 to 190.00 a suit. Ferris Waists Now stock of these goods for Ladies. Misses, and Children, at 75e. and 50c.

invectively. anil ort ires 8 ere, lent, ND nt timi I. Jootl nti'i till i by ill of und ii the ndfT UUr: 07 JUN Rugs and Art Squares We oller substantial redui tiona (from 10 to 20 per cent) on nearly our whole line of Smyrna and Velvet Bilga aud Tapestry and Ingrain Squares. A chance to save money if you need the goods. Irwin Spring Tinie SPRING WEAIV WEINBERGS Everything that's new sf a FOR Men.

Women and Children THREE STORES Opp. Post Office Special Values For Spring )iles8 and foot Hnch i teed. nd on a -iil' IC per i I hiv' (Jaar, ny on the We have just received 1,000 pails of up-to-date Spring Oxfords and Shoes. The FAflOUS AMERICAN LADY and AMERICAN GENTLEMAN BRANDS. THE BEST SHOBB OM Earth fok the Money.

They contain STYLE, QUALITY and FINE WORKMANSHIP Our DB I (H)ODS LINE is full of VALUES. We have just red the latest novelties in WHITE GOODS, WAIST'S SILKS, LAWNS, LINENS, ETC. gay If you have never visited our store, do so in the next few weeks, and look at our gooda and compare our pt ices with what you are We shall expect to see you. Rockbridge Lime Sc Stone Co. Subtcnbc for The Gazette.

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