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The Broad Axi
Salt Lake City, Utah
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rr-s I. A 'Sc) CS Ko'one is deservinr of lomn nflihterfcv will eon- a liberty who ia imwilling i to print others all the tinue to turn in men until there shall ao longer at. privilege he claims and (' created free and exercises ior nimaaii. Hew to the Line. Vol.

IV. SALT LAKE CITT, UTAH, MARCH 25, 1899 No. 31 r-x v-i. 3. j-- I IV Socrates, 2 WAR IN THE FHllLtPPINE The 4ueen'o Seaia bh signed the new treaty of peace, and the Philippine and the other islands whichrwere until recently, to some extent, controlled, by Spain, have, by the terms of the treaty, reverted to the United States government.

But the natives do sot relish the change of masters or rulers; consequently they feel justified in assuming a hostile attitude toward their new enemies, who are more formidable, powerful and tyrannous than the Spaniards ever were. And we do not blame Agninaldo and his forces.ior resisting every effort to be subjugated by the American troops or forces. Eor we must not lose sight of the fact, that when the cry went up, "Remember the the administration organs, and every one of its mouthpieces, declared that this nation should not and must not engage in warfare with Spaia. for special aggrandizement or conquest, but the war should be waged for the betterment of those whose lives were being gradually crushed out by the iron heel of Spain. The high-sounding words which were then uttered by the hypocritical and woald-be patriots, have proved to be nothing more than an empty, sound.

For the real principle or cause of ihe war, has been entirely ignored, And the emissaries of this government have surpassed the Spaniards in committing acts of cruelty against the natives -who inhabit these islands. In short, this government has launched upon-a career of murder and robbery; and every native who is shot down in cold blood, like common dogs, is conclusive proof that the only object in waging the war against Spain, was to acquire new territory by unlawful means. This policy is in keeping with the course which has been pursued by the stronger and Christian nations tke feebler and weaker races. When the Pilgrim Fathers landed at Ply awth Socky-they earn in contact with the law-abiding and peaceful Indians; and the bloodstained pages of history records their hellish plots. The Fathers robbed, plundered the Indians, and witraged their wires and daughters and murdered them, so that they coald acquire their land, without coaieeaeatia them for it.

But this wasdeae ia the name of 1 The sease fate tawaifa Aguinaldo and hk sahteces, if taey perm- th to -e coaqaersd. them her the haraiag wore of' the "gure death. immartal Pairiek-Henry, liberty, With thaw -words ere rgbg in their earsrlet them meet tbatr fate, like hemes, aad die, rasher than submit he raJed owrhythosa who are aafrieadlj to them. To if they do submit, the wae treatmeat is in store ior them, wakhhM.heea mated out to the aefra lor wr two hundred and fifty years. What right her this ec aay ether nation, iatsefeie wsth tha-hitUiatiL nf ifcfttr JJ What rjchtJfcfeJMau? ceutosaea.aad Jm CT AM'tiaaal nmaWat ligkw af tk ewes, smd fee tt termesf iW-jiiiliiit JH a are ever crying for more blood! This country is not invested with any valid title to those and her troops should not be permitted to trample upon the rights and the liberties of the Filipinos.

HUMBUGS. Salt Lake Tbeatke, Sept 14th, 1898. A.ct 1st, scene 1st: One of the leading Gentile lawyers of the State, nominated the Hon. W. G.

Nebeker for Congress. And while doing so, admits that his' candidate is no orator, but maintains that, "if he is chosen or honored with the nomination, he canmake up for that deficiency by working incessantly or all the people of Utah." Scene 2nd. Oar Gentile lawyer arises to make the nomination of the Hon. B. H.

Roberts unanimous, long before the result of the first balLt was announced. xnis act was performed, in order to soft soap and tickle the fancy of the Mormon people. Sept. 15th, Act 2nd Scene 1st. The Gentile attorney for Arthur Pratt, seeks out his bosom friend and god-father, the Hon.

P. H-Lannan, and urges that astute politician to pitch linto the Mormon people through the columns of the Tribune, and call them covenant and law-breakers, give them 11 generally, as such a course would increase his chances for the United States Senate tenfold. And Pat carried out his instructions to the letter; and the starter of the rising storm, fairly reeked and boiled over with indignation against the Mormons. Scene 2nd. Our Gentile leader makes a tour of the State, arm in arm with the Hon.B.H.

the Tribune rwas nornnea at ims uuijr nycwwiwis. But that was a part of the play; and the storm rose higher and higher, and our Gentile senatorial candidate felt confident that he had a vice-like grip upon the senatorial robe. Jaa. 9th, 1899, Act 3d Scene 1st. The Hon.

Aquila Nebeker writes a long letter for the press, and very strongly intimates that "only one personin Utah is capable of quelling the terrible storm and ires which have been kindled against the Mormon people, throughout the nation' He vouched for the honesty, integrity, reliability, and the straightforward ness of his and the people's cnoce. Andoraement of the only man who was qualified to bring peace and harmony to the Mormons, and who had the cpnfi-4ce of all the people of this coostrr. was a big feather in his a. Aad it looked as tWf5kBwosldfssBroagk the Latndstsre like "streak of ligkt- macfc op- position Ko iobttkat wosld hare bsea McoaplkiMa; Md hk loBfiags ad aVssires' that wwaH kse keen asfsssisl, if orfct GSritcjha4 possessed ssf-Soioet foatheiht to hare rsfmsed bom pswusf kf TOsawuestw A 2i3r whh-s, of J. rsferewK to whorstii he slewtjeshsWJsss hew re-gsriWthV th jM0r.

-i hy Mriral -ospossstft, as tr mi the eaargos hsaUpc to recede, and finally disappear out of sight; af the people of this State, and the members of the Legislature, concluded that it would not be the best part of wisdom to honor anyone with the 6enatorship, who confessed, through the columns of the public press, that he was accused with trickery and unreliability. So our Gentile senatorial aspirant failed to land the senatorship; and the humbugs, connected with the Tribune, have completely ceased from dubbing the Mormon people as covenant and law-breakers. And the curtain is now rung down on these acts and scenes. SLAVERY IN UTAH. IT is very hard for the younger generation, especially those who are unfamiliar with the early history of this Territory, and those who later became residents of it, to comprehend or realize the fact, that African slavery existed within its borders, and that quite a few slaves were brought to these valleys by the pioneers, in 1847, and many more were brought in by those who followed later.

There are, some few negroes still residing in various parts of this State and in Idaho, who were brought here as slaves, and held as such until the close of the civil war. When the war broke out, many slaveholders left this Territory with their slaves, and returned to the Southern States; because they believed by so doing, the risk of losing them would not be so great. One of these unique characters, who was brought here in 1847, by the pioneers, resides in Spanish Fork, and his name is Alex. Bank-head. He is greatly respected, and held in.

high esteem by all the people of that flourishing little city. While visiting their home, the latter part of last December, Mr. and Mrs. Bankhead, at our request, related their-early experience in Utah. Mr.

Bankhead belonged to the famous family of Bankheads of Alabama; and several male members of that family became converts to Mormonism. And when they came to the Territory they brought their slaves with them. Two or three members of the family located af" Wellsville; and some of their ex-slaves, who still reside in that place and Co-rinne, assumed the names of their masters. In time, Alex. Bankhead became the property of Bishop Smoot, who located-at Provo.

Mr. Bank- head is now well on to 70 years of age, and he well remembers Brig ham Young sod the other earlj leaders of the Mormon Church. He informed us. that when this city was in its infancy, the slaves always congregated in a large" rooffl or hall oa State street, almost opposite the city aad coaaty baUdiag. Taere they woald dw-cass their coaditioo, and gsae in wottiersaeat at the lofty aaoan- tsiss, which rsared their saowy peaks heaTeaward, -aad oosapletely forhade thess from ascertaiaiBg haw they coali sake their esoape back to the Sdath, or to more eoa-geaial eliawss.

For we were as-saaMftthatthskltTes k.the thea mw wikkraa, was far from hstag latM. mmL asaar at tl inrtnJ to the saai that was aeeetde the aka4atk fth North Carolina, not very far from Newburn. She was the property of a gentleman by the name of Redd. She, in company with a number of other slaves, were on their way to Utah; and while passing through the State of Kansas, during the dark hours of the night, the majority of them made good their escape, which was a great loss to their owner. But Mrs.

Bank-head was not so successful in that direction, and she was brought on to Utah. After residing in this city for some years, she finally was transferred to Dr. Pinney, of Salem. In the course of time she married Mr. Bankhead.

Thej'hoth have a very distinct recollection of the joyful expressions which were upon the faces of all the slaves, when they ascertained that they had acquired their freedom through the fortunes of war. At that time many negroes, according to Mr. Bankhead's statement, "Left Salt Lake City and other sections of the Territory, for California and other States." Mr. and Mrs. Bankhead now own a little home, including twenty acres of land.

They are both devout and strict Mormons. She belongs to the Ladies' Relief. Society of her Ward, and takes an active part with her white sisters in all work of that character'. Mrs. Bankhead visited Salt Lake during the Pioneer Jubilee, and observed in the parade, Flake Green, who now lives in Idaho, and Mrs.

Jane James, of this city, who formerly lived with Prophet Joseph Smith, and her brother, Isaac Manning, who assisted to erect the Nauvoo Temple. The last named persons and other members of our race, came here with" the Pioneers. CHIPS What do their constituents think of Befts, Cook, Lapish, Jackson, Wheeler, Greenwood and Fisher, who caucussed with Republicans and the Cannon nondescripts to defeat the election of a Democratic Senator? What do they, themselves, think of their work by this time? The Journal, Logan, Utah Just as soon as the Fire and Police Bill goes into effect, Mayor John (Hark will be called upon to select a new chief of police, and all the heelers and strikers and the other friends andsupporters of the Hon. A. Pratt, are urging the mayor to reappoint that gentleman, so that he will be enabled to act as the head of the police department as long as he lives.

And the chances are that he will be reappointed, and confirmed by the city council; and it would not surprise us. to see several Democratic members of that body record their votes in favor of Arthur Pratt. Bnt if they should do so, then the raak and file of the Democratic party oagat to give them a good dossing in the nearest lake or rirer, aad compel them to leave Utah. Thttbsbat, March 16th, Willie, the fonrteea-vear old son of Mr. aad Mrs.

Charles of 365 Main died from the effects sBtaal taeaiasitis. His death was very sadden aad aaexpected, as he was sick only two days. Willie was an only son aad the idol of the family. He was the favorite. ohk boy aesectatetf at sehool, aad of ha bey frieads beasoaaiag hk death, remarked, "Ha 'was oar oaptaia' The iaaeral ocearred last Saadar.

aad the services were maUMtad Set. Mrs. S. Av Mayaard, wlwwe laasarke were af-propriaUc and -eqasoliag. Many sixzewiacirieads were presoat te syasaathieewkh the grkt-stnekem fUSrTTae.lreed JLx eseada ks rVWp MQYLE, ZAHE I C0STI9AN, Attorneys XndCounsellors-at-Law.

Deseret National Bank BIdg. DICKSON, ELLIS ELLIS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Rooms 512 to 515 Progress Building. GEJ.S. W.

STAYMER, Attorney and Cesnselsr-st-Law. Private legal advisor Rooms 903 aad 805 1 McComick Building, Salt Lake City. H. L. PICKETT, Atterney-at-Law.

Mining Litigation a Specialty. Nos. 81 and 82 Commercial. Building. Reference, Commercial National ALEX.

McMASTEB, AttnqrLaw JsaUee tfce Pae. Boom SS48 OommerUl Block. Silt Lake City. Thomaa KuthalL, Jonthn 0. Boyle.

Dartd B. HeajMtead. Marshall, Royle Hempstead, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 136 S. UHn Street.

Silt Ltka CU7. HEJfRY RIVES. Atterney-abLsw. Room 520 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City. MA VAN COTT, Attorney-at-Law, a Room 351 City and County Salt Lake City, Utah.

ALVIRAS E. SNOW, ATTOBNET AT LAW. Boom Sl Anarbach Salt Lake City, Utah Bailiis, Tuuraio, Hud ledgeiood, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICES Hooper Salt Lake City, Utah, lint National Bank Building, Proro, Utah. SAMUEL A.

KING, First National Bank Building, PBOVO, UTAH. M. KOPP, XANU7A0TUBEB OF pine Candies AND C0N7E0TI0NEBS' SUPPLIES. Jobber of Not, Etc. Telephone 801.

UT 8. Wert Temple, Salt Lake City. Newman-Nott Shoe Co 67 MAIN STREET. NO. 62 WEST SECOND SOUTH ST.

Companies Represented Queen, Connecticut American Central, and Hew York ift InancB CMMrclal National Baik. CAPITAL PAID IN, $200,000. General Banking In all Its branches. Directors Dr. Theodore Meyer, John J.

DalT. O. T. Salisbury. Moylan C.

Fax, Tboassa Marshall. W. P. Noble. George M.

Downey, John Doaaellaa. Newell Beeman. W. E. IBBA! I Tel.

505. 15 to. Second South. Mines, Stocks, REAL ESTATE. ALEX.

I. WYATT, The Leading' Optician and Jeweler. Dealer In Diamonds, Gold and Silver Watches, aad a choice selection of rare aad beautiful Gold and Silver Enameled Ware, etc, suitable for HOLDDAY PRESENTS. I can suit the, most fasttdloas; call asd" inspect my goods aad prices. AlEX.

172 S. Main St. ii Goal that Suits' all fcMc faoal mm! MILLER A MILLER, aew-2j2; Wt BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSB aBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSW l. ssssssssssssssssV ssssssssssssssssssssW r.Vv. fssssssssssssssssssM ssssssssssssssssssssV tsssssssssssssssssssl bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT IKdssssssssssssssssssssW aVrW iiiiiiHBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsW M.

Mnrmr 4 Wholesalers aad Retailers 1 Whiskies, Wines Brandies, Cigars, ETC. 213 SOUTH MAIN STBEET, SALTLAK CITT, UTAH. R. K. Thomas Dry Goods olivet, i uraim Trunks and Bicycles.

29 E. First South St. wminjinnnnnnjuuinnriniuinninnp A magnifies! stock, embracing all the latest designs of Iron Beds, in white blue, (pink, cream, brown, copper color and combination colors. Brass Beds of exquisite desigi. nd beautiful workmanship Will be pleased to submit designs for Brass Bed Draperies.

Bed range la price $4.00 to $125.00 H. Firtnitnta fin. 5 thrunnnnnnnnnminnnruinnnn rut Margitls Bros. Briwiii CO. Manufacturer of Laxer Beer and Fort Office and Salesrooms, 37 -N.

Second West. Ttmilj trade a rpedaltj; Leere orders at SI W. 1st Sostn. IN8TRU0TI0KS UT OlL PAIHTIiro xstd Aet Needle Wore. Oil PAiHTnrGS Foe Sale by MRS.

J. F. TAYLOR -sAirtist. Student of Ghleago Artlnstttate. STUDIO 7 tO ST.

NO bile Size Photo FREE Barnes-Hardy Go. Gives thesi to their customers for Shoes, Dry Goods aad Family Supplies 28 MAIN STREET. Telephone 674 Washington Market 313 MakSL, Salt Lake City, DAY, HOWE Dealers Heats. Groceries, Fkfa, Pool try ana Provisions. Utah Poultry and Produce Commission Co.

KM W. FIRST SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH ALTZK. Ik JPSICZ, Vinmtir. KEnnii Tie 8i4Ii( bUALsiKs CZitizenB OoConPy S3 WestSeeeadSestk. TtL4.

bo ireajiniiii 44 S. Sarteia Waat St. OStoaasAStan, S7SSiatSltt. J. LOVETT SOU Xudutani of aB MaAf of Stove Repairs sTevss aMtrMT ah hi.

$15 Fistait J.B- FOX CO 7.SC T. S1VMO TcuhriMjlCbanmgCc sssaaaassst. MP IT. tf-f thaaAa. Vaav sTsaSkaasaai JKvbsvsbw raeasaviaeBS" law aarasasaaaa srvasaav aiBvna 9m6m aafatoa4aar aWPssi sufiTasa asv aaaB 4awVlN ill aihiL iSKge thaa jtif Ida, 'harm sac -5 r- -V,.

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