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The Daily Commonwealth from Topeka, Kansas • Page 8

Topeka, Kansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 THE DAILY COMMOINlilAIiTS, SUIsTOAY JMOltNESTa, SEPTEMBER 28, 18 4 i.wi PECKHAW1 TEVENSON Announce for this HAY. GAMMON CO. Offer 1 case of Gentlemen's medium weight week's Attraction AJGrand SpecialSale ofj hirts and Drawers for Autumn and Winter wear at 38 cts. each. This is a bargain worthy of attention, and these are just the weight to wear before putting on Winter Underclothin Our Eastern Buyer recently purchased a large let of Handkerchiefs, comprising many hundred dozens, at very advantage iRSaSST1 ale at PriCeS that 2rens Sancy Cambric 3 for 5c.

5' 8 Sancy gorder Cambric 2 for 5c. Sren Fancv Border Cambric Handk'fs 5c each tJ S' ren 8 Eancy Iorder Handk'fs7lOc each Lot Children's Fancy Border Linen 12c each Lot Ladies' Fancy Border Cambric 2 for 5c Lot Gr, Ladies' Fancy Hemstitched Linen Handk'fs 15c eaoh Lot Ladies' Fancy Henmstitched Linen Handk'fs 18c each Lot Gents' Cambric Handkerchiefs, 4c each Lot Gents' Fancy Border Handkerchiefs, 5c each. lQ colors, woven border, 7c each. lgh colors woven border all linen, 15c each Senis, colors, woven border, all linen, 20c each. rZ Senrs, colors, woven border, all linen, 25c each.

L.ot Gents high colors, woven border, all linen, 30c each. An early inspection advised for these goods will not last days at the prices. STEVENSON PECKHAM. in Towels, Napkins, Damask and Fringed Table Cloths bought under the most favorable condi tions of the market, SMALL margin. HAY, GAMMON CO.

A Pleasant Surprise. The young friends and school mates of Miss Etta Carter, in numbers about wen- with baskets full of good things and hearts full of glee, and proceeded to take possession of the Carter mansion. The evening was pleasantly whiled away with conversation, games and music. T. Willis, at No.

31 Kansas avenue, has just the stock of Stoves that prudent buyers want to select from. They are good in quality and low in price. AT THREE CENTS A LINE WANTED ALL OUR PATRONS (WHICH means everybody) to have a chance to get a Chic go Cottage Organ, worth $130; a solid gold watch and chain, worth $60, and other valuable presents, all of which will positively be given away to oar patrons. For particulars call and see us at the MODEL," 108, 108 and 110 Eighth avenue east. eept28dlt WANTED TO KENT ROOMS.

FURNISHED or unturniEhed, at 201 Lincoln st. ecpt28d3t WANTED A COMPETENT LADY CLERK desires a situation. Address 201 Lincoln bt. sept28d3t WANTED YOUR PROPERTY. IF FOR SALE, to place on our list.

We can sell it. sept27d3t J. S. COLLINS CO. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE-work.

Mrs. Chase No. 3S0 Taylor st. tept26d3t. WANTED A GOOD SERVANT GIRL (WHITE) family of two.

Call at 56 Wet 6th st. tept26d WANTED-A GOOD JOUR paper hanger, enquire of 204 Van Buren Btreet. PAINTER AND Wm. sept26d4t. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL, 12 OR 13, TO assist in housework (no washing) for wages and a home; or one to help nights and mornings and go to school.

Address or apply to Mrs. H. 131 Lake st, Topeka, Kan. sep25d4t WANTED A GOOD GIRL AT 3S4 TOPEKA ave. Small family.

sep23d WANTED AGENTS TO CANVASS FOR A Life Association; liberal commission or salary. Apply at 191 Kansas room No. 1, upstairs. sen23d6t WANTED TO LOAN-MONEY ON CHATTEL mortgage, real estate or personal security money always ready. H.

D. BOOGE 83 Fifth street. sept3d26tfcw4t WANTED A GOOD COOK AT 286 TYLER street sepl7d. FOR BENT. FOR RENT PLEASANT ROOM OR ROOMS, 230Toptka avenue, opposite a good boflrding house.

sept28d2t FOR RENT A FURISHED HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, conveniently located; also a Fisher Upright Piano; piano is nearly new and will be rented by the month or sold. Payments easy. Inquire at NELLIS McCUNE'S office, 89 Sixth avenue. scpt28c5t FOR RENT A HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS, WITH barn, hard and soft water. Apply at southeast cor.

ef Fourth and Fillmore. sept27d3t OR RENT TO FAMILY WITH NO CHIL- aren, two rooms, up stairs, S06 Quincy st. sep25d4t FOR RENT DESIRABLE FURNISHED rooms at 78 King Row, Sixth st. sep24Q6t FOR RENT NICE UNFURNISHED FRONT rooms, single or "en suite," 232 Jackson street between Seventh and Eighth. aug2d FOB SALE.

FOR SALE STOCK OF DRY GOODS AT A bargain, or will trade for real estate. cept27d3t J. 8. COLLllvS CO. OR SALE LOTS OF LOTS IN OUR NEW additions on the street car line.


S. COLLINS CO. MILLS, Mcpherson o. and. We have now in stock an line of Silks and "Velvets of and marked at a VERY -tfi REWARD STRAYED OR STOLEN A I black pony, saddle marks on bat k.

about 7 years old; strayed or stolen on the evening of sepiemDerzo, ine atove reward will be paid and no qui stions asked by returning him to the Topeka Mill and Elevator Company. sept28d3t GEO. WOLZ. ASTROLOGER MRS. DR.

ELLTS. FOR ONE week only at the Dutton House, where she can be consulted on all affairs. Tells business best adapted to. most successful in. where to go to have the best success in business, health and nep- finess; gives information on mariiage, love, riendship, enemies, law suits, inheritance, journeys; the good and Dad in life, from the cradle to the grave, told by the planets ruling at birth; if in trouble or in doubt of what best to do, consult this wonderful astrologer immediately.

4 BARGAIN ONE OF THE FINEST LOCA-J ions in the city, lot 282 and half of 2S0 on Fillmore, near corner of Ninth street, will be sold at a bargain if sold soon. Inquire at 132 Taylcr street. sept28d2t FOR EXCHANGE FOR PROPERTY IN TnE vicinity of Topeka, one ot the finest residences in Lansing, rear Capitol Square; all modern improvements. Call at 237 Buchanan street for particulars. septCdlm MKS.

E. L. CORBIN. ARTIST DRAWING Paintinar, Portrait Modeling and China Decorated and Fired. Studio, No.

2 Ross block. POLITICAL NET BANNERS, FLAGS AND Portraits. Ilojer Graham, 97 Duane st. N. GEO.

H. HUGHES, GRAINER FOR THJ Trade. Address at Jones' Drug Store. mch21dtf LIVERY BARN FOR SALE OR RENT Room fc: forty-flve head of horses, barn near the centt; of business, Newton, Kansas. Address K.

M. Mr-GRIFF. Newton. Kansas. mav7 Notice.

Notice is hereby given that subscription boos of the capital stock of the Electric Match Company will be opened at the office of the company, rear of No. 179 Kansas avenue, entranc-i from Sixth avenue east, Topeka, on October 1st, 188t, and lemain open untill all of said stock is subscribed A. W. WATERS Sec'y. Topt ka.

Kan, September 26, 1881. sept27d30t New Black Silks, ni i mew toiorea oiiks. New Brocade Velvets, New Plain Velvets, Which we will be pleased to show you, and you will find prices right. McPHERS mmssmemmss ORDEBS PROM ABROAD SOLICITED STEAM A1IBY. TELEPHONE 163.

Bundles called for and delivered free. Shirts, Collars and Cuflt a epeilalty. F. A. RIPLEY, PROPRIETOR.

Office: 149 Kansas Avenue. SUNDAY IdOBNIKG SEPTEMBER 28, 1884 Dr. Bernhardt the Optician, -will leave Topeka October 4th. The "Splendid" Stove. "Musical Corner" cn Fifth Page.

WantedA press boy at Crane's. Best fresh oysters in the city, at unod's. Old papers in packages of fifty for sale at this office. Guns of all kinds at Thompson Prices low. All car lines from depots pass the Copeland Hotel.

Jones Prescription Druggists. t45 KftTiflnq avenue. Go to Elliott MtClintock's and see the new things. Try Leonard Martin for good pictures at cheap prices. Best ice cream and freshest oysters, at Junod's.

Try them. Acorn Stoves and Banges are the best. Bold by Thompson See the "Splendid" Stove, at Kitchell Maiburg's, 173 Kan. ave. M.

E. Fowler Co. always have money ready to Loan on Chattel Mortgage. Pond's Business College is now in full operation. Visitor welcome at anytime.

People who stop at the Copeland Hotel always get the worth of their money. For a change smoke try the "Tallis-man," an excellent 10c cigar. Made by Eagle Knox. Mrs. Elder will return from Chicago in a day or two with a very large stock of millinery goods.

The evening school at Pond's Business College begins next Monday and con tinues six months. Have "you sampled the "Ideal," or "Cupon" cigars. Factory 108 Sixth street over Vesper The Marshall Mutual Aid Association wants two good special agents. Office Topeka Bank Building. When you purchase a Heating Stove, go first and see T.

V. Willis, the stove man at 31 Kansas avenue. Dr. Bernhardt will close his office in this city on Saturday, October 4th, and can be seen until 5 p. m.

of that day. "Watson Thrapp will remove their office on Monday to their new location, under Jewell's Bank, corner of Sixth and Kansas avenues. At the Central Bathing and Shaving Booms, 205 Kansas avenue, the Needle Bath, the most satisfactory bathing arrangement in every particular inTopeka. Try it. Dr.

Bernhardt, the optician, is liable to be called away very soon, and we would advise all who are in need of his cervices to call at the Copeland and consult Leonard Martin are still making cabinet photographs for $2 per dozen; panels at 3. Those who wish a good picture cheap, now is the time. These prices may not always last. P. H.

Holland, of 29 Kansas avenue, has one of the finest stocks of Furniture to be found in Topeka. A visit to his store will convince anybody that it is to his interest to examine the goods and make his purchase too. Our stock of Parlor Furniture and Fancy Chairs is unrivaled in the city, and on account of the great reduction in manufacturers' prices we can sell very much cheaper than ever before. Come and see us at 15G Kan. J.

C. Kofoed 5c Son. New Orleans World's Fair. Money loaned on good, improved city and country property in Eastern and Central Kansas, in small or large amounts at lowest current rates, by A. D.

Robbins 179 Kansas avenue, under Bank of Topeka. Crowds of people flocked to Elliott McClintock'8 yesterday to see the handsome 6toro described in yesterday's Commonwealth. But not half the attractions were mentioned. Among other things are kid dolls with Bisk heads as natural as life. Everybody is cordially invited to examine the fine line of silver plated ware.

A new invoice of $500 worth of these superb goods was received Friday. Pearl handled and walrustooth cutlery is the latest thing and very handsome. You cannot help being suited if you will visit this store and make your purchases. TO it I 'Jiy'fQ? Jiff rt FOR SALE IMPROVED FARMS, FINE RES-idences, cheap residences. sept27d3t J.


COLLINS CO. FOR SALE AN ESTABLISHED NEWSPAPER in Southern Kansas, Official paper of the city and county. Democratic in extensively patronized by Live Stock men, good circulation, thirty auires, large advertising patrcnage, county has doubled its population in a year, office in good condition, Washington hand press, a fair jobber, good run ot job work. Thi9 outfit can be purchased for $2,000 cash, and only those -who mean business need apply. I or full particulars address Business, this office.

sept26d. OR SALE A GOOD BUGGY HORSE.GENTLE and kind, ladies can drive. J. M. Davies.

sept26d3t. FOR SALE A GOOD FAMILY HOUSE and gentle. Enquire at 6 West 6th street. sept26dtf. FOR 8 ALE A COMPLETE BARBER SHOP IN-cluding three chairs, mirrors and all the paraphernalia of a barber shop.

Address C. B. 222 Jefferson st. sep23d FOR 8ALE A DESIRABLE PIECE OF PROP-erty; new house, 8 rooms, pantries, closets and cellars, shade and iruit trees. Will be sold at less than cost.

Call at corner Sixth and Lane st. sept7dlmo T.V.CODINGTON. FOR SALE A NEWSPAPER, REPUBLICAN IN politics; only paper published at the county seat of one of the best counties in Eastern Kansas: new press, new type, new everything; also a good job press and plenty of good job type including good type. Good subscription list Price 81,600. For further particulars invuire at the Commonwealth office.

july8dtf SAFES. SAFES BOTH FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF, new and second-hand, will be sold for balance of this month at cost; 9501b. safes, new, at $45. Correspondence solicited. J.

GREEN HOOD 84 Dearborn st, Chicago. sept4d MISCELLANEOUS. EST HOTEL IN THE CITY, FIFTH AVENUE oct27dtf 9 1 I THEY SHOW Assortment of qra SEND FOR PRICE LIST. ti Fin ne Time Suits. Suits.

I Carpets and Curtains OF- OT i ON SAL Tri can Please ana Pit our Ousto- 12; SHOE HOUSE REMEMBER THE ABOVE SUITE FOR 75 Different Styles Chamber 60 Different Styles Parlor 3 CARPET -A-3STjD FTOITITBE 00,1 22 and S24 KANSAS AVENUE, TOPEKA, KANSAS. And the Largest pssinr In the Western Country. Their Prices are so Low that they WILL SAVE YOU MONEY 1- i ia FTJRMAN'S 186 KANSAS AVENUE. tha "Roof. iVToVoa Q-ni T.afocf Qf Prices, as we are Confident we Our Fall Stock is now.

Complete with Seasonable BOOTS SIHIOIES J1T1D SLIPPER CALL AND SEE US. KANSAS North, 0 mson At Popular Prices, includinor an Inspecuon of pur Stock and iuviu wuvvn uwn tiutii cyci UCiwiC S. IP TJ liL 3iT IP GrEEAT ESTERN CITY, MO..

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