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Independent du lieu suivant : Long Beach, California • 18

Long Beach, California
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i B-fi-INDffENDENT u. tau -j. -r. wses 1 A i-i A GALS IN CONSTRUCTION i Men now doff hard tops to them i fi irui i. hi.

By loia' Masterson give some such answer as, Oh, no. We want to-talk to somebody who knows. Confident I could answer 99 of-their, questions, one day .1. took.a. militant.Try preach.

This man was willing to trust his question to me and I was able promptly, correctly to. answer him. That lead to a long, congenial association with his firm. This try me system has worked time and time again and has never failed to win new respect from men -about womens ability in this onethqp only a. mans world, domain.

position as manager of a construction company proves her point. The sole responsibility, concludes Kay, is with women alone changing the mistaken opinion that we are intruders and have no working knowledge of on the job problems and needs. We have advanced along these lines our continued competence is completely up to us individually. Lois' D. Johns finds serving as a one-girl office force for her company challenging and rewarding.

Much of the day she tends shop alone and must have the know-how to make instant decisions, at times important enough to seriously damage the business if she should prove wrong. Says she, It takes a of training and, through our club we gain this by comparing experiences, sharing knowledge. As they realize the caliber of our members, our bosses increasingly have encouraged our club activity. DM TURN, members are in there pitching to encourage women to learn about construction because, once learned, the field has much to offer in the way of employment It is, as Mrs. Smith said, of particular value to women whose husbands are in business in any phase of the industry.

Local members are going to Las Vegas April 22-24 to attend an annual regional forum of Women in Construction. And here theyre going to learn some new tricks in bidding. The job they'll be bidding for is to bring the forum to Long Beach' next There isn't a member of Long Beachs Women in Con -it ruction chapter who wouldn't pop a hard top on her curls and go out oh the site of a construction, job if her. presence was necessary. Mostly the gals wear up-to-date chapeaux, but what's under em Is a whale of a lot of right-down-to-the-founda-tion knowledge about the construction business all types and sizes.

Getting the job done wouldnt be to wield a hammer, shoulder a beam. But it could very well be to consult with a foreman, inspect material, deliver an urgent message to the boss and report it correctly. In fact, they love their work so much they have a big campaign going to interest other women in training in engineering and related courses. The local chapter main-, tains a scholarship at Long Beach State College which goes to women students in training for work with con; struction firms. THIS YEARS recipient is Adele Miller of La Mirada, a civil engineering student, who will join her husband, William, in his firm upon completion of her studies.

Shirley Smith, in partnership with her husband, Earl, in a steel fabricating firm, puts it this way: Just as in, marriage, my husband and I are partners in business. That I have been able to learn every phase of this operation is the most important insurance my husband, who tutored me, could provide. This way we both protect our investment Teamwork makes for Another advocate of the value of women in construction is Kay Noble, manager of a building contracting There was a time when we women, earning our livelihoods in the industry, were invariably considered intruders by the men- who figured women couldnt possibly know how anything is built Now this image is rapidly on the wane. I USED tp take so for -the boss, the P-T Society T- fi- Editor TAKE PRIDE IN THEIR WORK WITH THE HARD TOP SET Lois Johps (left), president of Wpmen in Constnjptlonpng -r mec When Td ask if I could' help usually-thi 1 examine familiar headgear of heavy construction worker. sSaWsJscc J'-'1 I I 1 I nintireii V.

4 TODAYS PRESCRIPTION Is fht BIGGEST BARGAIN IN HISTORY Improve 1 signaling methods 32 9 A 10 8 2 A0S2 K83 A 10 0 94 4Q10984 010952 I Ladies of the Elks will Others to be inducted are install Mrs. R. J. Davis as Mmes. Harold Terrio, Lilyan president at a 'meeting on MdJonald.

William Wednesday at 1230 p.m. at Gntl Vem' the Elk, Lodge. E. Wll N' RmU''L low SL Ano-host luncheon at 11:30 a.m. for members and guests will precede the H.

C. Whitesell will be installing officer. SOUTH (D) A 8 7.3 4 -9985 K5 A4 Neither vulnerable Wert North Cart sWth 1 Pass 29 Pass 2. Pass 3 Pass 4 Pass Pass Openlni lead 9 4 I BOB Wilson Egyptian Pharmacy 2n4 aiJ Niata GEO. VERMILLION VarmIUsn't CtlKwiiia ftMimaqr 1144 LI.

IM. GORDON ALLRED Allitd IUmII Drufl 2101 Pacific Ava. HAROLD PAIGE Varfflillioni lUiall Pharmacy No. 2 1201 E. Cano 4 The suit preference signal $ually occurs in secondary fcad situations and is devised tell partner which suit to )ad back assuming he does 0t in.

Specifically a high' fetid calls for the higher of Ap two suits partner might Shift to while a low card shills for the lower of the two Wits available and an intermediate card for partner to i jpe his own judgment sjThe suit preference signal necessary tool in the ex-- dirt's kit but the expert does nit go suit preference happy. Jje only uses a suit prefer-, dice signal when it is unmistakable. He does not use it take the place of the signal of high for or cdme-onndlow weakness Or shift opens the four of Hearts' against Southa four--fepada-cont 5rith the acq and concludes -fhat his partner has led a Singleton since he is looking the three spot-in dummy 1 -the deuce-in his 'I, heart he leads back is the ten spot This is clearly a high heart and a clear suit preference signal. He wants West to ruff and put him back on lead with a diamond, not" a club. If East had wanted, a club return he would have led the deuce.

If he had no preference he would have led the -eight West returns a diamond. East gives him a second ruff and South- has lost four to draw trumps. the suit preference signal West might still have returned a diamond, but it would have been! shot in the dark. The suit preference signal insured the correct re- Secoed Only STANDI NICKLE Nickla Pharmacy 1 3400 E. Anahaim Mo the responsibility of the doctor is the responsibility of the pharmacist who compounds and dispenses the prescribed medication.

-r------- 3 He leads back a heart for Remember: Money cannot buy good health it is See your doctor periodically for a check-up. Your physicians scientific diag nosis and careful decision-is ihcr best method of Tell betrothal j)f Janice Liss jr 6 Robert; Henrickson at party Sol-Linda Florists HIRAM GORDON 6ef4ao Wagwar NEW LOCATION 2641 ATLANTIC AVE. At a formal reception for 70 guests at their home, 1 1885 Lave Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H.

Liss announced. RICHARD D. TEAD 7th 3 IU4ofi4o treating your particular illness, and is certainly the sensible way to continue enjoying the good life. vngagement of their daughter, Janice HarrietrtoTtobert Cordon Henrickson son of the senior Henricksons -of jakewoodl -Miss-Xiss-was-grlduated-from-Millikan-HighSdiooI Jack Berra Pravfovsiy Located sHthkTlflaitirforlkTNrr SPICIAk-O en large ORCHID CORSAGE 3.C LIMIT 2 Pr CMtomw SPECIAL ON EASTEI LILIES AU WITH THIS AS g-i nd Lcng Beach Business College as a medical secretary. fehe also attended Long Beach City College and is a past of Jobs Daughters Bethel 109.

Her fiance, a sixth generation Californian, was gradu-, ted from Lakewood High and is currently attending LBCC. The wedding date has hot been set. N.DRALSERV!CE Fuaerds Hesoital BeuqMts OPIN 7 DAYS A WfSK Each sickness requires, special treatment to fit the particular cpse-. Self-treatment is risky. yourt doctor today, then bring his prescription to your nearby neighborhood Better Pharmacy.

HARRY BROWN VtirmllliM'f Ran II Drag 3 i Cherry 3 Anaheim P.S. We carry a complete stock of first-aid and sickroom supplies. lire aim "PAL" TENKHOfF Ternuno Phermeey 4th end ermine Check the, Names Here for the Pharmacy Nearest You! f4 L- mams iP A'T-R 0 I'Z FlY 0 RrAN I 0 00 D1P.H A A CYr, N. I 1- i i -r JL.

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