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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 2

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JfV. -if lis" atsanassssaWaMsjaajaw 1 "L--' t-jxti dL Ttalil Bight to Seit? Liquor Being Tested.7 Cad 'a: St; aTaar Fro mU eat Cltt Injarsd ia a Bl( Wreok. Sz. Louis May 14. A special from Silas, to tha Pott-Difjmtch says that at 8 a.

x. the' aoothbonad naaaan. tar train on the St. Louis and Hanni bal railway was derailed by a broken I two miles from hare) and thrown dowa a twenty foot embankment. The entire track for a distance of 100 feet was torn up, aoma of the rails being thrown off the right of way.

Very few of the passengers and train crew escaped C. Myer of Bt. Lools was Instantly killed. eVTha followine-- ara Infnrarl. V.n fVaanan.

Sullivan, engineer, Hannibal, probably fatally injured, a. Jordan, general manager, Hannibal, Ma, shoulders injured. Perrv Wood, attorney for marl TJew London, Ma, dangerously injured. vwet xaucy viaytoa, nannibaL head slightly eat. B.

W. BmUsy, Hannibal. Ma. sliehtlv la red. FIRE SMOKE WATER None of it in our store, but our prices for 5 clean, iresh goods as low.

as the lowest dur ing our FORCING OUT SALE. PRICES TALK Iadies' Fast Black 1 2)c a pair Indies Fancy Chemisetts 23c each Indies' Silk Vests, L. 50c each $1 Kid Gloves pair Children's Tan Hose, pair Handsome Wash Shallies 5c yard Sateens in new styles I2j4c to 20c yard New Duck 10c to i2c yard Imported Spring Suitings, all wool. $3. 50 suit THE WHEEL Remember we give you a coupon- on the Lady's Bicycle on every $1 purchase.

It K.BT A RANTS. Royal Baking Powder makes hot bread wholesome. Perfecdy leav-ens without fermentation QuaU ities that are peculiar to it alone. aestlca smtorit; lias v--; Corns DA Mayor Davis's Right to Appoint Challenged, Clt CleilffDplins Blisses to leapt lie Ceriificito- Major Davie end City OUrk Tompkins hsvw dashed over the appointment of H. Wayne as wharfinger of Grove etreet The Utter clahae that the appoint ment of "Wayne ih sot made in eeoord-anoe with toe provisions of the charter and ha has refused to accept Wayne'e oar ti floats of appointment and hit bond.

Whan Wayne made, application today to City Clark Tompkins to haTa tha oertlflcata aocepteg end to be sworn the Utter re fused to ieeguie the appointment. Clerk Tbmptlns bates his refusal to accept Wayne's sppeintment npon Section 186 of the City Charter, which reads as follows: "No offleo shall be created, nor shall ear person bt employed in any capnuwy. not shall any offioar, dark or employe reoeive ay ealary or compensation for any eerv-ica of any klad nnisai tha same Is special ly authorised by law or this chatter; pro vided however, that when any omcer or board ahali raqnire additiooal eteplora, spollcation ibaU be mada to tha Council to authorise the appointment of each ad-dltional employee, and thereupon tha council may in us aiscrsnon, autnoroe sacb appointment and provide for the comnencetien of Snob eoDointeec." OterkTomokina eleime that Wayne's an. potatment eooid only be made npon the direct authorisation of tha Council, As that body has not taken any action in the matter, he deeiarea the appointment is Dot legal and ho will not recognixe it until the Council has taken the necessary steps in the matter. Wayne has withdrawn hia rtifieatsL.

ma tara wu soma lrrarataritv in it. There will probably be a fight made to compel Cteik Tompkins to recognize the appointment Wayne was appointed last Friday by the Board of Publio Works as a City Wharfinger, with da ties assigned to Grove etreet wharf. Later hia aaiary waa fixed at $100 a month. He will have a battle on his hands, however, to win hia sal -ary at any rate. for Auditor Snow haa taken the seme stand in the matter as baa Clerk Tompkins, The Auditor stated today that ha weald refuse to draw a warrant for Wayne's salary, even if be ahould be recognized.

The Auditor aaid that until the Council should authorize the appointment there was no doubt in his mind that the appointment waa not in ac- eocdance with, tbe proviaioae ot the section OI the charter quoted. GRANT WIHS. Tba City Loses Its Suit for a Park. Owing So the less of He Caae Ceeld Be Stade. the Hap George Grant, tbe East Oakland capital ist, has had a legal round with the city of Oakland and this morning Judge Greene declared hia the victor.

The contest ws over a portion of land in JCast Oakland claimed to be a public square. Great as serted that it is his private property and the city said that it ia a public aauare. The ease bae been pending in court for J. Pringle appeared tor tee ptaintiff and J. ju rieraoi and jamee Johnson rsprt- aented the city.

Mr. Grant, in his complaint, aaksd tha court to compel the city to quiet title to we tana, ua anowea tnat he haa been i poiaesaion of tbe property for years. The attorneye for the city claimed that the land was dedicator to Oakland by tbe Fattens and uoses Chiaa man vtars aso, The mp ahowing this dedication, how ever, a miaaicg, and it is auppoaed that it was stolsvfrom the Clerk's offloe. During the trial Grant ahowed that ha baa bean ia poaseaaion ot the land for a number of yean. The citr then mo ted for a non-auit.

but the motion waa dented The defeadnat was called npon to set forth the nature of iU title to the land. As the map which gave theoity the title was las ts g. sue aeieaaaot con in not prove a dedication and ita ease had to faiL George Grant was not called upon under sae law to prove nis nue. Ait ne had to show was noasesrida in order to win the ease. Itoouid not be disputed that he haa been In poaseaaion ot the land for years, but tbla fact however, wonld not gve bias a title to the land.

The attorneye the mty now claim that although Grant nae woo aha ease ha aolda uie land without title. A consultation will be beid when It will be decided by the city's attornsva whether they will take an appeal to the (supreme Court. UUSl KttV IN LINE. Improvements Ordered at tbe Foot of Webster Slreet. The Board of Public Works hss notified the railroad company to improve 'Webster treat between First aod Second streets, so far as that portion of the thorough (are covered br Its tracks is oonceraed.

The remainder of the atreet is now being placed in first elesa condition through the use of concrete filling. The material ossd is vart of the foundation of tbe new 81xth ward acbooL which was condemned as un. safe. Tho- old foondaUea is now being torn oown ana repiaoea oy a oncg one. las improrsmeat on Webster strnt will be7 greatly appreciated by those who nae the thoroushlare.

ae tt will ptaor tbe approach from tae Oakland aide ot Webstar street bridge ia fizat class ooadlUoa for His Firat Afraaal tfttetga Not Ordered Printed. Opto date, the City OouaeU has failed toauthodxe the printing of Mayor Davie's first meetage, as Is oustomary. The as gleet d.orsrsijat has dlsoorerea, gs4 at thf next meeting a Tsaolntian will be In trod uoed providing for the prinuag of the nsuai naaaoer ot co aies ei seal aoenmoni. The fact that the compliment was over looked haa caused some comment about the City- Hall. If, however, will be renv ddled.

probably next ICoaday night, aa a raeeUtieo wee filed soday-with the Otty Clerk which, will be introduced aVthe next meeting. -r OTTlM GB ABOtJ TOJItUj Kev. Pr. Bice of this city daUferfi an addreae before the Vrcebytarlaa 8n Ffaneisoo yaattrdar ia which AmtMiimA an account ot the late' xaeeus in this dty tf 'tha fina'iiay ctrainyBf LadTesAI3' Boolevy.ittet in Ess Francisco last night for the purpose, pi iraislng mooey to lift the debt wmsh hangs over wear eaata-vtwav tN-- r. Peculiar Case Up Jor Consideration.

Ceuaesv Caarsee Fremrred by Aeeaeoel Woaaast. What appeared to be a bold attempt to railroad a sane woman to an- insane ary- lutn was developed in the case of Mrs. EUsn E. Carpenter of Berkeley, who was brought before the Lunacy Commissiodere this afternoon. Mra.

Oar- renter is a youne woman. Z3 years of age. and the wife of D. Carpenter, a medieai Student sttsndmg the Slate University. Carpenter claimed that his wife haa beeh eating strangely of late and that she has assaulted him.

Mra Caroenter denied the chare-aa and her testimony wsa corroborated by that of otner witnesses. It sppears that several dsvs ago Caroen ter employed Miss Daisy Fleck, a pretty young lady residing at 2315 Grove street, this city, to work at bis bouse to take ears of bis wife. Who, he said, was lit Carpenter, according to the testimony. immediately became Infatuated with Miss Fleck, according to Mra Carpenter's story, and bought flowers for her. Mrs.

Carpenter also said that her husband suggested to Miss Fleck Isst Wednesday to take a walk ana that she accepted his invitation and that the couple remained out until it be came dark. She also said that her hus band passed indecent remarks to the girt in ler preasnce. The commissioners eouid and nothing in Mrs. uarpenters condition to denote iu sanity and ordered her discharged, Commissioner J. M.

Young remarked to the medical etudent that he had better i axe care of his wife and let Miss Fleck alone. Miss Fleck denied that any intimacy ex isted between her and Carpenter, but admitted that he paid her attention. DANGEROUS FOOTPADS. A cious Assault Moore; oa J. H.

J. H. Moore, tbe aged father of Polio Officer Wm. Moore, waa attacked by tw men laat night at the southwest corner of Ninth end Webster streets, while he was on bis way home, a block distant from the scene ol tbe assault One of Moore's assailants true it him over the bead with a weapon of lome kind. The blow inflicted a bad gseb In the old man's forehead, just over right eye.

Moore wae almoat knocked down by the force of the eudden blow, bat managed to keep on his feet, although he waa dazed. It is believed the men were bent on robbery. Charged With Craeltr. George M. 8beldon this morning secured a divorce from Bosie Sheldon on the ground of extreme cruelty.

Clara Good brought an action in tba Superior Court this morning to secure a divorce from Samuel Good on tbet ground ot extreme cruelty. ORDINANCE Aa Ordlnaaee Oraatlng to Oaalel Chls-holna aad H. I. Peteraaaaa, Their Belre aad Aaslgoe. a 8trs Batlread Vraaeaue ta the County of Alameda.

State of Call'oraia, THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE Conntj ol Alameda do ordain' aa follows: section 1 lhe fcraaehlae, night. Klght-of-way, Permission and frivllage. are hereby given and granted to Daniel Chisholm aad if. 1 Petermann. heir and algn.

to cou-airnct, lay down, maintain and operat a streat railroad aad railroad tracka, with turnouia, switches, turn-tables and applinnaea on. along and npon he pobllo high waj aod routes hereinafter particularly de.cribed. and to run and operate tuefion Can propelled by wire ropea to ran under the Kioand to be raovea by ttlou-ry engines, or can propelled by electricity with over tie. wire, or oiLervTlge, or by leg-aily authorizel or any other mechanical motor, except ateac looomoUvee, for the purpoea of carrying and transporting, for compensation, paasengera and relirhta npon each ears and over aach, for the loll term of Fifty (50) and which aaid routes so to be traversed are aittute in the County of Alameda State of 1'aliiornta, and are more particularly designated and de.cribed aa follows, te wit: Commencing at a point in the county road leadiag from to Redwood canyon, opposite the point where the southerly boundary line of Van Hoot iatarcewto said rotd in Caa ro Valley. Eden township, county ef Ala meda, state of California, thence over and along aaid county red to the point where aaid road inursecte ut northerly boundary line of the towu of Hay wards.

Iu ease aaid road be not completed and opera tea orer the foreftoioa route the entire leotrth thereof within the time specified or extended, then this liaochiae, so far aa it affecm saeh foregoing route, snau om lorieitan. Also commencing at a point In theeonety road leading frvm Hoy war to JUL Eien, wntrs aaid road intersects toe aoniherly boundary ui tbe town of thsnca lou.hwtstsr over and along said county ros 1 toroufth Jlt idea to Landing, formerly Barron's Landing. Alto, commencing at a point In the county road leading from Haywarda to Petermana'a Landing, where the same Intersects tbe county road leading from San Lorenzo to Alvarado: tbeace in a aeutb easterly direction over and along aaid laat mentioned road through Alvarado to tha point where the eounty road ead-ing from 'tlvarsdo to Cantervilie is Intercepted by the line of the eleetrio railroad described in tbe franchise granted by the Beard super, visors of the Connty of Alameda on the iith day of September. U9L section a That said Daniel Chlsbolm and H. L.

Pe term eon, their heirs and assigns, are hereby greeted the aforementioned franchise. right, right of way, permission aad privilege to build, operate and maintain said railway for the period of fifty (60) years from tbe date ol tbe peerage and approval of this ordinance. taction Such railway shall consist of what ia known as a single track read; the tails shall be laid in a good, substantial aad workmanlike manner, and so- as not to be an unnecessary obstruction to travel, sad the cars ran thereon shall be of the saoet approved pattern for comfort, convenience aad safety. eeeUeaS each track or tracks must he constructed end laid on andUloog those aortiona of aaid county road or teada as are hereinbefore designated, exeept aver aad along bridresas hereinafter provided, aad. laid as nearlr aa nrastlsahle oa either aide, but aot la the middle of said eouatr road or roade, aalese so ordered ay said jsoera at anpervieore, the exact location of aaid raila over and along the entire route shall be mads aad designated by aaia aoera or supervisor.

i The entire lencth of the road for aaid track Or track, must be planked, paved or macadamised between the raila and tor twe (3) feet oa either side thereof, and also between the tracks where there are more thea one track, so aa so eorraepona wiiu iae general paring Of the road where eaeh track ta laid; the same ahall be kept In rood repair, sad with good ereaainga: aad the aforementioned cartlea. their hairs aad aaeigaa, after Ave (6) days written notice to repair or la prove the roads used uy raeir ueese seeoratag to the pro- Viaioasei saeu ronen so ine connty of Alameda the asm of ten (110) per dsy for seen and every day the said parties, their hairs and assigns shall neglect to eoraelv with the rovlaloas of this aeetfaa. eectioee The afore-mentioned partiee. their heirs aad aasixes, shall not hsve the right and persaUaioa ta lay down, operate aad maintain any track aeon any enage or Bridges, within Aiameoaoooaiy, tying or suiusi axoagtee line Of Unas of route hereinbefore designated. Wltaoas tae penauaioa ei aua soara ot en pervtsors, ana in ease any euca permission all be naated by: aaid-board, said baguA en a4 have the right to designate the exact lo oanoa Ot earn araexa aiong aau oyer such aotalnsr herela eoatalned ahall ha MiuraaL aa in aar war.

a waive tf ut i the legal rights of aaid partiee herela before mentioned, tneir ncirs aaa aeaigus, auuer this ardinaaee. The graateee horata ahall areas and maintain as lease ar Kooa aad iiBsIhi Jleotrie lamp alevg tbe road from Moaat dsn to Aivarsdo: also two slectjic laarp, oas dfeiUxerendof tha-bulh head on; road from iyvsm bmn emtfea That tbe work of eoaetraatl aad railway shall be cossmeuced within six months from the time when tnia ordinance takes ef fect, aal said raUway mnat. be eomp.eted Wtfmn womb arasvu neremnr. watese re-fore the expiration of said esjUs a months tire srnctrmpietea portion- rt sftvl--reuway inoUi'I -r" aoanaea" i cy i ei The WerdUg of the Wev? 'as' Ordlnaaee The oases of the druggists arrested on a charge of selling liquors without a license were before Judge Wood in the Police Court this morning The draggiita were represented by attorneye Fred JL Whitney and B. 1L Fitzgerald.

They asked for a continuance of the eesee for a week in order to get the fight into proper shape for a bearing in court. The oontlnuance was granted. The Druggists' AssocUUon, of which all the err sated apothecaries are members, met Ustnleht to discuss the situation. The association decided to combine in the eases of those mem here who had bees arrested, and a committee consisting of Meters. Dibert, Osgood.

Cragen, Jackson and Graham was appointed to act in the matter. 1 The druggists are very much opposed to paying a liquor tioense of 400 a year for the privilege ot selling enob liquors as they have called for in a medicinal way where prescriptions from physicians are not furnished. The law. however. so vanr axnlinit la the matter that it looks as if tht druggists would have to forego tbe sale of liquors wuwLij uuim tusy asvure a municipal license.

The ordinance is positive on the point that liquora oaanot be sold by drucrglsta except npon a pbyaiclan'a preanription, and tbe apetbecary who dispenses it under any other conditions wui bailable to arrest A PEACEFUL END. Mrs. Agnes Nicboll Passed Away at San Pablo. Mrs. Agnes Nicholl, wife of John Nicli oil, well known in this city, died at Ssn Pablo yesterday at the sge of 68 years.

Mrs. cnoii nan a wide circle or inenda in thta city. She has been ailing for some days, and her death was not unexpected. Mrs. Nicholl had a peaceful ending to a well spent life.

Some years ago Mr. Nicholl built tbe Nicholl Block on Ninth and Washington streets. The place is now known es tbe Arlington. Tbs fuuerak of the deceased lady will take Thursday morning at 10 o'clock from her late home. Tbe Interment will be in Mountain View Cemetery.

LAMBERT: CASE. He Will Have to Stand a Trial June jEh. 1 Ex-Police Court erk Walter Lambert was before Judge Frick in the Superior Court this morning to have bis case set for trial. The Judge, the District A tor-ney and the defendant all wanted a speedy tnal. Everybody waa accommodated by aetting the caae for June 6ch.

Luttabirt ia anxious to have the matter eettlsd, and will make a hard tight to try aad keep from going to the peni.sntiarr. A QUlEt ilcODiNa Anthony SimonaaaU Mra. Augusta Kramm to Marry, A license was issued today authorizing the marriage of Anthony H. Simons of an Fraucisco, aged 47 years and Augusta Kramm, aged 46 years, a resident of this city. The we ding will be a quiet affair.

Mrs. Kramru ia the widow of Charlea Kramm, the well known brewery man. NOTES AND GXOcUPlS. 8t. Petersburg has aow the wonderful clock bequeathed by Duke Charlee of Brnnswiclc to the Swiss republic Toe clock haa oiaetyuve faoee aad shows the time of dy at thirty different places, the movement of the earth arouad tbe eun, tba pbiees of tbe moon, the signs of the sodiao, tba paesage over the meridian of fifty atara of the northern hemisphere aad the date according to the Gregorian, Greek, Mussulman aad Hebrew caleadars.

It took two years to pot the pieese together whea it waa transported to Bnssia. By a new Freaeb law aay one found guilty of reveallag the contents ol a private letter will be punished with im prison nnat for six days, the term to be Increased where the opening ot the letter is aot accidental, area If the contents bays not been divalged. The law is aimed particularly againat the praetiosa of she oonelergee. Tarbtae wheels are beiag tried aa scrsws aa tha propeUing power onsmalt atoamere at Dresden. Experimeate made with oaa boat, propslied first with a three-bl ad ed aeraw aad thea with a tarbine wheat, ebowed that a epeed 5 GK eat greater eoald be obtained with par esat last heris powsr pj Qiisg the wheel.

Yiaeeaat Feel ia tha Bra peer created daring Lord Rossbsry's admloUtrstion, except the two law Tards, Lird Baseell of Htllo wen. aad Lord Davey of Vera hurst, aad area bis peerage can be looked oa as purely offictaL Six peerages have beoeme oxtiaot in tha later- Thousaads ol peopls left' Odessa at Easter time oa aeconot of a prophecy that tha city would be Swallowed up by an earthquake, falsely Att ri bated te Father Ivan Sergiea. of, Orouitadt, A bsvjrucsstss rills breatai by ait Itaiiaa afloat; OapUia Cei, area tweaty cartridges aatamaticaliy i-Withoat requiring aay change in aoeltioav an tht part of tha soldier the firing intermittent or eo a tin nans 'at wilt. At a reeeat trial at th4 Csselae at Flor-eaoa, beioro the friaee of NsfMee; the tweaty ahots ware fired iartwo eeooada, aad ail hit tha target. ft ABOMOS AJUfaV, AUOXIOM avaisB Or as, aOO CIgare.

asKaawBaVU as FaM la AsMin, lev lees. tv ste si wtrai st. 5: Marease. HaSS aaoV ta Hinta I luasi OaUaad. 11 dai ot whom la mar" eohoera I shailsail wltheat ratrra; at ssii Kae cal-niaoe, toF'eaalw thefoUowlng wsU knosra' brands ol Oigars.

to Wtts rr--, i i 1450 Coronade Uonarca. -1 Dues V7answ-vi .4 I iiOOSwset Vi't. 1' Under ntanagemenc. The BALTIMORE Restaurant AND OYSTER HOUSE 463 atssd 465 aeventb between Wash, fog ton and Broadway. Best of meals served by professional cook Dat Ain niht.

Oysters In every style. Fino Wines aad Liquors Private rooms for ladles and (ami lies. S. DcCarap, UNIVBRS A Is Restaurant Oyster House 475 SEVENTH STREET Beat Meal in Town 2i Cents and Upwards nteale at All Hoars, Day or Aiig-hU- Balads to Oanaa. Choice Wines, Liquors and Clrars.

Frivsie Keoms for Ladies sad Parttsi M. Catusich Props, SOMETHING NEW Bay the Best for tha Leist Ionej.w Having Opened Under a New Management The Bon Ton Restaurant will kito yon a nrn-ciaia meat tor o. luclnding small bott of Wine EiauiAa Fskmch Uirrxb ftOo. Beet in City Private Booms for Ladies aad PsrUea, OFKN ALL Nliiar. lOea WASHINGTON STREKt VTKCEUT HOTJRAT, Proprietor.

HOTELS. HOTEL CRELUJt THE HOST FAVORABLY LOCATED AHD-lead pg Hotel of Oakland, Corner Tenth and vYsahingion Oakland. X. K. HARTM AH, Proarletor gat.

N. E. Cor, Washington and Ninth Sts. Location being central makes It one of the; most desirable places ia Oakland. Hu Bees Tkorooghly Eenonted ft Fitted Dp Aad will be conducted In first KSlaas style.

ELEV ATOR Bans continuously from 7 a. to 13 r. ay Hot and sold water, gaa and bath at all hoars. Open ell night. Mrs.

Jennie Shirley, THt JUANITA HOTEL Cor. IStb and fiaa PabtrA IWIIRJ-OPEJO- SMSt.M...lieSTWWWW The Brunswick necessary to operate such electrical railway shall be placed, located, constructed aad set In the ground, on either or both sides of said county road or roads; and said poles shall be of some epproved patent In use for such eieo-trio railways; and all aach poles and aeeessary wires shall be of such height audi so elevated above tne ground as to avoid obstruction to the ordinary ase of said roads. Care shall be rua daily over tbe entire length of aaid road as often aa once every hoar from o'clock a. it. to 9 o'clock r.

except from Mt Eden to Mt Eden Landing. eecUon ft No charge for a single fare snail exceed five cents for any distance leas than one mile, except as hereinafter proylded; an the oarties hereinbefore mentioned, their heirs and ataigns, to whom this franchise ia granted, shall make and keep posted in some conspicuous place wnsre ther receive passengers or freight a written or printed schedale of their rates for carrying paea-ngera or freight; and when aaid rod ta completed and in operation they shall pay into the Treasury of the county of Alameda at the expiration of each year the sum of Ore aouars (si) oareauu oi to, cars that shall hare been running on aatd road, which aau or sums shall be deemed a payment in full of any and all license tax Imposed upon said cere. Tbe charge for a single fare shall not exceed the sum of five ceats from the northerly limits Of the town of Hay-ward to any point in the Castro valley. section 9 The holders of this franchise shall, within sixty (60) days from the passage and approyal of this ordinance, execute and file with the County Clerk of Alameda county a joint and several bond la the penal aum of ten thousand dollars payable to the County of Alameda, with two or more sureties to be approved by tbe Chairman of tbe Board of Supervisors, and conditioned for the faithful performance of all the requirements and conditions of this ordinance. The aaid parties herein bsfore mentioned, their heirs and asalgns.

shall pay all the costs and expenses of the publication of this ordinance. Section 10 This ordinance shall take effect and be la fores fifteen (16) days after its ap-provaUud pauage. hiKAM BAILEY, Chairman of Board of Supervisors of Alameda Connty. Attest: Feamk C. Jobjoaw, Clerk.

Paased and adopted Hay 13th, Ayes Supervisors Talcott, Church, Johnston, Chairman Bailey. Noes None. Absent 8upervitor Pelouse. Endorsed: Filed May 13, FRANK Clerk. ft Hm.ev, Dealer In Madera Slew and Beoad-Haad Karaite r.

Carpets and ranges retailed at low prices forcaah. Will pay cash for or exchange good modern furniture in any quantity. Makes auction sales on premises. Call and tee. W.

KINSBY. 462-464 Thirteenth. General Auctioneer. P1DIUCT For bast Drin ka by pro fesaional AD INC I. mixologists; clam broth dally.

4M Twelfth street FKaNK PBAKCK. BORN. BATK3 In Ban Francisco, May 12, 189 to the wife of O. E. Bates, a son.

DYrR In 6an Francisco. May 5, 1895, to the wife of J. H. Dyer, a daughter. JANsrfKN In Ban Francisco, May 13, 1895, to the wife of E.

A. Janaaen, a aoa. MAUlttlO. istTNeOir DTJODT In San Franeiaeo. Hay 11, 189 Grant L.

Munaon and Alice At. Tt. A Aw schm EIDER COKBOY In Saa Francieeo, May by Kev. Father Ooanor Henry Schneider aad Kittle conroy. IltsvU JELBKMTHAL In Ban FTanelseo, May 18.

1S9S, fatup vexsaawai, a ssan oi oavaria, aged 7i yeara DELAHMTY UAVLW DBdirttleri u4 Praetleal Embilmsn 969 Clar Sfv. cor. 10th, Oakland, Independent of the Trust All roods at aaatera i iwiuoui mwvbuu Tnarnoita S87. FUKKIBHU) EOOKt TO LIT FOB J. housekeeping at 1SSS Seventh atreet, one aaa one-nan Otoe as above center station.

OF fUtVBS KOOXg on JefTeraoa street, be. 10th and 11th. Addreed 1S89 Seventh at see', near Ktrkhen. (X-TOK PABTLT FT? RS 18 HIP, layOU a beaatifnl borne la east Oakland. Is roams; fine grenade, eerae lo, leOxlML sad a nne aarriege hoaaa aad ban: eeaveaieat ta local and etreeteers, call sad see 1C HUBS If.

CAMXROK. 479 Ninth erreefa 1 ur iHTin Linnu or OAXLiMlt -TO aaaw that we have elesa eooaa, triila for heaeewera, secead and aanogirle walUag for titsaUona; also women for day's work. Thea girl era of all itlee aad have the beat ef refereaeee. telle Bsir Store, lias Weshievion street, far.S A OF SIX Oa. MOikA CAM ES AC- XST eoaamadatea wita room an setara ea froft fa'iei la Fruitvale huist pWty -ereas I walas aad rrevee, Tox 24 Dlmoad Ct Back el Traltvala, near Jea- Iffljf nln MUler'a Vtua.

PartiaUy Ml I eovred by a flae growth of uM OaUferaU'e Kedweod Treee, nBfl fessataw baaatlfnl arbwra. ,1 Seaauf al view ef Oakland aad Slhl thesurrouadingCoUBtry, frem In II IU Xt, liable to tbe Golden Oale. 1(1 f. 'emrasovsta HUU i i HL3 ErcaavnY. "Caklaal ni i i in list I Mrs.

Liszie Crsffard, Cyrne. bead cut and intaraally injured. Charles Vaaheeter, Keokuk, bead injured. Andy Dick, bsggsgemaiter. head se verely cut.

v. Uarwood, at, Looia, aplne iajared. U. IU fetors, Bt, ix3i8, slightly bqrt. J.

B. Bmith, Salem, Injured ribs and side. Bea H. Johnson, SU Louie, bruised. E.

V. Dieckhanet, St. Clements. Ma. slightly isjared about head.

Uareline Dieckhauat; BU Clementa. Mo arm bruiaed. Jeeepn JJieekhaust, tit. Clements, Me. bsdly brnied.

W. r. Ogleaby, ClarkavUIe, chest ir.jared. Jack Mar ana, Drsxemsn, back and arm iojared. A.

JLiawtoo, reman, hip injured. J. Wright, Vandalia, 111., ailghtiy hurt. William Boyd, Vandalia, IR, face cat. Jesse Jones.

Frankfort collar bone broken. 6. W. Hurst, Customhouse, St. Louis.

slightly iojared. TIME FOR COLLINS. rhe Old Man Bb Tried Thursday fjr Murder. The caae ol Michael Collins, who ia accuad ot murder for killing Philip Boogar in (root of the Gallndo Hotsl, was called up for trial before Jndge Frick this morning. Attorney George Knight, who repreaema the defendant could not be present, ana the esse was continued nntu rbursday.

At that time Judge fries says the trial must proceed. THE CilY SCHOOLS. Apportionment of Csunty Funds Is Made. An County Superintendent of Schools Gar- lick has made the apportionment of county funds, for city school purposes, aa baaed npon the returns from school can-aa Jast eemp'eted. The city wilt receive 20,209 from this eonree.

Owing to a slight falling off in the returas the apportionment is a trifle lower than that of last year DALTON'o BOOKS. State Equalizer Looking Up tbe Assessments. County Assessor Dalton today received Meesrs. Beam sr. Coigan, Morehouse, Cbes- borough and Arnold, members ol tbe 8ute Beard of Equalization, at bis office.

The gentlemen wi I spend the day ia ex amining tae Assessor's noosa. mpltatay. J9lw York Mercury. An Ineldent that has probably sever appeared in print was related by 8chny ler Colfax regarding Abraham L'nooln and rs given ia Atteena Qa tlte. It was duriag the daik daye of 1863 ott the eveaipg of a pabue recepuoa given it the white noose.

A loans: Baalish aoblsataa waa 'iusf being prswoatod' to tbe Praaident Inside the door, ertrswed ty tbe splendid asaam blase, aa hoaest-Iaoed: aid larmer, who ebrank irotn tba passing crowd aad tbe plain-faced aid lady cliaging to bie arm were pretaei back to the wait The JTresldent. in'L and la rseastrre atsvtely la hie peraoaai appeaxaaee, loauas; ever the heads ot the assembly, said to- the English nobleman, "Excnao ma, any lord, there'e aa old friead ol akaa, w. i Passing backward te the doer. Mr. ZJacala aaid.

as ha craaped tba old farmefehaad: "Why, Joha, I'm Ud to ana von. 1 havsa't aaea yon elace yea aad I made rails far oat Mr. in tjtnzamoa cooBtv ia xm7. now are The old mea turned to hu wue with SLivarlnc lip, aad. withoat replying te a sslotstiea, asidr "aloUer, he's last the same old Abe 1" Ur.

be said ssUj, know we had three beya. Xbej alt enlisted ia the same cexnpaay. Jobs arse kiiied im tbe seisn aars Eaa was taken wiedner aad atarvad to death, and Efwy la xa-taa? hospital, We had a IZ8 moaey aa'. I aaid: 'Mother, want go to Waahfngtoa aa aoo bine. Jua' while w.

are -we'll go op aa'aeaibe i llr. Iiacelas eyas' frew dim, 'aad akxoat'bia ai' Usee swept thw-wave -ct-f- at aif friends ki ttj sti as'uUt "Joan, we aii.bra,-t-Is-'Bitjsratle war "ff rl LlzJiZ fkT -J- TT I it end 1 KES. A. COMJU. Hotel, whleh iskeatedbi oaeef the meet deairabsa 1.1 it 3 streets fa the eUy has been thoroughlr bum siasi ap, andwiii becon-daetedia ataelats style, i Tim Boosas are Large and Meat Comfortable aadansareaplesasataoataiarTsaiUlaa The building U.aeattd throughout 'with I ocloe to Credit oyaC I meda.

State of Caiilornls-No. easa "tZ. aartaaemt a--. ia the matter at Ah ess oi Tbemas rat tey, deceased. Ketiae la hereby grven-br- tasMerei aaaT.

axeeatvljt tha laat will and ieetameDtef -ahasaae -Frtvey, a.eee.ed. -to tne-tjeuttgta of aad all persona having alaims sreisst Ur aaid deeeased, to exhibit them, with the aeoea -ear, voueheee, within feme meat'ie aAer thav- eatd ew ecnirixV at bar resieafe, shost twe miur north ef the tewa el Livarmore, AWasda -Ceaaty. er-at tb4aw o. -of 4. aie heott, street, room Usi'? i.o.-- town ef Livemcre, t'-a st '-vtte ct t.e i oU-1 nsas of said estate.

irxttaWa ef fe a i iv Will eeoa be avsr, 1 oust -eta all fslks bere aa r.crr cr tti want eiti--TLe --and ktfr'fT fvr-f lZ.S yrt r'l I i 1 7 I tD AAU li'A iALlAXLB i eta es ehras ana i. Ifi ulan'jf-- Xrwa'OC t.rt- 'S 1 vn" at" y- i i i it i e( I V. "I rrl iCocIirVl.t3c I i.f r-'J.

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