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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 1

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-J i Etry Business liw ts liberal mdrcrtiscr. Dsat poch- js a i -s I 1 a tr. i 1 THE TRIBUNE pooa uu tor is me. OAKIiAITD CALIFOBNIA, TUESDAY vEVE3JINOt; OCTOBER 1 10, a S3. I i i.

ttlii, aad to tb ibori ad of Ivr ball waj tb Mayor, wm mpved lut alxfat Highest of all in IxaTeotogrcnrerLatest U. Gov't Report op tb dririos Maek which acta aa fcl altar tlie meatior ol tha CoancH at which olemm. A Una from tha loos, end ot I tha reaalaiioa, dettariac tha pllea aa ob I Hi TMPY Hi thia lerer lim to a dram upon which a atractioa to waa adopted. la wound by the engine ol the piieTb rteolnlion waa" tatrodocei by Mr. driver.

I SqaIL Aa it dictate, the Dedal eoonael As the drum reToIrea the rope lant I cf the city la' the water front qoasUoae ena, and aa la wound npoa tha dram I wtre Tliey were Hear. Ik. nil. Ji .1 1 I TTT'l I I t- uo iiw mtvmij urea mm wo mug uji ut i ivi, ifMwim, xvmaie tso, mm aw maui ii rzs the lerer deacenda nntil. at but, a tehrig tioa reqnixe.

the City Attornar alao. a Hears ana anoiunr operacion ot narDor i xoey advued that the puee were aa front dentiatry is finished, and the pile I obrtrnctlon to navlgatioa, and that they floata upon the aarfaca ot the waTce. I mirbt te'removed. ABSQUfiTEItf PURE The Piles in the Bay Do Not All the operations were made aal MI ao not know that Cottoa Brothers speedily and with as much alacrity aal pot down the pile, bat the letter was possible. The workers moved on from I delivered to Mr.

Cottoa by myeeU. lie TO COMPROMISE. pit i a pue, ana oy ciocr ntriy-onei home. I do not know what ha ABACTBREAK. ol the big timbers had disappeared from I did.

bat I stropoee be soon bad his pil Last Lorg. vne snrtace ot the waters, leaving about 4river oa4etk. eignty auii stanamg. I did not dwa to the bay front National BaQkEximlmr Laieir Aa Imprrtant Bill Piacel Before bo lar tney bad labored umnterrupi- I w-t home altar deHveruur the Utter from toAfr. Cottoa "The police were ordered oot by me.

in Trouble. the Senate. edly, though anticipating a visit the hostile forces at any moment. CALLED' A HALT. I did not tro to tbevcaDtain.

I went to the cbiei I ordesed him to have soma i A Descent on Them by Orders of the He it DfceeftAa4iaaM. 4k a DnilaaeM 1 Charged With Receiving Stolen Goods. nn.utau.o u. iuo The merf were ready. I oadereUnd.

The Appears to Meet All That Is Required. order from me to the chief waa a verbal Appears. one. A descent, though, was being planned. "I did not go down to the front til The news had been flashed to the rail this morning, when 1 went there accom ia Imporum Deed of Deposit Canst ths Tti FeJtnl Election Etyril Bill Pisfc lis Hcase.

road headquarters at Fourth and Town- psnied by the Chief of Police. send streets early in the morning, and a I do not know what will be tbe next hurried consultation of the officials re step by the Water Front Company. City Officials. Mayor Pardee and President Tovle Signed the Instructions. sulted in a plan of action.

have beam it said that it waa the United Dksvxb, October 10. National Bark What it was to be was eoon made ap Examiner J. B. Lixear, while settling State that waa pulling up the piles. But that is a mistake." said ths Msvor parent, fcr at II clock the tng Kival, the affairs ol the inrolvent bank Del bearing Attorney J.

E. Foolda, repre smiling. rtorte, has bean arrested lor receiving senting the Water Front Company, stolen goods. steamed rapidly over to where the fenca Before the Del Norte National Bank demolishers were at work. faiiad a month ago, a deed waa deposited THE LEGAL ASPECT.

October 10. qiire of the Slate of Watbinzton, tint tr.orn'.eg introduced in tbe Senate an amend-tneotjo tbe itt bill, embracing abool evrrythiog demanded on bitb suits cf tLe q'leilioa. It provide that owner cf ball. on, the pro loci of mines or ivCner.e of the Matrt nay drpxxil it at anr mint in an amount not lea than I KM raloo to bs coiiKvl isU tlaniard doltart preeent weigbu Ttiere can only paiJ to the pertoa dfi'XiliOf I'l'iioo tucti a nntr. tr tare aa -qiiai cumtuerc.aJ vioe of the ailvrc Mr.

Foul ds drew alongside of the with tbe bank signed by Coch ratio brother of W. II. Cochrane, pieaideat operators, and then addressing Contrac tbe bank, to secure loaoa front the Dr.k. tor Cotton, who was directing the work, After the bank faaied the ton Has What City asked by wnat authority he waa tearing Attorney Johnson to Say. misting.

All up tie piles Afterward Cathie Thomas found the "By this," replied the 'contractor, The Wort, However, Stopped and tha Railroad Haj Put tiie Piles Bad deed in tbe attorney's office, appropriated it and rUceJ it in the bank. "The dty had a perfect right to order handing to Mr. Fonlds for hia inspection a copy of the midnight order, signed by Cbargea were at once Instituted the piles taken op," said City Attorney against tbe bask wmi iArear, who had Mayor Pardee and President Towle Johnson this afternoon. looked been placed in charge of it, by tbe bov- In the name of tbe Water Front ernment. into ine law careimiy Deiore we made a move and we know exactly wnere we The cats will be determlued bv tbo Company I order ycu to desist now," court at Del Norte toJar.

stand. said the attorney. "You are violating tbat piles should not be taken up. His the law." In the first place the Southern Pacific on lb- Jar tbe tx-1 c-a tm cjmmmal and mint ralne rt-taitieJ ty the Govfrrmrat a -rn'oraj-. The depoiUof Ur roinafr ar not to eicped pr mectb aod when Ue DumUr ol aiiver 'are tioial ha.

I rrsrli U.e tu UWifn.O.O iurltrt a'lali Ttr aha'i r'airiri tl.e Trvattrv a a tcurrp for tt. pario of parity t.4 evfri ituf ud Irr thu acL Thtse silver Jcllar. lj ri order reads STILL FREE. -Company had no right to drive tbe piles Mr. Cotton, though, bad evidently I' is farther ordered that meanwhile and wuere tbey did.

After tbey ware put been well-primed with instructions and for The Gates May Not Be Ready there the city certainly had a legal rignt promises of support before going out on until farther order in the premises, yon, the said defendants and each of you. and each and all, your counselors, attorneys, officen, aeents and employes, to remove them. the bav. lie simply sjailed and said Several Oavs. "After the Council pasved that reao- nothing.

wish I lotion last night declaring the piles to and all of those acting in aid or aisistance And the pile-puller went on Owing to. tbe tact that a aafflnnt of you and each and every one of them number of Cart bars not been prepared swish I And Mr. Foulds, seeing his re- be a nuisance, the Mayor, tbe President auest was diareztrded. headed straieht of the Council and myself, at once held the Southern Pacific cfhriait were on- The piles that yesterday adorned the Waters of Ban Francist-o bay, stretching from the broad mole to the narrow gauge pier in a ssrai-circle, are there no longer. At least they are not there aa they were.

At an early hour this morning, shortly sfter 5 o'clock, a pile driver started to work from the narrow gauge of the chain of piles, pulling them up, and by noon all trace of the east La'f of the chain bad been obliterated. Tbe pile driver was attended by the tog Elizabeth. It paid strict attention to business, and steadily and with as much expedition as possible tbe great long piles were pn'led oat of the water and lowered on to the pile driver. As fast as one pile was pulled out the a consultation, and decided to execute able to introduce their system cf gated for Oakland, where be entered into con the flank movement ot tearing up the sultation with A. A.

Moore. cars on Seventh street this morning. and of you. do absolutely deiiat and refrain from fencing, in aay part of the water front of tbe city of Oakland, or ot any of tbe land in tbe complaint described, and from driving piles therein or thsreon. THE MYSTERY SOLVED.

piles. The cars will not ht placed in uk for conference was a private one, bat the news eoon got out that they intend several days yet, and it mar be a week ni nad Dargained on receiving sera interference at the hands of the lailroad ed to apply to the court for a restraining beJore things are in ahapo to start the new daaL tendrr in i.l ptvcrifnle al i.a. vi ao ar- lo iaiue-1 to rrfrt-eni ihnn. ne creisry of the Treiary ia lo bi authonrtJ iao ii iairoi not to 3 r-eet. Jrtob.

at I be pleatrrr of Lbe l'aUJ rt Alter fire eare tbe Oft3e ttiaJl tbe malni ainicg all morev at a ar w.Lh the aold diar. Tne Na'Joual liacking Atrrtugn abail be eotilleJ to receive c.rculal.of notea to tbe par valoe ot lbe too on dtpoa't. proriaeJ the 'f tu'h not- lor any a on do4 not exorl tlie atuca I in Tiie tutodmenl la, Ian. a sew V.V.. ttr.k eg oat all ol lh b.

1 li.e company aad concluded to preoare for order to compel tbe city to stop all further demolishment of the fence in the tbla. Tbe new time acbedale has sot been "So we sent a tag out loaded with bay. folly prepared yet, hot it baa been partially worked oat. Tbe flfrr's polng out Th9 Work Done by Order of City Official. good strong men to protect the pile of service necessitates some chaoses.

THE WORK STOPPED. driver in tbe work it hsd to perform. Trains bound ail will leare Broad And now to give the solution to the tug Elizabeth towed the huge pile driver to the next one. The machiaerv was edid cot want the removing ot the way station for Fruit VaU at nine and mystery. thirty-nine tnioniee after ths hoar, and piles interfered with by any railroad Ths attsched to it and up it came.

fc. i Oak and at at too lyr trail a at The work was being done by the order Railroad May Put the Piles Back Agalp. strikers and did not propose to have it. sixteen and lorty-aix minute- after the entctinf clauc. of Mayor Pardee and President Towle "Cotton Brothers, tbe contractors, ineworicol drawing the piles continued uninterruptedly throughout the hour.

It it underiol S.itr- of the City Council. were fully guaranteed against all dam Coming from Frnit Vale aod coing to man and oth'-r tar it it tne btl com- entire forenoon. At a late hour last night just before age Fults by the Mayor before tbey the mole trains will leave Kat Oakland promive yet the adjournment of the Council, the fo! The railroad officials at the mold watched the work as it progressed, commenced work. They were it station at the halt hoar and oo tbe hoar, and Broadway at aeven and tbirtyteren lawing resolution which is the key note iiti'xiii arr After the Kja re amendment to U.e strncted to eo right ahead until tbey The attorneys did not let the grass grow under their feet. This afternoon at 1 o'clock Attorney A.

A. Moore appeared in Judge Henshaw's court, accompanied by Dan minutes afier ths hour. of the situation was introduced and Miver mil wit poeniel the bad finished it and not to pay any attention to orders from anyone except but did nothing. It was reported early in the forenoon to headquarters at Fourth and Townsend streets that the piles were coming up as fast as machinery adopted. Resolved, Tbat the piling within tbia eity AT THE TRACK.

the Mayor. Of courie if any ordt: bad Robinson. heretofore ofTered by Allen of Ntbratka caliint iur it( wtnauoo at to the money txrror a by tbe I'nitci been sent from a competent court di The latter made affidavit to the fact of Races Ctt at the Oakland Trotting recting work to stop they woold obey it, Slate, if any tinea i arrred the pulling np of the piles and the de Tbe reaololloo oServd vetlerJlT bat orders or threats from private par struction of the pioperty of the Water Park. iKJph oi Orvgon, railing lot iulor mtUoa ties were of so avail. Front Company.

at to wbetber I hioa baa rtqottd so "The piling will be entirely taken oat. The affidavit went on to state thct Spteial to The Tribune. extension oi the time in blcb Chir. annng toe last ten aays witnin tna arable waters of tbe bay of San Pranciico between the mole and the north training wall be and it is bertfby declared a public nnisance and an obstruction to navigation and tbat the president of this Council and tbe chief executive officer of the city be and tbey are hereby authorized and requested to cause tbe obstruction to bs removed and to take soch steps and proceedings in the premises as may be proper to protect tbe rights of tbe or at least ail of it will that lies within 4r aklasd Taomxo Track, October 10. iabirer ere rrq uirJ by tb art ol Mti could bring them out cf the water.

No one at the mote seemed to know who it was had ordered the chain of piles removed, and the whole work of destruction seemed to be surrounded by ao air of myetery. The pile driver that was engaged in the werk belonged to Cotton Brothers, the local bridge contractors. The work waa being done by a force of men in their employ. unless the city of Oakland was enjoined it would do a great deal of damage to tbe jurisc scion of tbe city of Oakland. It lC, lo register, wat laud the First race Encouragement trottini Senate.

has no bastnees in the bay and the rail the property of the company yet unin yearlings, one mile dash. Work wood Djlph started lo tpeak in favor of its road company had no right to pat it jured. on; Select, second Gallagher, third. adoption. there." Time, 2:59.

Sherman suggested the mitUr Se The court listened to tbe affidavit and issued aa order setting the 23d inst. as Second race, trotting First best diecoated in aeaiio, aad the I city and the public, and that to that end Robert L. woo. Flora 8. eecon W1- Various were tbe conjectures that were I the City Attorney and special counselor tbe time for the hearing of the case and at the same time issuing a temporary re HART'S STAND.

the city be consulted. metbird. Time, 2 straining order upon the officials of the Mayer Pardee had engineered the Second heal Flora 8. won, Free Coin A Decision on Which He Thinks He whole proceeding and he was on hand to city preventing them from continuing in age second, Kobert tniro. lime.

carry the issue to its extremity. the puiling up of the piles. Will Win. He notified Chief of Police Schaffer at The order contains the following Thirl race First heat: Hillsdale It is understood that Attorney General 11 p. m.

to have some men readv for important provision won. Mralma second. Phantom third Senate vent into executive taJOQ. When the doort repend, iiili. York, preaentrj a petilioa by 15.

CO 3 mercanU ol New York, akin for tne nncoodiiioeal repeal of tbe bhtrmaa Tbe Repeal II was then taken op. Mcl'heraon Nev Jeraey tpok fator of the bin, complimented tbe l'resident on bit prompt action in callinr Cocgreee together, aod kcouMiled Ue beast to take lua ad nee. Cockrail of Jltaaouri retnmed argameot in oppoeiuoa and ai i an io Urnatiooal agreement with tbe Gorera-roents of Lcrope was impoaeibic. And farther to the end that tbe property special duty at once, and in response Time, 2:31. and parties may be restored to tbe cor.d Captain Fletcher and Officers Lamping, 11 art relies in his suit tor the People against the Oakland Water Front Company upon a decision of the Third beat Flora 8 won.

Woodbine tion existing before and at the time of the McCloud and Andrews were on hand. second, Robert third. Time, 2 former order and injunction and restrain Meantime, the Mavor and President Supreme Court, handed down August 16, 1893, in the cats of E. M. Hickman advanced as to who was causing the piles to be drawn.

When the tug first towed the Dile driver out into the bay quite a crowd of people were watching her. They wondered what the next move Was going to be and were indeed surprised when tbe driver commenced to draw the timbers. Their wonderment increased when no opposition was offered to the work of destruction. Superintendent A. D.

Wilder learned of the latest move that had been made about 10 o'clock. "I do not know vho is polling np the piles or who has ordered it done," he aaid. "It is really a matter outside of my jurisdiction. Bat I imagine that Borne of the members of the Oakland City Coancil know something about it." Councilman Watkinson did not know CAPTURED A FORT. Towle prepared and delivered the follow vs.

John A. 8wett, to quiet title to a fish ing instructions to Cotton Brothers, tbe the Victory for tbe Insurgents In ing privilege on Eel river. bridge builders and contractors Ociobeb 9, 1893, The court referred, in this opinion, to ing order, of date of October 6, 1893, is modified to tbe extent that tie said defendant, tbe Oakland Water Front Company, is permitted to restore all piling torn down, removed or destroyed by the said city cf Oakland upon the line described rn the affidavit of said Robertson. Said de endant; the city of Oakland, ts ordered te appear tefore the Jadge of De Bay of Rio. Metm.

Cotton Brothers A Co. Gkhtle- the act of Congress of 1850, which pro mem: In accordance with Council reeoiu vides that "lands owned by tbe State Hxo Javuao, October 10. One of the tion No. 19,117. pasted this day, we have forte in the bay surrendered to the in by virtue ot its sovereignty, indodiog tbe beds and shores of navigable streams tbe honor to respectfully Inform you that sorrent fleet today.

we have been delegated by the Council of 1 The fort which sorreadare 1 is Fort below high-water mark could not be sold the city of Oakland to cause the 'removal Villatfaicaoa. aitoated on aa La La si is or conveved." ot the piles lately driven ia the city of Kio bay. An a final pro posi tioa it is asserted In Oakland in tbe navigable waters ef the It sarresdered for Lack of supplies. Ha THE HOUSE. Tbe Federal Election Rtpesl BUI Pastes.

WatHraoTow, October 10. Tne fart that voUag oo the Tarker bill to rwpeal Ute Federal eUctiea lawa vas to be this afternoon drew a I oil gathering la the liooM today. The bUL aad its amend meal by Fitch. Laosy and Sorrows, was read at 1 adork. EorrowV a me a eat wektaf lo x- CkaataW mm fmft fc anything about the piles being drawn until informed of the fact by a Tbiscnx partment Two ot the Superior Court, 0 tober 23, 1863, at 10 a.

to show cause why an ordar ot injunction pendente lite should not issue herein. F. H. Hxxshaw, JodRe. Mr.

Moore, Mr. Robertson and a deputy sheriff left immediately for tbe this decision that adverse) possession ot suae being of old style aod aot capable bay of San Francisco, between-the mole and the northern training wall, at the month ot the estoary of San Anton kx property diverted contrary to this act of of doing moch damafe. representative. He did not know anything about the city ordering the-piles Co grass, woold give the bolder no legal nn.u aas Qcrr. Under the power conferred upon us by claim or Attorney General II art WAaaxxorow, October 10.

A dispeUh taken oat and did not think that it could believes that this decision applies to tbe tbat resolution, we hereby authorize yoa. in the name of tbe eity of Oakland, to Im "bay front when the order was served on received at the fkate Dtpartment from be done without the parties doing it being in contempt of Jadge Henshaw's 1 1 1 Oakland water front lands now ia litiga the representatives of the city. Bio Janeiro aays Admiral Mallo has da mediately proceed to remove the piles tion. ckled to discoa Ua oe the bombardment restraining oruer iseueu last naay on WRITS FUR all of Bio. above-mentioned, and to seen re themln some safe manner and place.

Very respectfully, Geo kg a C. Pabdss, the application of Attorney General Hart. Ths Force- of Police Returns to CHIEF SCHAFFER'S STORY. Bat Jadge Henshaw in' his restraining Mayor. Jon F.

Xowlk, President of the Council. tbe City. order directed that no more piles te Ha Sent Hit lien oa Te) te the driven, He did not mention the fact Directly the order was served on Cot THE FIRST PILE. ton Brothers work was discontinued. Piles.

"I was ordered last alght at 11 When the work was stopped tbe pile- the driver had extracted about one-hall tbe GET lOTJR It Was Drawa Soon After Day Broke. o'clock," said Chief Schaffer, "to have four men ready to go to the bay front. Tbe row of piles between the retaining wall and the broad geoge mote. All was bow ready, for other plana men I selected vera Captain Fletcher and Officers Andrews. Lasaping aad CE CREAM A copy of the restraining order had been prepared as carefully and as also served oo tbe the Chief of completely as the preliminaries.

McCIoad. Tbey were all ready at the appointed time. Tha of Captain Fletcher, who waa on the tog or THS The tag Elizabeth was lying at tbe with a force of men at coca withdre ficers vera aader the eotnmaad foot of Harrison street. Steam was ex them; tA P.ant.ta Vhklnr. Thav war triA tA CABIN UAIOSUY Thejiuen were there tor the euipoae of I go to WDtr and take a tog got op and in a short- time the officer and their Instt actions vera ready 'to" carry oat the wishes, of the.

city's Kx- Una at Snort Not ev preventing any oppoaitioo relisting tha White Dirt. Gean cooking means much lo every right-minded woman. All dirt isn't black, seeable dirt. There's the ammonia that's in some baking powders, though it's invisible it's filth none the less. If it gets into your bread, cakes and pastry, that's dirty cooking.

i0 make sure that your baking powder does not 'contain ammonia or alum, see that the label tells all the mgredients usetL If, oot, it's pretty certain that there Is something inthe powder that the mannfacftiren don't mrant you to know about. -i 'Vou are sure of wholesome cooking with baking powrlei. ETerything used in Clcre- land's plainly printed on the label and ycu lxow bczctly.Trhat you axe eating. there and to the pOas.XX. did not go pile driver in its work ot drawing pllea down lo lb, wharf with them.

Tha- intention to eerve copy of v. V. i Cotton Brothers had tiees taken a lit- SPttLVPRICES Jadge Ileaahaw's order oa tha Mayor as Jaae a sooa as returns front- Baa Francisco A soda water tank exploded at Beater lie by surprise, but ao time was lost, aad steam was hissing and every thlag this aberasion. Bros- PG4 "Broad this-afters at A5D SOCIETIES in Tesdiaest for coins to work. i a Too report scared a a umber ot paopia.

AR EE 1 1 earner J. By 5 o'clock tha arrangements -1 taakrtsre Btati. complete; and at that hour the tag aad pile-puller drew op to tho. narrow gauge inru, October 11 Tbe He Explaloe irw ''Coancctlsa Jsltb pier, the bead was drawn, rwiah aad works of tbe rirdratl Com piny, mas a. vent fc Street" Affaire the first pU waa polled.

facta re rt of farm machinery, are ia the hands of the gherLT oa aa exscaUoa lor The tnodu operandi is simple. A log The letter to Cottoa ErclirL gaii 1 chain Is ttasaed around tha too of a pile.

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