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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 8

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LJUJit.L'JJ ii m.m ft ft lUji'lO THE G1P.L I laUULli J'Li Li 0 What the Women of Boston Did For Their Town. Li Fine Showing. Made in New York Dewey was clouded and overshadowed Its repute and its progress by its proximity to the rreater-city. BrookOyn-Jore to i.New-York a Kreat deal such'- a relation -It WlUiam J. Dlnw was fl-t his place of wsness, after hia ratttver piwtracted andjr very erentful sojourn in th Easrt, hlsL -accttcned ea4y hour fWs morning.

Her Is loolcirs oavouly rested and improved la hatb by hl trip, and rtreerf id, as 5 frankly glad ov be Ift OaJcndT again, bl home -coming is -ccuded by the recent total aestrwJtkm of fala cherished and lorinz- counvry seat TeriHJaleT' of4 that loss, be aald: ABOUT FERKDXLK 1 There is not to be said tmt. airs. Dingee and I are deepdy ed -over this annlhKatlon of 1 tne horns 4. that we had built up and brousrht to as uaaiana Dears to bw inuiusw fc tt tirat. onuy the-lodging place, for New York people and their place of re-f, sort for retirement -and home comforts.

Brooklyn -kept orr-developing tts great natural attractions, by tha- creation. of Prospect Park Coney Island, -and Sensing Its harbor Now -Brooklyn vrs moved the street store (across street from the old one) Monday some tfiirgs.were tcpsy turvy and it was not pos-lible to afford you as good service as desired Now the stock is complete and you will be waited upon promptly. CPECIAL SAVING SALE' Tuesday Wednesday Batter fncyubie 47c Recent rains nave made new grass and good butter at lover prices v. rej'ly 55c square Free telephone at new Sutter street store-. come inland, use it whenever you wish Olive oilSierra Madre pints 45c reg'ly 50c and 85c quarts 75c Too can enjoy this oil even when taken as medicine As new goods arrive for holiday feasting you can depend upon 1 getting the latest here pints $135 quarts 2.10 -J.

Brewed la New York from pure Canadian malt reg'ly $1.55 and $2.35 doren Clear carnage space in front, of our new Sutter, street store Some: Lessons For splendid inside. In the contents Of rts f.oevesr as it is in its exterior and -from the acfakect's point of view. To be sure, Boston la banger, elder and wexTi-nter than meet other American citJes. Yet Its public spirtt, none the Jeaa, is an exam pie to them all. "A recent development tn Boston rnat struck -me tts underground railway system.

This Is now in operation very successfully. It follows in tne main the One of Che streets, alBAwugn ta some irv-etances goea under private property, ar also it does under tfae Boston Ooan-non, Uebted with eieotrictty. and fined in all He stubterranean appointsnents wMih while tile, tt is bright and agreeable to its patrons. Out of tne heart of the city, tt- emerges from undeist round and pro ceeds on the -surface. It has proved of immense value in reCtevIng the conges tion of traffic, on Boston's exceptltonatiy harrow, crowded Yon can see or feet w9m.

good' It has acme Boston in re-iievlns; surface travel, yet you. can see that a god deal more this same kind of relief la urgently needed RAPID TRANSIT. "New York seems to be at last on the thresaold of a similar relief by the acquisition of a system of underground rapid transit for. the whole length of Manhat-tan Island! That- longtalked-of project will be a -great thing for New York when it DEWEY PARADE. w.

4 In New York all through the Dewey celebration, the parade and festivities. I didn't know there were so many people ta the world. within a radius of fifty mKes of New York's business center, -although portions of New Jersey and up the Hudson as well as far out-: on Long--. Island, housed mainly in modest) pretty homes like those of Oakland and vicinity, there are more than five mKHons of people, They were all gathered on the banks of the in upper New- York. to ee the naval parade.

Theee' people saw the parade, and We. from the tug of Admiral Philips. Commandant of the Brooklyn Navy Yard, saw, the parade and the people. FOR OAKLAND, il t. "There are facts, 1 In the situation of.

things In and about New York and 4n; the conditions that have ted up The wonderful expansion of Brooklyn is one of Brooklyn for a long- while Ba ttle. in Coming People to Learn. m. 1 1- f-u I I getber after many years. Our home wsw our world, tit (was a good deal more to ust in oor estimation, than it ponAbly could be that of any one else.

Yet oar Mend and the press have been most kind and aimon extra vacant In rbelr terms' of describlnsr ft. Wntie modesty would lead tn to say extravagant, -my feelings do not, "Inere weremanv thing in rnat eei replaoed and mm that a.nm. ctt one thing I am very gted-thnt our treea were spared. Very few have been seriously injured. I am surprised aa well as rranmeo at tilts.

1 can bardSy aee how there, oould have been auch a fire with so little Injury to the urrnodlng tree. 7ere was one In partloirJar, a Sequoia, a big tree, that stood very near and has apparently escaped entirely. We are thankful for thta';" "It is too early to speak about retn2d-hig, that, hi to have any deflnSte plans. For the present we enail Mve In one of the cottages attached to the place. TRIP.

"Out trip Wa one entirely devoted to and recreation. "We went first to Saratoga for three weeks, tftien to Boon for a ooupie vt weeks and finally to New York, where we remained aJboot five weeks. -Boston. I tMnk. of a cetlee in Uie country.

Is the -tnodei for spirits Its people are' frugal and know the value of money. Thev are thorauaflw bred Yankees. Yet. at -the earn tlmeJ they, ber -etram ooM ottoer metroooeHan oozniDuntriea- seem to know the vaue and the superior importance of tne pubo uses of money. The way 1 they treated the Old SoikJi ehmrch ta a case In Dohrt.

That historical landmark ocouptes space In one of: the best- business bhxic on Washington etreet in the -very: feeart of the city. The requirements of trade pressed enormously upon St. It looked as tiraugb must be sacrtflced. Had tt been put up at. auatkwm- one ot tn most notable structures the Revoltztkmary and Colonial Wetorr of the country would have been effaced.

The women of Boston said Thy went to work and raised 1400.000 and bougnt the Oid South-Chnreb. to preserve it bttaot to the city. and tne nation and to posterity. "la much the same bubiie aplrKed' man. ner was FanueU HaH saved from- tne touch of modern progress.

Then the Bos. ton Fubuc Ubrery is one. of tne arcM. tecturai -monuments not nere3y of that eity, bat of the conranent and the! wortd.5 WAa Is more, It ia as fine and! 1 1 1 1 'OP' Li Littlo Live? I'll Cestr Clcsturo 5ee Wrapper Below. Tesy ssjsTI i totaksassveszw ti3 tzxzxz: rzs ELI I a4 bv-lli, its tuicj ia iuii.i FtnreryVegrtaUavuw, CURE SICK HSADACHZ.

STRUCK THE REBELS llil Driven. arid Tea Filipinos ---1 v-t Killed. Associated Press Dispatches by The Tribune's special Teased Wire, WASHINGTON, KU-The War Department has received the following trcn Genera! Otis: "MANILA, Oct. SO. Detachment Eisrhtli regiment.

Thirty-sixth Volunteers, recon-noltered towards Florida Elanca. we Viuagua, struck oody of insurgents 1 newly constructed trenchea Attaci 1 and drove enemyowho left in hand3 1 detachment four officers an I eight: enlisted men killed; three prisoner and nine rifles. Casualties: Cama French and' Lieutenant Ferguson dangerously; one enlisted killed, era wounded." rPLAYED JOUT. Xill Headache, Pains in various of 'the body. Sinking at the pit cf appetite, Feverishnc Pimples or Sores are an positive -of impcre biood.

No matrer how it -came so it must oe Durtded in oor eotaia good health. 'Acker's Blood 1 has never failed to 'cure Scrofulous -Syphiiltio poisons or-any other blood 1 easea It Is certainly a wonderful ---edy and we sell every bottle on a Sold by Osgood Bros. BISHOP CASE is (h Police" Court th4e wwYTTYlnt' t- eaeo agarnet Robert who is su-- pocaea ar na-vmg set are to bis house 1 Ooiden Gate, was continued to Noveni-1st complainC' I 1 I I 111 CASTOR If Por Infanta fad Children. Tta Klr.i Yc -1 Bears th Slgnatnro of 48 Rolls Matting. IWe have ten days to sell them in.

excellent lot of household roods marveJoaaly low prices, at tShe Old I. -lKuMa, H. BchelUoaaa. eOs Eleventh 'f-r' ''WiSBBMSsBaiaiewssSBMsMSMMwiasMW Cah Dorers for furnttore 1 roods, at H. Sdnolthaas, cor Eloven-ca i FranJcMn eta.

itkr ii-Uii-i-v Tha Narrow Gatiie Market. She Marrow Gang Meat Market. Ber Son, prop'rs, sell prune meaij low down-town prices, and Invite tl ronage -of contiguous reaioenu. I Webster and Nath stresta. sssssssessiBsssss.a(B)pp-B)BjBB- E.

Rehor. '-Foritosrly1 Mills of this dty. is now located st Pabio avenue. Where ho has -first K4ass tailoring eetajbUsnmer. 1 rea 6t9' 1 Did sot use Bperry's Flour.

1 ba foaad sa excellent sick hesdaehe, Carter's LI, I Thousands of letters Iroia -aeA them prove this lacfc 1 ry Agency, CS agents. Twelith fe sic.lj. .474 Eleventh street, and Vraahlr -ton. tas c' will te continue! tj a rieasonatle prices. Fres rrc rr 7 Vr.rWf-rVnl pji HE Went to San Rafael and Lost vHisl Position Because JSha Visited JhdV? Warden? The war at the Receiving Hospital In which W.

J. Keating, then warden for the insane enraged with Iaaae. Rarnett. has been Jled by the marriage of Keating aha 6ftia Barnett. the tatter the daughter ot, Keating' aged and in veterate enemy.

The nuptials took place at Ban RafaaV Saturday last. The Barnett family Bve opposite the Receiving Hospital, and Belina -used to find it convenient to occasionally bless seating with, her at his place Of duty; i Her vistts to'na'hospftai were not made with her-father's-consent. Indeed. -they iew several uveiy acenes Between Barnett pere and KeaUng, In which Barnett got the worat. tn-'a ns tie.

encounter. The matter was broughttouthe attention of the Supervisory. l4veatigation was- or- aerea his position as. warden forrhe tnsana. He iIdm.

however, met-the young woman, and the meeungs resuuea ia. toe nupuais ot Bat urday last. Itwas- Juat ajptaia. i -48 Dr, Law Got Very Little Rev. MarshaH Law officiated for the last; Urns.

In the Church ot the Advent yesterday. There was only a small at tendance. There was -no music but the doctor said he did "tot care much about that 4 "If I waiter musio, said he, "I could have secured-the services ot the ivrmw onjHin, an. law, my Vestrymsn Foota Read and Burr re- rusea to pass the abna basins or conee' tion As soon aa their refusal was made known, the rector directed the sex ton, Mr. Bruncker.

and Frederick Wii-klns to pass the plates, which wag done but without great pecuniary result. -In speaking of the matter, yesterday. Dr. Law "I am retirlnar from this church with dignity to myself and 'to the position I occupy. am not, sorry to get away from the trouMesome and tempestuous surroundings, i although mueh tt rearet.

I have hMn MonnaflLjut tn maintain' my place in front of the "in- narmomoas vestry. It is the hardest position I ever My plans for the fdrora'ara undetermined. Of course I am sta a member of the SplsoopaUatt clere-v. and In rood standing. Most erroneous statements to the contrary have been circulated.

as to services todavl there was no music Tho vestry continued to keen their organist oat of the choir, and without aa organist a choir would be useless, but could have had tha music if 1 halt deemed it desirabla The Vestrymen who were present took no part in the services. 1 naa tne aims basins, or contribution plates, brought out. but they would not pass ii HOTELf ARRIVALS; ALBANT-i-tiFf Moulton, Xtebna: M- Streita, PetaJumarMrs. Nunes. NMes; M.

M. Welaan, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. C. Kennedy, Kennedy.

HIlo, Hawaiian lsladda. 1 stra Jf. A. Kennedy James Knbe(i, Honolulu; Mrs. E.

liman, xetroia 1 ica. a. uenwu end famiJyu'Ueiiota. I1L: Mrs. 8.

Y. Brown. Pawnee City, Nebraska. Mayoerry. vm- Chatham, Canada; Thomas Hughes, Sydney; J.

Hanna, New Zealand; J. H. Hill, xos Mrs. a. no Kinnon.

Vancouver, Kansas; Harry Morris, R. -Stewart. Kansas City; Taylor Kansas; M. Poet, at. Paul: JlC Ahif.

Coiuaa: E. 8imn- son. Lawrence. Eansas: Dr. H.

Orr. Hamilton, Montana; H. Knapp, Bos ton; ur. an. STrs.

t. MCHenry and family, Mrs. K. BcotV New Tork; tor urovina GALINDO P. Ely.

Tolo: A. E. Mfl. ler, Bacr am en IL J. Rule.

Vallejo; O. K. Jkiaaon, K.ansas; J. jk. juortosa, San Pablo; M.

Kay, J. W. Ebanka, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. O.

R. Bent. San Jose. 1 zi eduoated; A. Boacrtke, an eixneer.

field a consultation wtth Mayor t-now tlils morning in reference to the Wharf mprovemonts at West Oaland. Te matter was fully dls-cwed. The renuiemeia cam to the 000-cauerton that the people need to te educated oa the subject, --v. JCcocked a Cicyds. ITr.

3irTon, a iiand, ooiWed wifh en car on taturday raorRinnr at 1 't e.r.d EroaJ-wiT. X.mppon was r. a a- i t-r a 1 car. 1. turne i ont to co- a-vd e'-v 't a not 1 car.

lie vtsl" 1 3 'lai narrwrly it' ovr. 1.9 i teJien to 1, rc a cut lit 1 ea 'tr I sr.d cither w- i 1 t) 1 tae toc 1 jlira. I p- I ta i. 4. A 1 ID RERiiTfllig ilKTHiOll SSSSBBBBBaJi-, ry T) por Mrs.

Louise Bentley Takes Dose of Carbolic Acid. Doctors Tried Hard to Save the. Woman. But lira Louise C. BentSey aged BO years.

swauowea a cose 01 caroouo add ester, day with fatal effect. She died at the Receiving HospHal at 4 o'clock this morning despite the efforts of the attending physicians to save her e. The cause of Mrs. Bentley'a act is somewhat Vartoua reasons are Bores say 111 healUi bad tern Por amy deranged her Other hold to tne oellef that it was business worry which caused tier to become desoondent. Her eon.

William Bentley, a former mem- oeror xne iugnun Kegiment is at a loss to account tor bis mother's act. He return ed Jest Frtdday rwtth $100 which he bad earned while working- for the Santa Fe (Company ana gave -the money to sis mother. He says that she appeared eheerful and gave no intimation that she was coatemniatinjr stddda- For some time lira Bentley has bad charge of lodging room at MO Broadway, She was aoUna scent for Mn. M. Jones, Who keeps the Wineor Hotel on Washington etreet.

One, of lira Benu ley George -E. Robinson, says that some time aao Mrs. Bentley- and Mrs. had wm difficulty over bus. Ineae and on that occasion Mrs.

Bentley had asked him for revolver wita whlos to end her troubtesv Mrs. BentleVs husband died in Testerday, Just before she on, sne was laughing and joktng witn some of the lodgers. The Coroner has been notrfled and an inquest, will be bekL. i'i Iraf Hards Gometa tne Vv Front as an uivi x-: ifS'S'-: Ir rormer "i(tttdif tie Urflverstty of Calrfonxa, is now starring la rhe. ieadhtr role ea ha Ofltttta Mn-later, and achleMnc both fame and fortune.

Tha oormpany, bowever, wbVft' Is playtog ha ptece wd not come farther West than Kansas Ctty, so that many of Hard's CaWornia frtends will not have an OEporturJty of seeine; hrm his new at Jeasft dtning rhe present sea- HardB, Cor ffwtt years, was stage dSreo- tor of the -conrpany' playing "The LJCCS Mimater, In which Mewd Adam played the part of One eventng a men named Edson, wtoo was praying tbe title roie In the p5ay. announced that too eouM not go oh the staa-e ttostt ntabjfc heoaiuse Ms faitber had died. was no understudy for the. part, and when the management was a oes to know what to do in the predkacnent. Hards volunteered and played the part with so mudh sooceM tTrat iTwrjiiMLn (tut a campany on-the road with 'Hards as the- star.

Hards married Miss Ida "Hammer, an Oalclaod girl. She 1m known an aotresa. aV ssasiswsBS)BssssssassfjwBfwweBwss RiaEDllllOTIi A dlspatcn from Lincoln, Illinois, tells of the kiUina; of John a former resident of this city, and a recently dis charged private of Company Thirty nintnA. United States Infantry, by a watchman while the former was attempt ing to rob a store at Beson. Fetter wicn.

a gang ox roooers entered the vfllaga on Saturday morning, and de cided that they would tap the tttl of the principal stora About two o'clock yesterday morning the gang attempted to enter the place, fetter started first, and was instantly shot and killed by the watchman. The other men fled, and 00 trace of them can oe found. Petter was but years of age. Papers found ehowed that he enlisted at Fort Crook, Nebraska and was discharged October flat. The Coroner's Jury exonerated the watchman from the blame.

Pot ter- win ba interred today. clO oy? tch mm. H. Moelfer.ra residina at 1Q9 Tenth street, bad a narrow escape from being killed by -a train Saturday evening. He waa retumtag from work and had occasion Vo walk along tbo Webster street tracks at the point known as death's curve, In aroi.rjig an Alameda train that was passing, Moeller stepped tn rront or a tram tnat waa cominc on the Webster street track.

He was struck and hurled sorre distance from the traca, but fortunately escaped without fatal injurie His 4-io tcre wbs fractured and h5 aJ-o and faoe were txrutiwd and cut. was taken to the fteoetvi-" Hospital, where ur. ttra.ttoa attende-i to tla riTlFUL C.7IZ llary Cr.l'.ar.'y, aljoe tnother pro-nd of a easoon fit I. whoe father declines to bar, ret: Lionel to te ta V. Littler, as jt vs a T.i-.rse ror they ere" i.

1 -1 ar, I also il tut 13 is a jr do. 4 .1 ri jrni 1 re -1 1 f.r r. ci i -5. -L i. 1 STAGE SUCCESS, Hardv; accommodates tne 01 new iwm shipping traffic with 'Europe.

New York i all built up as far as 135th street, and Hhas only lT7th street to aTO, to. San Cisco, like New in its aiul llmli. tfa AnMra.a- anilities. With our harbor deepened, and: tnia rnu Ipplne business Is every reason- to that, the of the shipping business of this continent With th Orient -wlU idiiwJntkland. 'The whole East now bursting with prosperity.

Factories are busy with; or derm a year In advance. The accumula tion of wealth during the past ten years, the period when It seemed as though everything was going behind, has been to adequately estimate U. What is true of New York is true of. the entire Eastern portion of the Such prosperity must strike here pretty, soon although it 1. if i 1 1 HA "On all -these grounds, I have the greatest confidence in theilmmediate future of Oakland.

We have an unlimited area avaHabie for homes and stores and an Unlimited water' front-, lor- shipping ana manufactures, Let, us get tne rnu-ipplne ouestion settled and' our harbor deepened; and wkU grow 'fast enough, it win not require any out tne natural impulses to mak it grow. LAND i "Land 1. values baWew' Terk' are 'astounding The best residence- 'property brings from two to four, thousand dollars a front foot. These figures- are vastly hiaher in roorotion: te population- than. those In think nroperty diet Is reaEy very cheap.

It will not be many tnmy opinion, before this fact wui oecome enoent to taa-punuc investors will buy now: less wise will buy later on, 'When price, have jumped up twenty-five per enu Even those may be wise, for the advance that is to come to lit all of its Interests will be a broad and permanent, one -f-For. my part. cannot see. why more peopie 00 not come to cauxornia. to Oakland.

All of the-necessaries -of. Ufa foi the poor man and for the man In mod erate circumstances, are cheaper here, except, perhaps, meat and coal, and one does not require so much of "either of these commodities, to keep comfortable. Then, our ctlmat la on In vhlih tt ta far easier to live and work, as wett. as to enjoy in Hew xorg aty whole families live and eat in a single, room; whereas. If they were' in Oaktand, each woald have iu Udy cottage- and garden.

In that city only the very, very rich and the extremely poor, in the fashion I have mentioned, can Hyer5' Oakland ta a city of homes for the Industrious and the well to do- I am a great believer in the dea-ny of Oakfiand. Thts cUy Is on the threshold of a very, great: ron of the ttieioomiae-atoie about his wonderful hfrcttft power and all sort of UMns. nevW5 enar-ky It ta an fWif-eJy idlffarent taws Sought and Ijeaten, him. t- know Ms and al. flnougiv tne has knsroved corastderably since we met in San JYanctoco, I am' sure can betaic Wm I also have since feu! Sharkey and I straws that I have made more rapid prog- dkoc stint xnan the saflor.

Al fair-ntnded pecjrie agree that FMtstetmons beat Sharkey fairty and squarely. not I beat feThayheyT ii'ht- Tom Sharkey- profeseeff tiie WMftdOTce In tiSmeelf and iudes of form ftk ls -V -Tte advance ealeVof tickets -fttr the Sght has teen enormous, and. the lndlca-ttooe point to a packed Orders-for sats have been received -as far Went- as fian Although the biftvadaysj of very few big bets have recorded on the contest. TbSe hae been due to a feeftog of apprehenslonv owtn? toJef-fries it.xi nDonU forget ALFRED WiLKmS Benefit Concert tomorrow--nitrht. rTWt- day, October 3tst, at Me Ftrit Methodist V- lin I 111 'lilt -G0UliTY; -k yt J.

Martin" of Texas was arrested yesterday, charged with assault a deadly weapon, by. Sheriff Ue is suspected of being a highwayman who has been holding up'people on the county roads lately. He was arrested at the mole. He had boarded -a -platform of a ear at Ltvermore and threatened to shoot any man who should attempt' to eject him. While making his threat he was overpowered' by the and a brakeman of the train, and deUvered Into the custody of the officer, CLAIM SHAKESPiAHEl At a meeting of tive" -Universal 33othr-bood.

at thfiSr headquarters, 111S Broadway, last evening. Rot son delivered an svaareMi-attemptliig te prove that Shakespeare waa a prominent member at that organisation. r. He dadmed tba-t Shakespeare, viewed "as the concrete essence of many lives was a natural pro-diuct but- as the-result of aaort yars a miracfle. and this latter ia a word btvne times lias no use A Cor the study- of tlie.

ethfea. tn-fchakesaeara was Ipade and auotatioeis freely i. A War-- 1s another oftcer who will win a CaliXornian rr Lieutenant 'Arthur Fere-uson, formerly scout in the retriment, and -whose deed in ewimmlfig the liatl.atr has won the admiration of all the stationed in the is jci to wed Mlis Annie Cr-ri. ie-i, a youEg lady resiw.r. ia A.

li. iizvt Tha C.l fioratM i a. cl "i 1 1 A. J. Made That Jeffries Will WhipiBifii 't-uJT fl) Ji I if.

Fisht Prunes California 3J lbs 25c' Choke StnU Qara fruit relflOclb Plm olas baby 3 For 50C ManzaniOa olives staffed med 30c -with pimientos (sweet large, 50C peppers) reg'ly 20c 35c 60c bottle New goods arrived Glace citron smyrnt figs foosebreasts Holland cucumbers crystallised ginger German potatoes raisins German shrimps i citron plum pudding lentils dill pickles sm Imported sauerkraut caviar 1 German peart onions sprotten' mackerel in oil frankfurtera Chutney Bombay pint'35c This condiment makes quart 50C 1 -good meats taste better r. -vj. Asparagus tips ei capitan ioc i for salad reg'ly 1 2Jc can -r. Th hamburg depart- 4 mcnt at the new Sut- ter street store has every -facility forV prompt On. 1 the marble counters 'are attractively dis- r-tM played the latest for-, eign and domestic Mint sauce Acket 25b Picquant aromatic reg'ly 35c bot packets tea (any -iJs flavor ioc Bee brand Ceylon-sample vtins free "v.V Rootbeer-iKw'r $1 Ready for use sparkling' healthful reg'ly $1 15 dozen For after dinner cof- try Pasha blend" brilliant in color full of aroma and flavor- 35c lb jfor $1 --A' hashing 8 pkts 25c Babbitt'a 778 Ripe CUt dives California' 30a Large size new lot just in reg'ly 35c quart 1 The cigar department is stocked with high grade goods from'old and reliable factories fc no advertised brandsj for sale here 1 Bay'rumfiF a co I 30c Imported double strength -for the hair soothing to the face after shaving regMy 35c bottle- -r.

Havana cigars made this year's crop "of tobacco now -in stock "Dentifrice Sheffield, 2 tubes 25c Brillantine finattd 25c Imparts beauty and lustre to the hair reg'ly 30c bottle Free to Manila Order Christmas boxes early tor your friends in the Philippines Table mats 5 ia set 30c Japanese straw odd shapes J- 2'ly40c A G-s h2ter-sru 65C Adjust over gas burner warms a rc o-s in 10 minutes reg'ly 75c here New illustrated catalogue will be rsadr Kov. revised copy send cr cell ia for cne San Frsndsco 5 day betwB E.ven:fc and TweilUi Oakland 'II nmm 4 By HENRY A. NEWBERRY ot THE TRIBUNE EDITORIAL STAFF short of any vuiaerable part of the chanv, pion's anatomy. The speed of Sharkey's rush win double The force of Jeffries blow, backed up by pounds of flghtin material. Sharkey, after all.

Is only flesh and Wood, and a few such eavage Jolts are bound to weaken nlm and reap bis confidence. 'f Even if' he does succeed In getting: In; side otl under Jeffries' left be Is not likely to far- any better. Jeffries' right, which is always ready for an opening; will come Into and the sailor wBl find the champion bis in fighting. When it comes to clinching. Sharkey, will get such a handling that he will think he has run fool of a grixxiy itv r--.

It seems to therefore, that Thos. eharkey is in for of the -worst beatings a pugilist ever I got and he win The indications new are that the fight next Friday night between Jeffries and Sharkey will draw a larger crowd and arouse more enthusiasm than the battle between Jeffries' and Fitxsimmons. The fears that Jeffries would go into the ring in poof? condition 3 for- a championship fight -have been allayed by the news' that la coming from bis- training 'quarters, and the betting has taken a Jump, rwith the champion favorite at 10 to 7. That Jeffries is in splendid condition now whatever he may have been a week ago, Is attested by the fact that," his trainer; Billy Detaney, Js: how advising bis friends to put their money on the amnion WhM HaIiiIAV ifMf thSE fhS sporting public can rest assured that the man' he Is handling fit to fight lor a king's ransom. 1 There had been some fHftlnn and Jeffries.

owing to the iatter's insistence on uucing nunseis whiv wui utuuc; con sldered his best flghUng weighL It ended, however. In Delaney having his way, which was a lucky thing for Jeffries. l- 1 1 In view of the fact that Jeffries- wifl be no Wyatt Earn, to save nlm thU in so much better condition when hein when ne fought FStsrtrwmorw. time. JESFFRIBS CONFIDENT.

NEW YORK, Oot Wit3 the world's champlbnahip battle less than five days1 distant, Jeffries declares that be is tn perfect tnusoJes flnmer "When I fouirht FitSsSmmone. said r1-' I was a i3tla appretttensUjre of the. result, owing to n'-s) wonderful ring record and the fan 8ia uru dhara. Wright's Health Underwear, in tan 8hades pure wool, Ceece lined. Oar price IU ReSslar Price.

t.50 4 Sane make ia gray pure wool. neece linea sola by ot'oers Our price Perce llaln latest patterns oilier C-- l- 0 ersch.arsJi.eo. Cr pries tw lisliili faces Kharkev than seemed likelv a vw I days ago my opinion of the outcome of the big fight has undergone a change; It now looks to me that Jeffries la sure Sharkey wd rush and swing ries: the sailor's -furious: tactics would riles the sailor's furious tactics would undoubtedly land him a- winner. But Jeffries at bis best is in my opinion the greatest fighter the ring has ever known. In his present form he: could have hipped Fitaslmmons when, the- latter was in bis prime, which is more than can be truthfully eaid for Sharkey.

Jeff-' ties has a more powerful physique than John Sullivan ever had, and in addition to this fundamental advantage over any ttoxer now. before the public, he has an extraordinary reach, which, with his height, skill and coolness, makes an in-! vincible combination. 1 In the matter of reach te faas the bet ter of 'Sharkey 'by 'over eix Inches, and any one 'Wita anjr municss knows what that means when backed up L-y the' strength and "hitting powers Jef-J fries is known to posse9. It is true Sharl-r-jy a'h'rri McCoy, whose -'a ia if r.ot ti-lte as 3 ies. rt I'-Ccy was all of 1.

y. s-1 1 i 5 .11 r'3 i I 1 1.

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