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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 2

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a. M.a juriously the credit said reputaii of the oepartment over whicb he bad EL0PEL1EIIT 4-THE CBLUiJliV: iV SPEEDY BOAT. PR" J' IbUc cr liiiPlllR FRUSTRATED blaster CSsts 1 Defeats' the Defender by Over Three Minutes; Associated Press Dispatches by The Tribune' Special Leased Wire. YORK, July i-The conditions early today for the trial races between the yachts Colombia and Defender, off Larchmont, "were most unpropitious, A thleker tost, has rarely been experienced, btft there -were Indications that freshen ing: wind would carry away the fog by the tine set for the starting of the race. The contest today Is for a $250 cop offered by the Larcbmont Tacht Club.

Cxi t-Rnf lbt'h and We Never Cease To make our store" the. 5 puy their Drogs, Patent IUU IKI fllW JUIAIC Dere's a List of Popohr Paiae's Celery Compound. J. 6oc Thomcaon'g uanaetioa gna Celery. 6oe 5 Vin Mariana.

Painters Coca-wine and Ce- -85c MetcaU's Coca Wint loo Castoria -asc Syrup ot Figs-genuine only 35c Carter's Cascara Compound 25c Lydia Pinkbam's Cotnponnd 75c Mrs. Allen's a eat Female 70c os tetter's 80c Derwent's Tonic Bitter 50c HofFs Stomach Bitters 50c Fellow's Syrup Scott's Syrup Hypophosphites 85c Allcock's Porous Plasttrs. 10c Munyon's Inhalers. 60c Kilmer's Swamp Root 35c and 70c piannea was a triangular one or nineteen Montgomery street, near flutter. They mflei, 1 eight mile each on two sides andibad net by appointment, and had cam-three on the other.

Defender crossed the I menced the first part of their Journey to it if i -m a. i -Defender had twelve econd the beat I is. Urn frrri ntn BKOADWAV Trying Ideal place lor everyone to Medicines, Toilet Articles; etc UJ, fit Articles at Cut Prices Lola Moatez Cream. y. Raymond's Cncambet Creasi Bailey's Laaoliae and Cucumber Cream.

Violet Dentifrice (Lesley's) Lyon's Tooth 'ewe. a a a aaa. -f 65c ii ii Louden's Cherry Tooth Paste St Thomas Hair Tonic. 500 Coke DandrntrCnre. 85c S3 Pinaud's Ban deQniaine.t35c&65c 1 3 Lesley's Violet Waten and 75c Reynal's Grecian, Water, a Bay Rum, be Bay Ram.

Imported 75c 3 Owl Esrg A 4 Best Witch. Hazel, per 95c Bran of Almond's, 30c 3 Londen's Almond 35c S3 r-i 1 Bought, and -which has been has borne the signature -of of'' at the Lena, who landed her right on the stu-sailed a mfle, which left them a mile off aortchtnsr tt In aeveral nlac- REMEMBI S. We deliver goods FREE in Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda, and we pay freight on orders amounting to $5.00 or over, withm 100 miles of Oakland. Cash with order. 1- ainnirnimnnnimnnniraimuuninnimmniiimiituuHiniinuiiiimiunmm Some ciric jjeign representing the' best sculptors perfect work you can see a fewspeci- mens in onr windows.

300 A i i Ready-made frames came in this weefc beautiful specimens-graceful designs, odd shapes, round and iirOak Gold, Silver -and Dark Woods. 50c, $1.00, $1.25 to $16.00. Opts Eveategs tin 9 'dock. M. S.

SMITH SONS 3 i Book Statloaery Pictures 1154-58 Broaiwaj, tsar I3ti St TELEPHOMB A Uitlanders May Vote After Nine Years' Residence. KiseeUtftd Press' Dfaitche by The Tribune's Special Leased Wire. PRETORIA, July an all-day toecret session the Vottsraad today ap- pointed a committee of five to draft franchise reform MIL reriston at the registration act and provide for the, UlUanders obtaining the Iw in mars' mHltnea. They are- to te allowed to exercise the rlat POSTOFFICE. Special Agent Roberts Gets As0ssment Figures.

v-, Vifiarli lag umt of the L. a TTnftAA riAVMrmnent tn the matter NewFrames BOERS MAKE CO CK 01 FOR THt HEW The Kind Ton, Have Always in use for over so years, Allair 1 MWM and sonal has been made under his per- snpervislon since its Infancy' All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-froodarebut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infanta and Qiildren Experience against xperiniense What is CASTORIA i na AnAtodMaiTAynn in this. 1 Mother's end. Oastoria is a harmless snbstitnte for Castor jOfl, Pare-r goric, Irops and Soothing Syrups. It is -Pleasant.

It' contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other 'Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and TYind Colic It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency.

It assimilates the Food regulates, the Stomach andSoweli. firlviner healthv n.n1 -nAtnrnl 1 "Now therefore be neaotved. xnat saM Keating 4e requested to present his reeigoatSon, same to tate effect; July 15. eanerrisor VBtdbtSL HmeH addpUan pf ithe reeotajtion.v- Becooded churen. asmea oy tan tollewteg ReeWrBBtchell and Taksott-i-5.

JEIOWATIOJrOF.TW2 4 JCKATTNG. The oUdwlng reslgnaUan jras taeii readi To the Honorable, the" Board of Bnn- ervisors. of the. County of Alameda. I hereby tender nr reaimation as at tendant of the Insane Department of the annex to the Receiving Hospital ot the County of Alameda, such resignation to taae enect on the ostn cay or juiy, isso.

J. KEATING, "Attendant to the nsane." Supervisor Church moved that the re signation be accepted. -a Seconded by Mitchell and carried by the following vote: Ayes Church, Mitchell, Roeth, Wells and Chairman Talcott 6. OPINIONS." DISTRICT 'AT- The followlnar resolution was Introduc ed by Supervisor Church: "WHEREAS In opinion of this Board it is deemed necessary to have a continuous file of the Disruct Attorney's opinions to the Board of Supervisors, ac cession to Tnw- -uoara, k-s nereoy "RESOLVED, That the proposition of George ii. Richardson to furnish a type written cony of the aioreaaia oplntona.

properly written, iriaexad bound for the years 1896-1899 for the sum of 940.00 be hereby accepted, and the work ordered done." Supervisor Church moved that the resolution be. adopted, Seconded by Supervisor Mitchell and carried by the following vote: Ayes pupervuora crnurcn, Mitcneu, Roeth, Wells and Chairman Talcott 8. Concrete cnlvert to replace wooden bridge on County Road leading from Ver ona elation to aunoi. The folio win i resolution was Introduc ed by Supervisor Wells: "Whereas the small bridre on the County Road leading from Verona Station to Sunol immediately in front of the aweuing oi jnas. uuerr, is in an unsaie condition and needs now therefore, "Resolved, That the Road Commissioner of Murray Township be and he is hereby directed to replace the wooden bridge with a concrete culvert, the cost of which not to exceed supervisor wens movea inat tne reso- lution be adopted, seconded by 8u ed 8uper visor Church and carried by the follow lOW' lng vote: As yes Supervisors Church.

Mitchell. Roeth. wells and Chairman Talcott 6. mere beinjr no lurtner 'Duemess to transact, the Board adjourned to meet next Monday. July 10.

1899. at 10-a'clock A. at. J. R.

TALCOTT, Chairman Board of Supervisors. Attest: Frank C. Jordan, Clerk. associated Press Dtopatohes by The Tribune's Special Leased Wire. NEW YORK, July 8.

Governor Roose velt passed through this cfty thds morning on ti 18 to Wasihancrion. He passed a lft tie time at Republican Btafte headquar ters, and then went to Jersey City, wncre he boarded a. train tor uxe capital. The Governor wouM not tell why he was going to Washington, except that he tiad been asked by President ilcCKlniey. associated Press Dispatches" by The Tribune's Special Leased Wire.

FARGO, N. July 8. A private cable gram received here tabs afternoon from a member of the North Dakota Regament says the regiment leaves Manila today for home on the transport Gmaot. The Idaho and Wyoming Reaanvejit aocom pangr thjm. THE OREGON BOYS.

Associated Press. Dispatches br The Tribune's Special Leased Wire. SAN FRANCISCO, July J. B. Babcock, Adjutant-General of the Department of California, has received word that tbe Oregon Volunteers wiH be mus tered out Oregon, according to the original plan.

The transports will enter this port, however, and may be delayed for some tame, according to Che cecessl ties for coaling and fresh supplies. The troops will not be unloaded from the transports. This te a disappointment to many oi cne cktisens. who had hoped to nonor ana gionry tne. returnmg volunteers.

They will proceed north by water, prob- aDiy on tne some transports, although this latter point hasttot been MeftpJteJy deolded wpon -saa-yet. CASES TREATED AT RECElVHiaiiqSFITflLe The foUowmg cases were treated at the Receiving Hospital: Ray Handray of 8ST Jackson street. aged 12 years, foe. crashed -linger re suiting- rom bemc eaught between two bowling -i Gus Anderson, carpenter residing on myrtie street, naa a spunter extracted from his thumb. Louis Hildebrand of 834 Madison street, aged 4 years, had tils finger dressed.

He naa tore on im nau. Bmette Morris'of LoerAnreles, aged '3 years, wi band. ueafea wound, on nw Associated Prase Dispatches by Tne Tribune's Special Leased Wire. KAJrLt-TUiT, JV07 Sham. rock quite unexpectedly left her mooring.

atVliao o'clock meroinr and eailed down Southampton 4 water In stretcmnff wp. The Inverna. also started apparently with the Intention of testing nur apwa agarasi tsnamroxsx. Bir Thomas Upton Is on board the Iverna. The Meteor has arrived here, and Is betas-docked and It is expected shewOt be ready to sail early next week, though her Captain still declares he has not yet received orders saM.the yacht acrainst the ehamrock.

Emperor William Is expected to Inanaet the Shamrock before she saila to the Unit ed Venezuelan CommLssIon." Associated Press Dispatches by The Tribune's Special Leased Wlra, July today's session of the Venesuel ArcTtratlon Commission, Sir Richard Webster; Attorney General cf Great Britain, presented in support of tne cae a cnronogtcai review up to the year He writ continue this feature oi 19 argument iMonaay. KINLEY SENDS FOR ROOSEVELT START TODAY SHAMROHt'S TEST Tne Children's Panacea The Fry GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS s' Wouid-Be Bride's Sister Lands Her Right on the Young Man. ssocUted Press Dispatches byH The Tribune's Special Lawaed "VTIra. SAN FRANCISCO. July I.An, Indignant sister, aided by a policeman, averted an elopement this morning, and the would-be bride and groom and'the' slater of the girl in the case languished In th Police Station for several hours pending the result of a conference between the guardians of the contracting parties.

Early this morning Iuis E. Bulkeley, i 1 1 A. Ul maim iwiim I w. wwu Haft jah. wrMVArow wera id eulvb Uiat I XCU UWUV awmw vwvliAA ffivr hw in ieh.

JL wordV Lz wiw -t-nv- hv onit cmild not he restored, and so 5n akBm rt -tation. jude6 cotton. Bulkeley's aruardian, was a.imminul TW1 uim IMraflJl Tamer i youns mm.u h. although both under ae. Aifter a iong conference the party adjourned to the Oordans, where the matter wttl be set tled.

BoardIf supervisors. Adjourned Meeting Saturday July 1, 1899- The Board of Supervisors met at P. The roll was oailled and the folkywlng nwimhers resnonded to their ncumce Supervisors Mftchetl, Roetu. Wells and Chairman TaJcott i. A'bserat Supervisor Church.

INVESTIGATION OF CHARGES AGAINST W. J. KEATING. Dr C. I Tlndale asked that he be ad lowed to teatkfy in the above rnatxer aa soon as pttesible, as he had arranged to sro out of town.

Supervisor Wells objected to hearing any of the testimony during the absence of Supervisor Church, as tne matter had been set at the request or supurviaor Church. Supervisor Roeth moved that the testi mony of Dr. C. L. Ttsffaie oe taxea tne at9enae of Supervisor Church, and that the testimony be read to Supervtoor ahurcb from the s'ortlhand reporter's mmrAB 6econdedy Bztpefrrisor Tedcott, and car ried by the folkywlng vote: Ayee Supervisors FJoeta and Chairman Tadcott S.

Noes Supervteor WeJm. Absent Suoervlsor Church. CAvairman- Tadcott moved that the Board prooocd with tihe tnveisdga43on. Seconded by Supervisor Roeth, and car ried by the fotlowinfr vote: Ayes Supervl-ors Church. MittcheU, Roeth.

Wells and OmLlrrnSLn TaJcott 5. The fcikrwtag persons were sworn and tewined: Dr. C. L. TAsdale, Us Sactts Barnett, Joal Barnett.

Mrs. J. Dotan. Dr. R.

T. StraMon, Dr. W. K. Sunborn.

Miss Hafctie E. MciDonald, Denn-s Welch. H. Box chert. M.

Bamett and W. J. Keaiunx The Sheriff return, on subpoeni-i In the above matter showeH that he wa unable to serve Miss Kittle Welch. Supervisor Roertih moved that another sufonoene. be Issued for Mse Weloh.

and ttoat she be broughit befiore the Board as a witness No second. Supervisor Church moved that the mat ter be considered on Monetae, July 1899, at 10 o'clock A. M. No second. Supervisor Church Chen moved that W.

J. Keating be sworn. So ordered. W. J.

Keating bfavtaar been sworn and having tesrmed, Cbmarman TaJcott moved that the whole mutter be taken under consideration on Mkxnkiay. July 3, 1S99, at 10 o'edook A. M. Supervisor Wells moved to amend that ft be continued until Weanesday, July 6, 1S39, at 10 o'clock. Chairman Taloott accepts.

The roll was caBed and the ameinliiiem carried by the followlnsr vote: Ayes Supervtsore Cburoh, Mttcheffl, Roeth, wens and craarmaa TaJcott 6. Noes None. Supervleer Church moved ttaat tenogr-rapher prepare the testimony and preaent sarnie to the Board at 10 clock A. M. Monday.

July 3d, 1899. So ordered. CONTRACTS FOR SUPPLIES FOR 1899 AND 1900. Supervisor Roeth moved that the CSialr- MMt be auttibortseid to contraote. Seconded by Supervisor Wells, and car ried by the fonommr vote: Ayea Supervisor Church.

Mitchell Roetio, WoNs aud Chairman. Takaoct 5. There bcang no further bustnew to transact, the Board adjourned, to meet Monday, July Zd, 1S90. at 10 o'esock A. J.

R. TALOOTT, Chairman' Board of BupervlsorB. Attest: Frank C. Jordan. Clerk.

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Adjdurnerf Regular! Meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Wednes day; July 6, 1899. The Board met pursuant to adjournment Kl A.M. i cmHed and all members re- rponoen tneur names. The reading of minutes of last two umvwii waa caermea wrra.

CJATM OF E. B. BTONB, H.I7125, tnipervisor wells moved to reconsider the rote whereby tfhe reeotution utbor-lring tbe payment of .000 to K. B- Stone on; aorpuna-oi csata ox 11,372.25 wae adopt ed. i Secjonded by MStchell, and carried by tbe Ayes Snprrvisnra 3 OburcRi, MStoheTL til i mwji, cua aim uaurnan aadcoci o.

A TJLO ANCB OF BILLS. Supen1nr Well then moved that role be supoended. 1 i Seconded by Jtoeth, and- carried by the toiiorwnur vme: Ayes tKspenrisMW Church. MHchetL Roeth, Wells and CZaatrmaa Talootxd. Thereupon ue daun of E.

B. Boone for fSTZjs flavtng been navoratxy reported upon by a ttMjority of 6he AadStfe mi Finance Oommtttee, was ordered paid to mid E. B. Stone out of the Alvarado Dis trict Road Fund, to motion of Supervisor weuav seconaea by Bupervtsor Chwroh, and carried by the following' voter -o Ayes Supervisors Church, MMohell, jioeia. vveai ana unurmn j.ejKXct a.

TRACKS ON WEBSTER, 8TRE2ET County Surveyor ceiled the atten tloo of the Board 4o ae fact the at would not be proper to mwe a 314 lnoh rail laid en bridge by.Oakiaod'Tranatt Oonspaoy, as he understood wae contemp Ated. Supervisor Roeth moved that the enxl- rt Mm THuuttt fVaMAv invited to consult with Board next Monday at 11 oiock. and that tha CJpk bovxj wra. uates. Seconded by Wells, and carried by the roiiowwisr vote: Ayes EBfservisore uauren, noetn, KKKPER OF INSANE DEiPARTJIENT.

The following' resolution was iatro- nereas, This Board Iras -examine! tne charres preferred aaipt Bears the leva tnst Altera. love is act tore that alters when It alteration finds. i That is one of the sublimest lines fn all SteratttTe. It is the final definition of tore by the world greatest reader of the human mind, Shakespeare. Nearly all women who truly in this snblime -way.

Men seldom do. Woman's most dotious endowment fa the rower to awaken and hold the pare and honest love of a worthy man. When she loses it and still loves on, no one. is tne wide world can know the heart agony she endures. The woman who.

suffers from weakness and derangement of her pedal womanly organ ism soon loses the power to sway the heart of a man. Her general health saflers and she loses, her good looks, her attractiveness, her amiability and her power and prestige as a Dr. K. v. Fierce, or Baflaio.

N. witn tne assistance or his staff ot able, physicians, has prescribed for many thousands of women. He has devised a perfect and scientific remedy for women's ailments. It is known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.

It is a positive specific for all weaknesses, diseases, disorders, displacements, irregularities, and debilitating drains peculiar tot women. It purifies, regulates, strengthens and Medicine dealers sell and no honest dealer will advise yon to accept a substitute that he may make a uttie larger pront. I was afflicted wits kidney trouble sad have always had a terpid liver writes Mrs. B. Clu wane, oi oaaaa.

grata ca, Texas, -woen I eoauaeoeai voar medicine I was act able to stand oa ay feetr I wed one bottle of Dr. Favante Freamaaoa and ave vials of hi. 'Pleasant Peuets. I am now wen. I had net walked is tear se iths wbea I eemmeaced ten days I was able to the treatment: bat ia walk every gust 4rh, after ftmperor WlHflaim's visit to Cowes.

SLOAN WINS AGAIN, Associated Press Dispatches by The Tribune Special Leased Wire. LONDON. July 8. P. Lorffiard's Jou- vence, ridden by Tod Sloan, -won the Great Foal plate of 1.000 sovereigns at the Loin; field meeting today.

Elopement was sec ond, and Dumdum third. Bight horses ran. The oetting was i to 1 against Jou- vence. Dairymen's Convention. Associated Press Dispatches by The Tribune's Special Leased Wire.

LOS ANGELES, July 8. The Dairy men's Association of Southern California began Its annual meeting here About fifty members are present. The reports of committees will be considered and some changes may be made the laws, and late this at ternoan new officers will be elected. From the reports pre sented it is learned that ranch and creamery butter is scarce, and will rema'n so for months, several causes for this heme assigned. Less of this butter toeing snportea now man zor years past.

Five Years in Folsom. SACRAMENTO, July 8. David Qulnn, convicted of manslaughter for the killing of Pierce Surgeson in a saloon row several weeks ago, was today sentenced to five years imprisonment at rha Folaof Peni tentiary. a July 8. It Is' now said the court martial did not actually acquit Admiral Cervera and the other officers tried in connection with the destruction of the Spanish fleet oil Santiago July 3, 1898, by tne neet under tne command, oi Admiral Sampson, but postponed ludtrment and released them, which Is regarded as equivalent to an acquittal.

Only Captain Moren of the Crlattobol Colon and General Parede, who was on board the same vessel, will be prosecut ed. Born. this city, July Tth, to Moore, a daughter. flarried. MOORE In wife of W.

the POWKR-CAMPBBUrJn this city, January 6, 1899, by Jemee G. Quanm, John Francis Power to Lulu Campbell, bottib of Baa Francisco. FI NEJGAN POIjLARD in tts dry, June x12. 1SS9, by Father Berda, Thomas B. rtefan and Margaret A.

Pollard, bortJh, of ChU city. Died. STERN ITZKT At 1932 Myrtle street. In this dty, July 7, 1S99, Carl SterniUky, Siusband of Fredrika, Sternltzky, a Bar tive of Germany, aged 72 years and 11 months. Friende and aoquaintamcee are re-tqpectfuUy invited to atutend the funeral TOMORROW (SundayX.

July Jbh, at 2 o'clock P. from hte late residence. No. 1S32 Myrtle street. Interment, 'Motmtaln View Cemetery.

HICKOK-Jn thU ctty, July 7, 18, Vlr-gtasa Agte Hlokok. a native of Virginia. Nev. FOR BREAKFAST. 'NOW? via the time to have ns examine v- your eyes.

Every I-day's delay will add to the danger. Examin- aliens free. NOB, Scientific Optician, 460 Seventh street. TC3 LITE FC3 CUS3C1TCL' TO LET 47.60; cottajr of tour mom i Apply on premises, 822- Twenty second ac, or owner, 14o Weet I NEW and nacefv furnished nriva.te home: can aocommodaite) a. select few; board excellent; exmveniences eacocptfal; lo-cation choicer references.

XmI Cae- tro st, ThecopartinershiT beretoifore exisainsr between John 'nyvich and ilioh-a! -Lubiliratich, at Sj iaji iutlo is tius day dissolved by m-utual consent. Joan StitTOvtch 'retirunr. AU debt. ue tne i.rm to be to w'-o 1 rec '-t for the fama. CI yS, THe Kind You Have Always Bought 1 Signature of 1 -1 i 1 Oyer 30.

Years. mu.bat nrr, mwm vasa errv. i- STATE STATE ESTATE ESTATE AOS SOt A C'Xj AG ENCTj a Vf'-ar the course. curing nyo, maraoia. was a couple ot lengths ahead, both crafts speeding along with a fine breeze.

iiruuvr xuuuirci t. uuu o. 1 a hj 1. a 1 W. 4 ..4 1 in run Jor rne second marav the Celumbia did some flne sailing, be- in nearly najii a nuie aneaa 01 io ie- The Columbia rounded the second mark at 1::0.

the Defender rounding It 2 min utes and 6 seconds later. The Defender gained on the Columbia In making for usa third rnarki and fiaa gameay sec onds of the lost time when she com pleted the first round, Columbia rounded the third mark, finishing: the first round of the course at and the Defender at 2:12:26. pom Doats tnen star tea on ue secona round. 4a the run to the first nark on the sec ond time, oyer the course very fast time was' made; the -Columbia gaming stead-lijanA rounding the mark at the- Defender being 2 minutes and 40 seconds behind. TheOonuooia-, seamed to be nearly a mBe' head he beat to windward.

The Columbia won by 3 minutes and 2 seconds. The Columbia rtisfced the line a Defender at 2:27:22. Official finish: Columbia, De fender, ysftT i'ttl. i DIAMOND THIEF Detective Qu igl ey Man Is Landed in Chicago. i Associated Press Dispatches The Tribune's Special Leased Wire.

CtmCAjGO, July 8. Leroy McEHroy, wanted in. 0an Francisco for the of worth of diamonds, was arrested here today. Leroy MdBh-oy waa the night clerk of the Hotel Richelieu, Van Ness avenue. San Francisco.

During the absence, in Mrs. (Hale of 'Boston, he rifled their trunks in the storeroom and took jewelry and 'other articles. (He fled, came to Oakland, 4 eft the diamonds with a friend, went to Chicago and then ordered the diamonds forwarded to 16 South Clark itfwt in that city. is crime was dis covered and through Detective Qulgley of OaJfland he was tracked to tne place ox his arrest. He will be brought to San Francisco.

McElroy had previously the greatest confidence of his employes. The5 Local Singer Can- it- riot Survive Very rr Long. AKred WUkle, the alnger Is dying. Thia afternoon at i o'clock be bade farewell to his family. Three physicians are In attendance on the dylns; man.

OliTllfllHlOlI IDVEnTISllie Mill. t. Jbmr Mjtiehetl, a newspaper advertise ment; soUeitor, weU known in dty. died a tne Bast Bay Sanitarium on Tele-graplL avenue this morning after an Ill ness of about a week. The- deceased had been working tn this dty for two years Drier3 to his death, had.

made many ac quaintance a and among them were many warm friends. isolKMYSTii Assoetatad Press tXspateaes ty The Tribune's Special. Leased Wire. CAN FBANCI9CO, July answer to the sent the poisoned cherries to Florence M. Campbell has been found.

Chief Is positive that Mra: John. R. Rathonr is not -uilty, and it seems a far-stretched ta say. that alias sen( the confee- tion to herself In order to cause di-i vorce between Kathom and his wife. Louis Scheib and bis Wife profess to uuw ouumiis luT' and although Chief Lees declares that nei he will not -drop the case, his detectives nave unco verea ming ot vaiue.

TLs Temperature The temperature this afternoon, at 2 o'clock, as reperted by Sanborn was 73 degrees. IS CAPTURED. ALFRED WlLKlE In Use For tmi ecwrawa eoaipawr. rr J. X.

HINDS' HINDS' HINDS HINDS' HAL REAL REAL REAL A. A. of reporting trpoa a site for the proposed new postofflce ia this dty, called on City Auditor Breed, this morning, for the pur- pose of getUns the assessment ox eacn 01 the sites wfeieh. have already been offered at Tarlous figures py owners and real es- iU ueaiers in uun-cuj. The dupttcate roHs As- lilt BROAD A 1111 BKOAPWAT 10X BROADWAY OAKLAND OAKLAND 1 LlH Bcssor regarouqt vitor -J u- a wmiyMtiia? 'mull 7V 0 from them, Atr.

Breed was able to afford KOUeriS uw.lBlonraiuaa ikbkn. nMA uiMinitnt ftcuree wtiS-be for- Mlt am. Bllt tld hV side with the value placed upon the sites 12,200 A snap; just finished; modern dwelling of seven rooms: Inside completely aoda era and up-to-date; sunny side of Telegraph avenue; 0,000 cash, balance install- mutts. or urn to tC $1,475 A snap at Fruit vale; house of four rooms and basement for three morefmod- era: chicken yard; windmill; near, electrie Railroad; cost teOOOi part offered tor esse to tne wyenunens. prices range from 36,000 or-the site on Jefferson street betrweeui Eighth and 4 Ninth etreeta to tot boundj ed oy JSMnreacn, twwim hm namaon- screeu.

Sixteenth street. East Oakland: lot 25x100-' i tLCOO A bargain; house six rooms; East rents for $15; terms to suit. a loveiy noma on vernon uei(na; raoQwc, up-io-aate; mne rooms; lot 100 I Fine Springs1 rernOtkle Mineral Springs, In Use Alham- fart a flavorite summer main on property. u'- iy 4 s-lit Beautiful orchard lots in Frultvale from $150 np; payments easy and to suit t'1 Ws have a demand for eligible Improved modern dweUingSr also small store ttiw.r ties. Those having same wOl find a possible sale with 4 the StbJbs.

Borne -greac n- A. HrNbS RKAL ESTATB X01S 1 BROADWAY. AND INSURANCO AGENCT OAKLAND, CAI-. IV Wine and Liquor flerchonts 1 1 1 1 1 jCI select vjiuza.l provM-oats fn the grounds, aa wH a the -n-ti itn-M bftgn maae recently, whtah stdd muctt to tua WJWMyaeao vi urn hrrtTur idm s5 Tb tmXers from the sprmg- are aM eroelleotv ecmtalntng soda. Ferndule Springs as the moat acceeelbie resort in.

this district In cttmate and re-- cuperatiTe adTantagea it second to no crtnerjoraoon in. a- auw, ctt.nU aftaiitna MM IMrM mr rtagea snake tb trtp from Oakland. fordln excellent opportunity tor par- tie -tt etrior st pteanant soetrtc trip- to this interestSBS noniB r.idnuiawiui t. Tlhara. are to the market, some of tbnm 19m genome article: bat; to toe majority ox aks trrrf ration.

F. J. Im Ofc. successors the Merrtam MaxMrtactoirtag'. of 1574 Grov street, th-s ctty, put up gmulne .1 -v 1 1 ac rrocer for olive oH.

tell Mm you want the M. Lw brand, and you can go frame with the assurance that you are really getting pure oil, and not a. mixture ton-eed and bnported "OtL Iba Triple- goods imtf94iinl v1 mmnMMT era alao rwxie from the. pure msvteriaL PaTOOi-e home mduatry. i in i Why Do All Grocers Sel TRAD 3 MaJLK- ailla E-ttracts? if Frca Dclircry Aim III' 1 SWw-W rAfTV WS-w- aw-T, Si.

11 lie--' la' tf t- a Inare, et tva F- ia, el i at Tw i t. years, vercTy i.vS- i I a I.

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