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The Sedalia Democrat from Sedalia, Missouri • Page 5

Sedalia, Missouri
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SEDALIA DEMOCRAT-SENTINEL THE TELEGRAPH 8ERVICB THt DEM0CRA7 18 BY THE ASSOCIATED PRE88. Dtmocrat Established 1868. Vol. XL. 8cntincl Established 1880.


117. PRICE FIVE CENTS A FATAL KATY COLLISION OCCURRED ONE MILE EAST OF MUSKOGEE, AT NOON TODAY. SEVERAL PERSONS REPORTED DEAD Engineer Hotchkiss, of Parsons, Was Messengers Said to Have Lost Their Lives Clerks Hurt. MUHKoKff, May MiHsoiiij, KansuK and Texas piisscuger train No. known as the yer.

which left St. Ixjuis iast night lor Texas points, head-on with a freight mile east of Muskogee at noun today. Severjil ears were hadly caught fire. Six or seven persons are reported killed and several others injured 'i he known dead are: Engineer Hotchkiss, of Parsons, vho was on the flyer. express messengers, names are not known.

The injured include two mail clerks and several passengers, among them E. E. Bixby, who runs as a postal 1 he names of the others can not be oiitained now. The mail clerks were seriously hurt, but it is believed none of the passengers are seriously injured. The responsibility for the collision has not been placed.

The American Express company runs on the Katy, and the ndio left St. last night ran on- as far as Parsons, new men taking charge of the run there. Their are not known by Agent John W. Rush at this point. E.

E. Bixby, who runs as a postal clerk on tha Katy to 80 Mays there moat he some ittlGtaJie about inail altirka beAngi hurt, as the msH ear OB No. 5 le cut out at VinitiL and b' pickod up later by No. 7, the fast mail wlilah ovartakaa No. 5 at Daaiaou.

If any mail eterKs word Initiired on Wo. 5, Blaby ttilnka they were deadheading to Denison. I tie hoy said Miey had stacks and foit (ioors siiico left home. TI father of tlie girl took her back home. TI Lmy will iciiuQ home today.

Felt Stiock of Washington, A ji oat lh- that lastod an hour ani which was of intciisilv. was recorded I umc if.s righi was from to a Imn- Ircd mih'H from Instructed for Secretary Taft. Sacramento, May republican state convention last night elected delegates at to the Chicago convention and iiisiruct- ed for Taft. HE HAD NARROW ESCAPE HARRY COLLINS ACCIDENTALLY POISONED AT THE SUPPER HOUR. A SWINDLE OF $30J00 MRS.

JAMES A. PATTEN, WIFE OF A CHICAGO GRAIN DEALER, WAS THE VICTIM. A CASE OF LIKE FINDING Oily Canvasses Sells ''Art and Disappears After ing Her for His Arrest. of ho- FOUND THE PHISOII III A IWCUP TO INITHTEIEUSS OF 15 Twelve Will Come From Lamonte and Threa From Cole Camp. Hedalia ehaiitcr a IX, llcjyal Arch Masons, will initiale a class of flfleen inio the chapter at the Masonic Temple Wednesdav afternoon iiud evmiiiig.

Twelve of tne are and the remaining number from Cola Camp. An intermission will be had ai supper liour, when the ladies of tiie Order of the I'asterii Star will serve supper at the temple, after which the degree work will ho resumoth MR. OEDS FOR PRESIDENT Caleb Lipscomb, of Sedalia, One Vote fot Vicf President. ('hicago. May soc at 2 this morning named Eugene V.

Debs as the tandi- date of the narty for presideid, and Penjiiinln Hanford, of New Yoric, for president. Calel) of Sedalhi. WHS fdaeed in nomination for vice president and received one vote. SENO STMPlTJinO ClElfEUND Governors' Convention Remcnbers Ex-President in His Illness. Washington, May at the suggestivUl of President adopted by iicelamation a resolution Mti'oduc- ed liv William J.

Bryan, expressing sympathy with In his present illness. Swallowed Corrosive Sublimate and Two Doctors Worked With Him Until a Late Hour to Save His Life. Harry Collins, a con tract ing itainter, living at itlO South (Iraiid avenue, was accidentally poisoned at (he supper hour last night, and it required heroic exertions upon the part of Drs. Yancey and Trader to save his life. klugh Collins, a brotlier of Harry, had been using corrosive sublimate as a polish, and a small quantity of (he poison was left in a tincup in proximity to the widl in yard.

About 7 o'clock Harry wmit to the wxdi after a drink, and the water was drawn in the cup that contained tho poison. Without a thought of danger, Harry dnink the water, and instantly he realized that something w'as as his throat and stomach appeared to be on fire. Hastening into the hous, Harry iisked Hugh wliat he had been doing with the tiucup, and was answered that he had been using it for a re- eeptacle for sublimate, and possibly a portion of the poison had lemaiiKMi in the cup. Dr. Yancey was summoned, and la- ler Dr.

Trader Ciilled to assist in the life of the patient, who by this time was suffering ti usely. Antidoti's wore but if was several hours before recovery was assured, and even today Mr. Collins feels most plainly the effects of li i 11 i experience. (Miicago, May Itesidenls Evanston w'ere startled when it came known that Mi-s. James A.

Patten, wdfe of the gi'ain magnate, who lecently cleaned uii mi a corn deal, and herself a knuler in club and society life in the suburb, I ad been swindled out of by oily tongued canvasser. Just what it was that Mrs. Patten purchased no one who knows w'ill tell, but it was "rare, and pronounced by art critics to be The Patten library is considered one of the best private collections in ihe country. It contains many rare (ditions gathered fiom all parts of world. The called In an automo bile and had letters of introduction.

He stopped at the Auditorium. He i rst got an order from Mrs. Patten three weeks ago. Later he sold another order, taking Mrs. notes for $22.000.

The notes were discounted and the sharper disappeared. A warrant it out for his arrest. and cuiisideraie otlpTH. He haves and one latti'i resiil- ing ill Thi'ee also W. A.

Hitsiuin, of Clinton; P. Hastaiii, of near and JaiiK's Hastiiin, of Appleton City. Funeral sen eondnrted at the family in yesterday afternoon at by Kev. Todd, pastor of the Baptist elinreh, and interment occni red in the city cemetery niider flu' of Calhotni lodge, of wliieh deceased was an honored rnem- her. iissisted by nHunhers of tiie Masonic 1-odgos of Windsor and Clinton.

$35,000 TWO MEN ATTIRED AS COWPOYS HOLD UP AGENT AT FRENCH, N. M. tioii in the riot at Brownsviiio was sustained today by Judge HouLh in tile United Stides district couru here. One of the soldiers sued tlv' government to reeover his wages from the date of dismissal to ttie e.xp/ration ot his enlistmeiit and H(uigh directed jtidgnient in favor of the gov- ermneni. HUNGRY TRAMP GIVES THE ALARM Again No Police Court.

There were no cases in police court today. Posses Arc Trailing Bandits in the Was Avrfait- ing Shipment to Dawson Coa! Sent for the Police. MRS. EDNA DIED AT 5 THIS MORNING, FOLLOWING A PARALYTIC STROKE, liis HOMIIN JIW DONE FOOND Guinness Farm House Ruins Up More Gruesome Relics. And THE WHEEL GIIME OFF Collins and Earl Cundiff Were Tumbled Out.

James Collins and Earl Cun liff bad a narrow escape from serious i tjtiry in a runaway accident, on West Fourth street between and t5 el-ock last afternoon and it almost miraculous neiHier was hurt to amount io anything. The two riding in a hglitly- Luilt cart, pulled by one of J. A. sprightly horses. Just as the animal cro.ssed Ohio avenue, on Fourth street, one of the can wdieels rolled from the axle, throwing the occupants of the vehicle to the pave- The aniuiiU immediatid took fright, and in spite of C.dlins’ heroic attempt to hold to the lines, tho horse dasited at a lively DECEASED WAS 73 YEARS OF AGE El Paso, Texas, May from the station agent of the E) Puso and South I western railroad at Freiicli, N.

and made their The bandits are through the muuulaius witii a. posse in 'I'lie iuoih was being shipped to he Dawson coiil mines for the monthly payment of tlie nitm employed there. It was ransferrcHl from the main line of Southwestern, which, in conjunction v'ith the Rock Island, runs through to Chicago and St. Louis, and was being held in the depot at French for shipment out on the Dawson branch line the robbers made tlieir haul. French is a lonely prairie station, in charge of M.

Weigaud, who acts as agmit for the railroad and Cue Wells. Fargo Express Co. The robbers, tw-o in number, were to a stroke cowboys ami attracted iio home, 1802 South at this little town and up to A call was sent to police headqtiar- ters at t( o'clnek last night far an oflicer at East Tenth J-treet, where charivariers were disiiuliing tlie peace of a newly married couple in that ''riierc were no Fuberal Services at the Family Residence at Saturday Afternoon, the Rev. Campbell Officiating, Mrs. Ednu generally known among her friends as Petty, succnmlxHl paralysis iit her Harrison avenue, being bedfast for the station.

Disnioimting, they had covered the morning, after eight days. Mrs. Petty wiis 7J years old and tbefore he knew what they wiis one of most estimable Iabout. They tied and gagged and w'oll liked ladies. Born in India- and extracted the money and rode off be- na, she rnoviMl to Hopkinsville.

in youth, where she was reared. L'at- er she was united in marriage at that place, and thirty-five years ago came to Sedalia. where she has re sided continuously since A Metliodist by faith, she lived Christian life, daily devoting a portion of her time to works of charity, and many a tcmr wHl he shed in memory of her those wdio been benefit tod by Tmr acts of kindness and benevolence. A week ago yesterday Mrs. Petty was stricken with paralvsis.

She grew worse graduallv and past days the final summons was at any time. The best of fore any one discovered them. A tramp wandered into the station a half hour later, released the near ly unconscious man and gave the alarm. Posses from East Las Vegas and Dawson have taken tlie trail and bloodhounds will be sent from Santa Fc. The Dawson Fuel is a Plielps- i TJodge concern, with headiiiiarters in York, but operating headquarters in El Paso, and the money was sent out of here Wednesday night land readied French yesterday niorii- for uie sliortly after daylight.

The robbers evidently I uk a tip when the money was en route and knew when to make their descent medical attention was administered, but in spito of this oh I eonstai.t fonsi.lmed that attentiou siie jit the hour abo ve. Mrs. Is by a hrotlu and two sislers. a 11 rcsiding in gait. Mr.

Collins was unable to stop following the borse, wbicb ran pell-mell into children, who live here: Mnrn avenue. In the eollisioii with tho emhing the animal, draggin the curbing on the west side of Osage I Nora. John, Eminett, Roy and Edna Petty. Rev. F.

Y. Cainphell. pastor of tlie the broke 1 Baptist chureh, will conduct funeral services at family resi- (huiee at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. and interment (Town Hill ctunetery. some of thn nmn who Irive been con- lu'ctcd with the mines knew of the (oming of the money, and an effort is Ix'ing made to ascertain if any ef the regular employes are missing.

Expresr Company Loss, $5,340. Seattle. Wasiu, May l.l.—It is otti- cially stated that represents th(( los.s of tho Great Nortliren Ex- press Co. iu Ihe of tho com- foil to Ihp pavpinonf, and after miirli ran.Vs slioiig hox lianriiis iti Porte, May is no question hu! what a charred bone found in the luiiis of the farm house yesterday is the iaw hone of a human being. Furthenncie It bears a strong resemblance l.

the lower jaw of Mrs. Guinness. This positive statement of Identifiiatioii was made Today by the dentks: who had worked on Mrs. teets. Will Enjoy Banquet Tonight.

effort, its footing, not, bow- qver, until Mr. Collins had reached the and seized bold of lines. Mr. C'ollins in being thrown from the cart was pitchcl into a pile of broken glass, sustaining pain ini lacerations on one of his hands, wdiile Mr. Cundiff escaped with a few grease on his trousers.

will be made in The following will servp as pallbearers; J. I). A. Hag J. A.

Heck, T. H. Ferguson, John I3aker and C. Turner. morning.

Northern funnel Tuesday gard. Judge Eil 0ICH5EL WRITES Anxious to Oo a Favor for Sheriff M. ElOPEO IN jors CLOTHING A Runaway Couple, One 15 and the Other 13 Years Old, Caught. CitN, Me Girk. old.

and Mar in. (dd, il from their ill Enoii, countv. Saturday. They were captured here They said they to get nian ied as soon as thev could find some one to the The girl was dressed iu clothmg Thirty-five ineiiibers of the D('lfa Dmicron Omicron and Phi I.Kimbda friiterulties participate in a tianquct in the dining room of the Huckins hotel at 9 tonight. The is to preliminary ter the organization of a panhellenic society in this city.

With Perjury. in format inn ms sworn to iu court yesterday by Mary Williams, a colored girl. Wallace a negro, wifi perjury ill connection with evidence furnished in the b'rank Bledsoe case in circuit court. Sprcclier, sheriff, is in receipt of a very intercasting letter his friend, Emil Bichsel, who. in company with Dr.

A. H. Heaton, is touring Europe. The missive sent from Paris and was received ester- Mr. Bieltsel stated tltai he visited all the Parisian resorts v.

ith a GINS IN ELEVENTH Defeated Unholz After a Lively Battle in Frisco, a Nine Pouml Roy. San Francisco, Mav Gaus, the unconquered lightweight, last night defeated Rudolph fighting in the eleventh round with a knockout. The fight was a lively one, but Uii- holz the heaviest pnnisli- ment during t'ne progress of the mill. Circuit Court Entries. 'I'lio following entries were made GONFERENCEJF GOVERNOHS Thanked by the President Today for Work Performco.

view of a wig for the ge-' doekei in the county nial sheriff, hit so far he had failed today: to one of aniuirri co I He was of the opinion, however, that after another seaieh he would he able to locate an esialiiishme that handles the variety made to match the genial locks. DEtTH OF U. HtSTHN Was a Brother of Former Mayor P. Hastam, of Sedaba. D.

Hast Bin died at his liome in Calhoun Tuesday mornittg of rbeu- matisin. aged years, says the Windsor Mr. Hastain had E. C. W'hitp vs.

Mr.s. George Wifti- ers, appellaiil. accnunt; jury waived consent. Peter Noh'ind vs. W.

II. Pfeiffer ami hv WashingtoD, May conference of governors today adopted. wiMi no opposing vote, a declaratirn of principles which suggest tluic the president call futtire conferences, lint piovide for no permanent orgiinizii- tio.a Ttie president thanked the once for tho manner in whicu ii had done its then presented W. J. Bryan, who addressed the deiegates.

SITS INSINE And It Would Be Dangerous to Have Him Go at Large. Poughkeepsie, N. May T)r. Amos T. Baker, acting superintendent of Matteiiwaii iisyluni, today George B.

IJghL appellants, dan.ages; corpus itroceedings thai dismissed for of prosecution. Missouri Central lainiber vs. S. R. Clinton et al, ejectment; by agreement judgment for plaint for pos.session of real estate ami one cent damages and rents and profits June 1.

tpng. at $:10 per month and stay of execution granted nntil June SUIT FILED IN ST. LOUIS TO DETERMINE AN IMPORTANT QUESTION. ARGUMENTS HEARD NEXT TUESDAY I Decision Required to Settle Status of Town After County Election, and the Result is Awaited With Interest. St.

Louis, May St. I.onis court of appeals was called on yesterday to decide wlietnor or not Farmington is unUer the recent local option election, at which all of St. Francois county, in which Farmington is located, voted itself The decision was asked for in an for a writ of mandamus to compel the county court to grant a dramshop license to A. Retornaz, property owner and former shop keeper of Farmington. The suit is directed agaiiits the members of the county court, Jefferson D.

Mitchell. George W. Coving- lon and Christian M. Heltman. The local option law provides that any town whise poiuilation is less ilian 2.5<th nuist abide by the vote of the comity in which it is located, to the sale of liquor.

Just before the local option elec- lion in St. Francois county Farmington is alleged to have taken a census of its inhabitants and found its population to be 2,800. Tho county court, however, ruled that Farmington comes under the liroliibitloii imposed by St. Francois county. Arguments will be heard iu ihe case next Tuesday.

MORPHT-BOm NDPTIILS Ceremony Performed by the Rev, A. A. Boyd Last Night. WORK OF 'CARD iu his opinion Harry K. Thaw is in- He said in hi.s opinion it w'u tJ lie dangerous to piiTilie safety to have Thaw' go at laige.

'I'he UKirriage of Mr. John Murpliy and Miss Lillie Brintfju occurred Thursday evening at 8:50 at the iionie, 015 East street. Hi'v. A. A.

Boyd, pastor of Central Piaasbyferian (hurch, pronomice.I the couple man and wife in a simule but very beautiful eeieinony, in which the ring ceremony was used. The guests included a few friends and relatives. A reception am! wedding supper followed the ceremony. At midnlghi. the bride and groom left for Jefferson City to a brief honeymoon.

They will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dunfoid, former Sedalians, Giends of Mr. and Mrs. Murphy.

The couple will also visit relatives and friends at Otterville and on their way Gifts of cliina, furniture ami linen lipstowed Tiy relatives and friends and all wrre useful and beau- tlfnC Mr. and Mis. are umong best known and people, and tin- w'ishes of their many friends he with tiietn In their new life. their leturn to Hedaliu they will 1)0 at home at .310 East Tenth street. COORT SUSTIINS ROOSEVELT OB on a FisFbng Trip.

Mr. and Mrs E. N. arri si and C. J.

Garrett, of 90.5 Fifth street, coppersmith at the Missouri Pacific shops, and wife, are rejoicing a sufferer fiom rheumatism for Miss Mayme Allen leave tomorrow over the arrival at their honm today over twenty vears. and although crin- for a few fishing visit on Big of a nine-pound hoy. Both mother pled and suffering from that malady Muddy creek. They will the and child are doing nicely. I continually he was ever cheerful, kind trip iu Mr.

new wagon. I I Meld Prestdent Had the to misi Megro Soldiers. CLEAN UP OF THE GAMQLINQ KINGS 13 STARTED IN PiTTSBURC. ONE OHIO MAN LOST THOUSANDS District Attorney Jerome, of New York City, Is Assisting in Prosecution and Big Sensations Arj Promised. Pittsburg, Pa.

May that rich men of Pittsburg and vicinity within the last few years have been bunkoed out of not less ihaa $1,000,000 by card sharps, District Attorney Harry Goehring, of tills city, acting in conjunction with District Attorney Jerome, of New York, has opened his liatteries and the gieatest gambling sensation in years is promised. Quietly yesterday afternoon Goehring had rushed through the grand jury indictments against Frank T. Thompson an 1 F. B. Ranger, of Pittsburg and New York, alleging that they to defraud D.

C. Davis, a rich banker of Marietta, Ohio, out of immense sums of money. The defrauding is alleged to havo taken place through a crooked card game in a New York resort more thaa a year ago. Though this is rot a new charge, it opens up a line of attack and sensations galore are prom- iseJ. The quiet announcement that Thompson and Ranger had butn indicted caused the greatest consternation among gamblers when it was made known here this morning.

Goehring declares that lie has scores of names and amounts showing that hundreds of thousands of dollars have gone into the rnaw of the gamlilers, and he is simply using the case of Davis as an opening Davis, it will be remembered, after losing many thousands In tliin oiio game at New York, chartered a special train to go hack to Marietta and get more money. What promises to be the most sensational part of the entire case is that District Attorney Goehring will try to prove that the death of Cashier T. Lee Clark, of the Enterprise National bank, of Allegheny, some ago, directly traceable to this gambling syndicate, of which Ranger and Thompson are said to be nieml ers. There is testimony to show that Clarke, wdio was a church deacon a3 well as a banker and leading citizen, inveigled into one of the crooked games at York a few lays before he killed himself and his bank failed, Euid lost $100,000 in cold cash. That other rich men have losr.

more than this at one sitting will be proved by the district attorney, the latter says. District Attorney has come the case through the facr that the games were played almost Invariably in rooms in New York city. Thompson and Ranger were arrested on this charge once before, but in some way had the matter squelcheti by the grand jury. The indictments of yesterday were effected quietly and the men now will have to stand trial. ROBBERS R6ED RIMI Home of William Bowen Was Ran- sar.kcfi by Thieves.

eOlLTT OFBUCKMIIL Man Who Threatened to Blow Up a Bank in Omaha, Neb. New York. Presideni to dismiss the negro soldiers of the 1 wen- I ty-fifth infantry for alleged licipa- Ornaha. Neb. 15.

James .1 Fee. who on March Kith calle at the bank in this city and threatened to tilow uu the The of unless Ca.shier Drake produced $5000, found guilty of blackmad loday. His defense was insanity. Sentence was reserved by the court. Springfield, May Bowen, aged 70 years, was found dead yesterday in his home near Nixa, in Christian county, with his head crushed.

The bloody ax was found neap the body. Bowen is supposed to have been, murdered by robbers, who uflieved he had a large sum of trunk supjmsed to contain hundred dollars liad been open. There is no ciew to the mur- fJOi. Probate Court Appointments. Probate Kennedy today pointed Ellen Herrick adminiitratrft of the estate of Dr.

Emory Herrick; also T. A. and J. E. Mitchell admlBis- of the estate of James Junior Hnmani Society.

Members of the Junior Humane society will meet at the regular hour a( Tenth street and Barrett avenue tomorrow, and all new: members urged to attend..

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