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Sedalia Weekly Democrat from Sedalia, Missouri • Page 7

Sedalia, Missouri
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I f.KOALIA 'KVCNINQ DEMOCRAT, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, IMS. A COST OF $75,000 The Live Stock Building At the Fair Grounds. COMPLETED EARLY IN 1906 Small Expenditure Would Convert It Into a Truly Model Hall For Big Conventiont. Few Sedalians bave any conception of tlie magnitude of the Live Stock building in process of erection at the State Fair grounds by Thomas H. Johnson, the contractor, and which is to ciost something like $75,000.

The structure is of brick, 176x238 feet, and will have a seating capacity of possibly 12,000. The building is to be used for the exhibition of live stock, and 3000 chairs will be placed around the arena, which latter will te 125x175 feet In addition, there is to be a gallery, in which at least 5000 ptrsons can be seated. Tie building, it is said, will be the largest of its kind in the state outsida of the Convention hall in Kansas City, and with a comparatively small expense it can be made the finest structure in the state for conventions, political meetings and other large gatherings. the Kansas City Convention hall alone excepted. It has been suggested to the Democrat that steps should he taken at an Monday night In November, for approval or rojectloa.

The plans provide for a structure 36x200 feet, with a seating capacity In excess of 1500. There are th- airways, one at either end and one In the cbnter, and it is for the council to say whether the stand shall be an elaborate affair or constructed on a cheap scale. In conversation with Major William Beck, yesterday, he stated to the Democrat that the city was deriving a very clever revenue from the Liberty park grounds, and could ek3ct a fine grand-stand during the winter deemed advisable, so as to have It ready for use early in the spring. The Liberty park hall is rented to Messrs. O'Donovan Ogle until April 1, next, for $65 a month, and Major Beck estimates that the city will derive $800 revenue from three other sources the ensuing year, from rentals, as follows: The Driving club, the Sedalia Rifles mid the Western association baseball management.

The estimated cost of the structure was not stated by Major Beck, hut is believed to be between $1500 and $2000. Bids for the construction will be asked for as soon as the council approves the plans and speclflcations. VALLEY OF DEATH. This Is Where Unearthed His Gold HUMAN LIVES GIVEN FOR IT The Valley Lies Stretched Like Dying Snakes Along the Borders of Two Western States. folk, dispatch.

The purchase price is given at $27,000. Kimberly and associates are reported to have i paid only $22,000 for the property. There are 800 acres of land in the tract, and much of it is in the original growth of timber, which will be cut off to a considerable extent by the new owner. The old mansion walls are well preserved, and they are so thick that the house will last indefinitely. The porches to the old mansion have been burned away, however, and to restore the house will akp an expenditure of over $5,000.

Drs. Camp Carter Son Lost Mother. runs in our family, and through it I lost my writes E. B. Reid, of Harmony, Me.

the past five yt.ars, however, on the slightest signs of a cough or cold. I have taken Dr.King's New Discovery esrly date with a view to equipping jfor Consumption, which has saved me the building for the purposes enumer ated above. Enterprising Sedalians have already raised something like $2000 for the purpose of erecting a convention hall, and the money is now on deposit in the local banks. To raise enough additional at this time to provide a suitable building down-town is almost out of the question, but the sum already raised and in bank wonl 1 go a long way In equipping the new Live Stock building so that it would every requirement of an up-to- convention hall. That a satisfactory arrangement can be made with the directors of the State Fair association is as certain as that two and two are four.

Contractor Johnson has been delayed some in the delivery of the steel work for the new building, hut it is practically all here now. and the intention is to have the structure completed early in 1906. The 3000 chairs that Contractor Johnson is to place in position around thj arena will he all that are needed by the State Fair for the purposes for which the building was originally intended, hut Sedalia should not be contented to stop at this. When the State Fair was located here the Sedalia Water and Light of which Mr. Andrews is manager, agreed to extend its line to the Fair grounds without cost and for a consideration to wire and light such buildings as might be asked by the State Fair directors, and a contract to that effect is a matter of record.

For State Fair purposes exclusively electric lights are not needed, as no night sessions are held; hut for state conventions, political meetings, the building should be well lighted. This would be by Mr. Andrews, so all the outlay that would he necessary to give Sedalia a model convention hall out of the new Live Stock building would he to provide the necessary seats, something like 8000 or 10.000 in addition to the 3000 to be provided by the directors of the Fair. Sedalia is the most eligibly located city in the sUite for the holding of state conventions, opening campaign meetings and the like, and all that is required to secure them is to provide a hall large to seat the Thai would be in attendance. The Live Stock build ng at the Stale Fair offers a solution of the prtiufcm Sedalians have been laboring with for years, and the sooner steps are taken with a view to bringing about the desired result the sooner It will be consummated.

Tom serious lung His death was a sad loss for Mr. Reid, but he learned that lung trouble must not be neglected, and to cure it. Quickest relief and cure for coughs colds. Price 50c and guaranteed at Mertz drug store. Trial bottles free.

Any desire for warm wearables for fall is satisfied at the Bames-Kem Clothing Co. A VAULT BLOWN UP That In the Bank At Kingsville, Missouri. ROBBED POSTOFFiCE ALSO. Missouri Bankers' Association Offers $5CX) Reward For Each Robber Convicted. (From Daily.) W.

F. Keyser, of this city, secretary of the Missouri association, was advised by wire early yesterday morning that unknown parties had attempted to rob the Bank of Kingsville, at Kingsville, Johnson county, Friday night, after having broken into the and stolen $15. Mr. Keyser called up Kingsville on the telephone and learned that the robbers blew the bank vault to pieces with nltroglyzerlne, and destroyed a number of private boxes, scattering their contents all over the building, but they failed to gain an entrance to the inner safe, hence got nothing for their dangerous work. M.

T. Fryer is president and Joseph Greager cashier of the bank, which has a capital stock of $10,000. A postal card found on the floor of the bank building may furnish a clew as to the identity of the robbers. Mr. Keyser authorized the Democrat to state that the Missouri association will pay a reward of $500' for the arrest and conviction qt each and every robber implicated in the Job.

Barnes Kem Clothing Co. are the clotliiers that do things that others cannot NEW GRAND STAND Wet Day at Versailles. Plans and Specifications Are Prepared. MR HELFERT DID THE WORK Will Be Submitted to the Council For Approval the First Monday In November. Louis XIV.

had just announced am the responded a courtier, majesty Is North Carolina and I am South Herewith the monarch was compelled to set up York Sun. WHATSTHEUSE With unknown medicines when you can Just as easily getHostetter's. It has a 52 record of cures back of it. and is being taken by most everybody whose stomach is weak or bowels constipated. STOMACH BITTERS.

Helfert, the Main street ar- because it chitect, has completed the plans and Should be jour for the new grand-sUnd will cure you. to be erected at Uberty park, and the be submitted to the city Poor Appetite, or eonncU at Its next meeting, the first convinced. Death Valley is beginning to give up its dead again, says the Denver Post Every summer it lies there under the smiting sun and to men to enter and to die, and men heed Its beckoning and go and never come back again. A few straggling searchers wander listlessly out into the terrible heat and find a stricken body or two, almost always within crawling distance of the water, for want of which they died, but until the October sting is on the air even the men who live on the desert's limits will not venture too often into the place of death. They are going now, and they are finding the poor fellows who laughed at their warnings and disappeared into the sinister purple of the distance never to laugh again.

So far it is estimated that at least 50 men have died there of thirst and fear this summer. Death Valley lies stretched like a dying snake along the borders of Nevada and California. It is 50 miles long, 35 miles broad and it is called Death Valley because the first white people who ever went in there were 30 when they entered and 12 when they came out, and the 18 young, vigorous men died in a few days, hideous, haggard wrecks of what they were. Since that time the Valley of the Dreadful Thirst, as the Indians named it long ago, has counted its victims as a devotee counts his beads on a rosary of coral and pearl. Smith found a ledge rotten with glinting gold there one fearful day, years ago, and when they found him, running round and round in the desert, waving his arms, trying to in the blue water he though he saw all around him, he had his pockets full of the richest quartz ever seen in California, the land of rich quartz.

When he spoke the tongue of human speech again he tried to tell where the ledge was, but all he could remember Tvas miles of green and purple and pink mountains crowded in around till he went mad from fear and thirst and loneliness. From that day to this men have saddled burros and ridden out into the glittering desert, mad with the hunger of the gold they know is hidden there. The big strikes in the Goldfield and Bullfrog districts, out there in the alkali. and the wild gleam of shifting sands, have lured fortune hunters as moths are lured by the gleaming of a lamp. The little dried-up villages on the edges of the terrible waste have been alive with eager-eyed men fitting out to prospect, and this fall the old prospectors, who know the moods and tempers of the great land tiger that crouches on the border of human life there in the beating sunlight, are finding their white bones bleaching in the green and gleaming sand.

A judge from Wisconsin disappeared into the phantom-haunted place a few weeks ago. he back in five he told his friends, who watched him go; bring you some quartz from the Peg He did not come back, and his friends fitted out an expedition and started to look for him. They have never been heard from. The cold October nights have come even to the desert now, and the shadows of the early nightfall lie on the burning sands like a cool hand bn a fevered skin, and the searching parties are starting out to look for the bones of the men who have died in the terrible desert since summer has smitten It. At least a thousand men have died there of heat and thirst and terror since it was named Death Valley.

Yet never a summer comes without its waiting victims eager to try the fearful fight for life for the sake of a little gold to shake in the face of an indifferent world. Dangerously III. Do not, by neglect, allow yourself to become critically ill, as you may very easily do by not nipping the early symptoms of stomach or liver trouble in the bud. There is only one safe, scientific and certain curative treatment for all these disorders of the digestive organs, and that is Dr. Caldwell's (laxative) Syrup Pepsin.

Try it. Sold by W. E. Bard Drug Co. at 50c and $1.00.

Money hack if it fails. Underwear. Perhaps you need underwear. Buy now. BARiNJiiS-KBM CLOTHING CO.

Special Methods Unreasonableness. But Is often as great as Thos. S. Austin, manager of the of Leavenworth, was not unreasonable, he refused to the doctors to operate on his wife, for female he says, concluded to try Electric Bitters. My wife then so sick she could hardly leave her bed, and five (5) physicians had failed to relieve liAr.

After taking Electric Birter.s, she perfectly cured, and can now' perform all her household Guaranteed by Mertz Hale, druggists, price 50c. WILL RESTORE WEAK AND BROKEN DOWN MEN AND WOMEN TO BUOYANT, ROBUST HEALTH. Our treatment for Chronic, Special and Pelvic tronbles of men and women is unequalled, unsurpassed. It is the quickest, most reliable and safest ever perfected. If you are afflicted you must come to us sooner or later.

We are treating your friends and hors. WHY NOT YOU? hesitate or delay, but make a start at once. Our office Is centrally located and is elaborately equipped with every device and apparatus to assist us in diagnosing and cisring your ailments. You will find our charges reasonable. CONSULTATION FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL.

We have special treatment iu the following departments: I. Diseases of the Nose, Throat and Lungs. II. Diseases of the Skin and Scalp. III.

Diseases of Women. IV. Diseases of Men. V. Diseases of the Rectum.

VI. Diseases of the Stomach and liver. VII. Diseases of the Genito-Urinary System. VIII.

Diseases of the Nervous System. DRS. CAMP CARTER, Southeast Comer of Fifth and Lamlne Streets, or 202 East Fifth St. Office a. m.

to 9 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 12. Positively no office hours Sunday afternoon. OhioBt.

NiOlfT CLCRK in STOM. Nowadays Barnes-Kem Clo. Co. Motor Cars For Egyptian Desert. Sir F.

R. Wingate, the Sirdar, will soon be shocking the spinx and disturbing the ashes of the Pharaohs by running motor cars across the Egyptian desert, says a London letter. After much experimenting in an effort to find a suitable tire for the loose sands of the desert he is at last successful. The wheels are unusually large, and are entirely inclosed wdth light metal plates. The tires are broad and hollowed out in the middle, which, it is expected, will prevent them from sinking in the sand.

The car draws a light wagon equipped a searchlight apparatus. The experiments have proved satisfactory, and the sirdar will take the car him on return to Egypt. the mind, not the optic nerve, that really sees. Most people are too lazy, mentally, to see things carefully. Close observation is a powerful mental process.

The mind is all the time working over the material which the eye brings it, estimating, weighing, balancing, calculating. KEMP HIERONYMUS Wonderful values as well as quality a. Bames-Kem Clothing Co. POLYGAMY AS IT IS. Mormonism Finds Protection In Fact Whole Truth Cannot Be Told.

A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity, you lose your health, because indigestion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. King's Life Pills. They build up your digestive organs, and cure headache, dizziness, colic, constipation, etc.

Guaranteed at Mertz drug store: 25c. Now Is the Timel To buy a nice top coat or an coat. Call on Barnes-Kem Clothing Co. Nowadays Bames-Kem Clo. Co.

on the James, Sold, on the James river, the birthplace of William Henry Harrison and Benjamin Harrison, former pres Idents of the United States, has changed hands again, and is now the prop erty of William Jameson, of Long Island, who purchased it from John B. Kimberly, postmaster at Fort Mon roe, and associates, says a Nor- The following Incident Is actually a fact, though on the surface It appears almost unbelievable, writes Marian Bonsall in the Housekeeper. A certain unmarried woman was ill and was thought lo be about to die. Her friends, fearing for the fate of an unmarried woman in the hereafter, went hurriedly to a man of their acquaintance, a bachelor, requesting him to be sealed to her immediately. He consented, being willing to have her for his wife in the life to come.

But 1 the unexpected happened, and the young woman was restored to health. The man to whom she had been sealed continued to live as he had done, and she lived at her home as a single woman. Some time after, the young woman married a man of her faith, and lives with him and her children Uve Auctleiieer Seilallap Mo- 103 Katie Ml Phone: Office, 240; Reel dence 420. Indian lOintinent will eare Blind, 'Bleeding and Itching iPiles. It the tumora, allays the itching at once, acts las a poultice, gives instant lief.

Dr. Pile ment is prepared for Piles and Itching of the private parts. Every box la warranted. By druggist mail on receipt of price, 50 and $L00. MANUFACTURING Ohio.

For sale by W. E. Bard Drug Co. PENNYROTAL NXS tAfid xelievblo, tKwy I overcome vigor, banish No remedy equevls DR. MOTTS PENNYROYAL PILLS JSold by Druggists aad Dr.

Motts Chemical Cleveland, Ohio For sale by W. E. Bard Drug Co. dr R. L.ARIIVI DENTIST.

307 Hoffman Building, SndaEa, Mo. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given, that the un- Shipped a Carload of Horses. (From Daily.) Tom Bouldin shipped a carload of torses last afternoon to St. that te had bought in this market in the past ten days.

It was a mixed lor, tut the most were saddlers, drivers and combination horses. Pretty good time to select a rain styles to select from. Barnes-Kem Clothing Co. Gems From today. In the meantime the man died, dersigned administrator of the to whom she had been sealed for of Monroe Jopling, deceased, No.

3318,. eternity hut not for time. He was a will make final settlement of his man of considerable wealth, and on counts with said estate as such ad- the strength of the sealing, the wo- ministrator at the next term of the- man, the wife for time of another Probate of Pettis county. man sued for the property souri, to be holden at Sedalia, in said in courts-and got it. on the 18th day of November, It is impossible to grasp the full im- A.

D. 1905. port of the whole Mormon situation. Its unwholesomeness, its repulsiveness, and its general degradation is its very protection. The story cannot be told and insinuation seems vulgar.

And what makes the situation so intricate, so almost hopeless, of administration on the that indiviuality, the mass of the Isaac Graham, deceased. R. H. joPLma, The youth who would get on must veep his eyes open, his ears open, his mind open. He must be quick, alert, ready.

Few people realize what a tremendous success and happiness is possible hrough the medium of the eye. The whole secret of a richly mind is alertness, sharp, keen attention, and thoughtfulness. Indifference, apathy, mental lassitude and laziness are fatal to all effective observation. The telegraph, the sewing machine, the telephone, the telescope, the miracles of electricity. In fact, every great invention of the past or present, every triumph of modem labor-saving machinery, every discovery in science and art, is due to the trained power of seeing things.

Careless, indifferent observation does not go back of the eye. If the mind is not focussed, the image is not clean-cut, and it not carried with force and distinctness enough to the brain to enable it to get at the truth and draw accurate conclusions. The majority of people do not see things; they Just look at them. The power of keen observation Is Indicative of a superior mentality; for It Is Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters estate of No.

3567, Mormon people, are so admirable, so were granted to the undersigned on sincere and so earnest. Mormon wo- the 11th day of October, 1906, by the men are as womanly and as lovable probate Court of Pettis county. Mis- as other women. They look the same, souri. act the same and feel the same as All itersons having claims against other women.

And yet the women, said estate are required to exhibit who constitute the only spirituality tnem fcr allowance to the adrainistra- to be found in all tor within one year after the date of have not been taken into consideration leUers, or they may be precluded in their religion, except as they can from any benefit of such and ssist in building up the glory of their if such claims be not exhibited within husbands. let your boy go without a nice new suit of clothes. Take advantage of large selection we have Bames-Kem Clothing Co. Facte for the Census Man. two years from the date of this publication, they shall he forever This 11th day of October, 1965.

MARY F. Admlnlelratrix. here, my girl, I want te know many inmates there are in this house. How many people alept last slept here, sir. I had thr and my little The census taker rapped at the door of the little farmhouse and opened his long hook, says the toothache dreadful.

Companion. A plump girl of about brother had the stomach acShe, and the t. th, door, Md him stupidly 1 burned so on his back that he has -How many peeopl live he' blisters the size began jtook on so that nobody a wins lives here. We are only all night long, staying through the hop season 'How many of you are there here. in the woodshed, and Bill Complete line of everything for and awarel at Bamee- Kem Clothing Co..

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