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Boston Post from Boston, Massachusetts • Page 2

Boston Posti
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

of tbe Tbe fiist half of paragraph ia ai literally true as is the the celebrated necklace of black pearls which belonged to the Empress Eugenie being now in possession of Anna DesHon, one of the rivals of Cora Pearl in the era world. The celebrated picture of Salome, by tbe lamented Henri Regnault, which was the gem of the Salon cf 1870, and a forgery of which lately oflcred for sale in (he United also owned at present by one of ces is the chief omamait of her wagniflcent hotel near the Triorophe. Mr Moulton hss shown himself in the trial of the Brooklyn sensation to be a model witness in some respects. A spectator who has regarded him upon the stand from day to day daring the last fortnight, tie target of hotly shotted legal batteries, roust have come to this conclusion, and though r.o fair-minded person will desire to forestall in the slightest a thorough and impartial legal judgment, all must admit that he has done his part well thus far. The efforts of the counsel bare been applied in all sorts of forms with special reference to his entanglement, but he ha? skilfully kept himself clear of the web prepared for him.

lie has sent Porter home sick, made Evarts disgusted and wrathful, and met tbe cross-quesiioning of Gen. Tracy, prepared on the Buztuz plan, with a directness and clearness that bare quite confounded the belligerent counsel He has not been oTerwhelmed by the glance of scorn or the mockery of contempt emanating from the other side, and by his unruffled reception of an iuterrogatcry system that sadly lacks courtesy, he has won the admiration of the public and the respect ot the presiding Judge, who has rebuked some of the questions addressed to him as they deserved. If -Mr Moulton is a conspirator ha is certainly a very shrewd one. Sartoris and her husband are expected to arrtve at New York next Tuesday. Secretary Bristow is confined to bis house in consequence of the severe spiaining of bis muscles produced by his eltorta to avoid a fall on the slippery stejie of the Treasury department.

THE UOCSE CAUCUS last evening accomplished but one fact, namely, the endorsement of an agreemMit to support the bill carrying into effect the Enforcemoit act. The proposition to appropriate for the army for two instead of one year was not taken up. COMFLIUE.VrED. Field Marshal Count Von MoUke hag writt a a letter complimenting Lieut. Wheeler, of our army the maps published in connection with his surveys beyond the one hundredth meridian.

BtKTHOAT. The Burns Club will celebrate the anniversary of birthday to-morrow evening with appropriate ceremonies and addresses by Congressmen Frye, of Maine, and Cox, of New York. PPBUC SCHOOL SUPKBIJiTESDBNTS. The annual Convention of Public School inteudents will be held in Washington during the ensuing week. THE LOUISIANA DEBATC will be resumed in the Stuaie to-morrow with renewed life and energy.

The ugh stated as a fact that the Rcpuolican members of Congress are seriously discussing the propriery of making tlie army appropriations cover the next two years, for the alleged reason thst the Democratic House will refuse to appro- money to be paid ihe army engaged in the Southern States, such an ecregious act of folly and expression of partis-inship can hardly be credited. To be sure the idea is said to have origiLated with a notorious Massachusetts mem- her, who, retiring at the end of the present session, desires to leave as much mischief behina him as possible as a legacy to the country, but -uch a gross offence against decency and regular legislation can hardly be serioasly contemplate i by a Congressional majc-rity. Though there i- KOtbiug in the Constitution to pi event -uchaction, the impropriety of it at the present time is appa- rtnt to the most ignorant citizen, inasmuch as a vexy imperiect idea can now be obtained of the wants ot two years hence. I'ht Democrats canno' afford to refuse appropriations for the regular army even if they desired to, and they have no s-uch wish. They only object lo the arbitrary us; tl at has been made of tbe military arm of the service, and to nothing more.

the other hand, it would puzzle the Radicals just what to make aj prrpriations Kr. If a war with is a part of tbe party prosrramme, an appropriation suffi- eiint to cover it would expose them, while the regular amount would kave them as badly off etcr. They hud better not try to do too much at TD TEB- Boston Post WASHIXGTOS. ItrvlTwl of the Clwrolime I'asei James Watson Webb Pars hts Complltuents to Ftsh and lloar Belltwerent Lan- snase of the Ex-Minister the Career as a bonthern States Action of the Senate and llonse Caneuscs of the L.o«itsl«n« Cannon's Proposed Ames Photowtaphed, Etc Kte. 1 ri IAL UEsPATCU TO THE BOSTON THE KKCORH OF AUKLBKRT From tbe St.

Loals BrpuWlcsn Kdltorlsl), Jsn. 20.1 The career ol Ames very brilliaut evl- ileuce liiat. under the benfsa tufluencea which hi ent prevail tn the Southern portion of our couutiy, all things are possible to him who has both iiupudeuce aud eue. v. The outbreak of the rebellion tound him holdina very humble rank in the regular army.

He rose so knows exactly how or the conclusion of hostilities left hiui with a nisjor-aenerst's commission in tbe volunteer and a Ustteriiig prospt'ct of better thinss to come, ill 1SU9, the first ol these better things arrived, in tbe shape of an to the command ot the military district callml. by courtesy, tho State of Mis- sifsippi. The Slimmer ol the year named saw Ames a mere soldier; in December he resolved to be a and in January, I8T0, be was one. In the recent before the Coiijcressional Investl- xatioe be with a sweet simplicity quite relreshiuK under tbe circumstances, that the reason wbv be aspired to the Senatorial dimrity was btctuse'the ot Mississippi were livmii urder a code worse slavery, and to his opinion, their riKhts trecsloin upon the success ot the Kcpiiblieaii cause." lie the of that cause, ot course, could do uothintx le-s than take the How lie look tt. aud ho as Uovernor.

he signed his on ii are ofbistory which will itrulmbly make the next generation of intelligent cootciu- ptate the perlormances of tbeir fathers with niiugieii emctioDS ot am! disgust, slipping out ol his uniform and into the Vuies to Washington and lor some years voted arddrtw his salary with commendable regrularity. He did nothing that we are aware of. In fact, tiK're as ctrtaiu of the atmosjdiere of the Senate Cbniuber had a depressiug efiect upon his St His Itadical while ready enough lo accept his votes for iheir uietmurcs. mam- lesied no affection foi the newly statesman, wliose incubation was open to so miicb iuvidious criticiim. He was quietly ignored iu a manner wbibh saV'Tcd strongly of contempt, aud when tbe true intent meaning of this treatment penetrated the tough cuticle of his sensibilities, be concludetl lo witlalraw fCora a splwre wdiich DO longer suited his tastes.

No man tliai we r. meiuber ever before resigneil a fienatorship to accept Uuberualoritl Ames, original in tliis ns ID tveryibingelse. did give up the lor the lesser price, and altandoned a bicti did not moiini tns loss to rnle over a community that will remember him and his doimrs as long as grass grows and water runs. How he managed to be cboseu tiovernor when niiiety-nine out of every hundred wliUe man worked and against him, is sufliciently explained by the fact tlnii the groes have a majorily ol from 15,000 to 20,000 in the I'pon his he declare I that be had owned no property in Mississippi uutil two vears ago, and admitted that be miztit have made the purchase then the sngge-tion of bis to quiet the clamor almui his a non Such is the rocord ol the gentleman who now aiipears befoie a comn'ittee and testifies that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, policy of ilie White l.eaguers is the Caiicasiansagsinst the and theirintentiou is overcome a majority of or in by violence." What this testimony is worth, coming fiom Adelbert we leave the uipartial reader to THE LOUISIANA Sl KLPORT. TBC; LOIISIANA OITBABE.

Taspecial nespatch Bo-mn Herald. While the between K. R. Hear and Kepreseutative FosIvL of Dluo, ia relation to the controversy between Mr Foster and Mr G. F.

Hoar, the Chairman ot the Committee on fsni- isisna. is a true siatement of tacts, so tar as it goes, It wiJI ctmvcy a fake if it leads any one to believe that there waa not a serions ditficultv be- G. F. Hoar and Mr Foster, which at one lims to be a serions quarrel. On the return ot JlrFosUrand tbe members ol the Sub-Coaimiitee irom New Otleans.

they were taken lo task oy Hoar lor tbe general course of action pursued bv ibtin, with which be was intensely dissatisfied. Thus, while he did not attempt to suiipress Mr Fos- report, he comlemntd the of the Cpmmiitee. and insisted that they had not acted in accordance ith tbe will ot the whole Committee in taking testiaony. It la neeuless to siy that if the of the fiub Conimiitee's Jabors haa been favorable lo Kellogg's Govemiueiit and tirant. Mr Hoar ould fonnd no Hispre.scni jdeA political duty IS to die and ask no questions.

WaSHINQTOX, J.iN. 24, GEN. JAMES WATSON WEBB, late United States Envoy Extraordinary to Biazil, IS sending out, with his compliments, pamphlets cortaining his case against Hamilton Fish and E. R. Hoar, in which he wholl) denies the allegation of the latter two gentlemen to tbe effect that 1) ebb to bis own use the of collected by him as Minister fr the Brazilian Oov- cinnicnt on a claim fs-r datnag-? in the Caroliue case.

ebbcbargfs deliberate and iiervereions of the uih against Fhh and Hoar, and says: Now if at Mr Hoar Las admitted fully and freely that the unmanlv and unsientlemanly. the base and i. '-st wickeJ falsehoods uUered by him on the deor of the Bouse, in his three-fold capacity of mtmber of rg.ess, the moutfc-piece of the rocumifite Foreign Relations, and an honest man, were 11 inventions of his own and not the piomptings of the Secretary of State. Nc.w tl at he stand? up boldly and proclaims himself a knave, and recklessly adds insult injury atd sends forth impudent and insaiting tele- emros in answer to ge-ntlemanly and letters, and all because he is not responsible for words in the House, let him look to the ftiture. the with his heal the sand, he fears nothing, and imaginei be is not seen by bis pursuers; but like tbe bird, whcse conduct he imitates, he is in error.

Mr Hoar will not be a member of Congress on the 5th of March, and be has been sufficiently long tbe associate Of gentlemen to have become familiar with their practices even if he cannot appreciate their This language and the threat contained in last sentence cannot be misunder- when coming from such a man as Webb. He is tbe same James Webb who publicly caned the late James Gordon Bennett in New York city, who afterwards caused the duel between Graves and Congressman Cilley, in which the latter was killed, and who subsequently fought a due! with Tom Marshall, of Kentucky, in which Webb was wounded in tbe calf of the left leg. Ibis is the same calf which James Gordon Bennett so frequently alludoU to in the Herald as the one which Webb carried with him to the waterin places and elsewhere. For leavtng the State of New York to fight this duel Webb was tried, con vie fed and sentenced to four in the Penitentiary, and pardoned by Mr Seward, who was then Governor. STRENGTHENXNO THE ARMT.

There are two propositions cf some importance beioie the House Military Committee that will probably receive consideration this week one is for sn increase of the army to about twice the present gtreneth. This will be pressed vigorously, and tbe chances are that it will be favorabl.v re- by a majority of the Committee. Republicans insist very strongly that the army ought to te doubled in strength in order to preserve peace in tbe South; Western Congressmen want an incrtase on account of the Indians. The of War of course favors the proposition, as do the -officers of the army generally who desire promotion, and lose no opportunity to impress tbeir views upon their friends in Congress. Altogether, the infiuence in favor of the increase was never ao strong as it is to-day.

The second propositicn is that which was by tbe President in his recent Message, to appropriate for the manufacture of heavy guns. Tins will, no doubt, be reported favorably by the Committee, as it has repeatedly been urged upon them by our highest military officers. DELEGATE CASE. The minority report from the House Committee ou Elections makes some pertinent points against tbe expulsion of Delegate Cannon, the Mormon polygamic Representative from Utah. The report Mr.

Cannon is new under indictment in the courts of Utah for polygamy, and contends that it would be an act ol great injustice topre- jndge the case. Besides, it is a senous question wi'cther the subject of expulsion on moral or im- motal grounds should be If the House is to iiK(uire into the moral fitness of members where will tbe inquiry stop? THE RADICAL SLOGAN. The morning Administration organ yesterday called Republican statesmen to the front, reminds Congressmen that there are only thirty-five more legislative days in this adds: Republican party have a two-thirds majority in the House and Senate. No more time for buncombe speeches or submission to Democratic dilatory tactics. The party must unite and per- feet a policy to promote the interests of the workingmen, or fail in 1876.

Party feuds must be healed and personalities be THE SOUTHERN MABTLAND RAILROAD. Among the nuiierous seeking to obtain Government guarantee on its bonds is the bouthem Maryland Railroad, by which the lower part of Bay is to be reached. The completion of this road, giving a direct outlet to coal from Pennsylvania and Virginia, is one of tbe chief arcuments in favor of the estaWishment of a Government naval coaling station near the mouth of Potomac river. COLORADO AND NEW MHXiCO. The nate Republican caucus last evening discussed tbe question aud the qocstion of admitting Colorado and New Mexico as new States of the Union, but will have another meeting before a conclusion or definite action on cither subject will be reached.

personal Chief Jus'ice and Mrs Waiceglve a card ceptioB next Tuesday evemng. Mrs Nellie Grant to the associated PRE.4H.I WASUINOTON. ractflc Mail Investi- araUon yiirtcrdav heard but one wiluess, Necrttary Bunker, of the Brooklyn Tiust Company, who testified to with I'lat cuinoany the twenty five thousand dollar check vhich he received from irw id as tbe last payment on the three hundred ttiousand dollar tee. The object of this was to show that sichum'iker was ereaUy la lU when be he did nat remember receiving any such check. THE KtPl BLICAN CAUCUSES.

Tie Republican Senators beki a caucus hcreyester- tl.iy winch continued for several Tiiechiei topic 01 discusi-ion was the comhtioii ol the South, hiu there confiicljne views no result was real The caucus, instead oi giving expression to tbeir views on the lAiuisiana question, azreel to await tie action ol the Committee ou i'ltvileKes and tions on tlie I'incbback credentisls, atd will, tl vreiore, loe governed in tbe Senate by the report. of tbe fseitak'rs saw no escape fiom the present ID tint Mate except bv it to a terriiona! ronditioo. By this ineaos I ey could avoel the complies tion.s grdwinz oat ol the official tecosuitions of the Kellogz Goveroineot, ai. open a way by which order may eventually be re-tored. Others ibougbt that a sirocgei to be stretched toward several of the Houthem states, otherw ise there miKbt be anarchy.

These opsnions irom those ex presses! by Uie more coin-erva- tire. All seemed to comprehend the diiHcuilies ol tJie situation, but there was no distinctive plan loimally preset as a measure of relief. There was a laiee atleu'Jance at toe House Republican caucus last evenicg, a generai disca.SRiou was indulged in as lo wl'at was loest to in view of the present condition of the south, but none of the measures at a previous caucus were acted Fuiully a was fdacint! the power of passina all public acts tb tbe majority of the House. A resolution tor this purpose will probibly intnxlacefl the House ou Monday, and when adopted ill have the efiect ol evading the two-thirds as to public acts, including civil rights, the more energetic euiorcemeut of tbe protective laws id ihe South, and authorizing the Pr-sident to suspend the lit of in certain cases, together with other mesftures which have been the subject of consideration by tbe Caucus Committee. Tbe proceedings are repre.sented as having Ireen harmonious and the refcult entiieiy satisfactory.

POST OFFICE CHANGES for the week in New England Offices Souih Strafford county, N. Horace Scales. Postmaster. South Newmarket Junction, Rockiog- ham county, N. C.

H. Levitt, Postmaster. Enfield, Penobscot county, Park Lane. Litchfield county, Conn. Postmasters W.

Clurchill, Mills, York couDlv, Zenas Cook, Friendship, Knoxconuiy. Miss Helen K. Stiles. Goshen. Coos couuty, N.

Mrs FRizabeth Doe, Merrimack county. N. G. N. Mieoanl.

West Euping, Kock- inghsm county, N. B. E. -Shsw. Newt ort.

Or- kaus couuty. B. J. Grinnell. South Stsrkslwro.

Addison coiinty. Burdeit, South Lancaner. Worcester county, Mass. THE CI1F.KOKEF. INDIANS.

The House Committee on Indian Affairs have tore them an act ot the Cherokee Legiskiture author izine tbe Cherokee deiegatioB to negotiate with the Goveinment a loan of $500,000, to be relunded from tbe proceeds of tbe Cherokee lands west ot the river and south of Kansas, it is represented that this loan is necessary lo keep the Cherokee people from suffering during the present winter, in consequence ot the destruction of tbeir crops by chinch bugs end grasshoppers. THE NORTH PACIFIC RAILROAD BILL. The Committee on Railroads yestenlay decided to report adversely on the Northern Pacific Railroad bill, and all others referred to them proposing Government aid or subsidy for railroads except Texas Pacific Railroad bill, which was not acted upon, but laid over until Mond.iy. E-XAMINATION OF THE ISTHMUS OF PANAMA. The Ibtei-Oceanic Commission are awaiting an in- examination of the Isthmus ol Panama, hich IS thought necessary lor the purpose of demon- wiih exactness the information necessary to he obtained.

This ought not to consume over two THE STOWELL CADET CASE. There seems to be DO doubt that tbe Committee on Naval Affairs will make a unanimons re- acquitting Representative Stowell, of Virginia, ot the charge that be bad sold a naval cadetship. rur. TEA AND COFFEE TAX. The Committee on Ways and Means will not con- f-ider the subject of taxing tea and coffee, until they have received the bill in course of preparation by Kecrelary Bristow.

THE LITTLE TARIFF BILL will not be sent to tbe President for approval until Monday. There is no donot be will sign it. RECOBD. Tbe Advutnlstratlaw to Heeowwlae tba Mel- tioverameatt tsea. Mberldoa be Retalaedat Mew Orienasi tbe of Adatissioa to tba lileetiaBOf Iberoawressloaal Co ai Blit tee at IVew Orlaaasi Mpeelflcotlous babuiittcd by the C'oaservotlvea oad piilillranat Wbat Both Wtdes Propose to of bbreveport t'ltlzeas i Gcu.

Stoleuieat Kefnted. Pie. W.vsiiiMiTON, an is said by one of the most prominent Senators that during the present week a Joint resolution will be introduced reooguiz- ing the Kellogg Government Irrespective of Piurh- back's admission as a flom lAimstana. and that a niilU a ry Governor for I-ouisiauaor any other fsoutbem as some have privatety Is out of the question. Gen.

will reoiain lu New Orleans without limit as to time. DESTRUCTIVE FJBE IN HARTFORD, CATII- OLIC CHURCH aktfokd onn an Church in this city, the Rev. James Hughes, Vicar-General of this Diocese, pastor, was by fire early Ibis morning. It was a freestone capable of seating 2300 people and was dedicated in loecember, 1651. Its original cost was $40,000 and with improvements.

as it fcUiod, was considered worth The walls are standing, but will probably have to be taken down. The fire broke out soon after 8 and attracted an immense crowd of who watched ith eager interest as the flames ciept tip Ihe lower and spire a distance of two hundred feet and finally a large gdt the sight beina tlie grandest in pyrotechnics ever witnessed in Hartford, Among the valuable property destroyed of the church, which included all the sacred emblems cf worship, was importeil music, valaed at a large sum, which the had secured during over twenty years. All tbe valuable buildings adjoiniug, tlie convents, schooi-bouse, were uninjnred. The insurance is as follows; On tbe of Hartford. Insurance Company, of North America, $5000; Phoenix, oi Harttord, North British, Scottish Commerctal, $10,000: Home, of New York, total.

On the large British, $5000: on the small Springfield Fire, $500, Whole insurance, $75,.500. The building will be replaced at oiice. The origin ot tbe fire is in some doubt, the insurance people oe- lieving that there was some defect in tlie furnace flues, and the pastor thinking it was the work ot an incendiary, IN LEWISTON, MAINE. riMCIIBACK. 'Tie Fivenlng Star says the reference of the ere dcniials of Mr Pinchback to the Committee on Privileges and EU ous looks bad for Pinchbark.

elected to the Kcnate in and lus criHlentlals went to tbe same committee, who were four against four, on the queslltm of his admission, those against contending that the which clocied him was an illegal body. No direct vote was ever token, and it was on tho llth that Pluch- back This, however, he ts said lo deny. In him a few waeks since the Igrutslaua l.egislature a resolution, tbe first part of liicli reads. That the House of the buie ot lAiuisiana do now iu the manner by law. as In the case of a vacancy, proceed to tor P.

Piucbhack United Heiiator, aud bir the term which will expire March 4th, ItlTB." It is claimed tliat this election was Illegal, inasmuch as it violates the Unitad Mates statute, which titat tieuever, duriug a aession tlie l.egi8l«liire ol any a vacancy occurs In the rcpreseuwtion of a State in the stiuilar proceailiiigs shall be hml on Itie seeoml of Hie l.egislature after the Legislature is organized, and has a notice of sum vacaiicv. It now tl tiis creitHiiiials would stop ill the liando of the Conmiiiieo uutil the end ot the THE RADICALS AND ew ORLEANS, an a prelimiusrv im-el- ingot the Comiiiiitee on counsel of either side nut lorwanl which they exiKCi to prove as loliows: Tlic Kepuhlicans will ai- ti mpt to prove Hiat there weie over Itepublican iiuiinidated Irom voting the Itepublican toket I. bv the Collax 2, by the Coushittv mas- 3, by the White 4. by the violent of the parish officers tliroughout tho Suite, the installing of illegal McKuerv'officers; ,5. by the general proscription nnd intimiduliou ot jtublicans; 6.

by the insurrection ot 14 That the White io-ague is an conspiracy the Slate the Stales ttovernm.Tii. Tliat AVilU organization of the Jlouse on Jan- 1 was a revolutionary mob, entirely desliluie of galln, ami a to revolutionize the entire State Government. 4ib, To suhmit evidence upon lilieal ssi-assinations and munlers, proscriptions in tlieatres and other publie Ihe cximLiou ol ehiklren tnnn tcbools by mans. The Conservatives will put forwanl that the ek'd ion ol 1H74 as a free, tair aud elecHoii on the luut of the Conservative party, and that the Conservatives the eleetioo, procuring a majoritv of in the House. 10 and their state Treasurer by over majority, ami at least one additional nit nilier of Congres? not returiietl by the Itoiiirtiing that tne Board laisitled the result by illegal and fraudulent practices; that the only intimdatiou was by the Republican against the cnservaiivcs, and by the list of Stales troops under onlers ol a United States M.irshai.

on or abtmt eleetloa to intiini- ilate and deter white Conservatives IVom voting the general of the material interests ol the Mate by corrupt government, and the ol property of all kimis tbrougout ihe Mate that there has no iuttu.idati«>u or outrages Republicans on any po'iDcal ground, but only on moral grounds. wlnn they were considered corrupt and immoral bv the communities liich they liveil th whtire they were local, an I without pi(N'oneertetl aciinu on the of other portions of the State thst the crimm I tistics of the will show more homicities. arsons ami other crimes com- by the colored thun by the wUite race, and that Hie larger portion of said crimes are traceable to maladniinistralion by tJov. Kellogg's anmdiitees and Hi4 paidouiugol crioiinals bv said Kellogg as Gover- cor that frauds were committeil by tbe Rcimbhcau party to tbe amount ol Hioiuands ol votes in Or- and in the Slate by regisiratioa by the Mjpei visors of Registration appointed by Kellogg, and Hiiit said liauduleni paiiers were in theimerest 01 tleKepublicnnrMvny: that Hie present Haliq Uouse i- an Illegal Istly. organized in violation of law, and had at no time a legal qunriini.

The Conservative caucus yesterday adoided the following, which was read to the Cttmmiiioe and ac- ci by ihe Chairman toe taken uudec by this House compf of Coiservsllre nilHt- turned by the Reiurnlog tcard sud ihuse vliilin- ii.g to elected but by the that tleslilDg tn the interest of ooratfiicted State to lisve a ptdutlou of onr truublef, and reiylnzonthe 'almtis and integrity oi the lour geutlenien. members of the committee, In Ntw Orleans, and lu ad- oi any luvesdgatk ou tbeir part, we, as a body, hereby Idem. If the task Is not considered too to tase of ogether with aU lair aad rellaut uohy. and iijion mcb returns and evideuce declare what uwaitfr? of the Legislature were elected. A Jan.

the unitcrsizned, re-i' of MUf vetKirt. have read with inex- tbe statements by Geil. Metiiliand tubers jrepresenting tbis community in a of anaiehy iiiiu petipIC auu de- 111 slating that in'this vicinity there are not less tbi.n tbit tbe are niallre.ite«i and chcsled of tbeir exrn- and that 20 1 have been driven fiuni their homes in iiennry. We inulv that all such statements are baseless misrepresentations and ab. uriily take.

There is no here or in Hits vic'Dity that come to our The only that we havi- known was by this militarv slomierer before election, by sending ri'iing over the country arresting unre- for imsginary wno have not ibr trial there was ot 11 oTiiinary crimes are not rlzorously pun- Ulittl by our present judicial organization, it is thtoiigh no fault of the intelligi-nt ana virtuous ol ibe community, who have no voice in Hieir siltciif ii. If any tenantry have been eiecied, It has to a small extent, and mostly, il not altiygether. vagabonds and the vicious. II re be any aiiiung tbe colored people it ill uo cense irom want ol remunerative ent. Tlie relation ol the two races is unusuaiiy II fi-oin the fact ibat at the rcieiil electiou many men voteil with Ute txx- lor the Couservatire ticket.

We think the Older here quite remarkable, when we reflect the parish cfficiais and Reprtsenta'ives, who weie lecteri by eOO m.ijority id an cieCHon ever wiineseert, have been for tbe swouil time ol tbeir success by Hie present ruling dyuatty, ai.d will only that the statements re- lenedtoare so outrageouslv lake Ibzt they could only have origioated iu a ciazy brain or I oorlv malice. 6. B. Steers, cotton buyer. New York; K.

L. nnis, cotton biiver, Island; T. -f. Howard, buyer, H. W.

Brunt. mercl.But, E. II. Crosby, New Y'ork; D. H.

Sb'iphy. ol nter. New York: A. E. Wright, idauter, Ohiit; Krank I.ewis.


F. Duniap, took fire to-nigbt and was partially consumed. Tne stores were occupied by Lanabee, feincy gooils; Cutter, hair gotxls Thco. Plummer, millinery. Goods not moved were damaged by water.

In tbo iioper story were tenants and pbotoei'sph saloon. Not much AT POINT, HEW TORK. NEW ork an G. VHrntsli lac- tory, at Point, was last niglit. Isrss including over 2000 bbls.

oi varnidi and a quantity of turpentine. Insured, q'he Ixmg Ishmd Gas Works were for a time endangered. AT FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. Louis, an large stables at Fort Kansas, were burneil yester.lay. I.a>s8 Seven hundred horses were in the stables, all of which were rescued.

It was an incendiary. IN ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. St. Louis.

Jan. A safe factory bnrned this morning. Iajss in- in Western cooipanies. IN PEKIN, ILLINOIS. eoria an wagon factory in Pekm was burned to-day.

Loss $8000; partially inttifed in Western and Pennsylvania offices. IN OSWEGO, WISCONSIN. ilwaukee is an mill at Oswego. Brown county, was burned yesterday. Less $30,000: insurance, $7,000, Kx-Gevs.

Bigler and Curtin tnd Uev, llaitranft, nf Pennsylvania, were prewmt, together with the Esrls of Caithnees Koselmrry anti llepworth the author. NEW YORK. A DEFALCATION. HENRY BNTRCSIED TO EMBIJEZLEMENT IN A VERMONT Jan. two llousis met II) cfinveution ai to day.

The vote was no; ma- tfnally up to the 34th ballot, in which Lov. Blown received a coroplimentsry vote of 32 tlieu hiH name was withdrawn. The excitement was in- In the 35th ballot Johnson received Bute. 24; Ewing, Qnnrlcs, 10; scattering. 3.

In tlie ballot Jobnsou, 34; Stephens, -i-i; Bute, 34; Fixvina, 1. In Hie43d liallot 30; Mephees, 23; Bate, scattering, 3. Sicphens was withdrawn after the ballot. In tbe 4 till ballot Johnson, 42; Kate, 46; Ewing, scattering, 3. Necessary tor a choice, 49.

In tbe ballot Johnson. 4.3; Bate. 48; Ewir.g. Brown, 1. lu tbe 49Hi ballot Johnson, 42; Bate, 4.5; Stepheus, Ewing, Henry, 1.

Tbe convention then adjourniHl until Monday cwn. Quarles witbtDew bis name after tiie 41st ballot. NEW ork an Nashville special says the scene the halioting for was intense. Tbe shook with hen Brown withdrew bis name in favor ol sou. withdrawal occasioned renewed uproar.

At the 13Hi ballot for the day there were wild eboers, wliich was even more excited on the 14th liallol, when 43 Bato 48, witli 49 necessary fur a choice. Bute man) was piostnited with ot the heart before bis name was coiled to vote, and was taken to on this action preventing Bale's tlictioD. Bond, wbo had been a stiemious of Johnson, now voted in his favor, the audience rising wildly to their feet. Four ballots were had without a choice, and the Cou- ntion rof by a vote of to 30. This actiou was by cheering, yelling and groaning as the members visitors moved out ol the Capitol aud down the streets.

Slate making is id full blast, it is Hiougbt by many that a new inan will be sprung on the Convention Momlay, Three of supporters weie absent anal as they will be on hand Monday, bis chances are really promising. Tbe fiebt is practically reduccrl to a contest between the Johnson and anti-Johnson ami is ith extraordinary vigor. NEBRASKA, OMAHA, eb an elected to succeed Nenator Tipton, is a native ot county, New York, about 40 years of ana of Puritan ancestry. He is distantly reUted toGideon Welles and General and Sherman. Mr Paddock bss been a resident of Nebraska since 1656.

Though a Conservative Republican, be is in lull sympattiy with the Republican party, and will act and co-operate with it tn the intnre. His election was mainly as a compromise tween the opponents of the strongest Republican candidate, Gen. Thayer. MINNESOTA. ST.

aul inn an branches of the Legislature have till next. The vote lor U. Senator in joint session yesterday was without change lYom the previous balloiings. Ramsey received 58 votes; Donnelly, 52; Davis, 24: scattering. 17.

A sensation was caused by an explanation irom Petit concerning an attempt by Hie friends of Rameey lo purchase the vote of IngersoU. Petit boltetFtho caiK us ooraination on that account: bnt it IS generallv believed the charge ts unfounded and irom a misconstruction ot an intended joke. WEST VIRGINIA. CiNMNNATi, an despatch from Charlestown, W. savs that the Democratic caucus lailed lo-night to Dominats a lor Senator.

On Hie hrst biilJot Camden received 20 votes; Walker, 16; Price, 11; Brannon, Carpenter. scattei ing, 7. ix more ballots were taken with like i-esult, when the caucus adjoumed until Monday. WISCONSIN. ilwaukee an from Mmlison are that the threatened bolt the opponents of Carpt n- ler.

nominee ol the Republican caucus, will not lake place, as a sufficient number cannot be THE DAKOTA FAMINE. WITH FUNDS ms cake details of the INVESTUE.NT OF THE MONRT SLATE TO riKr. A TENEMENT MEETING OF THE TAMMANY GENERAL FATAL 8TABBINU AFFRAT, BTC. ew ork an full deUili of the defalcation of Henry NIcoll, a lawyer of prominence in his piofetsioo in this city, mtke up a pitlfii! story. For sixty years Mcoll bad lived a life without reproach.

A law yer of eminence, a man of high repute for probity, citizen whose three-acore years had been crowned by the confidence of ail wlm knew him. tlown to-day to Uke hit place la tbe black list of defaulters. Nicoll was unable to account for a large sum out of aevenil esUtos in hit bands as trustee ami manager and this led to an examination of bis affalra. It appears Itiat he been tlui tniaWeoflhe estate ol the iste Isaac Townsen.l, a merchant of thisclty wbo died some yntrs sfnce, ienvtng a mixed estate oi real and personal property, mortgages. stocks, etc.

Tho esuto was niiftlicr of fbe trusts depostted in the care keeping of Mr Nicoll. Tills was mainly mortgages. Asotber in his care was that of Hickson W. a wealthy gentleman at present in Euroiie.aml a part owner of the New York Hotel proporty. These are all the trusts which il is lliought were drawn by Mr Nicoll.

No far as ean be from tbe character of the assets and the amounts the total lou will not run much over $200.000, and may run below thst figure. As soon as the trouble was discovered lawyers were engaged to look after the property yet remaining in Mr care, aud to a84 ertain where, and when the missing lunds had disappeared, and what could be taken for their reeoveiy. Considerable progress has been made, bui much yet remains wholly unaccounted lor. MrNicoU haslieen sufferinggrealty from coiigesliou ot liie Imigs. He has felt Ids humiliation keenly, but ban been rly unable thus far to pre- a of his affnira to guide the searchers.

The tioiible on Mr XicoH's pan, accoDiing to bis counsel, extends back about two years, and is mainly traceable to a slate in Vcnnont. In this Mr beeanie very mueh interested, and not only his own money in It but drew Urgely upon Uie estates placfxl bis care. does not seem to have any wihl speculation or Wall gambling conrected witk Hie defalcation. The property in which be liad the money is s-ild to be in pro.siwrouB condition. It is at Hydeville, and its business is transacted under the name of the Fttgle quarry.

Its sale, as one of assets, wiH yield a large siiiii, but not large enoiigb, it is to cover Hie How far Hie matter will be has not jet been The Townsends, wbo to the chief sufferers, while anxious lor the suppression ot all sensationai allusions to the trouble at an immature stage of tne a not to shield the when proven guiltily implicated. Mr Nicoll has been successi'ut. buihling up a large practice, especlaHy as a referee lawyer, a great number of cases having been brought before him in this way. His practice in the courts, too, has been an extensive one. In 1846 be was a memlier of the New York Constitutional Convention, ami in be was sent to Congress, serving in the House of Kepreseotativcfl ircm 1847 to 1849.

He is a prominent member oi the Bar Association of this city, taking always an active part in Us discussions. He was connected with the Committee of-Seventy and is now with the Council ol Political Reform. He has a wife and five children. The news of this trouble was like a thunderclap to his oldest and best friends, wbo had always upon him as one of the most trustworthy men of tbeir feeling which is sltowu iu the many and large legacies left in bis care. FOREIGN NEWS.

THE T4MMANT GENERAL UGMMtXTEE. At Ihe tnniial meeting of the Tammany Hall Democratic General Commiitee last niuht a full lioard ol officers wns with Abram 8. Hewitt as Ch tir- inttn, A long of renolutious wa.s adopted denouncing the present Administration, ail attempts to terrorize the press, deiuauding the repeal of tho Poland I ibel law also deniandiug a currency equal to com. Tne principal resolution demanded a rigid exaniinafiOD into ih? financial condition of cral Govcrtimcnl by the next House of Keprcseuta- tives, in the majority will be DemoCfSlifi, STOLEN VlROl.NIA BOND.S. A k3geol Virginia railroad bonds to the amount eight or ten thousand dollars was foiimi by a chibl in a hallway in Greenwich avenue, Atiicti wss to have been stoftn the previous night frxm Mr Ludlow, in Sixth avenue.

SENTENCED, i nstoms Inspector D. P. Hams, ol tbi.s city, re- Icund guiitv of smugsiing, was vehtrrday to two imprisonment bv fltn- euict. ol toe United States Circuit Court, who denied uaotiou a new trial. MORTTtRr, larnng Andrews, for inanv years an eminen mercbtnt in the leather yestcolav, Robert D.

Hunt, long well known as Hie Secretary of the Board of Fire Underw riters, also died Kiiday ATTEMUTKD INCENDIARISM. An atUmpt was night to fire to a tenement oiise on Kast Kourleeuth street, containing over fifty peisons. but was lorcunateiy discovereil, MDKTAl.LY STABBED. Randall O'Connor was stabbed night in a liquor on -Hpring strcei, by Williitoi Mc- udu McManut- was CI-GNKD. closed all the prominent aaiaing iSM P'gbt.

TiLTON'-BKECIIEK mt MOULION CROSS K.XAMlN.tTlON— His TLSTtilflKI THUS FAR UNSII TO LNTANGI.K THE W1TNE.SS—1 I.F.OAI. DECI.SIONS OFJLDGE ikrf i kvant KI IDENCH ruled out A COMATOSE DF.FKND.4Nr, ETC. New York (Jan 23) Desoatch to the Boston Sun- pay Herald.j Hundreds of New Yoik lawyers bnvc been at- fracted to tbe Brooklyn ourt to get a glance, not at Hietr legal brethren, but at the witness, Moulton, who so steudily parries eveiy thrust at integrity. wards so skilfully the blow almost as skitfully at bis honor, and in some of his answers makes of the reply sucli an intcrrogatorml retort as to madden Kvaits into a white heat. How long this ge of Sloulton is to be it would be unsafe to predict.

The must overthrow him. Tl.ey must convince the Jury that he is a delie- peijurer, Cefence of Mr Beecher which not rest upon tbe theory that has lied SU adily and tor two weeks ble. This is the theory of the detence, and there is iherelore no iniiiscretion or violation of laitli in allii'ling to it. Victory at all other points is useless if Moulton's testimony remains 'Filton, with his sad, deflant Beecher haggard and prematurely old. Mrs Beecher shooting withering at Moulton aud Beach, Mrs Tilton posing in tbe cli.aracterof a gentle, clinging flower, are only tne background of the figlit that surges around chair.

Wtien that fight is over the real battle will be lost or won. When Gen. Tracy on Friday sugge.ste«! Hml il was time to adjourn Judge Neilson was quick in expressing his disapproval oi continuing exainiHation ot Mr Moulton next week. ami judicial reputation was at stake, be sanl. Mr iu I iod smiled and said he was willing to continue all night il necessary.

The lawyers carried their point.and tbe Court adjourned until 11 A.M. on Monday, on which day they exnect to finish Mr cross-examination. The re-direct exHinination will then follow'; then the re-cross-examiDation. Thus it may be several days before the witness the stand. Ihe examination wis ami the only thing bich the dullness of tbe procee ling's HS an occasional wrangle between counsel.

At times Beecher leaned buck in bis chair with a weary expression upon his countenance, and from 3 until 4 he appcaretl to sleep soundly. fatal shooting affray an special to the CoTirier- Journal says that William Rochester, son of Go H. Rochester, of Danville, wbo is a very prominent ciiizen of that Mrt ol Kentucky, was In last night, by W.8. Miller, keeper of tbe Lancaster Hotel. There are various rumors as to the origin Of rtie quarrel.

It young Rochester made a movement as to draw a pistol, when Miller shot ttioSi Yankton, D. Jan, anneal to Ihr public lor aid was issued to-day, signed by Gov. 1 and by the Ju'lues, Attorney and Marshals of the United States Courts. It is stated that considerable destitution exists in various parts of Hie Teriitory, caused mainly by the destruction of the crops by grasshiipners. Calls for aid h.avc been received from Brookings, Lincoln, Turner, Union, Clay and Bonborome and there are douoiless instances of suffering in other jiaris ot the Territory.

The mmple clothing, and seed for next pfaiiting. The Treasury of the Territory is nearly exhanstcfl, though loth to call upon the general puhHc lor the emergency admitsof other course. The following well-known gentlemen have been selected to constitute the Territorial Reliet Comniitiee. with lls headquarters bore, to whom all donations may be sent: Yankton connty, ex-Gov. Kdraunds, F.

D. DeWitt and Charles Kiseroan: Clav county, M. D. Thompson and W.OJJa- vov; Union county. Rev.

George F. Freeman; Minnehaha coimtv. Hon. J. Cross; Lincoln Hon.

G. W. Harlan; Turner county, ReiE J. J. McIntire; Cass county.

William McIntosh; Bonhomnae county. K. W. Barber; Burleigh county, K. A.

ill- iams. The Relief Committee, desiring to avoid an opportunity for imposition, state that no solicitors will be sent abroad, or authorized by it. Kvery will be made to place donations in ttio hands or Hiose actually suffering from want and destitution. Tlie Ooraroiltee relies upon the active co operation of benevolent associations, city antborities, boards of and a generous public for contributions. THE iATUROAY NIGHT CLUB.

PHiLADELrniA. Jan, tegular meeting of the Saturday Night Club was held to-night at the home of George W. Childs, and wns attended by President Grant, Vice-President ilson. Attorney- General Secretary Belknap, Postmaster- Generai Jewell, Gen. Babcock.

Hon. Scott and Kelley, of Pennsylvania; Mr Wells, of Missouri; Messrs Fort Bwchard, of lltoois, Mr Field, of Michigan; Mr Hams. Virginia, Mr oung, of Florida; Mr Kasson, of Jowa; Mr ley. ot Connecticut: Mr Smith, of Ohio, and others. Among the geiitlemen present from York were M.

Stewart, ex Collector Murphy ami C. C. Mr T. Stewart was unable to attend. 8TKINWAT HALL LKCTUKE.

fFrooa tbe York Xlnces, Jan, ES.J Gen. Tracy, continuing the cruSs-examinatiun, did so in a manner which gave ample indication ol its Incisi venees. He asked Moulton if he had accompanied Mr Tiiton Mrs Woodhnll to Mr presence to ask Beecher to preshJe at lectnre. Moulton that be bail not. Tins was the initial point ot a long series of interrogatories hich tollowed.aml the audience were filled with expectation as to the result sougbt, which was Hinilly by Mr Kvarts during the course of the day.

Every question in relation to this subject was rc- tiardtd ith the undivided attention of tbe audience, nd Hie greatest was roanife.sted in the answers ol the witness. Mr Beecher many suegestioDs lo Mr Kvarts, who con.sulted with i.eE. Tracy. Mrs Tilton threw off her shawl aud raised her veil, so that slie might hear and observe more closely, and Mrs leaned iorward in her chair and never removed her eyes from Moulton, smiling as if well pleased with the style of the questioning. Moulton, without a tremor or hesitation, laughed in Gen.

luce, and every now aud then addressed the reporters aronnd him in a way. The jnry Hiorouglily fascinated with the style of and witness. As an instance oj coolness, he was askeii if he knew that Tilton, whom he accompanied to Steinwav Hall, at the YVoodhull lecture. He said, in reply, that Mrs Woodhull had no one to introduce her, and that Tilton walked across the stage, with his coat on his arm, and intro- duceti her. On being asked whether Tilton he said that he occupied the chair, it that was what was meant by presiding, Gen.

liacy said he left that for the witness to determine. Moulton, with a smile, replied that he wished to answer correctly. Tilton first Woo ttMill aud then took the chair. The lawyers and politicians in Court appreciated the point, and Gen. Tracy, though worstett, could not help smiling himself.

Moulton declared the lecture to be one on the relations of man to woman and woman to man. This definition, given with Hie greatest gravity, causetl additional mcrnmcut. 5Vben pressed, he Hiat the lecture might be as an exposition ot love doctrines, but added that he pot precisely know the nature of ft-ee love. This line of questioning, which much amusement, was temporarily abandoned lor the consideration of the Bowcn-Tillon contracts. Moulton testified that when, as agent, he called on Bowen regarding the contracts.

Bowen said he did not owe Tilton any money. A long argument followed whetlier the itness should be asked if Bowen gave any leason such an assertion. The question was finally allowed, and Moulton, with a smile on his face, tlisap- nninted every one by saying that be uol think Rowen gave any reason. THE JOKE. (From the New York KeraJd, Jan.

The defeat of Kvarts by the Judge, wlio ruled out the Lite of Woodtmll, by Tilton, in a senteuce, de- CKletl but courteous, was a back-set for the and greatly relieved counsel. Mr Beecher looked annoyed until the Judge, as il to give parallel reasoning, saiil Suppose he had writftm the life of Bowen Would that be evidence made Beecher langh. and laughed while noting an exception. The slight remarks appear to have a solidity unknown to counsel. Mr Shearman walked over whispered to a newspaper reporter.

About this time counsel for tlie ile- were all working close together and devotedly. It w'as their desire to ridtlle Moulicn and Tilton through theWooiihul! article. Eyarts, therefore, re- turneu again and again to the matter, seeking to get it in some ay before the Jury. Finally be apiiearisl to suececd, but again the plainlitTs counsel uized. and so clock touched Hie hour of 1.

THE TRIPAKTITfc COVF.NANT. At lialf-tiBst 11 Mr Tracy handed to Mr Moulton Ihe tripartite agreement II he Imd ever aeon It. Jloulton to it until he com- Iiarcd it with an official copy he possessed, and this itaik lliteeD minutes. When tho Mr Tracy was vci'y snappish and reproved tbe witness for answering more than categorically. Ills efforts 10 irritate Mr Moulton were perfectly in- cflectiye, and, as somebody remarked of the eross- examination," rather be before that gun than bc- FROM THE PACIFIC COAST.

an rancisco an ship Y'osemiie, from Baltimore, and steamer t'osta Kicn, Iron Fan ania way ports. Despatohcs from Butte, Plumas and Sierra counties report a iieavy shock ot earthquake at 4 tliH morn log. Yestenlay the liannit Vafqnez was sentenced to be hung March 19. Indian affairs arc very threalcoing the neighborhciod of lliko, Nevada, it found necessary to remove from rabranapat Valley to Hiko, Muddy awl Pioohe for salety. It from tbe tbemscives that since the last day of July ilficen white men have been killed by Uie savages, who have been driving off the cattle in that nelghbori.ood lately, and the settlers in the valley think they will make an aUempt to carry out the threats to driye the the valley eu tirely.

An application was made at Pioclm for men and arms to assist the peopie of Hiko. Reliel has been from all parts ol the to the Marysville sufferers. AHwattOM Im Bpala rrom Alfonso i KaUr rroee i lils 4e ho Malutalaed War ir nteccssorF an Address to Armr-Alfonso Froelaiased at Ila- Haeentloii to Oarlbaidl Hoaae and Civita Veechia-Dcatla of 4'auon I.eadersliln of FuRiIsh Kx- rltenicut-JYew isomluion News, tcSRl.1 THi $09T0ll PIStXLAMATIO.NS FROM THF. KING.

YI. adrid an Alfooso two piXK'lamations yesterday. One addresstid to tlie iiibabitanU of the Basque provinces and In tbis the King says that he kings for peace, but will fight for his ngbls; that he is tbe representative of the dynasty which Hieir fathers swore to obey; that he is a Catliolie will see that full Justice is to the Church and that if they will lay down tbeir anus they will see prosperity revive in Cuba will regain tbe Irewlom they enjoyed umler Queen Isalielia. He offers lull amnesty to ail wlio con.piy wUii Ids terms. The other prodamaHon It to the army, from whom the King demands energy.

Tbe King to-day 40.000 at Peralta, and was warmly cheered. DON CARIJIS, Various rumors are in circutaliou here of a lom- pnimise with Uarlos. TUB KI.NG TO HIS NEIGHBORS. erlin an courier has arrived liearing an autograph lettor from Alfonso to Kmperor William, ami letters to Hie ror of Austria ami King of Italy, and will to Vleutu aud Itoiiie. AHM8 FOR THE CAiU.I'*T8 SEIZED, an French autboriiies on the Spanish froutuT nave a convoy ol for Uie IXAIa-Y.

lu AN.8EMBLÌNG OF PARLIAMKNT-KNTIIUSI- A ntic reception to gen aribaldi ome an Italian Parliament will re- a-M-nible Garibaldi, wlio is a mem- bet ot the Chamber ot Deputies, is to reach ivita Vecctiia to-day from Caprera, his wav to city. have been made at the former place to give him a reception. an Garibaldi at Civila i ccliia yesterday evening and was with Hie most enthusiastic demonstrations by Hie iMKiple aid throngii town bv a torchlight proces- vuiii. The (ieueinl arrived to day in Rome. He was i at the railway station by the Mayor and members ol Hie HI Dll ici pa lily and welcomed to the city.

YVoikmen's iliocieiies formed a (iroces sion, with bamie, ami Ihe iiero to Hie hotel. There were Immense in Hie streets, who ith Ihe wildest as the tien- eral 1. diHOider of anv kind tbe Most extravagant demoDstratkms ol I opti lb feeling were made. The iieople took the hoi ses liom tiis carriage and drew it to the hotel. The e'owd around the hotel was wi great that Garibaldi was to leave incognito ami to a private resilience.

He is expecKid to be present to- nu'rrow nigfal in the of Deputies, and will probably speak on Hie arrest ol the G4ILEA.X TUE LIBERAL MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT. ondon an 2.5. I A. of the Lib- eial meuibern of Pnrlianieut, to select a ieai)er for their parir, is appointed tor Feb. 3.


an Government its subjects resuliug abroad to return 'J weive thousand Monteucgriu arc to tbe Financial roinnvcrctal. iD.vruiN. Jan. 2S. F.

8. new S-JOs. 2 i preferretl, 44. 1 GNDUN, Jsn. 23, amonnt of bultlOD wlth- hank va bslsm to-day ts Xiu.ow.

PAHW. Jan. 5 P. 5c. l.iVKKPOGL, Jan.

23, 12.3« P. sad prices a iraclion; do. TgaSd; sale? I2.t»0l« bstes. including ZOOirftir-peca- istUdl nnd on the of middling uplsuos uoibiu- Jdnusry, Hour, wlnwr spring, ss Csiilorrna average, 9t Siga 7d; club, 7d I id. Oirn.

Ksrley. 3s 6d. thus, 3s Peas. 43s Poik. Beef sd.

46st.d lor 1. 46s9d for 4. c. m. Laro, Tailow, tsl.

Cheese. Sd. l.lVERPOtIL, Jan. 23, 2 P. tbe sales to- bsles American: ss'es on bads of rnlddllng uni Dotbiiig below good oruiusry, February and Murth.

BteadstuOs quiet. Bacoa, tor iccg clear LtiXDON, Jan. fBeerfiohm'i car- wheat ami com rasher qule'er. wbeat on age and for qcfrter. C'argues corn on and lor unaltereu.

Gcsxt ctrgues mixed corn on (tart. 4W.t less couioiirtioD, In Eoj- 'aiid H.WAN'A, Jan active and prices advanced, owing to the rise lu goivi and uom- ill wareuou.ce at f.iiu bUOs, ot the weez, Z7.0W xSs 'U'S'bbds; exctfrted boxes and 3 Includlng bc xes and all to the United Mo- Tus-es muet and tlrm muscovado 6f per keg. gold. Uuoysnt: Kadlng at for tue United SUte.s. perhoxBUvar.

Sl'ptSO: per tbd 25; per hbil Vaimnnth and Sai to Falmouth and orders, 3is Inad'ng at other jions on the north coast, tor tne United per hUd sugar $4 2504 50; per hhd 3 25. DESPATtnBS TO TRI BOSTON THE DUTlI-d ON GRIEVANCKS OF IHPOK- Bor MI KDKBEU SEMKSCfcD. itawa an of tea importers from Ouiano Quebec waited ou me today ano that unless tne duty on leas imported from the Uoned States was re- tmposed. the whole of the diieot between China Ihe wouhl be to New Mr Cartwright promised to uke the matter into coDsnleralion, but said first aud most miportxnt was to wbat Hie efiect would be ou Canadiau con- suuiers. N.

an Dorchester to-day John the txiy wno a chilli -5 years of age a lew months ago, was sentencerl five years in the peniienti iry. having been toiiml guilty manslaughter. Tbe lioy resanled the in tbe same die imy inaiioer as he has all me preceeiiings connectid with the trial, apparently not realizing liis position. WESX ALION'O OUFD IALLY Plttlfl.AIMED KING OF SPAIN BY CAPlAl.VrtiENEKAI. CONCHA.

HAV ANA. an 148 of Charity irom Mexico airived en route to France. Allonso officially proclaimed King of 8pain today bj aptain General Coucha. ID public, in pres- enire ot ttie Aldcrineu ami civil and military aiiHiori- ties. 't he ceremony took place in Isabcila Tbe royal was displayed.

2VIE3CICO. nil: RECtKINlZING THF. ENGLISH DEBT NOT 8IG.NED BT TUB GOVERNMENT. iTV OF MEXICO, an 17. via avana he Dm rip (official) denies the signing ot any recognizing Ihe debt, adding that such a con- 0 I never will be signed.

THE MAINE STATE PRISON. AI GU6TA. an annual retiort of the WurUvnami of the State Fnsou for the ear ending Nov. .30, will be made The iirden the health ot the convicts as having remarkably good. Out of a total of 181 but one has The men, witli few exceptions, have iiunistiuusly and wtHingly, Good onler was ith very litllc less than any i revious jears.

The average nnmlier ot convicts during Hie year was 1.3.3—13 less than last year. ur.der death sentence, for life. others varying iroin one to nine years. Crimes lor which Larceny, 30; biirelary, robbery. felonious assault.

arson, muDler in secoml degree, assault to rav Ifth, aduliery. 2. The Inspectora report the results (if work nmre favorable than aiiticipiten. Theearniugsderived from maDufa-'ture of earriaaes. baruesses.

boots aad shoes, to $28.01913. Expenses, including salaries of suboidinate officers, 86, show ing a balance agaiast tbe prison of $2865 61, occssioned by a portion of the men being under great dwaavantiige in conse- of the of the workshops by tire 4,1873. They think the business ol the institution can be surcessfullv carneti on next year without an appiopriation. Notwithstanding Hus deficit and loss bv file. $17.612 21 was appropriated by the lAfgi.riiilnre for budding a repairs, and 64 expended, leaving a 43, lor wliicii an appropriation is asked.

The building is nf bnck. stone busemeot, 181 feet long and 38 wide, two stones tbe front and lour in Hie rear, and has Imen sulisiaiitmlly and economically coustructed. The re.sHlent cleriry mon ol Thoinaston have served as cliaplains. A teacher has been employed, wbo has the evenings and Sabbaths to tne work. The whole number under instruction was 75; averagejflS; unable lo read or write, 15; ages irom 18 to 40, Tue manner ol leaching is from cell to cell.

Common branches are taught. The plan has worked admirably. and ought lo be The management bv Wanlen Rice is warmly approved, and the sub- onlmatc are commended. THE MARYSVILLE FLOOD. 8 vn FKANClPro, an flood in Marysville bos subsided.

Much damage has been done to iiiopertv by water. Tliere is great destitution amting tbe iDliabitaots, and money and supplies of clotning piovisiona have been sent in from the neighboring towns and from this city. John Williams and Thomas Fardee were The loss of live Is heavy. The sorronnding country, Pherman Twitchell islands, at the delta of tho river, are inundated. It heavy here last night, ami the storm continues to-day, with no pnispect of clearing up.

Further dauiuge is apprehended from iu the valley. TEI.EQBAPHIC WOTBS. Tlie closing of hosiery mills at Fiankfoni, throws lOCO people out of work. dipt. Thomas C.

Harris, U. S. died at the Fhiladelphia Naval Asylum yc.sterday after a brief illniss. A young named Trafton was drowned at Lvnian, on Friday, liy falling from a into a Billy Wliite w.t.« hangetl in Casabianca. Texas on Friday lor He ciinressed his dime.

8ix thousand persons wituessed the execution. H.A. White. 3 of the Connecticut colony couiitv K.snsas, was trozen to death near his liouse, during the recent severe cold spell on the plains. 5V.

Ifiuton, a prominent lawyer and pod- ticinn, foinicrly of Noitli Carolina, but since the wtr a resident of YVastiington. diet! suddenly Saturday lipni paralysis. James Buyers, a murderer, was tskeu from the Sparta, Teun jad. night, by a party of masked men, who. after releasing him, the keys to the jailor, Two children left alone in Hicii at Crawlortl.

on Friday, wore burned toileatb. the tiouse being burned to tlic ground. The cause of tlie lire is unknown. A bill was presenteil in the lliiuoi? Saturday asking lor an aiqiropriation ot to complete the monument crecftHi in honor ot aiepiien A Douglas 111 Chicago. A.

Weeks Assistant of Ntate. was killed in New Orleans, Saturday night, by Gforpe Faris (colored), Tax Assc.ssor, an after- cation reported to be about women. Tbe Indians are threatening to drive off all the whites in Hic region ol Black Hills. TtieCo- nianches and Linaiis are to be made Mexican citizens, in hich case much trouble trom them is expected. A man Blood, from Peppereft, was foiimt frozen to death five miles from Nashua.

N. Hamrday night, on the track of the Worcester and Nashua Railroad. He had been to Nashua and was rclurniiig on toot. At the special election on Saturday in the First Ulinois (Jongressional District B. G.

Caulfield, Democratic Congressman-elect from tliat district, was elected to fill the vacnrcy in the present Congress, caused by tbe recent death ol John B. Rice. The Governor of Maine has nominMed HuMy Caimichael, of Brunswick, State meinbo ot the Board of Agriculture, vice W. F. Walker, ard Jeremy W.

Taylor, of Strong, a 'Trustee ot the Reform School; Public Administrator, TVinslow Bates, of Eastport. Clyde, of Springflohl. ami of the firm of Dillon A Clyde, New York, died alter a distressing illness of fire a prominent railroad contractor, the latest and ork with which he was connected being subterranean tunnel from the Grand Central in New York, to the Harlem river. Rev. B.

F. of KUot, who some time sDce brought three acainat John F. Kennard. of Hoeton, one against F. Kennard and one against rtcover damages, laid at $11.000, for ritiug alleged slanderonsarticles, which aptieared in the Ibiston llerahl, charging plaintiff with immoral prsctioes, was noa-sultod in the Court at Saco batunlay, tlie plaintiff rziling to (Mime to tune.

THE PIEKMONT (N. FlSEK.iL OF TUB MURDERED VICIM AT IHE METIIODIHr OF THE BEREAVED HUSBAND OF THE ACCUSED MURDERER; CON- TKADICTOKT STATEMENTS HI8 DEMEANOR IN jail motive for committing tue deed iemmont N.H., an 2I, via ltmoutk II. ol Mrs. Knierson, the young woman who was to loully tnurilered at Fiermont, took place to- dav. The servlcea were held in Congregational Church, of which the victim was a member.

Notwithstanding Inclement weather, a very large number of from far ami near, attended tho obsequies end tbe cburch was filled to oreiHow- ing, many IxSug to during tbe services. The remains of tbe were brought into Ibe cburch and in front of the alur, and were followed by tbe relatives and in iiiouriilng. Mr Kuierson, who was not sbie to stand, wns into the church. It was a very sad ao'i inelanclioly sight, sod tbe feelings of nearly all of Hie found yent iu tears. The services commenced wiHi singing by a select choir, eonducteil by Kdwatd A very able prayer was by Rev.

Joshua Hootier, pastor of tbe MeHioduil Cbtircb, after which the Rev. Mr preaclied a most diacourse, taxing his text from Ith chapter, Oth He n-ferrel in a vety leebug tender iHanner to the many with the during her short Slay here, her many virtues, etc. In closing his remarks tbe with evident emotion, addreMsed wod I of cheer and comfort to the relations and friends, the clioir clusiug with a hymn. The benedicHen was by Rev. Mr The service in the church was ve.ry affecting.

alt were in tears, and many sobs were beard in alt parts of the congregation. When the arose to leave, the had to be down the aisles, he exclaiming my poor wi O), mv poor wile," It was a sad and horrible sight, and le never to lie torgotteo. From the cbiireh the remains were taken to their final place in the village cemetery, by Hie an'i trieo'Is in many on foot. THE AI.I.EI.ED MUKItEKKR. Ibe actions and conduct of Sawver, Hie accused niiirderer, his arrest have lieen such to deprive Idm of all sympathy, and tbe leebng against him Is very strong.

It is the general of eveiy one that be is guilty will surety be con- VM-ted of tbis terrible Clime. Sawyer is to have to Mi Kmerson when be discovered tbe miiKler Hiat he ought not to lake on for accidents would bapp'-D any hour; also, that he the opinion tliat Mrs Kmerron siii- cnle, but be afterwards bis mind ami said be was that she did nut do it. He be not know wbo it, but that Kmerson was tbe last person to go out of the house, argued that Kmerwtn might liave returned gone into Hie north of the bouse, but ti ere was one track there wbicli from Hie budding, and it was known that the went out from that door in the morning to attend to bis cattle, at tbe bam. which fact that has persistently denied all of crime. In jail he seems to enjov himseir.

He eats heartily, sleejis soiitnily quite fnl. It seems that Sawyer has tieen for two vejrs or more intimately acquainted with the in Low eli, and had paid her a deal of attention, and tbe probability is that lie proposed to her and was. oi course, rejected, this course to be nged. lie will have a preliminary lieanng next Wednesilay. hen further developiufcnts may be ex- petted.

MINING MANIA IN CALIFORNIA. HCOB fortune RAPIDLY ACQUIRED-FROM POV- EKTT TO AFFLUENCE IN A DAT BRIDGET'S 1BAN8ACTION8 IN LUCK OF A SIflRT- CURBSTONE BROKER-SYNOPSIS OF THE CROWN POINT KALTU OF THE COUNTRY, ETC. San Frabcl-co Jan. of the New York Tliaea.J The new year being lairljr under way, and an ac- coPut tii' all taken, morally, mentally and com- hft-rciallv, up, atd a pretty idea havii lieen as to wbat we owe wbo owi sub-criber finds that be other obligations too numerous to mention, to say nothing ol coin-an apology to Tbe for having been, like stocks, a imle irregular of that 1 be 'Tiines or The Times readers care so mucb about tlx- matter; but, if a fellow does not assume that be IS of some consequence nobody else will do it lor him. And now, like ObadiahOldbuck.

over a new teat, 1 will return me to my muttons, winch means you, my dear reader, and you need not feel sheepish it either. Things have been in such a whirl hereabouts recently that one witri'lj knows who be is or wbat be is, whether a millionaire or an ordinary individual, ss millionaires are now the rule, and orflnisrv people the exception, I never before realized how respectable it is to be poor. It is positively so; for wcalth-not a cominon matter of a few tfiousands, but glibly discussed as if the people had been cradled in gold and silver. Tbe big lortunes toat have been ma le ben latelv are ivaliy astounding, and to listen to bow so and made a hundred thousand yestenlay on an investment ol five iboiitjand, how the a couple or millions so far tbis week, is like leadirg tbe Arabian Nights. You cau most always tell, either, who has been speculating; in fact, it IS almost impo-sible to find who has not.

Rigid men wbo frown at stock specnla- Hods ministers, the servant the rlt Hie lame, tbe halt, the blind, are all in Jlwy hear rUch large profits Hour small that they cannot 1 knew of not one but filly instamie? where poor people from an Investment of a few bundrefis bav( raised to nlHueace in a Ttie cock in our bouoe to me a day or two since to ask me to take care of her money. Nupoosiuz she liad a wages I consented, whereupon she bruiiglit me a bag contaicin? five thousand doll Bridget," said 1. where yon get alt tliis II ID Oohir, your honor. I bonght it at iwinty dollars and sold it to day at three hondred do ami here's toe money, I looked at She didn't look much like a stock sharp. Said Bridget, wbo you into, sir.

Who lives wid Mr Brown, the broker; and she beard him say at toe table, whin she was that Ophir was bound to go up, and she tould me, sir. and we put our money together aud bought it. and lo we sold it and got the Aad did youi sister make an equal Y'es, sir. just tbe On the of the moiueat 1 was about proposing a three- liaciied game, Fodgers. Bndset A Mary-the bnsiness to be jointly, by Mary with her ears.

Bridget with her and self as it to s.vy Bridget aud Mary tbe 1 confess 1 myself veiy sraa 1. There that unromantic, 3 igl Hy tuiguoscd with not halt the biains I ought to have, nor one fraction 01 the opportunity, bad ma le more money in pro- portitro to her requirements and Cipita! in a few days tnsn 1, with all my supi.ose*l knowledge of huiioess ana chances, could in a lifetime. Wbat a swell Brolget cut in tbeould countliry with her five I know a broker bom 1 heard bill sixty-seven dollars a share lor all the stock ol one mil e. tor Ins ow iiersonaluccount.amounting toover two millions, wbo two years ago was merely a curbstone broker and apiieared on tbe street with hi? coat buiioneo up to his chin because be bad uo shirt; hose whole wealth at home was a straw roattress, one chair, one stool, a few tin plates, a fork or two. and a wife cooped up in one miscraole iitile imm to help him enjoy all this and go hiiiigry, as she did.

I saw her yesterday iu a splendid crimson-lined clarence, going down town, with the tallest hat and feather that brushed the flies from the carnage top; such a hair on herarml and such lace tnmmiug on her dressi and generally and mitioiely got up regardless! but. withal, a lady horn and bred, and sbe earned it like a queen, I stopi'crl and looked at the whole picture and 1 may salely say I felt glad. Wbat a I taid to myseli; that's right, my little woman; you had it mighty tough, and you just go it now; just you take your revenge on the goddess for her pri vious scurvy treatment and warm tbe girl. Wbat a gU nous satislaction to amanto seethe wom.aii be has dragged down to poverty and who shared his lot unmurmuringly (what an awful long word), by bis own own bauds and brains, placed, in a brief period, to the lop ot tbe giddy pinnacle ot that summing up of all earthly bliss lo a woman, a better carnage any other wider aud finer lace flounces, a set of furs unequalled, and a thjit makes turn around in tbe street and look a.tcr her. Lives there a woman soul so dead, to herself, has not said, "This is are poor, weak creatures, and have their little lailirigs.

These are banuless. There is no sin in all that. Jl we fellows do no worse, then we are a great desl better tkan I have any reliable account ot. Where our mining exciiement will er the subscriber does not preleud to say; if he knew it all he would not be sei ibbliRg letters lor the edification and amusement ol The Times readers, he would step over and buy tbe whole institution and make it a present back to some of the poor devils who labor so hard and unap- precialively to make it wbat it is, the best newspaper in the world, or 1 Oe writing for it, you bet ye I It Is ridiculous to be shaking your bead and sat the whole coramnnity is stark mad; to raise your tiumis In holy horror and lament tnis condition of ibiiigs. tbe lamenting being generally, I much by those wIki have made Dothiog.

There ts no use in trving to convert this community to legitimate bnsiness. as it is termed. Tbe question arises, What is legitimate business in this country What siarted the country What has made it waat It is Wliat brought us all here Was it agriculture? Did wbeat buihi this big city Is it tbe work ol the Granger or the miner? California was, ant still IS, a mining country and it is useless to talk alKiut the great agricultural interests. Bab I Agriculture is scarcely secon-lary, hardly worth noticing ben compared to the mineral wealth of the In proof see what haa been in solnl goki and silver, hat is now being prodiHsed. and tbe great premise ol the future.

When I see some conceited old ass shaking bead and prating about this sinful departure from legitioiate business, this reckless just waut to rap him over his old cwoa- uut and tell him to shut it must necessarily be the case that such promise ot great profits to a reckless disregard of all pnulence, anu often leads to bnt is not its simile found in all pursuits? It make nmcli differeuce wiiat it stocks or in the 1 have seen as much excitement and speculation over a corner in coffee, Kpiora salts, or luciler matches iu New Y'ork as ever here in mir.iug and Did Moneybags in the back office was as eager and excited over It over the brokers we. in Broad street over Krie. Didn't they get up a corner on i-abbits ip about a vear ago, and the seventeen mdlions of Japs went mad and put their every dollar the damios down to the coolies, just did, and I believe royalty itself took a few chances on cotton tails. I have seen a caiiipot Digger Indians go into a pertectly frantic state over a game of seven up between two chiefs for a heavy of drien grasehopoers. They were only a couple of Vanderbilts and Drews on a seale, and there probably was as much more at stoke proiH-inionaiely as on a game ot trie, and un- as lair a deal.

All things considered. I think 1 bad rather take my with the Dif- -ers. II psoh-poohing mines and mining stock transactions had Hie effect intended the pooh-poohers woiiKl soon be out of business and idly lounging aeainsc their door The kiMt some of thcm-consider it Hieir duty to ware the public against these mining and having, as Hiey suppose, and lot a record, so reUre to then private offices and look over the to see what stock tooka most lavorable for a dash, there arc many Hiat iiudersiand the situation, in tact, very lew that do, I will give you a brief synopsis Is well known that lor the last three years nearly all tho work dune in the mines of tbe lediro has been what Is called, in mining jiarlance, dead that is, the pay ore having given out, ft became necessary to sink shafts, run tunnels and grope through hard rock in search for the vein lost or exhausted as the esse might be. many that Hie pay ore or vein bad been entirely worked out ami exhausted. That a pretty general opiuion, too, ami so.

when dividends ceased and assessments sncceded, the stock went down OphIr, for mstance-as low as $8 per share, and all others in proportion; but there were some who believed there was more ore to be found, and that class was Inigelv made up. I coniess. of Suoeriatendents. reiarlcs and officers of the companies, who would be out of situations-turned adritt-ifthe previous opinion was at any rate the w.irk went on. They delved, bored, blasted and assessed, until even the most sanguine begsn to lose hope. day. when down, the Lord knows bow deep-hair way through tbe chsi, and where it beaun to niuch like the could only work an Imur at a from the bowels ot old Mother Terra. They had struck it. This was in the iin went the ktock4iroin share to How was I hat for high where oar fnead Senator Jones his the minerena Mr Alonzo Hay ward in-law. They are worth from twelve tens each now.

The mine paid and continues to pay a fair one st 1, but the stock baa acttled back to pmwt course, striking such rich ore in the couragcd, and Hie pick was swung with rcnewM vigor, and the slock with proportiounle energy. Tlie signs began to indicate sowetSing goo I. There was a aplenditf "Hhe tbe is a mining phrase, and you beard it in Hie streets. People Iwgan to prick up their ears am! buy stock. who ami faith bougiit a good dial of it.

California and CoiMolidatod Virginia began, to tliow ore. Tbe stock crept np gradually from twenty dollars persbare to fifty, sixty ami to eighty and ninly dollars, and there it hung for seme moDUia; but day it fomped, it kept juniiilng, and in thirty daya or tbereabonta it Catlfornja got up to eight hundred doilnrt. and it fliicluales from seven to eight hundred lars. A great many poor peopie bought this stock on representaHona ol tbeir mining and of coarse they are rich now. Meeara Ffood A aa the fires it called jifthough the partners are Ftood.D’Brien, Mackay and Jim Fair, as the latter ia especially the tatter, are mining men, These fonr men bought op abont two-thirds ol the mine, and of course are worth million).

They arc tbe power In tbe Itml, neber than any other bere, Tbe advance in the value of their stock frcro morning lo morning was eleven milliona. These men are estimated to be worth unitedly from sixty to eighty miliioiis of dol- lara. They are all plain, unassoming men. and jnst as much so aa when they were not worth a While ali this baa been going on our IriemJ Ophir, a mine, the snliscrtber, aa I may BUSINESS NOTICES. say.

opened, organized into tbe ttrK leguimate iin' mining stock company, and tbe first stock ever offered on the street. long beSire there waa any Rmird of Ophir, I say, has been herself, too, and has also struck the rich of and the stock has from $8 to $323 atamliDg at about $250 now. is now geoer- slly believed that the okl ami real vein bas been having been rent in twain by aonre eonvut- of nature thrown from its proper in mining parlance a sli'te." At any rate nclier ore and more of It haa been found than ever tore, and it is that they have struck a vast Ixidy or deposit of ore. tbe extent ot which, as Diimtreary says, no feller can tell. It there is any to be on the opinion of mining experts (which it slways dofo hazard yournoiuoni, we liave a pretty exu ixsive hank to draw oo for some years to come.

Arrfveil. At Bcrton. Jau. Hclvetls, from Uverpool. A( Vurk.

Jan. Tt, from iw. At New Jan. X3. CHy of -Sew iit, Trtm UvcrpooL At Ne Tort.

Jan. 1 of Trxaa, from GaJvevtoa. At Srw York, Jan. M. from New At Tork.

Jon. 21. Colus.frum AsplowaU. At uurvntPiwn. Jan.

Cii? ot Antwerp, from New At Havre. Jon W. frtm Isrk. MBTBOBOLOOICAIo, Wax OsraavarsT. Ornes Csixr Stswoi, Orneax, I t.i oosisctos.

D. 0., Jos. 24, (1 A rxssatiunxs. Id the MMUle xml lower Lake a rl-Uig liirter, fsitlDg tcmperatufe, or bxr or clearing weather, which wtil gra JuUiy exteiid eoetsanl over New V.a$.lutA- iifnm.iUM- tiiice frutn Uape May and bUnd. and oroered lor Porila'd amt afeb aud Vault Doors, ttudborj Boog AND ob binii no neatly and promptly executed st tbk office.

Lb E. D. bFEAR, so mucn etUbraied for remarkable may be consulted on ALL free of cbaree. 713 Washington bL tf ens i ts 40 st Rubber Wartltouse, cortter Federai and ErauJibn Etreets. tf jml bi toxm wbK'h waetreated among metal tra by the Invention of the F.l.ASTIC Broadway, New has pemaneutiy erued tbeir occnpxiton.

Farm- lug. however, remains open to them. Branch office. 119 tren.oiii corner cf WInter Boeton. Ijsty xaooianc SPECIAL NO'aCES.

lYfPOHTATVT TO tfm beti you or leave tbe ot KW TGKK. osve aiiboyame amJ carriage hire and stop at the AD 1 A IDA opfwolte the GRAND CKAtKAL DEPOr. It iuu clevanUy furnished mi. is up at an expense of over SSOO.if». Elevator, all modern Impiy-vtmieota.

Kuropeao Plan. 1 he KICMTA I'M A ATM, Lunch Counter aud Wine are lupptted the hert the markets can furnish. The sine la Rivims for a alnxle nenun $1 9U and $2 per rkh for proportiotistely Ww, to that vUllora to tbe city can live re luxuriously, for leas luoney, at tbe GRAND UNION, than at any other ties-Lrtel in the city. and the Hotel Even mti.nte tor all oi tbe city. 022 G.

F. A MT. O. GARRISON. GKAriAEKKVfl.VEMrrr», gas' Five each.

SHL'IE JK)N. Ja25 9 It 175 Waahhigton atreet. A1TA1AED AT E.ANT. It haa known for years that rye ve-y valuable pertiee. James Dlrgler A gX- TKACT OF RTE combtnenUiem aiUsnd ts entirely freed tr.

Il jnnooa by peculiar method of dbOUatkn. Try it. Sold everywhere, JAMES DIKGLFT 5 19 and Milk street. IIAZEA ti, T. Barney Aew Perfwine.

Be the art to the perfume. The sutuma ot the hazei htoum. 07 MWFtf JTDICfART COMMITTEE, A Hvarnc will be before tbe JnJirtary amit- tee ot the Oonse of at eteveu jn Tl EsiDAY. JjDuarv 36, In roinn Wert Wing of the State Iftiiee, on A Bill to Extend the Jurivitcrion of the Court of the City of Boston. A P' arlDg win be given before the ssme In the aame nom at eieven o'cieick.

on iHUKsDAT, Jaciiarv 28. on BUI for Increasing the Number of tbe the rCourt. and provtdinc for an extra aesrtou of the to be held for without In the Connty of Suiloik. JOHN T. MORSE.

Ja Secretary ot Committee. Boston. Jan. 1875. J-rt3 THOUBLE-M mwon svm jathy.

hot the of tboae con.p aie tbev can getnogood de-ervetesscom- ml-eratlon. Let them try tne brand 1.1 by JAME8 DINGLKY A Jais JOMlIk TDMKKCHAAT8 A All kinds of MercantUe and Oorporatka Printing sxe euted at this with nsatnem and despatch. CAKti A Sm'cesaors to Wx. FRESCO FAIATERIi, Ao. StntUe eoply 4.


Iniormatton and clrruiars re applloation. leoo. Fiiciavtniw Branda, etc. OII.S. ETC.

JOHN MULLISEK MANCFAUTURBRS of and DEALERS IN OILS, Ao, 1ft TRAVERS ael door frrea TuIhSif HORTICULTURAL, At VT Mtreet tCorner of Winter.) Box Illy, FlorM. SECURITIES. ULIKOIS MiMIPlL mm. ir and lOd, KANSAS SCHOOL lOs. AU and in a large variety of the approved A'esv JkMwlnnd Municipal Bonds, FOR SALE BT M.

BOLI. es d4 NTATE STREET. Ten Per Cent. Investments, In Large and Small Sums, FIRST MORTGABES, OF WESTERN which the value of the alone at least tkrce times tke amoiaiit of the Coitpena payable In Boston, with no expense of collecUcD. THE CO.


Fiincipatl nxkd latereat paid Amerlenm Exchmage Bank, Aew York. Jnhumry Jwly, ky TreMwrer. Bondsrelll bear the most examination, and I bey espectallv commend to Banks and as a aafe and permanent Invertawnt. They comprise iheonlvdeht in the State of RlUiols provided for hy State taxation. Send for deacrtpilve doccments to o.

ashflc Jy8 lUThSTutf 7e street. Boatou. Fall River WATER BONDS, IjzteroHt lit Tlostoik, FOR SAI.K BT TOWER, GIDDIMS Cor. Devonshire and Waler Sts. TuThMf 1776--THE U.

CENTENNIAL! The Centennial Annlyersary of the Declaration of -American will be celebrated hy the bolding of an INTERNATIONNL EXHIDITION In the cfty of Philadelphia, from April 19 to October 19. All thelndtcatloca are that this will be one of the moet suc- cesafUl of all the Fairs ever held. In order lo raiae ftinda for the aud other expenses Congress haa authortied the Ceutenmtnl BMrd Flitnuce to Issue of six Per Cent. and in otder that every may be able to parftclpab to th" honor, as weU aa the priffit, acctaing from the great exhibition, the Art required that the be lor only each. Kvery stockholder will receive a jwe refs share of all the net wbetbev from the income of the Kx- hlbltion or sale ol the hutldlngs and fixtures.

Full luformatlon furntshed and suhscrtptlous to stock re- ctlved In Boa'mn hy MATTHEW BOLLES A Bankcrn, 90 SZitte street, JAMES R. OSGOOD Cor, Federasl and EimmkUia BENJ. S. CALEF, An. 3 Snnra Bttlldlnat, PEASLEB te a's Annsnm street.

Aew Tnrk, and Or by General for New York. Massachueetts nJ 5 Connecticut. NEWSPAPERS. CILLEY STIMSON. AXJJL AORTII BlkNELE, NT.

gingie and iHmbie with wift. Ja For Bale or to a Term of Tears. llLtrSSHIP TIRB, liST BOSTON. Bttnated twncf Ferry avewse and Ssuxner next to Ihe and suitable aw Tard, Steam Packet Wuarf, or ar fn- pairing, etc. There a Marine Railway on tbe Rngioe and Boiler in gaod raubUig trdsw.

Tbe Railway is ef taking out veseelt not toss. Good wnarf for veaaeia of al! cUaaee to lay at kw For further partlreiars Iwioire at vfike ot Rat! ktl B. KKtiEY. SPECIAL NOTICE. LAST or Mamilar, Wiiiiaiiis MALE, AT 33 Stroot.

eurt tb-l 11- tAl. at toe Branch 8t r- 33 ton wtU esUy until next. the yr.en on naon Wndnes lay. MACUUAR, WilLIAMS PARKER. Jazs rt SATIES rnioii IiislUution far 37 BEDFORD STREET.

Deporit? new wlil go oh Jnierret Fetwuarv. loter- be ujBtMmteV-d uj tbeamc-imi JNU. C. CRGH LRI', t. GkH F.

KMERT, Tw-ae. FHWlf TO BE EET lA TUE 'NRW' The bonding Vicnte'l tt miwi taj pm- pooe, being tn the Immettale the U- Office and Waai and e-I b- fire-proof sx can be made. FIRST FLOOR-Ooe large uJLy orw -m ffour from the nain hxL Tbta room A ahewt 37x27 fret; flntshed In with marhfe Met a fire-proof vault bui't imada from the basement; separate water two Isrgc with matUj, steam ke. Jgbted hy five large a dtyiighi. It very desirable lor Banking or any ftig a qnirt room, cestnOy ot accmz.

5N SRCONO large freut, rear. Rich about ikw fret. 3ro- a large Iciet with water, a feach room lighted on rtdH; cooM cariy be dtvtded. If dealred, a fiiv-proof vault eouid he either roca, resting va the vaults ia below. ON THIRD large ft'mt room timiiar me hzmertsteij uoder and htvh.g -ImLar The above hav? aa entrance MiA s.r of tc the other if the U- hy the proprietor, ot the They are renly fw ocirupm-y.

'je te d.reral’teunaBtsaf reai-wsb;" i'vr furtutr Ue of thl- pai-T. The Best is the Cheapest OVER 30,000 ARE NOWIN USE WOKI a HKAO STHNWAY Grand, Square, and Upright PIANOFORTES, i the demand Increasing to stirh an they Ftanowrte every wor.laa hmir. pieaw call and see ocr slock of CARiiFl'LLT SELECTED INSTaUMlNTd. which orata iterai dlecosat for cash. Price? as low as any fir.t-claa» wrle can be made wt-T the BEST and mort thorcuchli-seaacned rtoek ts lined and the very JtKST WORKMEN ABE EMPLOTKD.

wish to call particular auc-utiou taeir Upright Floao- which, from suMdl. ompaux form exurair. are etpeclaiyr sailed to I'le tae and the parlors many where a Grand iw rtjuare Piano could no: be placed. StelDway A Some have, after and earnest and exDerimeiU. succeeded In prodUv-ag Cprighi whicn are the perfrrt mrtrumenta of thrtr ever ccnatrurted.

f-wtstnlly equal tn any ut bqnare Grand while tbe qaalltj 0 tbe most exqolriie ms.kal auu in tne birtiest pliable. The durabdlty of tbeee new Upright and tbeir capscfty of in tane. nnparmlleled the cf ptane maktiw. aad even zrester than that of the bert Grand aad Square PtoaM. Ton will oniy have to call and benr toem lo be act.

A written warranty far five Ptonoi rte. 8- BU for illoKiTated catalogue. 6. 0. RUSSELL Wholesale aucl Retail Agents, Ae.

-MOAT STKEET, BOSTOA. STEIIiWAY SONS, Aos. too had 111 Eatot Street tea AEW YORK. WFM'J PIANOFORTE WAREROOMS IY KAIOY'J TO to 156 Tremont Street, Between West and Mascm Sts. MARBLE WORK.

17 AND 60 HAVERHILL WILL SELL Marble and Scotch Granite Monumente, Tablets, Grave Marks, MAyTELPiECES and SHELVES, Of Eoretam and MnrWe, ALL COLORS AN 0 KIN D3. AND MABB1.E and SOAPSTONE WOBK GF KVIBT DKSC'RiPTiON. GREAm REDICEO PRICES! Je2 LILY OF THE TALLEY -AND- TULIP FLOWERS. lirst of the and fresh Every -AT FIORII PUCE BREERHOUSES, 679 Wasliincrton Street. WM.

dll Al'fVed. TTale RUBBER GOODS. 166 Washington dS MIIK. type I Inn mhlpgton Bmd stamp for meclmao booK, GOODS- Madame Corset Skirt Supporter For HEALTH. COMFORT aud 6TTLB is acfcaowlettged THK of toe kind ever made.

For sale by all leading jqbbers and of and tofrtnie- A HfiRMOA. 9 nanuta 'tirert. New HavtHkOunn. J. W.

EYACH, nreet. horse clipping HORSES CLIPPED IN ONE HOUR, PRENDERCAST a ay At the old ekmrdem Had 04 at ffiortknmirtom street, Corsser nwemwe. p. J.PBKKD8Br..tST, uM JOHN 1875. Bostou Post, n.HLY, Eirrptrd.) SEOi-WEEKLY and WEEkl.T, THE BEST PAPERS For Fanil, and Craeral PUBU8HE0 Ilf Postage Prepaid by the Pablishero, (J5 and Jar? irf the snB Imednried, aa COPIES.

PMMrr. Bnlljr Edltlen, One fear, tlO tft, 3 t3 30. BMIirroT Edltlen. ir One Year, t-i Montka, 3 Mnntka, fl. FOST, lYeekJjr Edltlen, 8.

One Yeax. 93 Mentka, il. 1 nVK BOfrTOII FOfrT.Dellr.téper Year.pef BOfrTOfti Pn' 93 per I'enr, CnpF- BOfrTO.Y FObT, Meekly-, -uvd fndafA) 91 per 1 per i' rtvra a fiC.r-r i ti. ad- ur M3.V). g-Y til- 9d3 -YO.

dSr Nn frvm ih-at nuara pj'-i-: and cau t. at -rst wbzn ri rt the tx? perfrct jL- t. de- .1 4 1 8 3w id BEAIS. GBITENE PO.T li.1»«»«.. Vktik wtreet, near ktreet.


a iMMfcrU Ac oo. DEALLfoi IN NEW AND am X)ND-HAND BOlEEBk, Al-t- rt WMd nnd imn Mnekineryr. 6 31 and 33 tiaverhili Street, COLTON'S Dry Sink, or Wash-Stand. -r- 1,4 ritef sTrtar a.iia«<ed yw.vET«-! 't. 1 TV tOI.TU'k 41 Brattle TIIE BAXTER STEAM ENGINE, MA.M BT Coit's Patent Fire Manufacturing Company.

IIAltXFORLb, In Meekantenl Cnn- Sntetyr, BnraMlltir, Eeennmr pTfnel, Tina Tending, nnd Npnee, tke B.VXTEB EYtil.YB nmrtvniled. Extra Inanranee knrped Inanranne Cnmpnnlea wkere tkie EikSlne laaed. FOB 5ALI BT SA3irEL EDDY, 26 Chartestotrn ManutartuTvr of MenkandJae sort PaarenrorSdeiy Mt-rmtn SAaiUsC' Se2f-OliSag 9 PRY GOOPS. And a tieneral mf LINEN GOODS, KVK AI.F BT AUltf.AY. frnmmer Nireet.

WR18HT, BUSS ICO SUMMKH STBEET. JBOSTOIO'. 71 A 73 street, nnd 117 A street, New Yerk. 41 Cliehtnnt aareet, Pktladelpkln. AGKNIS FOB PEFFFBEEE AA 1 EACUAIA COM PA BATEN MAAirACTYKlYE MIELN.


ThSTuilVrt MI8UELLANEOUS. MABEIBA btcUy Winaaiar D. M. Oeotrai whart. bay HC.M.

he BB8T Domeatic lor dt FAHffiAN KA 44 No. Markt amo AMERICAN RIC IRON. POB 8ALK Urge cO. eoplm 8 Batten. FOR SECOND-HAND BILUARO T.tBLK.

made be (L and new will be kw If applied for fmuKdlateiy. HA0LET, Na, MXfourtswrot. tf BiRLAPS. AGOWO for Wed. Fnrulwre aad GoIhaJI (XL.

ef IU Federal street. a SP ecial OTIC A ll pkbsons abk Muvhase er nefottate a prootissorynotr. mi by frauiL asd wRheat on and -U! not be 79 Beach rotten, Jan. tt it RESTAURANT, IMMEAME EOT OB' COSTUME AND OTHEB BOW BOMS. isold whohrsak and retail for hzH the prtw of tasi, seaeon.

by WFBEK, Temple Ftikcn. BRYANT CO. DININ6 ROOMS, A'tvrly Fitted np, nnw Opemfsr So. Market 4.1 CitathaM All Pastry med here Is made at thUertsbUzhmenU J.I.« IMOW English Chop House 9 COURT FBA5K TIBBMAK and BOBIS a BOFBl KTOBA, (I. STK WITH LOUIS P.


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