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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • Page 2

Bangor, Maine
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


i I1OKMTNOE End Kendusksag Bridge, BURJR. BESJ. A. BUHB. ..00 to alx months -wWv i i advance.

I-HE i i i irirartaty in advance. I 10 suite Street, Hoston. iSiWusHngU.n Slrt-et, i. A 10 Sin-u hiKto ft lEKto Street. Street, Stn-et, 41 Park Itow, New York.

In niai'B paid In ail- ihr shows the Special Not ce. id nn flarlxir. Brcwi'r. Dexter. Dover.

KllaworUi. OMtown. I'HUfieM. Ht'iilton. the employ of the Maine Central railroad, Large delegations of ex-sddiers are ex- Short Cuts.

twenty years, sixteen 1 8 peoted from all parts of the Bounty, and no If ot generally known that a lady, i the Journal. He makes four trips 'dally atas w111 be 8 to ma the moat Mrs. Martha Lamb, ip the editor of the i over the road, a distance of one hundred successful reunion yet held. The citizens aga ztne of American Literature. The Dally Established 1834--Weekly 1816 and thirty-six miles.

For the year, he ot Caribou will spare no pal us to make the bulk of the magazine since its first issue travels 42,432 miles, and in the twenty visit of the soldlprhova nlpmant- has been made up of war papers and tacti- years he has traveled 848,640 miles. In nt.ii cal 8tudies reat battles-hardly the It is saJd that the New -unswick Rail- of work oneswould select a WOI an to edit. But the world does move. LARD-Bulk, from tierces, ilo Home, In palls, do SUGAB- Qranulated, do Extra do 10 anU W) ccnta. 10 an1 cents.

TERMS OF ADVERTISING: fait one Bqnare (one Inch In apace) (me Inser- Th Unt Modjeska Is a grandmother the sixteen years whioh he has been con- fc ductor there'never has 1 been an accident to way Company will soon erect a new depot 150 a passenger. Mr. Mace is courteous, faith- In this village and also new freight sheds, For one square ont week oo fnliand obliging, and (he management and and likewise construct a new vard as the 6 week's continuance; 76 pnbllc are both fortunate in having such Kewl8e construct a new yarn, as me aoes not prove tnat the amoug tragedi anofflcial. I present accommodations are insufficient to ennc is an old woman. She was married For balf-square'omf week 185 Wajhinrton.

meet the wants of the railroad company, very joung, as was also her daughter. I Each 40 Rev iDt)T pastor of the Metho- owing to its increasing bus! ess. General However, Mme. Modjeska will leave the to make his fK Dso sermon on Sanday last, and left there on absolutely farewell tour will be Dissolution Copartnership. The firm of Spun- Thomas, doing busincRB Veazie, IB this uav dlasolvecl by tnutunl consei veazte.Aue.sth.issr.

SPECIAL MOTICBB. per square fr first per square idency of Rnst College. 49-AUTOrtlfl6meiitB continued three times a week at iwoj-tblrds price; two times a week, onc'-half price; one time a tottx, ono third price. 49- AdTertisomOTrts, where the Umo of Insertion Is not specially designated, will be continued until otherwise ordered. Advertisements under the hood of "Business Notices," 10 cents pet line, each Insertion, for solid mafte and 15 cente per line for leaded.

STATE NEWS. Thursday for take thq Pres- road in all respec ceedmg finely. The fall term of the Caribou Free High School will begin Mpnday, September 5th, leg between the tug boat and scpw while under the instruction of Prof. W. S.

being engaged upon the dredge boat In the Narrows. It is thought the leg will have to be amputated. I Orders were rficeived by the Frontier Guards of Eastport, to assemble at their Armory I this week to be measured for new uniforms. A part of the comprnV will be selected; to accompany the Governor's and Is sue- unique in that it will be her last one. The Princess of Wales, with her the Princesses Victoria and Maud, have arrived at Klampenborg, Denmark.

They were welcomed by all the members ArooptOok. Deacon Jnmei E. Morrill, of fluribou, hns thirty-live acres of oats alt in one Body Gaard to Philadelphia next month. be on fire at an earU hour tagt llmrsdnv Knowlton. A large ittendartc is expected, of the Danish royal family and the King of Greece.

A delegation representing the native artisans presented the Princess of Wales with a bouquet and an address. Buffalo Bill, who has received so much cordia" attention from British royalty, has been hi chancery. Different residents of the neighborhood of the Wild West show wished to restrain the performance on the ground that it was a nuisance by Newport Letter. Con-aponderice of Wl I and The buildings of S. F.

Buswell, on Elm street, In this were discovered to hundred of his best grafted apple were promptly onj Jmnd iapd had two noise and by the objectionable conduct of streams of water pljaylng cr the burning Indians. The Judge refused to restrain night or two ago, says the Calal The persons who could be guilty of buildinga in a shortjspace Jmc after the the i jBusiucss OTnvcIs. Dr. C.H. EMERSON OCULIST AND AURIST, i i i i a i Street.

.1 i. 1 i THE ACADIAN, MAGSOI.1,1 BALM conlains etwyttiny necessary to secure a Sort, Skin anil Henlthy, Uloomlag Being a Xilqnld, 'Us applied la a water and no injnrioc.s. It Ins'tantljr aoes awnywlth tho Burning effects of a Hot Summer in. TnjcntlnR pa -ties, Boating parties Uadiea taking Wullcs, JIM ft or Oui EicrcUc at any oftio Seuldo or Bnrol will flnd'SIa nolHi IliUm a great comfort hi abillilB th'o trials or a Periplrlng Dot Scorching lntty Boada and all thp ailments of'too much Heat anu too many Insect JBltca It is a pure LiatJID, applied la a momfent to the FACIE. HJSCK, AEMB and HANDS.

Its use carinot be larmless and worth its weight in jold to every woman in the land to overcome the bad effects of HEAT, TAN, SnuJBlEK anc. every klnc of Skin blemish! Try it once and you'll never again consent to be without it! i i i i uuiiuniEo ill auui iiiLci LIIU rom the I iSd OI in two, thousand bushels. The amount of manufacturing annually done in Cariboj, says the is estlranted at ccn3.derably over Seven huidred tons of starch and eighteen million shingles are manufactured yearly, bringing to ou- prosperous village about Moodv PrcBcott's carriage fac- not to be allowed to live in a civilized such headway before discovered that it England, an ox was tjoiled whole on jubi- Last Monday evening, while John Mo- was impossible to save only thetawcr lee day. A huge tank was placed in i ,1 i 1 1 nnlfi in tlip. P-round nnd was bricked ain htiuse.

be about Tie loss on the on which rong, of Lubec, was moving a boat from story of the Parker Pike's wharf, where the boat's building will there is an insurance or The ori- 0 hook which he had hold of and by means gin ot the fire is unknown, tut it is sup- tory turns outabouit 815,000 worth of work of whldh he was trying to pull the boat posed that it caught, around the chimney every year. The saw mills manufacture along. 'Although there were a number of nearly 810,000 worth of Inths, clapboards, people near by the accident, and and the neliv machine shop and help, was on hand without delay, yet be- in the ell of the house, as that part was all ablaze when discovered. Mr. and Mrs.

hole in the ground and was bricked all around. The whole carcass was lowered into the tank, with quantities of vegetables, and after boiling seven hours, the resulting sojp and the meat were served to thc people of the village. An Indianapolis gentleman, now in Washington, says it is probable that Ilev. So Internal or external pain cin exist MINAflD'S, UNIMENT -Whatever the cause, be It BUBS or BELISE. STRAIN or SPKAIN.

CUT or 8CAHD be tlie suf. i ferine from Contractions or KvreLfnsrs, Gripes or Cramps, in man or beast, this KINO OF A I always cures. YACHTSMEN and UOBfiEMKN He- member the name: HINABD'S LIMHEKT. Large bottles only 25 cents. Scl ky nil lnnr- 8tsta.

Prepared A Boston, Mass. A FAMOUS LETTER. UIE give you two famous letters anil they nro 'riiey mean Dr. MAItK WOODllUHY'S DYSPEPSIA KJUUERS. wliirh arc a little lozenge, corfvealeiu to C.IIT and perfect in the work their name Intliraio.

I A I I I HEARTBURN, all stomach trouble- yield nt once Prif-c cents a box (trial -25 cents). anywhere in the U. S. on rcialpl of Prlcf by HIMJ- I.ITTLE and -JC Tremunt linston. ilaas.

ly Julj-Ji IITTBBAKD'S Moosehead Lake Guide with Maps. D. BUG-BEE CO. ami uic new iniwmm: suup ami 4UUU- neip.was on nanu wituout ueuiy, yet ue- i is cBtlnflcd, be rescued life was extinct. Buswell, who reside in were stop- Myron Keed of Denver, Col.

may be -UoatHno ihA A i.t Dn h.U Anna TM selected by tlie congregation uf 1 lymouth ness the first year. Besides the above, tUera arc several small manufacturing es- tnbrshmcnts, the products of which will foot up a good-sized amount He wasjsecn to rise but once. Six probationers belonging td the convene of i thc Sacred Heart, in Biddeford, made tlieiv religious profession, in other Thc Wlnslow. Packing Company arc lit- words, took the black veil and entered the ting up the establishment on Long wharf, sisterhcjod of nuns at St. Joseph's church Portland, formerly occupied by Haines Wednesday forenoon.

It was the Llbby, quite a by the prospec't of a very large yitfl corn at their several enough for us; let others pursue the slower fifty cent, piece If "they every man to his tiiatc. For Ih'e above reasons we put the on all our goods nt sea serpent. Wednesday, Mr. Charted Lib- motVs Iron foundry on Grooch street, othe Quarter land, formerly occupied by Haiiies Wednesday forenoon. It was the A aye( i jj oase Da for can making, and will put in time this ceremony was ever performed in a force of hands This is necesEitat- this Stale, and upwards of a thousand pco- 1 1 on the Newport grounds last the prospect of a very large yWld of i witnessed it.

day tne Etna and Newport nine by the congregation uf Ply ehurc'i, to suaoeed the late Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. nI; Heed originally preached in Indianapoha HI the church where Mr. Beecher held his nastorate. He is i man about fifty years of and quite as liberal in his views as the pastor of Plymouth church.

low-water mark. Look thc T1NK. IVtla. Proprietors. over now, please.

Boys' Balnioral'iBoots for S2.25J Fatliora, sympathize yob, for--btt E. A WMIF.R CHAS. S. i (tmre-- io. KonduftkftftK WSTBROOK SEMINARY A in.iy the.

ciiilir.irrd In the cmiracB. i i i i i Steam heat i k-rauv Fall Term i i are usually sold for never mind tho reason--it's ttye gooilB you want. 19 West Market Square, I piog in the house at "(the of the fire, having been here for several days making some repairs on the interior of the house. This was the first fife since our new engine was purchased and jit gave the best of satisfaction. A.

finely played game of base ball was 'oundd last lEon- es i re corn at their several factories. (ieo.V-Bryant, au! employe of the Wa- suiting in a victory for Newport by a score to puf under the British flag as And now a man claims to have seen the ter PoWer, BiddefordJ went over to McDer- of 10 to G. A game was alao played Tues- a protection against rebel cruisers. Quoth motVs(ron foundry on Grooch street, Monday on the same grounds tot ween the sec- he in 4is wrath: "Never shall a ship of dav afternoon, to start a new engine that n. mine while she hns a Stick standing, fly Mr.

Mcbennolt recently put in. While in ond nlre from Stetson and toe second ume flny flag but the St and Stl pes size of a seal's, was about the ictjof removing a pail pf hot water of Newport, the score at end of the one man, and that is Henry 3Ias- thiny feet with a swarthy body, and from beneath a try-cock, a drop fell from game standing Stetson lp. Newport 2G. tings, who shall never lower the Ameri- had no flippers or fins, but moved like the attbr upoij his" arm, which caused Mr. claims to have the champion base cao Sfl dollars." pan ball club of the State for size, the weight A c.ock recently patented in France is in his left arm and hand so bad- of mail on the team being GS imitation of a tambourine, on thc parch- To Captains and- Officers of Steamboats.

Ilerry-Hastings, just deceased, the last of Boston's great shipowners, was advised during thc war, for commercial reasons, hereby notiliol a Iiiml ami i without making witii Land Cnmiimiy, as ili iilaLc tin' -ts of the iiotPl stroy flur fattii not ujion our iinnny ami Inllm i 1 a ilc nr.vriN Foil 1'oilH, by i cportcd the! monster was seen him by i cportc off Alton's Hock. Its head was twiuc the printed in latest styles of "ou Omce. A I A i i i urier Jo BuslncfiR BU POZZONfS snake" through the water. It was 'quite amiable, moved Blowly, and showed off to good advantage. jSehooner S.

H. Pinkham urrived at 'Innd, Wednesday, with 10,000 pounds of had Jock; schooner S. P. Boynton, with OjOOO pounds ot halibut; and about a score ot small boats, with from 2,000 to 5,000 pounds of flsh Wednesday was a gala day at Peak's ly that was obliged to quit work, NEWS FROM EASTERN MAINE. Dover Letter.

pounds, the largest 101, total weight of the nil 803 pounds, averaging about SOJii pound i. This club: challenge any club in the State, of their weight, tc meet them on the dirmond. i I The annual encampment! of the G. A. ment nead of which is painted a circle of flowers corresponding to the hour figures of ordinary dials.

On examination two bees, one lurge and the other small, are discovered crawling among the flowers. The small bee runs rapidly from one flower to mother, completing the circle in an hour, while the large one takes twelve JAS 1 or P. WESTON, Imparts a Brilliant Transparency tojthe Skin. Removes all Pimples, Freckles and Discolcirsitions. For Sale by all First-Class Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers.

brigade band, ghtecn pieces. Everv thing connected with the day's proceedings was orderly and qu et. The company returned to tlie city at 4 30 o'clock. Hancock. Vr'illie Hutchins, of Verona, wlip last Grangfe.

Mr. Whi noon ojnd afternO' both Interestin, heareri Mr. I'. C. Nichols ad spoke in the fore- enei ttie camp goo nrisic.

nd his remarks were The adies ol u. B. E. held Ad profitable to his an i cre am lawn party at the residence i a lv sold a ton Dcnnen for the Kineo barrel, trying to and catch a beam CALL AND SEE A Large Lot of Pictures STTJ.A.:J=I.T I. TmiiKTTS, Physician and Surgeon, ufll.

I I A II I A I STRKKT. i Diseases Successfully Treated. Surgical I I Friv on WcdiitsOava from litf 33. til Estate Conyeya i i i I.tnun ou lleal NO. I i A I STKEBT, BANCOR, MAINE.

I i i i Wiiriwrnlit Clari's Bloci, Bnigor, Partnership Notice. laving a large sale The grounds wek finely lighted year had one ot his hands blown off'by a for Koxeroft CrRunery Butter. He recent- lamps, Chinese lantern's, etc. a on Mr. C.

L. Sargent, of Brockton, House) and iilc at Bar Harbor a few is spending his vacation in village, days since, fr-jnd more orders tlmn he could possibly ml. MrJ Fred D. Wynian is home from Brewtfr on a vacation, and every one is glad to see him. Severn! new cottages have been built on thc E.

campground this summer, and There are now sixteen granite quarries quite i numbnr of people are already liv- Green's Landing, which keep quite ja fn r( i flctt of vessels employed carrying stone to Boston and Xew York, and still mtjre aire needed, as there is about a load; a day quarried and snipped at present from that unt ii a cw algbls ago. Mr. G. L. Stowe owns horse, which is five years old, and snys he has eaten tobacco when he could get it since a colt.

He Is as anxious for it as common horses for apples, or any dainty. Manly S. Gcntlnicr is home from Eock- land on visit. A large number people are at Sebcc i roaa. mis reuuues SIA.

riiiiiuita of O. R. Jose, list Wednesday evening. the ladies, six placards for the gentle- One of the newest of thc germiui at summer resorts is known as the This requires six railroad ticket? gur, Monday morning, was standing barrel, trying to jump and catch a overhead, when he slipped and fell, 3reak- iiig his leg just above the knee. Capt.

Everett S. Means, of EllswOrlty, wh le discharging his vessel, in Boston, of a cargo of fagging stpnes, the tackle broke, letting a stone 1 fall with "full upon his right hand, crushing it so Midly that it had to be amputated. He js Hie Massachusetts General Hospital: place. Mr. Cofllb, of Columbia Falls, bringing forward Schoodic Pond us a rc- sott for pleasure in the hot months.

He hap disposed of one hundred lots a rouqd the pond within a month past, on many pf ich cottages will be built, (tisproba- that a hotel will be bu ill next ycnr. Kflnnebefi. The members ol the 3od Templar's Lodge, of Plymouth, made an excursion to our lake, last Mimdny, and report a very enjoj'able time. East Coknth Letter. Corrcspoidc cj Wh ami Mr.

Miles Wilson, of Bridiord, was in i town the past week, visiting his daughter, frequently read of horses liking Mrs Hutchinson He in his eighty- eighth year, and yet he tands as erect, and walks as smart, as many men at forty. He does all the chores aboui the house and He has' been quit a roac builder, in his the notch road from Dover through Corinth, t-ie Iron Works road, the road through Ho-vland and others. Mr. Everett StiUon dice in this town, with men and whistle for the leader. The gentlemen fasten the placards around their necks, while the tickets are distributed among the ladies.

Upon the signal from the bader, the orchestra plays a railroad galof and the gentlemen inarch into the room imitating a train. At the sound of the whjiitle the train stops, and the leader calls tne name of one of the stations upon the placard, when the lady with the corresponding ticket takes her partner, the rest follo-ving according to their destination. The man who claims to be the tallest perse in America keeps a saloon in Buffalo. His name is Henry Alexander Cooper. He was born on the English coast, between York and Scarborough, in 1SCO, and is eight feet two inches in height.

His hand is thirteen inches and his foot seventeen inches long. He weighs three hundred and fifty pounds. It is said that the tallest skeletons in existence are in the medical schools of London and Dublin, and that not exceed INVESTORS! Sure Investieiit, Large Profits. i The town of new hose Lake, I camping. new steamer Is ast Sanda at hig uncle Albert A.

Ben- tt TM'" to such artles TM? a nett, aged twentyitwo years. The Juneral great improvement on any thing of the kind were nere Tae day and he ho use for a hose company house, Reports the Gardiner Borne Journal. i At the stockholders' meeting, at Gardi- orner anc ixciange ever qn the lake. A gentleman from, abroad, who is spending the summer here, has giving HLUCIIMIUCIB UL ing LUC SUUlultM IIC1C, uua uccll i nc-, Monday, It was voted to build the new throu thc Observer his ideas of our vil- V. nf TToal" I was taken to Hermon for burial.

Mrs. G. L. Durham, of Bingor, has been visiting the past Week at he residence of Mr. Amos Gregory, in South Charleston.

and 'travelled with him three seasons. Then he went about the country with Barnum. WHOLESALE PRODUCE MARKET by the Grocers' SATUUUAV, Aug. 20. Bute Law Uegardlng Weights and Measures.

A lualiel of Uverpool salt Bhall weigh 60 pounile and a bushel of Turks Island salt Bhall weigli 70 Tuesday, demolishing the old shed. Mr. John panic, who has been spending 1 partnership tuts for l.llrjIllCSH I I I ft flirt', A TO ITSS the wrath of our leading citizens by an tne 8ummer here is an ex ert Boatman Mr. Hartwfcll Getchell of Vassalboro, article last week, hi which he condemned well as nshci man Recent he'purchased and ifile ton, itt M-II i our can offtT iat at the Htiving- secured services off an experienced anil coiiipetent STKAM PIPER, wlio has-boeii with leading STEAM FITTING HOUSES OF THE, COUNTRY the past twenty-tliree years, we aije prepared to do STEAM PIPING In all Its various branches In theheat- Ing of PUBLIC BUI LDlSGSr PRIVATE RESIDENCES, MILLS, and to do the same in the liostapproved manner. patronage.

Yours'Truly, UETC HELL acWdcnt. The propelleL escapc crhn a ffttal think, of drinking It. If he eonies here next season, and still holds to his belief, he must needs associate with a large of the "Jessie while er of lunatics. i is opposite Addiwn "We solicit your fc CO, steamer, opposite Addison sheriff Pool is sharp after contraband and last Monday seized sixteen tjhiti Capt. Sprague, who was at (he wheel, gallons on its way up country- Our local was thrown into the top of the pllotj house topers have to send away for most of the ami quite! seriously Hauor they drink and are frequently obliged T.

G. STICKNEY CO. LclilKli. Fur the i-l KtlKlnga, tied Fur free burning tin 1 fittest lu the United To the Coal Burling Public Will be named from this cate ori pur entire Stqck of Spring finc.i and Sui merClothing children's or Boys' Suits at unheard of low pr)cee. IMen's siiich prices that you cannot help b'uyin'g.

HSipemter we i Hospital fia've been females, and fihe female of checkerberry. wirds ore crowded so that it has been nee- The last man heard from finished haying esjary to employ cotito accommodate the Wednesday, and it is to be hoped he Is the Increase. At the present Ume there is an oVer the iniile patients, last one West End R. R. Bridge.

The store J. B. Pratt Son, of Bowdoinham, was broken into, Tuesday by thieves, ing the door open wl I Pushaw and wherever fish are to be caught, in this It weigis seventy-five pounds and is a Mrs. Lucy of went to Northport, Mondiy, to visit herj daughter Ida, wite of Captl Paterson. I Extensive repairs are being 1 made on the Methodist parsonage.

Miss Lizzie Noyes, Colby '89, is in town, visiting at the residence of Mr. G. L. Heron Jamaica ginger or essence Postmaster Bean's son Tyank is at home HA'V from Boston on a visit. Mrs.

Wealthy L. Tozier started for Hancock, Maine, Mocjday, to visit her daughter Mrs. Mary Ball. jThis for a lady in her ninety-first year seem to be quite an in good enler and Qt for shipping is C2 pounds. Of wheat, beets and peas, pounaa; uf 56 pouni of onions, 52 pounds; of carrots, turnips, rye, and Indian meal, 50 pounds; of barley and pounds; of oats, 32 pounds, or even measure as by agreement.

Country Produce. APl'LES- Per barrel, $1.00 a 2 BEANS-- Imnroveil Yellow Eye, per imali, Ui 1 Pea. hand picked, per bush. I s)0 to 2 W). BUTTEI-- Cho ccnew roll per.o., 10 to20 cents.

to Kood, do 17 to IS do. Caribou Letter. Regular Correapondence Whig and Courier. Bee. Fatitory, per (new) 10 to 11 cents.

Ben.Dulrv. per (new) 10 to 11 cents. D1UKD APPLE-Choice strung per to cents. Choice sliced, do 8 to 10 do. EGGS-Fro ih laid, per dozen.

16 to 17 cents. Qr OOto $13 00. Best 13 OOto 1400. OATls-- Prime new, per 40 to 45 centB. Prime Western, do do 45 to 00 do.

In Chili, it is saidj to rain six days in a undertaking; but; she regards it as a very week, while It Is cljondy on the sixth and pleasant trip. She was accompanied by seventh. This things has been al- her daughter Mrs. Nickerson. ,1 fl i 'Fney'rifled the money drawers, bob find- most literally true In this section dcrlDg Miss Katie E.

JNoreross a graduate of termined tO ClOSe DUt every On.eOI Our bpring DeiOlje money took a quantity ot tobacco the past six weeks. Such a rainy haying Colby, is vlsltingi at the residence of Mr. PriQBS no ObieCt We'nped the room arid cigars and e8 5 aped season not been known for several Shores. She Is a daughter of H. H.

qp i- year8 80 a) the fa j. mers Bay: an a ag th old-fashioned key result much hay has. been damaged; Grain August money. Call ori us and Recurs trip, best trade on record. thur ivhile digging in the sand at Old Point af- and potatoes have also begun to ten Indian rclcs, which some thlnfe was the it ia hoped that the present coofl spelt will Noreross, of Sotnerville, and formerly of Charleston, Messrs.

J. F. EJoblnson and H. B. Stew- THE WHITE MOUNTAIN Galvanized Tops', HKLIAELE GOOBS, A BV KTOYEJS Nos.

21,23 A 27 Central St. B2SS" C-CTHIERS. 73, 75 and 77 Exchange Streets. SIGN OF THE DRES8EU MAK.I julyl lOdw IDE mm i wf the Indian village by the English Waldo. art with their wives, of langor, were in The party at tt residen 3e of Mr.

Geo. -ouse BAR HARBOR. nlnuji Mnmlay. June umlerslrncd imn-nrj, the Banklnn and Baal Kitate haul Block. Main street, liar Harbor.

C. D.STANFORD CO. Honey, K. SHERMAN'S. 28 ano SO central Street tory, duonlo Dl- Spinal We (rua.

po.tpald. to who 160-do do Bhennutlnc. Blaedlnx the Hen Infcri of very Brl thta book! who for It Witt imr ftftei tban ItUII looiT XbM Uu noiuy BltBll preTent much damage in that direction. Whenever there Is aj fair day, the farmers labor from early morning till dewy eve, Hersey, Wednesday evening, given by llie calkers began work on the schooner in order that they may finish haying, and mg 80Di Llent. Mark L.

Hersey, was a bril- Pavliion at Dyer's dock, Belfast, Satur- harvest the fast ripening grain The hay ant aB(J pleasant affair. Lieut. Hersey 'toak MB Sbbe7boote that had crop has been extra good, while the yield leaves soon to join hislreeiment in Texas. Sung up In the shop, and threw them ob grain will undoubtedly be large. It.Is Edward Dexter, Rafter Kingsbury, the stajie.

When putting the boDts on, thought, however, that the potato crop Le Cogglns, Frank Shores, Claude in contact with Ms foot, (, nothing more than fair. MoDenald and Walter Bnssell, went to jeeofflTattemKroieht forth Considerable; buUding Is going on In our uttle Pushaw Lake, Moncay, fishing, and and it was discovered that there was a village this geaaon. Oscar P. Stevenson returned Wednesday. Thsy report having nest and four young In blie boot, has placed a large structure on the corner excellent sucoeeaj with the finny tribe, and Calkers think the circumstance ot Vanglian aven and Sweden street, a Work possession which will contain four storei, besides two re quent rains of this week have ol their effects.

I or three tenements. Fremont Small Is also been a decided set blick to farmers who Messrs. Ferrln Halladay, jf Jersty erecting a building on Sweden street, the nave had grain to harvest. CJty, M. have taken tlie contract to lay lower story ot which will boused as the Mr.

Joshua BJTate dtetl a little after emto alTon 0 hun- offlce of the while we i re i o'clock, Tuesday morningi with and will complete the job bis- the upper story wIU be used by the mason- inflammation the bowels, having been the frost cornea. About ten miles of! lo fraternity for a hall. TheHetBoaBtfl 0 forty-eight hours, aged sixty- gcmioN A steani has are likewise erecting a chapel on Sweden flye years. "Bteteas an upright, worthy i- atreet, while Geo. FItzpatrieV and L.

fc Citizen, honoredf and rejpeotecl for hie Hafladavs8r8rij5it he has dag and Ktag are each UVerJBtol)tetr-oiie ima ri irtuea, apd at the toe of hlsdeath iaidonenilleof.plpe In twO days7wltnft on Water etreet, aud the other on Majn was a jeacpn of the Bapt-st church In this rapidly and steadily, and get Ibrongh ivholc, per Sfi POTATOJE--" Best Quality, per bshel, new, 50 to BOc. POttt- Bouid Hojf per 5 to cents. POULTRY-- cents. Fowls, 12 to IScenis. per 00 to OOdo.

ONIONS--Per 1.2?. Retail Prices Current. BaiLEror, ground In boieB, per box, 20 cects. Eiwliah butter salt, In lb. bags, per bag, 26 de.

butter salt, in 66 lb. baga, per bag, I 1 cu. Liverpool, per bushel, 35 cents. Turk i Island, per bushel, S5 cents. The MouiitDeon Ireland Reft! was orpamzed In isxfi, and (ail Us roauajfrrs made some valuable iurchascs' which have more than 'luubleil in value.

Tills Company owns land In BAR HARBOR, HULL'S COVE, SALISBURY COVE, NORTHEAST HARBOR'. SEAL COVE And PRETTY MARSH. The slock is dividend pavinc. Tho officers of UiO Coiupanv lire: DIRECTORS. 1 .1.

It. BOIUVKLL, Governor of Maine. HON. T. FLKHER, Gcnenil Manager, lies ton Maine R.

Boston, Mass. Hos. D. A. COXY, 1st National a A gusta, Maine.

S. MOORE, M. Bar Harbor, Mo. CIIAS. E.

MOKHISOS, M. liar Harbor, Mo. JOHN T. HJGGI.VS, Att'v at T-aw, Bar Harbor, Me. FRED C.

LYJLAJT, Banker, Bar Harbor, Mi-. GEO. II. OKAST, Hanker, Bar'JJarbor, Me. J.

H. A Treasurer, Aqgiisfi Water Augusta, Me. A few fcharcs of the Trcaf-orv Mock is now of i a a PER SHARE-pro- ceeJfl to be used to develop and improve the property. Thc right to advance the price of stocK without notice, is reserved. It numbers among Its stockholders some of the -hreyrdest and best business men In New England.

AH Information do- sired.relative to the stanuing of tlio C-omuanv, furnished (to whom appUcatlpu for stock snouli! be made) by Hon. D. A. A a or CEO. H.

GRANT. Treasurer, Bar Harbor, Me. 2w PORTRAIT ARTISTS. If you have Pictures you copied cail or write to J. F.

CERRlTY CO. THE PORTRAIT ARTISTS. They have some of the best artists In New Eng- ami and guarantee all their work. Studio Rooms 11 and 12 Kendusfccag Block. julySfl EarliBh, scaled, in boiefi, per box, 26 Lobse Muscatels, per 18 to 22 cents London Layers.

do Wto25 do. Sul-ano, do 16 to 20 do. Valencia, do 8 to 10 do. CURILANTS--En ft 10 to 13 cents.

ORAXBEK.KIE--Per quart, 00 a 00 cents. POP COltN-- i Bet old cob, per 8 cents. iBett old, ahelled, per 16 cents. KEROSBNK per gallon. 12 centr.

15 do. Pushaw ake. C. H. SMITH, 4 Manager.

This popular resort, seven fillea from Bangor--a beautiful hour's drive--Is prepared to accommodate regular boarders and transient gnests at reasonable rates. The house is situated on high ground, overlook- Ing the lake, irtth good drainage, pure air and water, large and comfortable rooms, and a calslne not surpassed by tho largo hotels at any resort. Tables supplied with vegetables, dairy and poultry products, freah dally, from the large farm and garden connected with tub-house. BOATING FACILITIES i Excellent Bass, White Perch, and Pickerel Fishing In the Lake. Boats of all kinds in readiness for fishing or sailing parties.

Engagements for boardj dinners or suppers for driving 1 parties, may be 'toade by a 4 7 to C2cen oouiB.toiinBh.,6«io68jeitB. 05, 110par hundred. $100,110 per hundred. THE MOSTWOJeEEFp 85 to 1 80 per fondled. at 1.40 Grain, Etc.

Scents. do. do. 4 do. 4 do.

ao. 10 and 00 cents. 10 do. O. EC.

SEM 1 Manwer MBTf Hotel; EAST BANCOR, MAINE. J. FIELDS MURRY, Proprietor. angl? i 2w Beit Scotch, Bert Will, do do MaaL do bam Flour, do twaeatFlonr, do POKE-- QoumtrT.olear, do Western, clear, do 22 For small game or target practice. Prices t2.00 i W.

P. CKEV if.

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