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The Cumberland News from Cumberland, Maryland • Page 8

Cumberland, Maryland
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EIGHT THE CUMBERLAND NEWS. Cl BER LAND. TUESDAY. MAY 2, 1061 Dial PA 2-4600 for a WANT AD TAKER Ann Landers Medical Answers Your Problems Facilities Will Be Discussed THE LITTLE WOMAN ANN LANDE ornan rouf cor i a centiy ted I on ely fed I i-efe 'po purchased a home in suburb. As soon men started to unload furniture my new neigh- th bor came over with a hot oot of to coffee and a basket of made biscuits 1 thought this was lis a very friendly gesture, pr the hour she me the of every family sides of She sa discussed along with knew 1 would want to se: oif nee(js 0f counties in the state at a meeting of the Advisory Council on Hospital Construction Wednesday at the State State Session To Be Conducted The need in Allegany County for public health centers and hospital? a whom to set horn friendly id it avoid and a ith I have a ch vicious gossip Department Baltimore The 1962 Revision of the Hospihe: a anfj Medical Facilities Survey her because amJ for Maryland will be neighborhood ac- hv the council composed I can see ner." How neck and sh 'an I keen of representatives of hospitals and other medical groups ne tip state agen- ies and civic groups The council will make recommendations to this pair will KILL you! DEAR NEW pts into the rop in without er vou aren gossip -NEW( OMER state Board of Health, -re chief of Keeping Up With Hollywood the department division of hos- it ask her no rst phoning always free to start irroly abou ha awav do them that pttals Each year the health department, which administers the program.

must prepare a revision of by Louella Parsons Rep. Mathias Signs Petition On Referendum New Congressional District Opposed WASHINGTON Rep Charles Met' Mathias R-Md announced Monday night he has 'signed a petition asking that a state referendum be conducted on new congressional re- districtmg law. The law creates a new congressional district out of Howard and Prince Georges counties Some Marylanders have criticized the as an unfair way to give the state an eighth congressman In a letter to Mrs. Edward Satterthwaite president of the Of Charm League of Women oters of Maryland. Mathias wrote: "The petition and a favorable on referendum would ultimately persuade the legislature of the necessity for a real study of the congressional districts and of Beouty Routine Bone up on your grooming, teenager! by John Robert Powers the plan for submission to the HOLLYWOOD Ever since 1 husband Michael Ansata.

to forget your grooming until just before a date The ol beauty I routine has to be a day in and day out proposition Successful CH nenef- dio or other. Now he has one rut on their wav home umn wouic nor oc Ynur poi many othe sally same stands I think the fat cirl who has bee Nit down and cn of is th figure 4o some Papas OU c-1 daughter up a wt The collet romance OU? the demand for a thorough and back fair job of redistricting Teenagers GOOD- 1 nlted Ford he has ifonl MiidJe East- "i1 5 -On the other hand, failure of Love ra something vou ran Girls have found this out. uce order to for teoera. been to some stu- IW.shmj. hey popped the petillon Kould doom 3nd Am s- You Ci lences of thousan if ou hi booklet How To Lr.e fiscal year le pa-ents enclosing with vour year.

that is about $2.506.000 mornenj Bowling qwM in coin and a long. self, der the amended Hill-Burton Act. director of "Operation have given the Beirut citi- ig addressed stamped envelope. from turn on and off like a faucet ihe Any girls it the state to 10 years of lopsided same holds true for cood crooin- improved with dailv cleansing, approximately IrTfr Sh Of federa, fund, for coming pu, name on a CenturyFox. 1 thought be Milton Berle of hair rote n.

an to rh yruf prob a this rg stamped 1961-62 as it did this contract at MGM. 4 about $2.508.000 a mnmpnt Riake FHuarHs Bowling" TV show at your doorbell by a to daily brushmg. freqiin The referendum proposal is be- man and you UIShmg you could shampoos a becoming style, and including under the Wol- and lee Remick who will make 7ens the idea, but Barbara says backed by the league ot Worn through the floor because a soft permanent wave. Any jverton amendment for the con- thriller bv the Gordon Gor- the exercise which has made rn enough petitioners yOU never looked more like a figure will improve if she cxer- struction of non profit nursing dons haxe been talking to Glenn so popular. She knows, because 'e nr drip 11 docsn 1 matter how and ng or vou invent for vour appear- posture.

General good health rehabilitation centeis, "Operation Terror is a package and Michael own a bowling chronic disease hospitals and 0Wped by the Jeoffrev Kate alley in the valley. restricting law. jance, there not much you can.and that means plenty of sleep nostic and or treatment facilities Companv. namely Blake and Leej to ease the sting-except a and keeping happy Of the federal allotment to Operation is all that ua' niirt Prnh ltoc sense of humor and good man her eyes a spark.e and hei popu- Maryland, to per cent of the Hill- indicates and let me say. I rODfll6S ners s0 he ll feel at home.

Other- larity rating a lift Burton money will be available these Gordons certainly know how ThtPP WlIU Mprp he u'ouW sufier -vou i for building public health centers. t0 wnte these mystery thrillers UJ fTllla IICl and no boy intentionally runs into luioHc kacp 20th commissary wnen Owen The board of of Her- 1 r'f v'. i to Pevton head of casting, brought in Wills of three septuagenarians lK Qrhrtnlc finriluHntl es Ponder Company has de- a an a number of pictures of girls for who died recently have been pro-: Looking your best at ail times jCllOOlS UrflQUflllOll a red a dividend of 25 cents a Allegany. harles Taibo Dor- performance' him to look for a role Tender bated in Allegany County Orphans doesnt mean you have to be Annminr pH are on common stock payable Chester. Cecil, Somerset and Cal- Ajanl pertormance, Court dressed up like you were ready UateS AnnOUIKeO ne 23 to stockholders of vart county top her into Ernest HemingwayV Henry turned them all down One was the last testament Friday night.

the close of business June 1 CountT The Adventures of a Young and from the conversation Gertz John Henry Getson. who was a dante- 11 Just that don 1 want A dividend of 50 a Man She will plav the mother got a rough idea of what was 72-year-old Comganville resident $2 cumulative convertible class Aieas in tne next priority ftekl F.nierpnje Inc of a ited she ith her lid no Papa su eet Hercules Directors Declare Dividend besin a of a be painfu" i 2 nod mar The teen-a of ea to develop a and a set si a nr row el of bal- of humor will The others will be con- wedded the cryms lank you for writing, and 5 acain anytime. and from the conversation Gertz John Henry Getson g' in. Man She will play the mother Sot anri innf of Nick Adams. This, you may "anted, so he quietly slipped out at the time of his death March 22.

stock declared, payable remember, is a series of 20 short and telephoned Carole Mathews His wife. Mrs. Rose Catherine June 23 to stockholders of record lalbot-caronne. Aiiegany anaai si ones i at the close of business June 1. Smoke Fills Home the great novelist.

and told her to meet him at the Getson. was named sole benefi- ANN LANDERS We re- General Insurance end Real Estate ari F. Sehmutz Associates, Inc. 16 S. Liberty St.

(First Floor) Tel. PA 4-0880 9 Graduation dates for Allegany County public schools have been I announced by Ralph Webster, llmP superintendent who said there lK are 1.107 candidates for diplomas fl' nr The in the story He then took her to see ciary Earl William Getson, Cash in the county eight high schools. Vi Vh a nrivafp nnn called Nick Adams savs director King who said That's Valley Road, a son. qualified as Commencement exercises will nvpr the real Nick Adams. told the So Carole was signed administrator c.t a under a $500 IflCvllllK JCl be held Thursday, June 1.

at P. a Jerry Wald he couldn't do mv life a top featured role after another son. Carl Lloyd Bruce. Fort HiU. Mt.

Savage and li tii 1 iniii Ren cement of hazardous movie wiU in mnll ed hw rights to serve as executor. over Maryland will attend the 2 at Allegany, Beall, came" off fi and the over and was t0 have starred Gary Plane The will was dated January 12. state Dental Association annualjFlmtstone and Valley high schools. hm.wM.nHte tesr Mr MC Makes Landing probed Receipts Decline THe Legislature recently enact- leavmg Betty Oakland denf at T' the Nursing Home Construction t0 after their six'®"r at the man. Baltimore, general Chair- Parking meter revenues for the biu which state funds as But Mac had to leave in a hurry hls Joioh Posene 415 week ending April 2." grants for nursing home construc- because he received a call to starimother and three children escap- rrank Joseph 415 Bigley; Among t0 speak S7R2 07.

a decrease of $23 23 from non and equipment. The combined Lawrence -Children of ed injury yesterday morning when Avenue. Baltimore, the sole ben- at thc sessions are Dr. the previous week, according to a and federal funds win be Ll-ht a science fiction storv for the single engine plane in which eficiary. qualified as admmstra- Gerard Courtade.

New York: report to the Mayor and Council, available July 1 as grants to cover Hammer Films Columbia will re- traveling was forced or era under a $1 W0 bond. Thu Dr. Maury Massler, Chicago: Dr. of the cost of it Garrett County "as (1ated August 15, L. McCracken.

Univers- Application Tabled Public and nonprofit Mac was all set for a big will of Mrs. S. jty of Alabama, and Drs. Alvin corporations will be eligible for change in pace from his lawyer' The May'or and Council grant 5 The objective is to give role in his TVr day tabled the application filed by grant5 to areas where do a singing and dancing lead homa. when they were forced to the time of her death April 18.

of Baltimore. The travelers from Manassas, Clarence Herbert McCarty. RD 5 homes are short for a certificate taxicab here to operate a ply LEARN TO DANCE Waltz, Foxtrot, Cha- Cha-Cha, Rock n' Roll Firemen To Meet Marriage Licenses Decrease Is Cited ny Aiaoama, ana urs. Aivin were en route tin who was a 77-year-old resi- Gardner. J.

Philip Norris, Stephen Va to Okla- dent of 502 Maryland Avenue, at Provenza and Stanley Kogan, all were forced to the time of her death April 18 0f Baltimore sup. rn "Destry'sides in Sac-on the farm of Simon Swart- also probated A son. George Dr 5 Br0lin, Bal(i. ramento. but when the offer was zentruber about four miles south W.

Martin, l.os Angeles. presidM, of the staw made for the London movie he quajdtnd asevecutor under a chose that I left Manassas yesterday 000 bond. The Maryland Avenue Broiled FILLET MIGNON 3 DEVILED CRAB Shrimp 0 Scallops ORDERS TO GO 50c Droit Beer 0 liquors The Dolphin Bar 35 North liberty St. Phona PA 4-9822 and apparently had flown property was left lointly to her 8 LESSON COURSE ONLY Poyoble in advance. Beginning Friday, May 5th thru June 23rd.

Classes every Fridoy, 8:30 until 9:30 p. m. MOYER DANCE STUDIO 231 S. Mechanic St. Phone PA 2-2310 The convention will open with Talk about living in luxury a little farther north then they daughter.

Mrs. Wilma W. Hyde. raditional seafood party at The Baltimore Pike Volunteer 'when Rossano Brazzi and 'The had calculated. and a son.

George Martin. fhe Oriole Gun Club at 1 p. m. Fire Company and its Auxiliary Seven less marriage licenses oark company starT The ground was a little wet but Mrs. Martin's will provides that i.

Il'nit hold a special meeting were sold this past month in com- shooting Italy, they will be solid enough for the four-seater all of her other assets should be, New officers will be installed at ''omorrow at 7 m. in the fire.panson with the number sold in quartered in the famous Villa Navion to iand safely. sold and the proceeds a luncheon meeting May 10. I hall. I960 at the Allegany County cimbrone.

once leased by Greta The captain and his family equally among her three children. Court House. when her romance with' planned to take off and continue Mrs Hyde. George and Wallace This past month 1H8 licenses Leopold Sotkowski was intriguing their flight after the weather Martin This will was dated April were soid and in April iast year world. cleared yesterday afternoon.

19, 1958. a total of 175 wete sold. During The villa has 16 bedrooms. the first four months this year, a mannificent gardens, will be com- ni II total of 617 licenses have staffed with servants and OOCIQI I lUmDOrS 11111011 sold In the first four months last; contains a fortune in antiques HI year 634 marriage licenses were Many of the of the pic- a vegetable soup sale will be 10 lNfllTI6 L)6l0i5flt6S ture will be shot there as well at St. Lutheran being the living quarters of the church.

Frederick Street, tomor Local 489. Plumbers and Steam- istars and producer Steve Barclay starting at noon. Orders fitters Cnion, will elect two dele- and director Edward Dmytryk. be given to Mrs, George Sates to its national convention Hartung, PA 4-4421, or Mrs. fhis Friday.

toloction of New ZENITH RADIOS DC Tobie Radios sold. New line of ZENITH TV SETS Also New Zenith Stereos Brown's Radio-TV Salos-Servico In Heart of Cresaptown PA 4.1664 or PA 3-1334 MARYLAND Last Time 2107 504 059 00 GUARANTEED VERY VERY FUNNY If MAN il WIRUY MARTiN'MaJUNE MARYLAND Starts TOMORROW Wed. LAUGH AND THRILL SHOW! Fast, and iriveloui, a tonic of laughs This unabashed comedy of aoctoi-nurse pauent situations is sure to keep you in stitcftes If you never see another COMEDY you must see II The idea of a bowling alley in Beirut struck me as somehow 4Mm- co I Polls Jf. opfn rT 9 ronaruous. Yet Barbara Eden and Chapter.

BSP will in the Allegany Labor Tem- meet tonight at the home of Mrs pie The convention will open in Martha Russell, Braddock Road. 'Kansas City on August 7. Park Place Methodist Churchwill hold a rummage sale todav ai at Centre Street church, from 10 lYldrNclge LlC6nSGS until 2 and 7 to 8. i John Charles Robinette, 207 Will Vote Tonight Offutt Street, and Sandra Kay Rittenour, 14D Jane Frazier Vil- Officers will be elected at the lage. city, meeting of Western Maryland James David House.

RFD 1, Lodge. nai nth. tonight at Paw Paw, and Donna Jean Ross, i Beth Jacob Synagogue. 1 RFD 1, Frostburg. NOW SHOWING lUBflwir MAftf THE a MK imsyito YOKOTANI mr A ll in a MKiflSWoBfe irisr i ex to COU-EQE COIOR CARTOON ONE COMPIETE SHOW STARTS 8 30 P.

CLAKK (jABUi Sorau LOHKW VrrvaBODBSiCA 8 oX. JB egular Prices! Something Special Coming Saturday See Friday's Times-News i Want To See HOLLYWOOD? Join Matt Western Tour Call Conlon Travel PA 4-6776 FEATURE TODAY AT; 12 00 1 42 3 43 5 44 7 44 9 44 tfth NOW OPEN EVERY NITE! TONITE'S PROGRAM EVERYTHING IN COLOR! LOST MICHAEL RENNIE CLAUDE RAINS JILL ST. JOHN PLUS WESTERN ACTION! WALK TALL WILLARD PARKER ii gA through. tU Walt Absent-minded PftfesLor f- VW NMpr jc MURRAY- OLSON-WYNN HI-ROCK DRIVE-IN heatri 50c 25 for a perion carload TONITE Brigitte Bardot now1 CNIMBOf by TOM CONLON QUESTION: Whot forms of Inland Marine insurance are written? ANSWER: Domestic shipments, bridges, tunnels, etc. and personal property floater risks.

CONLON INSURANCE Algonquin Hotel PA 4-6776 POTOMAT TONITE sliHttmiHiHiiiiiiiHiiiminuMimMUHiminiiiiiuiiiiiimHHitmtmtHiiiHiiiMmimiUHiiiiiimtiimiiiniiiss ion 5 1 8 45 7SC ai i Children Free CARTOON I OREGON 11 00 -U 10 I E-1 ANOTHER GREAT ACADEMY AWARD SHOW! WINNER BEST ACTRESS AWARD! I 2 GREAT 4 TOP STARS IN A REAL DRAMA AND I Hardship Action V- tuzAKTv wrnnmxt wmm CLIFT HEPBURI i ELIZABETH TAYLOR LAURENCE HARVEY EDDIE FISHER tOHh MAlA i BUTTERFIELD O' inemascope I by DE LUXE 1 limonane 3 i DINA MERRILL ALSO! Thrilling Western Adventure "5 GUNS TO TOMBSTONE" 5 7.30—'3 Guns at about 8:45 Buttsrfiold' at about 9 55.

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