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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 5

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ILEMRKDN CITY COUuCIL -i ifAEiES il JN COUNCIL i v- GETS ft ROAST, SEAT Our Idea V' of erery bsstaess traaaaetloa which takes place in this More, ta. that abould be mutually setlkfac-' tory yoe shoald be aa well pleased with our parcaate a wuh Nt MICOAELv 11 Ccr.Twt'.rih aad Wsuhiaztoa SU. T2 ELATE BLCCS OASXASD. THE C. CAPWELL CO.

(IaosrporaUd) Oroya Sll Formally via ALL POINTS ON YUKON RIVER FOR NO.nB DIRECT Ratlines His City Hall Plans Scored. rnov wax a xcrsco. at M.MMM--..-MM.av sl r-ru KUH BUTTLE rBOM SAM rRk.KClSCO.- A. Policy FOR NOnC, ST. niCHAEL AND' ALL OTMER P01NT5 rzou sak rnxK cisco a.

-rr. pacu- ur ta A STEAJIXt 1TLL KB DCSPATCBED ETTSt KUKSSt TtHLUTtl Professor X. O. Xenunoai who was' appointed a City Councilman to succeed the want of growth In a sw neglected soots. I eottor TRXBX7lVXear Blrt TTs think down to the present date; and all aiong I Councilman Schaffer struck the sail on A Storcf ul of Goodness as never before, are we pre-; pared to serve you well and economically.

Buying our stock, as we did, long before any advance in trices took place, we lenow there is not a store in California aiese many years tne natural produwuons I the bead whea be said that It was aa jt Calltomla, and especially the seJu-1 rage on the people of Oakland to appoint orlous location of Oakland, have larrt.lT I ailllas' Clr-r Xnc.naw al a roat cat tut net For Juneau. 31.1c. Prioce William Cooks Inlet, Kod lak and all Intermediate jl aimed my Interest and employed my I month. We have aa much use for two city Pnv I engineers as a toad has for a aide peckec "Often Xts wished that had the mil-1 We also thick it eanaUy ensnae to ap Asm Sea nOU BKATTUI SV. "BXETTIA," laie voarics aramm, by Mayor Snow yesterday, made his Initial bow to the Coun ell at Its meetlna last evenlnc.

When th CuuncU was called to order President Rows asked Councilman Glrard to Introduce his coUeasue, which he did In the toUowtna iacauaa-e: "1 tsJM creat pleasure, gentlemen. In lntrodudna to yen tonight my-coUeectM, iToXessor imaoa feel sure, know, that he will do his duty and belle Ida name. He will not be sour, and hop, the body will not try to squmm htm. The Lcird knows that the publle wih AKD MOWTBXT THKBXkTTZJt. Hons ot the Astors and the power of Rose point a Baa Francisco arehltret at the shepherd, thht 1 might pluck ut Oakland sane cost per month SIM for the two by the stret corners and replace the makee dult a hole la the Sowaa.

Te put buildings la a carefully dressed landscape the designing of scboUhauaea, eraiae- 2 in a position to quote lower prices on reliable, mer- to freight as chandise, than we can para, wiu terrace alter terrace Iaan- nooses ana a jiau in rae naaae et fof older. mape'eAd further parOemlat as from the eastern hUls. sppto ioJuCOlaMERCtA a rra screexa, Cisco. CaL coi uw.iiiwaui mua request ut i Oakland's Mayor cua1 in strength I talent of the many of extended experV pi many ot exienota exerv- autii imh ripr lis finnm T. w.Mi tit.

rtrt. 1 fi-: squeess nun enouxh. anu 1 hone thai ta. the command of at Major General-places to the nesx aatlI vvak me in the chair ot one of the doienetty results; and. Is not only an oau-jge on the 2 I members ot this Council wlU not try tu taxpayers, hot aa Insult to the Oakland MANHOOD RESTORED mujiuir Kino, uenuemen, jot.

lemmon." governors ot this great city, 1 shrink appalled at the difficulties and -the respon arohl'ta who have doae much te buUd I sibilities that accompany the position, and up OaMand, aad who have paid their tasee for many long years. I wish now that had not indulged an The Oakland and their hie Vllallaer. the erenpo WtSem Pisaia payeletaa. wl erkJsrwre ef all eereoes er lisim ef the geeeretha ergaee, eaea as 1am Hu i W. seeiata.

fate la Beea. Iians mm, Win o.Mm,, lM teees fUrry. ritiwnn Uenai, imi e4 (mvMIm. sUliea.a.f ereta-sL. eit.

ma mm eew4 leaaa la Seremalurraoa aaS aU ita km i himi OMtLrita l. Wdi mar bear this la mind when the "1900" Shirt Waists More pictures of beauty than one ever saw in an art gallery are to be seen by looking over this new line of fashion's latest and beat Shirt -Waist creations; "Colored Vdaia of tercae. the fatality that haa brought me to this iSSLiSeTu ISSte lL Tl fS tfve.taeejs e4 I mi 1 1 MSrssa le ertMry e-rae elan t4rWUa Taeria Hfitf mm eves Men as nfVAr; lotenUon of the City Council to, build a of councilman, especially just at a period I rnr ir. i asaiv a when the most extenslvs aad timely Im- Lrl.

5 JLPT treebIM w-t Swt, the 4 mm svtete. CUlOtNIiWwlr eeee ee mot Has nrovements are being planned and the I L. Proieeaor I-emnQon was received with 1 applause, and made the following graceful address to the Council and his friends who had assembled In the lobby: "Plodding- through the sand dunes and thistles or the little village of Oakland, in 166, I found a few Uttls houses scattered along the lower end of Broadway, while northward and eastward swept an ascend-inff plain dotted with iiirornU lire oaks, the broad site of. the beautiful city to be. "Re-visiting the region a few years later, after a somewhat careful examlnaUor; ot the coast and central portions of California, I selected Oakland as my botanical Headquarters.

"Returning freauentlv from Ions sxrar. tala. A tt'toa fwrmmto es4 loeey rrUwaeS I ee-e. mii bn.iavs, hvsaaa Si Urntt ftf mr Idrtss 'AVOV. W.tMCIB r.

OX ee. mm ana, la. Aaatvi sera A gtagham; madras, etc; plain, tucked rer ale bv CkO-alUlH. PraggM. Twaifth wheTeMthal to pay for them Is to be pro- with Washington street cat through any vlded or.

person who may be lrtureial l.l see "Sincerely regrertng the untimely death tnat the kvgees piece of ground1 Is on the that baa removed from the larger annexed waat aids of Wasblngtra street, with and embroidery trimmed, ouo to L7B. V(bUo VtzIsts in two-score styles, tucked, embroidered, hem- nv av si ir a -a Shoes With Character. Generally yoa get a gd or bed sirst wara one ox its two eiectea repre rronUge on Washington street or J07JS senutlvea, I Under my sympathy to feet, and on Fourteenta aad Fifteenth his bereaved family, and will try to take streets of 130 feet Oa this oblong strip of up his duties as well as I may. grounds these Improvements must be lo- "I desire to assure the Mayor and my cated, and In order to make room for associates la this Council that I will try these so-ceiled hap, omenta a thro to perform my duty with honesty, oour- story brick engine-house (that cost the tesy -and patience, always keeping my city several thousand dollars), a Urge mind onen to conviction and mr tuda-mant tank aad the present PshUe Library mut 7 r.x TZTZZ stitched and plain beauties all. isions throughout the Pacific slope, Oak- White Waiat, a- ooo craiav or soma or.

a-r so wrought upon my imagination and Its nearly uniform climate so invigorated my nerves and re-clothed my skel- ititchiB)r a jhtr new waist in show win olaxa back tl.25 i-J Vi free from bias of any sort or name. I he remorea. Then we have a paratleio- oprlva nclnlan. mrarnin. our own I gram.

feet. OB which to erect a eaYSae MS SB, WS 1.75 courageous, and In MM I beguiled a fair personal affairs every one of us may hold, I pretentious Crty Hall with the wret ilds lady from the seaside resort of Santa Bar- but foisting so-called fads upon others, oars, ina togemer we oegnn esiauusning i a domicile In the little elty that Is now never. I trust that the Mayor and mem bers of the Council will favor me at any climbing the abutting hills to peer out Valenolonnos Locos through the Golden Oate upon the PaclAcj time with their ripened experience and rJ i its ocean. of a prrsoa oa first sJjht jcnrsDy yoar first jadsaeat is correct, leo. It'a so with (o4ear.

To the Inrrrwrl-rK man or woman a cheap shoe tnwy look good, bat moot people eea detect qaelirv and character at a glance Svery shoe la Til 13 store will bear the dosrst scrulixy. PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE 1014. Washington Straat France produces all of tho The Council then proceeded with Us regular business, aa account of which will "Residing here at leaat every winter since. I have had opportunity to mark the slow but steady growth, and, alas, the cately patterned laces so much in favor as a trimming for summer cos be found elsewhere In these columns. of the feuildlng hard wp against a livery stable, and the Immense hotel with no means or light oa the west side except from a llght well or court, (which will lnterfer Very materially with the required space.

Can It be eoneetred that any man with his eyre open would ehooee such an unfit piece of ground to build a pretentious City Hall onT If the design we saw In the Enquirer la te be taken as a sample of what la to coma, we pity the pride of the taxpayers. And we are very sorry that our City Fathers have suon a poor oonoeptloo of architecture and the requirements of a proper City Hall that should be the pride of the peop'e. This parallelogram has very much the aooearanoe of a factory. Only factories lumes ana many other ue Our spring importation is here direct from Kovdiy AO-over Lace and embroidery inserting ef-S fecta, woven together in one piece, 18 inches wide, for yoket front and eleeTet, nothing handsome ever produced before nt anywhere near thU price, 40, JO, 70 and OOa aaa Hamburg WARMiWOROS OYER tne makers. Yon will like the patterns and prices.

Bdres and insert. i sath eed (STk ings, moo to per dozen yards. 3 QOLDDCRG 4. ROCNBCRO. rNwsosora Mechlin Lacos bROWH McKlMOH LIQUOR LICENSE.

Morchont To! lorn Similar in aDDearanrs tn VTm Our new embrofderies hare atood the test -an extensive examination. Hundreds, of ladies have seen and boncrht them, thus putting the stamp have the chicaner In the rear ot tbe building, while the others have the chlm-nevt in the front. The year 'SS was very hard on chimneys In this city. cwnnes, oat are a time neavierY the patterns being worked with a coarser im oaaiANO We carry a fall lias of deeirabls staple goods aad Ittrat mooaUias. LATEST SPfllNO GOOD- HOW IN Everts Block 101S BROADWAY tnresa.

"iney're popular and pretty. OSO to 2,75 per dozen yards. We bear that tne council going to of approval on onr selection xf pat- tern and our marking of price. Every embroidery want can be supplied water rate. We tuna tnat Council Devotes Another City exDreesloa on the cottage! here. yara np. rates sounds the keynote or wnat we mlrht expect to follow this time like the Dr. E. R. Normandy Locos TAIT, Dentist, Cor.

1 0th. OkkUai These are the Ensrlish VaL laces. ia pi ruon to rmvee r.i ia- mlnlous fiasco. WllXdAaC STOKES. i 4 1003 BROADWAY Session to the Saloon Question.

Kow- 7 As an evidence of what early buy Used largely on underwear, infants' wear, fancy wear, etc. A lot of choice new patterns in different TCLCPHONC RCO 389S TWO C1RMAHS BECOME AMERICAN CITIZENS. a. MaCXsl a. K.

KkLTO X. VAN rLT widths, all to match. So to SOo yd tag has done for us, and what it en-ables us to do for oar customers. We offer all of our new' Toils du nord Giaehsms yd RIVER EXPRESS CO. mm w.

in v.n. in tvat I Charles Engeiiand. a nauvs ox uer Positively being sold in San Fran- sVoiv PuHoy Belts section and he couldn't eland up tor his many, was admitted to duser.shlp principles." morning by Judge Ogdeb on aa honorable "I am opposed to this saloon, said dlsehargs from the rnltd Btatee Army, rpton. -I don't think that this is a very Engelland convinced the court that lie Km a ih.t thia la a v.rv tA would make good dtlsen notwtthrtand- Cisco atviacyo-j X' TRANSFER AND STORACE OF ALL KINDS OF FRE1CHT Mads of double-faced black- satin ribbon, feather-boned back and sides "RESOLVED, THAT IT 18 THE SENSE OF THIS COUNCIL THAT NO PERMISSION TO OBTAIN A LJQt'OK t-ICKNSS 6HAIX BB GRANTED WHERE ANY PORTION OP THE PROPOSED places or SALES IS WITHIN 800 FEET OP ANT LAND USED FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES." The foregoing resolution was Introduced last evening at the meeting of the City Council by Councilman Oirard. but to keep in right shape, fastened with place, but I think that we have good tng the fact that he was deficient In his nooon ana nngs.M....4.,.,....yjrj Porcoios-fO yd.

Bai age and Ilousebokl Goods. Daily Eiprrse to Stockton. Praaciaoo, retain ma, Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley, Vallejo. Napa aad A.atioch. Ofices: Saa Francisco, SPBAR 5TE.HET Telephone Us la grounds for refusing a renewal of this xnowieoge or tne constitution ana govern license because the saloon la so near a ment of this country.

oubllc school, and that la In a residence He was positive that he would vote dl Two splendid lines, both of fine rftatrirt. ir mar run aa rood a aaioon aa rectlv tot the President If be became a cloth in latest patterns, strictly "iooo desiens. i inches wide at Beaded Elastic Belts (rcitaweNC I ataiaj toss OAKLAND PARCEL DELIVERY Aetata S70 Ninth Street, Oakland oaaiANO ll'MItt ateacitv anvKrwl lu hut that nrnnnallton should I cltlmeja. nnt tsnf fntn ltL I -How would you vote for a President, Black, black and steel, and soma MOO yd. 30 inches wide at izfto.

Then CuvelUer had something to say In I If in looking over th ticket you did not It failed of passage by a five to tour vote against suspending the rules. When the resolution was read, Its author declared that there- was no good reason why any Councilman who had bis duty and the Interests of the city at And the names of any of the nominees famr of Kley. set with turquoise; various graces. A new one is black, with a handsome buckle -This wholo affair." said he, "has defor President therer asked Judge OgJ en veloped into a case of acute hysterics. I I would write the name ot tbe man Uslo Foulard What took place In our executive see-1 wnom waniea to vote xor on tne ou heart, should.

vote against It. mtt'iA tWa wu ordinanoe itnna fit iwnru nnnAt ha arwtkint of here. I lot." renlled Engelland DTOmDtlr. 7 I A 1 THE USE" Silk foulard looks no better than wmcn huOUIu nave oeen inuvauccu Dul tnose lour or nre uuji, woo 1 Aurr -ir nviMi nutinr. which nrovidad that all wm tn tMtifv.

when nlaiwd tmdar oath. I on the constitution and government of 'this, while this new fabric outwears Six Hi silk four to This lisle foulard is matters in reference to the renewal of admitted that they had lied to Kley, I this country. Judge Ogden admitted him saloon llcensea should be referred to the 1 when thev aaked him for Uauor. They I to cltlsenshln. His spokesmen were New oral Depct TC Lacs setts AV Co.

have opened a first-class eorlst store at 414 Fourteenth street between Broadway and Franklin. Funeral and fraternal designs a specialty Fresh flowers always on hand. Telephone black UkV Frompt delivery. "My Cakt ri Dourn Dtd not aee tperrys Floe. Get Yur Kevt Pecittered And tagged free at J.

R. KsJshttfs Clgaj Btsra. r4 Waahingtoa street, betwaer XX inches wide, perfectly resembling Police and Fire Commissioners, and ha, had lied, acordine to their own George Williams and Charles Meyer. in color and pattern, the silk, 20o Victoria Reglna Corset A new shape made by the Thomson Glove-fitting people, is long over the hips, low back and rather short above -the waist. In black it is msde of fine Italian cloth, the drab of French Contile.

silk flossed and lace trimmed. $2 AO. therefore, thought that such action mony. about their ages and when wel Albert Alexander Llndenberg. a native should he deferred till the ordinance be asked them whv thev had tied, they said I of Germany, was also admitted to dtlsv- acted noon.

I that that was the only way they could I ship this morning by Judge Ogden. Ha we find that a exeat deal of our time a-et Honor. As a matter of fact. Kley I was fairly wall posted aa to the gorem- i ktn nn than saloon matters, said mnnld rint rrab them and open their I ment of this country, but was pusaled by he, "when we should be discussing ques-, mouths and look at their teeth to see the same question which had stalled En- flow Petticoats Tenth. A complete line of Im ttons ot greater importance to tne city, now old they were, ana it is a matter 1 don't know whv this ordlna ics of record, that when he refused them llqn ttt.h tvmv haa hMM held back, for tw annual anikhata to him that are not I ballot for Preeidant htchtlnlev.

After ti One style is of silk finished Italian cloth. A corded flounce, with ruffles. ported and dome tie dears aad tobaeoo. 1 The Ore Floe Saleoa; see geeda. to I know that most of the CouncUmen are ft to be repeated In this room.

Ons of I plaining the electoral system of electing in favor ot Its passage. (these boy tried to pass a counterfeit I a President, Judge Ogden admitted the black, violet and ...2.00 Twelfth Taylor said that tur reason the ordin-1 dollar on Kley. and another, according to I appUcant to dnsenship. Thrco Good Towels These are better than asnali Fine yet heavy hnck towels, hemmed. Style 16x33 inch at xaKc each fKr 1938 inchat 3 for 50c 3, 20x39 inch-aoc each.

i Anoiuer styie wnica is suicuy new. is made of mercerized-silk moreen, ance had not been acted upon wu tnat 1 the saloon man. stole a nxty-cenc piece Stetson had requested that it be delayed off bis counter He so far succeeded, that for the time being. 1 he got a drink, secured the coin and turn- Tbt Hindy Coach a kelp tn IIIF0RMATI01I ABOUT has wide accordion plaited flouace. Stetson rigorously denied tnat ne naa tng to his companion, said mess are black and new fancy shades.

mads any such request, and Taylor off er-tnTirnve his assertion by President Rowe. in ensrvoej. ta eonomlxxr la room for every -day ua Its a wsU-coads, full-fprirg' takltms HARBOR Becretary Cragle Sharp of the Oakland Metropolttin Meat Mtrket. T4 Klevewtk street, between Broadway aad Waahingtoa. Fteeet grade ef staii-fad meats.

"ree Sliyry. V. O. Hells day, prop. Fhene greew en Vain est ranee to IL Schetlhaas stere.

a kUeveath streeC comer Fraaklta. Call cheap drinks with money on tne nas." "Regardlng the school children passlng the saloon. "I have found a Councilman vhrnn i hn aJwara oonsidered a level- ft lnnkad tnr a time a If trouble WSTe brewing, but Councilman Bchaffer poured Board of Trade Is In receplt of a large nii nn the troubled waters by Innocently 1 beaded Dutchman (referring to Moses.) I number of eomannnlcatlona from a lam remarking. that he remembered nothing who has spent several hours la an effort I number ot seaport cities of this country CITY GOUHCiUS PQUriDMASTER IS Of any discussion over tne propoeea onu-1 to ascertain the peroentage oc scnoot 1 in regard to tbe manner 01 ma sing bar--nanee. children who pass the place.

Of ten chll-1 bor Improvements. From these com- "Vmi wars not nresent. Jar. scnaaer, Aran wna naasea com ajtuhb auwv, mnnieaHona It la ronnd that moat Mrta 1 Pare and 8arxSla A Dalteleaa Drlah when this, matter discussed," said three passed tn front of tbe saloon: while improvements are made by tbe United Stetson. the other seven went on the opposite side etates Government.

Oh! I see," said Bchaffer, "This must, of the street. I am voting in ia hr.w Tork the luipiovsment of the have happened at that other meeting at( this matter as I consider-right crater front Is carried oa by the Depart- the one to which I was not and i. fair, and' era voting to ment ot Docks and Ferries under the laws ROUTINE INVESTIGATED. Pacific CoDfress Water rrssa yaeme coxoanss arauras mean the meeting nem in Jtast uuuano. renew the.

uoenae. ineee recent jot im, known aa the New Tork Con- Bchaffer referred to the secret meeting charges made by men who axs afraid to I solldated Act. The dty requires the held over a week ago at the home of come up here and openly give testimony 1 ownership ay right of eminent domalu. City Attorney Dow when ha alone was against the aaioon. I care not a snap ot I The revenues ot tbe department are de- CaalaadAgvary, faktiBa Plaster tea's Watar Ca.

U)t UTorea mm utkhwu bj nmw ior. inrws oy teasing tne piers. ent, and his reference to the star-cham- Usere sUtsd that the two grown people I ia Boston the general harbor tmprova- ber proceedings caused some amusement wno testlfted for the protestanta, were I nents are carried on by the Federal Several Matters'Jaken by; Legislative Uth aad WtWter s. Vat Mala a. CmL tm among the more larorea whiuoubbii natiy contraoictea or 7 1 uorernmsnt.

saiaor improvements ostna niMxl aftae ata.tinr tnat It wae US thanrht thu Mnanee enouia De maua. 1 nd. liv maana ttT tha avnanirmsa Council's business to legislate In saloon and stetson repeated that be believed that I what known aa tha Harbor Compeosa- Troubles May Be Settled by matters, movea mat me raww Naywu-1 tne noya, wno nao wmwi, ww 1 uon una. via MaAintinB adoDtea.i' I tla Al. Wood Bro.

Thm motion was last, however; by the) young girt said came up toUowlna- rote: 1 here and testified that she. had gone to PACIFIC CABLE on legm snd eulors; eksru ktt-ersd, wall upholsVared. Throw a raeh oover ever it, aid sofa raihion. And A' bed oanvsTUd Into a Tarklih Roclinlrg- Coneh. 3,00 Rococo cxrvlnri.

Leather. Silk Veiour vpbolstryrd coochra. Comfort and rVcxncs for boma or eScc Frara 14 to lx SlUc srd OrfrntaJ Tar-atfry tkrrs. Orirnlai table enrtrt, wxrta comforts and eWrrtnt Laos arti r.i ia the Drxjwry DrpartincTit. Yoa wxicotoc yn dont tjcy.

Great variety to dexfen, color ai Cttern in Couch Covers. looe as a as ZkmlI (Afrlata) Won iUttsirt. A treat Improvrmeot cvrr crrro-a maxtrrase. and for clesnllnexi, ocas and aatutary exaiknor is ki: to hklr.

Full dzt, thick, stre-f made and covcrad with stror ticklBi- tUMT ItrilTMCIT. Japan, ait -Skis Lone soft, iknry fcair. T) lrxrifted ikln. A rwt dr'n'. -rccand a foot-wansrrt trrrpt out of bed thrw? cli vc- ytXifi inches.

Were Iija fae Cett-wy. AL FRIEDMAN CO Ayes-Glraro. Htetson, wwe, upion- th grvemry store ana secures Navs CuvelUer, Meese, Mott, Bchaff sr. Kley place." Taylor-. 1 I heard no testimony xrom any ww BILL REPORTED.

PA1HTCRS CCCORATORS 966 Broadway Absent Bnrstowi 1 man. said envemsr. it Excus--Lemmon1x. -That was while TO rt, tha matter nt renewlna' the license hapriea everything else. I At the meeting: of the CHy Council last evening the ordinance ordering the opening of West street from Twenty-third to Twenty-sixth streets was referred to.

the Ordnance and Judicury Committee. Tbe bill of the Oakland Gas, Light and At the meeting of the City Council last evening the trouble between'. Louts alar -a vi 4a aniulmit a ttlooa at: avi.k. iv. that ha Sold liQUOr On Feb The Hoose and Poundmaster Swift was Virtually eet-tled after considerable, discussion-and the Fslats, Oils.

Glass. Vartdahea. Wall Tenth and Kirxnam streets was taaen aiactlon day Is enougn to wanaot um vu uommirtea on anisrstaxe ana ro reign but tt was fi ally decided to defer action away his license." I Commerce today decided by a vote ot toa witt -07holf aiked Bchaffer. -teetlned that I to to repcrt a Padna cable btu along T. a.

ea. a a. 7 a-. a al St I AW a M. STW kill daTf examination of" several iwttnessea.

paper and Window Shaiea. a fhat hn had voted In fa- fiauor on election the lines of the Sherman btu. defeating May claimed. to have been compelled to by to the Corliss proposition tor Gov ror ot the saloon at the committee meet- ooa.t think It Is necessary to msn- pay to take a horse from the pound. He alleged that the animal had been illegally taken bv the Poundmaster.

it) Heat Company for $8,008.37, was recommended to be ordered paid. The foUowlna resolutions were adopted: Granting permission to Ia Hall, Dep Uty City Engineer, vacation of six Directing Clty Clerk to advertise for bids for sidewalkleg- East Firtenth street from Sixteenth to Twenty-third avenues. Ing. but thai Elnce men. ne naa learnea tioa uy names." saia chmoj.

-that' Kley had given liquor to minora, and toab. was willing to make affidavit that he had been creditably Informed that the btA a0B ernment ewnersnip. Rep Hfi2 Sewrer. man had not. eonOUCtea.

nwr ptmcak "Th.l aam man." ana aaww. 9 He therefore moved that the application before us. would have to testify I gtreet Supcrlntradmt Ott hss netlflsd vanawal of the license he denied. xri him beer. I tha Umts of PuhiM Works that he has After an hour had been wasted In listen lug to the testimony of the several witnesses, Swift agreed 4o pay back half of the money secured, -and the matter was therefore dropped.

4 There waa a short passage at arms be Communications were read and referred Mott moved as an amendment that the -If anything," said Cuvelllerv "shows baaa repalrlnr im feet of tbe lnterrwpting An.i Ka aratitad. v. tKa vnattara ought to be referred I aawar oa First street West of Center. as follows: tween Councilman 1 6chaffer and. May.

1 think." -saia Btetsoa, tnat uin the Police commission. in 1 wnicn reoenuy fXMiapseo. ne hw From- Belden and Cook to open Athens aven ue through San Pablo avenue and ahouio. oe no anwmni tnnn-nt eertainir yn 1 coinnuiu wuauHn uww wwwa mm when the matter was brought up Bchaffer said that May had told him that he did not care to press the case anv box. because it is manirestiy true tnat tnis "xil I have to say, ssoa.aioti, man has violated the I have had ur ot those boys, who came before a -t" i irr Wat Found dulltj.

sumclent prcot 01 mo cormincw um committee ot grown a He had no sooner made the announcement, however, when Attorney Street, representing May. declared that there 2JJ 2J7r Zl statement ana tnose rrm showed mat ne was r. j.f K. I in In tha I Vnnaf tn I AatOoe I BI I OX Newark was fouwl wiuw "1" 7" 1101 mini gattrrdav by a fury lr Justice Oym errniers AVer must oe some vfc-. same oe an upngnt aiiu I c.kv.

-nU i v. Kl. a-nrn man. hut v. la I mku nn .1 be to I EandnldtS CCUrl CI having failed to pro- May was 'called, and under oath' iiU 7ffFt Li.

if ffval OiaaA Tt a I Vide for tH mnOr child. Depnty instrict a a. tuiiia vwuuvu at ia asi awas 11a iubbh iss aavwa Attorney T. W. Harris appeared for the that he had ncrer had any Idea of settling tbe ase without; having- "some, of; the money refunded a anatain a man who has broken the law.

Is entitled to the same consideration that Then May and Street and Gano Kennedy Is accorded to any otner Business man. A vote was then taken to refuse the license, but It was lost a follows: -gf5 James Cahill Li 01 me nuraiun oocieiy, ana tne accused Poundmaster- were examined In turn, and LIE AT QUOTATIOtlS juarKet street Street From Twenty-third Avenue ment Association to sidewalk Twentieth avenue from Fifteenth to Sixteenth streets. Street. dtiifr -Atn-sou Death came to two members of the Bma family yesterday and, as a conse- a mother and son passed away in -rent places and almost at the same victims were James Herbert --i who was found dead In Vallejo i'rff Hoprs mother who passed i ft the ae of 84 years. i 't to rmambuliprn 1.

i time during t. 9 r- -a la his I cn tna tta "I am not a temperance man and I am not a prohibitionist, as some people claim I am. but I don't think saloons have any business around schools. We must protect our children. They -say that the children, who testified against the saloon, are prejudiced.

We have heard the testimony of boys and girls and ws know that this Is not true. Even men whom we their testimony showed that a report had been made at headquarters that tre Bed sad Uattos Lswer rok aad TeaJ arm Lamb ateadr. Ayes Glrard. Etetson. -up ton a Nays-CuvelUer.

Meese, Mott, Bchaffer, Taylor 6. Excused Lemmon. Absent Carstow. pranirient rtowe asked that the matter 4C3 Twelfth nON'CES. VTALL TAT rjut May was 111.

treating a horse; that the LXSTX A iwAP.u or vrm Tea dei-toIa. Ltd a tni Roond fa maiier was reierreo. to ewirt, who In turn referred It to Kennedy; that Swift and rnt-ierbonat aaa rnat a is aiaaa is. () Sil Hea s'b. ce the r-riren n-rs te rt thttr Caniy el ft.enDij naa tow to aviays nonae nn go over for a week because he was not have heard have saia tnat mis is a airty tia.

Kol tr.a to Fourth street and that the Poundmaster VALL hole' and It oufht to be clo-ed. One man famHiar with the subject and he i il rrown-va i corae t. iLty a4 Imi naa impounaea a which he had vjfcere ta Iiastarrr aaa rera ttian Mtmia lb lur Pntk Ctt and lata E.oaat.... I Vottrn Mw atf 3 voted aralnst the saloon tn orcr t-o nefp matter from being passed at tiat ri 7" i I v-f- ro-rv r-t tim me. round eraxinr on tne asaewais.

Several of the CouncUmen were Irrmelle to orats'oa the subject, which they ei with ir.ore or less alacrity, and the en The ether ar: r- 5 Ct-y. 1 i 1 iv ts 1 -i r.c-1. ty the 'it-- reneTs-e v. stated that he wouia re- i tha ntitter waa rajei 1 ts tr 1.

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