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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 2

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FEBRUARY- I'J. tCCD ever been with "this sVqrht advance. Kt-urally the advance vi ui come out of the pockets of the parties who have the work done and not out of the pockets of the mm 0ESE0TE0 I FOR A 1. Dosses. "I sincerely hnrw that von will succeed In gaining the support of every master OROUGil PROPH ET 1 i 1 1 1 1 i i 14.

mf mm painter on the coust wnicn you are juatiy entitled to do. this is accomplished 1 think It would be la Una for you to adopt soma way, which in your Judgment may seem best to advance our trade to the standard, second to none among the other trades, to which it is Justly entitled. Remembering at times that painters and decorators can make onions HUSOAIID MID LITTLE IDE but tnat unions cannot add to make painters and decorators, i With success to your undertaking, remain, TO DK, Now; Have i to Be Matters' of Handled by the County Fathers This I Morning. -Very Respectfully Tours. STAN LET 8TEPHENSON, us! park Street.

Alameda. 1 Police: Requested to HOT CAUSED B'f Search For Mrs. "William Goss. Cared; For by the -County; 0FY0UH sail on of any kind; therefore "Resolved, That the Board of. Baperr visors of Alameda county desire to -ex-nras their aDDredatlon the.

railroad lines? Two days more! Valentine's Day comes Wednesday better get yours tonigh. while" choosing is easy: and assortments big. Comics ,6. 20 for 5c- Lace Valentines, lor 5c to 25c each Card Valentines, 2 lor, Ec to 50c each Souvenir Valentines 25c each to $5.00 each FRENCH HATRED WHOLE 5Y5TE; TAKE Is Husband Does Not Believe Queer 0d Character. Ready to Giyb Up the Ghost.

At tba meeting of the Supervisors this morning, all the members were 'present. i On motion of Supervisor Church," the action of the Board at the last meeting denying a credit ttt time for good conduct to Con FiUerad In the County Jail, waa; reconsidered on the ground tuat be wu not a vagrant the credit, was allowed, '-i-saiti. J- BELIEF. W'Jd w' Applications for relief were disposed of as follows: WLliam Van Grant. 22-3 Mail-road avenue referred to Mr, TalcoU; Mrs-xWdbster, SOS Third street, ref e.

red to Mr. Church; Albert Bousch, 903 TJ 4 street, referred to Stoasuaa Flores, referred to Mr. 'Church; J. W. Newton, who wanted to so to the diers Home at Santa 'Monica, was referred to Strp'ervlsor Mitchell.

The resolution transferrin! O500 from British Embassador She Has Gone With Another Man. company for this very genarowa and neighbotly which has beea aucn a great accemmodauon to tbe business mea of both Oakland and Alameda; and be It further -Resolved. That tha Clerk of this Board be- directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to General Manager with our atnere thanks." -The resolution waa unanimously adopted. DR. STRATTON.

Dr. Stratton of the Receiving Hospital reported 205 services during January. FUed. i Left Paris fori O.her i Reasons. Will lam R.

Ooaa, aa errreesmaa em. ALAMEDA, Feb. IX The potlaa ambulance area seat down to Alameda Point ployed by T. Jepaoa at ThineaaUi abJ Uut night to fetch aa old man. known as ropuet" Smith, who waa reported to be On motion of Mr.

Church credits of time the Gnerat Road Fund to the Folomarea dying la a hovel there, to tha Receiving in the County Jail were granted to prison Koad FUhd was rescinded. ioadway. has reported to tbe police a pitiable case of a motber deeerung br busbaal and baba. Aecordir to Ooaa. bis wife left be boase eaddaaig two saoaths aao.

and be seen nor heard notnUig of bar atac. ers J. II. Field. George owiey ana A requisition of Justice Bananoiat 01 Jrtospital.

Tha polios utet with a vigorous protest from Smith agalast being moved to ary hospital. Ha said be bad James CeotervtUe' for 'a docket waa kasodat Praas ZXspateaaa sr TrlfMiR aoeciai Leased Wlra on motion or tne same supervisor, cred Justice Bdsrar filed his inventory 01 no mutation of dying Just at present, and its were denied to J. King J. Riley, county property In bte posaesslon. JLONDOtf.

Feb. In the House ef i.a-. i un.k,r J. "iicould gt alona ail rUrht if left alotvs. My wtfe bad a gaud noma." asid Goes letting his tremble.

"ad I trver r-sa Urr We were saarrWd Sullivan. T. ssi reavsvr m. a vvuuuiiib lOOIT. g.

J. tHSJifmr. Bir LJirill r-m a. nQin mA .1 I rrojwm iMOita uvea i mjx sra umm- AXJOES STRKIST SKWUiS. A recommendation was received from J.

vi inuarr ana government SUITH Successors to M. B. SMITH A gORS 7 US4-I153 BROADWAY, OAJOANft. AK OlD BRIDGE. fc.

years ago, and our life has eiaar bean wry nappy. Suddenly, two meath. denied the statement "recently published tralT.c. Th. hn aTnadiv instructed to I tnat air und J.

Munson. the BrltUk I Ui''aK Embassador TVi jk rAn flnpMrM was ago. wllaoet any a poured cause, she left Agler, Superintendent of th; West Division -ot the. Southern Padfle Railroad Company to the effect that the Railroad Company was willing to tear down the nMn.n tyna fop th I to Franca, has been ran do. on dry land to keep It tram founder! ug.

POWERFUL BUT HARMLESS -i me ana our baby, who will be nve years removal of the old brtoge on nmnon 1 "wu r-. A mast with rungs like a ladder sticks up at one end ot tha craft. Smith Hid be to the top of this mast every morning to ota in stay. "I beard that aba bad goae to Berkeley a bare she was kaowa as Annie Hinckley but aa lavasugatloa ikes that abe is not Alice street ridge as soon a wo couaiy took its planking off. Mr.

Taleott said that Vturr bad ai- nue in Frultvale road district ana tna ra- we eneaaive axuiaoa or ue pUcing of It with a new one. wWa W1 to tha war in Boa th Africa. i pray, as ha is particularly rcUgtoua. Ills readv racelved a letter from Mr. Curtis, idea to get as near heaven as poestbia tnar sad I beneva sbe atost have son enalneer maintenance ea way 01 am water wi to bar family ta the East.

1 have wmtet PetTrsVn. Nilei; Henas Cunhs, Ban Lo- lTZr n.nZI..:?Z,.n Wnn boat Is rtsked la deep iindi Padia Melrosa. whlh aeidom. It wU sail la only one tack ta nad out. and 1 hope to receive letter la a few dai a .1 Southern Pacific to the effect that lh company intended to tocsin tearing down tbe bridge on the 13th of this month.

Tfc aim's: was instructed to communi Ml BRIDGE HOUSBL Gera. cmaaT ta The natter of dlspoaing of the old tha Modder river. Lord Lanedowne. Sec- -f Iname of a new sect founded by the old -1 am aatianad that there la aa other man in tbe case, aa aba was not that sled cate with Mr. Agler anil convey to him wonu, tra nan si.

teas to nnd a tbe impact -of the letter recdvea xrom om-ruwn iaro i yvruua me query rexemng to Un- BllB. ft consists of three derreea. the mrwrar ttrtmTt I era I rtnHnrtn. i. ik.

I a wrea aegreea. ina Mr CurUsa. mAAm J--r "-'r. "uf cannot dlvuiga The cause tor bar sctlona Mrs. Goes said ta be a strikingly handsome woman, and those who knew xne report 01 ua m7.V 1 ra 01 ooo.

ns says, direcuy commv THE COUNTT ORATBBTTli Mr. Taleott then" ref erred td the kind IS aning oi a new roaa in ourry xuwu- lu I nicsted to him. and is endowed with ness which had been; displayed by tha With the deeds to ina property inwwwj uivrv. nnllmltad powers. Things are rv'vealad to Southern Pacific with respect to ma coun nirn just aa taev ware to tbe old Dronhau.

people would follow his teachings they Defective Eyes ty in the matter of the use or. tne auo, street bridga. He thought tha kindness should be anorectaled in some way and for the road, were presentea ny eupervie-or "Wells and a notice was ordered pub- to non-consenting land owners to appear before the Board if opposition to the project was entertained. wuuiu urf i rev ex. Heaven Is revealed ta ma." aald Km it her say that aba was of a rather gsy disposition.

mm clerk. then introduced the following: wtii-mjl The Bontberh Faclfia' Rail CIIIS. Sllt. OSES nor i ram today, "and I can sea millions of angeli flying around soaea with mv naked Can made to era perfecUy. aal Mayor Appoints Him to On motion OI supervisor nnw, uun Barnard was allowed an extension ot 10 Ttey are everywhere.

God talks with me road Company granted to the county of Alameda tha use of its Alice street bridge every day or two. When be wants ma be tba troabla entirely removed by lrorx-rly dieted CltMrt. day for the completion oi county roaa No. 87. The board adjourned until next Tuesday morning.

asks in a deep voice. 'Is that you. Smith for highway purposes during the enure period that tbe Webster street bridge was i am your God. 1 want to talk tn tiui Charles T. Blamberg lias toegun suit I and then he tells roe how to dirwet the under construction, ana wkoouk coupea' the Vacant Place in the Council.

against the Pacino States Savings Loan I peopia 7 bat's why rve got this boa At tha meeting of tba Board of urM- 'VJ rtt visors this mornlna-. County Clerk Joraan UtitwsayosW mn. gained his point, receiving the assistance by sub-letting the ball to the various un- ana iBuilding Conrnany to have can- I it s. to bold rellerlous meetlnn on. All ons will be sunn en to pay nil we ax- oallad a mortgage of O.400.

I cannot get thlarelJgion 1 preach, aa It is of tha Board In tbe matter of esoedUiag registration by the unanimous adootion enses both of rent and to hire a man to In 18S9 Slamibfrr 'secured a loan of 11.400 1 only lor a select few. The location of rich E. H. NOE jtke care of the-rooms. I from the defendant and mortgaged some I gold ml pes in Alsska is known only to in, DiK-: umji win riviwik i property in Tuitvaia to secure it.

with I ana ancwieare or untold wealth eps open ctaiuruay. WITH MEIi WHO HAVE TO IRK of tha following: "Resolved. That the Board of Super-Visors will approve and allow the hotel expenses and railroad fare of tbe Count Clerk and deputies for attending ta districts tn the county of Alameda outside the city of Oakland for tba Durtmee of ana wm men oo ueu mm- i or stock of the defendant eomaany. Hoi i was on the earth 7.0W years ago. and OPTICIAN ,61 7th Si (cr.

Vliij StUfci) Uayer R. W. fincwr today appointed Prof essor J. O. Lemmon of Alden, Coun lman-a4-Largas to aocceasd tha lata gatnermg piaca ior au uib wutuu illM entered an agreement to pay besides I wnen ascend to heaven I will Slav tiiere a aen; who can meet there witn tna.

the L40O the Dremfum on the twenty- 7.W years before 1 coma back ai. itwiiut tor xkiu nnutii iHa- i amilif tTiAle fur mcoL Charles Kramm. Professor Ltemmon I ing-room will ba too small for this pur-(valu jiqo each. 'PTRAMTD CLASS. registering voters; aald expenaee and rail- i well known as a botanist and enjoys a lucrative) income from tha sale of sev on wiuray evnins a The Dlaintlff having renald the original A crvramUl i at 'that time is very larae.

eral books which ha baa published on loan asked to have the mortgage re-1 Endnal Recreation i The work furnishing the rooms has I that subject. He has therefore, -enure The defendant, however, refused are Messrs. Hamma, Ryder, Tbomsen, command nis tima ana, as ha has al rki noiaing xor me lurarrt, Wlchman. Burnham. Schroeder.

M1G KHIEIIHB New rtoo A -w" Ail machine All machines ling has been set for the 1st of March. r-- will hi ehT bSn iPrwnHmi. which had and Brewer, wlrh Jack Bird as lVadeV In ways iwtn identified with progressiva movements, it: 1 ezpaotad that ha will rive enura aaustaeuon his newt post- raaraatred. SOT. Ths enure cost is estimated I iKrutot uneaiea i v.

wuuw tha, the agents of the company xnisrepre-1 and Oroth GO) by scores of a 10, a-u. v.n i I sented to hhn the obligations be was an-1 alutbda iaaGURt.v $10.00 iTof eesor Lemmon baa never. In any manner, taken an active part In tha poli Interesting Notes Aboui the Labor Unions. of Oakland. roaa tare not to exceed tm JOHII P.

IRISH WILL SPEAK OH BOER WAR, CoL John P. Irish will deliver aa address tomorrow. Tuesday evening, before the Men League of the CongregaUsnal Church at tha Church Chapel at eight o'clock. He baa taken for bis subject. Tbe War In South Africa," which is tba moat Important question pending before the public at the isrtesot tlase.

It is understood that Mr. Irish's address, wblle rreaefrUng tba entire sub We also repair want among the unions and a great deal If T'iS Assembly No. U. United Ar-of satisfaction Is being expressed at Its nEl will give a home social this even- and rest. tics of tbe city, but ha is a prominent member af tha North Oakland Improve ment Association and is a great worker attainment.

It IS thought that the hal will help to unite the various unions and Th. ITa Eureka Hail In tbe Masonic build- efSo? lrfiS hM. w-Tuleld fn- An lnforml program tncluding num-122. .5 'vuLTi" haT" ba Clared bers by the Imperial Quartet will be ren- further obligation; far municipal tawprovemeata. During tha.

tnus increase tfieir strengta ana aseiui- civil war ne servea wsut tne union army. I iv speaking of tha Mavor derod. Dancing will be Indulged In. and 380 TblrtifBtli St, cor. fntk la ELECT Tnow said he thougnt ha had mad a sa refreshments served.

Admission will be by Invitations issued by members ot tin Assembly. Trades Council last Monday evening the lectian would give satisfaction, tar a sibucB as tf tha vacancv were filled following officers were elected: nil I reTttLVts stuTsi I I mm lnl ewe. Urn president. J. T.

Kerns, of the Plaster Tba Building Trades CouncU has leased tha upper floor of the Crellln Building at r4 NEWS NOTES. WUHam and Jack Hammond and YCn. ject, will be pro-Boar tn Its sympathies, i It baa been arrangwd by those in charge! of the evening to have a general discus-i the appoiDtmant of a man from another part of tha city, tha annexed district would feel that it had no representation ers union; J. F. Edwards, 11am Dunlesvey of this city are now ree A J.

ATXIJta. kC ta bsiiet at. saa rraa. sloa of the subject at the dose of tbe ad-1 A PfiOLIPT A1ISWEB. Thrfl of tho Shlnglers' Union; reccraing secre- quarters ther The Door contains a large i Frartea of the Carpenters' 14 by 88 feat in Slaa and three I AnncUHnn-.

cr. IJ1WUUM HUP nlar players on the Firemen's Fund base drees, and there will be several speechea -V ball team of Ban Francisco. They participated la a game in San Francisco Satur Smauer anu-ruums. lta.rv.VW. Rirmi th.

HnrVbv.r present! r.g tne Bntlea aide aa waiL Tbe put lie will seldom have a cbsaca to fcxar a debate upon such an Important proposi The hail waa formerly, occupied ny tna i Further, tha Mayor thought tha select on was wise because his appointee believed in a reasonable bond The appointment was mada after the position has been refused by John Hu oward. James P. Taylor and R. H. Chamberlain.

day last, in which their club defeated tb In answer to a copy of resolutions urg' of tha numbers' union; Stanford nine. lrg our representatives In Congress to do all in their nower to brirur about the Arm's, Morris Scanlan of tne Laborars' Young Mens' InsUtute and is generally known as tha M. Hall. It will be handsomely furnished and used aa lodge room bv the various uniona Tba apart- Mr. and Mrs.

Victor Englnger of US IN THEIR PURITY Is bow wa dispense Wines gad liqnora. Oar TOXIC PORT rutgtUad. Coat and get a free easspJe. tion, ana not only will it be Interesting, bat InetruoUve as well. All ssaa are welcome to attend tbe meeting, and aa charge for admission wlil ba made.

completion of the Nlcaxagaan Canal, tha I Chestnut street, are planning to depart Oakland Board of Trade has received the I early in March for a European tour. Tbey Executive committee R. 'wland. p. wTi- ments will be as fine as those of any of son, George FlUgerald, J.

P. Burke, M. ina puml lOOge. rooms inw cy. WhltiL V.w.rl.

J. Mullen. Trustees following communication from Congress-1 win visit uennany after seeing the Paris man Victor H. Metcalf I Exposition. At there are teB-tmions now, ammawa j-r Yp i irn.n: January IS.

1900. I Senator E. K. Taylor and Aasembiymar with the 'uncU it will be a nifficalt mat-1 r.ii.. fW a ay mm Coun Am VU ALAMEDA JOINS COUNCIL WILL MEET "Board of Trade.

Oakland. California I J. R. Knowland returned from Sacra- let to arrange that their OR SI. ill A delacatlan reora the Oarnentera Gentlemen: I am in receipt of yours of I mento Saturday evening.

mwetings in the hall. But as a num bar ot tha unions are small and meet oniyj Union oi Alameda was present tuid was the SSrd Inst In regard to tha Nicaragua new Miss Mills of Richland. Iowa. tha COMMISSIONERS i TO EXPOSITIOII. 1 1 guest of her sister Mrs.

Helen E. Uauk nnca or twice a numth it la ehoaht that i lormsMiy aamitvea to tne council wmc TO DISCUSS RATES. The City Council will bold aa adjourned keeUng this evening and will aiso sneet "In answer would say that I have giv ins of Tan Clinton now represents "eleven unions. The Ala the difficulty can be overcome. WM.

BEYER CO. Atroti 470 Elxiith Stmt VerdenaL a New York correspondent of The unions will be required to pay just meda union has about fifty members and in an Important addition to tha strgenth the Examiner baa this to say concerning what they are paying for tba halls in en the House bill providing fer the construction, the operation and ownership of the Nicaragua Canal by tbe X3overnment careful consideration. I will work and as a committee of tbe whole ta eonsWer the recent tests ef tbe Roberta wells and people well Known here: Mm. burr ot tb council. which they meet at present.

The car sresdwey aal Vaaatagssa Street. penters, for instance have tha largest un MTLLMEN. the matter of fixing water rales tor tbe easulng year. S. W.

GetcbeU tha bualness agent of vote for tha passage of tha bill, tor It will be a grand thing for tha whole coun MasUck. wife of the cx-Alameda lawyer, baa Issued cards for a eerie of aatl-lenten receptlona Mrs. Maatlck comes of an old New Tork family and bee friends ion In tha council, and are now paying tit par month for Grand Army Hall In Free Mttvery Tel. gad yeta, OTZX EATXnLDAY BVECINCS. tha Trades Council has already begun tho try end especially for tbe Pacific Coast.

which they hold meetings once a wee. I work of the millmen on this They will be required to pay a similar I aide tbe bay. There are seven large DIATH DUE iO sum jor tne new naiu ne painters, tne i mills in which over a hundred men are are numerous besides bar husband's friends among tha California na. Tbey reside at 'the Montana, Mount arris Park. "lours sincerely H.

DEATHS REP0BTD f.VKinley Names De Young to Represent HEART DISEASE. The Inquest aa tbe remains af Stanley Mrs- Clark of 1017 San Antonle arenas has returned to her home from Saa Fran next largest organisation, will be required employed. These mills have all been vis-to pay 18, therufa they now pay for ited and arrargementa made for the ap-Danta Jlail. Other unions which have a pointing cf committees to meet and con-smallai rehit ot dc not meet so fer with tha carpenters preparatory to often wlU be charged but. Ja or 6 par organising.

A committer cocslsang o. month. three and three machine men will AT HEALTH OFFICE. cisco, wnere she has been residing for the B. Parkinson, the young man who felt dead ta a naiooa at Llwrmore revolted ta past year.

Mrs Perry Rockwell, bee daughter, will reside with her. 'The death has been reported of Wil a verdict of death due ta bean aiieass. California Lieutenant E. K. McDonnell, of Com three smaller rooms will be fitted (attend from each mill.

A delegation up fori he accommodation of all members I from the recently organized millworkers liam Woods, a native of England, aged 7 years. at his home si Clay street. is e.r wa.i. i i- al. i a i Bora.

pany G. Is bow "breaking la" aa a motor-nuui on tbe local elect rto Una. A IT llr I umoa rancisco wiu aiso oa pres-i Heart disease was tbe cause of death. ouiifung iTwn uiuiwu mm wm Mpiieni ana assist in uw.vors ox organixa-1 Jmm Tsr.L m. native of Ylrrlnla.

ard J. A. and Eilaabeih Remmal hare deed. ARDXER a this dry. Fsbrsary i.

XX a.i., ed ta George A. Hughes tha lot on the to the wtze at Caanea A. uaraaer. a The largest cne ot these rooms is If I The maetin which is tn ha raited I rTV "'i. r.

south aide of Pacine avenue, 7i feet east dai feet wide by 24 feet long. It is situated Mr. GetcheU win arobablv ba deiavad mi I "ISZIZl2, jMoclated Press Dispatches by ot cnapin street, niioyiu teat. i th.eJr?"t 21! rnother ETFranlJaV and John Tbe Tribune's Spec al Leased kwgf bmgf bmmmfwyp Died. 7k V.TLr 7w v.

Iv I "SrrLY rU1' V4 I Wallace who dSed Saturday, was held 1 1 1 W- today St- Patrick's Church in Wast WASHINGTON, Feb. liTha President Font the' following nominations ta tha To be Commissioner of tha KTLPATR1CK In Ban Aaleetle, Nevada. Oakland. Deceased was tl years old and fitted tp aa a reading-room. Tha floor I i INSPECTORS' UNION MEN.

will ba covered with, linoleum or aomal At the meeting of the Journeymen February UMS, IMrM res. was a native of jreiana. RAGES AT such substance which can easily ba keut I Plumberr Union last Thursday evenrnz. son ot William and Mllivo KUpeutrb, a clean 'and the walls be bung witnl Samuel Smith, Stuart Gemweil and Char- native ot Oakland. CaiUoraia, agea years.

BRYAH SPEAKS SXOOT la East Oakland. Febrwary IX pictures and -mottoes giving the room a lea E. Btrasberg, Ohe City Sanlatry In-bright and attractive appearance. There spec tors were elected honorary mem-will be tables made by the carpenters bers ot tba union. No trouble baa been themselves, and well stocked with the experienced of over tha eight hour latest magsines and papers.

law. Tba union is constantly growing 1M. Coloaal David Btaaat. beieved United States to the International Exposition at Paris: Bertha Honora Palmer of Illinois; Brutus J. Clay, Kentucky Charles A.

Collier, Geo trla; Michael H. 1 Young California; William L. Elklna, Pennsylvania; O. H. Wethers; Wisconsin Peter Janesen, Nebraska; Calvin Man 'HTTg, lowat William M.

Thornton, Vlrn ginia; Thomas F. Walslf, Colorado. I Postmasters CallfomJa-Fi L. Glass, nrtine: James O. Sacramento.

inr husband ot Laara W. SmooC a statrva of Alexandria. Vlrgtala. aged years, 4 Bseataa ar4 dara Notice of taaerei bsraafter. The a note building will ba In charge oil stronger, v- man who will attend to tha Janitor work 'r PADTERfc.

and keep everything clean and orderly. At fheV laat meetlnr T-. tb. WHAT IS ITt 8ClfWAR-Ia this city, Fsbruary it is tnonf" tne money received I ttV 1L tha Infant son af Henry Vk VVOODIn this dty. Febrwary were Initiated and one application It was decided ta raise the la-ltUtioq fee from to til to take effect Mardh 10th.

The delegates from the Trades Council reported the appointment by that body of 8. W. GetcheU as busi TANFORAN TRACK. Feb. O-tba first -v i RICHMOND.

Va, Feb. 11-W. Bryan reached this city this morning, esoortsd by a Joint -committee of the Virginia Les ness agent. mis acuon was approved. Tco Late for Classificticn LAEOH PAPER Mi 1 tw I islature.

ba having been invited to address race tooay reeuitea aa tonows: Una Cadsau first at to 1. UeauUful.Hlll second at to Isailne third at 1 to 1. SECOND RACE. Fanstura first "-at even money. Captive second at to laverary second at 100 to nas peen startea in sen Francisco, It n.Vfr.

vate of President Williams of the wilt ba a weekly and will be issued aolerv car Sea. board Air Line System. Notwithstanding young girl to esaUt; noeke-work and cbUdrea; wagva is. id lmX Fifteenth au In the interests of. organised labor.

O. A. FEET a steady rain there was a crowd at the depot which Insisted upon snaking hands. rveitmoe who has his headquarters at 12i Montgomery street. San-Francisco is editing the paper.

iv-. JATAXEEE. good boy, aveka poiu--a to do tA-uaewerk end to In kkhrn. William Wood. axd 7 yvara.

WAIXACE-In this dty. Fsbruary 11 lA Margaret Wallace, a native County LIsAetick. aged at years. RL'4S In Berkeley. Fsbraary XT.

Zip pnrah Rosa, a ar Feradaia, CaX. ared years, 4 tnontka sad 1 day. FEVNFMA-Ia February 18, 1900, Gealea Grace Fennetaa, aged months and 17 days. cXrd5f thanks. Tha family of the late 'Rosa Meastna desire to extend their heartfelt thanks ta their friends for their kind sympathy ta their lata bereavement.

SBnssssWaBWaessnwssssnnnisanssSBeUBBnsassBnaSS a W. Kinsef Dealer Jo New Stylt Hcuserto'd Furm'tun Carp3ts, 'Ranget, Etc. Modern furniture bought, exchaeged at sold an tnstallBent payssenta Cash dla-tount IS per cent from Installment price a Mr. Bryan addressed an audienee la the Academy of Music this afternoon. To HOUS PASSES PUBLIC LANDS.

Addreae Laa, lUtr Maiket night he will be tendered a reception by The carpenters adopted some rattling I Chairman Elltutn at which tha members WK uivtaion oc puuuo tanas 1 of die General Assembly will be present. I II at ww aimnHuie. I Mr. Bryan wiU ro to Raleigh tomorrow. CHICAGO 8TRIKEL I The attempt on' tha fart of the builders I PIIAPPCG HDt PEB1II BILLS Won't Uzii Osr Cartsts "sasaassaa- THOSE THATWE SELL' WEAR -V very one that lives ia a and contractors of Chicago to enforce I Mfc rules that are considered harmful by the LOST Child's gold chain, with irt of ABvertcaa flag: loet between Twrr.

second rU and Cast Osklsnd: rrts4 a SoOTetur. Itara to 94 Taeiuy-aci 1 ay rawati. endsy, at train from Francisco vis Aissaeda rva. purse -talcing twa "nork'-aees and xrnrr. tvrn IO CC aghtn r- DECLARED FALSE laaor unions nan lea to a.

strike that threatens to effect 40.000 men and to tie up the entire building business- in that Police ludga Xlortlmer' Bmlih and his city. v'-v father, J. H. Smith, who axe accused by Mrs. Mariane Louis of Alameda with rav-l THE PAINTERS.

WASniNQTON. Feb. II The thlrty- ing wrongfu ly converted 750 to thtlr-ov Ave private bills favorably acted upon by use while aeJng as her attorneys, bavsl the committee of the whole at last Frt filed an answer to-tbe eomulalt Tne I day night's session were passed. The Painters and Decorators Union of Oakland has received the following communication from Stanley Stephenson a BBssaMssssaswaasssms j-. atviswy wawi4a wvw uav defendants show that they were regally I A resolution to print copies of ths rV I -wonderful prominent master painter ot Park street, Alameda: entiuea to the money they received andlwport of tne rnmppine Commission was exhibit a written -contract to prove the! adopted.

being District ot Columbia Oakland Union Nov 127. Painters and tacv. 1 tnninci. Decorators of America Gentlemen: I THE PALACE FISH nini'ET cpir toxnorrow (Tuesday) 51 'and 520 Eleventh czi 4 I day. the Ilouie then proceeded to the have this day, received notice from riiriTP rrniniTinM I ennrtaerauon 01 business relaUng to the our secretary.

Mr. w. IL-WcCrfmmon statins that after March 12. u-ja. von CfiUiHIIU.i Ml l.

1 Auv. vuminmr. ci in. 6 9 Size 7JS 9 Size u3TZTlll 1 llarket). At all vcu v.

ri II If I II (J! fl I House today completed and reported the II liU; Ut.U ex cuUve, legrUlaUve and Judicial arrro- 4. Co 9 12 Size a a a a a a a aa aa a a a prlatlon bill. orw of the LmrKriarft have established the following rate of wages: Painters, $3 rer day; paper hangers, S3 SO per day. This in a step in the right direction ar-i should have been taken Ion? aaro. For -what man can sun port and educate-a family as he ousat to, upon the small sum ot rxr clay; taking Into consiicrati tl.

many day lost on account of rainy weathfr, licit th- choicest and fre-hest line of Ftsli, Oysters, Shrimps, etc. 1 Isa'Delle has boiruri eult fir divorce from Kdrward L. Wheeer on the grounds extreme crue'ty snl wl rx-t. Justice lgar of rep- cl Mi3FIT.CARPET5, ART CARPETS, 1 wilk ca. Erin of the supply bll'iM an.l ewrrylig the sni-arips of oKiclals In all branci.e, of the public e'ibmltted arrrcMtM Ijf-ji, anj ths bij arpro- pr atcd The bl.l Is a takn -cp wtib the dett'ed snl'riea, The cr.angts 1M few.

1 itsuui, Lne 3 ot erf.r-icymer.t, ar 1 the nary dan- I I 1 Efi v.r.icn Etteri men 1.1 our "i rave lc i cr i such a sspp i In toa 1. ivo, I rrv t3 t-r t---i i I i' it r-.

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