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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 4

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 A -r i rr t-ia ocs 1 tr ri -T 1" -1 J. A. J. rs 7 LUUii'LiUULi hie r- --a tct tfr rt i c. lets te ooeaMse u4 art deaisra.

Cottle An expr ina, true, grea'ar cm. tie -b-ir avad Vjaiboirj, but tt iN brouxit awbovit -without e-T. i i ill i CeCvwred by Carrtar 5 AT 3So pop Month XX XXX xxxxxxxxxx x' bilO 1UU -liUJli -k xaanant HfV tCT a 4V an IntercGtin: to e.tasr or toSlrrcUy, FAIili -AHD WITuTBIt 4 rnsor txat t.e cita of C.e estra outlay. The B4M7 that la sr4. thereto, by the eonsbtaaiie or Event.

OTITIS arose gee tor wron; poo-1 Says That Ho Did Not A3rc0 to Accept the $500. SUDSC312EB3. vv seta, foe tt eortche (Mm Jrady pro- SJed wtlh tarf Be at tb expense VTm Berth ehetee suits disclaims saoToment wbicb tbey ormalata. Cm wa-ereJna- elefnst lb niW w-fclch Mn. Ota son La a Interview to te TIUBUNS 'is.

othr aad related aim 1 to ttlUrat ta chUdroa aovd other a greater revereae Ta attempt that to btnr nad br the Daoteorst (a mU! the reepoasibtlity to tuiei apon ber of tlrvs rep SEPTEflBfiR 20th far Ok Uvcts ncm Mm ArambnoftA Bftfty I rwnUUirt ty brT to ot Any aahacribcr cot rectvlnx Visa Tribune) rcxuUH.vlO pleua frj4 i notka to this eilk aad tfca complaint will ba attao4 to Atccca, ftlaralATlr ftnfxtr. Tl lilra. lUl IM nW fTUUIMI IN Mil Lbo (aaaraJ orraa2aaUoa tba ABdoboa Society. Defective Asserts That the iNGPECTIOn SOLICITED evrtvnltLM for tb rwuU NO CARDS ftta atmpiy odo mrmbar of that ao. for ail forms of l.Je, brtxvglnr tbani to uoArrttand that Uto ts.

oa and sacra d. So tbto form proeoads, aot as raXoraaa asQally do, bod work from Tb peraon la first ladtrlduaUy eoarlaoed. aad then act or refrains (rose action, to ftcoordanoo with bar conTlction. Wa don't say, Thoa sbalt not. 1 bav apokeo.

aboat tb anllstjoaat of wrUsrs la our oao. Calla Tbaxtsr Is rr tM rvtm ot proUctloa. t)t then eUty who brpana to bo to Ca-f omla. J) wr li74 rtr bo blftmod Uefttwo tftk of tte ftftoeUvo eru- Offer and Promptly, a ad of ooura I bar ta ao rcprooonta tro capacity," aaid tbat Udy to a TRI-BVXK report c. "Tbaro ar aoiabar ot Jcr aiaCBbora la cot gut who A fl rn: lj OS Ad ft wftod to tb totartotft Amr-Cft froaoctloea JLaorVa Ubor.

-L-au. a ui. 'xli Orm4 Opera bav ooao oot bar froia tb East, bi- BopobtlcM party to tb tboub wo bav ft yet a ItaU orraa- a. Sb baa writ can a 'poaaarftd paaa-pblat. vary lataty.

3k dtdtov tb sftAd-plpTs ao. bav rocotvad. word that aa tarotoa of tbla pabtteattoa to on ro oc immmw tlMt vovlft rvr thw i tsaUoa. Thoro ar enat orcftnlaaUoaa cry -vann for tb bottar firotocUaa of tlrd Uf la ehorey uedare ttat, moaopoUoft od poralt thi croftUoa of 1 'TH, ALWAYS BUSY STORE" moot of tbo Naw Sactaad aad Coatyal tba way aad aaartii Oakland and bop thoUfb Toster. th wan who was robbed troouk i4 bo to ZfocrftUtf iact.

-thee to a to rocorr It la Urn for distribution to af ftOfiO to aoM a hi room la th Hotel on Oocyroo ftttoek rack toctaUtlo i N. E. Cor. 1 2th and Washington Bar 1 tb attendant oa tbeHatSbaw tomorrow brmacb Aodoboa aooltty ta Baata bar, and tbo aetximact wtdeb tt ta till aa4 rbOtpvUM EikOtk I Vtcmc at amx votrxu pajuc -4 aramac. VTfttdt csapcaan aaa also wra tea forctvry oa tbla iia.

Oa of tola atrons; paper ta a tb Wbtt jm-m 1 1 wm Won iAoa. Tbo boot fta f1 OH is toftt ftneb: fHAftMU ot otov udo, ons tbo tMolTs -voQ kaow tbo proooct auadad I aaa bapoy to oay. la aproadtac rapidly ba Boatbara CaUforala. It, la not tapoaatbto a aoetoty Bay ba tb aoure of tb price lea aigrette. Yondome, offered to air half th sum for its recovery; -tb offer was not ao-eepted or batened t' He declares, that th offer was to hhuaelf aad aaotber detectire aad was by tbem put aside wWb a laurh.

CMet nortaWns. who ta InTeetlsated this chary, -v expresses hi conVtetloa' that foratad bra a aa aateota of OAs Hat Thar 1 sou oocaslna for ttrprls at BftaW wbicb la to opoa to tbla elty n- tb jwaabar ladle wbo wear alsrattea fgItoM il7jao growth of tko rvtUy' toftt proftA orar tft aanmtry tbo aaapto tb CbQ Baataty tbla tha other products of tba -wanton IKES DEFENSE sacrlao of tb Wrds. dUeadt tb Aud- tva ooold urflr Or la Boston. I tftoftoqetty a boa oclUes bav a hop tUtimately brlnglnc ft eonvtctloa and aenas of tb Aft a proof of tbolr pootUoa oa tMa mt- fotXBdv ab coattouad "wILhoet tmhfhtn baawa ldaa bbat aro Char pro alaa raUUac tb daooratloa of arU of aaerlaclns so as: aad Said fclrds far OvwCftfft4a Vft itfWMNt to tor, toft RpftUftaa tAA4 oft4y toAajr to Joto teftftft wit Om noatftto to aay Birsftt taot orftdlcfttft th rrC I bat. Tb pa opt fBr ar asscb la araat aad ab atma- DETVEY aaaders SUveas, I-a aad Manager K.

olden, Bnslness kUnsgtr, -'Fhoaexame -Ewy Klcbt this Week and Saturday Vatlaee, DADDY NOLAN The Good Old IrUh Comedy which was la ranted for laughing porpoava only, a pewerial cast, bright specialties, new eetiUws, etc the (equal to the. "Chimney Corner," Beats oa -sale at Beulr's Prog Store, I2th and Broad war, and at box oSioa aoo FOR RECTORS; anaanjaJaaanaawaaSB pbor appoara to bo oo to wbleb aoao there I Mt the aUshtest around tor It. Foster. MmseJf. the Chief, 'says, used to him Try words wbicb ttoe detectrrea hs4 previously employed la reporUsa th ess to him, a that their nsxratiT is 'ISaturday moTnlD' said Deteetly Bhorer to (he Tribune- reporter.

about quarter to etch, before Chief Hodvklna Th RoaabUcfto luto wtQ ftft okklr ft4 mom ovarian, aim ii unoar- tao DoftvoerftUe eas ftdopt tbo oaifi tra tb Bta Aadoboa aoity ar tkftt 1 -oacroatod a to UOwakm wftato ts Dm actfttto Ka tteftl tftptfu. to ru th Vm4- to4Mtry tk tov It ecM to Ca4 far Um trwtac tlM ta tb National Hlatory room. That ao- prrroatm. aad if taoa a4 la tho claty oataaUy iaaaia- ablo Ht- tar aad aatisda' La wrltara to tb win ati fairly aad aoartT tt ftr ftjiacfftt4 vka tftft had arrived, th man. Foster called, sad Aaaarieaa I cacao of tb bird aa aft-aLaat certain Pftft.

br to rftoa wby wo TTmaa. Vate it aK was referred to in and brleffy toid the Cory of hi loss. told tdca to so back to bis room and keep tb story from tb Says Acme Club Was Not 'Mismanaged." worm uw txtoock fta otorarber wq of ta yopto to tb ooyotaaja I MUa rof orai to oxpeotad. to aproad powar of tato coaatry. I aaaialy by tba maaaa of tb Quirt.

ntl iodvers and others about tb house proav isirar to caU on kha at soon -a Holland, any official. partner, cans m. This I SrayftMi ta ptftaataf to ta ala raft kUmem ks EbU4 ft ooa aa bia paraa raa ftrt offoct. Woadw waatoor a ar ao WomT to EoCarnaiy. rt aaa laflaaac of a rood axanipia.

Next Sunday -t! SEPT.24tn.vW; RESERVED SEAT EXCURSION etaty partly malntalnad by ataan of bra aad aaanal namberahipa for rery tb toilet. It doe not ata thus far that this eonvlctloa to always followed by a ebaao ta action. in. aoany Instance tb dictate of fashion ar proTsa to Straus; far tba awake ed principle of ladles. In other tostaac tbey aaa thetr cooaolanoes by tb conaiasratlan that an of their hat ornaments ar manataeturad.

That conatderatloa ourht not to (It then xnach comfort, becauas tt simply maana that som of tha birds oofitrlbatlnc tba fsahtoas ar aaarly If aot suite xtormlnatod. That Is tb only reason for tb resort of manti-faetnrars to tb plamar of barnyard fowl. This reform, from tb soBsttles of th caa. must start with ladles of means and fashion tbo' who are abl to wear tha Ksmilns articles at almost fabulous 7a my recant few abors oa ths Una ta Oakland ,1 bar found that our gi1Dnrs almost without ezoaptlon, as soon as they anderatand our objects, ar wOllna to eo-ocerat them. They would atodly do away wrth tha customs of arblch they cannot approve, but uit renerally tbsy-bav dfinbto about tbelr ftbUlty to do so.

That is a point which remains to tested. morameot has com to us In Oakland slowly. Our people bar Just tbink about It wltbla the last year or two. Bat on thtn; certain, it has now at lensth crossed th RocUas, and I hop tt has com to did. met SCr, aTuater to his room and araia related his loss to us both.

examined the premises, and on that Mm had more money. Tery careleaaly aw fij I ta efixtfttft llfHIf oetol. to Via ftaaJtb, It to not faaatleal la laa tha nr aoaaa. At In raalli popM as colpabi who dinar to vtowa Paawratfa aaUoaal campaira tuvA. bat praoUoa from tba Tbay tbftt Hijiftlaaa ataat aot bo too U- do aot iKifonlia, Tb wotBoai la bjatm; It.

at am demurred, stat-1 aVUtor Trtbune: la ftuoday- tsaua of In that fcad alwaya been lucky ex- Fr3lcn jBxajntoer, In areola n-eept one la Oregon, toaetJier es-l ted "Acme CH Need ftfouey," somie cortod txm to th Union Baak. where ha deposited, som 90a; taking a rtlnc.5l a.a onani tha ti aZ- Ki. be epoke nsafle the general state. cbftrr of tbia work, vary soaay of thara. nia sftoooy talba oroa ESTATE TAXES.

aCy tbaa a aooo, tad tbo aa I do nyaalf. ramrmbar bow raeooUy tby ud ta fotkxw tbo Tory fashions CAZADERO of Ha party wQl ba eoapatlad to wmcb tbay now dpraeato. I wiab yoa I meat hat "the board of directors twho held offioe durkaT the year 1898-99 had with th first key toolc out of my pook- old aajphaala aa aiocb poaaibl bMd tbia fact, (hat no tb woaaaa nlist et, but ft was oot until unlocked bis trunk with s. button book that he coa- ta tbla SBoramaart easar or attack bomvto to ta Amtin Ik I Otbar. cAsmanaged the afCaars ta ute crub, bene tt present VUfflcuJty wlttb.

Mr. Abrabajneon. 5 i t- To -tbose toemher of tft ettsb who were at th annual wetlnf; of the chib on September' Utkv a welt to those eaem. via a a. rcaar Ql Kfi -aooof eMiioiait OliOy TRiv1 a re la vas.

I PC Once a yes? only does tb 'aaitroad girt the public these popular rates. niMUUUl IU UVCI I "Ta roeo aad aUteataty praat seated to go to tb It was on tb war down Che bote) etalrs that he said that woukt gladly gtr oiavhalf of th sum lost to reoorcr th rest. My partner replied that anight a wall offer th ta waatoa waat ex atra ma, taat auabt aaa ftcata aad bt aw aaatara, to Hr aM Baa Jaa. la full of rtaa aa4 Ttor. doaUraa atoMoif a atoaeb oapponor of rroaidaat MeCtaloy a4 Coraraor 0r aa4 aa9 fartbar aaOaa tb iu- praasatsd mm ft.eoapact daflotUoa of ataia of tb AadoboB aoctotia and I Reserved Sata tor roond trip la special coacixa aaar be secured without extra eharre at.

whol-oT it, far as re were; concern- darfaMr to pnt year, tbink the redeem Fjve Million Dollars. ed, as we would do ererythlng in-eur Putouxness ot tWa attsutement as tflearly p- ter tb aiaorbaaf datU tba '4. cenerst omces P. R. luxww 4 St.

(offices dose at noon 8atardays)or at 33) OTarrtll fit. anlit ft M. dallr. Tfckrta are wm fclm tnniw artHmnl raMn II A WoSiS rf Mnvll Had -thto kngtox of the pencU to faeugbt of reward. Is all tbere toteaae4 amsat or aad tie ow ready, if eke tip pamta sad get seats te- geue.

tei mem cany too. -h A DICS The reserved seat sraten makes bv predict i to ris story about a bargain. of tnesnoer ot tn oh woo ar for th ew tnoments wble amildar wUi tts atZsira would tavy Tofr warn ralatfnv tils 1rx at ffea cta discovered bis error. aawxtoa of tb world's supply of wheat. Asaoelaled Pre TJtapaUba by enjoyable to attend, ere without geatlcmea fTJRCTONS-A delightful ride.

The N. P. a. ft. is the eccnky route to the Worth Coast.

ArUrts should brhis tkeir eaeiera. wastn the ores ticeth anatoM esuflt of tta member botd to tea waa in ibb prcseoc anouar agq aiong ww aaa say that tb Uatta4 State via ta eeatrel of tb eattre sttuatloa Tb Trtboa- Bpectal Leased -wire. a a it it a a a a sa a i a a a ii i ii i ii i a. a VII llUHUVll Id I II II a II -vIIVll Itowsrd towards noon we reoorted: th case they fleaerv put aot other-1U wta. NEW TOSK.

iept, th wllll aa a bmb ft. tk. ru v---, i details to th CWefTf y-yi re fee. They wQ raking crop of tatntanstrae aa wU as wheat dowa la Choice wilt be gltea of either 5 hours at Camp Meeker. A hours at Snacan'a Stills nf Inlia sx ute CorneUa Yanderbtlt 1 fljedl prwoai win not be known bow Ms, that detecUres are 'to r.

to ware lj4wJ3 eelr any portion of stolen sum. recor, r.v Joauela pretty saea, if there is eaech raderal war rereaae tax aad how 3 hours Both ways trslns wiU. stop at Camp Meeker akd any station beyond de ired by exearsieaiata. Br special courteaey of lra C. abort atop will be madeat Moscow Cottare to set the wonder.

aaythtoa to Ms theory. I much Inherttaac tax from the aetata asy aaw aa auwupuk asYJ oaLVrA -att Tftx.m.-M la this DepartmeoC' Visald csxtef wai be paid oat. The law reanlree that Must West Oakland; Home kin. "uch thlnara easy prerall la -other ia essevtora ec tba estate ahaa -of ah crUtH the- act ml numoer of new lul riew Bp the KnUlsa Kim. cities, but I am happy to beaere tbat aa sip tb aeweru ta tba km I -ucior ex internal Keren a ateT amount of th. un- tnambera eleoted durtag H9 yearvoelna ST7. Had bere been any anlanmaase- tbey do pot occur In I cannot Tickets at 5aasIlt Perry Saaday Metaiag coucoIto that either Of these detecUrea aw woi. and tb Collector mar rat a lsataer Bsttt. Hw win I erpt tbebr report or make an tnreaiigatloo ment on the part of th board during the test year to.

very uollkely that every mesriber of th oSd board who oougfet reelection wouud bare been te eleoted, mm Refund Moneto tlie State. ar a pracxieai ay pert a arty eee bow to determine tts correctness before be rr waraservea ceacass aad Qpea -Obssrvatloh Cars. E. Locxx. Excursion Agt.

P. a. IU.TKSX, Gea, rass. Agt proceeds to collect th war rare no tax aaack gead Th Hare amc eon suggested neTtained such an Idea, 8ucn offers ar often made, but they are tauxbed aside. 1 bare investigated tbla case and: I found our detectives words as to that offer, aa reported to me are literally corroborated by the statement oa the 1 asset ao ander tb wQL The Col- tb.

etnas sCehia. kaw an aboat tbaeeetlcal akia of M. was th case. Yours truly, 1 W. H.

X. KTNE3. Meter baa power to seise property of the of th man woster. COMING BACKGAIN estate such a course Is necessary to celled the tax. Tar the collection of the taberttaac tax.

Collector Col ar Is the authonaed UmL It ta nmfcahl that KaeoeweU baa aot aly Husband Gets A dispatch from Sacrameote oay ttorad tb day ape which Dewey win th same errors may bar been mmdo ur tag th preTtoos six mouths. With All 'New Features! Judge Hair this morning revoked th th aarrecat will artTwtln hitters of administration of Mrs. Jessie to determla th ameuat ef th eetat rwr a legal holiday, but. also, th one after 1C Wew. bvleed.

eaa tb Joy of! the New Terkars aaiwatreiaed. for Tb ds la, saamot th sHato for th ipport of orpaaas, ttalf-erpaaos and Xteed on the estate- of her deceased MR MARTII IS waica at aantact to. the Inherttaac order the tow. they ael bare to bother abeet what tb xnother, Annie and granted letters to the husband. JfK G.

Thomas. The husband-Is a. United States' ranger and The war revenue tax oa the legacies. abandoned children seat la by the West Oakland Home for the six months sndug Jun as, vet. bur not yeCbeen apprvraO by th a tat' Board of Flxsmlnsra, am COMMENCING sta thesr beads wtg be when they Wake ap th feTlewles sneewtag.

it is expeeted. wui be per cent, as It Is bettered that Mr. YanderbUt left his 'Qlr. Parker acknowledged that the error was simply clerical one, and am ure he will say as much. win be only too glad to pay back any money we hay, reoetred, as we are eren more anxious than tha State to hare the account exactly correct," waa in Riverside county at th time of his wife's death.

4 During Ibis absence the VEDIIESOAY NCING 20th there ta ao reason So expect that the) Wtll be. daughter applied or and ootainea let. aa evpertaatty la wartb aO TR BE JAILER ferteae to his wife aad ebOdrea. If. as has been rumored, be left to snecabers of his family as much as taa.B00.00O, ttfe SEPTEMBER "6tnc th receipt of th claims th x- ws a idi iwaiaj j.a iiwuetriy egs says Tam Ited.

ta hit saWflctory to hi Maine coastitaeata. 1 state of a couple of lot valued at about war rereaae tax aloae would be 0.70190. a. a perts of the exat Board hare been bus en them, and accordta- to their figures IrlOO. 1 32th and Grove Street Lot The taberttaac tax due the 8 Lata of New York at I par' cent would be aearly, and th estate would pay to th Wert Oakland; Home, for th half.

i i wC Taa be peaaed that tin be was doubt-las thinktag et thit S4.0W a year Job a ha laaded ta New Tor as a resell hi Ce ST aaa meal experteaieee. He Drunk and Disorderly year ending December Uf, drew from the Btate for tha e)upport of or war rerenu taxee aad tnberltaaee tax WBUam Casey was arrested fiunday WAIiTEK L. JSIAKV coeatderabty ewer gi.aTe.eeq A xoatur that' pleases th aa well aa th young with the Walter 'Main by Chief of Police Conrad of Alameda, phan, etc wa war not tbn la in m-atRotloa and som of whom had been dis It has been suggested that Mr. Yandsr- Itrzwm a PwmotusAt, waiaters" The Hypnotist Is Again Accused of Grand; on a charge of disturbing the peace, Be charged two years before, and whoa -jr- 1 "im -a certainly taad th sotkpf all hi op-pertonitlea. gJ JL' a On th Joke of the eeatary Is th bad beea on a protracted spree.

Ut nay bar mad deeds ef gift to members of. bis family so as to avoid the payaseat a large a sua la taxes ca aexnes. after being dropped from th rolls for -a period- of six mowthe, wre- agwin circus. whacb exhibits at Thirtieth and AN AWiTUX. CP03SIBIXJTT.

bis estate- If papers fee? sack deeds ware way ale Overt aad hi ee entered and fund collected on, the en-lOrore streets, Beptember raXh' and ttot. drawn seme time before bis death and The) dreadftd suopidop' baa been aitras- eccessfuny defymtf th1etlr axCXtary I left unrecorded, a queetkm might arU U1 Their figures Show that from July vmu th appesaoc of aixty-three per- ed tbat IneVead of tahUnsr vocatfcm Mr. one time. I aa Sofia srtiKMmM. ft I aa ta taatr nIMltw t.

xo VMsjoamawr tarn, waawH "mu, oursws in in ring SX 4 Psrsrpee assy t. rehoai'Miai' a hasaty Nwwav tax. No information regarding such deeds I "T'. greatest nunv aa tasseertsed fortrea la the heart bas bsarav obtalaed cnuaren wan aas eeesi im.w xramea xnorougnireoo ver seen ef py ta omnais Coa-i 7 tr bv tb offldala. Coa-I osaooargwa, tb etty.

What a star attraction tsotler Onter eetd: When You Are Thirsty Mrs. Msxy E. Martin Is la trovbl again. -J do not beUer that Mr. Yandrrbntl'" 80 wo latereataa, .1 -r irssnarxatns exniuaon of animal training to the Parts keep to run- weold be as a aidsatinw Xxpeeftloa tbey could am all arxt year.

The figures tit th of th 6 fate attempted and, tborougtuy axcotnpttshed. call at the Oallndo Hotel Bar. Elxhth This time she Is arrested oa a charge of took any steps to. avoid th payment of the tax a his aetata. waa not the Board of 'Kxaavsnere Also show that for street.

Sonqnet Frame, proprietors. grand larceny on eomptatni of Mrs. ex aeaa ta rssott to aay thetr start te the XJcea CeOeet- I -104 Not Our Store Number kaepbxg free tb Oorwav Foss, who eay- Mrs. Martin, under the name oft Webber, hypnotised and 1 coiispnonriii er to Btate what belonged to es ecCc the etrcu eeU kar dtacov-ered that caa da a Btii. ta tbesr line But roils of plain and fancy matttngs.

enhec. while abe under the Influence robbed bar of over USD worth of brto-a-brac, pictures, vases, tab! tlnen, underwear anil at K. Bcbellhaas, 8 eleventh st, oor. tbo half -year ending Jua law, claims aggregating XU4VX7 were seat ta by the West Oakland Hoxa for the support of eeOdrea prertoualy otocharged frosa- th "r-f Tb ngure also show that there were thirty-two alleged fraudulent-' entrtse made, oa th majority of which th eovte, tor la bxif-year aaOnc December XT, 1SS Ilk. mM iV.

nra ar aaULiaad. There bj prsnkita- 4 deal erf tb biiai tradins) theory aba similar artKuea, associated Pre XMspatehes by The Tribune's. Bpectal roased.Wlre. PABIS, eept, It-It to expedted chat th work of th fctrh court's inveatlxatloo tb swnisslUa to Mrs. claim that she to too ill keep a -snatch bar i lanes E.

Pepper, a ceJehrated whlrtey. IBGUS? for removal: to and, so is cJoeely on sal by EL F. Thayer, 404 Eighth street. possbo ta saoney that th ctrcus talks always aucceed ta getting ta etreula. guarded by a'poBcemaa at her home in eommKtos, mppototed to inquire Into Che charges of conopireag to cbeusre form Assectaled Xrea Dtepetcbe by i atwvw thst tSoaa with, two aaeao- San Francisco until aha caa furnish 2,000 Tb TTtbuoe Bpectal loased Wtr I tkva ware dnnlVtad and eant in aa ealld OOXtdS.

1 of government, brouxtst against Af. Do- BetX. tXCcoaei Sohatcialma asainaS the' Abaiw for tha sir It was only a short Urn sgo that Mrs. i TV prepeeed exUwatoaJflf tha Cafif 0 Martin waa pardoned out of elan Quen D. Maey.

Xaapectceleaeral of VeJaateers, moorbs eodtog June astera PtaJtwa; tat tb Uaa- today at a. roulede and others, will take from four to tx wear. When toe taerk to eonsplet- ed the bign court fSenate wilt reconvene. hi expected its sostkn wCl take op a CK'-. 'J'' tin, where sh was serving tan years' sentence for secured, througn tbo MlAera tweartia Tb tnfurmaxroo reaohed th YTar De "Betei at tnaulrlea bar bee mad a to th reason of th delay ta approrrof the claim, and the reply wrists today con Pwaeat to a cablegmnx freea Oenerei reaiaaaoa ar to puas ta that regard niDERS CIC RIEE STREET PAHADE r.

JO A. ii, "TICKETS oa Sala at Clay Music House, 13th and hypnotle inflnence, reel estate and money to the amount of 111.000 from Mrs. Sarah true. sua deaa wee due to 4 tained a reaaeet to tb institution to re eseesanue, enaaaot oa tyobotd fevar. Leonard of fnis city.

torn to th Slat the sum of C.IilJ7, Cetoaet MUeya raak hi the reguW army as Ttrat Lieraeaaat ef cbe flinsatl Ar- rtahe ef th radeoed soctioa, and th eoaotaat aWaaaas apssg ft, kar aaad tt eertata for eeaa ttase that tbo tovaesea 422 PaurtnnrifhB opeoxUehtscdoaoagh Theatre which It had wrongfully VCCBXTTAXra aTATEQaXNTB. DOYS CO Mrs, J. A. Camvben.1 secretary of the 5oe4 on Nota. eeeJd" at taatg be are cruaadtag ta thos wbe 'ahaif af am forest Waot Oakland Horn, wheat aeaa- AUAY "nOLLISIDil, i 1-'' i tot rt wfa bare to.

get am te Nona Cetter than I ingest ms L02 Bresi I mere tag ta regard to th errors found ta tb -report of the bom by tb tUet to bar work frees The. Oar aad to The two lit Ue eons of Award Cmfth, 00 a flECH ANICS FAIR Board at Examiner, stotod that th enls-takea found by Mr. Parker of the Stale tar note at. lea wtso lives at. 1317 Sixth- -avenue.

East uasiarw. oare oeen snisemg now saev rr- -4 s' 14 Besrt of lasabert had uadoubtsdly -1 I Thursday morning and no trace of them -v-w 44 barn made, but that they war simply the TO TMOYTLC TH TRUSTS. If lbo oh ar partieAj3taT th hae been found stive that time. I result ef a clerical error. and Trevotban, two years tils Junior, took DfJ Zll tCl Cfilirfl "We keep two set of a he eald.

Ooe eat ta kept at the boano by Miss Aseeefated Prose DisTtatehe by Th Tribune' fepecial Leased Wire. rHSM sVwsv-wVa Mm trainl itorsa vwajV srs vaavraa uvjsa-s wa-as wxys-iasi wsaua vrwa Vl ava school, but must ctare changed their ptaa OBmore, the matron, and tha date ot entrance of dsimlseal of each cbAd to tm- awdiatsly entered In that set of books. aooTroW rea11: f1 COut Dainty Lunch Is ensure It baa been ascertained Chat the toys passed. Prompt ServlCS. CtV "Every mix wsxieba, when make out prrrLTppiNH exhibit.


my report, lake a copy of tb entries purcnaeea xacxets ax tne oroaa gauge de- aatVtrast ceo raetlo are alar si a to their aaaooaewd deetre ba aoreot tb rr3, and sre aot stjepiy, roaning thest as poUiW eal machine, with tb ebect ef makiAg tU eub which te attack th Kspub-liae party aurtosy the eomia- caavpalga, ta there to aa sxceCest praepect- that th end fsrtred wQ a attained. The croaoetm. rbat has beaa advaac. ef it with the at. Xoul gatb--ig is by fsr-tb beat eu-rtlo ef-frred.

uader ef rysteea of gerera- Pricsa. and roadway for San pot et Seventh and dUcbargeS sued ta tb matron's books, aad It Is this copy which. I ue la Francisco. 7EBTH. fioottoftd, eept.

and Prince lIohenlofce-Larirnburr (the latter ttard daugvaer of the Duke and Duchess of Bue-Cotourg-GoCba) narrowly ea-caped death while going bo XaJmorai to vtxt Queen Yaotoria today. Tfaeer train coKided with another train at the station, The royal eafcm cerrUge waa half telescoped. Aa the Prince and Princess occupied tba rear end of the ear they suffered otf.y a severe afta ifcr up end proceeded to Balmoral. Ho one wa seriously injured. to I'jH' CO eta." to C20.

wi- Great Left Oveji 5auq" Prices) Awaij Down. Yearn Hmj so, i Tmcn oa f3c rrtcca. making out my faiure reports. Xt waa here that th error occurred, for to tasking tb copy falld to Check XlDXi ESTATE A DIj Lumber Fire. Associated Press Dispatches by ff an the olscnexge.

Ta bar always beea anxious te hare The Tribune's Special Leued Wlr' 1r.WILL.T:. K. Sept. 13. Theodore Eaasetln's large at Castor LanJ and tea acre of lumber were burned today, causing a loss of riot Is aVsut Is eajy eee that raatk etry sorC larolred.

It Great AnErn Iz; Tea Gi ststa ef I paasa-e by eaob Btate ef 30O Lot residence lot, near Web- ster and Twcuty-cecond worth ji.e:3. find Cottare, seven rooms. lot 60x12; tank foreclosure; terms same ss rental. New Queen Anne house, six rooms; every modern convenience; lot 32x122; near tt. etatloa; easy terms.

n.CJ-Iaveetrrsnt; ballilag, corner ca Croai iy; ri 1 rer raonth. i A list of choice resilience or business ee.frs rrrting tx opera k.ji 4.i Mom CTcrrarXicrc 100 Btorca. lias ef aad pruhlbft-tog -i suc as ar enads ta the ef tr-js t. ear book examined, a we Cake prile to the carefulasaa wtfh which the affairs the tiretauOoa are bsndtad. and so when Mr.

Parker called I gladly took my books aad went dowa to the bom. As read the enirU any book be checked them off ta ktu GPtDort'i book. He sooa no-feed the faiHre oa xcy part to enter a dtacharra which bad occurred. Is ail, 1 Chink Cjra were twenty-elxht such errors. oclreraoaSned th books from-3y 1, iX to jiy toj, though I am 1 LACIC MODERN1 WEAPONS-' The Yaoui Indlano ere at a great dta.

advantage to their war mltS eiexioo.Un- til they secure few tj-e writers etnd es. -tab'ish a tie we eccy -must expect to beatfisi out several columiai TIE3 POLITTCIAirS TT.e tf --ie 'f Texas eetir- 1' -t r- trvt la bad ss Ic-T'r es 'la ttr.i support r. 1.. Iveww.i I 3. ica AaidNato.i; ar.

Oaklaad Prominent 'Democrat Dcn.1. a.uoclste'l' Tress DIsr-atches ty Tie Tribune's racial LcasJ TTlre. V-ASinXGTON. t- 13. Laurence J.

Carlcer, National rxmocraUe Cotr.R.i:tee-r -t the of bt-re tncp Leilh was tie to a TrrtJftOArWAT. Irr each UsUUl JX The rak at the drr store cmtiaaea and daily awes of people cU for a botUeof Kemp's y.t'tam for tie 1 Lrot acl Lcr; for tie cure Cacbs, Asthmi, and liluo, the standirii taasy, is ca usrsatee sal to gie entire Trice acl 2C apearsat tiat r- ar, frcrerty Eelsrenc J. ii. ..,1 vpon appUcaUon. t.

ta.r.k3. co. tjenaay ir tie t. ne Twcvn-Tmno ATE, 11 t-'v I n- TWKVTr.THiwn a Alameda Ad gxUker hi Us 1 coc; v7 i tA rxiuc ST, CJ rroaiway. htirt tro'-ile..

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