The Daily Item from Port Chester, New York • 12
- Publication:
- The Daily Itemi
- Location:
- Port Chester, New York
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 12
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THED AILYITEM PORT CHESTER NTji THURSDAY APRIL 19BS PACK TWELVE T-V WAIC-IV WOIU-TV wfix WATV 1 Cortisone Used Ini Cancer Probe can Cancer Society announced Previous diagnosia of the disease-involved exploratory operation the society said The new method it added is simple and painless and has proved 10 cent accurate far a series of tests performed in Institute for -Cancer Research wczs-rv WNIT WAU ii TELEVISION THURSDAY APRIL 2 1953 NEW -YORK (AF) A new uae for the wonder drug" cortisone the detecting of cancer of die adrenal glands has been discovered at the Griumbia-Preefayte-rian Medical Center the Ameri (21 Sally Hornet Den Duryea and Natwick In William Faulkner's Mildred 1 rat (T) Boxing: Wee Baacom vs Gordon Wallace d-r4) Edmond O'Brien portrays a chaplain In Any (51 "Who Speaks for bode on world government diecuseed by critics Jr Chi TODAY SI MW Dot Nat Cat ail for bar the MILLER BROS WINES and LIQUORS COMPARE THESE PRICES SPECIALS FOR THURS FRL -SAT hi the Marines for Yet another aon Pfe No Spencer right of the Marines ia serving as an true tor on Paris Island with tha Marl CFL KENNETH FENCES left one of the three service son of Mr- and Mrs Archie Spencer formerly of Oakland Cardens Rye has his discharge and ia home again at Sioanaville He attended school in Ho has been engaged radio -operations in Germany Another non of Mr and Mrs Spencer ia StaR-SgL Bradley A Spencer of the Marines- center He is at present on active aeavice in Korea and has been there ainee September of last year He haa been tended school In Rye (4Kt-Vl BT3- Old Mill Brand BLENDED WHJSKEY 7SSSSZ 54) BbMM Uta rn I Mb Cft Marta ftasMB kavUM 1 FULL QUART ISM-Ol-BMfM TOMfffV ilMrika n'am (4) LatBrlt At faa m-HiMi Grata aiMTm BtaOKii) ktovta Bala 'A Legim Auxiliary jSfassen Holds Meeting BiL- II4M Reorganizing Planned FtfrODM m-Kavto TtflM a ftiMiirti (lD-VaBtm 4JM-ldMa KBttaM a MllgaryL 1 U3tfSweesstaw' gbs1 Tad ttataa UuRavktM faUa Irtrt Baak oyi dim (Yt-Xttttr -TV LM -Gaiy KttafeM Oft baa Utah OI Datt m-PkllMM MnM (BMtMiii Thatur (T bKM auTi TV Putoi LIMlin-Ma PMtarw ItO-UrlM HmIM MrMv itntm Oft-WsrPrebqe 100 PURE Goldin Crown Brand CALIFORNIA WINE PORTS SHERRIES MUSCATEL RADIO WPAS IH- er 1230 1 1 WFAS FM 101 aw ilniiwmiiti i -nsxuvi WASHINGTON (AP) Senator McCarthy Wis renewed his efforts today to gat more Greek ship owners to take a plef against trading with Iron Qui countries Secretary of fitsa Dul lee yesterday described the-i re-suit of Mr McCarthy's first efforts as "hi tha national Mr action -4n the 1010 lose ISM I2N WA0C UO WCK 710 WMCA 770 WINS IN WM6M 170 WQXR WFAS WNIC WOR FIFTH ltdO WCBS AirivdPof troopahip foam Korea in New York harbor interview with local veterana WABC Dodger pitcher Joe Black in flrat network ap face of a new protest by Mutual or Harold Stas- Security Director TODAY 1175 Off Jadf Canava 100 PURE Golden Crown Brand WAS MB-WPAI MMta WHITE Tha prbgram of the Industrirl Home for the Blind Brooklyn wag outlined by two representatives at yesterday's meeting of the Westchester American Le-Auxiliary at -the White Plain Legion Clubhouse Mitchell Place The Auxiliary has contributed $157 to tha home It was an-imineed by Mrs- Everett Smith of Mamaroneek welfare chairman Mr1 and Mrs Niles Welch explained that blind children aged three to eight are given preschool training and both children and adults are trained tp lead a normal life Mrs ''Smith also announced that $8115(1 was eonlributedUsst month to other child welfare censes Mrs -Andrew Maffei of Yoo-kera rehabilitation chairman reported on plans to participate in the carnival at Montrose Veterans Hospital Julv if The auxiliary will donala $100 Guest included Mrs Johfr MiV-hury of Mount Vernon state welfare chairman -and Mrs Ida Ashby nf New Yortt state treasurer Mrs Mlehnrl Moronev of Tarrytown presided and IS tended -n i s' WABO-Mm WCMff itirafea aa-wft me m-ens-swv rwa woi 4 Britt WABG-Oaa UwnO-Mn CaBvayn BURGUNDY aM ita Wav WASHINGTON (APfa President Elsenhower today tent Congress a plan to reorganize the Office of Defense Mobilization lie laid it is Intended "to achieve the maximum degree of mobilization' readiness at the least possible The plan would merh the functions of the Tnobilustion agency and those of the National Security1 Resources Board It also would give permanent status to the ODM which has been operating as a temporary emergency agency The plan to create single central defense mobilization office will go into effect automatically in 60 days unless either (he Senate' or the House vetoes the plan in tha meantime or unless both branches vote to put it Into effect earlier In a special message to Congress Mr Eisenhower said the iilan twill permit better organization and management of the federal programs relating to material! and requirements and will thus help to achieve the maximum degree of mobilization readiness at lha least possible Ha said It la not practleable at this time to try to itemize savings which he expects to result DrUcfva wabGwTm Oav GALLON ran aas-wcai-Mia a kia-wrai uaa-woB ah bam Otdrtc Mini Caaeyt WWg-tWkar WOK Advtam Malta TUMTill foPiMWT WnC-taaM WOB-PWNM Uvta A WA1 PamU Mm MMfMU CtaMid Ttata wnC-Lanw 3mr sen takes up where the Senator left off when he arranged yesterday's conference with Mr Dulles started Saturday with Mr announcement that his Senate Investigations subcommittee staff had elicited an agree ment among the Greek owners of 242 ships not to haul cargoes to Red China North Kona- or -between any Communist ports Mr Stassen who had strongly protested Mr McCarthy's on-nouncement Saturday as fait big upon tha State Department's prerogative argued again yesterday that such agreements have Mr Stas-sen said they impair hla foreign aid work and hamper tha State Department's efforts to choke off tha flow of goods to the Reds 1 Mr Dulles had nothing A say UOT-WABC tawur Mtuta wcaa him WOiuim ira vaa WMBC WlW Mwwa Bialwia WOR Bm WABO-Tatas WiWON Ota MM Davft Njf MILLER BROS lla-wcsa-oataa DnU Xrtt KariMI IftWON-taamr Has tai-WPil TtnaM M4WPM Tiiay tpwtt mnao-xnMm 1 IdU-WOMMtap PittM I Si Sui pn tha tla ber wll Jut wll im ttM Chi tha drs Ba: Boi Rn Tin ta rid for tha big A Ii I Bp ss cor Shi riia -dan fail Pai eon Mn WE hiit Rol 001 lUr Kbi Ka St Hi cet daj Aw ad for tW tOr 1U Mr Cm Sanaa Ttmv Huta WOT jlm un VM oaak MILLER WON-OaMM WCU-fa MaSara WAIO Um Bacta taVi VWBO-OM dul PmGp aadu caatai wnm 32 North Main St POrt Chaitar 5-0244 Wo Deliver Lie Not L-788 itaa-wcia mw tm In "-t WABPWftaa IJB-WPI TOMORROW pubiidjMibout this until yester day's Joint statement President Pattaad Barbara MwcBa a Pfika WAWPAI Bawd WRBC-pNmi Eisenhower who has maintained silence publicly was limit ffffw tain to' be asked whekr he WA1 WOW-TrttaTWt Mt-WPAI WCBA IWW Day agrees with Mr Dulles or Mr Stasern at hla news conference this afternoon tdl-WPAI Braakfata CM tilAWCMt data oaaMiaa TWWP CM Thruway Ousts Ward Leader New Traffic Light -For Raceway Area The new light system installed on Central Park Avenue to control tha heavy traffic while night harness racing la being conducted at Yonkers Raceway will be tested- tomorrow The aymm rost $32787 for the two and -raw-half mile stretch Aram lha Cross-County Parkway to McLean Avenue and wag paid for by the Raceway-There are 11 overhead spans each carry in-r six lights which will -permit changing the number of lanes for north and south traffic as conditions require The track April IS for Ha Spring s- 1 TJ4-WPA1 BwattaM (tab wua WCBS-Jtebert Ltwta WOW Bhiw and Das WABO-Cal ftaaty draa-wcaa-te 1 mmrnouk 4rlAWWBO GtWta Dalit aawABp iBttif pMkw OAWPAI Parada riaa' WNBO-WMdM WOW mrry I wKoain WAPO-Dmr Riwaad to IEF0K Y0I SHOP is ta on yn Hint its FINEST if ill tta iWABC BM BnakfaH NATIONALLYIADVERTISEDIBRANDS M-WPi wartd tan aria-WOW Putty A Dick WABO-TIM PWMMllil 1f -The National advaetlaamanta of avety ana of these preduete have been published In your focal newspaper this wash leak for and buy these peaducta at yeur faverRa graearv store Clip this llet and taka wlthyou when you ehap WCBW-4Iwb Bta AM A3 parkta traa-wcBi jm AA-WBBO-MW Pin aitWfM NitieiW WABO- Batty Ctacktt MAWPAIftlHn4 YONKERS- Construction of the New York Thruway may deprive Democrats of Yonkers' Mh Ward of a Supervisor candidate who has i a two-tims winner it was learned today Supervisor Vincent Voletutti has been notified- by appraisers for tha Thruway Authority that hla home at 100 Sanford Street ia to ha taken and that ha must vacate the premises by June Mr Vatotuttl is seeking a new home In tha ward but thus far has been unsuccessful With election due fa Nmrem-ber the ward organization la faced with the possibility have to seek a new Stale Committeeman CNeiD ward leader aaid soe-wraa-enkuu wabo tanfcfui WCBI aRw Tad ifniW See It Tonight! The yew' DE SOTO FOR Ijtll Mt ATSIFISH'AIPOUURI Oaetaya WW WAWFta iUMMW JB-WPAAVaai wnt WBBT Today la taihi Beechnut Strained Foods Gerber's Baby Food WABO-Omi CMUB t1tWRBOWtt cm 4BWPABw4tlUta A INwartta IIWWFBt -Mrtady Ital Broadcast Corned Beef Hash Hrsk Prise Ham Stahl Meyer Beef Stew Stahl Meyer Corned Beef Hash Zwan Ham won-am Ms via Os Iks UsHiiOmia Shi tV MMw Taw UtaM WNBT CkMMMl I si ML ImIiMI BUY IT TOMORROW mlttefc made public late yestep-day gave no details of the di positton The committee had not askeiPfor such details MISCELl ANEOU A SPLIT RAIL DELAYS TRAINS NEW Commutes trains i were delayed four toaix minutes during the evening rush hour yesterday by a apUt rap near 'Botanical Gardena station fa Hie 'Bronx Trains of both Hie New i York Central and New Haven I llULr Arnold's Breed Bond's Starlet Bread Keebler Crackers Wise Potato Chips PENMILL MOTORS naoro KTwtn -r Nun NEW BROAD STREET POrt Cheater l-SOM TV SERVICE 3 Yunkera Blen Held After Raid Three Yonkera men arrested yesterday afternoon by deputy Sheriffs and Yonkers Police in raids on two suspected gambling establishments were' to ba arraigned today ta Special Sessions Court -Released ta $500 bail each were Eugene Velksl forty-six of denwood Gardena charged with bookmaking In a second floor rear room at 567 Central Park railroads were detoured wThe broken rail wee discovered fa time to prevent any noeident Wilson Sells All GJL Stock WASHINGTON ap) Secretary of Defense Wifaon haa dia-posed of all his General Motors stock retaining beneflcisl interest of any kind" he has told Hie Senate Armed Services Committee Confirmation of Mr Wifaon former president was held up for weeks at the insistence of many Senators that he dispose of his stock in the big automotive firm the largest single defense contractor Mr Wilson valued the stock at about $23 million Mr letter to the ootn- SERViaS rATlA WL Plus farts BEVERAGE Cott's Dietetic Soda Salada Tea PEAR LM AN SERVICE C0RP So Mata St Pert PO M4W Avenue Paaquale MaacU Blue Bonnet Margarine Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Sauce Com-Fetti- Diamond Crystal Salt Domino Sugar Flagstaff Com' Florigold Grapefruit Florigold Oranges Cream Ferine Oats Mileni's 1890 French Dressing Miredoth Nucoe Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce Paramount Macaroni Paramount Spaghetf of TM with ley alipa and John Racioppi Shn FOR EASTER FEASTIN' A a- ty-four of Rfverdale Avenue Racioppi is charged wifli maintaining a gambling establishment ta hia stationery store at 4 Post Street- V- LBtla Fellow Cheese Provolino Cheese GOOD-NEWS! BIRCH BROOK INN Opens for Luncheon' April 7 DELICIOUS EASTER BREAD Stave Goo4 for Dave FROZEN FOODS SOAPS A'Clt ANSER HOT CROSS BUNS COOKIES CAKES Mamaroneek Tax Rate May Be Reduced The tax rate ta Hie VUlaga of Mamaranedt win tumble cents If n-proposed budget filed yesterday by Village Manager William Johnson is sdopted The budget eslfa for gross expenditure! of $880J7UT taelud-tag a $200 pay raise and inclusion of $450 cost of Urine allowance for ail full-time Village employe Under Hie proposed budget the tax rate would be SU7I per $100 dollars valuation 'V Bird's Eye Frozen Chicken Libby's Frozen Peas River Valley Frozen Pees River Valley Frozen Strawberries Seabrook Farms Frozen Teddy's Frozen Pod Fillets Teddy's Frozen Sea Scalops Aerowax Blu-Whit Flakes Briflo Cleanser Brillo Soap Radi Coppar-Glo Dando Floor Polish Swoothoart Soap I OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY mm J3 Cadet Dog Food Ideal Dog Food Prd Dog Food Royal Instant Pudding SUNBEAM BAKERY and GROCERY 206 210 Irving An FREE DELIVERY PO 5-9644 WESTCHESTER TELEVISION COMPANY ('ll1 v'- i i 'f i.
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