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The Daily Item from Port Chester, New York • 13

The Daily Itemi
Port Chester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i- 1 I-' -y- -f- i jL 1: PAjSE THIRTEEN- THE DAILY ITEM PORI CHESTER Y' THURSDAY- 1if" mr -'Najr lobertFRatkgcb Reports Ai Sampson For Training AS Robert Rathgeb son of Mr and Mrs Vincent A Rathgeb of Ormond pace Rye former Naval Reserve Ms' family dlsdoe-ad here- today Seaman Rathgeb a graduate of jRye High School also attended Port Chester achooli: His brother Sgt Vincent A Rathgeb ft' of the Army Air Fomsrhsi Just ro- Toll Fight Seen Coai" (Rye Rec Swim 'V-'53 -CONTINURD FROMF AGB 1) I Uontiniung lo it omim urTho ulasses Begin 3' ''i zported -II hMd on order to SSPremeCourt With 50 PuPds WHITE PLAINS Argument! tut it reported It arid on order to whidwver consumer- bee placed hie 'oriw first" Themis no dls- tion practiced in favor oft Swimming instruction SWITCH PORT POSTS -NEW YORK MaJ den --Clarence Kella former 'Con mandlng general of tee San Fran-daco- Part iff Embarkatiaahas asaumed command of the New York Port of Embarkation General Kells 52 snccasds MaJ Gen Homer Mk-Grontager i TownWillSell Purdy House t) picturesque old house on Vfet Street HarrisoR known -as the Purdy property wffl-be offered fLwMlalssls by the Harrison ly iff -Port Chester- ha recently- to Harlingen Texas after reported to Sampeon NaVal Train- home on a tiro weeks' reported (CONTINUED FROM PAGE J) came after-union 'members Ignored a third directive by the War Labor-Board to return to work or lose their ckeed shop and other benefits The (leadline was 8 AM yesterday A WL8 spokesman said in WaaMngtpn nlnMH ture of the contract with the publlshen was how void leaving publishers free to- hire nonunion men or members of other unions to drive their delivery trucks Publishers also announced the tag Center Sampson far his "boot training? with tha UJS sponsor-on Tuesday pf Westchester Ooun I the lane eoneumer aa against the ed by the Bye Girl Scouta and the ye motion fcrjudgmentoa the email "ona exceptthat "dlscrim-T Rye Reermtiaji Commission haa in the tact that I begun at Oakland Beach withAlis moat uaers of lane amount of Osroi Couftaraa Inetruetbr Ap-eoel am In a hotter position to proximo tely- 80 chlldrenwere buy and etore fucl fuel thaB jw present on the opening day their leae affluent neighbors Leysons will be given at the codings' In the cult 'brought Cabot the Parkway toll bill rnerlted viie Hrtfiiep IniWiat will probably be a lengthy and bltter-Y fought Inal battle expected ES Mf 0 9 A 5 A Ati Po yonr drinks get -is- The otitlook for consumers who Dearborn Street end xt TSaklandt 'ttlmately to reach the Supreme Justice Charles WU Sneed "served decision and allowed 10 lays time for submission1 of briefs It la expected tht at least several eks will then elapse before' a ledslon is made Former Supreme this? HFGHEGOK- y- -f SHAMROCK SPORTSWEAR IN FABRICS 1Y Town Boarfl on August 5 at tha Town House the board has disclosed The house is to be sold with a parcel of land containing not less than- an acre the mintamm slae of a building plot the Towm will TBS TOWilTiaf reaerved a part -of the land on West Street ten feet In depth and Intends to make It part at West Street for highway wnoicb Thi plot will front thfcitm toot reaerve Each bidder niat submit a cash offer for the property and agree to abide by spadflcatloni which and altering the and state how soon the changes will be have no storage room on their pramiaes for next Winter's coni supply certainly doesn't they'll have to bear whatever fate and the coal may have In stars far them TpurtJustlcesnd County Exact- consumers are supplied ta iv? William Bleakley preaent-1 unequipped deal- Then always usj this Beach' every Tuesday and Thursday Beginners will meet from 9:80 11 while the Intermediate group trill meet- frqm 10:15 until 11:00 There will be Junior llfeaavlng instruction from 11:00 and and diving in- structlon from 11:45 that Is hy dealers who haver Admission la free to who Mjwda storage facilities of their Bye Recreation mete? ttelr own and who in most to tershto carda Junior counselors will be prea- deidersforjtlwir suppUes Th ent at the Beadi throughout the fact yematas-however that morning so that children who wish to coma before their lnstruc- dll Perio' 01 rmaln after It will pilea sfsmst emergency demand upends Children wlU leave the beach at 12:30 unless Tha coal la moving putof equip- their parents wish them to stay MlVWet Gregg will be at rate that the supply of unequip-1 Recreation headquarters 51 MH- papers sold to Individual buyers over-the-counter at newspaper offices which ha been the only meant of distribution since the walkout began 12 days'- ago Union "fficialf had no comment to make oq-the publishers' announcement-- Chief issue In the strike la union demand for-a welfare fund to be crested by contributions equal to 3 per bent of the worker' annua payroll BUS BBAEES FLABE Caution ontha part of '-the Greyhound Cbmpany pald reverse' dividends today in Rye when the brakes which had been tightened up my onq pf its buses -before it left New York City this morning- burst lntcrflames Oakland Readi Avenue Rye at 1:15 tfdoek thia afternodn Rye firemen were called and quickly extinguished the flames No one was injured- v- v- DISEASES DROP WHITE PLAINS--Communlca-Me dlMases contlnUedrtTlow level lest week according to the zeport of the Weatehester Health Department Cases of streptoc cal son throat of which then had been 10 or more weekly since early in the mrdropped to three with single cases reported in Bed-tord Iorchmont and Scarsdale A case of meningococcus meningitis was found In BronxviUa Then wete 11 cases of chUnpcCf of meeslei three of pneumonia and three of whooplng cough -tektethahri sipirAdkfer i Dqr ton Hoad every day from 9 JO to 12:30 A' to conduct -a program of games arts and crafts and surprise events The Recreation will he back at headquarters on Friday at 10 JO A- and Carjd Tuttle director of the' recreation program has a baaeball groiQ at the A' field aad 4s bq handllhg a beginning tennis gitoup there on Wednesday mornings yeritecnafotve Awg ItJhiniMluiSH' the argument on behalf of the notion while Joseph Murray uunsel for the Automobile Club 4 New York1 appeared for Marlin Colodny of Jamaica and mer Bogart of Mount Vemam nembera of the club whobrpught he taxpayera suit for an lnjunc-ioo tar reatrain tbe county from wttlng the law into effect TThelawpaaeed by the last Leg-daturcT and approved by Gover-w Thomas Dewey permits 'Veatdieater to charge a 10-Cent oil on the Saw Mil and Hutchln-oq River-Parkways -after -next 1 Under a stipulation It haa wen agreed that no atepa will be taken towfcrd putting the law Into 'Sect until tha courts have finally nswd upon the questions In-taved- No questions of fact are involved the litigation the only questions being of law particularly 4 the-lnterpretattow- of provla-jona of the Federal and State Cjpp-tltutkmi and of vadoua laws One at the principal contentions if the plaintiffs is thattfebUl is I eonaumers suffer This mtrsry to provisions of Federal erlsls eannot be foreseen tqr the aw providing that no tolls may be baited on any highways built vith Federal funds The County irguee that- sn agreement has xen made by which the govern-1 ment win on repayment of the ipproxlmately $2JSOOflOO In Fed-tbI funds used for extensions of (he parkways remove -the parkway from the list of Federal v- The plaintiffs argue there Is no legal authority which permits any Jovetaunent official to make such a change because the provision igalnst tails -was made by pon- 1400000 tons of coal were mlnedJ When a ers source of siqipiy is cut off his consumers suffer This type of or Shipments of reclaimed coke aroeoming in quite regularly and hr the quail tiee ordered dealers said today Gonsumers who wish to have their full supplies in tha bins by the Ume Fall arrives should take advantage of this fact and order some reclaimed fuel with each- delivery of anthracite Mr' Miner etatod emphatically today that this was the one' method open to Port Cheater consumers to keep their homes warn next Winter Mm our people are deal-1 Mecca Unnnrt In Battle Injured Iii Car WATER Aqcfdent- Joseph Mecca SQof 386 Avenuei Rye home today nursing a badly gashed face musing over the unldndness fate Discharged- after four mu-fortably fore-sighted and Mace their orders accepting reclaimed cokq-X can gwt them no assurance that last head yeaTs almost disastrous condition will not bs repeated" he said land and of and lee Army columns fighting which Mein a car wrecked at room A one-half years of Arftrir half of which wae spent over: during which he drove an half-tragi supplying tank in some of the jtlflest in Europe iuid all iff he survived without injury' was hurt yesterday' when he was driving hit a pole inMamaroneck Tha car was and Mecca was treated the United Hospital' emergency for lacerations of the foro- NO UMTSVINd TO MT TNEESf jrNrV'VK ICEN TO ABRAMSONS PHARMACY- ANSSOTTMB 9ROPCR ioo'tnoor iibuiui Tv 1 i'' 'J -f I FIFTH 59 I'': i WARM WEATHERSPRCIAU Ron Emlico Rum Sth299 Gil Gin 5thr 132 Hiram Wallcer Gin 5th 3J7 Dixie Belle Gin -'5th 3J5 UtlLLER BROSl WINES md UQVORS 34 North Main St Port Chosjer 244 v' SERIOUS MISTAKE Mrs Hannah Smith 5T of Si Hobart Avenue Fort Chester was taken to the United Hospital yesterday momlng after she unwittingly had taken an overdose of a sleeping powder She was treated there' by1 her personal' physician who had proaalbed the powders -Her condition today was reported to he "not hove everylblng a aten weeds for fomhit asifa yj qnd sports oAals el Crmhmere both ipw rayon fabrics by Evsrfsib Ant look csid feel Mui linen Good Is leek J- A i nl mmJ auukuJ te or ona wnmN vo mjr wen way vor cwiaii W) i- "If for any leoson teeso gansenk fade ybur money wfl JTO REND RUSSIA BOOES KANSAS CITY -UP) Mra Harry Truman the First Lady has been named honorary chairman of an organisation which hopes to collect LOOOOOO books for Russia to replace those which thaNasis destroyed A nationwide drive wiUtie -started immediately hy the organisation which is called the English ni Collection of Bootafor Rusrian War Relict Jhdge Bleakley was the first to argue He printed out Westchester spent more than ffl200(M)00 to acquire the land and construct the parkways and has the burden dt maintenance iff them- He -then took tip to turn each of the arguments of the plaintiffs and cited cases In support of his contention that thd Mil Is not In violation of qqr Jw or constitutional-provision Mr Murray then replied and sited case which be asserted sup- oorted his views that the Mil is Jfepji- SEEING BALL GAME Members of Fort Chester Boy Scout Troop -11 left this morning fat New York City to attend tha game pt the Yankee Sta Slum between Yankees and Cleveland Indians They were ac-ponpanled by Scoutmaster JSmes dcOory Jt" ba refunded TJQUOR BEER WINE: LICENSE NOTICES Wholesalers Retaflara SLACKS $750 JACKET $15A0 SHIRTS $195 i- -Doenayr (kurt Ilw Uku arfSwt'a Pla OU IS HO JHy REVEAL TBOOFSEffF SUNK PARIS The Zpiro Javelin bringing tea 15th Army Headquarters to- Francs was sunk in the mlddle of the English Channel last Dsq 28 by a German mins or torpedo It has been disclosed at Sqmms Headquarters The teH was 13 men missing and 28 Injured out of 268 officers and V05 enlisted mew aboard' NOTICE Is Ksrsty ghsn that number GB-0MH has ban ksusd te tbd undnlSBad to Mil eldw and ban at-iutaU undsr tha Alcoholic Bawaaa Control Law at IS Putntm As Port star Ootaty of Wtrtebm-ter for off yrsmlsM uonsumptlsar DasrancA mohtko Parkway Comni unity IS-Putnaa Asa Part Cbsster Death Notices V'V team On Joly utkltui lto-Boatag Russtn Shaw raaanl Hone Raqufaa -llasa Oar Lady of Ussey ChurO Saturday tdO AM DOG rov rvMnl Horns Wdsjr 10 JL1L -r- 742 lEEHIMCLEAll AND NON-HEAITHYl ggl'BT -A- -V 'J t- MBSbXEBENCE bubns Mrs Mary Bums wife of Ter-1 era Bums of 72 Grove' Street Fort Chester died tele morning at the Uhltad Hospital after an extended' Hines A native of Ireland Mrs Bums had been a resident of Fort Cheater for about 40 years' She was a member of Our Lady of Merqr Church and of the Catholic -DtufttanT of I America and Pontago Circle Com-1 panions of tha Forest Dsath NcUessi 'Cards of Thaaba 'la Ifmnorlam and ObsalUas i id im to AIL JOdO A 1L on tva or thus SOe par Urn njc I (ST lUiUbui -4 suntraf KmAsJ Survtvtag hesides her hufoand are a daughter Mrs Maty Mol Dsrqiotb of tea Grove Street ad-1 dreais a eon Patrolman Thomas I Bums of 142 Oak' Street' Port Chester! and six grandchildren fJlttye i rilKiH ftjp 5 wmssm tUESb' iCTilHHi iflit s-EBS-i sf- ii-iaa isi i I 1 so nCflTING DOLLARS eiilM W- Ewp bmying sea RYECH ESTER MEMORIALS sink chest am isi use For Lasting Doauty i Walter BCoolto 1 navneusuHi EaeatohamyoiB Gi0aBrioteetogoiBbot "Seeyour Eoso Dealer nowand Admnulflol Get fihainixrier-fda Ran Motor Cfl ditto for Eao chaarfs WhlfoFlalHeNY TWanshMlBmiii lAnmUynlultea watduBtf and protoetiasrin hot weather 00 -rf: SssS! "Then's It tongh 6 woako of onuiltior lettin doirt let ft gst ySoir ear doiml" NAUR Essa Dealer boI s0ct7see yoar Bo and SAVE THAT CAR can sovm co i ojnj i Sfmenlz and Simonix Klaaijtr jnnka fvrnituia umI woodwork look Uko now Ohrot ttism snma lasHng boauty io 'fwnaus fptTutbmobllo5 I -vC 7'- r'1'--j- V- -i- i --W V- fr i- v--- -v i A i 'i i- 1 1 i 1 1 a 4' sss' 1 1 Ij j' 1 i 4v 'A --r 1 1.

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