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The Daily Item from Port Chester, New York • 6

The Daily Itemi
Port Chester, New York
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1 Watching The HowrAtTHe Byram River BeaglClub Parties And Dance Holjs Rosary Rabbildilli A Future Briefed i School Problems Are Piscussed Forsythe Speaks On Junior High At Parent Council Meeting Bazaar Closes Children's Styie Show' Held As Final Feature At Don Bosco Center jsJ Edmund-' Foreythe principal of Pert Chester Junior High School dlecheeed -Junior High School facintiee and problem! at tha flnt meeting thli year ot tha Parent Council held at the ashoel yeeter-- day afternoon Ure Ernret Bco- Held preelded -The council la composed of representatives from the six mentary aohool parent-teacher ear aoelationa each group sending Its president and two Members aa delegatee' It Is used aa-a cleer-Jug house for problems which arise in individual associhtlqn and coordinates the work ot aU the groups As there Is ho P-T A foj the Junior Hlghy the council considers its problems llr Forsythe touched yesterday on tha opportunities which the school provides for children to eat in supervised lunchrooms and explained the new system of report cards '-He also aald that' parente of Junior High students' should 'not hesitate to approach-him'-about' the problems they might -have All P-T' A units will pend delegates to the sectional convention which the New York State Association will conduct at the- Hotel Roosevelt in New York City on Oct 3 and 3 Tha next meeting will be 'held Dct 10 at the Junior High School at 8 M- P-T A Arranges Roast Beef Dinner Matching ooata aad hate awgater aulta guy print frocks all Fall style for tea small tote just starting off to school or for their lightly older brothers and cister who nr beginning to ahooao thate-own costumes were exhibited last eight at children's fashloo show which was tha closing entertain- meat ot tha Holy Rosary Church basaar at tea Don Bosco Canter ChiMron Act As Models Tha style show was under-lb ausplcas ot the Bt Anna Sodality- Youngster who modeled and for' moat of It was tAlr first ex-' penlence were Ann Manglnl Fete -Teles co Mari Carriero' (telly Aha Saqtora' John CteiMaro' Ragina Morablto Angela MorabitO' Cteth-srlns Rsilahtonl Louis Marcia' Anna Maria Da Carlo EUn Ana aad Rosa Marla Carriero Paietlno and Lucy BaaeftU Other' young models 'wars' Tho' rasa Manglnl Mary Ann Roman- alio' Dom snick Ruoel Jean Bms- ertti Mari Bsllantonl Antoinatte Tsnagllp Barnard Popper Nsttla Carlucei Ann- Maripo and Gilds Mupa r- Tha Rav Caeara pastoy of tha -phurch waa hoaorary' chairman while' Joeeph Oarluccl wna the active chairman Mrs" FYancea Santoro headed tha Holy -Rosary Society assisted by Santo Morablto Mrs Millie Merabi to Mm Antoinatte Manglnl and Mrs Gna-3(Mteild Others jAkKlaxaar On thd Alter Beya conDnlttaa warn Pater Carriero Joseph Rl-buff JMntel RomanbDl Anthoay Vespia Angalo Bncclno aad Joseph DMno Tha refreshments i warn provided by tho BL 1 Sodality' under- tha leadership of- Mrs Mary Valentine Represent- lng -dhs warn Joseph-1 Buppa Joseph Mlrando and Frank Ruppart white the religious ajtlcls booth was sponsored by tha Little Ftowar Sodality under the preeidenay Of Miss Mary Colarco Mrs Nettle Csriuee! headed tea door committee while tha decoration were done by the Children of Mary led by tha Mince An tolnette Vita and Mary Valblro William Tele see was ticket chairmen other committee members warn Mrs Harry Furphy Mrs Lena Roaunello and Mm Bruno Latella Rlvar Beagle Club's bona show McCabe of Katonah --Uaily Item Staff Photo' Satinday wars Char lotto Twacht Hra David Sammarco dent of the Booeevelt Parent-' Teacher Association is general chairman of the roast beef dinner and food ale which will: be held Thursday evening Nov 9 ht the Booeevelt School Mrs Haney Bauman is secretary treasurer and Mrs John 'Glanukakia is as-' slating also Mrs Bauman is in charge of the food sale and Hra Paper Pappalardo is chairman of the dining'- room Tha funds raised for tha dinner are to be used to distribute Thanksgiving baskets to deserving families within the school dia-- trict This Is the fourth consecutive year the Booeevelt unit has carried on this charltablo activity The balance from the dinner will ha' Used in th welfare fund for line" cases Plana are being made to serve 350 dinners and the complete com- mlttae will be announced at a later date Mrs Guinta Chairman Of Card Party Dance Mm John Guinta was appointed chairman of ted sixth annual card party and danear at the meeting of the Altar Guild the Corpus ChftattcCbiirch last night The affair will ba hold at- Lawrence ina' Mamaronack on Friday' evening Dee Tha- committee Includes tha Oaaas Mary Valentina Marls Perry Loretta Renaldi- Congetlna Btambonl Jaeste PoslUlpo and Fanula Santo raola aad Mri Byl-vto Barllngo Mra Anthony Posll-llpo Mm Mlnnla Nerl Hip Amerigo DiChlara and Mm Joseph Mandlelna DeputyTo Be Honored By Yuma Council Yuma Caunell Degree of Pocahontas will mast tonight at 8 with Mrs Michael Urban presiding The newly appointed deputy Mm Anna Panne-will be received with other members of Nsw Rochalla eounoll including Mrs: Margaret Collier tee sons chief After tho meeting party to honor tha deputy will be held with Mrs jqllus Young as chair- er -Lauds Hadassab Implores Women To Keep Up Work For Homeland In Palestine "Tha Jawliiw woman tha Present World subject of tbs talk glvaa yesterday by Rabbi Meyer Miller of the Greenwich Hebrew Institute at the Bret Fall misting of the Port Chaster Chapter of Hadaseeb bald at the Jewish Center -Tha speaker stressed the Importance of Pales tins as the national Jawlak homeland and complimented Hodassah 'for its unceasing efforts in niding the homeland Mrs Henry Secnh the president opened the meeting- tnd-Mn Abraham Bhtftsl reported oa tha 'regional conference held Monday the Park Central Hotel In New York Mri Uria Makiri a MW member of tho Kadasuh group who lived for tome time" in Pal-eetine gave an account of Ufa there under past and preaent reign of terroriem invoked by the conetant clashes between the Arabe and Jaws Tha twenty-fifth asn'ual Hadsa-ah- convention to bo bold at tha Hotel Aetor Oct 24-M will ha attended by Mra Be can and Mr' Maurice Jacobs second vico president and cultural chairman whllr alternate delegates' will ba Mrs Irving Saltman Mrs Sol Collins and Mra Abraham Bhaftel Work for tho Bos Rosen Memorial Fluid will continue this year with the hope of having- a one-page memorial In the Weitch ester Journal Tha monies realised from this fund are uaed for child welfare work in Palestine The chairmen of various committees gave thole Summer reports and it was planned to hold a bridge at the home of Mrs Emmanuel Kratter on Clark Place on Oct 9 of which the hoateM' will be' chairman B'waa announced that oo Nov- yiii gabbath will be ob-irvad and all memberi era expected to attend A social hour'' followed tha meeting under tha direction of the hospitality chairman Mra Morris Levina -and Mrs "Max War-ahaw Mr-Mrs Belluscio Are Touring South Miss Rose Paisarelli daughter and Mra Frank PaaiaralU Cottage Street became tha bride of Frank Belluscio eon of Mr and Mra Denial Belluscio of Midland Avenue Rye Sunday at tbs Holy Rosary fehurch The caramony was performed by th Rev Father Ceeere A reception nt th united Polish Hall followed tha eorsmony The bride wore a brocade valvat gowd with a veil of tulle falling from cap of orange bloiaomc Her bouquet was of 'roses and lllica of tho valley The maid of honor and only attendant the bridesmaid's slater Mlaa Anne Belluscio chose a frock of sapphire blue velvet trimmed with silver -and carried' talisman roaea Thd" brida'e brother Salvatore Pasaarclll was beat maa Tha couple are touring the South and 'on their return they will reside at 131 Poningo Street Junior Gay Debbies Name New Officers -Officers for the yeart'wer chos-u at a recent meeting of tho Junior Gey Debbies held atth home' of Mia Marguerite McManus 33 Rend Street Miss Betty McDonald president Mias Marguerite McManus vice president and treasurer and Mias Gloria Cov-Ino secretary A 'rolleri-akating party was bald la New Rochelle after the mastic's Plans to -hold a picnic Sunday in Fairfield Conn at the home of the honorary member Madge Tolmle were dlt-cuesed The next meeting will be held at tha home of Miss Scotty Morris 149 North Maw Street Those present at the skating party wire theMiaaes Gloria Covino Jaaat BamTord Betty McDonald Marguerite McManus -Florence Cav-lola and Scotty Morris MILL TELL OF ADVENTURES During -the World War tha Rev Vahram Tahmlilan of Fresno Calif editor writer-and preacher wee in charge of 29OOO Armcnlan refugees in Turkey Aa a religious leader during the Turk Invasions ha had many thrilling and varitid adventures and it is Of these that he will speak at the Gospel Center 40 Pearl Street tomorrow evening at o'clock COMMUNION SERVICE The Feast of St Michael end All Angels will be celebrated Friday at St Peter's Church Port Cluster with a Rely Communion strV-Ics at 9:10 A Softer Mere Absorbent Sanitary Kapklni For Mothers with Small Children Let VllSsvS bdp pee dttailu so tbit toii bit hive an verqr tbit aair bsv an ViMam Mm yee emtar eon fart eraelar vrtfaetloo emtar yrmet of wins- aoeblta yeo to Join nor ehllSran la senra sa atharpnsf-uro Try It sett tlnel try awAMC the nftar ini --naorbant toflrt tlaao and i bateneaS tarisj tn-" time teal GROUP WARTS MEW MEMBERS Singers from Port Cheater era invited to join th White Platan -Choral Society and an Invitation has baen extended them to attend tha group's meeting Monday night at at tha Rauchambsau School la White Plains whara they may meat ffi director Mm Can olyn Beeson Fry Min Julio Memmsrt of Port Cbsstar is local' chairman Planned By Club A varied program of Fall and Winfar activities was dlpeuaaed last night at tho regular Stenting of tha Fi Club at tha hums of Dorothy Cohen 391 Gian Avenue Gertruda Cohen of 30 Traversa Avenue was weleomed as a new member and tentative plans wars made for a Hallowe'en party a formal dinner danse a scavenger hunt and inn seating parties Tha ant masting will ba bald Tusaday evening at the home of Anita Roisnswsig M0 'Westchester Avsaua Authors Cover World Affairs The Library Obtains Books On The European Crisis By Experts As you've perused th recent developments la Europe oa th front page of the newspapers or heard the latest report by your -favorite radio commentator aanouncsd oa th "foreign situation" you woods rsd wbara such-and-oucb an unpronounceable town was or why it was important' or-who an oven mors unpronounceable nemo belonged to and why ho mad tha headlines? Maybs you wonds what th whole fust is about tho Brat place Here are some of tho hooka published In the past two weeks dealing with just such problems by authors who know their subjects They may ba found on th shelves of tha Fort Cheater Public Library Around the President" by Joseph Alaop and Robert Hint-ner- Two analysts of tKc news-bahind-the-ne ws Introduce the meh behind th New tha intellectuals theorists yrofsssors and politicians who provide warp and woof for the Administration program Domeeraey Today Ad by Edouard Bones An exile is Amerlea as a result of tha Munich Pdjbt Dr Bcnca delivered nt the University of Chicago a series of stirring lecture on the history and future of democracy nils book la -baaed on hes lectures He states the case for a' democratic philosophy 4f government and Mr tha Inatltu-common to Cnechoalovakia and to America Maddla In Earopo?" by Boake Carter The radio eommentator and newapaper columnist haa written a provocative and revealing analysis of tbs' number of fingers these United States have In the European pla "Step By Step 1939-1930" by Wiaaton Churchill The International situation aa It was presented to tho House of Commons by thla brilliant fire-eating British statesman It covera tha parted from March 13 1936 to May IB 1989 "Forelga by Anthony Eden This eollactloa of Mr Eden! speeehoa In tha House ft Commons and elsewhere through 1983' la a record and a crltlclem of British foreign policy It has an Importance for the present- a noth future far beyond 'Its literary quality Gibraltar And The -Medlter-by Oarratt Tha present European elttfedlon underlines'' the Importance of Gibraltar with Increasing clarity Gibraltar Irmora than jurt a symbol of British might It la tha-ltey factor in- tha maintenance of Britain's power la India The author gfvaa aa adequate historical background to help the reader appreciate the Gibraltar tradition as wall aa Its preaent importance Of Spies" by Joseph Oollomb The 'experienced American Journalist presents startjlny'' facte gathered at first-hand all ovef the world about tha soltnce of espionage eg it la today the drastic ohangea in its during the past five year and its Increasing imporianca' "Stella A Critical Survey Of Bolahevlem" by Boris Souvarine: A definitive biography of tha man who rose with apparent suddenness after Laajn'a death to be tho undisputed dictator of one-sixth of tho earth with- power more absolute than that of Hitler and Mussolini The Records 8pak" by Dorothy Tompson What haa happened and what will happen In Europe analysed by famdbs newspaper columnist and radio commentator Her There" by Twelve Foreign Correspondents Edited by Hindi Twelve outstanding foreign coc-reepondente tell of their exciting adventure1- Trained observers they all make tha most ot the per-' sonal encounters they describe ties Of Nihilism" by Hermann Rauachning -The Inside story of tho Nasi movement by a former leader of the National1 Socialist Party and x-prtldsnt of the Dinalg Senate Peace Bat A Sword" Vincent Sheean Tha mate theme of this provocative book which vecorda the author's ptreonsl bbservatlona of people and avants la Spain Grr many 'Austria France- England Pdleetin and CMehoalovakla Especially during Ike past year is tha dash of Fascism and Democracy in Europe today A tmnWi wmmAii ImW Ad Ths kuuMitsdr iMdUet Berkley Studio Photo la Mildred Powelas daughter Of Hr and Mrs Lawrence Powelas of 446 Orchard Street whose engagement- to Marvin Wagner of Cqhoes has been- announced Mr -Mrs Gober Feted On Anniversary Their 20th wedding anniversary was the occasion for a surprise party tenderad Mr and Mrs Frank Gober of 72 Hobart Avenue at their home -Those attending enjoyed dancing and games while Joseph Cormier led "group singing 'The guests of honor wore 'presented with a gift and a buffet aupper was eerved at midnight With a beautifully deeoratedcake aa the center qf the fesaL Those present were Mr and Mrs Felix Barvlkowski Mr and Mrs Frank Bogdanskl Mr and Mrs- Ignaey Barron--'Mr and Mrs Walter DartnochwalpMr and Mrs William Wilion Mr and Mra Joseph feygman Mr and Mra Andrew Zygman Mr Mrs John Manning Mr and Mrs John Xaa-akowuki Hr and Mrs Alexander Bogdanskl Mrs John Moskal Mrs Leo Bregonseo and Mrs -Alloa -Higglni Others attending were' Mrs Anthony Zygman Mri Agnes Dar-mochwal- Joseph Gundeek tha MUisea' Ann Evaaker Helen Bog-ski Mary Moskal Mary Ann Zygman Rose Mario Koaakomskt Agnes Moskal Charlotte Dan-mochwal And Helen Moskal Still other gueste were Philip Donahue Everett Cormier-' Joseph Cormier William Gundeek Andrew Kursk Frank Bogdanskl William Szymanowski Stanley Glinka Master Joseph Zygman Maiter Joseph Moekal Maater Frank Koeakowskl Henry Bor-owaU and Anthony Latella Mount Holyoke Club To Hear Miss Woolley Mies Mary Wpolley former preaident of Mount Holyoke Collage will bo the guest 'of "honor and principal speaker it luncheon to be given on Saturday Oct at 1 o'clock at the Wyka-gyl Country Club -Mr Clarence C-- Melcney of White Plains president of the County group Is chairman for' tha luncheon Assisting here are Mrs lW Wlrt WlckcADr-nd Mra- vi' ir Earl 1 'Hoiig-? both of Whit Plains Mrs Alan Bold of Scare-dale Mrs Harry COlwelland Mies Alice Tqung of Now Roehello Mra Hammond Blatchford of Tarrytown and Mrs Robert Gan-tert of Bronsvllle who wiU also take cars of Mount Vernon interests Mrs Meleney" has called a committee meeting to be held at her home at 75 Wayne Avenue White Plains on Monday Oct full size 80" SATIN BOUND SOLID COLORS A ft-? r-5 "S'- f- V' 1 1 Manicll Marlin Pert Cheiter Ind Stamford Ct Wed In Harrison- aa-ngo fuoio The former Mlaa Mary Ar-care of Harrison who- Waa married raeantly to John Jorao also of Harrison Tho couple ar now a wadding trip through th South- held tomorrow noon from 13 to 1:30 o'clock at th Byram Eplsco-' pal Chapel in East Port Cheaper under the auspices of the Hector's Aid Society Is tha Word for Womon Who Sorvo Such DIshos Chef Aten Sprautt an tad la fm Cot Chop Susy ar Uww Mein Simply sda cnerypmeN tnd onibDi and cook ten minute ac-wraiag to Ac Csey-to-feliow recipe on Jhe libel Serve with Id Chop UMr Mein Noodles iad eeamo to testa With La Chop Sop SeucL Up la Chop Beas fpnxia drained is miking Egg Foa oof od vegeuble Sad Suit ealadi wme La Chop Food Praducx Inc Detroit Mithigia Depc far FREE BOOKLET Junior Dresses Sixes 9 to 17 On tho sideline ht tho Byram of Oreenwlch and Spalding Final Plans Made For Fair Bus Trip Members planning to taka tha bus trip to Companions' Day at the Fair Saturday must meet at tha conjee of Washington Street and Westcheiter Avenp pi 8:30 A- it was last nlgfit at a meeting of tha Poningo Circle oE of A Reservations era in charge of Mrs William Schnepel -and Mrs Michael Urban Mra Richard Bourne is chairman of the card party to be hold Oct 10 at 7:30 in Hall A party waa-given recently for Jackie MeArdla in honor of hie fifth birthday at the home of hie aunt Mra Lena Babbitt of 47 Pearl Street Frank Haddan of 355 North Main Street -Is-at United Hospital recovering from a recent operation Mrs James Kirby of Franklin Street her bon Jameo Jr and her daughter Mary have moved to Washington whore Mra Kl'rby 'hac taken a position with tha Government Charles Ansel son of Mr and Mra- Pawl Ansel of 53 Hillcrcit Avenue began his studies Monday at Admiral BUlard Academy a naval pi-ap aohool at Nsw London Conn Mm Ala Bellam and her daughter Mlaa Constance Bellam of 337 King Street are vacationing at Atlantic City' where they ping at Colton Manor for -two weeks Edward Is sow eon of Mrs Minnie Rogowsky 8 Horton Street Rye has returned to the University of Pennsylvania to begin his aophomoro year WINS DAHLIA AWARD' Mra John Rapp of Purchase member of tha Gordon Club of Harrjaon won soeohd prize yesterday with 13 blooms of miniature typo dahlias at the 35th annual flower show of th American Dahlia Society In' th Florentine Room of tho Park Central Hotel in New York DEMOCRATIC WOMEN Th first Fall' matting of the BrookavlUs Democratic Club will ba held Thursday night at o'clock at tha Polloh United Club on Locust Avenue Extensive plana for tha naw pear will ba made under th leadership of the president Mr Thomas Jansky and a aoclal will follow CHURCH LUNCHEON A Fall get-together' luncheon will ASK ME ANOTHER ANSWERS 1 Jl vassal abandoned at sea but still floating 2 Beethoven 8 No ha was a native of Ntvis in tho British West Indies 4 Vienna (Questions oa Editorial Pago) ADVERTISEMENT WEAK WORN-OUT NERVOUS WOMEN ledUartTkisihprtartNifulTistd if Jlltary eid sa4 iiiil If Jrm waits up! Ms uaNikae a'P Tenses all in wav atd Is a idUb laoisl If so try ttaHoa INk nskhsa's VeaNsMs CpatpwtsS IU-seat medical testa huva prevad aas the rmcnvi tsalN far Wamta ra cu bup -Lat Fakhawns did battef dltaiau Sad Now is the time to- get these PART WOOL "BEACON" ILAtClTS BACK VIEWS Repeated by Popular Demand! WOOL 69 BLANKETS Price after sale $1 98 Look for soft bustle bows pep- lums fascinating back sw6pt' skirts In smooth mossy crepes Colors black mist blue and moss green S1295 BL euLitaa muiNiNa food ta kata taSd up aad thnaalp arttp 32 NORTH MAIN STREET will twin a I vrie mmUmu I S3 4tn ST litMeu WhL New Yomt pkyaiad taaiatanaa tnaa and das mu MBIT BMZRGYvinLL WORTH TRYING1 1 1 -j TV.

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