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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 4

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

New Today. Mlscellaiieotis. Legal. Legal. Legal, BYE Quotable at' 46 9 etl.

STRAW 62 7o 9 bale. HAY Wild Oat, il3 $16; Stable, $11H; WhmvfU OOtgeio SO, Volunteer, U12; Stock Sug811 ton. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. "tSb TBIBUNE has a Circula-tloa more than Double that of any othr payor published in Alameda Ouunty. RANDOLPH Montgomery street, cor.

Sutter, Offer their Entire and Inimense Stock Silyerwareand Vienna and Paris Fancy Goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES The stock is JSew, carefully selected, and embraces many of the RICHEST GOODS ever offered in this market, specially adapted to the HOLIDAY TRADE. All Goods sold on a Cash Basis, offering buyers an opportunity rarely occurring. R. B. GRAY.

W. C. RANDOLPH. of Diamonds, Watche. Jewelry GOLD Pencils, Fens Holders.

Pocket Books, AntA0rnnri Alhimia Wi B.HARDY. BOOKSELLER, 961 BROADWAY BETWEEN Lt 9th. and lOUi Sts. OAKLAND- JUVENILE BOOKS, Photograph Albums, ILLUSTRATED GIFT BOOKS, Prang's Christmas New Year Cards. Vf.

J. DINOEB, REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND AUCTIONEERS J. O. KLDRIOOE, SAN FRANCISCO OFI ICE, They are prepared to make careful appraisements of Real Estate and Personal Property, take charg-e of Estates, pay Taxes, Collect Rents and Business, Kancn anu uomesteaa r-ropeny suD any County ia the State. Special Attention given and sesurlties of all kinds.

Will give personal attention to the sale of Works ot Art or approved merchandise, at Public or J. F. EEIMHART CO. (Successors to Are daily receiying large varieties of fancy and staple Groceries Executrix'. Notice of Sale of Seal -y' NOTICS 18 HEREBY CITEN THAT t7K-suaat to the order ot the Superior Court, in and for the City and County of eaa Franc woo.

State of California, Department No. (Probaial made aod entered In the matter of the Estate of Wtlllsm CRrien, deceased, on the 21st day of November, 18S1, the undersigned, Aanle M. O'Riien, executrix of ths last will of aald ds-daaesd, will aaU at private sale, on or after Tfcuradajr. the 22d day of Decem ber, 1881, Ths following- real property belonging to said deceased and to his said estate, to wit: iasr AU sua certain tract, parcel and piece of land, situate partly ia the County of and partly in the County of ban Joaquin, btate aforesaid, and mora partieolarly described aa follows: Section nnmber seventeen flT) in Townshlo nuxubur two (t south rang-e number four (4) east of Mount Diablo base and meridian, containing- six hundred and forty (040) acre, more or less, sccurdinff to tbe United states Government survey thereof, tog-ether with the appurtenances thereof. SSCOKD All that certain tract or rarest al land situate in the county of Alameda, State aforesaid.

ana more particularly ucscnoea as loilows: Section number sixteen (10) in Towiukin two (2), ranee number three (3) East of Mount uiaDio oase and meridian, eoniauuiur six hun dred and forty (640) acres, more or less, accordimc to the United States Got era men survey thereof, together with the appurtenances thereof. Thiad A 11 that certain tract or parcel of land situate in ths county of Alameda, state aforesaid, and mote particularly described sa follows: -i ine nortnwest of tectum number ten (11 and the south 4 of section number ten flOl all in Township number two (2). south range number wres (a) east oi Mount DiaDlo base and meridian, containing four hundred and eighty (490) acres, more or less, accordinaftothe United States Gov ernment survey thereof, with the appurtenances thereof. i Fourth All that certain tract or narcel of land situated in the county of Alameda, State aioresaiu, ana more particularly oescriDed as fol lows: i Section number twenty-four (24) in Township number two (2), south range number three (3) east of Mount UiaDlo base and meridian; containing- six hundred and forty (64) acres, more or less, according to the United States Government survey thereof, tog-ether with tbe appurtenances thereof. i r'irTH An that Certain tractor Dercet of land situate in the county of Alameda, State aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows: section number twenty-nine (29) in Township number two (2).

south ran ire number three (31 east oi Aiount Diablo base and meridian, contain. ng- six hundred and forty (640) acres acres, mora or leas, according- to the United' States Govern ment survey thereof together with the appurtenances thereof. Offers or bids therefor will be received at the law ofhee of A. No Drown, Rooms 4. 6 and 6, at No.

021 Clay street, in the city and county of san Francisco, state aforesaid. All bids must be in writing- and may bs left at the place designated above, or bs delivered to the undersigned, per-sonslly, or be filed in the office of the Clerk of said Superior Court, at any time after the first publication of this notice, and before tbe making of the sale. Terms of sale: Cash on confirmation of sale by said Superior Court: or one-third of the pur cbase money in cash upon the confirmation of sale, and the remaining two-thirds of the pur chase money upon a credit of-one year from date of connrmition, witn interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, payable quarterly: said purchase money and interest to be paid In foia coin, anu tne payment tnereot to oe secured tbe promissory note-of the purchaser and by mortgage on the property sold. Bidders will designate in their bids whether th propose to buy for cash, or for part cash. and upon a credit for remainder.

AN NIB H. O'BRIEN. Executrix of the last will of William O'brien, deceased. A. H.

Drowh, attorney for executrix. Sheriffs Sale. August Drucker, Plaintiff. 1 Its. No.

1X55 P. H. Defendant. Order of Sale and Decree ot Foreclosure aod Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale issued out of the Superior Court, of the County of Alameda, of the State of California, on the 7th day of Deeember.

A. D. 1881, in the above entitled action, wherein August Drucker.the above named plaintiff, obtained a judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale against v. At. nut defendant, on the Sd day of December, A.

1881, for the sum of 1700, besides interest, costs and counsel fees which said decree was, oa the 6th day of December, A. D.lsSl. recorded in Judgment Book S. impairment 1, of said Court, at page 131. I am commanded to sell all those certain pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being at Oakland Point, City of Oakland, County ot Alameda, State of California, known and described' as fol lows to-wit: i As being a portion of block or tract No.

406 as per Whitchera map ot Oakland, which tract was surveyed and laid off Into blocks and lots by K. L. tl arris, and the said lota hereby designated on said map aforesaid nleB in Recorders office ot Alameda County May 24, 1864, are numbered and designated thereon st lots eleven (11), twelve (12), and tmrteen tl3), in block forty-lour (44). Aniblic notice la nereby given that on Saturday, the 31st day of December, A. D.1881, At ten o'clock A.

M. of that day, in front oTthe Court House door ot the County of A lameda, I win, in obedience to said order of sale and decree ot foreclosure, and sale, sell the above described property, or so much thereof aa may be necessary to raise sufficient to satisfy said judgment, with interest and costs, etc, to the highest and best bidder, for lawful money of the United States. JEREMIAH TYRRELI Sheriff. Oakland, December 7, 1881. Sheraffs Sale.

The San Francisco SavA ings Union, a corpora- ion I Plaintiff, I vs. J-No. 1058. atannattan Marble com-I pany of California, a 1 corporation. Defendant.

Order of Sale and Decree ot Foreclosure and Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER ot Sale and Decree of Foreclosure and Sals issued out of ths Superior Court of the County of Ahuneda, of the State of California, on tbe 29th day of November, A D. 1881, in the above entitled action, a herein The San Francisco Savings a corporation, tbe above named plaintiff, obtained a judgment and decree of foreclosure and. sale against Manhattan Marble Company of California, a corporation, defendant, on the 17tb day ot November, A D. lSsl, for the sum of $10,159.60, in lawful money of the United States, besides interest and costs, which said decree was, on the 21st day of November, A.

D. 1881, record el in Judgment Book Dept. 1, of said Court, at page 428, I am commanded to sell all that piece or parcel of land, situate the City of Oakland, County of Alameda. State ot California, and described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point in the easterly lino of Linden street distant thereon two hundred and forty-fonr (244) lost southerly from the southerly line of Third street; running thence southerly along aald line ot Linden street one hundred and eighty-three feet one and one-half inches (188 and twelfths); thence in aa easterly direction two hundred and fifty-one feet five and one-half inches (Z51 and 64 twelfths), to a stake in ths westerly line of Filbert street distant thereon four hundred and fifty-four feet four inches (464 4-13), southerly from said southerly line of Third street; theuce northerly along- said line of Filbert street two hundred and ten feat four inches (210 4-12); and thence at right angles westerly two hundred and fifty (260) feet to the point of commencement; being all that portion of Block number four hundred aad iorty-twe (442) which lies south of lota Bombers seventeen (17) and thirty-eight (38) in said block, aa tbe same le laid down and delineated on the map entitled "Adeline and Market street Homestead," recorded July 79, 1860, on page 7 of Map Book No. 1, ia the office ot the County Recorder of said County of Ahuneda, together with the appurte- Public notice is hereby gives that on i Saturday, the 7th day of January, AD.1882.

At ten o'clock A at. of that day, In front of the Court House door ot tbe County of will, in obedience to said order of saie and decree ot foreclosure aad sell above described property, er so much thereof aa may be ii i wary to raise sufficient to satisfy said fudgasent, with Interest aod eoate, to tbe highest aod beet bidder, for lawful money of Uw United States. Oakland. December 1881. JEREMIAH TYSREL, notice of Copartnership.

ALAMEDA COUNTY. STATE OF CALrFOR- nia. We, the nodei sinned, hereby certify that we are partners transacting bustneea in this State, at the City of Oakland, County of Ala mod voder the firm name and style ot Pace, Lake A that' tbe names is full of all the members of such partnership are Francis Stoddard Page and Thomas Lake, and that the places of our respective residences are the City of Oakiand, County pt Alameta, and State of California. FRAS-C73 rrrtSDAED PAGE, THOMAS this first day of leember, oiU)INAWCI2 Consenting to the abandonment cf a portion of the franchise for a street railroad upon Peralta streets aad other streets, grant- ed to Walter Blair, "James cU Premery, Samnel Howe, and Montgomery Howe, byt Ordinance approved December, 1878. The Council ot the Citr of Oaklaiul An aa follows, Sbctiojc 1.

The Council ef the rt nt hereby consents to the abaodoomeut by Waiter Blair, James de Fremery, Mout(umery Hows aod Samuel Howe, of tbe ancompUted portion of the street railroad, the right of way, and franchise, which was granted to them by an ordinance of the Citr Coiuiaii of the City ot Oakland, entitled-' '-An Ordinaoce erantintr authoritv to and operate a street railroad upon Peralta aad other street'," approved December A 187A Bald Uncompleted portion of said street railrnaiL ricrht of way and franchise, to the abandonment of which consent is hereby given, is described aa follows, to-wit: nm commencing at ths Intersection ot Peralta street with West sixteenth street, runninc thence northeasterly alone; Peralta to Thirty-second street; thence easterly along Thirty second street to Aileline thence southerly along AdeHne street Twenty-fourth street. second -jommenctng at the Intersection ot Peralta street with Tbirty-second street aod Hol- iis street, and running thence northerly alone Holll. street to the boundary of the City. Sac.

8. This ordinaucs is passed apon the ex. prow condition that said Waiter Blair, James De Fremery, Samuel Howe and Montgomery. Howe, or their heirs or assigns, khall cause to be made for tbe ate mmodatioo of passengere on Market street from Seventh street to Twenty-fourth street, st least twentv trine each wv each day, between the hours of seven o'clock A. M.

and seven o'clock P. for tbe first year sfter the passage of this ordinance, and that thareaftar they or their heirs or assigns shall cause to be made at least twentv four trips each way, each day, between the hours ot seven o'clock A MJ and seven o'clock P. unavoidable accidents excepted. sac. 3.

This ordinance shall take effect and. be hi full force on and after iu approval. rasseu, Atecemoer isai. i Hi HAYES, President Council. Approved, December 2, 1S8L J.

E. BLETEEN. Mayor. I certify that the foregoing ia a true and nor. rect copy of an ordinance passed bv the Citv Council, Deot-mber 1, 1861, and approved by the Mayor; December 2, 1881.

JAMES DODS. 'i City Clerk. AN OBDHSTANdi: Requiring Corporations, Companies, and Persons Supplying; Water to the City of Oakland or to the Inhabitants thereof, to Furnish i Statements Showing their Rev- enues and Expenditures, and Names of Water Rate Payers. The Council of the City ot Oakland do ordain as follows: Sbctiok 1. Every corporation, company and per-on supplying water to tbe City of Oakland or to the inhabitants thereof, shall, and they and each of them are hereby required to, in the month of January, A D.

1882, furnish to the Council ot the City of Oakland, a detailed statement, veri- i fied by the oath of the President snd becratary of such corporation or company, or the oath of such person, as the esse may be, showisg the name of each water rate payer, with his or her place of residence, and the amount paid for water by each of such water rate payers 'during the j' ear pre- i ceding tbe date of said statement, and also show-1 ing the revenue derived from all sources, and an itemized statement of all expenditures made for supplying water during the said time. I Sac. 2. Accompanying the said statement; every such corporation, company or person shal furnish a detailed statement, verified in the same manner as the statement mentioned in Section i tnA rtt Ihla flnlin.nii. ihnwiniv th ainiiinl fvt nv nev actual! exnended annuafl bv said eo mo ra tions, companies and persona, respectively, since commencins; business in tbe purchase, con.

struction aad maintainance, respectively, of the property cecessary to the carring on of its busi- ness, and also tbe gross cash receipts annually, for the same periodtrom all sources. Sac. a This ordinance shall take effect bnme. diaUiy. i Passed, December 6J1881.

H. HAYES, President City Council, i Approved, December 6, 1831. 'I J. E. BLETHEN, i Mayor.

I certify that the foregoing ia a true and eor rect copy of an ordinance passed by" the City Council December 6, 1881, and approved by the Mayor Devember 1881. JAMES DODS, I city Clerk. Sealed Porposals Alterations and Additions to the Merced County Court Cuu'i Ornca, Boaad or Sctsrvisors, I MtacxD, December fl, 1881- -I IN ACCORDANCE WITH A RESOLUTION of the Board ot Supervisors of Merced County, sealed proposals will be received In open se-sion of the Board, up to 1 o'clock r. M. of TUESDAY.

DECEMBER 27, 1881. to furnish material and make alterations for two fire, proof vaults in strict accordance with the plana and specifications. i The work is to be done in a good and workman, like manner, and the vaults to be completed, in all respects, to the satisfaction i of the Hoard of supervisors and the Architect, and in conformity with the plana now open for inspection In the office ofvHarald D. Mitchell, Architect, 271 Sansome street, Saa Francisco, and at tbe office of the County Clark of Merced County. Notice Bidders will estimate and state a price for which the entire work will be performed in accordance with tbe plans and specifications, and completed on or before the 15th day of March, 1882.

.1 The party to whom the contract Is awarded will be required prior to, or at the time of the execution of the contract, to pay the cost of advertising' this notice in five dnily newspapers. All bidders will deposit a certified check for the sum of 8500, with and mads payable to the Clerk of the Board, conditioned If the proposal is accepted and the contract awarded, and if tbe bidder shall fail or aeglect to execute a written agreement and give the bond required within six- days, after tbe award is made, then and in that case, the said sum shall he paid into the County Treasury by said Clerk, aa liquidated damages for such failure and neglect. The Board reserves the right to reject any er all bids, as the public good may require. JNO. H.

SIMON SON, Clerk Board of Supervisors, Merced County. 1 Probate Notice. TN THE SUPERIOR -COURT OF TUB i Count)- of Alameda, State of California. Department NaT A Notice for Publication of Time Appointed for Proving Will, i In the matter of the estate of T. W.

Meysr, deceaied. Notice ia hereby given, that, Tuesday, ths 20th day of December, A D. 1881, at ten o'clock A. M. ef said day, aod ths Couit Room of said Court, at the Court House in the City of Oakland, ia the County of Abureda, bare been appointed as the time and place for proving tbe will et F.

W. Meyer, deceased, and for hearing the application of Helen Meyer for the issuance to her ot letters testamentary, when and where any person interested may appear; aod contest the Dated, December 1881. i ANDREW RYDER, Clerk. By Thomas Eioaa, Deputv Clerk. Nya Richardson, Attorneys for petitioner.

Probate Notice. TR THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TITS of Alameda. Bute ot Caliiomia. County Deoartmeot No. A la the matter of the estate of George Frederick Kriete, deceased.

Notice tor publication of time appointed for proviBg will, etc Notice ia hereby riven, that Tuesday, tbe 27th day of December, A D. 1881, at 10 o'clock A. M. cf said day, and the Court Room of said Court, at the Court House, la the city of Oakland, in tne oooaty of Alameoa, nave Deea appoint- the time and place for proving i George Frederick Kriete. deceased, and for ing the application ot John Rock for the -to him of letters testamentary when and any person Interested may appear and con Un as ef ee -i i Dated, December 7, 1SS1.

ANDREW ETT By Thowas gs, I' Cole Traicr JL llzzll: In the matter of tbe appl cation of I i to become a Mole Trader. Notice is hereby Kiven, that i wife of Ernet H. Rropp, beinr da i. tog myself of the i-rovuuons ot laie i i of the Code of Civil Prretdnre cf ti.e CKfornia, intend to make perior Cnurt of the Countv nl A aiifornia, on Frulay, the i cv i lael, at the opening ol Court on t. such other day Ui wh -potoned by the f.

a derof said So.nerior Co'-t cf l.ii-;ovi i i ir t. a jr? Probate) Notice. IK THE STJPERIOB COURT OF THE County of Ahuneda, State of CaliXorBia. I)epertment Mo. a.

i Ia the matter ot the estate of Isaiah Lsgro, de resort Notice for Publication of Time Appointed for Proving WW, Ac i Pursuant to an order ot said Court, mad oa the 6th day of December. A. 0. 1SS1, aotioe la hereby Riven that Monday, the 1Mb day ot Debar, A 1. 1881, at ten o'clock a.

a. of said day, and the Court Boom ot aald Court, et the Court House la the City of Oakland, la the County ot Alameda, have been appointed aa the time and place tor proving- the will of Isaiah Lerro, deceased, and for bearing the application of Vie. toria Legro for the iasoaoee to cer of letters testamentary, when and where any person later acted may appear and eonteat the same. Dated, December 6, 1881. ANDREW BTDER, By Ia.

E. Tana, Deputy Clerk. Notice to Painters. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED at the onice ot the Superintendent of Schools, City Hall, until o'clock r. m.

Tuesday, Decern, ber 20, 1881, for paintii two coats, the entire exterior wood work of the Franklin and Duraut School buildings. The paint must be of the best quality of pure lead and oil, and of such color sa the Committee may determine. Contractors will bid on each building separately, stating the price for work and material, and for aoik alone, the Department furnishing the material. All material and work to be subject to the Inspection of the Committee, and no bUU to be allowed by the Board until tbe work la approved, and accepted by tbe Committee. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for (60, which check shall be forfeited to the Hoard of Education, should the party receiving the award fail to enter into contract and fur.

nish a good and sufficient bond for the faithful performance of the same, within five days from the dte of the award. Bids will be opened in open Board on the evening of the date above and the contract awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. 1 he Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids, as the good ot the Department may require. M. W.

FISH, GEO. C. PRATT, EUGENE LYNCH. Committee on School liouses and Sites. By H.

J. Toud, Secretary of Board cf Education. Dissolution of Partnership. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE Existing between I. A.

Wharton and Ed. Boyd is thu day dissolved by mutiat consent. A. Wharton continues the business, assumes all liabilities, and will collect al accounts due the nrm. i.

a. whabtuv, ED. BOYD. Oakland, December 1, 188L Administratrix Sale of Real Estate A FTER EIGHT DATS FROM DATE I WILL A sell at private sale, Lot 10, in Block 726- north side of West 12th street, between Camp bell and Peralta, Oakland. Terms, cash on approval of sale.

Bids received by A. Campbell, 63U uuilorma street, Ban Francisco. MAKI A. UUtUAH, Administratrix of Maurice J. Dougan, deceased San Francisco, December 9, 1881 Merchant Tailors.

JACKSON THE TAILOR. HAS JUST OPENED A First-Class Establishment 466 EIGHTH STREET, Between Washington and Broadway. PROMPTNESS Perfect Fit GUARANTED The Finest Stock Kng-lisn, Kroner, BeotcH, auttt Domestic Goods T. ao umopj irom. First-Claaa Clatter from Now York The Best Work in the City I Call once and youll come again.

E. WELLS tfc CO. MERCHANT TAILORS Have Just Opened at 36 Montgeiuer St. SE. Cor.

Salter With Fine Line of English, French, and Domeatioi Cassimeres Where they will be pleased to see their friends and the public Prof essional Cards. C. SHERMAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 06? BROADWAY. Delger Block, Room 4.


TO L. A O. DELON, SPECIAL Instructor for the Removal of Impediments in Speech 10 Stockton street, ban rancisco. REMOVAL. DOCTORS EI LAY a BKADWAT HAVE removed to 1003 Broadway, cor.

10th Rooms 3 A 4 A. W. BISHOP, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC At. and Conveyancer, NW. cor.

Broadway and 8th street, entrance on 3th street. GEO. IiEWIS, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ml ROADWAY, Oakland, 8W. comer 8th and Broadway. Room 14, Wilcox block.

i DR. J. AT THE SOLICITATION OF HIS OLD PA-tients, has resumed bis practice in ban Francisco. cunsultiNg rooms Golden Gate Block, LJl Post street. Office hours 10:30 A.

at. to 8:30 P. M. GEO- E- GOLLA, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, 100S, BROADWAY, northwest corner Tenth. Notary Public, Attorney for Public Administrator.

A. M. CHURCH.1 TU6TICE OF THE PEACa AND CONYXY-O aocer, 476 8th street, bet. Broadway and Washington, Oakland. t- T.

B. IaAS CAS AS. A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, 1003J BROADWAY amith Building-, Room No. 14, Oakiand, OR. ADOLPHTJS BRUEMK, HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO 967 BROAD way, norttrVest cor.

Srth, Room No. 20. bAiu, unuary and kidney diseases a specialty; office houra froaa 10 to 18 A to 4 aod 7 to r. M. Vicroa H.

MaTuabr, Gnoses ix Mxtcau, Notary Public and Com. aiiaaioner of Deeda. METCAXT ATTORNEYS AND CoUNSiuLURS AT LAW 857 Broadway, Rooms 12 and 13. I. S.

HAIJaET, DENTIST, WILL BK AT HIS ROOMS, 6, No. 8n9 Washington street, near 7th, Oak-iaad, Monday, Tuesday and vVedneausjr of each week. Residence, dohnaoa) House, oomer baa Pablo eve aad 18th St. nfcHINSTRY CUAFHAJf, A nORN kYS-AT-LAW, B. COB.

9tM AND fV Broadway, Oakland, Cal. FRED- IV BUTTOJf. A TTORNEY AT LAW, AND NOTARY Public, rooms 11 aad 12, 869 Broadway, bet. aTersnth and Eighth streete, Oakland, CaL J. M.

POSTOH TTORHEY-AT-LAW, Office City HaTL WZLK.ROWELL, NOTARY PUBUC AND OONYKYANCER, aiso Commissioner of Deeds for the Territory of Arisone, 468 1 mth stray V. tMAlaod, Cal. ITAGGART efe DlltGEE. OT ARIES PUBUC, OFFICX 4M AND 463 Stai A. O.


t7IXlV II- ETJIillAXX, NOTARY PrPUC. COMMISSIONER CF Deeds and Coovevancer 19 years experience IV 'd Pronea ay, Oakland Lrt do'jf cf 1 i JCSTATi. TRANSACTIONS. The foUowing-reai estate transfers recorded in the Kacorders Omoei Alameda County. December tS, 1881, are reported by Mix Smith, Searchers of Records: it i I MUUM.

Jtaht Sherwood to Wm Parkins -Tints A. a. and 4, bin 84,1 Wm Persies to Phlleue 8 Sawyer Sam 6 Sinclair to Albert Hat es Lota 8, 10 and 12, blk 18, Fitchburg tract, Brooklyn TP. RW Church to JoojN Harris -N 18th st, 8 ft fin Chestnut. 82.

110.87. HW 82.47. 8 116.eS. Oakland 1000 Jss Gordon to 8 IN Harris LoU 18 and 17, blk Oaskill tract, Oakland Frederic Clay to Chisholni Lots 1, 2 and 8. blk F.IDoe tract, Oakland Tp.

Geo Uaight to Collier SE Taylor and West End avs, 146.4 48.6, Ala. Veysey to Mary Lounsbury University av and otfc st, 76, 100, 35, 63, to 6th st, 18 198 to beg; also lots 6, 7 and 8, blk 106, Siaterna tract. Berk. Mary Luuntbury Ui Henry Pine 6th st. 3000 50 im university av, in xoxiuu, nera.

John Wright to James Wright SE 276 Union and fid sts, tiOi aiso Mi corner Poplar and 22d sts, 230 to Union 138.4; also SE Kirkhun and 22d sts. 13a 4 234 to Poplar, Oakland 600 as Wrhrht to Patrick O'Brien Hillebrand, Tr, to Simmons Blk 10, ftabl.nri I. 60 850 savings Union I to George Lamey lath. 140'E fm Willow, 25x126, Oak. bv Sbff.

to Charles Reid Lots 8 and 4, blk 76, Oakland 2918 WsvacSDAT, December 14. Elijah Bigelow top Gray NE Central av, iuu ri irom sa av, nr zaxxuu, um-land 1 9 Antonio Canlora te Joseph Sylra 6 45-100 acres. San Lorenij Uancho ISO Oakland bank of Savings to Richard Ryan Lot 6. blk J. Uurtis Williams' tract, 1 400 Louis Voss and wile to Mattie, wife of BenJ Mnnnn-Luts 19.

20 and 30. DluCk V. Berkolev property. Berkeley 7000 Julia Prestun to A Brewer 411 46-100 utm mrvev 108. Kx Misaion San Jose lands.

aehiiiiftlun Tp 2000 Estate Atherton. deed, to Peter Hansen 6 crei Kancho San Lorenzo. su Same to Fug: 10 acres, Rancho San Lorenzo 600 Antonio Fonte Fonte Lot 32, Ghirardelll Brooklyn Tp 1000 0RTUA8E8. Ttbsbat. December IS.

Ge 3 Lamey to de Fremery et al. Tr Deed of trust Vita. HO fi. tm vy mow 25x125. Oaklaiid 9 750 Jas Hi' Well to Same Deed of trust NW Central av and Webster st, 120 6 6x88, Alameda 1500 Martin to Oakland Mutual Ln Assn 12th, 76.8 lm Poplar, 33.4x110, Oakland 1500 Me ui to Sadie I Clay 5J acres, per Dlots 29 and 30.

(Oakland Tp 10 Henry Fine to Wright-S lot 9, blk M), btstersa tract, Berkeley. jzo Patrick O'brien tp Keegan Same as in deed above, Wright to Brien 350 WsDNSnDAT, December 14. Wm 4 Perkikis to Thos UcKinnon 2 82-100 acres is plot 64, Peralta Rancho. Oak land Tp. 8 2222 Sarah Torupkias to Union Savings Bank Harrison Tfc ft im Durant st, 78 148, Oakland 6000 OVERLAND PASSENGERS.

WESTWARD-! ions rASsrna omaba, ass. Omaba, Dece: ber 15th. To arrive in Oakland December 19th: I i nd wife, Philadelphia; Jas I. fn. Bowers Hill Campbell, Mary ampoeii, Arcoia, ui, jiio irlaiid and wife, Hopkins ie Myers, Geo J'Bicxiks, Hn Lilienthal.

New York: and family. An iancisco: wi mith and rlautrq ter, Oakland; Ackroyd, New Zealand; ril Miry rUltser, N4 Hort. Prairie City, ill; Mrs York; lliss Mabel Barnaby, rruviuoiicc i BIRTHS. SCHREIBER la San Francisco, Deccm'ber 15, to the wife of IraUh Schreiber, a son. BLCK.LKY In tan Francisco, December 8, to the wife of J.

L. Buckley, a son. O'NEILL On San Pablo Creek, Contra Costa County, December 11, to trie wife of Jonn Frances O'Neill, twins, son and daughter. "fc: ARRIAGE8. CLEVEKLY-J0BNS0N In San Francisco, De cember 0.

Cleverly and Came aiay Belle Johnson! POKTEBJiVtia In San Francisco, December 15, Charles H.l Poriier and Lou uivens. BAeHoFEN-KrRK In San Francisco, December 15, John ktachbfen and Lmma aem. DEATHS. CAMPBELL III Sacramento, December 15, of Emma Osmer Campbell, aged 20 years and 5 months, daughter of Fred ii and KnU A Campbell. Friend are invited to attend the funeral services at the First Congregational Churca, Oakland, at half-pout one o'clock on the afternoon of 8ATURDAV.

December 17. 1881. WALKER In San Francisco, December 15, Richard Walker, a native of England, aged 7 years. JOHNSTON la Baa Francisco, December 15, rransie iesier ionnsvou. uib.

BELT In San Francisco, December 16, Thomas W. Belt, a native of Alabama, aged 31 years and 10 months. COWEN PORTER. Funeral Directors, 112 Geary San Fratnoisoo. Orders left with J.

A. Winner, at the Oakland Photographic Parlors, 811 Broad way, bet wean 8'b and vth, up-stairs, win meet with rirnmpt attention. Everything requisite for Funerals. a2i Ti HAMILTON, Coroner sf Alameda Coaaty, Has notTemtoved bat is still to be found at 1112 BROADWAY, Between 12th and 13th sts. Everything requisite for funerals.

Metallic and Imitation Caskets, Coffins, Shrouds, and Kobes, Hearse aod Carriages. Orders attended to day er night, TOraT-trtrrwff iffPi'TT li'T TiTil'iAre Ti.II iLw-B IMiscellaneons BniLLERsS OPTICAL DEPOT lib Montgomery St. near Bush, 8. F. Specialty for 3D years.

Eetabliahed S. F. 1863 fwnoieaate ana reaui. The most complicated cases of defective vision thoroughly diagnosed, free of charge. Compoajftd Aaticmatio Lauas ted to oraer, TWO HOURS' NOTICE Oakland i Gaslight Co.

Wbst Mast Preaideiit Secretary W. W. Joe. O. East.

Vam Lbik aUaraan. Superintendent I. H. TUU8TEK8 G. EA8TLAVB, Joha W.

Coleman, James rre. bom, Crane, jr, J. west svnt. Office ot the Company in Union Bank Building NINTH STREET. 424 NEW FEED STORE nrrvTviM a a nvTrrfRiar.

I WholsaaleaiKl Retail Dealer la FLOURj HAY AND fiRAIEv SlxtsaLBeuiuoMwrr Orders deltverad free of charge to an parts of the Hw I I STALLS 2. 4 AND 6 Citfy Harket, Ehtraoee oa Twelfth atreev, Wholesale arid Retail Dealers ia Beat quality of Mom. Fresh meats on band every day. also ganae ot all kindn. Steam! Carpet Beating xfX aac xo- Iroprteta PHILADELPHIA CREIVERY Id at.

isear FoJuom. 8a Fraacisco. Sale of beer for 1880, barrels. Beer bot- Hesiiitioe 829 1- tmcZ'a street. I il XTZeTX Serrrrl bjr Carrier a 13 CU.

at Wwfc DECEMBER 16 THE PHAgTOM. alept my sleep was soit aad sweet, Ho iwia nor trouble there- VIum i wl min hvm viAinn a-reet. A maid supremely fair. Pale, pale wm she a marble tone. And weird and strange to see; With a llrht lAe pearls ber eyes they shone, Her lock buog loose and free.

And slowly, slowly did sbe glide. So phantom-like and frail, And down she lays ber by my side, IIH! BUUMU 1HIW1IW Then throbs my besrt like a thing possessed With passion all sglow; But se throb stirs tht (air one's breast, bo is as eoia wniwi It is cold as the moos tain snows; But lore, I know its pans. tts sweets, And its ail mastering- throes. ill NHI HIWH U'W" I The blood in my heart is still; But shrink not away with huddering dread I aaa thine, to do thy wilir And madder still she clasped me ronnd, TiU my very breath gau fail; The cock crew gone, with never a sound. Was the maiden marble pale.

Beiru. BY QIJVEKVEKDELL HOLMES- Holmes latest edition of poems has this preface. "From the first gleam of morning to the gray Of peaceful evening, lo! a hie unrolled! la woven pictures all its changes told, Its lights, its shadows, every flitting ray Till the long curtain, falling, dims the day, Steals from the dial's disk the sunlight's gold And all the graven hours grow dark and oold Where late the glowing blue of noontide lay. Ah! the warm blood runs wild in youthful veins; Let me no linger play with I ainted fire; Mew songs for new-born days! I would not tire The listening ears that wait for fresher strains In phrase new-mold ad, new forged rythmic cha ns. With plaintive measures from a worn-out lyre." SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE.

AN rBANClSCO, December 16, l81 ARRIVALS. Thcrsdat, December 15. Stmr San Vicente, Goodall, 12 hours from Moss Landing, etc; produce, to Uoodall, Perkins A Co. Ship Vigilant, Dillingham, 122 days from' Liverpool; 2105 tons coal, to Blfour, Gutaris Co. Ship Bonanza, Leach, 129 days from Liverpool; 1194 tons coaL to Pope A 1 albot.

Chil ship Inspector, Dam, 77 days from Valparaiso, with cargo of ship George Peat condemned as Valparaiso, to John Roaenfeld: Schr Mary Buhne, Reel, 6 days fm Humboldt; 128 lumber, 630 shingles, to Kuntfield Co, for Vallejo. SchrCH Merithew, Hansen, 24 hours from Whlteaboro; lumber, to White. CLE ABA ACES. Thcesdat. December 15.

Br stmr "Barnard Castle, Young, Nanaimo; A Co. DEPASTURES. Thursday, December 16. Stmr Ancou, Ingalls, San Diego. Br stmr Monarch, Thompson.

Liverpool. Br ship Cromartyshire, Dawson, Queenstown. Ship bamaria. Patten. Havre.

Norwegian bark Professor Johnson, Pederson, QueenstiWB. TT naiing umtm. ompymv. yviwii, Bktn North Bend, Wallace, Astoria. Bohr Letitia, Hittscber, Burrard Inlet.

BTMAMKK btOVMMEHrs. TO ARKiVK samb. a raoif. Humboldt Eureka Senator. Colima Panama Columbia.

Portland Aneoa Los Geo TO DCS. 18 December 18 21 21 31 December 23 z3 STISATIOa. UAT. December 17 17 17 Oretron Los Aotrelea. Alex Duncan Idaho.

CaalandiA Point Arena Diego and Japan. -Hueneuie December 19 December 20 20 20 21 m.i Senator. Humboldt. State of 21 22 22 And way porta. SUN AND TIDE TAR Lie.

H. Large L. W. Large. H.

W. I W. amaU. I Small. Sun Sun R.

S. 11 IMn 43 -ai 4 13 Al Large. 4 67 6 35 9 25 am p07 ff07 4 40 SmalL 4 28 18 90 7M 8 46 11 IS 14 IS 16 10 25 11 14 10 17 4 41 4 41 4 41 41 11 13 frOo 16, 27 0 11 ru 7 09 8 mall. Large. 1 11 2 11 OS 7 12 8 04 7 OH 0 58 7 10 42 PRODUCE MARKET.

DaUiT EVKKine Trtsoss Omoa, 1 .1 1 k. 1J Jl nun i 9 7 1 66J1 671; Standard Cbeva $1 651 67 seu, ei xee BB1H8 MA nn.ij. 1km et -tl 1 25 Pink. 1 766X81 85 83 Reds 1 761 85 8 $3 35 84 755 83 --8 60vtX 77 8 White. ..43 753 77 $3 60g4 Ou eOnaaraJ A-sTs.

aVOMfeWV aWe DITrtkUTLlirill nrAakle at CI A91 a-t7 VuTV A i BtJTTER Good autft cboicc C-vlitwrnU roll. S5c f3y DUT QO, OUOZfl IU1AOU IIVIAa UUUUUJ Mom, S780e; pickled roll, 30sS32c; Arkin, tiWi; auweni, wwiw -w au. ti omits 14cl6o; Eastern Cmm COKNMKAIh quote: Table Meal a ii iu ats Nf xeea ton, 02 9 yv -w -v. a.iui AMa.K. ftl A71.

fm aim a) I mnnii aaVAivaiawBMatiwaw a ti i Teiiow; Whit, $1 ea PKI Nilee, tl 25 0 Black-eye. aa am Mcaia or Gnli InaiBS fi BV; VIFVIta VUe aW WUSM, viH's) ww t- ttjLMiii-i a7u rnr i i i AiAti aa elS Jft aO A A fWli OMWlima, ews-wv-V'" ehesK Cranberries, 14.3815 bbt; Orapes, 1 2a? 6 box; Pears, 76e 82 00 1 box; Apples, tMJJfESTlC DKJED We aoote: Pears, whole, 78e; do, sliced, Ug9; Peaches, Uigllic: lAA IB. AfmlM aliflAfi- 1 7Au. anil euarters, 6cj Pitted Plums, 14c; unp'tted do, 6x6e; Pronea, o12i; Blackberries, 14cluc; -Figs, pressrd, 4 6c; do unpreaeed, 84g6c li; AMiavBa. aWflg mbi iaa 76; keif, $3 00; quarters, 88 26; eights, 83 60 BOM--Gsliforma, S4c337ic; Ctah, -c dox; Xastern, 82c; do hme.

2 ji0e. LOOK City Kxtras are Jobbing at 86 62a jlJ DUWniW S7t6 for axtra, and 60 5 00 for aunernne UAJaA-OnaO, 00; Mallards, i 60f3 00; Oaavae Bacaa, 6033 per dox; Teal, 00; Sprigs. 81 76 Widgeon, 81 81 25 tfniaK RiiIiMl Si ft OomBWUl S0el doc; Kabbtf, 81 00 1 25 eos; stare, ex wtisi pw i i 81 78 pain Honkers, 4e84 6V; Uray Geese, naiw yn Aii.t,- Orodnd Bartev. from theP crw mills, SSS too, Rye Him Ii AJ An A A ftoukr. Wheat Fleuc, Pearl Barley, Gra-- hem Flowr, 3c; Oat Heal, i Cracked Wheat, Sesj Cracked Corn, 831 00; aUddiimrs from the, stills, $248 i Wheat Bran-from the Hills, 817018; oil Cake steal, 25V ton OATS ood and choice, 81 6aol 70; com- saoa: 81 oesl 62; Burprtse, 81 75.

OJ iONd Good to choice lota are worth POULTRY Live Turkeys, do 18o816e 9 Osese, par. Si X1 75. Ducks aa ou AO- Rau on dt att Racatera. young, 88 60; oid, v4 60; Broilers, fe Oaves. 84 4081 44 Petatamas, 8i 86; Toesalea, 86; Biver Hade, 81 as? 8 Early Rose, 81 259 81 86; Salins Blues, 86e 8) 81 SO; Kidneys, si wai bo; oto-, ex ie Jersey Blues, 81 BOeafl 8: Oregon 'el 16 81 25 ett.

5- if i It CaliWTia Smoked Afiaoon, lor heavy aod nadlam and I4iije for tight a. sau. W.riaasti lAliAlttil 4 KatBl swj (javVe 4AM us ajawavuaw iva ssisrar-oureda l17c; Oaliloruia do, lSelSfc; An 11 tuwu Ukre, sct xvwewru, eases, 16sflrc; California Imkws, bar-. i -Ti iam1aA- km. 15ielte wTk Hesa 10eJW: extra BOS 111 WOU jm.

do, 81816: extra dear wo, 824 prime TROPICA FRO IT- Mexima Oranges, 16r830 aasal aVift) A4fh LA KB IhuAer- per IVaJWi D1CUJ t-tnwi of w- Saliioraita IattOM. 1 0 box; m. Imam 4 MatifrftA eB PifraTtaiaV TJltW-tfL 60e 9 box; CJahfornia Onncea, ZTT T. arna ta au i ej ooxi panaiTaae, tii a TVti-a. KSt1 ftst lw Crcumbers, 76el box.

Tomatoes, 80s 75e k-. i. an aa ai Vareiiina. 81 0 cental; Artichokes, 60a dos; Oreea Peppers, 6s 9 hex for conuoasi; Mar. riTar Chill Pee bx 75 doe eog i bcm.

cti i 8 8.,.. X. 75clGarlic, 8 i-Hanice is 1 60.Jl 66 9 cU. i- 1 Ofiwrv. 8 lb.

..4" Abm.THLCiKLAT at sssB bbba ejast aa bbbb HUN RE FOB RHEUfiTATFSm Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals Rt. Jacobs Oil as a re, simple and ehenp External Reniedv. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 C'ritta. nnd every one suffering with pain onn hnve cheap and positive proof or its claims.

Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLS 87 ALL SE70SICT3 ASS 07 A. VOQEI ER Baltimore, "Wlutney Co's ZUK.1 Pmetires Tleaieta and Cbtekti Bag-n ajw at wear Beelneacea ea all Ceaat Ctnarasrs, Pacific Coaat H. 8. Ce.

Oreiren Rait and Navlratin Co. Proprietor DEXTER STABLES Cor. Central Ave. and Harrison Sts. Opposite Grand Central Hotel, Oakland, CsJ.

First-class livery of every description Saddle horses a sbecialtv Hacks to hire at all times A. Be SANFGRD, Steam sad Hot Water Beating Apparatus, as manufactured by Fulton Iron Works, 2i3 Fremont street, Ban Francisco, for wanning dwellings, stores, churches, and public buildings and hot-nouses. Also, not- water heateis, steam heaters, steam pipes, boilers, coils, steam traps. Prompt attention steam fitting. General Jobbing.

o. o. Tinning, Plumbing Gasf itting Metal Roofing done in all its branches, Artesian Welt and Hydraulic Pipe of all sizes 3t)5 E1NT TWELFTH ST. Under Washington Oakland Jobbing promptly attended to Stoves, Rauges and Pumps. CITY AR.35LET Oyster Saloon Restaurant ELEVENTH STREET, OAKLAND, A CAMPBELL rropiivtor Wholesale and Retail dealer in Oysters, Clams, and bheli-fish.

Meals at all hours. Wines aod Liquors. Families, public and private parties, hotels, shipping, and restaurants supplied. Contractors. W.

T. VEITCH, Carpenter and Builder Broadway, Opp, 14th 8 Wire door and window screens; offices aod stores fitted up and every description ot work in the carpenter's line at short notice and moderate prices. JSTIO-ZEiT WOttJg PAT1. PAKBTK RUBBISH REMOVED ON SHORT NOT? Is now DretMured to clean privy vaults, cess-t ol and arus on reasonable terms, 628 Filbert st aett between rim tna lura, uuisua. uruer box as SW cor.

Broadaav and 7th streets. Box P. O. corner, East Oakland, and 7th street, this side of tbenostomoe at tae omt station. Educati.nal.

SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES Oak St. bet 10th and 11th, Oakland, CaL, Will reopen January 3, 1882. THE HOME. SCHOOL FOB YOUNG LADIES, 1895 Telefirraph awe, OaatlaBtf, Cal The next term will begin WEDNE8DA IT, January 4, 1881. H.

N. FIELD. Principal. SNELL SEMINARY For BOARDING AND DAY PCPIL8 UU3 A 5 la fc" a vskaiaunj vwa. a 8pring Term opens WEDNESDAY, JAN.

8, 1882. KAr HIuM1. iao.VI4 fVI MARY E. SNELL, RICHARD B. SNELL, Principals.

Artificial Stone, Etc. J. B. WITXTA MS. Cor.

Thirteeatb and Franklin -rfacturer of VITRIFIED IRON RTONK PIPB Terra Cotta Chimney Tops, and Michigan Bar Stoneware: wholesale and retail. Browetl Patent Chimneys. No conpe-tioB with any "A atociatioa." ARTIFICIAL STONE EANSOZXE, 402 Matgomary Stpwat, S. P. MiscellaJieoTis.

NERVE AND BRAIN. W1 WARRANT SIX BOXES OF DR. a WEST'S Nerve and Brain treatment to eure any uenoua disease, either male or female ot whatever nature or cause, and will rive a writ- tea guarantee with each oraer agreeieg to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure ia six M.mths Price tl per bos; six bozos fa.i Beat prepaid by man on raoups of pnoe. r. RICHARDS COv Wholesale Agents, i ST and 49 SA5SOME STREET, Saa Sold by all druggists ia Oakland The Aurora Carpet Sweeper A Bvecessitv oi ervn aoat housekeeper, i It gives the best aattafactioa and has become the universal favorite wherever introduced.

A Useful Invention. We offer The Aurora Canes Sweeper to the housekeepers of the land, bavins; full eonnaenoc in iu nwe mum leeung aesurea that its beauty and tboronga workmanship will mend it to everr one wan will rtve it a trad. Csmssssrs are now orders throws hoot the city and county. J. B.

DIIIE Sole Aeent for the Pacific Coast. Arency a PIERCE a bOS'H, Breadway, Oak. GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL, Cor. 7th and stav, Sacramento. FTB.S'T-CXJaJBS EN EVERT RESPEfT The birfMit, fln(t and b6s repfilated Hotelln tte v.

Iah- i 1 1 p-r dav, rocn. fia too Ml GRANT I. TAGOABT Zlff Auctioneer OFFICE SALESROOM 460 and 462 8th street, Oakland make disbursements for owners and non residents. aivuiea ana soin as rnvate or auction saie in to sales of FURNITURE and personal property Stocsa, itecurites, Personal rroperty furniture, Private sale, on favorable terms. Agard May.) Holidays.

FRAJfla'TiTM'. Coal Dealers. GOAL! GOAL! HAMILTON Scotch Splint! Ex-Ship "America." COWPE1T West Hartley, Ex-Ship "Atalanta." For Sale in Lots to Suit F. Barnard Go. Office cor.

8th and Franklin, i Store-yard cor 2d Webster GOAL GOAL BENTON COAL EX-BARK "ENOCH TALBOT Now Discharging 9 413 TENTH STREET T. H. HENDERSON, TO CONSUMERS OF COAL. rTH a Seattle Coal Transportation coiiPAirs Having built oa FoBtera Wharf stxrage taeQitiea, whereby a suppry of tola JJnaisatie Oaalatill be t. KEPT CONSTANTLY 017 HAND.

The public may rely npoa beins; able always to secure it through aay of the Coal Dealera at A. moderate Price II Coal For purposea win be supplied is if ii ii so eunv C. A. SESSIONS, FOSTER'S WHARF OAELaRH Main OfBee of the Cuvapaay, 210 Bsttery street. Puo'i ae Mead your ordera to tbe for the Railroad Travel.

Tints Schedule, Tuesday, Novem- ber 1st, 1881. Trains leave, and aie due to arrive at, San Fran cisco as follows: LKAVS DESTINATION. Ajuura raoa run 9 30 A al -6 00 ru 4 00 a 800 A and Martinez. 2 35 Pa 10 05 A '12 3SPM and (Coming and) East Paso, 1 talt and via Li verm ore. Stockton via klartinex.

7 35 a 1135 am 7 35 10 05 A 2 35PM 0 116 A 2 35 6 05PM 12 36 606PM 1136 am 3 30 600 AM HOOK 9S0 A 4 30 11 9 30AM 800am a 00 mi 8 00 am 3 30r Landing AM (jsunaays only 00 SO AM Angeles and South. Livermore and 44 44 and Tosemite. and Chico. 12 35 pm 236pm 605 PM 836am 2 35PM 7 35 405 PM 11 36 AM 800am eoorM 930am 8 00 am 10 00 A (sec Liv'm're A Niles) 3 30 6 30 8 00 AM Uguen and I express East 1 Emigrant and Red Bluff. 606 AM' 735PM 605PM 7 85 1136 AM 6 00 AM 405 PM 935 AM 736PM 2 35 800am 800 am 830pm 1 Colfax and via Benicia 1 Aita via rienicia 4 00f River stmra Jose and Niles 44 "Vallejo 8 00 am 8 00pm 800 am 9S0am 3 00 pm 110 06 A ISSOpm 44 (tSundaya only) til 35 AM 12 35 4 00PM City ..7.

wee Willows and' SSOr 8 00 am JMm 8 00 am 11 85 AM 11 35 AM 7 86PM 7 36PM- Train leaving San Francisco at 9.30 a. M. should meet Pacific Express from "Oirden" at Ban Pablo; also Pacific Express from 4Deming" at Antioch. From San Franolsoo, Oailr. To EAST OAKLAND 10, 7.30, 8.80, 9.30, 10.80, 11.30, 12.30, 1.SO, .30, s.90, B.30, 6.30, 7.00, 8.10, 9.20,10.40, ll-46.

To ALAMEDA t6.10, 7.00, t7.30, 8.00, 8.90, 9 00, fU.30, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00, l.oo, Z.OU, 3.00, t3.30, 4.00, t4.30, 6.00, t5.30, 6.00, t6.30, 7.00, 8.10, 9.20, 10 40, 1L46. To BERKELEY 7.80, 8.30, 9.30, 10.80, 11.30,1.00, 5.00, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, "0.S0. To WEST BERKELEY 8.00, 10.00, 12.00, 1.30, S.30. 4 JO, 6.30, To Saa Franolsoo, Daily. FaoM BROADWAY, Oaaina 6.20, 6.00, 6.60, and every 24th ana 64to minute of eacn Hour, excepting 2.24) from 7.24 A.

M. to 6.64 T. A00. 9.10. 10.30.

laOM EAST OAKLAND "5.10, 6.60, 6.40, 7.44, 8.44, 9 44, 10.44, 11.44, 12.44, 1.44, 2.44, 3.44. 4.44. 6.44. 6.44, 7.60, 9.00, 10.20. FaoM ALAMEDA 6.

00, 6.40, 6.26, 7.00, f7.30, 8.00, 18.30, 9.00, r.30, 1O.0U, 1U.BU, Jl-00, 12.00, LOO, 8.00, fSJiO, 4.00, 6.00, t6.80. 6.00. tej0. n.SO, 8-40. 9.56.

FaoM BERK ELKii 6.40, 6.80, 7.80, 8. SO, 9.80, io. so, O1.80, l.oo, S.00, 4.0U, a.oo, coo. FaoM WEST BKRAELET 6.40, 6J0, 8.00, 10.00, 12.00, 1.80, A30. 4.30, 6.80, 6.30.

CREEK ROUTE FROM SAN FBAISCISOO 7.16,t.l6, 1L16, L16, S.16, 6.1S. etUJm UAALAHtf-tU, B.XO, 1U.AB, AX. AO, 2.16, Ala rundailv. exceot wbea star de notes Sundays excepted. a 7 Traina maraeo mns 1) run via xnimaa.

"Standard Time" furnished by Randolph A Jewelere, 101 and 103 Montgomery TVWA, X. Ai. UOUOMAA. Mav raaa a xav. Ag South PacificCoasiR-Re BTKW ROTJTJC MABKOW OATJGB.

"OMMENCTNQ NOT. 6, 1881, BOATS AND i traias will leavs baa mn isro rroaa ferry Landing, foot of Market street, as follows: 8QAAH, daily, for AHmeda, Oatiand, OU 8aa Saa Lorenso, Rnss iFa. Mount ad an, Alvarado, Hall's, Newark, Mowrya, Axriao, Agnwea, Santa Clara, SAN JOSE, Los OaSoa, Ahaa, Wrischf lea wood, Deaghartya FeltoB, Big Trees sad SANTA CRUZ. 3 30 Pdhrrt ttntriTMr 1m Saaaaya, a30 A. H.

atrntara train to BaB Joaa. i 1 0AXLATD AjrB AXAJCCSA TTJUtT- i Verrtee sad Local Trala loawa Has Fraacisco for Oaklamtd AlaaaeHa 63S. 755, 8 JO, 9-30, i0-JO, 11:30 a. tl2J0, 130, 830, SaO, 440, adO, JO, 730, lOIO, and uasr.a Fie orator Fossrtoeaitai asset Weaw Msrstneta, tfaklaae-30O, 70, 8. 9M, 10iL 1 110 A.

12J0, L0, 20, 30, 40. 5:50, 8 bQ aad 10:20 r. a. frona Biga Stroct, Alaaaeday 6:45, 6:46, 7.46, 8Uid; lecao, flla A ML; 125, 146, 46, 6J6. i5 had 1035 P.

M--- Daily, Sundays excepted, ftenday a only. California Traasfter Company cheefc and and deliver feafee at hoteis aa reu'denees. fc'TMd Ccart icrtgr a wirea in a.1 ticket i 4 c. I. rd ...1 i.

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